Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology

Priorix vaccine against what diseases. Priorix is ​​a vaccine for the prevention of childhood viral infections. Why vaccinate your child against rubella?

Priorix vaccine against what diseases.  Priorix is ​​a vaccine for the prevention of childhood viral infections.  Why vaccinate your child against rubella?

Such drugs are made using improved technology, they are easier to tolerate and quite effective. For example, good feedback has Priorix vaccine.

Country of origin and release forms

Priorix production is concentrated in Belgium. The drug is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical organization GlaxoSmithkline Biologicals. The tool stimulates the production of antibodies to mumps, rubella and measles viruses.

Vaccine Priorix

A graft is created in the form of a lyophilisate for preparation injection solution. The powder is packaged in a glass bottle. The kit comes with a syringe with a special solvent. Before use, both components are mixed. The result is clear liquid.

Quality material should not have any inclusions.

What is included?

Priorix contains viral strains of pathogens dangerous diseases. They promote the production of antibodies. Also included are additional components.

The main elements of Priorix:

  • attenuated measles virus strain Schwarz;
  • weakened pathogen mumps Jeryl Lynn strain;
  • attenuated rubella virus variant of the strain Wistar RA 27/3.

From excipients The Belgian vaccine contains:

  • amino acids;
  • sorbitol;
  • lactose;
  • mannitol;
  • distilled water.

The preparation does not contain merthiolate, antibiotics, aluminum salts and other harmful substances.

Live or inactivated?

All vaccines are divided into live and inactivated. Priorix belongs to the latter option. The product contains attenuated viral strains. Therefore, the drug is easily tolerated and is not capable of causing the development of vaccine-associated rubella, mumps and measles pathologies.

What are children and adults vaccinated against?

Priorix is ​​injected into children and adults in order to protect against three viral pathologies:, and. These diseases are not fatal, but they can lead to irreversible changes in work. internal organs and systems.

Epidemic mumps is characterized by inflammation of the glandular organs: salivary, pancreas, testes. The virus can also infect the nervous system.

Most often, this disease affects three-year-old children and adolescents. Pathology is dangerous for males: young men who have had mumps often become infertile. Measles is an acute infectious disease. It is characterized by severe hyperthermia, sore throat, cough, symptoms of severe intoxication, and body rash.

In weakened individuals, measles can provoke the development of severe complications in the form of tracheobronchitis, encephalitis, sclerosing panencephalitis, lymphadenitis,. Also, measles can lead to disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

Rubella is an acute viral disease. It is manifested by a characteristic rash and high fever. Pathology is not considered dangerous. But if a pregnant woman gets rubella, her baby can be born with serious birth defects.

At what age are they vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps: vaccination and revaccination schedule

It is forbidden to inject the Belgian vaccine in such cases:

  • hyperthermia;
  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe immunodeficiency;
  • the development of severe reactions to the previous dose of Priorix;
  • signs of a cold;
  • infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Some parents are interested in whether it is possible to be vaccinated with Priorix if there is an unvaccinated child in the family. Doctors and the manufacturer do not establish such prohibitions.

The Belgian drug is inactivated and a person after immunoprophylaxis does not become contagious to others.

Can I get the vaccine if I have an egg allergy?

In case of hypersensitivity to chicken eggs, it is not recommended to inject Priorix. But this applies only to the development of this ingredient in the past, severe allergic reactions in the form anaphylactic shock, angioedema. The vaccine is obtained by using eggs. Therefore, individuals with intolerance to such an ingredient have high risk the occurrence of allergies.

How the MMR vaccine is tolerated: normal reaction and side effects

CPC, according to patients and doctors, is normally tolerated in most cases. After the introduction of antigenic material, the immune system begins to activate and produce antibodies to destroy the weakened virus. This process in susceptible individuals is accompanied by certain changes in well-being.

A normal reaction to Priorix is:

  • loss of appetite;
  • light;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea;
  • stool disorder;
  • redness of the injection site, the formation of edema, compaction;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • capriciousness;
  • lethargy;
  • slight enlargement of lymph nodes, salivary glands.

Against the background of vaccination with Priorix, the following adverse reactions sometimes occur:

  • otitis media;
  • bronchitis;
  • anaphylaxis, angioedema;
  • abscess at the puncture site;
  • convulsive attacks;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • arthritis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • arthralgia;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • encephalitis;
  • toxic shock.

There are reviews on the Internet in which parents complain that after vaccination the child developed autism. Usually parents associate such a disease with, although there are no recorded data on such episodes. Many are afraid to use Priorix.

There is an assumption that autism is caused by the preservative merthiolate. This substance is absent from the Belgian vaccine. Therefore, worries about the fact that Priorix or any other vaccine will cause developmental delays are groundless.

Is it possible to walk and swim after vaccination?

In order to avoid the development of post-vaccination complications, doctors recommend adhering to a number of restrictions for some time after vaccination. The list of prohibitions includes swimming and walking.

You should not wash because you can wet the puncture site and bring an infection into the wound that has not yet healed. This can lead to inflammation and improper formation of immunity. Also, after the PDA, the temperature often rises.

If you swim with hyperthermia, then the likelihood of a cold increases. Doctors explain the ban on walking by the fact that the defenses weaken after vaccination, the baby can become infected with an infectious or viral pathology.

In this case, the disease will be especially difficult. But the child needs to be outdoors. Therefore, doctors recommend walking in a forest plantation, a garden where there are few people.

Pharmacy price, expiration date and storage conditions

You can buy Priorix for vaccination in pharmacies of the country. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 330 rubles.

The medication is dispensed by prescription from a doctor. When buying a vaccine, you should pay attention to the expiration date. The Belgian vaccine must be used within two years of its release.

The shelf life largely depends on the storage conditions. If the temperature regime and the optimal level of humidity are violated, Priorix can quickly deteriorate.

Store the bottle with lyophilisate in a refrigerator, where the temperature is within + 2-8 degrees. It is allowed to keep a syringe with a solvent in a room in which the thermometer shows from +2 to +25. Freezing Priorix is ​​prohibited.

Imported and Russian analogues of Priorix

It happens that Priorix is ​​not suitable or is not available in the country's pharmacies. If the timing of vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella is approaching, care must be taken to purchase an analogue of the Belgian drug.

Complete substitutes for Priorix are:

  • (USA);
  • Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps live cultural (Russia).

Analogues of Priorix by action:

  • ZhPV (Russia);
  • ZhKV (Russia);
  • Rouvax (France).

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Thus, Priorix is ​​an inoculation of the Belgian organization GlaxoSmithkline Biologicals. The vaccine does not contain harmful components and is inactivated. It is well tolerated by children and adults. Adverse reactions occur extremely rarely and often they are provoked by poor preparation, a violation of the technique of administering the drug and non-compliance with the recommendations of doctors in the period after vaccination.

As you know, timely vaccination is necessary to develop especially stable immunity. The Priorix vaccine complies with the World Health Organization standards for the production of live combined vaccines. Clinical trials conducted on the basis of the manufacturer (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals s.a., Belgium) proved the high efficiency of the drug. The composition and methods of vaccination can be found in the instructions.

Instructions for the medical use of the drug

The Priorix vaccine stimulates the immune system, thereby activating the body's defense against three of the most dangerous diseases.

Measles- a contagious viral disease.


  • temperature rise,
  • difficulty breathing due to mucosal swelling respiratory tract,
  • tearing due to inflammation of the conjunctiva,
  • a maculopapular rash that appears in stages on the 3rd day,
  • whitish spots on the oral mucosa.

Rubella- a disease that occurs in two forms: acquired and congenital. Acquired rubella is characterized by airborne transmission of infection, congenital rubella is transmitted through the placenta.

  • body temperature up to 38C,
  • increase The lymph nodes, predominantly occipital,
  • dry night cough
  • rash appears after 48 hours,
  • fever, joint pain.

Parotitis- spicy infectious process. Most often, mumps affects children, mostly boys, and boys have a high risk of developing complications with an unfavorable outcome.


  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • enlargement and soreness of the salivary glands;
  • thirst;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches, fever.


The main substances are live but weakened viral strains of mumps, measles and rubella.

Pure cultures of microorganisms are cultivated separately in cell culture of chicken embryos (measles, mumps) and diploid human cells (rubella).

Auxiliary ingredients:

  1. neomycin sulfate;
  2. lactose;
  3. mannitol;
  4. sorbitol;
  5. amino acids.

How to prepare a solution

The drug is supplied in packages that contain a vial with a white or light-colored powder mass. Pink colour. Before use, the powder should be diluted with a solvent of 0.5 ml per 1 dose. The solvent in ampoules is a clear liquid, odorless and impurity-free. Shake the vial before use until a homogeneous solution is formed, but the dissolution time should not exceed 60 seconds.

The vaccine is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, having previously treated the injection site, in no case intravenously!

For children under three years old, it is optimal to inject the drug into the outer surface of the thigh, and for older children - into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. When treating the injection site with alcohol, you should wait for time to evaporate it from the skin surface, otherwise the attenuated virus in the vaccine will be inactivated.

If the package is designed for several doses of vaccinations, then each new sampling of the prepared preparation is carried out with a new sterile needle. The prepared solution can be stored only in the refrigerator and no more than 8 hours.

Priorix vaccine can be administered on the same day with DTP and DTP vaccines, live and inactivated polio vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, provided that the drugs are injected with different syringes into different parts of the body.

All other vaccines are prescribed no earlier than a month later.

Preparation for vaccination

Having previously consulted with a specialist, it is possible to take antihistamines 3 days before, on the day of vaccination and 3 days after it.

Feed the baby and let him rest.

It is necessary to avoid contact with sick people, it is necessary to be very careful, sometimes the course can be asymptomatic.

Monitor the child's stool, constipation can provoke adverse effects.

What should the doctor know before the procedure?

  • Is it scheduled tuberculin test, since Priorix may affect the results;
  • Does the patient have allergic reactions to any ingredient that is part of the drug;
  • Whether the patient has had a blood or plasma transfusion within the last 3 months;
  • Are there severe infectious diseases with high fever;
  • Have you been vaccinated in the past month?
  • Is there any acceptance medicines the patient;
  • Were there any adverse reactions with other vaccinations;

When is vaccination given?

Before vaccinating, it is necessary to notify the doctor about the current treatment and warn about taking any medical preparations(biological supplements, vitamins, herbal preparations etc).

Based on the data of the official vaccination calendar Russian Federation"Priorix" is administered at the age of:

  1. the first vaccination - at 1 year; Not earlier than 12 months, since the child's body cannot yet adequately perceive new antibodies, since he still has antibodies transmitted to him from his mother.
  2. the second - 6 years; Double administration of the drug in such early age, due to the fact that the formation of immunity does not always occur from the first receipt of the virus strain. In addition, girls who have reached the age of 13 but have not been vaccinated against rubella or have received an insufficient dose should be revaccinated.
  3. subsequent - 16 years, adolescence;
  4. 25 - 26 years;
  5. Then vaccination should be carried out every 10 years.

If the child missed one of the planned procedures, you should immediately consult a doctor and vaccinate as soon as possible.

This drug can be used in the absence of immunity to the above diseases, if contact with an infected person occurred no later than 72 hours ago.

Contraindications to vaccination

Any drug has contraindications, unfortunately, Priorix drug vaccine is no exception.

The procedure should be postponed if:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • HIV. However, in the case of an asymptomatic course of HIV infection, it is possible to use the drug (it is necessary to conduct an analysis to determine the level of CD4 + lymphocytes).
  • elevated temperature;
  • pregnancy. An exception is a pregnant and lactating woman who is at risk of infection. In the case of pregnancy planning, immunization is carried out 3 months before conception. When breastfeeding
  • people in whose family cases of allergic reactions and convulsive syndromes were observed should be monitored after vaccination.

Before making a decision about vaccination, it is necessary to consult a specialist!

Side effects

According to the results clinical research and as the drug was used in practice, some side effects and complications, which should not be confused with each other.

If after the introduction of this vaccine, any deterioration in the condition is found, you should immediately consult a doctor. With an increase in temperature, given that such a single symptom is not a reason for unrest, since this is the body's reaction to the introduction of foreign antibodies, you should also inform the doctor about this.

Characteristic changes can begin as early as on the 3rd day or drag on for up to 2 weeks.

There are a number of complications that have been identified over a certain period of time when exposed to this drug (allergy, shock, various changes in the nervous and circulatory systems).

Do not panic at the slightest change in the body, but you should not ignore this symptom either.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor!

You need to be careful and know that an increase in temperature in a child, in the absence of other clinical manifestations, is not a side effect. This is evidence that the child's immunity is actively working to protect the body, because foreign proteins have entered the body. After a few days, the body temperature will return.

AT clinical practice cases of overdose are not described.

Benefits of this vaccine

  1. the fastest possible result;
  2. good drug tolerance;
  3. one three-component injection;
  4. quality;
  5. use of the drug for emergency vaccination;
  6. formation of active acquired immunity.

The polyvalent vaccine "Priorix" is very effective, it allows you to activate immunity against three infections in one manipulation. For many years, this drug has been used in Europe and has excellent reviews from both patients and doctors.

High efficiency medicinal product Priorix has been proven by clinical trials. Antibodies to viruses: rubella, measles and mumps were found in more than 95% of all patients. A year after the vaccination, the protective titer of antibodies to these viruses remained in all of the previously vaccinated. I would like to emphasize, in order to avoid serious complications of these diseases, experts recommend timely vaccination.

Watch the rubella and mumps vaccine video

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Vaccinations are the protection of the population from epidemics of infectious diseases. Vaccination is a method of immunoprophylaxis, thanks to which the body creates immunity to infectious diseases. Vaccines are administered according to the vaccination schedule. They are monocomponent and polycomponent. Priorix - a vaccine for the prevention of measles, rubella and mumps

Priorix - vaccine for the prevention of measles, rubella, mumps: composition and form of release

Priorix is ​​a three-component vaccine that contains attenuated strains of mumps, rubella and measles viruses. The drug is available in vials that contain a homogeneous mixture of light pink color. A solvent in the form of water for injection is attached to the vial with the active substance.

The vaccine contains the following components:

  • Attenuated strains of mumps, measles, rubella viruses.
  • Traces of egg white.
  • Antibiotic - neomycin sulfate.
  • Lactose, lures, amino acids.

Sterile water for injection is used as a solvent.

Pharmacological action of vaccination

B-lymphocytes - cells with immunological memory (photo:

pharmachologic effect vaccination is associated with the development of specific immunity to childhood viral infectious diseases. After the antigens enter the child's body, conditions are created that the immune system regards as a real disease. This is possible due to the fact that the vaccine is weakly virulent. High immunogenicity (the ability to cause a reaction in the body of a child) contributes to the production of antibodies in ninety-five or more percent of vaccinated babies.

In response to the ingress of antigens in the child's body, the following immune reactions occur:

  • Determination of the source of infection.
  • Uptake of antigens by macrophages and other cells of the immune system.
  • Recognition of the structure of the virus and the transfer of information about it.
  • Activation of cells responsible for the synthesis of antibodies.
  • Production of specific immunoglobulins and destruction of foreign agents.
  • Creation of immunological memory.

As a result of such reactions, children develop high titer antibodies to viruses of three childhood infections.

Indications and preparation for the introduction of the vaccine

The use of the vaccine is indicated for several categories of patients. Most of them are children older than one year. The Priorix vaccine is also used:

  • Mothers-to-be who are planning a pregnancy but have not been immunized against rubella.
  • Medical workers.
  • Servicemen.

Preparation for the introduction of the vaccine is the same as before the use of other means of immunoprophylaxis. Healthy child does not need any tests or examinations before manipulation. You need to contact the doctor in such cases:

  • The child is scheduled to undergo an intradermal tuberculin test. Priorix vaccination may affect its results.
  • The baby had allergic symptoms after a previous injection of this drug.
  • With an allergy to egg white.
  • If the child has received a transfusion of blood components, the introduction of gamma globulins or other immunoglobulins within the last three months.
  • In the presence of fever.
  • In the presence of a convulsive syndrome in a child.
  • With immunodeficiency, taking immunosuppressants.
  • With violations of blood clotting in the baby.

In such cases, the doctor determines the possibility of vaccination and its timing. Follow these tips before starting immunoprophylaxis:

  • Do not enter new food products in the baby's diet.
  • Purchase paracetamol-based antipyretics in syrup form.
  • Immediately before the injection, the health worker should take the temperature of the child. Follow this.

Doctor's advice. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor (or paramedic) about possible consequences Priorix vaccinations. Ask how to deal with various post-vaccination reactions.

Method of application of the vaccine Priorix and doses

The first injection of the Priorix vaccine is performed at the age of one year. Revaccination - at six years. In addition, in cases where girls for some reason received less than two injections, revaccination is indicated at the age of thirteen. There are two ways of administering the Priorix vaccine: intramuscular and subcutaneous.

Important! Intravenous administration of the drug is prohibited!

Before performing the procedure, the health worker checks the storage conditions of the vaccine, the presence of damage to the vial, the expiration date of the drug. After that, the lyophilizate with active active ingredients is dissolved in water for injection. This should form a homogeneous solution of light pink or light orange color. The baby's body temperature is measured. The injection is done intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The injection is performed subject to the rules of sterility. This avoids post-vaccination complications. Information about vaccination is recorded in the relevant medical records.

After completing the procedure, it is recommended to stay on the territory of the medical institution for half an hour. This will allow you to apply for a qualified medical care in case of early post-vaccination reactions. Monitor your child's temperature for the first two days after vaccination.

Contraindications for the introduction of the vaccine Priorix

There are contraindications to immunoprophylaxis with the Priorix vaccine. Most of them are associated with changes in the immunological status of the child. These include:

  • Primary immunodeficiencies: Di-George, Duncan, West syndromes and others.
  • Secondary immunodeficiencies in HIV infection, taking cytostatics, hormonal drugs adrenal cortex, chemotherapeutic agents.
  • Allergic reactions to previous administration of the Priorix vaccine.
  • Availability inflammatory diseases in the acute phase, accompanied by a high temperature reaction.
  • Egg white intolerance.
  • Oncohematological diseases: leukemia, different kinds lymphomas.

Caution should be used in children with a history of seizures and allergic reactions. If a woman plans to conceive a child, then immunization with the Priorix vaccine should be carried out no earlier than three months before.

Thrombocytopenia in a child is a relative contraindication to vaccination. Contact your doctor to examine your child and evaluate the possibility of immunoprophylaxis.

Side effects, complications, possible reactions to vaccination

Hyperemia after injection is a common post-vaccination reaction that does not require special treatment (photo:

Side effects after the introduction of the vaccine Priorix are divided into several groups depending on the frequency of occurrence. They are presented in the table:

Group of adverse reactions depending on the frequency of occurrence

Examples of post-vaccination reactions

Very common (occur in ten or more percent of all vaccinated)

General condition disorders: hyperemia at the injection site, fever up to 37.5⁰С

Frequent (one to ten percent of those vaccinated)

upper respiratory infections, severe pain at the injection site, fever 39⁰С and above

Infrequent (from a tenth percent to one percent of those vaccinated)

Inflammation of the middle ear, lymphadenopathy, sleep disturbance, pathological crying syndrome, conjunctivitis, cough, diarrhea, vomiting

Rare (from a hundredth to a tenth of a percent of those vaccinated)

Allergic reactions. Febrile convulsions

Very rare (less than a hundredth of a percent vaccinated)

Mumps syndrome (orchitis, epididymitis, mumps), anaphylaxis, encephalitis, transverse myelitis, peripheral neuritis, vasculitis

In rare cases, vaccination is accompanied by the occurrence of complications associated with a violation of the injection technique. These include:

  • Nerve injury during injection. It's accompanied painful sensations in the extremity, impaired sensitivity.
  • Injecting a drug into a blood vessel.
  • Formation of a post-injection abscess.
  • Regional lymphadenitis.

Important! Accidental intravascular administration of the drug in some cases leads to serious complications, up to the development of shock.

Treatment of post-vaccination reactions

If a post-vaccination reaction occurs, it is necessary to contact a specialist and treat according to his recommendations. If allergic reactions appear, a sparing diet is recommended that excludes highly allergenic foods: eggs, honey, nuts, citrus fruits.

If a fever occurs, the child is provided with plenty of fluids, if necessary, antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen are used. Such drugs in childhood It is better to give in the form of syrups. In the treatment of other post-vaccination complications, symptomatic therapy is used. When convulsions occur - anticonvulsants, at inflammatory processes- anti-inflammatory drugs. Post-injection abscesses and lymphadenitis are treated after consulting a surgeon. Depending on the severity, treatment is indicated therapeutic or surgical.

Doctor's advice. In cases where, after vaccination, the child began to choke, he developed edema - these are signs of anaphylaxis. It is necessary to immediately seek medical help, since this condition is dangerous for the life of the baby.

Vaccination as a method of immunoprophylaxis fully justifies itself, despite some risks. For this reason, it was created national calendar vaccination. In addition, there are vaccines that are not included in the list of mandatory. Parents' fears and refusals to vaccinate are associated with the widespread dissemination of often false information about post-vaccination reactions. So there is a myth that vaccines cause autism in children. This fact has been verified and refuted by many studies. It has also been proven that when 95% of the population is immunized against a specific disease, cases of the disease are not registered at all. Refusal to vaccinate increases the epidemiological risk. The vast majority of doctors unequivocally state the fact that the risk of vaccination is much less than the risk of infection and its complications.

Interaction with other immunoprophylaxis agents

Vaccination Priorix interacts well with other means for immunoprophylaxis. It is allowed to simultaneously enter with such vaccines:

  • Oral polio vaccine (OPV);
  • Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV);
  • Injectable three-component vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.
  • Against Haemophilus influenzae if the drugs are injected into different parts of the body.

When using gamma globulins or transfusion of blood components, the Priorix vaccine is postponed for at least three months. Cytostatic, chemotherapy and immunosuppressive drugs are a relative contraindication to the immunoprophylaxis of childhood viral infections. Tuberculin diagnostics, if necessary, should be carried out a month and a half after vaccination with Priorix.

Vaccine storage conditions

The vaccine must not be used after the expiry date which is stated on the packaging and vial label. The Priorix vaccine must be stored in special equipment, out of direct sunlight, at a temperature of two to eight degrees above zero. The drug must not be frozen.

To save space in the refrigeration unit, the solvent may be stored at room temperature. It is important to keep the temperature regime during the transportation of the vaccine. The prepared vaccination solution containing ten doses can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than eight hours.

Vaccine analogues

Several vaccines are used for the immunoprophylaxis of childhood viral infections. In addition to the Priorix vaccination, these include:

  • Trivivak - similar in composition active ingredients drug produced in the Czech Republic. Unlike Priorix, it contains human serum globulin, sucrose, and gelatin.
  • Trimovac is a complete analogue created by a French manufacturer.
  • MMP-II is a drug manufactured in the Netherlands for the immunoprophylaxis of rubella, measles, mumps.

All vaccines approved by the World Health Organization are interchangeable.

Priorix is ​​a vaccine for the prevention of measles, rubella and mumps.

Release form and composition

Priorix is ​​produced in the form of a lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration: a porous homogeneous mass from slightly pink to white in color, the applied solvent is a colorless transparent liquid, has no visible impurities and odor (1 dose in glass vials complete with a solvent in an ampoule or a syringe with 1 or 2 injection needles, 1 set in a carton box; 1 dose in glass vials, 100 doses in a carton box complete with a solvent (100 ampoules) in a separate box; 10 doses in dark glass vials, 50 bottles in a cardboard box complete with a solvent (50 ampoules) in a separate box).

Active substances - attenuated vaccine strains of the virus - as part of 1 dose:

  • rubella (Wistar RA 27/3) - not less than 3.5 lgTCID50;
  • Mumps (RIT4385, derivative of Jeryl Lynn) - not less than 4.3 lgTCID50;
  • Measles (Schwarz) - not less than 3.5 lgTCD50;

Auxiliary components: neomycin sulfate (not more than 0.025 mg), lactose, mannitol, sorbitol, amino acids.

Solvent: water for injection - 0.5 ml (for 1 dose).

Priorix is ​​manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the World Health Organization for the production of biological products, as well as the requirements for vaccines against measles, rubella, mumps and live combination vaccines.

Indications for use

Priorix is ​​prescribed for the prevention of measles, rubella and mumps from the age of one year (1 year).


  • Allergic reactions to previous administration of Priorix;
  • Acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases (the drug can be administered after normalization of temperature with mild acute respiratory viral infections and acute intestinal diseases);
  • Primary and secondary immunodeficiency (Priorix may be used in patients with AIDS and in people with asymptomatic HIV infection);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and chicken eggs (the presence of anamnestic data on contact dermatitis caused by neomycin and allergic reactions to chicken eggs of a non-anaphylactic nature is not a contraindication to vaccination).

Priorix is ​​prescribed to lactating women only if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risk to the health of the child.

Women of childbearing age can be vaccinated in the absence of pregnancy, while after vaccination for 3 months it is necessary to use reliable methods of contraception.

Method of application and dosage

Priorix is ​​administered subcutaneously, also acceptable intramuscular injection vaccines. Under no circumstances should the drug be administered intravenously.

The dose is 0.5 ml.

Priorix is ​​administered to children at the age of 12 months, followed by revaccination at 6 years of age (in accordance with the Russian Immunization Calendar). Also, the vaccine can be administered to girls at 13 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated or have received only 1 vaccination with monovalent or combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccines.

Immediately before using Priorix, the contents of the supplied syringe or ampoule with a solvent in the ratio of 0.5 ml per 1 dose of lyophilizate should be added to the vial with the drug. Shake the bottle thoroughly until completely dissolved (no longer than 1 minute).

The vaccine ready for administration should be clear and light red to light orange in color. Do not use the vaccine if the solution contains particles or looks different.

For the introduction of Priorix, you need to use a new sterile needle. When using a multi-dose vaccine, a new syringe and needle must be used for each dose of vaccine.

The finished drug in a multi-dose package should be used during the working day (within 8 hours) provided that it is stored in a refrigerator (at a temperature of 2-8 ° C). The drug must be removed from the vial in compliance with the rules of asepsis.

Side effects

Possible side effects (very often (≥10%), often (≥1%,<10%), иногда (≥0,1%, <1%), редко (≥0,01%, <0,1%), очень редко (<0,01%)):

  • Central nervous system: sometimes - nervousness, unusual crying, insomnia; rarely - febrile convulsions;
  • Immune system: rarely - allergic reactions;
  • Digestive system: sometimes - vomiting, enlargement of the parotid glands, anorexia, diarrhea;
  • Hematopoietic system: sometimes - lymphadenopathy;
  • Respiratory system: sometimes - bronchitis, cough;
  • Organ of vision: sometimes - conjunctivitis;
  • Infections: often - infections of the upper respiratory tract; sometimes - otitis media;
  • Local reactions: very often - redness at the injection site; often - swelling and soreness at the injection site;
  • Dermatological reactions: often - rash;
  • General reactions: very often - an increase in body temperature (oral cavity / armpit: ≥37.5 ° C, rectal: ≥38 ° C); often - an increase in body temperature (oral cavity / armpit: ≥39 ° C, rectal: ≥ 39.5 ° C).

The profile of adverse reactions in general, after the introduction of the first dose of vaccine and revaccination was similar. However, soreness at the injection site after revaccination is observed more often than after the first vaccination (in more than 10% of cases / 1-10% of cases).

During mass vaccination, the following violations were registered:

  • Central nervous system: peripheral neuritis, transverse myelitis, encephalitis, acute primary idiopathic polyneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome);
  • Immune system: anaphylactic reactions;
  • Musculoskeletal system: arthralgia, arthritis;
  • Hematopoietic system: thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombocytopenia;
  • Dermatological reactions: erythema multiforme;
  • Infections: meningitis;
  • The body as a whole: Kawasaki syndrome.

There are reports of the development of encephalitis (less than 1 case per 10 million doses, which is much less than with natural diseases of measles and rubella).

In some cases, it is possible to develop conditions resembling parotitis with a shortened incubation period, a morbilliform syndrome, as well as a transient painful short-term swelling of the testicles.

Accidental intravenous administration of Priorix may cause severe reactions, even shock (an appropriate emergency medical treatment is required).

special instructions

Caution should be exercised when administering Priorix to individuals with a personal and family history of allergies and seizures.

It should be borne in mind that after the introduction of the vaccine, due to the possible risk of allergic reactions of the immediate type, the patient's condition must be monitored for 30 minutes. Vaccination sites should have anti-shock therapy, including a solution of adrenaline (epinephrine) 1:1000.

Before the introduction of Priorix, it is necessary to make sure that alcohol or another disinfectant has evaporated from the surface of the skin and the cap of the vial (attenuated viruses that are part of the vaccine may be inactivated).

drug interaction

It is possible to use Priorix during re-vaccination in persons previously vaccinated with another combined measles, rubella and mumps vaccine or the corresponding monopreparations.

Vaccination with Priorix is ​​possible on the same day with the introduction of DTP and DTP vaccines, polio vaccine (live and inactivated), hepatitis B vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, provided that different syringes are used and these drugs are injected into different parts of the body. For the use of other live virus vaccines, an interval of at least 1 month should be maintained.

Priorix should not be mixed in the same syringe with other vaccines.

If it is necessary to perform a tuberculin test, it should be carried out simultaneously with vaccination or 1.5 months after it (due to a temporary decrease in skin sensitivity to tuberculin, which can lead to a false negative result).

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of the reach of children at a temperature: vaccine complete with a solvent and packaged separately from the solvent - 2-8 ° C; solvent separately packaged from the vaccine - 2-25 ° C.

Best before date:

  • Vaccine - 2 years;
  • Solvent - 5 years.

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The human immune system is its protective “shell”, which is designed to protect the body from the penetration of all kinds of harmful viruses and bacteria. Initially, each person develops passively acquired immunity, which is formed when antibodies are transferred from the mother to the fetus through the placenta. Thanks to him, a newborn baby appears with a short-term immunity to certain infectious diseases, such as measles. But after two months, the antibodies lose their activity and it becomes necessary to carry out a "measles vaccination".

This is how actively acquired immunity is formed. It is formed as a result of the transfer of an infectious disease or after the introduction of a vaccine. But the most effective preventive measure against the spread of infectious diseases is immunization with a vaccine. Thanks to such immunoprophylaxis, it was possible to achieve a sharp decrease in the incidence rate and a complete stop in the spread of some dangerous infectious diseases, such as, for example, smallpox. Therefore, do not underestimate the role of vaccinations in our lives.

Today, there is no need to administer a separate drug for each virus, since combined vaccines, which contain antibodies from two or more viruses, are widely used. One such necessary prophylaxis is the injection against measles, rubella and mumps with the Belgian combined vaccine Priorix. It is about her that will be discussed in this material.

Priorix is ​​a live combination vaccine populated with attenuated virus strains: rubella (Wistar RA27/3), mumps (RIT4385, formed by Jeryl Lynn) and measles (Schwarz). Microorganisms that cause measles and mumps are grown in the cells of a chicken embryo (in simple terms, in chicken yolk), and the rubella virus is cultivated in diploid human cells.

Composition of the vaccine Priorix

This drug has the appearance of a homogeneous porous mass from white to pale pink.. Packed in bottles with a capacity equal to one dose. Without fail, the vial with the vaccine is completed with a solvent - a clear liquid that has no odor and visible impurities. The main task of the solvent is to prepare a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

Indications for vaccination with the immunobiological drug Priorix

According to the instructions for use, the main indication for the appointment of the Priorix vaccine is the creation of active immunity in the human body to the action of three dangerous viruses: mumps, rubella and measles.

Preparing for an injection with Priorix

The event does not require any special preparatory measures. There are a number of generally accepted points that apply to any immunobiological preparation:

  • Vaccinate a healthy child who has no colds and fever for two weeks before and on the day of vaccination.
  • Children with allergic reactions are prescribed antiallergic drugs three days before the vaccination.
  • Children who are prone to frequent respiratory diseases undergo general strengthening therapy two days before vaccination.

Features of the vaccination procedure with the Priorix vaccine

Since Priorix is ​​a medical product, it has some application features.

  1. If a child who is being vaccinated has a personal or family history of allergic reactions and/or convulsions, they should remain under medical supervision for half an hour after the injection.
  2. If the child has previously been vaccinated with another combination vaccine or a monovaccine or divaccine against mumps, rubella and measles, then Priorix can be used for re-vaccination.
  3. Children who have been injected with immunoglobulins or other human blood products are vaccinated after three or more months. This is due to the potential ineffectiveness of passively administered antibodies against mumps, measles, and rubella viruses.
  4. In cases where tuberculin tests are required, they should be carried out simultaneously with vaccination or six weeks after it. Otherwise, you can get a false negative result.
  5. Before administering the vaccine, make sure that the alcohol or other disinfectant has completely evaporated from the surface of the vial and the skin, because these substances can deactivate the viruses contained in the Priorix preparation.
  6. The Priorix vaccine can be administered simultaneously with ADS, as well as with polio vaccine, hepatitis B vaccines, Haemophilus influenza type b, but on condition that all drugs are injected with different syringes into different skin areas. The introduction of other live vaccines must be carried out no earlier than one month later.

Vaccination Schedule

Any vaccinations are carried out according to. Each country has its own vaccination schedule. But there is a general, worldwide approved schedule, on the basis of which the national calendar is developed by all countries.

Contraindications to the drug Priorix

The instructions for use of the Priorix vaccine indicate the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy. Vaccination with Priorix must be carried out no later than three months before conception.
  • Presence of allergic reactions to a previous vaccination.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases and the presence of acute diseases. In cases with non-severe SARS or acute intestinal diseases, vaccination is carried out immediately after the body temperature drops to normal.
  • Sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, neomycin and chicken (or quail) protein. If contact dermatitis caused by chicken eggs and neomycin was not anaphylactic in nature, then it is not a contraindication to vaccination.
  • Primary and secondary immunodeficiency with a level of CD4 + lymphocytes equal to or greater than 25% of the age norm. Persons infected with asymptomatic HIV infection and AIDS patients are not contraindicated in the vaccine.

Side effects of the vaccine Priorix

After an injection with Priorix, the following side effects may occur. The most frequently occurring:

  • rash;
  • pain and swelling at the injection site;
  • temperature rise;
  • hyperemia.

Rarely occurring:

  • febrile convulsions;
  • swelling of the parotid salivary glands.

Occurring in individual cases:

  • vomit;
  • bowel disorder;
  • excitability;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • anorexia;
  • acute inflammation of the middle ear;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • the occurrence of symptoms characteristic of upper respiratory tract infections.

Normal reaction to the Priorix vaccine: on which day it may occur

The reaction to an immunobiological preparation is the result of exposure to the components associated with the virus on the human body. The overall clinical picture of the effect of the vaccine may appear from the fifth to the fifteenth day. Each strain of the virus has its own manifestation.

Rubella virus (from the fifth to the twelfth day):

  • an increase in cervical, behind-the-ear and occipital lymph nodes;
  • joint pain;
  • prolonged rash.

Measles virus (fifth to fifteenth day):

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • temperature rise.

From the seventh to the twelfth day:

  • mild rash characteristic of measles.

Epidemic mumps (from the fourth to the twelfth day):

  • flu-like symptoms (catarrhal phenomena);
  • increase in body temperature.

Up to forty-two days:

  • enlargement of the parotid glands.

These manifestations of reactions of the Priorix vaccine do not require special therapy.. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is sufficient.

What to do in case of complications

The Belgian vaccine Priorix differs from its counterparts in that it has a high degree of purification, a minimum number of side effects and maximum efficiency. Modern drugs used for vaccination undergo sufficient purification, so the occurrence of complications from their use is minimized, and they directly depend on the body of the person being vaccinated.

But in cases of manifestation of an inadequate reaction to the injection, it is strictly contraindicated to self-medicate and you should immediately consult a doctor.

Post-vaccination period: features of care for the injection site

There is probably no such parent who would not be concerned about the question “How to behave after vaccinating a child?” . There are a number of rules that must be followed in order for the post-vaccination period to go smoothly.

  1. The very first thing to do is not to change the normal way of life of the child.
  2. Do not leave the clinic within 30 minutes after the injection.
  3. After vaccination, avoid crowded places, but do not limit walks in the fresh air.
  4. In cases of temperature increase above normal (37.5 ° C), use an antipyretic.
  5. With a pronounced local reaction, it is necessary to attach a cool cloth to the injection site. But it is strictly forbidden to treat with alcohol, brilliant green and iodine.
  6. If after five days the temperature has not subsided and the general condition has not improved, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Video: reactions and complications after vaccination

If you are still hesitating whether to inject with an immunobiological preparation or not, then you can find answers to all exciting and incomprehensible questions in this video. Dr. Komarovsky will explain all the main points of vaccination in a clear and accessible way.

The Belgian vaccine Priorix is ​​not the only one on the vaccination market, there are two more analogues: the Swiss vaccine M-M-R II and the Indian vaccine Against Measles, Mumps and Rubella Live Attenuated. The choice of which drug to use is yours. The main thing is to study deeply enough all the necessary information and collect feedback on the Priorix vaccine and other drugs. And if the question arises: “Which is better: Priorix or a domestic vaccine?”, Then the answer is very simple: “Of course, Priorix, since there are no domestic analogues.”

Because any reaction of the body to external actions is different for everyone, we are interested: how did your child survive the vaccination with Priorix, what reactions did he have and how did you deal with them. Share your experience with us in the comments.