
What is better activated charcoal Filtrum. Filtrum or activated charcoal which is better. Why Filtrum and not coal

What is better activated charcoal Filtrum.  Filtrum or activated charcoal which is better.  Why Filtrum and not coal

- natural enterosorbent, extracted from organic carbon-containing raw materials, has been successfully used for several decades to eliminate the clinical symptoms of various intoxications and poisonings.

The effectiveness of the drug

The reasons for the enduring popularity of activated charcoal are:

  • in the virtual absence side effects(due to the fact that the sorbent does not enter the general circulation and after a few hours leaves the patient's body along with the feces);
  • in high cleaning efficiency digestive tract from toxic substances;
  • in the extreme rarity of complications resulting from an overdose (occurring when using more than 200 mg of the drug for every 10 kg of body weight).

The only disadvantage of activated charcoal is that in order to achieve a positive therapeutic effect, the patient must take an impressive number of tablets. Those who are not satisfied with this can resort to the help of activated charcoal analogues, which are presented in a wide range in any pharmacy.

The whole variety of analogues of activated carbon is clearly divided into two groups: one of them includes organic sorbents, and the other includes mineral ones.

  • The active substances of organic sorbents are: hydrolytic lignin (a complex polymeric substance contained in some algae and stems of vascular plants) and activated carbon. Organic sorbents are represented by preparations: "Polifan", "Filtrum-STI", "Polifepan". The method of using sorbents of this type is almost identical to the method of using activated carbon preparations. Reception of organic sorbents can cause constipation.
  • The active substance of mineral sorbents, which are a very successful alternative to activated carbon preparations, is silicon dioxide. Bright representatives of the sorbents of this group are the preparations: "Polysorb", "", "Atoxil". Mineral analogues of activated charcoal, delicately removing toxic substances from the patient's body, do not interfere with the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and others. medications therefore they are often included in the treatment regimen for young children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. Sorbents of this type are distinguished by a high rate of elimination of alcohol from the body and excellent efficiency in case of poisoning.

Activated carbon analogues: differences and which is better?

The production of analogues of activated carbon is carried out in accordance with modern technologies thanks to which they:

  • have a detoxifying effect;
  • have a positive effect on the condition immune system and organs of the digestive tract;
  • significantly improve the course of metabolic processes.

Depending on the nature of the impact on toxic compounds, activated carbon analogues can be divided into three types:

  • Sorbents of the first group, when exposed to toxic substances, change their state of aggregation, making it liquid or solid.
  • Sorbents of the second group adsorb (absorb) toxic compounds that poison the body.
  • The drugs included in the third group neutralize the effects of toxic substances by entering into a chemical reaction with them.

The adsorption characteristics of modern sorbents, which are analogues of activated carbon, significantly exceed the capabilities of classic charcoal tablets, allowing them to neutralize and remove toxic substances in the shortest possible time, with almost no side effects.

Unlike activated charcoal preparations, the dosage of which prescribes the intake of one tablet for every 10 kg of body weight, innovative sorbents, endowed with higher efficiency, should be taken in small doses. At the same time, the cost of activated charcoal analogues sold in any pharmacy kiosk is much higher than the cost of classic charcoal tablets.

An overdose of analogues of activated carbon is manifested by the occurrence of:

  • atypical drowsiness;
  • severe weakness;
  • reduced attention.

The appearance of the above symptoms, indicating the possibility of an overdose of enterosorbents, is the basis for contacting a treating specialist who will make adjustments to the treatment regimen.


"Polysorb MP" is a modern enterosorbent based on silicon dioxide, which is a development of domestic pharmacists and endowed with a number of advantages that distinguish it favorably when compared with activated carbon preparations:

  • The effectiveness of the Polysorb preparation, which is 30 times higher than the effectiveness of activated carbon, makes it possible to take only one tablespoon of the innovative sorbent instead of 120 coal tablets.
  • The adsorption characteristics of Polysorb (300 mg/g versus 5 mg/g) are 120 times higher than those of activated carbon.
  • Once in the patient's body, "Polysorb" begins to act almost immediately. From abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, diarrhea, the drug can relieve within 4 minutes after ingestion. Activated carbon lasts much longer.
  • Within 72 hours, "Polysorb" can completely cleanse the body of allergens, salts of heavy metals, toxic substances and radionuclides, contributing to the improvement and normalization of the general condition. For this, the patient needs to take 4 tablespoons of the powder daily.
  • The drug "Polysorb" has a more significant list of indications for use.

"Polysorb", produced in the form of a suspension or powder, is used to eliminate the consequences of:

  • poisoning of various etiologies;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • withdrawal syndrome (colloquially called withdrawal).

It is used in cases where it is necessary to remove food allergens, pathogenic bacteria and toxic compounds that are part of the chemical composition of certain medicines from the patient's body. "Polysorb" can be used as a prophylactic agent prescribed for workers in hazardous industries dealing with hazardous chemicals.

Admission of the sorbent is contraindicated in patients suffering from:

  • internal bleeding.


One of the most popular analogs of activated carbon is represented by the drug "", the active ingredient of which is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate.

The pronounced detoxifying effect of this organosilicon adsorbent allows it to be used with equal success for the treatment of both adult patients and young children.

The indication for the use of this drug is the presence of:

  • poisoning and intoxication provoked by both organic and inorganic compounds (including medications);
  • allergies (drug or alimentary);
  • intestinal diseases of any etiology;
  • intoxications resulting from severe purulent-septic processes;
  • hyperbilirubinemia (a pathology accompanied by increased level bilirubin in the blood) and hyperazotemia (excessive levels of nitrogen-containing metabolic products of nucleic acids and proteins in the blood).

Unlike activated charcoal preparations, Enterosgel removes alcohol more successfully and does not interfere with the absorption of trace elements, vitamins and other drugs. Side effects(represented by nausea and the occurrence of mild constipation), due to the intake of this adsorbent, as a rule, are insignificant.

The use of "Enterosgel" is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance active substance and .


The drug "Smecta" is one of the mineral sorbents created on the basis of dioctahedral smectite (or diosmectite) - a substance of natural origin, which is a mixed silicate of aluminum and magnesium.

Delicate astringent action allows the use of this drug for the relief of clinical manifestations of various etiologies. Due to its ability to normalize the acidity of the digestive tract, it is often used to eliminate heartburn.

The basis for taking the drug "Smecta" is the presence of all kinds of pathologies and disorders of the digestive system, represented by:

  • increased acidity;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;

The medicine does not penetrate into the blood; its reception is practically not associated with the occurrence of side effects, so this analogue of activated charcoal is often prescribed to young children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. The occurrence of constipation due to an overdose is extremely rare.

"Smecta" is contraindicated in patients suffering from:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of its chemical composition;


The active active substance of the powerful modern enterosorbent "Filtrum-STI" is hydrolytic lignin, due to which the drug has a binding potential that is several hundred times greater than the adsorption capabilities of both activated carbon itself and all its analogues.

The drug "Filtrum-STI", endowed with a pronounced detoxification effect and contributing to the rapid reduction of intoxication human body, is indicated for use in the presence of:

  • purulent-inflammatory pathologies;
  • allergic reactions (drug and food);
  • or, accompanied by an increased level of nitrogen and bilirubin in the blood;
  • poisoning caused by the use of alcoholic beverages, medications or penetration into the body of toxic substances represented by glycosides, alkaloids or salts of heavy metals;
  • acute bacterial infections ( , enterovirus infection and salmonellosis)
  • food poisoning.

"Filtrum-STI" is excellent prophylactic that can prevent poisoning among workers in hazardous industries dealing with toxic substances.

An absolute contraindication to taking this sorbent is the presence of individual intolerance to any component of its chemical formula.

Taking Filtrum-STI tablets is almost not associated with the development of side effects. In some cases, their use can provoke the occurrence of:

  • Constipation.
  • An allergic reaction that announces itself by the appearance skin rash(like urticaria) and itching. In isolated cases, the development of Quincke's angioedema is possible.

Prolonged use of the sorbent can significantly impair the process of absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from food, so a qualified specialist will definitely include the intake of mineral and multivitamin complexes in the treatment regimen.


Espumizan owes its effective carminative action to the organosilicon compound simethicone, endowed with the properties of a defoamer and being its main active ingredient.

Produced in the form of capsules, drops (or emulsion), quickly eliminating flatulence and eliminating the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, "Espumizan" is indicated for:

  • The presence of intestinal colic.
  • Pronounced symptoms of flatulence, manifesting itself as increased gas formation, bloating, a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region (the drug is allowed during postoperative period and in relation to newborns and infants).
  • Tenside poisoning (the so-called surfactants contained in all detergents), since the drug has the properties of a defoamer.
  • Preparation for procedures diagnostic study organs of the small pelvis and abdominal cavity (radiography and ultrasound). In addition, "Espumizan" is often added to suspensions of contrast agents used in studies with double contrast (this guarantees a clear image).

Since the activity of the drug "Espumizan" is selective (the sorbent absorbs exclusively toxic substances and gases), it can be taken for a long time.

If the drug is taken in the form of drops, the vial is shaken beforehand, and then, turned upside down with a hole, is held strictly vertically. To eliminate flatulence, the drug is prescribed:

  • Adult patients and adolescents over 14 years of age - 50 drops 3 to 5 times a day.
  • Children 6-14 years old - 25-50 drops (with the same frequency of administration).
  • Babies 1-6 years old - no more than 25 drops, 3-5 times a day.
  • For babies, 25 drops of the sorbent are either poured into a bottle filled with baby food, or, after breastfeeding the baby, they are given from a spoon.

In order to avoid allergic reactions, it is undesirable to independently increase the above dosage.

"Bifidumbacterin Forte" is a powder preparation containing live bifidobacteria, microcolonies of which (numbering up to 180 cells) are sorbed on the smallest particles of activated carbon.

The microbial mass is lyophilized (that is, subjected to soft drying, which involves preliminary freezing and subsequent placement in a vacuum chamber) and mixed with lactose.

The drug can be prescribed both to children (from the moment of their birth, including premature babies), and to adults belonging to any age category (including nursing mothers and pregnant women).

"Bifidumbacterin Forte" is prescribed for:

  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • acute intestinal infections (represented by rotavirus infection, shigellosis, staphylococcal enterocolitis, salmonellosis);
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • food poisoning;
  • chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract(pancreatitis, peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach, pathologies of the liver and biliary tract, cholecystitis), provoking the occurrence of intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic constipation.

The drug can be prescribed for the prevention of dysbacteriosis (their etiology and localization may be different).

The duration of treatment for food poisoning and acute intestinal infections is from 5 to 7 days, the treatment of other diseases - depending on the nature of the disease and the severity of the patient's condition - can take 2-3 weeks.

If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated (one month after the completion of the previous course).


The preparation "Phosphalugel", created on the basis of aluminum phosphate and having a gel-like consistency, is one of the most effective and popular adsorbents that help reduce pain and discomfort due to the rapid neutralization of the acidity of gastric juice.

The practical harmlessness of the drug allows it to be used to treat children. If necessary, its reception is allowed during the period breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

"Phosphalugel" can be prescribed for:

  • enterocolitis;
  • heartburn;
  • sigmoiditis (inflammation of the sigmoid colon);
  • gastritis (acute and chronic);
  • proctitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum);
  • food poisoning of various etiologies;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • erosion of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • acute duodenitis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • the presence of dyspeptic phenomena (due to the intake of medications, diet errors or
  • exposure to previous chemotherapy).
  • acute and chronic pancreatitis;
  • diverticulitis (a pathology characterized by inflammation of the herniated protrusions of the walls of the large or small intestine);
  • diarrhea in patients undergoing gastrectomy (total removal of the stomach).

"Phosphalugel" is absolutely contraindicated in patients suffering from:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • kidney failure;
  • individual intolerance to aluminum phosphate;
  • hypophosphatemia (a pathology characterized by a low level of phosphorus in the blood).

How to replace the popular sorbent at home?

To replace activated charcoal, doctors often prescribe innovative medicines, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the diagnosis.

As a first aid in the event of allergic reactions and severe diarrhea at home, adsorbents can be used, the active ingredient of which is attapulgite, a natural mineral from the silicate rock.

This category includes the preparations "Kaopektat" and "Neointestopan", capable of quickly binding acids and toxic substances in the stomach and quickly removing them from the body. Sorbents of this type no less effectively adsorb pathogenic microflora leading to diarrhea and vomiting.

The action of sorbents containing attapulgite has a special softness, and their astringent and enveloping qualities help to quickly eliminate inflammation of the gastric mucosa and minimize the absorption of toxins into the blood.

Preparations of this type are contraindicated:

Sorbents made on the basis of diosmectite are very popular. This group includes drugs "Diosmectite", "Smecta", "Neosmectin". The mild astringent action of these drugs helps to quickly cope with severe diarrhea, and the ability to regulate the acidity of gastric juice eliminates painful heartburn.

At home, drugs of this type are used to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from:

  • esophagitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastroduodenitis.

In situations where it is necessary to quickly select an analogue of activated carbon, sorbents based on diosmectite can be safely used, since they are practically devoid of side effects and rarely provoke constipation. It is for this reason that these drugs are used to treat pregnant women and young children.

"Filtrum-STI" is an effective natural sorbent with universal action for toxins of any origin. The sorbent in the composition of the drug is effective in combating exogenous and endogenous poisoning and has a pronounced cleansing effect due to the high sorption of toxins. The active sorbent in the composition of the drug is hydrolytic lignin, which is extracted from plant materials, so the drug is completely natural and environmentally friendly. The tool is used as a detoxification drug with a high degree of sorption for adults and children, as well as during pregnancy.

It is produced in convenient dosage forms, so it is convenient and pleasant to use tablets. The drug has a fairly wide list of indications, but its use is typical for severe poisoning with drugs, food, heavy metals and alkaloids. Hydrolytic lignin is a brown powder, but as part of Filtrumsti it is available in a dosage form convenient for taking it inside at any convenient time. Therefore, the use of the drug is advisable both for the initial symptoms of poisoning and for complex therapy.

Release form and composition

Modern medicine offers several medicines called Filtrum. They include hydrolytic lignin, but the drug is produced in different dosage forms:

  • tablets called "Filtrum - STI" and "Laktofiltrum";
  • chewable lozenges;
  • gel.

Tablets called "Filtrum - STI" and "Laktofiltrum" are essentially the same drug. produced by different manufacturers, so they do not differ in the composition of the active substance. 1 tablet contains 400 mg. hydrolysis lignin. The drug is produced in cardboard boxes and jars, where each tablet also contains 400 mg. active substance. Filtrum sti gel is also on sale, which must be diluted in water to prepare a suspension for oral administration. In a jar of 400 mg. hydrolytic lignin, which is diluted according to the instructions.

"Filtrum-STI" is a sorbent that is many times superior in action to activated carbon

In addition to 400 mg. hydrolytic lignin, the drug contains additional components: povidone, calcium stearate and lactose, which restores the intestinal microflora after poisoning. The drug is available in plates of 10, 20, 30, 50, 60 and 100 tablets per box. In a package of gel 225 grams and a measuring spoon for measuring the amount of gel for suspension. "Filtrum-STI" is an ultra-sorbent, 1000 times more effective than activated carbon, which can be taken by children.

An adult encounters sorbents repeatedly, but for different reasons. Someone was more fortunate and they happen to remember activated charcoal only the next morning after a fun feast, for others sorbents are true friends that they usually have to turn to in case of allergies or illnesses. This category of drugs appears to be harmless and is therefore often taken carelessly. And they rarely think about how, for example, White coal differs from Smecta.

However, like any other medicine, sorbents should be taken carefully and only when indicated. Therefore, today we will consider a list of sorbent preparations, we will figure out what is the difference between them, when and for how long they can be taken, which ones are allowed and forbidden to be given to children and why.

What are sorbents and how to take them

Sorbents or enterosorbents are called medical and non-medical preparations that perform the function of a kind of absorber of toxic substances that enter the human body from outside or are produced inside it.

They are produced in several forms, are made on the basis of various substances, differ in the mechanism of action.

So, according to the form of release, sorbents can be conveniently divided into the following groups:

  • tablets or capsules;
  • powders or granules for the preparation of suspensions, gels or drinking solutions.

Depending on the substance from which sorbent drugs are made, they are classified as follows:

  • based on activated carbon (Sorbeks, Karbolen, activated carbon itself in its pure form);
  • made of aluminosilicate (Smecta, Neosmectin, Diosmectite, Enterosgel);
  • containing silicon salts (Atoxil, Polysorb, white coal supplement);
  • based on organominerals (Filtrum-STI, Polyphepan, Polifan);
  • products based on plant components (Chitin, Chitosan, Pictovit and others).

Often the question arises, what is the correct name for the described preparations - adsorbents or absorbents? The answer is simple: and so and so, it all depends on the mechanism of their action:

  • absorbents - drugs that form a solution with a toxic substance;
  • adsorbents - means that attract toxins with their entire vast surface.

There is a third group called chemical absorbers. These drugs enter into a chemical reaction with the absorbed substance.

The task of sorbents is to attract as many toxins as possible, retain them and remove them from the body without harming it. How much a large number of toxic compounds is able to bind the sorbent depends on its sorption capacity. But, in addition to the fact that the drug should remove as many poisons as possible, it is important that its action is not narrowly focused, but extends to a wide range of substances. And the last criterion put forward for the quality of the sorbent is its safety for the body. The drug should be non-toxic and injure the intestinal mucosa as little as possible.

Given the above, the best drugs enterosorbents in each situation are different. Once there will be enough cheap activated carbon, in other cases you can not do without complex sorbents with the addition of prebiotics.

When to use sorbents

An indication for the use of enterosorbents is intoxication of the body due to the excessive presence of harmful substances in it.

Usually intoxication is accompanied by:
  • digestive disorders (diarrhea, nausea, often vomiting);
  • weakness;
  • a slight rise in temperature or real fever;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • dizziness and other symptoms.

Such states with varying degrees of intensity can cause a variety of substances, as well as pathological processes occurring directly in the body itself.

Most often, intoxication occurs with poisoning:
  • food products;
  • alcohol;
  • narcotic substances;
  • medicines;
  • chemicals;
  • poisons.

There are drugs for blood purification. The procedure for cleaning blood from toxic compounds occurs by filtering it through a sorbent and is called hemosorption.


This is exactly the case when the intake of enterosorbents is encountered most often. In everyday life, poisoning usually occurs with poor-quality food or alcohol. In such a situation, by and large, it does not matter which drug will be used. Take any that is at hand, and do not worry if you have one Sorbex tablet left and a bag of Atoxil can be fearlessly alternated. It is advisable to provoke an act of defecation before two hours after ingestion, so that the drug taken does not begin to return the collected toxins back into the intestinal lumen.

In case of poisoning with drugs, chemicals or drugs, you can use Polyphepan, Enterosgel and the usual activated charcoal, but it is better to call an ambulance and not self-medicate.


The need to take sorbents in this case depends on what concept is embedded in the phrase "bowel cleansing." If this is just following the current fashion for removing some kind of slag, then refer to reading the instructions for any sorbent. None of them will contain the item “toxin removal” in the indications, and despite the fact that manufacturers are interested in having as many indications for taking the drug as possible.

It is important to understand that most sorbents do not act selectively and pull everything they can, including vitamins and useful microelements. Therefore, using these drugs “just in case” is not a good idea. If you constantly feel unwell, nausea, weakness, you should not attribute this condition to something amorphous, called slagging. Visit a doctor, find out the true cause of illness.

Yes, sorbents alleviate conditions with intestinal dysfunctions, some diseases of the liver and kidneys, help remove cholesterol, and even show some effectiveness in the treatment of oncology, but such therapy must be agreed with the doctor.

For weight loss

Today, girls and women are extremely concerned about the harmony of their proportions. In pursuit of a chiseled figure, not everyone is able to run to the gym, which is why they have become extremely popular. various techniques weight loss "in 10 days" and magic drugs for weight loss. This fashion did not bypass enterosorbents. The idea of ​​losing weight without starvation with the help of such means is being promoted to the masses, but there is zero truth in it.

There are only two significant factors in losing weight: physical activity and a balanced diet. Everything else is from the evil one. Unfortunately, sorbents do not eat fat cells, do not provoke diarrhea, do not speed up metabolism, in general, they do not affect a person's weight in any way. In terms of weight loss, they can provide three services:

  • temporarily reduce gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract (sometimes this is enough to finally fit in a dress one size smaller);
  • help in combination with the main treatment to establish metabolic processes in the body;
  • alleviate the condition during fasting days (weeks), church fasts.

It is important to note that some sorbents attract bile acids, which makes it impossible to break down fats. At first glance, this seems like a great way to lose weight, but the problem is that fats are needed by the body, and they complete absence will definitely affect the condition of hair, skin, bone and muscle tissue, vision, general well-being.

Sorbents against allergies

Sorbent preparations are widely used in the relief of acute allergic reactions and as a prevention of their recurrence.

When allergens enter the body, sorbent therapy should begin as early as possible. It is preferable to drink these drugs a couple of hours before meals and taking antihistamines. The course of therapy usually lasts a week, with a dose cut in half in the last days.

As a preventive measure for allergies, sorbents are taken within a week every month after the last relapse. Three months later, you can carry out such preventive therapy once a quarter.

With helminthiases

Impact on the body

The range of enterosorbents is very wide and each of the drugs described can be freely purchased at a pharmacy.

But it is important to remember that long-term use (more than two weeks) of such drugs can lead to persistent constipation, nutritional and vitamin deficiencies.

It is important to carefully combine the intake of sorbents with the use of other medicines. In order to avoid a situation where the sorbent will attract the molecules of another drug, preventing it from doing its job, you need to take a break of 1.5–2 hours between the use of any medications and enterosorbents.

Sorbents are not absorbed into the blood, and therefore in no way affect organs and systems, except for the digestive system itself. Each drug has its own list of contraindications, but usually the difference between them is only in age restrictions.

Absolute contraindications for taking all sorbents are:
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • ulcers in the intestines acute form;
  • bleeding anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract.

Almost all of the drugs described are approved for use by women in position and breastfeeding. The exception is Enterosgel and White Coal, it is not recommended to take Polysorb during the specified period. You should be careful about dietary supplements that are fashionable today or, otherwise, food additives. Control over their quality is several times lower than the quality of medicines.

List of drugs for adults

Most often, adults prefer to take sorbent agents in tablet form for poisoning. They do not need to be diluted in water and are convenient to carry.


Available in capsules different types, depending on the components added to the capsule. The usual pure Sorbex is taken in a non-strict dosage, depending on the severity of the symptoms. For adults, the maximum allowed daily dose is 6 capsules three times a day. Among the side effects, the manufacturer noted nausea, vomiting, constipation with prolonged use.

White coal

Produced in tablet form. Approved for adults and adolescents from 14 years of age. The safe daily dose is 4 tablets 4 times a day. The manufacturer does not report side effects, but draws attention to the fact that the drug is not a drug.


Produced in the form of a paste, packaged in tubes and jars. Adults are shown three tablespoons of pasta. Constipation, nausea, and skin rashes may occur.


Available in the form of a light powder for the preparation of a solution. Packed in bags or bottles. The daily norm for adult patients is defined as 12 grams. On the first day of admission, it is permissible to double it. Among the side effects, only constipation is noted.


Available in powder form for suspension. Packaged in jars of 12, 25, 50 grams, as well as in packages of three grams. For preparation, it is diluted in half a glass of water, drunk immediately an hour before a meal or 1.5 hours after a meal. The daily volume of 20 grams is divided into 3-4 doses. The drug has almost no side effects, sometimes it causes increased constipation.

List of sorbents for children

In the first years of life, children are not shown to receive sorbents produced in tablets and capsules. In the arsenal of mothers there are such drugs:

  • From birth - Smecta, Polyphepan and their analogues, Polysorb (body weight must be more than 10 kg);
  • Since the year - the same, plus Atoxil, Enterosgel;
  • From the age of seven - the same, plus activated and other types of coal (Sorbex, Karbolong), except for White coal.

Consider first of all the list of drugs for children that are allowed to be taken from birth.


Produced in bags containing 3 grams of powder for the preparation of a drinking solution. With diarrhea, children up to a year are diluted 2 packets per day in the first three days, then the daily dose is halved. Older children are shown the same scheme, but with an initial dose of 4 sachets. For other pathologies, children are given 1-3 sachets, on the recommendation of a doctor. Among the side effects, only constipation and extremely rare dermatological reactions are noted.


Available in the form of an insoluble powder, which is diluted with water before taking. Children under one year old are given from half to a full teaspoon per day. From a year to seven years, the daily rate increases to a dessert spoon. After taking, constipation, a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the upper abdomen may occur.


Available in bags with different dosages of powder (1-12 grams) and in jars from 12 to 50 grams. They take the remedy only (!) Having previously diluted it with water. For children, the dose of the drug is calculated based on weight. A child weighing 10 kg is shown a daily dose of a maximum of 2 grams. Further, for every 5 kg of weight, 1 gram is added. A measuring spoon is not included, because the instructions indicate that 1 gram of powder is placed in one full teaspoon. Side effects are rare (dyspeptic disorders and allergic responses).


Produces in tubes and jars containing sweet paste. Take the drug with water. Children from one year to five years of age are shown three times a day in a teaspoon. Up to 14 years - in the same scheme for a dessert spoon. At acute poisoning the dose on the first day can be doubled. Among adverse reactions note digestive disorders and dermatological reactions.


Despite the wide choice of sorbents, it is difficult to evaluate their effectiveness without appropriate knowledge. When choosing drugs to cleanse the body of toxic compounds, follow the rules:

  • when the poison is still in the stomach (up to 2 hours from the moment of ingestion), it is better to take the remedy in powder;
  • if the toxic substance has already descended into the intestines, give preference to tablets or, better, capsules;
  • consider age restrictions for taking the drug when it comes to detoxifying a child;
  • it is preferable to stop acute pathologies and allergic reactions with non-selective (absorbing everything) coals, for example, Sorbex, Carbolong;
  • alcohol intoxication is easier to eliminate with drugs containing lignin (Polifepan and its analogues);
  • with a long course of therapy various diseases concomitant intake of vitamins is necessary;
  • when taking sorbents is indicated for the treatment of conditions accompanied by dysbacteriosis, it is a good idea to choose a drug that contains prebiotics that normalize the microflora (Lactofiltrum, Sorbolong and others);
  • it is better to give preference to the same drugs in the treatment of liver diseases.

As for taking sorbents to remove toxic substances from the body, in the absence of any significant symptoms of intoxication, such therapy should not last more than two or three days. Taking sorbents as the main treatment for diseases not diagnosed by a doctor does not justify itself and can be dangerous.

  • What are sorbents?
  • Classification and characteristics of sorbents
    • carbonaceous
    • How to use?
    • Adverse reactions and contraindications for admission
    • Sorbents of natural origin
    • "Pectins"
    • "Cellulose"
    • The drug "Polifepan"
    • How to use?
    • "Smekta"
  • Silicon sorbents
    • "Polysorb"
    • How to use?
    • "Enterosgel"
    • How to use?
    • Other sorbents
    • Where are they used?
  • Conclusion

Therefore, the problem of cleaning the body with all possible ways has been worrying people for a long time. Even in the writings of Avicenna, it was said about substances taken to free the body from poisons, and Hippocrates advised the use of activated charcoal to disinfect contaminated wounds. Nowadays, these substances are known to everyone as sorbents, which means "absorbing" in Latin. About what sorbents exist and how to take them depending on age, we will consider in more detail.

What are sorbents?

Once in the human body, they absorb (adsorb) toxic substances that have come here from the outside, toxic metabolites formed in the intestinal lumen or toxins diffused from the blood, and also transfer physiologically active molecules on their surface. bile acids, enzymes, etc.

Then, unchanged, but already with a “load”, they leave the body naturally, thereby helping the liver to perform the function of detoxification and cleansing of harmful substances and helping to improve the activity of the digestive organs and the body as a whole. The choice of the drug in each case should be carried out by the doctor, because the sorbents are able to remove nutrients, so you need to correctly follow the regimen of application and dose of the medication.

Classification and characteristics of sorbents

There are several groups of drugs depending on the composition and origin.


The most famous and popular absorbent preparations based on granular or activated carbon. Activated charcoal or carbolene (the same charcoal with fillers - sugar, starch, salt) has been known to everyone since childhood, the drug has not yet lost its significance. It perfectly absorbs toxins, poisons and other harmful substances from the intestines, preventing them from being absorbed into the blood.

How to use?

Applied 1 hour before or after a meal or other drugs in adults and children at a dose of 0.5 g per 10 kg of patient weight, it is better to grind, drink a little water. The only inconvenience when using activated charcoal is that you need to take a sufficiently large amount of the drug for high-quality cleansing of the body.

Adverse reactions and contraindications for admission

Side effects include constipation. Of the contraindications for use:

  1. bleeding from different parts of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. ulcers of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  3. intestinal obstruction.

Sorbents of natural origin

This is the largest and most frequently used group in practice, including food products and preparations based on natural materials:


These substances are:

  1. in fruits - peaches, apples, strawberries, grapes;
  2. in vegetables - beets, cabbage;
  3. in algae.

Pectin in the intestinal lumen swells, takes on a gel-like appearance, actively absorbs harmful metabolites and removes them from the body, while stimulating the digestive system. As a preventive measure, it is recommended that everyone consume 2 apples a day to maintain the normal state of the intestinal microflora of the human body.


Fiber contains:

  • in leafy vegetables - celery, sorrel, cabbage;
  • in bran;
  • in nuts;
  • in beets;
  • in eggplant and carrots;
  • in buckwheat and pearl barley.

It acts like a brush, collecting mucus with toxins and toxins from the intestinal walls, brings them out, while stimulating peristaltic waves.

The drug "Polifepan"

It is made from Siberian cedar wood by deep processing, it is 10 times more active than activated carbon, it binds well:

It brings everything out in an unmodified form.

How to use?

It is used 40 - 60 minutes before meals and other medicines.

  1. In adults, a tablespoon 3-4 times a day;
  2. In children by age: up to a year of life, 1 teaspoon per reception, from one year to seven years, 1 dessert spoon, over seven years, 1 tablespoon three times a day.


Of the sorbents of natural origin, smectite (neosmectite) deserves attention - a double silicate of aluminum and magnesium, in fact a porous clay-like substance with a strong adsorbing effect of a selective nature against bacteria, viruses, and toxins located in the intestinal lumen. Smecta does not affect peristalsis, absorbs gases well, improves the quality of mucus in the digestive tract, strengthening the protective barrier of the body.

Equally suitable for the treatment of both adults and young children. The dose does not depend on the age and weight of the child, but depends on the severity of the infection or intoxication. Usually:

  • children up to a year old are given 1 sachet per day;
  • from a year to 3 years, two sachets;
  • older than three years and adults 3 or more sachets per day.

Filtrum - tablets of hydrolytic lignin and lactofiltrum (with the addition of lactulose). These are drugs plant origin with a long history, not only actively absorb any toxic substances, but are also a source of natural dietary fiber and have a positive effect on the microflora due to the content of the prebiotic lactulose in the composition of the lactofiltrum.

The complete safety of the drug for the body makes it possible to use it in pediatrics, even in infants. The dose depends on the age of the child, possibly long-term use and use as a prophylaxis.

Silicon sorbents

These are preparations created on the basis of the natural silicon mineral, which has a high cleansing ability. These include:


This is a preparation containing silica, crushed to nanoparticles, enriched with oxygen. It has high sorption properties even in small doses, unlike other sorbents. It is effective for diarrhea, intoxications of endogenous and exogenous origin, allergies, as a prophylactic agent in adverse environmental conditions.

How to use?

Taken in a small amount of water:

  1. In adults, at a dose of 1 tablespoon with a slide;
  2. In children by age, according to the doctor's recommendation, be sure to observe the interval between the drug and food at 1-1.5 hours.


It is a silicon spongy substance with high sorption activity in the intestinal lumen. The drug is widely used, especially in children, with severe intoxication of the body in the form of a suspension.

How to use?

Adults are given a tablespoon, children up to seven years old, a teaspoonful, from seven to fourteen years old, a dessert spoonful, mixed in a small amount of water, three times a day for 10 days.

Can be used for infants at a dose of 0.5 teaspoon between feedings in water several times a day.

Other sorbents

Other sorbents include:

  • Clay;
  • Zeolites;
  • silica gels;
  • Ion exchange resins and other materials.

Where are they used?

Applied in clinical practice to cleanse the intestines much less often. They form compounds with ions of toxic substances, having a beneficial effect on the improvement of the internal environment of the human body.


Thus, sorbents are very necessary and expedient preparations. Their application is an integral part of the complex medical measures to restore disturbed functions of the digestive tract, namely:

You can’t do without sorbents in many situations, it’s only important to remember that you can’t use them uncontrollably, especially in children, because these substances, if the rules for taking them are not followed, can lead to an imbalance of minerals and vitamins in the body, to the development of side effects in the form of constipation, hypovitaminosis, exacerbation of peptic ulcer and others.

Therefore, you should not prescribe these drugs on your own, you need to consult a specialist individually for a particular patient, then sorbents will become reliable assistants in cleansing the body.

Filtrum-sti is a drug that is an effective sorbent. It is able to replace the activated carbon we are used to. As you know, enterosorbents are used for intestinal disorders. They do an excellent job with toxins and pathogens. But activated charcoal is not very convenient to use. It must be calculated on body weight and it will be necessary to take a sufficiently large amount of the drug. Filtrum-sti is a new generation sorbent. It is convenient to use and efficient. If you are used to using activated charcoal because it is a product of natural origin, then you will also like Filtrum. It also does not contain synthetic substances, but is a sorbent with natural substances. When using Filtrum-sti, the instructions for use will help you figure out how to take it effectively.

Let's try to figure out how to use this drug correctly, how it works, whether it can have any side effects. We will also find out if it can be used to treat children, as well as during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

What is intoxication

But first, it is important to find out what intoxication is, why it is dangerous. Intoxication is a whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms that appear due to the fact that toxins have entered the body. They penetrate into various tissues and organs, disrupting their work. Toxins can also be produced in the body itself, for example, with toxicosis during pregnancy. There are three degrees of intoxication:

  • First stage. Affects directly on well-being, physical state patient. Such a patient feels lethargy, weakness, it becomes difficult to do the usual things. There may be pain in the spine, in the area of ​​the shoulders and neck. This is an unpleasant condition, due to which the patient loses his appetite, loses weight. At this time, he tries to somehow support the body, and takes various drugs, vitamins. Such people often suffer from colds, because due to long-term intoxication, their immunity decreases. His sleep is disturbed, disturbed by restless dreams.
  • Second stage. Emotional disturbances begin to appear. It becomes problematic for a person to work, pessimism appears, it seems to him that all his strength is running out. It is quite difficult to communicate with such a person. He quickly gets irritated, does not restrain himself in feelings and words. He can even become whiny, starts crying for any reason.

  • Third stage. Here begins the disorder of the spiritual component of the personality. Such a patient has unjustified aggression, he blames others for everything, constantly feels sorry for himself. He can even become embittered, begins to look down on others. He has a negative attitude towards his work and even towards his personality and possible achievements. Such people stop caring about their health, as well as their appearance, they develop indifference and apathy. He begins to feel his unfulfillment, believes that he could not be realized. Such a mood violates his ties with society. His social communication with colleagues, friends and family is disrupted. It is already quite difficult to get out of this difficult state of mind. But properly selected medicines and the desire of the patient himself can work.

Such a classification of intoxication and its consequences may seem to you somewhat contradictory, even doubtful. But, if you think about it, the consequences of physical ailment can quickly affect both the emotional and spiritual state of a person.

Now consider intoxication in the light of how official medicine looks at it. Intoxication is the poisoning of the body by any substances. Types of intoxication:

  1. internal;
  2. External.

Intoxication can be both internal and external. With internal intoxication, the body itself begins to produce toxins. With external - toxins come from outside. For example, they are produced by pathogenic microbes. By the way, with influenza and SARS, toxins also enter the body. It is because of them that we suffer from discomfort. Our body begins to poison the waste products of microbes and various viruses. Because of these toxins, a headache appears, joints ache, and the temperature rises. What is the mechanism of this process? As soon as a poison or toxin enters the body, it quickly begins to react. This is a massive reaction to toxins. It may manifest itself in different ways. Toxins can negatively affect and disable various organs. Sometimes, for example, the nervous system may suffer, neurotokycosis or encephalopathy appears. The body begins to lose too much fluid, the work of the adrenal glands may be disrupted. Intoxication can manifest itself with quite different symptoms. But almost always, when toxins enter the body, weakness, lethargy, apathy appear, appetite is lost, sleep becomes restless, there may be jumps in temperature and pressure.

Then the development of the second stage of this syndrome begins. Toxins begin to attack any organ or an entire organ system. Very often in such a situation, the liver suffers. It is on it that the difficult function of cleansing the body lies. And as soon as the body is poisoned by toxins, it takes their first blow upon itself. She is trying to process toxins as soon as possible and remove them. They can also suffer from kidney toxins. It is through urine that most toxic substances leave the body. The onset of intoxication is always quite acute.

Types of intoxication:

  1. Waterhouse-Frideriksen syndrome. It is most often provoked by the toxins of meningococcal infection. The patient immediately feels that the temperature has risen (39-40 degrees). His skin becomes pale and he feels uneasy. Sometimes pale skin is covered with a fairly bright rash. Then the patient gets worse. He subsides. In severe conditions, even coma can occur.
  2. Reye's syndrome. It occurs in young children (up to three years of age) as a complication of a respiratory infection. It can also be provoked by an enterovirus. Within three to five days, all symptoms are similar to a common cold or poisoning. Then there is muscle hypertonicity, convulsions, vomiting. Then the state of health sharply worsens.
  3. Intoxication, which provokes acute renal failure. With such intoxication, the kidneys begin to perform their functions worse, which changes the composition of the blood. The number of platelets in the blood serum increases, the patient develops anemia. Such a syndrome can occur even despite vaccination. First, the eyelids, nose, and lips swell. Appears in the gastrointestinal tract It's a dull pain, the stool is broken, vomiting may occur. Yellow skin. With such a malaise, it is necessary to ensure that there is no dehydration.
  4. Alcohol intoxication. In this case, the liver also suffers. Large doses of alcohol are very harmful to her. Therefore, it is important to drink in moderation, and at the same time eat something fatty. Remember that with every glass or glass of alcohol you drink, a small dose of poison enters your body!
    This is not all types of intoxication. We have mentioned those that are the most dangerous to health and even life.

What happens with intoxication in children

Intoxication in children occurs for the same reasons as in adults, except that alcohol intoxication occurs much less frequently. There can be many reasons: malnutrition, poor-quality spoiled food, the ingress of pathogens and viruses, poisons. With toxic intoxication, they also have a toxic syndrome. Such a serious condition, unfortunately, often happens in the tiniest, for example, in premature babies. Also at risk are children with rickets, weakened, with various form dystrophy or diathesis. Also, the syndrome can be the result of any serious illness. This process is developing rapidly. Because of him, the baby sharply loses strength, begins to act up. He develops diarrhea. He is rapidly losing his body weight. Sometimes even fainting can occur. If such toxic intoxication also develops intestinal disorders, vomiting may occur. It is very important that such a baby does not have dehydration! Newborns lose fluid very quickly. Then toxins begin to attack the circulatory system, liver function is disrupted and nervous system.
The ben is suffering from toxic syndrome. Such babies do not have pronounced facial expressions, as if he is looking somewhere into the void. Soon even reflexes may disappear, even he ceases to feel pain. The heartbeat becomes accelerated, the body turns pale, becomes bloodless, red spots appear in places, pressure decreases. In such severe cases, it is essential to call ambulance at the first sign of intoxication. A child can be helped if he is provided with qualified help in time. medical care. It is important to provide the necessary assistance in a hospital setting. Only there are all necessary drugs and means for quality therapy. Such children need some time not to give food. For how long you need to refrain from feeding them, only the doctor should decide. It is important that the child is constantly under the supervision of a specialist, so that the dynamics of the development of intoxication is monitored. It is necessary that the child receives enough liquid, but it must be given in small portions, every 15 minutes, 1-2 teaspoons. It can be just water, or it can be weak tea. If it is not possible to drink from a spoon, you can use a pipette. In no case do not risk the health of the crumbs, and do not self-medicate!

Filtrum-sti is a natural enterosorbent

Filtrum-sti is a sorbent of natural origin. It is effective in the treatment of both external and internal intoxications.

Pharmacological properties

The drug belongs to the group of sorbents. It includes wood, or rather products that are obtained by hydrolysis of its components. Thanks to modern hydrolysis technology, the drug has a pronounced sorption activity. Simply put, it is able to actively absorb all harmful substances from the intestines. Due to the pronounced ability to resist intoxication and cleanse the body of poisons and toxins, it is widely used for poisoning, as well as for some infectious lesions. This drug, after entering the body, begins to effectively bind and quickly remove harmful bacteria, their toxins, as well as alcohol, all kinds of poisons, medicines and salts of heavy metals. With all kinds of food allergies, it is used to cleanse the body of the allergen. Another advantage of Filtrum-sti is that it is able to remove some products that are formed during metabolism - cholesterol, bilirubin, urea. With endogenous toxicosis, it is used to get rid of metabolites.
An important advantage of this drug is its non-toxicity. Therefore, most often it is well tolerated by patients. When taking it, there are no serious side effects. But, of course, a doctor should prescribe it.

Release form

The drug is produced in a convenient form of tablets. They are dark brown in color and shaped like a flat cylinder. Active substance these tablets - hydrolytic lignin (400 mg). As we already mentioned, it is obtained from purified wood by hydrolysis. There are different packages of the drug. The number of tablets in them varies - from 10 to 100 tablets. There are also packs of 30 and 60 tablets.


In medical practice, a lot of drugs with a similar effect are used. The most famous and cheapest of them is activated carbon. It is well known to everyone and is, perhaps, in every home first aid kit. But pharmacology is evolving. Now there are drugs that are excellent sorbents. At the same time, they are more convenient to use, you do not need to drink too much of such drugs. They act faster, have fewer side effects and contraindications. They can even cope with poisons, heavy metals and metabolic products.

Analogues of Filtrum-sti (according to their active substance):

  • Entegnin;
  • Polifan;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Lignosorb.

Analogues of Filtrum-sti (according to their mechanism of action):

  • Microcel;
  • Enterumin;
  • Neosmectin;
  • Diosmectide;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Enterodes;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterosorb.


If you carefully read the instructions, you will notice that the drug is effective tool for detoxification as well as treatment. It is used for endogenous and exogenous intoxications. Their etiology can be varied. The drug is approved for use in pediatrics. But only on doctor's orders.

In any home first aid kit there should be at least one sorbent preparation. And even better if there are several of them, as they may differ in action and therapeutic effect. Filtrum-Sti has become one of the best of its kind. It works very efficiently, reliably and safely.

So in what cases can Filtrum-sti help? It should be used (as directed by a doctor) if:

  1. Acute form of poisoning (alcoholic, drug, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids and other possible poisons);
  2. Liver failure;
  3. kidney failure;
  4. Allergy (food or as a reaction to any medicinal substance);
  5. Purulent-inflammatory diseases, in which there is a pronounced intoxication of the whole organism.

But the range of possibilities of Filtrum is not limited to this either. It can be prescribed for food poisoning, salmonellosis, dyspepsia and dysentery. If you suffer from dyspeptic phenomena (excessive gas formation, belching, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, heaviness), then Filtrum-sti can quickly alleviate this condition. Therefore, it is often used by gastroenterologists. It is also included in complex therapy with a number of diseases that can provoke poisoning of the body with waste products. It is curious that this drug is even used if a person works in a hazardous industry. It is effective for the prevention of chronic intoxication.

Does Filtrum STI help with a hangover?

Since it is a sorbent, and alcohol is a poison, the use of Filtrum-sti during a hangover is fully justified. If you feel all the negative manifestations of a hangover, then this sorbent can quickly improve your well-being. The main thing is to use it correctly. Due to its high ability to adsorb harmful substances in the body, as well as its natural origin, Filtrum-Sti will delight you with its effectiveness. It is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. With a hangover, it becomes a real lifesaver, especially if you need to quickly get into working condition. It will quickly remove the breakdown products of alcohol from the body. He is not afraid of a high concentration of toxins. After 2-3 doses of the drug, you will notice that the condition has improved significantly. It is important to take it as early as possible so that toxins do not get into the blood. If you are waiting for a festive feast, it is better to take the drug an hour before the banquet. This way you will be safe from possible alcohol poisoning, which means that you are not threatened with a painful hangover. This drug is well known to physicians abroad. In the world classification, it is called hydrolytic lignin. Its component is purified wood, which is processed in a special way. Filtrum-sti is just the name of one of the many sorbents that contain hydrolytic lignin.

A slight disadvantage of lignin is that it is not very palatable and therefore difficult to swallow. Filtrum-sti is offered in an easy-to-swallow tablet form. These little brown pills are a powerful remedy for poisons, drugs, toxins, alcohol, allergens, and even pathogenic bacteria. Regardless of what exactly you are dealing with, it will perfectly cleanse the body of them. A big plus of the drug is its ability not to participate in the metabolism. After a day, it will completely leave your body.

With alcohol poisoning, the symptoms are almost the same as with poisoning by other substances or when harmful microorganisms enter the body. The patient is tormented by an intestinal disorder, general intoxication.

This drug has a number of options that you can find in a pharmacy. They are slightly different in their therapeutic effect and proposed composition.

  • Lactofiltrum. It consists of lignin, lactulose, croscarmellose sodium, sodium stearate. Used in case of poisoning. Able to quickly restore the intestinal microflora.
  • Filtrum Safari. Consists of lignin, myristic and lauric acids. It is advisable to use it if you are dealing with harmful microorganisms. He quickly suppresses their vital activity.
  • Filtrum-sti. Consists of lignin, calcium stearate, povidone. It is used in cases of intoxication. Its substitutes: Lignosorb, Entegnin, Polyphepan.

To quickly get rid of a hangover, you can take crushed tablets. So the drug will act faster and be as effective as possible. If you are taking any other medications to relieve hangover symptoms, do not take Filtrum-Sti until one hour after taking them. The same goes for meals. The dosage should be selected by the doctor. The amount of lignin is calculated based on the patient's body weight. The daily dose should be divided into 3-4 doses. The intervals between doses of the drug should be equal. After alcohol poisoning, the course of treatment can be up to 3-5 days. It depends on how strong the intoxication was.

As we already mentioned, in order to prevent intoxication, you can take Filtrum-Sti 30 minutes before the banquet, and then repeat the reception 30 minutes after it ends. Taxsorbent effectively neutralizes alcohol. Be sure to take the tablet with plenty of liquid, preferably water. It is recommended to empty the intestines 3-5 hours after taking the medicine, so that toxins from it are not absorbed back into the body.

Advantages of Filtrum-sti

This sorbent has a number of advantages over other similar preparations. It is not the cheapest, but it has the best value for money. 10 tablets of the drug will cost you 60-80 rubles. By giving this small amount, you can prevent a hangover or get rid of it quickly. If you believe the reviews, then all the tasks that the manufacturer assigned to Filtrum-sti, he adequately and efficiently performs. The drug is universal, as it can be used for many problems with the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. It will be not bad at all if he settles in your home first-aid kit. After all, no one is immune from poisoning, including alcohol.

Often a hangover is accompanied by such painful symptoms as indigestion, intestinal disorders, a feeling of heaviness. Filtrum-sti will quickly solve all these problems. Moreover, it acts quite quickly, is convenient to take, and is safe.

The only thing that some reviews complain about is that lignin does not have a very pleasant taste. Because of this, it is quite difficult to swallow, especially if you are worried about indigestion and nausea. But the drug is available in the form of a compressed tablet. Therefore, for most it will not be difficult to swallow it whole or divide it into halves. But the manufacturer recommends not drinking the whole tablet, but crushing it into powder. So the drug will work faster. Here the choice is yours. If you do not want to drink a crushed tablet and grimacing at its taste, you can drink it whole. But then you have to be a little patient until it works. By the way, almost all sorbents do not have a very pleasant taste. The well-known activated carbon also has an unpleasant taste, and you need to drink it much more. Because you can forgive it effective drug such a small inconvenience. And if you really don’t feel like drinking a tasteless powder, you can buy Filtrum-Safari for children. It is offered in the form of plates. They have a rather pleasant taste, and the lignin in their composition will cope with a hangover just as well.

There are also some negative reviews. Most of them are connected precisely with the fact that Filtrum-sti is unpleasant in taste. Some did not like the brown color of the tablets. At the same time, there are no complaints about its effectiveness. Most of the reviews are gratitude for the fact that the drug quickly got rid of all the unpleasant consequences of a hangover.

Application during pregnancy

No tests, from which it would be clear how Filtrum-sti affects the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, of course, have not been conducted. Therefore, we can judge its safety only on the basis of how it works, what are the mechanisms of its action. The drug is a sorbent and does not participate in metabolic processes. Its components do not penetrate into the blood, and after a day it is excreted from the body. Despite this, manufacturers still do not recommend taking Filtrum-sti during pregnancy, as there is no data on its safety for the fetus and expectant mother. However, experiments that were carried out on some animals revealed the complete safety of this sorbent. But we emphasize that the decision to use it should be made exclusively by a doctor!

In conditions of intoxication, with various kinds of poisoning, disorders and infections of the intestine, it can help. Filtrum-Sti can also be used to eliminate nausea, vomiting and other possible symptoms toxicosis or gestosis.

Pregnant women often suffer from constipation. Filtrum-STI is able to deal with this problem quickly. By increasing the amount of dietary fiber, normalizing peristalsis and stabilizing the intestinal microflora, it quickly helps to empty the intestines. So far, not a single case has been recorded in which this drug would have a negative effect on the fetus. But the expectant mother should also understand that any sorbent reduces the amount of not only harmful, but also nutrients. Because of this, less of them enter the bloodstream. Therefore, over time, beriberi, calcium deficiency may develop. This, of course, is not at all useful, especially during pregnancy, when even more nutrients are required. Therefore, doctors prescribe additional microelements and vitamins for long-term use of Filtrum-STI.

During pregnancy, you do not need to abuse drugs. Reception Filtrum-STI is possible only with the permission of a doctor. He can prescribe it in case of acute infections, poisoning. In this case, the course of treatment should not be long - up to a week. Pregnant women should not use it for prevention. The dosage is also determined by the doctor. She will make an adult dose. The sorbent is taken half an hour to an hour before a meal. If you drink vitamins for pregnant women, then the sorbent should be taken one hour after or one hour before taking them.

Using Filtrum-STI to lose weight

It's no secret that sorbents are sometimes used to quickly lose a few extra pounds. But it is important that you do not expect a miracle from him. If weight loss happens, it is only due to the fact that the drug will remove food debris, toxins and toxins from the intestines. So you can remove 2-3 kg. Filtrum is unable to break down fat deposits. But it can be used as a supplement to the diet. In any case, the complex use of the sorbent and effective diet will help to cope faster with extra pounds than just one diet.
Filtrum can effectively bind and remove toxins and decay products. The intestines will be grateful. In addition, the sorbent will support the body somewhat, relieving it of harmful substances. But if you are using Filtrum-Sti, you should refrain from physical activity while taking it. The fact is that the drug affects the metabolic process, which means that the body will receive less of them. After taking it, you may feel the movement of food masses, increased peristalsis, as well as other unpleasant symptoms in which physical exercise undesirable.

If due to the diet your body receives less dietary fiber, then Filtrum will help make up for their deficiency. Due to this effect, peristalsis and stool will improve. The drug is also able to support beneficial microflora in the intestines. This will insure you against dysbacteriosis. For weight loss take the drug 4 times a day, 3 tablets. Course - 2 weeks.

You should stop taking Filtrum-Sti for weight loss if you suffer from:

  • constipation;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis.


This drug also has some contraindications:

  1. intestinal atony;
  2. Individual intolerance;
  3. Peptic ulcer of the intestine and duodenum during exacerbation.

How to take the drug correctly

Remember that how well you use the drug, largely depends on how effective and safe it will work! The treatment regimen must be prescribed by a doctor! In addition, quite detailed and accessible instructions are offered to help you. Filtrum-STI is intended for oral administration. Before drinking, it will need to be crushed. Pay attention to this! There is also one important point, which must be taken into account. The fact is that many sorbents are able to reduce the effect of other drugs. They simply absorb those substances that are contained in drugs. Naturally, in this case, the medicine will not work. And the effect of the sorbent itself will decrease. Filtrum-sti is no exception. It must be taken separately from others medicines. Wait until at least an hour has passed after taking the medicine or drink the sorbent an hour before taking other medicines. It is also important to take it between meals. Give the sorbent time to absorb all harmful substances in the intestines. If you eat something within an hour after taking it, the therapeutic effect will decrease.

What dose of the drug is acceptable for taking at a time? The answer to this question should be given by the attending physician. The fact is that the dose of the sorbent is selected strictly individually. Indeed, in this case, a number of factors must be taken into account - for what purpose Filtrum-sti is taken, against which toxin it is used, how severe the poisoning or disease is, what the weight of the patient is, age, what condition is his gastrointestinal tract, etc.

As we have already mentioned, this sorbent can be used to treat children who are not yet 1 year old. But do not risk choosing the dosage yourself! Let an experienced pediatrician do it! If you believe the instructions, then for children up to a year, a single dose can be half a tablet, at the age of 1-3 years - half or one tablet. From the moment of reaching the age of 12, the child receives the same dose as adults - 2 or 3 tablets. Filtrum-sti should be taken 3-4 times throughout the day, in between meals or medication (the break should be 1 hour). The duration of such treatment may vary. It depends on the severity of the disease, whether it is acute or chronic, and what kind of toxin you are dealing with. Usually the treatment lasts:

  • 3-5 days - if we are talking about the acute form of any disease;
  • 2-3 weeks - if you are dealing with a chronic disease or any type of allergy.

It is possible that after you have undergone a course of treatment, after some time you will need to go through it again. A course of re-treatment is usually prescribed after two weeks, and then only in individual cases. How much re-treatment is required, the doctor must decide. It takes into account what disease you are dealing with, how the body reacts to taking this drug, how aggressive is the infection that poisons it.

Is it possible to overdose

There are no data on cases of overdose of Filtrum-sti. Since this is a sorbent of natural origin, this probability is extremely low. In any case, the recommended dose of the drug should not be exceeded.

Side effects

Filtrum-STI is most often well tolerated by patients. No significant side effects have been observed after taking it. It is extremely rare that too high sensitivity to its components can be observed. It only in rare cases can provoke a severe allergy. It is also important to remember that with a clear abuse of this sorbent, it can sometimes lead to constipation.
It is also important to know that if the drug is used for too long, the absorption of calcium and vitamins may be disturbed. In this case, the doctor is likely to prescribe drugs or a complex of vitamins and trace elements that contain calcium.

How to store

If Filtrum-sti is stored under normal conditions, then the shelf life will be 2 years. It is released without a prescription.

What are these drugs used for?

Assign black coal and Filtrum for the treatment of intoxication, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Positive result It is provided with a high area of ​​the absorbent surface of the components, the ability to bind compounds that are toxic to the body and excrete them together with the feces.

However, there is a difference between sorbents. Therefore, if there is clinical picture poisoning, it is better to consult a doctor about which remedy to prefer.


There are qualities that characterize medicines:

  1. Filtrum contains lignin obtained from wood. The name Activated Charcoal speaks for itself.
  2. The first drug has a higher sorption capacity.
  3. The dosage of Filtrum STI is calculated based on the age of the patient, for the second it is determined by body weight. As a result, one dose of coal requires a significant number of tablets, which is inconvenient.
  4. The sorbent with lignin does not damage the intestinal mucosa. Charcoal often provokes mechanical irritation and patients face the need to treat inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract after administration.
  5. The black preparation must first be crushed and mixed with water, and Filtrum is completely ready for use.
  6. The difference lies in the packaging. STI is sold in waterproof blisters, and charcoal is sold in paper blisters that are exposed to the negative effects of moisture. It is easy to understand which form is best.
  7. Prolonged use of Filtrum does not threaten diarrhea. Black medicine provokes diarrhea with prolonged use.
  8. The first remedy does not violate the intestinal microflora, the second causes dysbacteriosis.
  9. Filtrum is prescribed even for purulent-inflammatory processes, liver and kidney failure, for ethanol poisoning, when activated charcoal is practically useless.

But activated carbon is the cheapest of the sorbents, while the price of Filtrum is quite high.


Comparing which is better, among the same qualities they note:

  1. Both drugs are recommended for food poisoning, intoxication with salts of heavy metals, and are used in hazardous industries.
  2. Preparations are prepared on the basis of wood raw materials.
  3. They are released without a prescription sheet, as they are considered relatively safe.
  4. Between taking the sorbent and other medicines, an interval of 1.5–2 hours is needed. Otherwise, the components of another drug will not have time to affect the patient's condition, as they will be quickly removed from the body.

In accordance with the instructions, Filtrum has a wide range of indications.

Reception features

Differences exist in the scheme of application:

  1. Activated charcoal is best used in acute pathology as a one-time sorbent. The dosage is calculated based on body weight. Usually 1 tablet is taken per 10 kg.
  2. Filtrum is likened more often in chronic pathologies. Assign 3 times a day for 2-3 pieces. The duration of the course is 3-5 days. In the case of allergy therapy, treatment is carried out for 2-3 weeks.

Although Filtrum does not cause dysbacteriosis, a decrease in the concentration of calcium and vitamin complexes is likely.

Which is better: activated carbon or Filtrum?

According to research, modern drug much more effective than the usual black medicine. Even with a 10-day course, the gastrointestinal mucosa is not irritated.

For kids

It is better not to use activated charcoal in the treatment of children under 7 years of age. The delicate intestinal mucosa is easily exposed to mechanical injury. Therefore, a good option is undoubtedly Filtrum:

  1. Up to 1 year appoint 1/2 tablet.
  2. Up to 3 years 1 pc.
  3. At 4–7, 1 pc.
  4. From 7 to 1-2 pcs.
  5. From 12 to 2-3.

Currently, in pharmacies you can buy Filtrum Safari lozenges, which children use with pleasure.

For adults

As already mentioned, a single dose of activated charcoal depends on body weight. Weight also plays a role in the treatment of alcohol poisoning with Filtrum:

  1. If more than 80 kg, 6 tablets are taken for 1 dose.
  2. With a smaller weight, 4 pcs are shown.

In other cases, the standard dosage is provided.


Filtrum STI or Activated charcoal should not be used if:

  • individual intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • ulcerative formations of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • internal bleeding;
  • with caution in diabetes.

Filtrum has not been tested for contraindications during pregnancy and lactation. Manufacturers have not included such conditions in the list of prohibitions. But it is better not to use it on your own during gestation and breastfeeding.


Patient comments will help judge the effectiveness:

Irina K., 25 years old, Krasnoyarsk:

My baby once developed food poisoning. It was necessary to act quickly, so she herself applied Filtrum. Activated charcoal was also at home, but I was afraid to give it to my child. Tablets, even crushed into powder, are too rough.

Natalya P., 28 years old, Irkutsk:

I recently tried the White drug, I did not find any differences from the old one. Only the tongue is not covered with a black coating. But the medicine itself copes with its tasks perfectly, the poisoning has not happened.

Sergey N., 34 years old Kaluga:

After the holidays, he suffered from a hangover. The pharmacy offered Filtrum, but I didn’t want to overpay, I managed with activated carbon. Worth every penny, works great.

Which sorbent is better to use, it is advisable to check with your doctor.

Where could I buy?

Both medicines are freely sold throughout Russia.

Both Filtrum and Activated Charcoal have good absorbent qualities. Many doctors and patients prefer a modern drug. However, it is better to use it as a prophylaxis or in case of long-term therapy. In case of urgent assistance, it is advisable to use an old and proven drug.

The effectiveness of the drug

The reasons for the enduring popularity of activated charcoal are:

  • in the practical absence of side effects (due to the fact that the sorbent does not enter the general circulation and after a few hours leaves the patient's body along with feces);
  • in the high efficiency of cleansing the digestive tract from toxic substances;
  • in the extreme rarity of complications resulting from an overdose (occurring when using more than 200 mg of the drug for every 10 kg of body weight).

The whole variety of analogues of activated carbon is clearly divided into two groups: one of them includes organic sorbents, and the other includes mineral ones.

  • The active substances of organic sorbents are: hydrolytic lignin (a complex polymeric substance contained in some algae and stems of vascular plants) and activated carbon. Organic sorbents are represented by preparations: "Polifan", "Filtrum-STI", "Polifepan". The method of using sorbents of this type is almost identical to the method of using activated carbon preparations. Reception of organic sorbents can cause constipation.
  • The active substance of mineral sorbents, which are a very successful alternative to activated carbon preparations, is silicon dioxide. Prominent representatives of this group of sorbents are drugs: "Polysorb", "Enterosgel", "Atoxil". Mineral analogs of activated charcoal, which gently remove toxic substances from the patient's body, do not interfere with the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and other medications, so they are often included in the treatment regimen for young children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. Sorbents of this type are distinguished by a high rate of elimination of alcohol from the body and excellent efficiency in case of poisoning.

Activated carbon analogues: differences and which is better?

The production of analogues of activated carbon is carried out in accordance with modern technologies, thanks to which they:

  • have a detoxifying effect;
  • have a positive effect on the state of the immune system and organs of the digestive tract;
  • significantly improve the course of metabolic processes.

Depending on the nature of the impact on toxic compounds, activated carbon analogues can be divided into three types:

  • Sorbents of the first group, when exposed to toxic substances, change their state of aggregation, making it liquid or solid.
  • Sorbents of the second group adsorb (absorb) toxic compounds that poison the body.
  • The drugs included in the third group neutralize the effects of toxic substances by entering into a chemical reaction with them.

Unlike activated charcoal preparations, the dosage of which prescribes the intake of one tablet for every 10 kg of body weight, innovative sorbents, endowed with higher efficiency, should be taken in small doses. At the same time, the cost of activated charcoal analogues sold in any pharmacy kiosk is much higher than the cost of classic charcoal tablets.

An overdose of analogues of activated carbon is manifested by the occurrence of:

  • atypical drowsiness;
  • severe weakness;
  • reduced attention.

The appearance of the above symptoms, indicating the possibility of an overdose of enterosorbents, is the basis for contacting a treating specialist who will make adjustments to the treatment regimen.


"Polysorb MP" is a modern enterosorbent based on silicon dioxide, which is a development of domestic pharmacists and endowed with a number of advantages that distinguish it favorably when compared with activated carbon preparations:

  • The effectiveness of the Polysorb preparation, which is 30 times higher than the effectiveness of activated carbon, makes it possible to take only one tablespoon of the innovative sorbent instead of 120 coal tablets.
  • The adsorption characteristics of Polysorb (300 mg/g versus 5 mg/g) are 120 times higher than those of activated carbon.
  • Once in the patient's body, "Polysorb" begins to act almost immediately. From abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, diarrhea, the drug can relieve within 4 minutes after ingestion. Activated charcoal lasts much longer.
  • Within 72 hours, "Polysorb" can completely cleanse the body of allergens, salts of heavy metals, toxic substances and radionuclides, contributing to the improvement and normalization of the general condition. For this, the patient needs to take 4 tablespoons of the powder daily.
  • The drug "Polysorb" has a more significant list of indications for use.

"Polysorb", produced in the form of a suspension or powder, is used to eliminate the consequences of:

  • poisoning of various etiologies;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • withdrawal syndrome (colloquially called withdrawal).

It is used in cases where it is necessary to remove food allergens, pathogenic bacteria and toxic compounds that are part of the chemical composition of certain medicines from the patient's body. "Polysorb" can be used as a prophylactic agent prescribed for workers in hazardous industries dealing with hazardous chemicals.

Admission of the sorbent is contraindicated in patients suffering from:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • atony of the digestive tract;
  • internal bleeding.


One of the most demanded analogues of activated carbon is represented by the preparation "Enterosgel", the active ingredient of which is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate.

The pronounced detoxifying effect of this organosilicon adsorbent allows it to be used with equal success for the treatment of both adult patients and young children.

The indication for the use of this drug is the presence of:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • poisoning and intoxication provoked by both organic and inorganic compounds (including medications);
  • allergies (drug or alimentary);
  • intestinal diseases of any etiology;
  • intoxications resulting from severe purulent-septic processes;
  • hyperbilirubinemia (a pathology accompanied by an increased level of bilirubin in the blood) and hyperazotemia (an excess of nitrogen-containing metabolic products of nucleic acids and proteins in the blood).

Unlike activated charcoal preparations, Enterosgel removes alcohol more successfully and does not interfere with the absorption of trace elements, vitamins and other drugs. Side effects (represented by nausea and the occurrence of mild constipation) due to the intake of this adsorbent, as a rule, are minor.

The use of Enterosgel is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the active substance and intestinal atony.


The drug "Smecta" is one of the mineral sorbents created on the basis of dioctahedral smectite (or diosmectite) - a substance of natural origin, which is a mixed silicate of aluminum and magnesium.

The basis for taking the drug "Smecta" is the presence of all kinds of pathologies and disorders of the digestive system, represented by:

  • increased acidity;
  • intestinal colic;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • esophagitis.

The medicine does not penetrate into the blood; its reception is practically not associated with the occurrence of side effects, so this analogue of activated charcoal is often prescribed to young children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. The occurrence of constipation due to an overdose is extremely rare.

"Smecta" is contraindicated in patients suffering from:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of its chemical composition;
  • fructose intolerance.


The active active substance of the powerful modern enterosorbent "Filtrum-STI" is hydrolytic lignin, due to which the drug has a binding potential that is several hundred times greater than the adsorption capabilities of both activated carbon itself and all its analogues.

The drug "Filtrum-STI", endowed with a pronounced detoxifying effect and contributing to the rapid reduction of intoxication of the human body, is indicated for use in the presence of:

  • purulent-inflammatory pathologies;
  • allergic reactions (drug and food);
  • liver or kidney failure, accompanied by elevated levels of nitrogen and bilirubin in the blood;
  • poisoning provoked by the use of alcoholic beverages, medications or the penetration into the body of toxic substances represented by glycosides, alkaloids or salts of heavy metals;
  • acute bacterial infections (shigellosis, enterovirus infection and salmonellosis);
  • food poisoning.

"Filtrum-STI" is an excellent prophylactic agent that can prevent poisoning among workers in hazardous industries dealing with toxic substances.

An absolute contraindication to taking this sorbent is the presence of individual intolerance to any component of its chemical formula.

Taking Filtrum-STI tablets is almost not associated with the development of side effects. In some cases, their use can provoke the occurrence of:

  • Constipation.
  • An allergic reaction that manifests itself in the appearance of a skin rash (like urticaria) and itching. In isolated cases, the development of Quincke's angioedema is possible.


Espumizan owes its effective carminative action to the organosilicon compound simethicone, endowed with the properties of a defoamer and being its main active ingredient.

Produced in the form of capsules, drops (or emulsion), quickly eliminating flatulence and eliminating the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, "Espumizan" is indicated for:

  • The presence of intestinal colic.
  • Pronounced symptoms of flatulence, manifesting itself as increased gas formation, bloating, a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region (the drug is allowed during the postoperative period and in relation to newborns and infants).
  • Poisoning with tensides (the so-called surfactants contained in all detergents), since the drug has the properties of a defoamer.
  • Preparation for the procedures of diagnostic examination of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity (radiography and ultrasound). In addition, "Espumizan" is often added to suspensions of contrast agents used in studies with double contrast (this guarantees a clear image).

Since the activity of the drug "Espumizan" is selective (the sorbent absorbs exclusively toxic substances and gases), it can be taken for a long time.

If the drug is taken in the form of drops, the vial is shaken beforehand, and then, turned upside down with a hole, is held strictly vertically. To eliminate flatulence, the drug is prescribed:

  • Adult patients and adolescents over 14 years of age - 50 drops 3 to 5 times a day.
  • Children 6-14 years old - 25-50 drops (with the same frequency of administration).
  • Babies 1-6 years old - no more than 25 drops, 3-5 times a day.
  • For babies, 25 drops of the sorbent are either poured into a bottle filled with baby food, or, after breastfeeding the baby, they are given from a spoon.

In order to avoid allergic reactions, it is undesirable to independently increase the above dosage.

"Bifidumbacterin Forte" is a powder preparation containing live bifidobacteria, microcolonies of which (numbering up to 180 cells) are sorbed on the smallest particles of activated carbon.

The microbial mass is lyophilized (that is, subjected to soft drying, which involves preliminary freezing and subsequent placement in a vacuum chamber) and mixed with lactose.

"Bifidumbacterin Forte" is prescribed for:

  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • acute intestinal infections (represented by rotavirus infection, shigellosis, staphylococcal enterocolitis, salmonellosis);
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • food poisoning;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, pathologies of the liver and biliary tract, cholecystitis), provoking the occurrence of intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic constipation.

The drug can be prescribed for the prevention of dysbacteriosis (their etiology and localization may be different).

The duration of treatment for food poisoning and acute intestinal infections is from 5 to 7 days, the treatment of other diseases - depending on the nature of the disease and the severity of the patient's condition - can take 2-3 weeks.

If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated (one month after the completion of the previous course).


The preparation "Phosphalugel", created on the basis of aluminum phosphate and having a gel-like consistency, is one of the most effective and popular adsorbents that help reduce pain and discomfort due to the rapid neutralization of the acidity of gastric juice.

The practical harmlessness of the drug allows it to be used to treat children. If necessary, its reception is allowed during breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

"Phosphalugel" can be prescribed for:

  • enterocolitis;
  • heartburn;
  • sigmoiditis (inflammation of the sigmoid colon);
  • gastritis (acute and chronic);
  • proctitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum);
  • food poisoning of various etiologies;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • erosion of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • acute duodenitis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • the presence of dyspeptic phenomena (due to the intake of medications, diet errors or
  • exposure to previous chemotherapy).
  • acute and chronic pancreatitis;
  • diverticulitis (a pathology characterized by inflammation of the herniated protrusions of the walls of the large or small intestine);
  • diarrhea in patients undergoing gastrectomy (total removal of the stomach).

"Phosphalugel" is absolutely contraindicated in patients suffering from:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • kidney failure;
  • individual intolerance to aluminum phosphate;
  • hypophosphatemia (a pathology characterized by a low level of phosphorus in the blood).

How to replace the popular sorbent at home?

To replace activated charcoal, doctors often prescribe innovative drugs based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the diagnosis.

As a first aid in the event of allergic reactions and severe diarrhea at home, adsorbents can be used, the active ingredient of which is attapulgite, a natural mineral from the silicate rock.

The action of sorbents containing attapulgite has a special softness, and their astringent and enveloping qualities help to quickly eliminate inflammation of the gastric mucosa and minimize the absorption of toxins into the blood.

Sorbents made on the basis of diosmectite are very popular. This group includes drugs "Diosmectite", "Smecta", "Neosmectin". The mild astringent action of these drugs helps to quickly cope with severe diarrhea, and the ability to regulate the acidity of gastric juice eliminates painful heartburn.

At home, drugs of this type are used to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from:

  • esophagitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastroduodenitis.

In situations where it is necessary to quickly select an analogue of activated carbon, sorbents based on diosmectite can be safely used, since they are practically devoid of side effects and rarely provoke constipation. It is for this reason that these drugs are used to treat pregnant women and young children.

Trade name


International name

Lignin hydrolytic (Lignin hydrolised)

Group affiliation

Enterosorbent agent

Description of the active ingredient

Lignin hydrolysis

Dosage form

Granules for oral suspension, paste for oral suspension, powder for oral suspension, powder for oral administration, tablets

pharmachologic effect

A herbal preparation obtained from hydrolytic lignin. It binds various microorganisms, their metabolic products, toxins of exogenous and endogenous nature, allergens, xenobiotics, heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, ammonia, divalent cations and promotes their excretion through the gastrointestinal tract. It has enterosorbent, detoxification, antidiarrheal, antioxidant, hypolipidemic and complexing action. Compensates for the lack of natural dietary fiber in human food, positively affecting the microflora of the large intestine and nonspecific immunity. Unlike antibacterial drugs, it does not lead to the development of dysbiosis.


Sharp and chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract of various etiologies: dyspeptic disorders, food poisoning, diarrhea, intestinal dysbacteriosis, viral hepatitis, dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, colitis. Acute diseases accompanied by intoxication, preeclampsia, hepatic and kidney failure. Allergic diseases (urticaria, angioedema, food and drug allergies), lipid metabolism disorders (atherosclerosis, obesity), post-chemo- and radiotherapy. Gynecological diseases (bacterial colpitis, cervicitis, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis). Dental diseases (generalized periodontitis, periodontitis, stomatitis). The need to remove radionuclides and xenobiotics.


Hypersensitivity, constipation, anacid gastritis. With caution. Diabetes(for granules, they contain sugar).

Side effects

Allergic reactions, constipation.

Methods of application and doses

Inside, 1-1.5 hours before meals. The daily dose for adults is 4.8-6.4 g (12-16 tablets), for children - 3.8-4 g. In acute conditions, the course of treatment is 3-7 days (until the symptoms of intoxication disappear, normalization of the stool), in chronic conditions - courses of 10 -15 days with breaks of 7-10 days. In the form of a paste, powder or granules, adults are prescribed 0.5-1 g / kg 3-4 times a day (1 tablespoon is stirred in 200 ml of water for 2 minutes), children under 1 year old - 1 teaspoon per reception , 1-7 years old - 1 tbsp each, 7 years and older - 1 tbsp each. Enter through drainage systems and probes into various parts of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, thin and colon through gastro-, entero- and cecostomies, as well as in the form of high enemas). For tube administration, dilute with drinking water in a ratio of 1:5-1:10, depending on the volume and site of administration. In gynecology, the paste is prescribed locally, 10-15 g (1-1.5 tablespoons), evenly distributed in the vaults and on the walls of the vagina (after the preliminary toilet), then a tampon is inserted for 2-2.5 hours. If necessary, the procedure is repeated in the same day, 12 hours after removal of the previous dose. The course of treatment - 10 injections, with genital dysbacteriosis - 20.