
Deciphering the general blood test in a child table. Norms of tests in children

Deciphering the general blood test in a child table.  Norms of tests in children

Everyone knows about the need for timely detection of any disease. This makes it possible to identify the problem early dates. Which in turn contributes to the speedy solution of the problem and the prevention of possible serious consequences. This is especially true for newborns. That is why absolutely all babies take a blood test in the maternity hospital.

Newborn baby blood test

First of all, every mother should understand that the composition of the blood of a newly born baby is significantly different from the analyzes of older children, especially adults. A blood test is an important step in assessing the condition of the baby, which makes it possible to detect such diseases in time:

  • phenylkletonuria;
  • hypothyroidism and other equally serious diseases.

The blood of a newborn in relation to body weight is 14%, while in children from 2 months and older this figure is 11%, and in adults only 7. The blood composition of all people is absolutely the same, that is, there are similar components in the blood. But their normal performance differ significantly. The composition of the blood in newborns from babies older than a year and adults differs in the presence of only one element - fetal hemoglobin. Otherwise, all elements of the blood fluid are identical.

The norm in the analyzes of the newborn

For a newborn, the norm is such indicators of some elements that are considered too high for adults. For example, hemoglobin, its level in the blood of new life can vary from 145 to 225 g/l. Erythrocytes in the baby's blood also have fairly high rates - from 4.4 to 7.7x1012l. The level of content of other elements is also increased, so the amount of hematocrit in a newborn is 45 - 65%. Leukocytes in the first days of a person's life range from 11 to 33x109. Platelets can be in the range of 273 - 309, and ESR - 2.5 - 2.8.

Such components are considered in the general blood test, but there is also a detailed analysis, which includes the decoding of the leukocyte formula.

Leukocyte formula of newborns

This is an important diagnostic test. various diseases in children who have just been born. The formula includes several elements:

  • Lymphocytes;
  • Monocytes;
  • Neutrophils;
  • Eosinophils and others.

The analysis got its name from the way it is carried out and the calculation of certain elements that make up the group of leukocytes. The role of these elements in the life of a baby cannot be overestimated. Therefore, in most cases, children are prescribed a detailed analysis. For example, lymphocytes are responsible for the synthesis of certain immunoglobulins, that is, immunity cells that protect the body from various viruses and bacteria.

Normal indicators in newborns in the leukocyte formula:

  1. Neutrophils - 65;
  2. Lymphocytes - 24;
  3. Monocytes - 9;
  4. Eosinophils - 2;
  5. Basophils - 0.

It should be noted that these figures are relevant only for newborns, that is, on the day of birth. A week later, the indicators will be completely different:

  • neutrophils - 31;
  • lymphocytes - 49;
  • monocytes - 11;
  • eosinophils - 3.5;
  • basophils - 0.5.

Biochemical blood test of a newborn

Biochemical analysis is no less important, as it helps to identify metabolic disorders, hidden pathologies or inflammatory processes. It is worth noting that this analysis is mainly prescribed only when a general blood test indicates a disease. That is, according to certain indicators or before surgical intervention. These indications include:

  1. Suspicions of genetic diseases;
  2. To determine the cause of jaundice in a baby;
  3. To confirm or refute a possible infection while in the womb;
  4. To clarify the diagnosis and so on.

Blood sampling for this analysis in a newborn is taken from the heel, they do it with a very thin needle. This analysis considers a large number of various elements, including micro. Basically, biochemistry includes the following indicators:

  • Total protein - 45 - 70 g / l;
  • Albumins - 30 - 45 g / l;
  • Globulins - 25 - 35 g / l;
  • C-reactive protein should not be present in the blood;
  • total bilirubin from 17 to 68 µmol/l;
  • Bound bilirubin - 4.3-12.8;
  • ALT and AST not higher than 40 U / l;
  • Alkaline phosphatase no more than 150 U/l;
  • Glucose in the range of 1.7 to 4.7 mmol / l;
  • Creatinine in babies is 35 to 110 mmol/l;
  • Urea should not go beyond 2.5-4.5 mmol / l;
  • Lipids - 4-5 g / l;
  • Cholesterol in young children is in the range of 1.6-3 mmol / l;
  • Triglycerides are not more and not less than 0.2-0.86;
  • Beta-lipoproteins - 1.5-3.5 g / l;
  • Potassium, one of the vital elements, should not be lower or higher than 4.5-6.5 mmol / l;
  • Calcium - 2.2-2.5;
  • Sodium within 135-155;
  • Phosphorus is not higher and not lower than 1.8-2.7 mmol / l.

A blood test of a newborn that has deviations in any direction indicates the presence of pathologies, serious diseases.

Every day, medicine finds more and more new diagnostic methods, but one of the most informative, accessible and common remains a general (clinical) blood test. It is suitable for examining both adults and children. This procedure is performed during routine examinations or illness.

Despite the simplicity of the analysis, deciphering the data obtained can tell the doctor about the processes occurring in the baby's body. A clinical blood test allows you to identify inflammatory processes in the body, allergies, as well as diseases of the blood itself. In addition, during treatment, it is necessary to repeat the analysis to determine the effectiveness of therapy.

What indicators are determined in the general blood test?

blood for general analysis collected in several test tubes:

  • Part of the material is used to determine hemoglobin and ESR.
  • The second part is examined by determining the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in it. In the human body there are several types of leukocytes, which together make up the leukocyte formula.
  • In addition, blood smears are made on glasses and the structure of cells is studied under a microscope.

Depending on what information the doctor wants to receive, he prescribes a detailed or abbreviated analysis. Decoding expanded - contains information about all the elements of the blood. Abbreviated - limited to information about the level of hemoglobin, leukocytes and ESR.

Deciphering the general blood test: norms for children

The norms of indicators that are examined during a general blood test in children differ from the corresponding norms for an adult. They also change over certain age intervals. Deciphering clinical analysis requires certain knowledge.

The data below contains information about the norms for the main indicators for children.

Hemoglobin values ​​in newborns are much higher than in adults and even than in children after 1 month of life:

1. In newborns, it is 180-240 g / l.
2. Then it gradually decreases - the minimum level at 1 year is 110-135 g / l.
3. After a year, hemoglobin rises slightly and by the age of 15 reaches 115-150 g / l.

Decreases with the growth of the child and the number of red blood cells:

1. In newborns, their number is 4.3–7.6.
2. Further fluctuates within 3.5–4.8.
3. At the age of 15, it reaches 3.6–5.1.

The number of platelets in children in the following ranges:

1. In newborns - 180–490.
2. In a child of 1 month, it decreases to 150-400.
3. By 6 months, the norm is 180-400 and does not change a year.
4. At 6 years old - 160–390.
5. Up to 12 years of age, the normal platelet count is 160–380.
6. Up to 15 years, it decreases to the level of 160-360.

The number of leukocytes decreases with age:

1. For newborns, an indicator in the range of 8.5–24.5 is the norm.
2. In 1 month it decreases to 6.5–13.5.
3. Further, the decrease is insignificant and by the age of 15 it is set at the level of 4.3–9.5.

ESR increases with age:

1. For newborns, it is 2-4 mm / h.
2. Then the lower limit is set at around 4, and the upper one increases by the age of 15 to 15 mm / h.

The leukocyte formula should normally correspond to the indicators presented in the following table:

The maximum number of neutrophils in children decreases with age.
1. In newborns, the normal range is 1–17% for stab neutrophils and 45–80% for segmented neutrophils.
2. In children of the first year, this figure decreases to 0.5–4% and 15–45%, respectively.
3. After a year, the number of stab neutrophils reaches 5% by 12 years and 6% by 15.
4. The norm of the content of segmented neutrophils.
- by 6 years - 25-60%;
- by the age of 12 - 35–65%;
- at the age of 15 - 40-65%.
The normal content of eosinophils almost does not change:

1. For children of the first month of life, as for 15-year-olds, the norm is from 0.5 to 6%.
2. At the age of 1 month to 12 years, it is 0.5–7%.

In children of any age, basophils should be absent or not more than 1% of the leukocyte formula.
The content of lymphocytes changes with the growth of children as follows:

1. For newborns, 12-36% will be the norm.
2. By the age of 1, their number increases to 38–72%.
3. From the age of 6 they decrease, and by the age of 15 the norm is from 22 to 50%.

Deciphering the general blood test: deviations from the norm

An increase or decrease in indicators relative to the norm informs the doctor about the presence of violations in the body. This is the reason for the appointment of an additional examination.

1. Hemoglobin:

  • The hemoglobin index above the norm indicates that the fluid is excreted from the body too quickly, or it enters it in insufficient quantities - blood thickening develops. The reasons for this may be heart defects, lungs, pulmonary and heart failure, diseases of the kidneys and blood-forming organs.
  • Hemoglobin decreases with all types of anemia, bleeding, bone marrow diseases.

2. Red blood cells:

  • The main volume of erythrocytes is hemoglobin, therefore, an increase or decrease in hemoglobin leads to a corresponding change in the level of erythrocytes. Their increased content also indicates dehydration.
  • A low level of red blood cells is called anemia; it can be caused by malnutrition, blood loss, blood diseases.

3. Leukocytes:

  • Exceeding the norm of leukocytes in the general blood test in children can have both a physiological nature and be the result of an inflammatory process in the body. After meal, physical activity or vaccination, the level of leukocytes rises - this physiological causes. In addition, an increased number of leukocytes is observed in purulent-inflammatory processes, as a result of a burn or injury, after surgery, as well as in leukemia and oncological processes in the body.
  • If the level of leukocytes has fallen below normal, then this may indicate the presence of viral infection, about the reaction to radiation or chemotherapy, about hereditary diseases.

4. Neutrophils:

  • Neutrophils together make up more than 50% of all leukocytes in the blood. Therefore, if their number increases, then they say that the leukocyte formula has shifted to the left. This is possible as a result inflammatory diseases internal organs, infectious processes in the body. Metabolic disorders, heart attack, cancerous tumors can also cause an increase in this indicator. and as a result of taking immunostimulants.
  • A decrease in the level of neutrophils in the blood is observed in infectious diseases, some blood diseases. As a result of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs neutrophils may also decrease. There is also hereditary neutropenia. If the number of neutrophils is below normal, they say that the leukocyte formula has shifted to the right.

5. Eosinophils:

6. Monocytes:

  • If, as a result of a clinical analysis, the doctor finds an increase in monocytes, he may suspect the presence of blood diseases or tuberculosis. If such an increase is observed after treatment infectious disease, then the growth of monocytes indicates recovery.
  • Monocytopenia - a low level of monocytes - is observed with aplastic anemia, hairy cell leukemia, and purulent lesions. After surgery and as a result of taking steroid drugs, they also fall below normal.

7. Basophils:

An increase in this parameter indicates allergic manifestations, chronic inflammation or blood disease. As a result of taking hormonal drugs basophil levels may also rise.

8. Lymphocytes:

  • The level of lymphocytes increases with a viral infection, as well as after taking painkillers.
  • A decrease in lymphocytes may indicate the presence of malignant tumors and immunodeficiency states. It is also observed after chemotherapy, radiotherapy and after taking hormonal drugs.

9. Platelets:

  • The number of platelets increases after surgery and physical overwork. Inflammatory processes, anemia, erythremia and oncological diseases also lead to an increase in platelets.
  • The list of diseases, as a result of which the level of platelets falls, is quite wide. However, all of them are united by a violation of blood clotting. Platelet cell deficiency can be a consequence of taking medications.

The results of a clinical blood test are one of the main indicators of a child's health. However, the interpretation of the obtained indicators must necessarily take into account the general condition of the patient, the accompanying symptoms. The given norms, as well as their increase or decrease, are not the basis for self-diagnosis. Mothers who have noticed deviations from the norms of their children's blood counts should inform the doctor about this. A competent doctor after an additional examination will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. During therapy, a control general blood test is mandatory.

AT modern society Almost no child can do without supervision in a children's clinic. And, starting from birth, children take various tests. Doctors have long established that it is thanks to the analyzes that it is possible to accurately diagnose the general condition of the child's body. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the norms of the main tests that children take.

Blood test in children

For the first time, the baby donates blood for tests at the age of 3 months. For infants, a blood test is the most informative, so doctors strongly recommend not to neglect it. The age of 3 months is considered critical for children. It is at this time that there is a risk of developing a disease such as anemia. A blood test allows you to identify any threat and eliminate it in time. At 3 months, the baby receives vaccinations against polio and ASKD. Vaccinations are carried out only in absolutely healthy children, and this also allows you to determine the general blood test. There is a special norm for blood tests in children. The following indicators are examined in the blood:

  • erythrocytes. Their deficiency indicates anemia in the baby;
  • leukocytes. Their excess indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • platelets. Their deficiency indicates poor blood clotting;
  • eosinophils (a type of white blood cell). Their excess indicates the presence of worms in the body and allergies;
  • hemoglobin. Its deficiency indicates anemia;
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). A high speed indicates an inflammatory process in the body.

Below is a table that shows the norms of blood counts in children.

Only normal blood test results in children indicate that everything is in order in the body.

Blood sugar test

Blood for sugar is given exclusively on an empty stomach. This analysis determines early development diabetes. The norm of blood sugar in children is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l. If the amount of sugar in the blood of children is abnormal, this may indicate a risk of developing diabetes. In any polyclinic, blood for sugar is donated out of turn, because before passing this analysis, you can’t eat and drink for 8 hours.

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test allows you to determine the condition of almost all the internal organs of the child. Norms of indicators biochemical analysis in children:

  • total protein. Norm: 59-79 g / l. After 4 years, the protein level decreases and is: 60-70 g / l. A low protein level indicates the presence inflammatory processes in the child's body, as well as liver diseases. A high protein level indicates blood diseases;
  • urea. The rate of urea is different depending on the method of analysis. Low urea may indicate kidney disease;
  • bilirubin. High bilirubin is a sign of jaundice. Also, elevated bilirubin observed in liver diseases;
  • calcium. Low calcium levels indicate rickets and dystrophy.
Analysis of feces in children

Fecal analysis in children is a mandatory procedure before admission to the Kindergarten. This analysis is carried out to detect worms and various intestinal diseases. Here's what the norms of stool analysis in children look like:

  • enterococcus. Norm: 106-107;
  • bifidobacteria. Norm: not less than 108;
  • yeast-like mushrooms. Norm: no more than 104;
  • the total amount of Escherichia coli. Norm: 107-108;
  • microbes of the genus Proteus. Norm: no more than 104.

The number of indicators such as pathogenic microbes of the intestinal family, hemolytic staphylococcus aureus, hemolyzing Escherichia coli, should be zero.

Urinalysis in children

Urinalysis in children allows you to determine the general condition of the kidneys and organs genitourinary system. Urine analysis checks for urine color, white and red blood cell counts, sugar and protein levels, clarity, and urine pH response. If all indicators of urine analysis in children are normal, this means that the baby is healthy.

There are a number of other tests that are performed on children: a blood test for clotting, additional urine and stool tests, a hormone test thyroid gland and others. All these tests are prescribed by a doctor separately from the general ones. For example, a blood test for clotting is necessary if the baby is to have surgery. An analysis of thyroid hormones is carried out if a disease of this organ is suspected. For children of different ages, there is a different rate of analysis of thyroid hormones.

General analyzes are carried out, as a rule, for all children. Established norms of clinical tests in children make it possible to detect the disease on early stage and timely prevent its development. With the help of the norms of clinical tests in children, it is possible to determine the condition of the internal organs of the child as accurately as possible.