
Causes and treatment of abdominal ascites - why does fluid accumulate? Fluid in the abdominal cavity (abdominal edema): causes, treatment Accumulation of fluid in the stomach causes

Causes and treatment of abdominal ascites - why does fluid accumulate?  Fluid in the abdominal cavity (abdominal edema): causes, treatment Accumulation of fluid in the stomach causes

Violate the function of not only the organ where cancer cells develop. With malignant lesions, in most cases, complications arise that significantly complicate the course of the disease.

These complications include ascites. This term refers to the accumulation of excess fluid in abdominal cavity, with such a violation, the stomach can increase several times.

What is this disease?

If a person has an oncological disease, then the probability of developing ascites reaches 10%. Fluid accumulation does not occur with all malignant lesions.

Most often, ascites accompanies:

  1. Malignant neoplasms and .

With ovarian cancer, the probability of ascites formation reaches 40%, and in 50% of women with this oncological lesion, women die from ascites.

The accumulation of a large volume of fluid in the abdominal cavity leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which provokes a displacement of the diaphragm into the chest cavity. Such a pathological violation of the anatomy of the internal organs limits the respiratory function of the lungs, negatively affects the work of the heart, blood circulation.

The accumulated fluid pushes back the organs of the peritoneum and, therefore, does not change their functioning for the better. Massive and long-term non-removable ascites causes the loss of a large amount of protein.

In connection with all the ongoing changes, ascites causes a lot of complications - and respiratory failure, metabolic disorders. All these pathologies significantly worsen the course of the underlying disease.


In the abdominal cavity of a healthy person, there is always a small amount of circulating fluid.

This fluid prevents the internal organs from sticking together and allows the intestinal loops to move freely, without friction.

The exudate produced in the peritoneum is absorbed here, that is, the body itself controls the process of fluid production.

In some diseases, including oncology, the resorptive, secretory and barrier functions of the peritoneal sheets are disturbed and then either too much fluid is produced or it is not completely absorbed back.

This leads to the filling of the free space of the abdominal cavity with an increasing amount of exudate, in severe cases, its volume reaches 25 liters.

With the above oncological diseases, due to the proximity of organs, cancer cells can penetrate into the peritoneum and settle on its visceral and parietal sheet. Developing cancer cells disrupt the resorptive function of the peritoneum, the lymphatic vessels cannot fully cope with their task, and the fluid produced begins to accumulate.

So ascites is gradually formed, the defeat of the sheets of the peritoneum by malignant cells provokes development.

As already mentioned, the main reason for the defeat of the peritoneum in oncological diseases is its close contact with those organs where malignant neoplasms are formed.

But in addition to this, the causes of ascites in oncology also include:

  • Tight fit of the abdominal folds to each other. This ensures that cancer cells quickly capture adjacent tissues.
  • Abundant arrangement of blood and lymphatic vessels in the peritoneum, which only increases and accelerates the transfer of cancer cells.
  • The drift of atypical cells into the peritoneum during surgery.
  • Germination of a malignant tumor through the walls of the peritoneum.

A course of chemotherapy can provoke the development of ascites; in the last stages, fluid accumulation often occurs for a reason.

With liver damage by metastases or with primary cancer of this organ, the cause of fluid accumulation lies elsewhere - the venous system of the organ is compressed, and the natural outflow from the intestine is disturbed. This type of ascites, as a rule, is formed quickly and is difficult.

Symptoms of the disease

The formation of abdominal ascites in most patients with cancer occurs gradually, over several weeks or even months. Therefore, the first signs of this formidable complication are ignored.

Clinically, ascites begins to manifest itself after a sufficiently large amount of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, this complication manifests itself:

  • Feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
  • Abdominal pains of different character and duration.
  • Belching and heartburn.
  • Nausea.

Visually, you can pay attention to the gradually increasing belly, in vertical position it hangs down, and in the horizontal it spreads on the sides. Stretching the skin of the abdominal wall allows you to see the network blood vessels and a protruding belly button.

Pressure on the chest causes shortness of breath and interruptions in the work of the heart. With ascites, it is difficult for a person to bend over, fasten shoes, put on trousers.

Photo of ascites of the abdominal cavity in a man

But still, with ascites, which occurs as a complication of a malignant lesion, those symptoms that occur in the primary focus come to the fore in people. And more often this is what leads to the fact that oncological ascites is detected already with a large accumulation of fluid.

Ascites in ovarian cancer and its causes

With cancerous lesions of the ovaries, the most severe consequences are caused precisely by ascites. Fatal outcome in the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity occurs in 50-60% of cases.

The development of ascites in ovarian oncology occurs in advanced cases, that is, when metastases move to the abdominal cavity and liver.

The accumulating fluid, in turn, increases the size of the ovarian tumor, and this may result in its rupture and the release of exudate into the abdominal cavity. Ascites, which is formed as a complication of ovarian cancer, leads to swelling of the lower half of the abdomen, the genital area. Edema passes to the legs.

The accumulation of fluid at first does not cause pronounced changes in well-being, but then it may appear severe pain perceived by the patient as an attack of appendicitis. The development of ascites in ovarian cancer should not be ignored, the sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome for this complication.


Ascites in oncology is dangerous in itself, but in addition to this, it can cause other complications, these include:

  • Spontaneously developing bacterial peritonitis.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Hydrothorax.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • and her crush.
  • Prolapse of the rectum.
  • hepatorenal syndrome.

All of these complications must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise they significantly aggravate a person’s well-being and can lead to his death.


Patients with oncological diseases should always be under the control of a doctor, and the oncologist, depending on the location of the neoplasm, should already assume the likelihood of complications.

Ascites can be suspected by external signs, patient complaints, palpation and percussion of the abdomen are of no small importance.

Mandatory assignment of instrumental methods:

  • ultrasound. In addition to fluid, this study can reveal the presence of tumors, their location, changes in the structure of internal organs.
  • Tomography. This method is necessary to determine the amount of fluid and its location in the abdominal cavity.
  • Laparocentesis. After anesthesia, the abdominal wall is punctured just below the navel and the fluid is pumped out. The procedure is prescribed for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Part of the exudate is sent for analysis, where the presence of albumins, glucose, types of cellular elements, and pathogenic microflora are determined.


Depending on the amount of accumulated exudate, three stages of ascites are distinguished:

  • Transient ascites - fluid in the abdominal cavity no more than 400 ml. At this stage, there may be only bloating.
  • Moderate ascites is exposed when the exudate in the abdominal cavity is not more than 5 liters. At this stage, the complication appears clinical symptoms in the form of disruption of the digestive system, shortness of breath. In the absence of treatment of ascites, the development of peritonitis, respiratory and heart failure is possible.
  • tense or resistant ascites is characterized by accumulation of up to 20 liters of fluid. The patient's condition is serious, the work of vital organs is significantly disrupted.

How to treat abdominal ascites in oncology?

Ascites of the abdominal cavity, which develops as a complication of an oncological disease, should be treated together with the underlying disease.

It is also important to start eliminating excess fluid in the first two weeks of its formation, since delaying therapy leads to the development of a host of complications. Excess fluid can be removed with a puncture and pumping it out - laparocentesis, by taking diuretics.

Compliance with a special diet will help reduce intra-abdominal pressure, reduce the likelihood of further production of excessive exudate.

Effective only if ascites is provoked. With cancer of the stomach, ovaries and the use of chemotherapy drugs does not give a pronounced positive result.


Laparocentesis of the abdominal cavity with ascites is a puncture of the peritoneal wall with a special instrument and the collection of fluid for analysis or its pumping out.

Usually, in oncological disease, laparocentesis is prescribed if there is no effect from the use of diuretics, another indication is tense ascites.

The procedure takes place in several stages under local anesthesia:

  • The patient is in a sitting position, the surgeon treats the intended puncture site with an antiseptic and then an anesthetic.
  • First, after an injection of an anesthetic, an incision is made in the abdominal wall and muscles. It is carried out along the white line of the abdomen, retreating from the navel down by 2-3 cm.
  • The final puncture is made with rotational movements using a trocar. A flexible tube is attached to the trocar through which fluid will drain.
  • If the puncture is done correctly, then a tense stream of liquid will be released.
  • Excess fluid is pumped out very slowly, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient's condition. As the fluid is removed, the nurse should tighten the abdomen with a sheet or towel, this is necessary so that the pressure in the abdominal cavity decreases slowly.
  • After evacuation of the exudate, a sterile dressing is applied to the wound.

Laparocentesis allows you to remove up to 10 liters of fluid at a time. But in this case, the patient is shown the introduction of albumin and other medications in order to reduce the likelihood of developing renal failure.

If necessary, temporary catheters can be placed in the peritoneum, and the accumulated fluid will drain through them. The installation of catheters greatly facilitates the well-being of cancer patients, but threatens with a drop in blood pressure and the formation of adhesions.

Laparocentesis may not always be performed. Contraindications for puncture include:

  • abdominal organs.
  • Severe flatulence.
  • The recovery period after the operated ventral hernia.

Laparocentesis is performed on an outpatient basis. After the procedure and in a satisfactory condition of the patient, he can be released home.


Of the diuretics, oncological patients with developing ascites are prescribed Diacarb, Furosemide or Veroshpiron for a long course.

A combination of two diuretics is also possible and it is necessary to drink them, even if there is no visible diuretic effect at the beginning of treatment.

When using diuretics, it is also necessary to take preparations containing potassium, otherwise the development of disturbances in water and electrolyte metabolism can be provoked.

Diet food

Properly organized nutrition for abdominal ascites will help reduce the accumulation of fluid.

It is necessary to minimize the addition of table salt to dishes and limit fluid intake. But it should be borne in mind that the body cannot be completely without salt.

It is useful to introduce foods rich in potassium into the diet:

  • Spinach.
  • Carrot.
  • Baked potato.
  • Fresh green peas.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Raisin.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Asparagus.
  • Oatmeal.

The diet must be designed in such a way as to comply with the restrictions regarding the underlying disease.

How long do patients live?

The development of ascites not only seriously worsens the well-being of a cancer patient, but also aggravates the course of the underlying disease.

The two-year survival rate of patients with dropsy is only 50%, and this is subject to timely treatment of the complication. Worsens the prognosis of ascites elderly age patient, the presence of a large number, a tendency to hypotension, renal failure.

Video about abdominal ascites:

Water in the abdomen is an alarming symptom that the doctor diagnoses on ultrasound. It is recommended to undergo such an examination if the patient notices an increase in the abdominal cavity. Such a complaint should not be left without the attention of a specialist, since with advanced clinical pictures, an oncological disease progresses with a fatal outcome.

  • Abdominal ascites
  • What is ascites
  • How to treat ascites
  • Diet for ascites
  • How to treat abdominal ascites: patient experience
  • Choosing the right diet for ascites and its treatment with traditional medicine
  • The reasons
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Diet
  • Treatment folk remedies
  • Ascites in oncology
  • Causes and mechanism of development
  • Symptoms
  • stages
  • Diagnostics
  • Surgical intervention
  • Treatment of abdominal ascites with folk remedies
  • Symptoms and Causes
  • Diet
  • How to treat ascites at home?
  • The reasons
  • Ascites - fluid in the abdomen
  • Symptoms
  • Medical treatment
  • Folk remedies
  • Nutrition Features
  • Course and forecast
  • Prevention

What is ascites

This is a dangerous diagnosis, which is characterized by an increased accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Other important organs of the body, such as the lungs and heart, can suffer from ascites. The problem is not inflammatory. The fluid accumulated in the peritoneal region can reach liters in volume. In the people, such a disease is called "frog belly", it is prone to a malignant course. For 75% of all clinical pictures, this is a complication of progressive cirrhosis, and the main goal of treatment is to suppress disturbing symptoms and prolong the period of remission.

Why does fluid accumulate in the abdominal cavity

The peritoneum lining the walls of the abdominal cavity secretes a small amount of fluid, which is similar in chemical composition to blood plasma. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the internal organs, otherwise they would stick together. The fluid is absorbed and excreted throughout the day, but under the influence of pathological factors, this natural process can be disrupted. With an imbalance, intra-abdominal pressure increases, the stomach increases in size. Urgent diagnostics with the subsequent complex therapy is necessary.

Causes of abdominal ascites

This disease is a complication of liver cirrhosis and not only. It progresses gradually in the body, at first it does not manifest itself in any way. Abdominal ascites is difficult to successfully treat. However, healing occurs if the main pathogenic factor is eliminated. The causes of ascitic disease are of an unexpected nature, the most common among them are presented below. It:

  • heart failure;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • disturbed pressure of the portal vein of the liver;
  • abdominal tuberculosis;
  • development of mesothelioma, pseudomyxoma;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • female diseases (from the field of gynecology).

Why does dropsy of the abdomen occur in newborns

Abdominal ascites can progress at any age, and infants with a characteristic ailment are no exception. The pathological process is exacerbated even in the prenatal period, characterized by a congenital disorder of the hepatic function. Cause such a disease at such a young age infectious diseases pregnant woman. These include the following diagnoses:

The risk group included newborns whose mothers abused narcotic substances, medicines, alcoholic beverages, chemical reagents during pregnancy. In addition, ascites progresses in the case of blood transfusions of pregnant women, with obesity, diabetes 2 types. So that from the first days of life the child does not get sick with abdominal ascites, a pregnant woman is not recommended to do permanent makeup, tattoos.

What is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity

The main symptom of peritoneal ascites is free fluid in the abdominal cavity that collects and is not excreted naturally. Such a sign of the disease provokes an increase in the abdominal cavity in size, and over time this process only progresses. At first, the patient does not notice the characteristic changes in appearance, but then he cannot strain and relax the stomach. Additional symptoms of ascites are as follows:

  • abdominal pain;
  • signs of dyspepsia;
  • weight gain;
  • shortness of breath when walking;
  • big belly;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • fluctuation;
  • a state of general discomfort;
  • increased swelling of the extremities.

How is fluid accumulation in the abdomen diagnosed?

Determine ascites by methods visual inspection and palpation of the abdominal cavity is very problematic. A description of the symptoms is necessary to collect anamnesis data, but such actions of a specialist are not enough to make a final diagnosis. It is necessary to undergo a clinical examination, visualize the foci of transudate, determine the nature, stage of the pathological process. Diagnostics includes the following methods:

  1. ultrasound. Helps to assess the systemic blood flow of the portal vein, the presence of cirrhosis of the liver, tumors of the peritoneum. The method is non-invasive, painless, but early stage ascites is uninformative.
  2. Radiography. This diagnostic method visualizes foci of ascites, determines the volume of fluid, the boundaries of the abdominal cavity. On the screen, you can see cirrhosis of the liver and tuberculosis, suggest heart failure.
  3. Laparocentesis. An invasive method that involves the collection and further study of ascitic fluid in the laboratory. Additionally, a liver biopsy (puncture) is performed to identify the etiology of the pathological process.
  4. CT and MRI. Both methods accurately determine abnormal fluid effusion, and diagnose pathology in hard-to-reach parts of the abdominal cavity. Laparocentesis complements complex diagnostics.
  5. Angiography. This is a type of radiography, when a contrast agent is injected into the vessels to determine the etiology of the pathological process. This method can determine cirrhosis even at an early stage.

How to treat ascites

By performing x-rays and angiography, the doctor can make a prognosis, determine effective scheme treatment. The approach to the problem is complex, and for advanced clinical pictures, it does not exclude an operation to remove oncology, laparocentesis. It all depends on the signs and symptoms, the diagnosis, the recommendations of a specialist. First, doctors tend to remove the focus of the pathology conservatively, but if the fluid continues to accumulate in the abdominal cavity, you definitely cannot do without surgery. Otherwise, oncology only progresses.

How is abdominal dropsy treated therapeutically

The main goal of drug therapy for ascites is to remove the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity in a non-invasive way. Treatment is appropriate at an early stage, when the peritoneum is not yet completely filled with transudate. With ascites, the doctor prescribes diuretics, calcium preparations. In the first case we are talking about such medicines as Veroshpiron, Diakarb, Lasix, Torasemide, after which the water in the abdominal cavity disappears. In the second - calcium tablets, Panangin and Asparkam. In addition, it is recommended to use multivitamin complexes.

How to remove fluid in the abdomen with surgical methods

If ascites is diagnosed in an advanced stage, an operation to pump out the transudate is indispensable. In this way, you can temporarily remove the big belly, but if the cause of the disease is not eliminated, its symptoms will very soon remind of themselves again. It is important to understand that we are talking about oncology, and you cannot do without surgery. Surgical intervention for ascites involves the following actions:

  1. Laparocentesis. A puncture of the abdominal cavity is performed to further divert ascitic fluid. The procedure can take several days and requires the patient to be hospitalized.
  2. Transjugular intrahepatic shunting. The surgeon forms an artificial duct between the hepatic and portal veins to ensure water exchange and stabilize intra-abdominal pressure.
  3. Liver transplant. The operation is appropriate for oncology, advanced degree of cirrhosis.

Diet for ascites

To exclude serious health complications, therapeutic nutrition is necessary. In addition, a properly selected diet for ascites reduces the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, prolongs the period of remission, and eliminates alarming symptoms. The main focus needs to be on food ingredients, which contain a large amount of potassium. It:

Video: dropsy of the abdominal cavity in humans

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Ascites of the abdominal cavity is a pathological condition in which fluid enters it and lingers there in excess. This process can develop rapidly or proceed in chronic form. It is never independent and always accompanies severe concomitant diseases, such as cirrhosis, tuberculosis, or cancer with metastasis.

How Olga, 62 years old, treated ascites with medication

My mother developed ascites at age 62. Health problems began about three years ago, when her legs began to swell, and a couple of years ago she was admitted to the hospital for the first time, where they eliminated excess fluid with the help of diuretics. Then he was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. After the diagnosis was made, she was sent to a hepatologist, but after a superficial examination, he did not find any serious pathologies and advised her to continue drinking diuretics.

The history of the treatment of ascites with folk remedies Grigory, 48 years old

I have chronic pancreatitis. In general, he did not give me any special problems with well-being. I just have to comply and drink certain medications from time to time. But a couple of years ago, my body scared me in earnest. After relaxing at sea under the scorching sun and, I confess, with some violations in the menu, my pancreatitis began to worsen. I decided, as usual, to take medicine and go to the doctor for an examination after returning home. But my condition worsened, my stomach began to appear.

  • Decoction of bean pods. It is a good diuretic. For cooking, use the husk from 30 pods. They need to be filled with water in an amount of about a liter and put to boil. After 10 minutes, the broth is removed from the heat and infused for 20 minutes. The mixture is filtered and cooled. You need to take the drug 200 grams at a time. The first portion - at five in the morning, the second - half an hour before breakfast, the third - half an hour before dinner, the fourth - no later than eight o'clock in the evening.

After such treatment, I significantly improved my health, and I have not had any exacerbations for two years now. The main thing is to pass all examinations on time and monitor your well-being.

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The history of the treatment of ascites with dietary nutrition Vyacheslav, 53 years old

At the beginning of the year I was removed gallbladder. Almost immediately after the operation, my stomach began to “inflate”. As a result, I was given a concomitant diagnosis - ascites. In addition, a few years ago I had hepatitis B. acute form(infected in the dentist's office).

How Nikolay cured ascites with herbal decoctions, 42 years old

Until I was 40, I drank a lot. Now, of course, I repent, but it seemed to me that this would not play a significant role in my life. And only when I had the first attack of liver failure against the background alcohol intoxication and doctors literally pulled me out of the other world, I realized that I needed to change something in my life.

Source: proper diet for ascites and its treatment with traditional medicine

Ascites is a rather unusual condition, but it can be recognized by appearance sick. In this case, excess fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. To rid the body of excess fluid, you need to start treatment on time, as well as adhere to a diet, when the first symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor in time.

Ascites manifests itself as an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity

Often, ascites can be provoked by increased pressure in the portal vein, which is typical for liver diseases, thrombosis, compression of the portal vein branches or trunk, and heart failure. Sometimes this condition can become an indicator of alimentary dystrophy, a general edematous syndrome in kidney diseases, and also result from damage to the abdominal cavity.

This pathology can provoke increased intra-abdominal pressure and push the diaphragm into the chest cavity. This leads to disruption of the activity of the abdominal organs, the movement of the lungs during breathing worsens, resistance to blood flow increases, and cardiac activity is disturbed.

In some cases, ascites progresses rapidly, for example, with cancer of the liver or peritoneum, with portal vein thrombosis, in others it proceeds imperceptibly, for example, with cirrhosis of the liver.

Often, ascites becomes a consequence of cirrhosis of the liver, because there is a delay in blood filtration, so there is a squeezing of part of the liquid fraction of blood into the abdominal cavity.

Ascites in cirrhosis of the liver appears due to insufficient work of the protein-synthesizing function. The lack of albumin affects the ability of blood to contain its liquid part in the vascular bed. The fluid, penetrating through the veins, enters the abdominal cavity. An increase in the sodium content in the body can also provoke fluid retention due to the fact that the liver cannot cope with the neutralization of certain substances.


The main symptom of ascites is bloating.

The main symptom of this disease is an increase in the abdomen, or rather, its swelling. The reason is that liquid accumulates in it, which practically does not come out. A person understands that he is unhealthy when he does not fit into clothes of the usual size. Usually this condition is accompanied by two more pathologies. Most often, this is a violation of the intestines and indigestion.

Moderate ascites usually manifests as edema of the lower extremities, there is expansion chest, umbilical and inguinal hernia. The patient feels heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, shortness of breath, problems with the stool. These are symptoms of a pathology that develops over weeks and months.

Tense abdominal ascites is characterized by the appearance of a round abdomen with shiny, tense, smooth skin. In this case, the skin of the hernial sac can thin and tear, which will lead to the release of ascitic fluid. The patient may develop respiratory and heart failure. The fluid can become infected and cause peritonitis, which can be fatal.

Diagnosis and treatment

Ascites is diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound.

Timely diagnosis will allow you to identify the cause and stage of the pathology, as well as determine the treatment. This requires a general examination with palpation and auscultation of the abdomen, ultrasound, x-ray of the abdominal cavity, computed tomography, as well as puncture and study of ascitic fluid.

Treatment of ascites should begin with restriction of sodium intake, no more than 1 g of sodium chloride should be consumed per day. The patient must comply with bed rest. If neither one nor the other helps, then diuretics are connected to the treatment process. Usually preference is given to spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride, etc. They are mild and do not cause side effects so surgery can be avoided.

Surgery is indicated in 5–10% of patients who are resistant to drug therapy. During the operation, peritoneovenous shunting is used, which can result in serious complications, such as fever, intravascular coagulation, or shunt occlusion. Shunting is not performed on those who suffer from infected ascites, with high bilirubin in serum, with hemorrhoidal bleeding, hepatorenal syndrome.

Diet for ascites includes a ban on the use of pastries

Diet for ascites of the abdominal cavity plays a large role in the treatment. Fresh pastries, salt, pastry and puff pastry products should be excluded from the diet. If you don’t have the strength to give up bakery products, then you can afford yesterday’s bakery products. You should also exclude fried, fatty meat and poultry, stew, smoked meats, offal and sausages. At the same time, it is recommended to eat turkey, chicken or rabbit meat, dishes that include minced meat are also acceptable.

Broths should be prepared from chicken, after removing the skin. The first courses should be served in the form of pureed soups. With ascites, it is forbidden to use borscht, meat, fish and mushroom broths. It is permissible to add fish to the diet only in boiled or steamed form.

The use of fatty dairy products is undesirable, therefore whole milk is completely excluded, and low-fat sour cream is only acceptable as a dressing, the diet should also not contain fatty and salty sauces. Patients are allowed boiled cereals cooked in diluted milk. Under the ban are millet, legumes, sorrel, cabbage, garlic, mushrooms, rice, radish, onions, turnips.

From sweets, you can afford only marshmallows, jam or jelly. Dieters should not drink coffee and cold drinks.

Treatment with folk remedies

A decoction of bean pods is a well-known folk remedy for ascites.

Ascites can only be cured by treating the underlying cause. due primarily to the fact that excess fluid is removed from the bloodstream. In this case, the fluid from the abdominal cavity returns to the vessels to make up for losses. To do this, you need to use diuretic fees and decoctions. At the same time, it is necessary to replenish the loss of potassium by eating fruit and vegetable decoctions in a baked or boiled form.

  • A decoction of bean pods is an excellent diuretic. Take the husk of 15 bean pods, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. Then insist 20 minutes, then strain. The first portion of the decoction (200 ml) should be taken at 5 o'clock in the morning, as early as possible. The second 200 ml - half an hour before breakfast, the third part - half an hour before dinner, the remaining 200 ml should be consumed before 8 pm. It is not recommended to drink any other liquid on this day. Use within three days, if it does not help, you need to change the medicine.
  • A decoction of parsley. To do this, boil 300 g of fresh parsley in 1 liter of water. Then cool and strain the broth. You need to take it every hour in the morning, continue treatment for 3 days.
  • Apricot decoction. Prepared from fresh or dried apricots. One glass of apricots pour 1 liter of water, cook for 40 minutes, then strain. A day you need to drink 250-400 ml of broth.
  • Diuretic teas. Mix in equal parts the herb of bearberry and hernia. Half a glass of this mixture pour 300 g of water, boil for 15-20 minutes. Then cool and strain. Ready tea to drink before meals in the morning.
  • If ascites in men has touched the testicles, then calendula and baby cream can be mixed in equal proportions. Lubricate the testicles with the finished mixture, put gauze on top, then put on the adjacent swimming trunks.
  • Bathroom with birch infusion. To do this, you need 20 g of birch leaves or buds, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 6 hours. Then add the infusion to the bath and take it for 30 minutes.
  • Therapeutic massage is recommended to be done daily. In this case, you first need to rub the stomach with sunflower or linseed oil clockwise, and then against it.
  • If possible, you can sit by the fire, that is, you need to evaporate the liquid by any available means.

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Source: in oncology

Ascites is a severe complication various diseases in which a large volume of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. Detected ascites in oncology seriously complicates the course and treatment of the underlying disease, worsens the prognosis. In patients with oncological diseases of the organs that have contact with the sheets of the peritoneum, the average probability of fluid effusion into the abdominal cavity is 10%.

Tumors of what organs are accompanied by ascites?

The process of accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity accompanies about half of all cases of ovarian cancer in women. It also complicates the course of neoplasms:

The severity of the patient's condition does not depend on whether the primary tumor caused the pathology or its metastasis. Signs of increased intra-abdominal pressure, elevation of the diaphragm, and reduction in respiratory movements of the lung tissue are added to the manifestations of cancer. As a result, conditions for the work of the heart and lungs worsen, cardiac and respiratory failure, which brings the death of the disease closer.

Causes and mechanism of development

The abdominal cavity is formed by 2 leaves. One of them (parietal) lines the inner surface, and the other (visceral) surrounds the nearest organs. Both leaflets produce a small amount of liquid secretion from their glandular cells. With its help, a small local inflammation is eliminated, organs and intestines are protected from friction.

The fluid is constantly updated, as the excess is absorbed by the epithelium. Accumulation is possible if the balance of this state is disturbed. In 75% of cases, patients with ascites have cirrhosis of the liver. This disease has the maximum number of etiological factors leading to pathology.

These include an increase in hydrostatic pressure in the vessels under the influence of stagnation in the venous and lymphatic systems due to a violation of cardiac activity and a drop in oncotic pressure in the blood due to damage to the liver function and a decrease in the content of the albumin protein fraction.

Ascites of the abdominal cavity in oncology does not exclude these mechanisms as an addition to the main damaging factor - hyperfunction of the epithelium of the abdominal cavity with a tumor lesion of the peritoneum sheets. Growth malignant cells causes irritation and non-specific inflammation.

The most significant role of seeding with malignant cells in ovarian and uterine cancer in women. The complication in these cases aggravates the general condition of the patients so much that they die with an increase in abdominal ascites.

Cancer patients look accordingly

Of considerable importance is the direct compression of the hepatic tissue by the tumor and the creation of conditions for portal hypertension. With an increase in venous pressure, the aqueous part of the blood is discharged into the abdominal cavity.

Cancer intoxication is accompanied by a lack of oxygen in the cells (tissue hypoxia). Kidney tissue very acutely feels any changes and reacts with a decrease in filtration. This sets in motion the action of the pituitary antidiuretic hormone, which retains sodium and water.

Some authors distinguish hepatic and extrahepatic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of ascites. On the example of malignant growth, we see how these causes complement each other. The suction function of the peritoneum and lymphatic vessels is impaired.

An example of local changes would be abdominal lymphoma. This tumor is accompanied by impaired patency of the intra-abdominal lymphatic ducts. From them, the fluid passes directly into the abdominal cavity.

The provoking causes of ascites in oncological diseases can be such an anatomical feature as the close location of the peritoneal folds (fitting), the abundance of blood and lymphatic vessels, which causes the rapid spread of malignant growth to neighboring tissues.

Fluid leakage can be stimulated by the introduction of atypical cells into the peritoneal cavity during surgical intervention, internal germination of the walls of the peritoneum by a malignant tumor, as well as a course of chemotherapy.


In cancer patients, ascites develops gradually over several weeks or months. Patients feel symptoms when a significant amount of fluid accumulates. Main symptoms:

  • bursting heaviness in the abdomen;
  • belching after eating;
  • heartburn or nausea;
  • dull pain in the abdomen;
  • shortness of breath at rest, especially when lying down.

These signs are associated with the rise of the dome of the diaphragm, impaired peristalsis of the esophagus, intestines, reflux of acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus. Some patients complain of attacks of cardiac arrhythmias. During observation, the attending physician reveals an enlarged abdomen. In a standing position, he falls down, the navel protrudes.

During examination on the couch, the abdomen spreads out to the sides

For patients with "hepatic" ascites, the picture of the "head of a jellyfish" is characteristic due to the formation of dense dilated veins around the navel. The accumulation of fluid makes it difficult to bend over and put on shoes.

Unfortunately, it is still not uncommon to find young women with an advanced ovarian tumor who were sure of their pregnancy for a long time, this was facilitated by the cessation of menstruation.

The accumulated fluid itself puts pressure on the tumor, causing decay. Metastasis through the venous system and heart failure is manifested by obstructed outflow of blood to the heart. This leads to swelling of the feet, legs, external genitalia.

All the described symptoms do not develop in isolation. In the first place there are signs of a malignant tumor. Ascites requires additional treatment, as it becomes more dangerous to live with its manifestations due to the possibility of other complications.

Regardless of the causes, 3 stages are distinguished during ascites. They are also typical for patients with oncological diseases:

  • transient - the patient feels only bloating, the volume of accumulated fluid is not more than 400 ml;
  • moderate - the amount of exudate in the peritoneum reaches 5 liters, all the described symptoms appear, various complications are possible;
  • tense - ascites accumulates 20 liters or more, is considered stable (resistant), it is impossible to treat with diuretics, it is accompanied by a serious condition, disrupts the heart and breathing.

The transient stage is almost not felt by the patient

What complications can follow ascites?

The severity of the underlying disease in the event of ascites reduces the patient's chances of recovery. The risk of dangerous complications increases even more. These include:

  • bacterial peritonitis - the addition of an infection causes acute inflammation peritoneum;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • the appearance of hernias in the area of ​​the white line of the abdomen, navel, in the groin with possible pinching;
  • cardiac decompensation;
  • accumulation of fluid between the pleural sheets - hydrothorax with acute respiratory failure;
  • development of hepatorenal syndrome;
  • hemorrhoidal bleeding, prolapse of the lower rectum.


Such a complication as ascites is preliminarily assumed during an oncological disease. When monitoring the patient, the doctor is obliged to carry out weighing. Weight gain against the background of pronounced weight loss of the arms, legs, body raises suspicion of latent edema.

With an increase in the abdomen, the doctor conducts a percussion examination, a dull sound changes localization depending on the position of the body

If you make a jerky movement with your hand on one side of the abdomen, then in the presence of fluid, the second hand will feel a wave in the opposite side. Additional studies serve as objective confirmation:

  • Ultrasound - allows you to identify 200 ml of fluid in the abdominal cavity, at the same time serves as a control over changes in the internal organs;
  • survey radiography and tomography - will require good preparation of the patient before the study, reveals fluid when the position of the body changes;
  • laparocentesis - a puncture of the anterior abdominal wall in order to pump out fluid and its laboratory analysis, the procedure is both therapeutic and diagnostic, allows you to identify the degree of seeding of the peritoneum, the composition of the exudate, the presence of microflora.

Problems in the treatment of ascites in oncology

Therapy for ascites should theoretically primarily consist in suppressing the growth of malignant cells in the peritoneum. Then we can expect the removal of the irritating mechanism and the restoration of the function of fluid absorption.

But in practice, chemotherapy methods help to reduce ascites only with neoplasms in the intestines, and with localization in the liver, stomach, uterus, ovaries, they remain ineffective.

It remains to control the intake and excretion of fluid with food, to count on the optimal conditions for the action of diuretics (diuretics). You can remove excess water with a restrictive diet. The patient is prescribed a salt-free diet, all dishes are prepared without salt, in agreement with the doctor, it is possible to add salt to the plate.

Spicy seasonings are excluded, heavy fatty food, all cooked fried. The amount of fluid consumed is calculated by diuresis (the amount of urine excreted per day). At the same time, the menu should include foods that provide the body with protein and potassium. Therefore it is recommended:

  • boiled lean meat and fish;
  • cottage cheese, kefir with good tolerance;
  • baked potato;
  • compote of dried apricots, raisins;
  • carrots, spinach;
  • oatmeal.

How are diuretics treated?

In the appointment of diuretics should not be overzealous. The recommendation of doctors to drink more fluids is known for any intoxication. This also applies to cancer. The removal of a large volume of water from the body increases the overall intoxication with the decay products of malignant cells, therefore, weight loss while taking diuretics by 500 g per day is considered acceptable.

The choice of diuretics and dosage always remains with the doctor. You can not change drugs on your own, violate the regimen. The most effective is the combination of Furosemide, Veroshpiron and Diakarba.

After ingestion of one tablet, the action begins an hour later, lasts up to six hours

Furosemide (Lasix) belongs to the group of loop diuretics. The action is based on blocking the reverse absorption of sodium and chlorine in the tubules and the loop of Henle, the excretory apparatus of the kidneys. Simultaneously removes potassium. In order not to disturb the balance of electrolytes and not cause attacks of arrhythmia, potassium preparations are prescribed (Panangin, Asparkam).

Veroshpiron, unlike Furosemide, is a potassium-sparing drug. It contains spironolactone (adrenal hormone). It is with the help of the hormonal mechanism that it is possible to remove excess fluid without potassium. Tablets begin to act 2-5 days after the start of administration. The residual effect lasts 3 days after discontinuation of the drug.

Diakarb is a drug with a specific purpose. Especially indicated for the prevention of cerebral edema, less effective in the process of urine output. Its action begins 2 hours after ingestion. It is associated with blocking the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in the tissues of the kidneys and brain.

Surgical intervention

Most often, laparocentesis is used to remove accumulated fluid in the peritoneal cavity during the resistant stage of ascites. The method is considered surgical, although therapists in specialized departments own it.

The essence of the technique: the patient sits on a chair, the abdomen around the navel is treated with iodine. Novocain solution is injected into a point about 2 cm below the umbilical ring to provide local anesthesia. After that, a puncture of the abdominal wall is made with a special instrument (trocar). The appearance of fluid indicates entry into the peritoneal cavity. A tube is attached through which the liquid is pumped out by gravity.

Up to 10 liters of liquid are removed at a time. Against the background of a gradual decrease in the abdomen, the sheets are tightened to prevent the patient from collapsing. In some cases, if it is impossible to immediately withdraw a large volume of fluid into the peritoneal cavity, insert a drainage tube and block it until the next time. Thus, the procedure is repeated 2-3 days in a row.

During laparocentesis, it is necessary to monitor sterility, since the risk of infection of the peritoneum and peritonitis increases

Laparocentesis is not performed:

  • with adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity;
  • against the background of severe flatulence;
  • in the recovery period after hernia repair.

Peritoneovenous shunting - consists in connecting a special tube of the abdominal cavity with the superior vena cava, through it, when the patient breathes, the fluid drains into the venous bed. Deperitonization - excision of areas of the peritoneum to provide additional ways to remove fluid.

Omentohepatophrenopexy - excision of the omentum fused with the anterior abdominal wall and suturing it to the diaphragm or liver, is necessary if the omentum interferes with laparocentesis.

Folk remedies in the treatment of ascites

In folk medicine, herbal tinctures are described that help reduce ascites in cancer. Doctors treat them extremely negatively, because often patients, believing in fabulous results, abandon the main treatment.

However, in the absence of real help from the ongoing therapy of a cancer patient, one can understand. Therefore, we provide a list of plants that, according to herbalists, can help:

  • astragalus membranous;
  • marsh calamus root;
  • spurge;
  • hoof grass root;
  • herb prince Siberian;
  • swamp saber.

Before purchasing herbal tea, it is better to consult a doctor and carefully read the composition

The overall survival rate of patients with ascites in oncological diseases gives disappointing figures - only half of the patients will live for two years. The final outcome is both better and worse than the expected time.

It depends on the patient's response to treatment, age, presence of chronic diseases kidneys, liver, heart, nature of tumor growth. Ascites in the initial stage with tumors is treated much more effectively. Therefore, in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, early diagnosis of complications should be provided.

Source: abdominal ascites with folk remedies

Ascites is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Normally, there is always a small amount of serous substance in the abdomen, which is necessary for the free placement of intestinal loops and their temporary movement during human movements. It also protects organs from friction and premature wear.

If serous fluid accumulates in large quantities, it becomes a threat to human life and health. On the initial stages there are diseases real opportunity remove excess fluid with diuretics and a certain diet. Timely treatment of ascites with folk remedies is quite effective. In many cases, it avoids serious complications in future.

Symptoms and Causes

Ascites, as a rule, does not occur on its own, but is a symptom of another (main) disease. The disease can be caused by:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant tumors.

Depending on the cause and severity of the disease, the abdomen may increase gradually or dramatically. The amount of accumulated fluid can be small, medium and very significant. In advanced cases, up to 25 liters of excess fluid can form in the abdominal cavity. The main symptoms of ascites:

  • there is an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • there is a feeling of bloating and heaviness;
  • in the prone position, the stomach becomes “flattened”, but at the same time it protrudes on the sides;
  • periodic drawing pains in the stomach and intestines;
  • swelling may occur in other parts of the body (usually they are concentrated on the legs);
  • with a large abdomen, the navel protrudes;
  • body weight due to the accumulation of excess fluid increases rapidly.

If left untreated, ascites may develop bacterial peritonitis, an infectious inflammation of the peritoneum that can only be treated surgically and can be fatal. To prevent this, you need to apply for medical care when anxiety symptoms. After the examination and diagnosis, you can agree with the doctor on the treatment options for ascites using folk remedies at home. In the initial stages of the disease, these methods are not inferior in effectiveness. pharmacy medicines. What is important, they have practically no side effects, that is, they are safe.

Diuretic folk remedies to eliminate edema

Folk remedies to eliminate edema are decoctions and infusions that have a diuretic effect. At home, you can use the following recipes traditional medicine:

  1. Collection with bearberry. Dry and chop bearberry and hernia, mix in equal parts. 60 g of herbal mixture pour 0.3 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. After straining the decoction, it is recommended to take 300 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Parsley decoction. Pour 150 g of fresh parsley with 500 ml of hot water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. After that, the remedy must be filtered and taken 100 ml every hour in the morning (in total, you can drink up to 0.5 liters of broth per day).
  3. Infusion of horsetail and birch leaves. These components must be mixed in equal parts and pour 500 g of the resulting collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water. Keep the remedy on low heat for 15 minutes, then strain and drink 200 ml in the morning.
  4. Bean broth. For its preparation, it is necessary to rinse the husks from 15 pods of a leguminous plant and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Keep the product on low heat for 10 minutes, after which it should be infused for another 20 minutes under a closed lid. Drink the decoction in equal portions throughout the day.
  5. Decoction of corn stigmas. To prepare this tool, you need 2 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water and put in a water bath for 20 minutes. After filtering and cooling, the broth should be brought with boiled water to a total volume of 200 ml. It is recommended to take a healing agent 15 ml 3 times a day after meals.

Other treatments for ascites

Helps reduce the severity of edema in ascites bath with birch buds. First you need to prepare a concentrated solution. For this, 4 tsp. birch buds should be poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 8 hours. Dilute the strained product with ordinary hot water and take a general bath for 15 minutes. This procedure stimulates sweating, helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Apricots help to make up for the lack of potassium, which is washed out during ascites. Since the consumption of raw fruits is undesirable in this disease, a decoction must be prepared for therapeutic purposes. For 2 liters of water, you need to take 400 g of apricots, bring them to a boil and cook over low heat for 40 minutes. After cooling, the resulting drink should be consumed in small portions. You can drink up to 400 ml of apricot medicine per day.

It is useful for ascites to take tea from viburnum with honey. To do this, take 1 tsp in a glass of hot water. canned viburnum with sugar and mix well. After cooling, you can add a little honey to the product to improve the taste.

Onion juice gives a good effect, which you need to drink on an empty stomach in the morning. To do this, in the evening, the onion needs to be cut and sprinkled with sugar, during the night it will release the juice. You need to take it for 2 tbsp. l. every morning before breakfast. Cucumber juice has a diuretic effect. It can be squeezed from fresh vegetables and drunk 100 ml per day in small portions.


Compliance with a diet for ascites is necessary for successful treatment, since without it, not a single healing agent will have the desired effect. From the patient's diet, it is necessary to completely exclude all semi-finished products, excessively fatty and spicy foods, bakery products and all dishes that increase gas formation. Of the first courses, it is better to give preference to mashed soups cooked in vegetable or chicken broth. Be sure to remove the skin from the chicken before cooking. It is best to cook chicken broth from fillet or breast on the bone.

Fresh vegetables are undesirable. They need to be subjected to heat treatment (boil, steam). Fruits can be eaten only in dried form, cook compotes and jelly from them. Juices must be diluted 1:1 with water before drinking. The amount of liquid, including soups, in the diet should be limited to 2 liters per day (less, but not more). Highly important point in a diet with ascites - this is the rejection of salt. It retains water in the body and leads to swelling, so it must be completely excluded from the diet for the duration of treatment. Salt can be replaced with natural mild seasonings (parsley, dill, dried herbs).

With ascites, you can eat fresh herbs, low-fat cottage cheese, cereals, boiled dietary meat and fish. For the duration of treatment, alcoholic beverages, strong coffee, tea, sauces and marinades should be completely excluded from the diet.

  • Cover 61
  • Respiratory 53
  • Digestive 48
  • Blood 45
  • Reproductive 37
  • Nervous 34
  • Musculoskeletal 25
  • excretory 21

The best preventive measure rotavirus infection- observance of the sanitary and hygienic regime. It is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of hands before eating, wash vegetables and fruits under running water, it will also be useful to additionally rinse with boiled water from the kettle.

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Source: treat ascites at home?

Ascites is an accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Between the organs of the peritoneum and the loops of the intestine is a serous fluid, which ensures the free movement of organs. With the development of various pathologies, it can accumulate, which leads to the appearance of the disease.

Treatment of ascites at home is considered a very topical issue.

The reasons

The causes of the appearance of pathology are very diverse and are always associated with abnormal processes in the body. So what diseases cause ascites? The following disorders can lead to the development of the disease:

  1. Diseases of the liver. Quite often, pathology develops with cirrhosis of the liver, malignant organ damage and the development of the Budd-Chiari syndrome. The development of cirrhosis can lead to hepatitis, the use of medications or alcohol. In any case, the disease provokes the death of hepatocytes. As a result, healthy liver cells are replaced by scar tissue, and the size of the organ increases. As a result, he pinches the portal vein, which leads to the development of ascites.
  2. Heart diseases. Pathology can develop with heart failure or constrictive pericarditis. Ascites is due to the fact that the enlarged heart muscle cannot pump the required amount of blood. It accumulates in the vessels, and the inferior vena cava system is no exception. Under influence high blood pressure fluid exits the vessels and forms ascites.
  3. Pathology of the kidneys. Leads to the development of the disease chronic insufficiency organ, which may be the result of a variety of anomalies - pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis. All these pathologies provoke an increase in blood pressure, sodium with fluid is retained in the body, which causes ascites.
  4. Damage to the lymphatic vessels. This may be the result of traumatic injury, the presence in the body of a tumor formation that gives metastases. Also, this condition occurs due to infection with filariae - worms that lay eggs in the lymphatic vessels.
  5. Peritoneal lesions. These include tuberculous, fungal or diffuse peritonitis. Also, the cause can be a malignant lesion of the large intestine, breast, stomach, endometrium, ovaries. Often the cause is peritoneal carcinosis, mesothelioma and pseudomyxoma of the peritoneum.
  6. Polyserositis. With the development of this disease, in addition to ascites, other symptoms appear - in particular, pericarditis, pleurisy.
  7. Systemic diseases. Anomalies such as lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  8. Protein deficiency. This anomaly is one of the factors that creates the prerequisites for the development of the disease.
  9. Pathologies of the digestive system. These include Crohn's disease, pancreatitis, chronic diarrhea. Also, the cause of the problem can be any processes that occur in the peritoneum and disrupt the outflow of lymph.
  10. Myxedema. This anomaly is accompanied by swelling of soft tissues and mucous membranes. Its development is associated with a violation of the production of hormones. thyroid gland thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
  11. Eating disorders. Strict diets and starvation are especially dangerous in this regard. This leads to the depletion of protein reserves, which provokes a serious decrease in oncotic pressure.

In some cases, pathology is diagnosed in newborns. It may be due to hemolytic disease of the fetus, which is associated with an immunological conflict.

Ascites - fluid in the abdomen


Before dealing with pathology, it should be analyzed clinical picture. Symptoms may come on gradually or appear suddenly over several days or hours.

The main manifestation of ascites is a significant increase in the size of the abdomen and a noticeable weight gain. At the same time, many people complain of the appearance of arching pains, nausea, heartburn, flatulence, and belching.

As the abdomen enlarges, the navel protrudes and the skin tightens. In the vertical position, the abdomen hangs down, while in the horizontal position it spreads out on the sides and protrudes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs.

With a significant increase in volume, pronounced shortness of breath, swelling of the limbs, impaired motor activity are observed. It can be difficult for a person to bend over.

Often patients complain of hernia and hemorrhoids. Many patients experience rectal prolapse and develop varicocele.

Depending on the cause of the disease, general symptoms may also occur:

  • fever;
  • expansion of veins in the abdomen;
  • toxicosis;
  • general weight loss against the background of an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • bluish tint of limbs.

In total, quite a lot of fluid can accumulate in the abdominal cavity. This indicator is 5-20 liters.

Medical treatment

How to treat ascites? This question worries many people. The main drugs that are used to remove excess fluid from the body are diuretics.

The use of such funds helps to ensure the transition of excess fluid from the peritoneum into the bloodstream. This allows you to significantly reduce the manifestations of pathology.

At the initial stage of therapy, the patient is prescribed a small amount of diuretics. This helps to minimize the risk of adverse reactions.

The key principle of diuretic therapy lies in the slow increase in diuresis. This will help prevent significant loss of potassium and other essential metabolites. In most cases, drugs such as Verospiron, Aldactone, Amiloride are used.

In addition to diuretics, your doctor may prescribe potassium supplements. Also, the treatment regimen must include hepatoprotectors.

During the treatment period, specialists carry out daily monitoring of the patient's diuresis. If the use of drugs does not give the desired effect, they are changed to stronger drugs. It can be Dichlothiazide or Triampur.

Also, during the period of therapy, medications are necessarily prescribed that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. These include vitamins C and P, Diosmin.

It is useful to take drugs that prevent the removal of fluid from the vascular bed. These include Reopoliglyukin.

To normalize the metabolism of liver cells, protein preparations are administered. Usually, concentrated plasma or Albumin solution with a concentration of 20% is used for this. If the disease is of bacterial origin, antibiotics are indicated.

Many people wonder if ascites can be cured. Medications help to get rid of excess fluid. To fully cope with the disease, you need to eliminate the provoking factor.

Folk remedies

Answering the question of how to get rid of pathology, one cannot fail to mention effective folk methods. Of course, they will not help to completely cure the disease, but they will significantly improve the human condition.

Treatment of ascites with folk remedies is carried out using the following products:

  1. Infusion of cherry stalks. To do this, take a large spoonful of dried raw materials, add 500 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for several hours. Strained means to use 200 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break for a week.
  2. Flax seeds. To prepare a healing agent, you need to take 4 small spoons of seeds, add 1 liter of water. Boil and put on a small fire for a quarter of an hour. Infuse for several hours and consume half a glass up to 7 times a day. This recipe is highly effective. Results will be available within 2 weeks. This composition helps with the appearance of internal edema. The course of therapy is 1 month. Then the treatment should be repeated after 10 days.
  3. Collection of herbs. To ensure a normal water-salt balance and kidney function, you should mix the leaves of currant, wild rose, lingonberry and raspberry in equal parts. Pour half a glass of raw materials with 500 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. Consume after meals instead of tea. This remedy has an excellent diuretic effect.
  4. Decoction of parsley seeds. To make it, 1 large spoonful of seeds or the entire crushed plant should be mixed with 2 cups of boiling water, wrapped and left for 10 hours. Consume 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The decoction should be taken with caution. At first, it should be drunk 2 days in a row, then interrupted for 3 days.
  5. A decoction of birch leaves and buds. This tool will give good results if the cause of the pathology is a violation of the heart. Also in this situation it is useful to take an infusion of bedstraw and consume a large amount of parsley. In addition, it is useful to include pumpkin and juice of this vegetable in the menu.
  6. A decoction of oatmeal. After the oats start to ripen, you need to collect fresh straw. Take 40 g of raw materials and add 1 liter of water. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. A decoction is useful to take with pathologies of various origins.
  7. Diuretics. If puffiness is caused by disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, it is useful to use an infusion of stigmas of corn, horsetail, and bean pods. Diuretic fees and teas are no less effective. To prepare them, it is worth taking bearberry leaves and hernia grass in equal parts, dry thoroughly and grind. Place the resulting product in a glass container and take it like tea. Mix half a glass of raw materials with 2 glasses of water and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Consume 30 minutes before meals.

Nutrition Features

Diet in ascites plays a key role, especially on early stages illness. To achieve good results, you must strictly observe all the prohibitions.

So, the following should not be eaten:

  • fresh pastries from puff pastry or pastry;
  • offal;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • stew;
  • fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods;
  • strong meat, mushroom and fish broths;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • some vegetables - cabbage, radish, garlic, onion, sorrel, radish, mushrooms.

At the same time, nutrition must be complete. The menu should contain a variety of products.

It is helpful to use the following:

  • eggs in the form of a protein omelet;
  • cereals - the exception is millet and legumes;
  • mashed soups based on chicken, turkey and rabbit;
  • minced meat dishes;
  • fish in steam or boiled form;
  • stale bread;
  • warm drinks;
  • jelly;
  • marshmallow.

Course and forecast

Many people are interested in whether this ailment itself can pass.

Unfortunately, ascites does not disappear without adequate therapy, but is constantly progressing. This anomaly significantly worsens the prognosis of the underlying disease and is an unfavorable sign in terms of prognosis.

Ascites may be complicated by bleeding, peritonitis, spleen or liver failure.

There is also a threat of brain damage due to swelling. The average number of deaths within 2 years with severe ascites is 50%.


To prevent the development of the disease, you need to engage in its prevention:

  1. Correctly and timely treat pathologies that can provoke ascites. These include hepatitis, cirrhosis, and portal hypertension.
  2. Follow a diet. Experts advise limiting the use of useless liquids that do not quench your thirst - coffee, carbonated drinks.
  3. Avoid excessive physical and psychological stress.

Now you know how to remove this pathology. To do this, first of all, you need to deal with the treatment of the underlying ailment, which led to the appearance of ascites.

To do this, it is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis and strictly adhere to all medical recommendations.

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Ascites (abdominal dropsy) is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The amount of transudate in this condition can be up to 20-25 liters.

Ascites is treated by eliminating the cause of the development of the disease, as well as reducing the amount of accumulated fluid with the help of a diet, in severe cases, they resort to a puncture of the peritoneum and outflow of transudate into the external environment. In addition, the problem of treating abdominal ascites with folk remedies is relevant.

What is the purpose of traditional medicine for ascites?

It is not very reasonable to use exclusively folk methods of treatment to combat dropsy of the abdomen, since the pathological condition is fraught with a number of serious complications (for example, the appearance of bacterial peritonitis).

It is important to combine medication and surgical methods using medicinal herbs and products that have therapeutic effect. First of all, recipes are used, the components of which have a diuretic effect. The removal of excess fluid is the basis of symptomatic therapy.

However, one should not only remove fluid from the abdomen, but also eliminate the main cause of the pathological condition. Folk healers also advise taking infusions and decoctions based on medicinal plants, which will strengthen the patient's body's defenses and help activate metabolic processes.

Foods used in the treatment of dropsy

One of the well-known products that should be in the individual menu of a sick person is pumpkin. It enhances the excretion of salts from the body, which reduces the risk of retention of pathological fluid in the abdominal cavity and the appearance of swelling. Pumpkin reduces the load on the heart muscle, cleanses the patient's body of toxins and toxic substances.

The next important product is apricot. This is a source of potassium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of internal organs, subject to the use of diuretics and infusions based on medicinal plants.

Parsley is a representative of the beds, which has powerful antioxidant properties. Eating greens in food can enhance the effectiveness of other vegetables and fruits used in the treatment of ascitic pathology.

Enlargement of the abdomen, dull pain and excessive gas formation are the main symptoms of ascites.

Treatment of ascites with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies has always remained an urgent problem. After all, many people cannot withstand a strict diet or decide on a puncture of the abdominal cavity.

Recipe number 1. A decoction of bean pods

Peel the beans (about 20-25 g) and pour the resulting pods with 1 liter of clean water. Put everything on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for another 10 minutes on low heat and let stand and cool for 40 minutes.

Take the decoction orally 3 times a day, but no later than 8 pm. Due to the excellent diuretic effect, excess fluid will leave the body. In addition, you need to limit yourself in the amount of water consumed.

Recipe number 2. A decoction of parsley leaves or seeds

Pour parsley leaves or seeds (about 300 g) with 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for about 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the broth from heat, cool and strain through cheesecloth. It is necessary to take the drug for 3 days every day from the very morning with an interval of 60 minutes. The total amount of liquid drunk should not exceed half a liter in 24 hours.

Recipe number 3. Horsetail and birch leaves

Components for cooking medicinal product mixed in equal proportions, and pour 0.5 liters of boiled water. Bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes, cool and strain the broth. Take orally 200 ml every morning for 7-10 days.

Recipe number 4. Apricot fruit compote

Fresh or dried apricots (1 cup) are poured with 1 liter of water and compote is boiled for 40 minutes without adding sugar.

The resulting broth is separated from the fruit and filtered. Drink 1 glass of the drug every morning, with a positive effect, the dosage can be increased to 0.4 liters per day. The duration of treatment is several weeks.

Recipe number 5. A decoction of bearberry and hernia

In equal proportions, mix 2 plants and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Everything is cooked on low heat for 30-40 minutes, then cooled and carefully filtered. The resulting decoction is taken orally 300 ml daily for 2-3 weeks in the morning before meals.

Recipe number 6. Linden tea and coltsfoot

Linden flowers and coltsfoot flowers are mixed in equal proportions and immersed in 500 ml of pure water, brought to a boil and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The finished broth is removed from the heat, insisted for another 15 minutes, cooled and taken orally 4 times a day, 100 ml in a warm form. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days.

Linden tea with the addition of coltsfoot is an excellent option for the treatment of ascites

Recipe number 7. birch wraps

In a ready-made decoction of birch leaves (at the rate of 100 g per bucket of water), a clean cotton cloth is immersed, the patient is completely wrapped around, starting from the armpits and ending with the knees. As soon as possible, wind a second dry sheet on top and a third layer of a woolen scarf or blanket.

It is necessary to take a lying position, and cover with another blanket on top. The duration of the procedure is at least 1.5 hours. After the end of the procedure, everything is removed, but drafts or contact with cold air should not be allowed.

Recipe number 8. Oat straw infusion

One handful of fresh straw is taken per 1 liter of water. Infused for 2-3 days in a dark and cool place. It is recommended to take the drug 150 ml 3-4 times a day. The infusion is effective for any accumulation of fluid in organs and tissues.

Recipe number 9. herbal collection: nettle, plantain, St. John's wort, rose hips and bearberry

One tablespoon of herbs is poured with cold boiled water and infused for 6-8 hours. After that, put the infusion on the fire and boil for 15-20 minutes over low heat. The broth is filtered, cooled and taken orally 50 ml 4 times a day.

Recipe number 10. Infusion of cherry stalks

One tablespoon of dried cherry stalks is poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water, covered and infused for 3-4 hours. The resulting liquid is filtered and taken orally in a glass 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment should be at least 2 weeks. Then take a break for 7 days and repeat the course.

Remember! Before using any folk remedy, you should consult a specialist.

In addition, if during treatment with ascites an allergic reaction of the body or a deterioration in the condition was detected, the therapy should be stopped immediately!

Diet for ascites is an integral treatment option. It greatly facilitates the life of the patient. Food prohibitions are especially effective in the initial stages of the disease, as they largely determine the further development secondary state. The diet is prescribed in combination with drug treatment to reduce the manifestation of ascites.

Medical treatment of ascites

The internal organs and the abdominal cavity of a person are shrouded in a thin tissue - the peritoneum. Her blood and lymphatic vessels secrete a small amount of fluid necessary for the free movement of the intestinal loops and to prevent the internal organs from sticking together. This fluid is absorbed by the peritoneum itself, so the body controls this process. In case of failures in the body, the process of absorption of the secreted fluid is disrupted, or a large amount of it is released. This pathology is called ascites of the abdominal cavity or dropsy of the abdomen.

Ascites is not independent disease It's just a symptom of a serious disorder in the body. It always develops as a complication of other diseases.

Conservative therapy of ascites is based on the suppression of the underlying disease and depends on the cause of the primary pathology. For all types of dropsy, diuretics are prescribed to normalize water-salt metabolism and reduce the formation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

The initial course of treatment includes such drugs as: Veroshpiron, Aldactone, Spironolactone. In case of ineffectiveness of therapy with these drugs, a more potent drug Furosemide or Torasemide is added.

Drugs such as Captopril, Enalapril may be prescribed. They increase the excretion of sodium from the body and at the same time retain potassium.

The attending physician prescribes doses of drugs individually, depending on the underlying disease and the patient's well-being. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the use of high dosages can lead to side effects.

Uncontrolled and excessive use of diuretics can put the body at risk of dehydration.

In the treatment of abdominal ascites, multivitamin complexes are prescribed that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. It is recommended to administer them in the form of injection solutions, given the violation of the absorption of vitamins from the intestine.

Complicated ascites require the use of surgical methods of treatment. A widely used surgical procedure for ascites is laparocentesis - puncture (tissue puncture) removal of fluid from the abdominal cavity. In complicated ascites, a permanent catheter is installed for prolonged fluid withdrawal.

Treatment of ascites with folk remedies

Many people believe that you should not neglect the proven methods of treatment of traditional medicine, which has thousands of years of practical experience and is still relevant.

Treatment of ascites with folk remedies is dynamically used in complex therapy with drug treatment aimed at eliminating the main cause that provoked the development of this disease. Natural diuretics help to remove excess fluid from the abdominal cavity and thereby facilitate the work of internal organs.

Before treating ascites with traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor, as the consequences given treatment may be significant.

Parsley with milk

To remove the unpleasant symptoms of dropsy of the abdomen, you can use parsley with milk. When taking this remedy, the fluid from the abdominal cavity leaves already on the 2nd day. For a decoction, you will need 0.5 liters of milk and a large bunch of parsley. Boil the milk, add the chopped parsley to the milk. Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for at least 2 hours, then cool and strain. Drink the prepared drug every hour for 2 tbsp. l. Store the diuretic in a cool place.

Lemon and horseradish

An effective treatment for ascites is an infusion of lemon and horseradish. For infusion, you need to take 100 g of squeezed lemon and chopped horseradish, mix and let it brew for 1 night. Take 1 tsp. daily for 2 weeks. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Coltsfoot and sweet clover

With the accumulation of unnecessary fluid, a decoction of coltsfoot and sweet clover will help to cope. The coltsfoot grass and sweet clover flowers should be taken in equal proportions, crushed and mixed. For 1 tsp. you will need a glass of boiling water, stand for half an hour and use 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Red root

Treatment of dropsy with folk remedies, such as red root (tea kopek), is widely used in Tibetan folk medicine.

To prepare the infusion, you need 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped root, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and let it brew for 10 days. Take an infusion of 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is not more than 30 days.

A popular remedy for eliminating abdominal ascites is an infusion of dried apricots. In addition to the main diuretic effect, it replenishes a significant part of the need for potassium in the body. It is necessary to pour 200 g of well-washed dried fruits with boiling water (0.5 l) and tightly close the container, and it is better to use a thermos to prepare the infusion. It must be insisted for at least 6 hours. You need to take the remedy 2 times a day, 150 ml.

diuretic tea

For the preparation of diuretic tea, you can use a collection of dried raspberries, lingonberries, currants and rose hips. You need to take 4 tbsp. l. mixture, pour 250 g of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Allow the broth to cool, strain and take 2 times a day instead of tea.

Nettle can become the basis for diuretic tea. The remedy helps if it is used at an early stage of ascites. Finely chop dried nettle roots, take 1 tsp. 1 cup boiling water, insist and drink 2 cups a day.

An effective remedy for dropsy is a decoction of the root of angelica forest. For its preparation, dried and crushed root is used. To obtain a medicine, it is necessary to use dried and crushed raw materials. To prepare the daily norm of decoction 1 tbsp. l. root pour a glass of water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. The resulting broth is divided into 3 doses.

Diet for ascites

Diet, that is, a specially designed nutrition system, is one of the main components of the treatment of many diseases.

The diet for ascites should be aimed at preventing fluid retention in the body. To do this, you need to minimize salt intake and reduce fluid intake. When following a diet, the patient should eat boiled or steamed food.

With this disease, a ban is imposed on sour, spicy and fatty foods.

From the diet it is necessary to remove meat delicacies that contain the so-called hidden fats (pork skin, lard, visceral fat) and smoked products. Pork and other fatty meats should be replaced with rabbit, turkey and chicken meat. It is not recommended to consume dairy products with high fat content.

Fresh bakery products are unacceptable for this disease. Some vegetables should be avoided:

  • turnips;
  • sorrel;
  • radish;
  • Luke;
  • garlic;
  • radish.

It is necessary to forget about coffee, cocoa and carbonated drinks. You can drink lightly brewed green tea, which is not only a treasure trove of many vitamins, but also has a pronounced diuretic effect. Fruits must be included in the diet in dried form or prepared from them compote. From sweets, you can afford only marshmallows or jam.

In the patient's diet, foods containing a large amount of potassium must be present, such as:

  • spinach;
  • grapefruits;
  • eggplant;
  • dried apricots;
  • baked potato;
  • asparagus;
  • raisin;
  • carrot;
  • green pea.

Allowed cereals that do not contain millet and legumes. It is recommended to use nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts), after mixing them with honey.

The diet must be strictly observed, and the patient must be aware of the seriousness of proper nutrition.

In the treatment of abdominal dropsy, therapeutic starvation is effective. It should be carried out systematically and from the very beginning of the disease. Fasting should be carried out 1 time in 2 months for a week, drinking only 2 cups of tea without sugar per day. It is recommended to do enemas every evening during fasting. After this procedure, the transition to regular food should be gradual.

Ascites of the abdominal cavity is a pathological process that is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, the volume of which can reach 25 liters. The pathology may be caused by various diseases liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs. The accumulated fluid may have impurities of pus, the so-called exudate, which indicates the development of inflammation in the body. With ascites of the abdominal cavity, treatment with folk remedies, along with taking medications, gives positive result. But home therapy is possible only in cases where the disease is not caused inflammatory processes, otherwise the patient's condition may worsen in the absence of necessary treatment in the clinic.

How pathology manifests itself

The clinical picture with ascites shows a high level of protein and leukocytes contained in the biomaterial taken from the abdomen by puncture. This phenomenon can serve as the beginning of the development of peritonitis - inflammation of all organs of the abdominal cavity.

The physical manifestations of ascites include:

  • a sharp and unreasonable increase in the abdomen;
  • protrusion of the navel, which is due to fluid pressure on the walls of the peritoneum;
  • with a large amount of accumulated biomaterial, a hernia may occur;
  • covering the skin of the abdomen with a venous mesh.

Patient complaints are often added:

  • dyspnea;
  • discomfort in the abdominal cavity;
  • labored breathing.

The lungs are squeezed due to the large volume of fluid, while not allowing normal breathing. A person can also feel pressure on the diaphragm of varying intensity.

Factors causing the development of abdominal ascites

Ascites is not a primary disease, but a consequence of other pathologies present in the patient's body. The reasons for its occurrence include:

  • high blood pressure in the portal vein;
  • metastases affecting the abdominal organs oncological processes(carcinomatosis);
  • replacement of parenchymal liver tissue with fibrous tissue, which is called cirrhosis;
  • inflammatory processes in the liver due to alcohol exposure and its insufficiency;
  • abdominal tuberculosis;
  • kidney diseases that have developed as a result of long fasting;
  • heart failure;
  • acute form of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas.

It is necessary to treat abdominal ascites taking into account the underlying disease. But in order to establish the exact cause of the pathology, it is necessary to undergo an examination that will show what exactly caused the accumulation of fluid. The patient also needs to pay attention to accompanying symptoms that will help narrow down the range of possible diagnoses.


The examination begins with a face-to-face examination of the patient by a doctor. The doctor collects a detailed history, which in the future will help to make the correct diagnosis. The patient is sent for an examination, which includes:

  • x-ray of the peritoneum;
  • laparocentesis - sampling of biomaterial from the abdomen for research.

The latter procedure not only helps to find out the cause of the pathology, but also improves the patient's condition, since the amount of fluid in the peritoneum decreases and the person can breathe and move normally again for some time.

Treatment in a medical setting

As mentioned earlier, before treating ascites, it is necessary to identify the cause that caused it and make every effort to eliminate it. But if the fluid accumulated in the abdomen threatens the health and life of the patient (when its volume exceeds 15 liters), then the attending physician prescribes its emergency removal. The patient is prescribed laparocentesis - a puncture of the abdominal cavity, due to which excess biological fluid is removed from the abdomen.

Surgical intervention can provoke bleeding, perforation of the intestine (getting its contents into the abdominal cavity), adhesions, infection of the body.

folk therapy

Prior to the diagnosis, during the examination by specialists, the patient can treat ascites with folk remedies. Their action is aimed at removing excess fluid from the abdomen and preventing its accumulation.

bean pods

Bean pods have a good diuretic effect. Excess fluid is excreted from the body, significantly facilitating the patient's condition.

To prepare the medicine at home, you need to peel 15 pods from the seed, place the remaining husk in a small saucepan, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. You need to drink a cooled medicine, so it can be prepared in the evening. Take 100 ml three times a day:

  • in the morning after waking up;
  • before breakfast;
  • After dinner.

After three days, the result will be noticeable: the patient will breathe easier, shortness of breath will disappear and the stomach will decrease in volume.


To prepare the medicine you need:

  1. Rinse thoroughly with 300 g of parsley.
  2. Pour greens with a liter of hot water.
  3. Put on fire for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Strain.

It is necessary to take the medicine for three days. You need to drink a decoction from the moment you wake up until late in the evening, the interval between doses is 1.5 hours.


To prepare a medicinal decoction, you can use fresh or dried apricots. A glass of pitted fruits is boiled in a liter of water for 40–60 minutes, filtered and drunk daily, 200 ml each. The amount of compote consumed per day can be doubled if the patient's condition improves markedly.

Diuretic and diaphoretic teas

To get rid of excess fluid in the body is possible only through its intensive removal. For this, tea is perfect, which has an effective diuretic effect:

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of hernia and bearberry, pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the broth becomes dark and strong. Strain the remedy and cool. Take a glass on an empty stomach. The effect will be noticeable already on the second day.
  2. Dilute a teaspoon of viburnum rubbed with sugar in 250 ml of warm water. Take a glass up to four times a day. Honey can be added to the product to improve its taste.
  3. Not only diuretic tea will help to remove excess fluid. You can also use products that increase perspiration. Similarly to the first recipe, a mixture of coltsfoot and linden is brewed, drunk warm, 250 ml four times a day.

Patients should limit their daily fluid intake, so in addition to diaphoretic tea, you can drink no more than 0.5 liters of water so that the result is as effective as possible.


After waking up, you need to drink 2 tablespoons of onion juice. On the eve of the evening, the average onion is cut into cubes and plentifully covered with sugar. In the morning, drain the juice and store it in the refrigerator.


As you know, cucumber has an effective diuretic effect. Freshly squeezed cucumber juice drink 2 tablespoons six times a day. It is better not to prepare a lot of juice in advance, but to prepare fresh each time.

Corn silk

To remove the liquid, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of corn stigmas:

  1. 2 tablespoons of dry ingredients pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Simmer the medicine in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. The prepared product is filtered and cooled.
  4. Dilute the decoction with a glass of water.

Drink the remedy should be a tablespoon after meals three times a day.

Birch infusion bath

You can treat ascites with folk remedies in combination with water procedures. A good effect is given by a bath with an infusion of birch leaves and buds.. It increases perspiration by removing excess fluid. Four tablespoons of the collection pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. You should get an infusion of high concentration, which can be understood by the characteristic smell. The resulting product is added to a warm bath and water procedures are taken for 20 minutes.


An important role in the treatment is played by the diet, as well as the quality of the consumed products. With ascites, it is important to exclude from the diet:

  • puff pastry and pastries;
  • fast food, stew, canned food, smoked sausages, offal;
  • meals high in fat;
  • salt and hot spices;
  • rich fatty foods;
  • roast;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • vegetables that irritate the stomach: cabbage, onions, turnips, radishes and others.

The patient needs to adhere to a sparing diet, which will help to avoid the complications of pathological accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum. The menu must include products and dishes:

  • protein omelettes (you can eat proteins from a maximum of three eggs per week);
  • cereals, except millet;
  • stewed or boiled diet poultry (turkey, chicken);
  • soup-puree from rabbit meat;
  • fish, steamed or boiled;
  • two-day bread, crackers;
  • marshmallow, jelly;
  • weak tea.

Diet and traditional medicine recipes will help prevent an increase in accumulated fluid both during diagnosis and throughout the entire period of treatment of the underlying disease.

Speaking about the treatment of oncology with herbs, one cannot fail to mention this plant. By the way, his second name is a wrestler. To fight malignant tumors, you will need a tall fighter. The height of this plant can reach one and a half meters, it has very wide leaves, but the root, which is needed to prepare the medicine, is very small.

Aconite root must be dug up, crushed and poured with vodka. This infusion should be stored in a dark, cool place for at least two weeks. After that, it is recommended to take one drop of infusion daily, increasing the dose by one drop. As soon as you reach 45 drops, you should repeat the course from the very beginning.

There is another recipe for aconite tincture: the root of the plant must be crushed, poured with water and boiled for two hours. After that, you need to add a small amount of alcohol to the container and remove the mixture in the refrigerator.

Take this tincture should be half an hour before meals about 3-4 times a day. Please note: the first doses may cause the patient to experience slight dizziness and nausea, but this is not at all dangerous.


Another rather poisonous, but incredibly effective herb in oncology is called hemlock. In medical practice, there have been cases when it was this plant that helped to heal the most neglected diseases.

However, do not forget that, like any medicinal plant, hemlock has a number of contraindications. In addition, he does not have an antidote, because treatment with hemlock is always a certain risk.

Note that the medicine can be prepared exclusively from fresh hemlock flowers. Collect only the tops of the plant. They must be placed in glassware with a capacity of three liters and pour alcohol.

For 1/3 of the shoots you will need two glasses. It is necessary to insist on the composition for a couple of days, after which you should add vodka to the edges of the jar and insist for another two weeks, of course, it is best to do this in a dark place.

This herb is ideal for breast cancer. You can start taking 20 drops of the product, adding one drop daily. When the course reaches four dozen drops, you need to start reducing the dose. After the course can be repeated, of course, with the consent of the attending physician.

When treating oncology with a herb called hemlock, carefully monitor your well-being, pay attention to any (even minor!) Changes. Among the signs of hemlock poisoning, the appearance of frequent severe headaches, impaired coordination, confusion, and pallor of the skin should be noted. Convulsions and loss of strength are often noted.

mountain omega

If you decide to treat oncology with herbs, pay attention to mountain omeg, also called Jungar ferula. It is almost impossible to get this plant alive, it is for this reason that many do not even know what it looks like.

You can find it in dried form in almost any pharmacy. This plant is poured with vodka or alcohol, infused for three weeks. Such medicinal mixture can be used to treat both benign and malignant tumors. It slows down their development or completely destroys them.

Summing up, let's say that all the traditional medicine presented above can significantly increase the chances of recovery, improve the patient's condition. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, all precautions and be regularly observed by an oncologist!

chaga mushroom

Speaking about which herbs in oncology can increase immunity and improve health, it is worth mentioning separately the plant known as chaga mushroom. There are a number of rules for collecting this plant: traditional healers are convinced that it is necessary to collect it in the spring, you should not collect chaga from dead dry trees, the best option is a living tree, whose age is from 20 to 50 years.

This mushroom is prepared in the following way: it is crushed, put in a three-liter jar and poured with water. After the mushroom is infused, the liquid must be filtered and used as a drink instead of water or tea. In the event that metastasis has already begun, traditional medicine recommends enemas with chaga.


Another natural remedy that can suppress the activity of cancer cells is the common blackberry. Its beneficial properties allow the body to support the work of all vital systems. Blackberries contain anthocyanins and ellagic acid, which slow down the growth of malignant tumors and help the body fight cancer.

Traditional healers note that blackberries are best for intestinal oncology. It can be consumed both fresh and frozen. Beneficial features berries will be preserved when making jams, marmalade or preserves.

What herbs help with cancer?

To date, cancer drugs are widely used in oncology, which include herbs and plants.

pharmaceutical drug based on periwinkle rosea. The herb of this plant includes a large amount of alkaloids (biologically active substances that have the ability to destroy cancer cells). The plant grows in tropical forests and on the Black Sea coast.

It is mainly used in the complex therapy of acute leukemia and cancerous lesions of the breast. For the manufacture of the drug, the rhizomes of Colchicum splendid, which grows in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, are used.

The action of this cancer medicine is aimed at stopping the mitosis (division) of pathological cells and their destruction. In tablet form, colchamine is used in anticancer therapy of the digestive system.

Padophyllin is also actively used in the treatment benign neoplasms and in particular papillomas, kandiloma.

Oncology is hot topic to date. There are many theories about the occurrence of malignant tumors in the human body.

Theorists put forward versions that reduced nonspecific immunity or an altered process of the self-regulation system leads to the development of cancer.

In the list of ingredients of anti-cancer recipes of traditional medicine, you can often find the most rare and unusual plants. However, in most cases, raw materials for the preparation of decoctions can be bought at a pharmacy.

Plants used in non-traditional cancer therapy

Plant used
raw material
Action At what
Calendula Flowers of meaning Antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory At various types tumors 10 drops of tincture take 4 rubles / day, after diluting with warm water
Sage Grass Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial. Normalizes the digestive tract and reduces the formation of gases. For cancer of the upper respiratory tract and oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 2 tbsp pour 400 ml of hot water to insist in tech. 30 min., taken three times a day
yarrow Grass Hemostatic, applied With uterine and rectal bleeding 2 tsp raw materials pour 400 ml of boiling water, drink 2-3 rubles / day, 80-100 ml each
Valerian, Melissa Root
sedative With overexcitation of the central nervous system, stress, tachycardia, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract 2 tbsp medicinal raw materials pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil or insist in tech. 15 min., taken twice or thrice a day, 100 ml
Fireweed angustifolia Grass Pain reliever, anti-inflammatory For malignant soft tissue tumors 2 tbsp pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist in tech. 2 hours and filter, drink 2 tbsp. three times a day
Sagebrush whole plant Antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and immunomodulatory Myoma, other soft tissue tumors 4 tbsp medicinal raw materials pour 400-500 ml of hot water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, allow to cool for 45 minutes. Strain the thick and take a decoction of 30-40 ml three times a day half an hour before meals
Large celandine Grass Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral and mild analgesic With various types of malignant tumors 2 tsp dried raw materials pour 400-500 ml of boiling water, drink 5 tbsp. twice or thrice a day

The combination of several plants has a stronger effect on the patient than the combination of their effects when used separately. The most effective folk recipes for malignant neoplasms are given below.

Collection No. 1 Ingredients:

  • 7 parts of sage herb;
  • 5 parts nettle leaves;
  • 4 parts of immortelle grass, bearberry, succession and rose hips;
  • 3 parts bitter wormwood;
  • 2 parts each of yarrow herb, thyme, motherwort, cudweed, chamomile flowers, dried flowers (or calendula), linden, birch buds and buckthorn bark.

Preparation: Pour 2.5 tablespoons of the collection into a container with a liter of boiling water. Reduce heat and simmer for 3 hours. The volume of the broth should decrease. After the required time has elapsed, filter the medicinal raw material, cool the drink, pour it into a glass (not plastic!) container and put it in the refrigerator.

Take 40-60 ml 3 times a day for a third of an hour before meals. One course of treatment lasts 2-2.5 months, the interval between courses is 3-4 months. Reception of herbal decoction can be combined with treatment with propolis tincture.

Collection No. 2 Ingredients:

  • 3 hours each of viburnum fruits and celandine herbs;
  • 2 tsp fruits of mordovnik, hop cones, herbs of ivy-shaped budra and prickly tartar and buckthorn bark;
  • 1 tsp each of marshmallow root and high levasil, dried parsley and cinnamon rose hips.

Some diseases of the organs lead to a pathological increase in the abdomen. Ascites of the abdominal cavity (also called dropsy of the abdominal cavity) appears due to a long and chronic disruption of the heart muscle, liver, kidneys or oncology. Due to the fact that free fluid accumulates in the abdomen, the patient experiences discomfort.

Treatment of dropsy of the abdomen is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. If too much exudate has accumulated, it must be removed surgically. In some cases, up to 25 liters of pathological fluid is noted.

Ascites - what is it

A healthy person has some fluid in the abdomen, which is constantly absorbed and distributed through the lymphatic vessels. The definition of ascites refers to the pathological accumulation of inflammatory exudate or transudate in the peritoneum.

According to the accumulated volume of fluid in the abdomen, the following stages of dropsy are distinguished:

transient ascites. No more than 500 ml of fluid accumulates in the peritoneum. This condition cannot be determined independently or by palpation of the abdomen, there are no symptoms. Therefore, the patient at the first stage does not suspect the presence of pathology.

moderate ascites. Up to 4 liters of exudate accumulate in the abdomen. The patient feels discomfort, dropsy is visible and expressed in a hanging belly. It is diagnosed by inspection and palpation of the site of edema.

Tense ascites. The fluid accumulates in a large volume, in the walls of the peritoneum is from 10 liters of exudate. The internal organs are under great pressure, the renal blood flow is disturbed. The abdomen is bursting, the right and left sides increase.

Chylous ascites. A rare complication that indicates the last degree of cirrhosis. A white fluid containing fat collects in the peritoneum.

Various chronic or advanced organ diseases can provoke ascites: tuberculous peritonitis, portal hypertension, heart failure, liver cirrhosis, peritoneal carcinomatosis, and gynecological diseases. Treatment of ascites formed in the abdominal cavity consists in the diagnosis and elimination of the factors that provoked it.

Ascites in heart failure

The accumulation of abnormal fluid in the walls of the abdominal and abdominal cavity sometimes occurs due to heart problems. This factor provokes ascites in 5% of cases. Dropsy of the abdomen is formed due to the inability of the enlarged heart to pump blood in sufficient volume.

The main diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system, which lead to stagnation and accumulation of pathological fluid:

  • heart injury;
  • overload of the heart and stretching of its walls due to a hypertensive crisis,
  • arterial hypertension, heart disease;
  • cardiomyopathy: thinning or thickening of the organ wall.

Also, dropsy symptoms are observed with constrictive pericarditis. Any pathology and disturbance in the work of the heart can lead to heart failure and the development of ascites.

This complication cannot be ignored, as it indicates the ineffectiveness or lack of proper treatment of the causative disease. Necessarily urgent removal of pathological fluid.

Dropsy in cirrhosis of the liver

In 80% of cases, free fluid stagnates in the walls of the abdominal cavity as a result of advanced cirrhosis. With this disease, blood flow is disturbed, the production of plasma proteins, the level of albumin decreases, changes in the vessels of the liver, the serous membrane is covered with scars. Due to these changes, the organ becomes larger and begins to put pressure on the portal vein.

The accumulation of fluid in the abdomen occurs with the following types of cirrhosis:

  1. primary biliary;
  2. secondary;
  3. congenital.

The main symptoms of abdominal dropsy in cirrhosis are an increase in the volume of the abdomen against the background of a sharp loss of total weight, shortness of breath and increased fatigue. An increase in the abdomen indicates the almost complete replacement of healthy liver tissue with non-functional one. The patient must be hospitalized and urgently prescribed effective treatment.

Chylous ascites

The last stage of cirrhosis of the liver provokes the accumulation of lymph in the walls of the peritoneum and swelling of the abdomen. Ascitic fluid has a characteristic color and composition: milky with impurities of fat.

In addition to an increase in volume, the patient has respiratory failure, swelling of the face and legs.

The causes of abdominal ascites in this case are as follows:

  • hydrostatic hypertension;
  • operations on the organs of the peritoneal cavity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • injuries of the liver, stomach, duodenal intestine, intestines and gallbladder.

Chylous ascites is treated with nutritional modification. The diet is rigid. It is aimed at the complete elimination from the diet of products that provoke the accumulation of internal fat.


In case of trauma or pathologically enlarged lymphatic nodes of the pleural region, accumulation of fluid in the lungs may develop. Among the main symptoms of this complication of ascites, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, and palpitations are distinguished.

This phenomenon is diagnosed after studying the composition of the accumulated fluid. As a rule, it is white in color, contains a large number of lymphocytes. The treatment of pulmonary dropsy is similar to the treatment of abdominal ascites: diet food, drug therapy, in the absence of a result - laparocentesis of the pleural cavity.

Causes of swelling of the abdomen

In the presence of serious diseases in a man or woman, a complication occurs in the form of ascites. The stomach swells gradually. It is possible to determine why a large amount of fluid accumulates in the peritoneum only with the help of diagnostics.

The main causes of dropsy in the abdomen:

  • liver pathologies: cirrhosis, liver failure, malignant and benign
  • neoplasms, Budd-Chiari syndrome;
  • kidney disease: inflammation, urolithiasis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: heart failure and other pathologies leading to it;
  • pleural edema;
  • rhesus conflict between a woman and a fetus;
  • oncology: tumors of the stomach on the left side, cancer of the organs of the abdominal cavity;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder;
  • lack of rational nutrition, starvation, prolonged strict diet.

Ascites of the abdominal cavity is diagnosed not only in adulthood in men and women, there is also congenital dropsy. It can form due to hemolytic disease or occult bleeding.

For the treatment of pathology, it is necessary to make a puncture of the fluid. If doctors diagnose chylous ascites when fat levels are elevated in the accumulated exudate, a strict diet is prescribed.

How to recognize pathology

The symptoms of dropsy are pronounced, the volume of the abdomen increases pathologically, and the general state of health worsens. However, an increase in the size of the peritoneum can also speak of pancreatitis, an accumulation stool, pregnancy. If standing there is a sagging of the abdomen down, and lying down it spreads to the left and right - this is dropsy.

In addition to swelling, the following signs of ascites are distinguished:

  1. shortness of breath, cough, in a supine position it is difficult to breathe;
  2. with an increase in the abdomen begins to hurt in the pelvis;
  3. frequent and painless urination, urine volumes are not increased;
  4. violation of the function of defecation;
  5. swelling of the abdomen;
  6. distension of the abdomen;
  7. violation of the heart rhythm;
  8. heartburn, frequent belching;
  9. protrudes the navel, hemorrhoids;
  10. weakness, drowsiness, apathy.

Also, in the case of the last stages of chronic diseases, a swollen stomach hurts, making it difficult to move and breathe normally. Due to circulatory disorders, the face, legs and hands are also swollen. When bending forward, it hurts in the lower abdomen. Symptoms of dropsy aggravate the causative disease.

Diagnosis of ascites

An increase in the abdomen is not the only sign of ascites, therefore, after examination and palpation, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. The presence of fluid in the walls of the peritoneum makes it possible to distinguish a complication from obesity.

To confirm the presence of ascites and determine its cause, doctors use the following research methods: local ultrasound examination of organs; puncture of the abdominal cavity; assessment of the quality and quantity of ascitic fluid; laparocentesis with ascites; laboratory research liquid composition.

If less than 500 µl-1 leukocytes are observed in the transudate, and up to 250 µl-1 neutrophils, dropsy is diagnosed. An increase in the latter indicator indicates the presence of an infectious agent, for example, with tuberculous peritonitis.

How to treat abdominal ascites

Treatment of ascites is to eliminate the causative disease and reduce fluid in the peritoneum. You can get rid of the stomach with the help of therapeutic paracentesis: puncture and pumping up to 4 liters per day. Also, to cure dropsy of the abdomen, the doctor prescribes a special diet and bed rest.

Medical treatment

If the ascites is initial or moderate, the attending physician prescribes drug therapy. The main pharmaceuticals are diuretics that prevent the stagnation of excess fluid. The most popular diuretics for ascites are Aldakton, Amiloride, Veropshiron.

Vitamins are also prescribed (vitamin C and P) and medicinal tablets("Diosmin", "Reopoliglyukin") to strengthen blood vessels. If the patient has chylous ascites, the patient is given an intravenous solution of Albumin. If pathogenic bacteria are found in the fluid, antibiotic therapy is used.

Surgical intervention

If a drug treatment ascites does not bring results and a stable form of complication is observed, the doctor prescribes laparocentesis of the abdominal cavity.

Fluid is pumped out gradually with the introduction of a 0.5% solution of novocaine. Do not remove more than 4 liters of exudate at a time.

Removal of abdominal fluid is carried out on an empty stomach, 5 liters of exudate are removed at a time. After laparocentesis, the pumped out fluid is sent for examination, and the abdominal cavity is again examined using ultrasound.

If dropsy is a consequence of peritonitis, surgery it is prescribed only during the occurrence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, which mechanically affect the intestines and provoke intestinal obstruction. After the operation, the patient is prescribed bed rest and a strict diet.

Folk methods

Treatment of dropsy of the abdomen with the help of alternative medicine is carried out only in combination with drug therapy.

AT folk recipes contains diuretic plants that help get rid of some fluid in the peritoneum:

  • hernia and bearberry;
  • coltsfoot and linden;
  • parsley;
  • flax seeds;
  • birch buds and leaves;
  • corn silk, horsetail, bean pods;
  • ready-made pharmaceutical preparations with a diuretic effect.

From the listed products, teas, decoctions and infusions are prepared that contribute to the natural removal of fluid. Also, for the treatment of ascites at home, an infusion of cherry stalks is used. It is necessary to mix half a liter of boiling water and 25 grams of raw materials and insist in a dark place for several hours. It is recommended to drink this mixture three glasses a day.

Diet food

Diet for ascites is one of the main methods of treatment. The main prohibition is the refusal or consumption of up to 1 gram per day of salt.

Diet food consists of a large number of vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, eggplant, cabbage, pomegranate, lemon, dried fruits. From spices parsley is allowed. All food should be steamed or baked. Porridges and soups are made on lean broth. It is also recommended to drink up to 1 liter of fluid per day.

Ascites in children

Ascites in children at birth occurs due to intrauterine infection or a violation of the mother's health. It is also possible pathological development of internal organs due to genetic failure. If a woman is diagnosed with syphilis, rubella, or toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, there is a high chance of having a baby with dropsy. The enlarged peritoneum presses on internal organs and interfere with their normal functioning.

Treatment of a newborn or older child should take place immediately. The doctor prescribes diuretic drugs, vitamins and hormones. If parents notice swelling of the abdomen in a child, do not treat it yourself, contact a pediatrician.

How many live with ascites

It is impossible to ignore the treatment of abdominal ascites. By itself, dropsy will not resolve, the volume of fluid will increase. A huge belly will begin to put pressure on the internal organs, which will gradually fail.

The prognosis of life expectancy depends on the cause of the complication. People with cirrhosis of the liver require a transplant of the affected organ, otherwise the patient dies. Even with a successful transplant, the maximum life expectancy is 5 years. If kidney failure is diagnosed, there will be no chance of survival.

With oncology and chylous ascites, fluid in the abdomen accumulates quickly. Therefore, the life expectancy of patients with this diagnosis is minimal.

Can ascites be cured? Medical therapy in the early stages of the disease will greatly alleviate the patient's condition. If parocentesis is prescribed for ascites, the fluid eventually returns and a new operation is required. It is impossible to completely cure this pathology.


Prolonged accumulation of fluid in the walls of the peritoneum leads to many consequences and complications that are not compatible with life.

If the patient did not seek medical help in time, the following pathologies are observed:

  • peritonitis;
  • heart diseases;
  • hydrothorax - accumulation of fluid in the lung cavity;
  • accumulation of fluid in the scrotum;
  • the formation of a diaphragmatic or umbilical hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • respiratory failure;
  • reflux esophagitis - inflammation of the esophagus.

In the event of complications, it is urgent to remove the infected fluid in the cavity. The effects of dropsy are also treated: drug therapy and surgical intervention(cleansing the intestines, pumping fluid from the lungs or scrotum, transplantation of the affected organ).


Dropsy of the abdomen is a complication of serious diseases of the internal organs. It does not occur in a healthy person.

To prevent excess fluid in the abdominal cavity from appearing, you should follow the basic rules:

  1. Regular visits to the doctor to monitor the state of health. Content control total bilirubin, leukocytes, protein in the blood.
  2. Timely treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart defects, gastrointestinal tract, organs of the genitourinary system.
  3. If you have pancreatitis, follow a diet. Eliminate fatty foods and alcohol completely.
  4. During pregnancy, do not skip screening.

Significantly reduces the risk of ascites healthy lifestyle life, lack of stress and overvoltage. The expectant mother is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol, as well as to carry infectious diseases on her feet.

Ascites is an accumulation of effusion in the peritoneal cavity, outside of any organ.

It is characterized by an increase in the abdomen, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which disrupts the work of not only the abdominal organs, but also the lungs and heart.

This condition develops due to a fairly large number of pathologies of various internal organs and systems, but in 75% of cases ascites is a complication of liver cirrhosis.

Pathology is detected using physical (doctor's examination) and instrumental (ultrasound, CT) examination methods. The treatment of this condition is very laborious and is often carried out (along with the therapy of the disease that caused the development of ascites) throughout a person's life.

Causes of ascites

The main reasons for the development of ascites in the abdominal cavity can be called the following:

  1. 1) - the cause of ascites in ¾ people.
  2. 2) Malignant neoplasms are the causes of 10% of ascites.
  3. 3) Heart failure causes the development of the disease in 5% of cases.
The rest of the reasons are:

  1. 4) An increase in pressure in the portal vein of the liver, which is not due to cirrhosis, but is a consequence of blocking the blood flow: through the hepatic veins (with their thrombosis); at the subhepatic level (thrombosis of the portal vein, its compression by tumors or adhesions of nearby organs).
  2. 5) Kidney diseases:,.
  3. 6) A significant lack of human nutrition.
  4. 7) Seeding of the peritoneum with tumor cells (carcinomatosis) of cancer of the intestines, stomach, breast, gynecological organs
  5. 8) Tuberculosis of the peritoneum.
  6. 9) Own tumors of the peritoneum - mesothelioma, pseudomyxoma.
  7. 10) Gynecological diseases: cysts, ovarian tumors.
  8. 11) Endocrine disorders, for example, myxedema.
  9. 12) Ascites as a manifestation of inflammation of all serous membranes in rheumatism, uremia, Meigs' syndrome,.
  10. 13) Diseases of the digestive system: sarcoidosis.
  11. 14) Violation of the outflow of lymph through the vessels from the abdominal cavity.
  12. 15) Inflammation of the peritoneum of non-infectious etiology: granulomatous and eosinophilic peritonitis.
Neonates and infants may also develop ascites. This happens due to such reasons:

  1. 1) Congenital edema caused by Rh or group incompatibility. With such diseases, almost 100% mortality of the child is observed immediately after birth.
  2. 2) Congenital edema, which developed as a result of latent blood loss that occurred in the prenatal period.
  3. 3) When congenital anomalies development or functioning of the liver and biliary tract. This ascites may appear in infants.
  4. 4) With congenital nephrotic (accompanied by edema) syndrome.
  5. 5) Exudative enteropathy, when plasma protein is lost through the intestines.
  6. 6) Kwashiorkor is a disease associated with a lack of protein in the diet of a child.

Risk factors

The following individuals are at risk for developing this disease:

  • long-term alcohol abuse;
  • chronic hepatitis, not necessarily of viral etiology;
  • injection drug use;
  • blood transfusion;
  • tattoo;
  • living in a region where cases of chronic viral hepatitis are frequent;
  • obesity;

Why does ascites develop?

The mechanism of fluid accumulation in each case is different. To explain it, let's take a short digression into anatomy and physiology.

The abdominal cavity is lined from the inside with a thin serous membrane - the peritoneum. It wraps some organs completely, others - only from several sides, and does not directly touch the third at all.

This shell releases a certain amount of fluid, somewhat similar in composition to blood plasma, so that the internal organs do not stick together, but can function freely.

This liquid is subjected to repeated absorption and excretion during the day. In the process of its exchange takes part and lymphatic system.

With ascites one of the functions is broken peritoneum:

  • fluid release;
  • its reabsorption;
  • providing a barrier to many substances, including toxins.
At liver cirrhosis There are several complementary mechanisms for the development of ascites:

1) Decreased colloid blood pressure:

  • there are fewer and fewer normal liver cells - they are replaced by scar tissue;
  • less protein is synthesized;
  • less protein-albumin in the blood - lower plasma pressure;
  • fluid begins to leave the vessels into the tissues and body cavities.
2) In addition, with cirrhosis and diseases of the hepatic veins, hydrostatic pressure increases in the vessels that provide blood flow from organs to the liver. The fluid is "squeezed out" from the vessels - ascites is formed.

3) The body tries to "unload" the veins, increasing the lymph flow. As a result, the lymphatic system also ceases to cope with the prohibitive load - lymphatic hypertension develops. Fluid from the lymphatic vessels oozes into the abdominal cavity. For some time, the peritoneum absorbs excess fluid, but then it ceases to cope with it.

4) Loss of fluid into the abdominal cavity reduces its volume in the blood. A hormonal response develops to this situation, resulting in increased arterial pressure and reduced urine output. Water, lingering in the body, is poorly retained in the vessels, leaving the peritoneal cavity. Ascites grows even more.

In diseases of the peritoneum of a tumor or inflammatory nature ascites develops due to the fact that the membrane affected in this way begins to produce more fluid that it cannot absorb. At the same time, lymph flow is also blocked.

In congestive heart failure, ascites develops due to sweating of fluid from the veins of the liver and peritoneum, in which, with this pathology, increased hydrostatic pressure develops.

Symptoms of abdominal ascites: photo

Ascites can occur suddenly (with portal vein thrombosis), or it can develop gradually over several months.

A small volume of free fluid does not yet lead to symptoms: they begin to appear only after 1 liter of transudate present in the abdominal cavity.

Ascites is manifested by such symptoms:

  • distension in the abdomen;
  • stomach ache;
  • weight gain, while the person notices that it is increasing in volume - the stomach;
  • difficulty in tilting the body;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • shortness of breath when walking;
  • , sometimes - swelling of the scrotum.
With an increase in the volume of sweating fluid, an increase in the abdomen is noticeable: when a person is standing, it has a spherical shape with a sagging lower half; if a person lies down, the stomach flattens out (like a “frog”).

The navel gradually begins to protrude outward, white stretch marks appear on the skin. If ascites is caused by increased pressure in the portal vein of the liver, then dilated saphenous veins become visible on the anterior and lateral surfaces of the abdomen. If portal hypertension is caused by blockage of the subhepatic vessels, jaundice, nausea, and vomiting will be noticeable.

With tuberculous ascites, the above symptoms are added (weakness, fatigue, headache, increased heart rate). In addition, the patient's weight loss is noted.

With protein deficiency, ascites is not very pronounced, but there are also edema on the limbs, and effusion in pleural cavity which is accompanied by shortness of breath. With violations of the outflow through the lymphatic vessels, the stomach will increase in size quite quickly.

Diagnosis of ascites of the abdominal cavity

The diagnosis is established on the basis of:

1) Inspection: the dullness of the sound when tapping the abdomen shifts depending on the position of the body; when pushing the lateral surface of the abdomen with the palm of the hand, the second palm, which fixes the second side of the abdomen, feels specific vibrations of the fluid;

2) Ultrasound: ultrasound helps not only to determine the presence of ascites, but also to examine the liver for the presence of cirrhosis, the peritoneum - for tumors, and in the Doppler mapping mode - to assess the blood flow through the portal vein and other vessels (this allows you to determine the cause of ascites). Ultrasound of the heart and chest cavity reveals heart disease, the presence of fluid in the pleural cavities;

3) Radiography of the abdominal and chest cavities allows you to "see" ascites with a volume of more than 0.5 liters. At the same time, tuberculosis can be visualized in the lungs (that is, presumably, ascites will have a tuberculous etiology). The expansion of the boundaries of the heart and the presence of pleurisy suggests that ascites has developed as a result of heart failure;

4) Laparoscopy and laparocentesis: with these invasive studies, an analysis of ascitic fluid is taken for laboratory and microbiological examination; a biopsy of the liver and peritoneum may also be performed to diagnose the cause of the ascites;

5) Hepatoscintigraphy - a radionuclide study that allows you to assess the severity of cirrhotic changes;

6) Computed and magnetic resonance imaging allow you to see fluid effusion in those parts of the abdominal cavity that are difficult to visualize in other studies;

7) Angiography - X-ray examination, when a contrast agent is injected into the vessels. This procedure allows you to determine the cause of ascites of vascular origin;

8) Biochemical indicators are also determined: the level of albumins, globulin fractions, liver tests, the level of urea and creatinine, potassium, sodium;

9) Coagulogram allows you to get an idea about the changes in the blood coagulation system, which will suffer significantly with cirrhosis of the liver;

10) The level of α-fetoprotein in venous blood is a method for diagnosing liver cancer, which could cause ascites.

Treatment of ascites

In the treatment of ascites of the abdominal cavity, the regime is important - bed and semi-bed.

Diet. Restriction (about 1.5 g / day) or complete exclusion of sodium from food. This reduces salt intake. With cirrhosis, fluid intake is also limited (up to 1 l / day) - only on condition that the level of sodium in the blood is reduced.

Dynamic monitoring daily weight of a person: about 500 grams should be lost per day. At the same time, the liquid drunk should be slightly more than that allocated under the condition of normal body temperature and ambient air.

Medical therapy depends on the cause of the ascites. So, for all its types, diuretics with potassium preparations are prescribed. Typically, this combination includes the drug Veroshpiron, which is taken with Lasix or Torasemide. As a potassium donor, Asparkam, Panangin, potassium orotate are used.

With cirrhosis of the liver hepatoprotectors of different directions of action are prescribed.

With a low level of protein, transfusion of protein preparations is used: albumin 5-10% or fresh frozen plasma. The latter drug is used when there are violations of the blood coagulation system.

Surgery is used if the patient's body has not responded to diuretic drugs. Can be applied:

  1. 1) Laparocentesis - removal of ascitic fluid through a puncture of the abdominal wall. Usually, a drainage tube with a clamp is placed in this hole so that the patient can remove excess fluid for several days.
  2. 2) Transjugular intrahepatic shunting - the creation of an artificial communication between the hepatic and portal veins. The operation is performed under X-ray control.
  3. 3) Liver transplantation.

Ascites treatment prognosis

It depends on the cause of the ascites, as well as the effectiveness of the treatment. The following factors are considered unfavorable:

  • age over 60;
  • low blood pressure;
  • decrease in the level of albumin in the blood below 30 g / l;
  • if ascites arose as a complication of liver cancer;
  • with a decrease in glomerular filtration (according to Reberg's test);
  • whether spontaneous bacterial peritonitis or diuretic-refractory ascites developed.
Half of patients with ascites die within 2 years. If ascites ceases to respond to diuretics, 50% die within six months.

Complications of ascites

Several complications of this condition can be listed:

  1. 1) Spontaneous bacterial suppuration of ascitic fluid (peritonitis).
  2. 2) Refractory ascites - a condition in which there is no proper weight loss due to enhanced diuretic therapy. It develops as a result of bacterial peritonitis, severe liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, congenital kidney disease.
  3. 3) Hepatic encephalopathy - a condition in which consciousness is disturbed, and disorders of cognitive functions develop.
  4. 4) Hepatorenal syndrome is a life-threatening violation of renal function.
  5. 5) Spontaneous release of ascitic fluid through the umbilical hernia.

Which doctor should I contact for treatment?

If, after reading the article, you assume that you have symptoms characteristic of this disease, then you should