Urology and Nephrology

Prayer works wonders. Prayer Works Miracles Love and Prayer Works Miracles

Prayer works wonders.  Prayer Works Miracles Love and Prayer Works Miracles
Dear friends!
Brothers and sisters!

The Jesus Prayer works wonders! And indeed it is. I am convinced of this from my personal experience. For 42 years of my sinful life, I have committed many sins and acquired a large shell of passions that I myself am not able to break. And only hope for GOD'S HELP helps to fight with your "old" person.

I, a sinner, have repeatedly tried to do the Jesus Prayer, but always gave up after a day or two. And so it went year after year. Recently I read the work of Archimandrite RAPHAIL (Karelin) “The Breath of Life. About prayer” and something sunk into my soul. I started doing the Jesus Prayer with the rosary more and more often. I go on foot and pray, I also continue to pray in public transport. And this is given to me with great difficulty, because, in principle, I am not a prayer book and I have a very nervous and quick-tempered temperament. Gradually, the passions that had tormented me for many years began to subside. Now it has become easier, and there is confidence that I will not deviate from the path of doing the Jesus Prayer. I hope for GOD'S HELP!

Here is what Archimandrite Raphael writes: “JESUS ​​PRAYER CLEARS THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN, immeasurably increases the potential of his INNER FREEDOM. Holiness is a property of the name of Christ. In man, holiness manifests itself as opposition to the world, the demon, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the spirit of pride. The New Testament is written about fire, which will transform heaven and earth. The Jesus Prayer is the spark of this fire that transforms the heart.

The Jesus Prayer, purifying the mind and heart, brings them closer to agreement with each other. When the mind and heart unite in prayer, the transformation of a person begins - his spirit, soul and body.

Without the Jesus Prayer, a person only receives blows from the enemy, who is hidden from him in darkness, and with it, he himself can strike at this hellish force. The name of Jesus Christ makes her tremble.

A person sees how the grace of God, like a skilled doctor, heals wounds in his heart so that not even a trace remains of them.

But for the action of grace, labor and selflessness of the person himself are needed, it is necessary that he consider prayer the main business of his life, and the rest - only a share.

There are cases when a prisoner who was in chains for many months, or even years, sawed the chains with a file or dug a tunnel under the prison wall with some kind of piece of iron. He worked incessantly and tirelessly, if only to meet his family and friends, if only to see the sun and sky again not through the prison bars, if only to breathe clean air with his whole chest, and not the stench of prison, if only not to be buried alive in the dungeon. When he gained freedom, he forgot all the bitterness of his labors with joy. Our sins are the same chains and prison.

The Jesus Prayer is at first as difficult as sawing chains or digging the earth with your hands, scattering it on the floor. But when grace touches the heart, it will feel that the chains have been released. The Jesus Prayer turns into the love of the soul for God, and in this love is true life, which the world does not know about, true joy and freedom. When the prisoner woke up, he knew that the main thing was to cut the chain; there was no choice - either freedom or death. A person, waking up in the morning, should know not only with his mind, but also with his heart that the main thing for him is the Jesus Prayer, the rest, worldly affairs - this is the background against which it should flow. From this knowledge one must proceed to the determination of the will. Going to bed, a person should fall asleep with a prayer; waking up at night, getting up for prayer; if he devotes the day to prayer, then she will visit him at night during sleep; if he prays part of the night, the whole day will be different for him.

Anyone who engages in the Jesus Prayer begins to feel over time that this is the highest deed of a person, that ordinary speech is rude and empty compared to prayer, that worldly activities carry a cold deadness, that without prayer, human existence itself is insignificant. He begins to love silence, in which he hears the song of eternity. Loving people, he hides from them, ceases to be interested in the affairs and news of the world, so that they, having penetrated into his consciousness, do not disturb the prayer, do not drown it out with their noise. He protects prayer from contact with the world, just as a mother protects a baby from the scorching sun and the breath of a winter storm.

There are things that are completely incompatible with prayer. This is reading modern magazines and newspapers; it is a TV that has become the master of the house. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of purity and chastity. Prayer makes a person's heart a temple of God, and into this temple a person lets in, like welcome guests, murderers, obscene women, drunk on the stench of sin: the grace of God will leave such a person. In a soul inflamed with passions, in a mind where images of violence and depravity dwell, how can Christ abide? Therefore, one who does not have the determination to throw the TV out of his home will never be able to acquire the Jesus Prayer. It will not be a prayer, but combinations of sounds without inner meaning. Such a person will be similar to the owner, who led sewer pipes into his rooms and then invited guests there.

When the Jesus Prayer takes root in our mind, it will cleanse it of filth, lies and deceit. It makes the mind simple and clear. When the Jesus Prayer touches our heart, it will subdue passions in it, like a tamer - wild animals. The Jesus Prayer awakens in our hearts the love of God. Therefore, some of the holy fathers call the Jesus Prayer the love of God.

The Jesus Prayer is the highest gift; she likens man to angels. The more a person sacrifices for prayer, the more he gains through it. Even if he had sacrificed the whole world, he would have acquired something incomparably higher than the world - God Himself, the Creator of the world, and himself - through God.

The purpose of prayer is the combination of the heart with the name of Jesus Christ. If a person did not achieve unceasing prayer during earthly life, but constantly made efforts towards it, then the Lord will give him at the hour of his death a prayer like wings on which the soul will ascend to heaven.
In general, unceasing, heartfelt prayer is a great treasure, which is obtained with great labor.

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Complete collection and description: morning prayer for a miracle for the spiritual life of a believer.

Seriously ill patients suffer unbearably, they are tormented by pain, the soul is oppressed by the awareness of their own weakness. For example, paralyzed people who have been chained to their bed for years are completely dependent on others, relatives help them eat, wash, go to the toilet, shift them from place to place.

Severe diseases can break anyone, often such people have increased irritability, aggressiveness, resentment, excessive demands. And how to help a loved one in this case, if his soul hurts more than his body?

In difficult times, many seek help and protection from the heavenly forces, it is at this time that it is recommended to remember miraculous prayers.

Praying, the soul of the believer is revealed before the Lord, his personality appears before the Almighty in the form that it is. All your fears, problems, illnesses will be visible to God, but the most important thing is intention. The more pure and kind this intention is, the greater the chance that the heavenly forces will help you solve problems.

Miracle-working prayer can completely change the state of your health. Understand that diseases, as a rule, do not arise just like that, because they are something like a punishment sent down to us for an unrighteous life, mistakes made in the past, sins.

Prayer is the way to salvation

Miraculous prayers, as you might guess from the name, are an appeal to heavenly forces with a request to perform a miracle. Something very improbable can be considered a miracle, for example, it can be a recovery from a fatal illness, an unexpected profit, saving a life.

A miracle-working prayer can be read in any situation, including at home, on the street, in the temple of the Lord, in front of the icons of the saints. Its effectiveness is completely independent of the place of reading.

The most important thing in a miracle-working prayer is the sincerity of the believer reading it, be sure that by reading it from the heart, you can achieve a real miracle.

This has already been repeatedly proven by believers who were convinced of the incredible power of God. All-merciful prayer is an analogue of meditation for Orthodox Christians, because during the ritual you need to focus on one thought. For example, St. John of the Ladder advises to choose prayer, stand before God, realize where you are, what you are doing, and then start praying, imagining miracles.

The prayers that we say for other people have the greatest power, because they are the most sincere. Keep in mind that prayers help only in good deeds, and one of the most sincere prayers is prayer for your enemies, haters who spoil your existence.

Miraculous icons give happiness, health, good luck

Prayers to popular miraculous icons can create a real miracle, any believer who has made a pilgrimage to these shrines will confirm this to you. If you are experiencing health problems, in your personal life, in material terms, you feel a lack of vitality, good luck, feel free to go to pray to miraculous icons.

In order to learn how to pray to such icons correctly, to see miracles with your own eyes, you do not need to have any special knowledge.

It is enough just to choose a miraculous icon, at which you are going to offer the words of prayer, come to the temple, stand in front of the shrine, put a candle and offer the words of prayer. In some cases, when the icon is of particular value, the time for each believer who wants to pray is extremely limited. Therefore, we recommend that you prepare for the ritual and be sure to memorize the words of the prayer to the saint you will contact. By the way, one of the most popular miraculous icons is the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Miraculous prayers: comments

One comment

I have been an atheist all my adult life. Every time they told me that I was wrong, and God looks at me and mourns for my fate, I just brushed everyone off like annoying midges. Until a close friend of mine got in trouble. After the accident, the doctor said that only the most difficult operation and a great miracle would help her. We found money for the operation, and I began to go to church every day and read this prayer. I learned it by heart, and waking up at night, whispering it. And I know for sure that it was a miracle that saved her, and she walks again and does not even limp. Believe in a miracle, and ask sincerely. This prayer helps a lot when a miracle is really needed in life.

Prayers for help to Nicholas the Wonderworker

When a black streak comes in life, believers ask for help from St. Nicholas the Pleasant. The miracle worker will never leave a person in trouble. Orthodox Christians know that the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker “For Help” is not easy to perform, but subject to all the recommendations of the clergy, the result is always positive. The saint of God will help solve any problems that darken life.

Nicholas Ugodnik - miracles exist

It’s not worth disturbing the saint over trifles; prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker “For Help” are read in the most difficult moments of life.

Visit the temple, put three candles to his image. Ask for forgiveness, pardon, repent, take communion. Then whisper the words strong prayer Pleaser "About help"

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the servant of the most beautiful Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper. Help me, a sinner and a dull one, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the damned one, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment, may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen"

When the candles go out, put 3 more, say a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker "For help" and, without turning around, go home in silence.

“I ask you, Nikolai Ugodnik, to help me in diligent deeds and save me from failure in work. Let it be so. Amen"

At midnight, close yourself in the room, except for you, there should be no one in the room, even pets. Place on the table an icon with the image of St. Nicholas and the Prayer Book.

Bend your knees, bow low, leave all gloomy thoughts and with hope, inexhaustible faith, looking at the candle flame, say “Our Father” seven times. Then the same amount of prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker "For help"

“I appeal to you, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. You are famous for miracles and grace-filled help in difficult cases. Do not refuse me mercy and help me cope with difficult tasks, an unbearable burden that has fallen on my tired shoulders. I want the business to be argued, not to collapse, but to be built, so that enemies and spiteful critics do not meet on the way. You ask the Lord for faithful intercession, reject from me all the mistakes and difficulties of the problem. Let it be so. Amen"

If the requests are sincere, good-natured and sincere, the Miracle Worker will hear you and will definitely help.

A person, going on some risky business, experiences fear, uncertainty, which can subsequently lead to the destruction of plans and desires. Helps avoid unpleasant moments and to attract good luck is a prayer to the Pleasant, which should be read before any undertaking.

“I ask you, Nicholas the Wonderworker, help me with light power in a good undertaking. Do not be angry at a mortal request, but do not refuse desperate help. Ask the Lord God for me blessings in difficult matters and send down reliable people from heaven. Let it be so. Amen"

At an hour when it seems that luck, happiness and success have left your home, be sure to seek help from St. Nicholas. He saved millions of people from death, disease, loneliness and many other ills.

Saint Nicholas: miracles during life and after death

The miracle worker was born in Lycia. From childhood he was interested in religion. The Lord gave him an invaluable gift - great power, with the help of which Nicholas pacified the elements, healed deadly diseases, and helped poor people.

The saint was considered the patron saint of poor people. On Christmas Eve, he put gifts for children from poor families. He did not ask for gratitude, he did it secretly, but over time, people learned about his good deeds and called him Saint Nicholas.

After death, the Pleasant continues to help those in need.

You can ask for bright love, marriage, prosperity, healing of mental and physical illnesses.

If the intentions are pure, the Saint will hear the prayer and help. Don't forget to thank the Miracle Worker when you get what you ask for.

Rules for reading a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

In order for St. Nicholas to fulfill the petition as quickly as possible, you need to read the prayers correctly, following the recommendations of the clergy.

  1. Get an icon pectoral cross, candles, holy water, prosphora. In the morning, before the icon, being baptized, eat the prosphora, drinking water, and saying the words: "For the healing of soul and body."
  2. Read the prayer daily, at the same time. Speak words of help for 40 days. In no case do not interrupt, do not be distracted during the pronunciation of the prayer.
  3. After 40 days, say a prayer of thanksgiving. You can pronounce words in any form, the main thing is that they be sincere.
  4. Do not forget to thank the Lord and his helpers when everything goes well in life.

A prayer of thanks to Nikolai Ugodnik is read at dawn.

“Nicholas Ugodniche! I address you as a teacher and shepherd with faith and respect, with love and reverence. I send you words of gratitude, I pray for a prosperous life. I thank you very much, I hope for mercy and forgiveness. For sins, for thoughts, yes for thoughts. As you have mercy on all sinners, so have mercy on me. From trials of terrible fences and from death in vain. Amen"

It is enough to thank the Miracle Worker once a month or at the moment when what was asked for came true.

Nicholas the Wonderworker will hear you if you sincerely believe in what you are doing. People who are skeptical about the process will not succeed.

Believe, live according to the commandments of the Lord and you will be rewarded!

O all-holy Nikolai Ugodniche! Forgive me, please, for all the schizotericism! Forgive me for not hearing the voice of my heart my intuition! I'm sorry that I brought myself to such a state! Help me Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, please help me, pray with all your heart, with all your soul to recover from mental illness! I promise to continue to listen to my intuition and rely on God in everything! Pray to God for me Saint Nicholas for my sins! I want all these "thin plans" to stop! I want to live a normal life! Forgive me Lord! Sorry! Amen!

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! Help my son find a job and take the gloom away from his family! Amen!

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, pray to God for God's servant Irina! Forgive me, Lord, a sinner! Help me find a job for my soul and strength! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

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December 18, 2017 1 lunar day - New Moon. Time to bring good things to life.

The Lord performs a miracle only when it is necessary for salvation

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov)

A miracle is a supernatural action or event produced by Divine power that is accessible to external observation.

God does miracles. He does them in answer to our prayers. Faith is needed to perform a miracle (Matt. 9:2; 9:28; 17:20; 21:21; Mark 9:23-24; John 14:12). It is also necessary to live according to the commandments of God: Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he loves Me; and whoever loves me, he will be loved by my Father; and I will love him and show myself to him (John 14:21). It is obvious that a non-believer cannot perform a miracle. The Lord does not work miracles through sinners either: we know that God does not listen to sinners; but whoever honors God and does his will, hears him (John 9:31). Faith and keeping the commandments are necessary conditions.

However, this does not mean that a person can perform a miracle whenever he wants. When Jesus Christ said: Have the faith of God, for truly I say to you, if anyone says to this mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea, and he will not doubt in his heart, but will believe that it will come to pass according to his words (Mark 11:23), He in figurative speech showed great opportunities for the believer. A person does not need to move earthen mountains when there are so many huge mountains of human sin around.

The Lord established the laws of the visible world. The life of a person and the work of his salvation are accomplished within the limits of this given order. God works in the world, preserving the natural order of life. And only in certain circumstances, when there is a special need for this, He cancels the "orders of nature." Because miracles in life are relatively few. The Lord gives help miraculously when all natural possibilities have been exhausted. Even so, He performs a miracle only when it is necessary for salvation. In other cases, it is useful to go through illness, so that in the fire of these sorrows, pernicious sinful passions, which are the cause of a serious illness, and the preservation of which can deprive a person of eternal life, burn out.

The Lord Himself determines through whom to perform miracles. God chose some to be saints and shepherds, others he endowed with spiritual intelligence to be elders, others he gave special grace to work miracles in abundance (St. Nicholas, St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Right. John of Kronstadt, etc.). In the lives of some great saints we do not find descriptions of miracles.

There is one more side to this issue that needs to be said. A miracle is always a spiritual test for the one through whom God performs it. Before you can work miracles, you must climb to the high and safe step of humility.

“Abba Anthony heard about one young monk that he performed such a miracle on the way: seeing some elders who traveled and got tired on the way, he ordered wild donkeys to come up to them and carry the elders on themselves until they reached Anthony. When the elders told Abba Anthony about this, he said to them: It seems to me that this monk is a ship full of blessings, but I don’t know if he will enter the pier. After some time, Abba Anthony suddenly began to cry, to tear his hair and sob. - The disciples asked him: why are you crying, abba? – The elder answered them: now the great pillar of the Church has fallen! He was talking about the young monk. But go to him yourself, he continued, and see what has happened! - The disciples go and find the monk sitting on a mat and mourning the sin he has committed. – Seeing the disciples of Anthony, the monk says to them: tell the elder to beg God to give me only ten days of life, and I hope to cleanse my sin and repent. But after five days he died” (Ancient Patericon).

There are a lot of miracles going on right now. How many souls are resurrected who seemed completely mortified by sin! The Lord also does this through the priests, but covertly, because people have little humility now.

In the end, I would like to talk about one miracle that convinces us that faith can, indeed, move mountains when necessary. An impressive miracle that took place in Egypt in the 16th century testifies to the fulfillment of the words of the Savior. The plague was raging there. One of the enemies of Christianity, a doctor by profession, spread the rumor among the Turks that the fault of the misfortune that befell them was Christians. “For Christians,” he explained, “dip the cross into the water, which was the cause of this mortal disease.” This slander spread everywhere and became known to the Egyptian sultan, who demanded that Patriarch Joachim be brought to him for personal explanations. The Patriarch has arrived. At first, the Sultan had a long conversation with him about faith, but, seeing that he justified the Christian faith and refuted Islam with deep conviction and clear evidence, he ordered him to rearrange the mountain located next to Cairo to justify the Gospel words. The patriarch did not waver in faith. Having asked for several days for prayer, he, with faithful Christians, propitiated the Lord with fasting, vigils and prayers and asked them not to shame them. At the appointed time, when a multitude of people gathered, the patriarch said to the mountain in the Name of Christ that it move from its place and move to another: the mountain shook at the base and left its place. Stopped by the same Name of Christ, she received the name in Turkish dur-dago (become a mountain).

This miracle hit the enemies Christian faith. Not knowing how to shake their strength, they prepared a deadly poison and convinced the Sultan to order the patriarch to drink it. “For Christ,” they said, “said in the Gospel: if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them.” The Sultan ordered poison to be served to the patriarch. Full of faith in the power of the Cross of Christ, the patriarch blessed the death cup with the cross and drank. He remained completely unharmed. After that, rinsing the glass with water, the patriarch asked the doctor who prepared the drink to drink it. It was impossible to refuse, because the Sultan himself demanded it. He drank the water and died immediately. When Patriarch Nifont of Constantinople learned about these wondrous events, he sent Bishop Akakios of Randini and St. Theophilus to Alexandria so that they would learn in detail and ascertain what had happened there. They confirmed the miracle. Rev. himself Theophilus was a wondrous saint of God. His holy relics are in the altar of his cell church of St. Basil, located in one of the picturesque valleys of Athos near Kareia. When you pass by the altar apse, you see a hole in the wall. It was done so that the myrrh flowing from St. relics of St. Theophilus the Myrrh-streaming, did not overflow the altar.

The history of Christianity on earth is the history of countless miracles that the Lord sends to strengthen those who profess the true faith. But is anything known for certain about miracles in other religions, and how to relate to these facts?

Responsible Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) :

Starting to solve this issue, it is necessary to define and separate the concepts: the rescue to which true faith leads, and mercy of God which extends to all, for the Lord loves His creation: “God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners” (Rom. 5:8). Receiving help from a Merciful God (sometimes even miraculously) does not yet imply salvation.

In Holy Scripture, we know examples of miracles performed on people who did not profess the true religion. During a famine in Palestine, the Lord God sends the prophet Elijah to the Phoenician city of Sarepta to a widow. She was a heathen. She miraculously did not run out of flour and butter for some time. The Lord, through the prophet Elijah, resurrected the widow's son (see: 1 Kings 17:9-24). Through the prophet Elisha, God healed the commander of Neman, a pagan, of leprosy (see: 2 Kings 5: 1–19). Our Lord Jesus Christ delivered the daughter of a pagan Phoenician from a demon (see: Mt. 15:22-28; Mk. 7:25-30). The Evangelist Matthew also writes: “And a rumor about Him spread throughout all Syria; and they brought to him all the weak, possessed by various diseases and seizures, and demon-possessed, and lunatics, and paralyzed, and He healed them ”(Matt. 4:24). At the time of the Savior, Syria was a pagan country.

There is a known case of healing through the prayer of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt Tatar. “I will cite the story of the general from the cavalry Abatsiev, from which it will be clear that Father John, while staying in Livadia during the illness of the king, healed the sick Tatar in absentia with the power of his prayer. General Abatsiev was the aide-de-camp of the Emperor Alexander III when the tsar was dying. Father John lived in Livadia. One lady asked General Abatsiev to arrange a meeting with Father John. General Abatsiev at 5 o'clock in the morning went to Father John. At the garden gate of the house where Father John lived, there was already a crowd, including the Tatars, whom the police did not let in. On the porch was a weeping Tatar woman. The police did not understand what she was saying. Abatsiev knew the Tatar language, as a native of the Caucasus, and learned from a Tatar woman that she had brought her sick husband, who was lying in a cart on the road, and begged to be allowed to see Mulla John. Abatsiev caught Fr. John at morning prayer, despite the 5 o'clock in the morning, and told him about the Tatar woman. Father John said to let the Tatar woman in. Through the interpreter Abatsiev, Father John asked the Tatar woman if she believed in God? Having received an affirmative answer, Father John told her: “We will pray together, you pray in your own way, and I will pray in my own way.” When Father John finished his prayer, he blessed the Tatar woman by crossing her. Then Abatsiev went out together with the Tatar woman, and, to the amazement of both, the sick husband of the Tatar woman was already walking towards the completely healthy one. From this story it is clear that Father John, by the power of his prayer, healed even a sick Mohammedan. I.K. Sursky Father John of Kronstadt. Ch. 23).

Let us note that all the above examples testify to one thing: miracles occurred when those who stood outside the true faith turned not to their false religion, but to the Lord Jesus Christ or representatives of the true religion. All who asked for help rose above their religion. A widow from Zarephath says to the prophet Elijah: “As the Lord your God lives!” (1 Kings 17:12). The Canaanite woman went not to idols, but to the Savior and prayed: “Have mercy on me, O Lord, son of David” (Matthew 15:22). The Tatar turned not to a mullah, but to an Orthodox priest.

What is the difference between genuine miracles and false ones? Source and consequences. God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4). A true miracle always has a spiritually beneficial effect on a person. A widow from Zarephath, after her son's return to life, confessed: "Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is true" (1 Kings 17:24). Spared from leprosy, Naaman speaks wonderful words, turning to the prophet of God Elisha: “Behold, I have learned that in all the earth there is no God, except in Israel” (2 Kings 5:15). We do not know the fate of the Tatar woman whose husband was healed by the holy righteous John of Kronstadt. However, this miracle, in any case, was an impressive event, disposing her to Orthodoxy.

“Whoever has a sincere love for the truth, he will be led out of the darkness of error and led to the light of truth. An example is the holy apostle Paul. He sincerely loved the truth, with all his soul he was devoted to what he considered true, without any self-interest. Therefore, as soon as the truth was pointed out to him not in what he considered true, he immediately abandoned this old, which turned out to be not true, and clung with all his heart to the new, visibly revealed to be true ... The truth about Christ is clear as day: seek and you will find. Help from above is always ready for a sincere seeker. “The unbeliever is already condemned” (John 3:18). For what? For the fact that when there is light around, he remains in darkness ”( Theophan the Recluse, saint. Thoughts for each day of the year according to church readings from the word of God).

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This article contains: the miracles of the Jesus Prayer - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Archimandrite Nikolai Drobyazgin, the author of this story, went through a brilliant path in the world, being a naval officer, and was also deeply connected with the occult as the editor of the occult magazine Rebus. Saved from almost inevitable death by a miracle, St. Seraphim of Sarov, he made a pilgrimage to Sarov and after that, renouncing his worldly career and his occult connections, he became a monk. After his ordination to the priesthood, he served as a missionary in China, India and Tibet as a priest in the temples of various embassies and as rector of several monasteries. After 1914 he lived in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where he talked with young people who visited him about the influence of the occult on contemporary events in Russia. In the autumn of 1924, a month after a certain Tucholka, the author of the book “Black Magic”, paid a visit to him, he was killed in his cell by “unknown persons” - stabbed to death with a dagger with a special handle, which clearly had an occult meaning.

The case described here, which reveals the essence of one of the mediumistic “gifts” common to Eastern religions, occurred shortly before 1900 and was recorded around 1922 by Dr. A.P. Timofeev, who later became a monk in the monastery of Novo-Diveevo (New York State). )

Russian text, see: "Orthodox Life" No. 1, 1956.

“On a wonderful early tropical morning, our ship cut through the waters of the Indian Ocean, approaching the island of Ceylon. Passengers - for the most part Englishmen, traveling with their families to the place of service or on the business of their Indian colonies, eagerly peered into the distance with animated faces, looking for the magical island with their eyes, about which almost all of them should have heard from childhood from fairy tales and stories of travelers .

It was already evening when we left the stuffy streets of the city behind and drove along a magnificent road through the jungle, which was all sparkled with millions of fireflies. At the end of the road suddenly widened, and before us was a small clearing, surrounded on three sides by the jungle. At the edge of the clearing, under a large tree, stood a hut, near which a small fire was smoking, and a skinny old man with a turban on his head sat cross-legged and fixed his gaze on the fire. Despite the noise of our appearance, the old man continued to sit completely still, not paying the slightest attention to us. A young man appeared from somewhere in the darkness and, going up to the colonel, quietly asked him something. After a while he brought some stools, and our group sat down in a semicircle not far from the fire. Light and fragrant smoke rose from it.

The old man sat in the same position, as if noticing anyone and nothing. The rising moon to some extent dispersed the darkness of the night, and in its ghostly light all things took on fantastic shapes. Involuntarily, everyone fell silent and waited to see what would happen.

“Look! Look over there, at the tree!” exclaimed Miss Mary in an excited whisper. We all turned our heads to where she was pointing. Indeed, the entire surface of the immense crown of the tree under which the fakir sat seemed to float slowly in the soft moonlight, and the tree itself gradually began to melt, its contours blurred; literally, as if an invisible hand threw an airy blanket over him, which became thicker every minute. Soon, before our shocked gaze, the surface of the sea with rolling waves opened up with unusual clarity. The waves ran one after another with a slight rustle, scattered with white ridges of foam '„ light clouds rushed across the sky, which became completely blue. Stunned, we could not take our eyes off this amazing picture.

But then a white ship appeared in the distance. Dark smoke billowed from its two large chimneys. He quickly approached us, cutting through the waves. To our great amazement, we recognized our own ship, the same one on which we arrived in Colombo. Whispers rippled through our ranks as we read the name of our ship, Louise, inscribed in gold letters on her stern. But what struck us the most was that we saw ourselves on the ship! Do not forget that at the time this was happening, no one had heard of cinema, and it was impossible to even imagine anything like that. Each of us saw himself on the deck of a ship among people laughing and talking. But here's what was especially striking: I saw not only myself, but at the same time the entire deck of the ship, down to the smallest details, as if from a bird's eye view - which simply could not be in reality. I saw myself at the same time among the other passengers, and the sailors working on the other side of the ship, and the captain in his cabin, and even our monkey Nelly, everyone's favorite, feasting on bananas on the mainmast. At the same time, all my companions, each in his own way, were greatly moved by what they saw, and expressed their feelings in low exclamations and excited whispers.

As I was leaving, I involuntarily turned around for the last time in order to capture the whole scene in my memory, and suddenly - I shuddered from discomfort. My gaze met the fakir's, full of hatred. This happened in the shortest possible moment, and he again assumed his former position, but this look once and for all opened my eyes to the one by whose power this “miracle” was actually produced.

Eastern "spirituality" is by no means limited to such mediumistic "tricks" as demonstrated by this fakir; in the next chapter we shall see more characteristic manifestations of it. However, all the power bestowed on those who practice the religions of the East originates in the same phenomenon of mediumship, main characteristic which is passivity before the “spiritual” reality, which enables a person to get in touch with the “gods” of non-Christian religions. This phenomenon can be observed in Eastern "meditation" even when it is called "Christian".

Seraphim Rose, hieromonk

From the book “Orthodoxy and Religion of the Future”

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© Missionary-apologetic project "To Truth", 2004 – 2017

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Jesus Prayer Miracles


The author of this story had a brilliant career in the world as a naval officer and was also deeply connected with the occult as editor of the occult magazine Rebus. Saved from almost inevitable death by a miracle, St. Seraphim of Sarov, he made a pilgrimage to Sarov and after that, renouncing his worldly career and his occult connections, he became a monk. After his ordination to the priesthood, he served as a missionary in China, India and Tibet as a priest in the temples of various embassies and as rector of several monasteries. After 1914 he lived in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where he talked with young people who visited him about the influence of the occult on contemporary events in Russia. In the autumn of 1924, a month after he was visited by a certain Tucholka, the author of the book “Black Magic”, he was killed in his cell by “unknown persons” - stabbed to death with a dagger with a special handle, which clearly had an occult meaning.

The case described here, which reveals the essence of one of the mediumistic “gifts” common to Eastern religions, occurred shortly before 1900 and was recorded around 1922 by Dr. A.P. Timofeev, who later became a monk in the monastery of Novo-Diveevo (New York State). )

“On a wonderful early tropical morning, our ship cut through the waters of the Indian Ocean, approaching the island of Ceylon. Passengers - for the most part Englishmen, traveling with their families to the place of service or on the business of their Indian colonies, eagerly peered into the distance with animated faces, looking with their eyes for a magical island, about which almost all of them should have heard from childhood from fairy tales and stories of travelers .

The island was barely visible on the horizon, and the thin heady aroma of the trees growing on it enveloped the ship more and more with every breath of the arriving breeze. Finally, something like a blue cloud appeared on the horizon, which grew as our ship rapidly approached. One could already see the houses scattered along the shore, looking out from the green of majestic palms, and a motley crowd of natives waiting for the arrival of the ship. Passengers, who quickly got to know each other on the road, laughed and talked animatedly on deck, admiring the wonderful view of the fabulous island unfolding before their eyes. The ship slowly turned around, preparing to dock at the pier in the port city of Colombo.

Here the ship had to stock up on coal, and the passengers had enough time to go ashore. The day was so hot that many of the passengers decided not to leave the ship until the evening, when a pleasant coolness would replace the heat of the day. A small group of eight, which I joined, was led by Colonel Elliot, who had already been to Colombo and knew the city and surroundings well. He made a tempting offer: “Ladies and gentlemen! Would you like to travel a few miles from the city and visit one of the local fakirs? Maybe we'll see something interesting." Everyone accepted the offer with enthusiasm.

It was already evening when we left the stuffy streets of the city behind and drove along a magnificent road through the jungle, which was all sparkled with millions of fireflies. At the end of the road suddenly widened, and before us was a small clearing, surrounded on three sides by the jungle. At the edge of the clearing, under a large tree, stood a hut, near which a small fire was smoking, and a skinny old man with a turban on his head sat cross-legged and fixed his gaze on the fire.

Despite the noise of our appearance, the old man continued to sit completely still, not paying the slightest attention to us. A young man appeared from somewhere in the darkness and, going up to the colonel, quietly asked him something. After a while he brought some stools, and our group sat down in a semicircle not far from the fire. Light and fragrant smoke rose from it. The old man sat in the same position, as if noticing anyone and nothing. The rising moon to some extent dispersed the darkness of the night, and in its ghostly light all things took on fantastic shapes. Involuntarily, everyone fell silent and waited to see what would happen.

“Look! Look over there, at the tree!” exclaimed Miss Mary in an excited whisper. We all turned our heads to where she was pointing. Indeed, the entire surface of the immense crown of the tree under which the fakir sat seemed to float slowly in the soft moonlight, and the tree itself gradually began to melt, its contours blurred; literally, as if an invisible hand threw an airy blanket over him, which became thicker every minute. Soon, before our shocked gaze, the surface of the sea with rolling waves opened up with unusual clarity. The waves ran one after another with a slight rustle, scattered with white ridges of foam; light clouds drifted across the sky, which became completely blue. Stunned, we could not take our eyes off this amazing picture.

But then a white ship appeared in the distance. Dark smoke billowed from its two large chimneys. He quickly approached us, cutting through the waves. To our great amazement, we recognized our own ship, the same one on which we arrived in Colombo. Whispers rippled through our ranks as we read the name of our ship, Louise, inscribed in gold letters on her stern. But what struck us most of all - we saw ourselves on the ship! Do not forget that at the time this was happening, no one had heard of cinema, and it was impossible to even imagine anything like that. Each of us saw himself on the deck of a ship among people laughing and talking. But here's what was especially striking: I saw not only myself, but at the same time the entire deck of the ship, down to the smallest details, as if from a bird's eye view - which simply could not be in reality. I saw myself at the same time among the other passengers, and the sailors working on the other side of the ship, and the captain in his cabin, and even our monkey Nelly, everyone's favorite, feasting on bananas on the main mast. At the same time, all my companions, each in his own way, were greatly moved by what they saw, and expressed their feelings in low exclamations and excited whispers.

I completely forgot that I am a priest and a monk, that it hardly befits me to take part in such spectacles. The delusion was so irresistible that both heart and mind were silent. But my heart was beating violently and painfully. My whole being was gripped by fear.

My lips moved by themselves and began to utter the words: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!” I felt immediate relief. It seemed that some invisible chains with which I was entangled began to fall off me. Prayer became more focused and with it my peace of mind returned. I continued to look at the tree, when suddenly, as if picked up by the wind, the picture clouded and dissipated. I saw nothing else but a huge tree, illuminated by the light of the moon, and a fakir sitting under a tree, while my companions continued to talk about their impressions, peering into a picture that did not disappear for them.

But something seemed to be happening with the fakir himself. He fell sideways. The alarmed young man ran up to him. The session ended unexpectedly.

Deeply moved by everything they saw, the spectators got up, animatedly exchanging impressions and not understanding why everything had ended so suddenly and unexpectedly. The young man explained that the fakir was tired, and he was already sitting with his head bowed and not paying any attention to those present.

Having generously rewarded the fakir through the young man for giving us the opportunity to be present at such an amazing spectacle, our group quickly gathered on the way back.

As I was leaving, I involuntarily turned around for the last time to capture the whole scene in my memory, and suddenly - I shuddered from an unpleasant sensation. My gaze met the fakir's, full of hatred. This happened in the shortest possible moment, and he again assumed his former position, but this look once and for all opened my eyes to the one by whose power this “miracle” was actually produced.

Eastern "spirituality" is by no means limited to such mediumistic "tricks" as demonstrated by this fakir; in the next chapter we shall see more characteristic manifestations of it. However, all the power bestowed on those who practice Eastern religions originates in the same phenomenon of mediumship, the main characteristic of which is passivity before the "spiritual" reality, which enables a person to come into contact with the "gods" of non-Christian religions. This phenomenon can be observed in Eastern "meditation" even when it is called "Christian" (and perhaps even in those strange "gifts" which in our days of spiritual decline have been misnamed "charismatic".).

The Jesus Prayer works wonders!

Brothers and sisters!

Without the Jesus Prayer, a person only receives blows from the enemy, who is hidden from him in darkness, and with it, he himself can strike at this hellish force. The name of Jesus Christ makes her tremble.

Anyone who engages in the Jesus Prayer begins to feel over time that this is the highest deed of a person, that ordinary speech is rude and empty compared to prayer, that worldly activities carry a cold deadness, that without prayer, human existence itself is insignificant. He begins to love silence, in which he hears the song of eternity. Loving people, he hides from them, ceases to be interested in the affairs and news of the world, so that they, having penetrated into his consciousness, do not disturb the prayer, do not drown it out with their noise. He protects prayer from contact with the world, just as a mother protects a baby from the scorching sun and the breath of a winter storm.

There are things that are completely incompatible with prayer. This is reading modern magazines and newspapers; it is a TV that has become the master of the house. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of purity and chastity. Prayer makes a person's heart a temple of God, and into this temple a person lets in, like welcome guests, murderers, obscene women, drunk on the stench of sin: the grace of God will leave such a person. In a soul inflamed with passions, in a mind where images of violence and depravity dwell, how can Christ abide? Therefore, one who does not have the determination to throw the TV out of his home will never be able to acquire the Jesus Prayer. It will not be a prayer, but combinations of sounds without inner meaning. Such a person will be similar to the owner, who led sewer pipes into his rooms and then invited guests there.

When the Jesus Prayer takes root in our mind, it will cleanse it of filth, lies and deceit. It makes the mind simple and clear. When the Jesus Prayer touches our heart, it will subdue passions in it, like a tamer - wild animals. The Jesus Prayer awakens in our hearts the love of God. Therefore, some of the holy fathers call the Jesus Prayer the love of God.

In general, unceasing, heartfelt prayer is a great treasure, which is obtained with great labor.

I try to reach out to hearts about the need to help others, about the importance of mercy and charity.

I, a sinner, have repeatedly tried to do the Jesus Prayer, but always gave up after a day or two. And so it went year after year. Recently I read the work of Archimandrite RAPHAIL (Karelin) “The Breath of Life. About prayer” and something sunk into my soul. I started doing the Jesus Prayer with the rosary more and more often. I go on foot and pray, I also continue to pray in public transport. And this is given to me with great difficulty, because, in principle, I am not a prayer book and I have a very nervous and quick-tempered temperament. Gradually, the passions that had tormented me for many years began to subside. Now it has become easier, and there is confidence that I will not deviate from the path of doing the Jesus Prayer. I hope for GOD'S HELP!

Here is what Archimandrite Raphael writes: “ JESUS' PRAYER CLEARS THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN , immensely increases the potential INTERNAL FREEDOM . Holiness is a property of the name of Christ. In man, holiness manifests itself as opposition to the world, the demon, lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eyes and a spirit of pride. The New Testament is written about fire, which will transform heaven and earth. The Jesus Prayer is the spark of this fire transforming the heart.

The Jesus Prayer, purifying the mind and heart, brings them closer to agreement with each other. When the mind and heart unite in prayer, the transformation of a person begins - his spirit, soul and body.

Without the Jesus Prayer, a person only receives blows from the enemy, who is hidden from him in darkness, and with it, he himself can strike at this hellish force. The name of Jesus Christ makes her tremble.

A person sees how the grace of God, like a skilled doctor, heals wounds in his heart so that not even a trace remains of them.

But for the action of grace, labor and dedication of the person himself are needed, it is necessary that he honor the prayer main business of your life , and the rest is just a division.

There are cases when a prisoner who was in chains for many months, or even years, sawed the chains with a file or dug a tunnel under the prison wall with some kind of piece of iron. He worked incessantly and tirelessly, if only to meet his family and friends, if only to see the sun and sky again not through the prison bars, if only to breathe clean air with his whole chest, and not the stench of prison, if only not to be buried alive in the dungeon. When he gained freedom, he forgot all the bitterness of his labors with joy. Our sins are the same chains and prison.

The Jesus Prayer is at first as difficult as sawing chains or digging the earth with your hands, scattering it on the floor. But when grace touches the heart, it will feel that the chains have been released. The Jesus Prayer turns into the love of the soul for God, and in this love is true life, which the world does not know about, true joy and freedom. When the prisoner woke up, he knew that the main thing was to cut the chain; there was no choice - either freedom or death. A person, waking up in the morning, should know not only with his mind, but also with his heart that for him the main thing is the Jesus Prayer, the rest, worldly affairs - this is the background against which it should proceed. From this knowledge one must proceed to the determination of the will. Going to bed, a person should fall asleep with a prayer; waking up at night, getting up for prayer; if he devotes the day to prayer, then she will visit him at night during sleep; if he prays part of the night, the whole day will be different for him.

Those who engage in the Jesus Prayer, over time, begin to feel that this is the highest work of man , that ordinary speech, compared with prayer, is coarse and empty, that worldly pursuits carry a cold deadness within them, that without prayer, human existence itself is insignificant. He begins to love silence, in which he hears the song of eternity. Loving people, he hides from them, ceases to be interested in the affairs and news of the world, so that they, having penetrated into his consciousness, do not disturb the prayer, do not drown it out with their noise. He protects prayer from contact with the world, just as a mother protects a baby from the scorching sun and the breath of a winter storm.

There are things that are completely incompatible with prayer. This is reading modern magazines and newspapers; it is a TV that has become the master of the house. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of purity and chastity. Prayer makes a man's heart a temple of God, and into this temple a man lets in murderers, obscene women, as if they were welcome guests, drinking in the stench of sin: the grace of God will leave such a man. In a soul inflamed with passions, in a mind where images of violence and depravity dwell, how can Christ abide? Therefore, one who does not have the determination to throw the TV out of his home will never be able to acquire the Jesus Prayer. It will not be a prayer, but combinations of sounds without inner meaning. Such a person will be similar to the owner, who led sewer pipes into his rooms and then invited guests there.

When the Jesus Prayer Gets Implanted in Our Mind , then she will cleanse him of filth, lies and deceit. It makes the mind simple and clear. When the Jesus Prayer touches our heart, it will subdue passions in it, like a tamer - wild animals. . AND The Jesus Prayer awakens in our hearts the love of God. Therefore, some of the holy fathers call the Jesus Prayer the love of God.

The Jesus Prayer is the highest gift; she likens man to angels. The more a person sacrifices for the sake of prayer, the more he gains through it.. Even if he had sacrificed the whole world, he would have acquired something incomparably higher than the world - God Himself, the Creator of the world, and himself - through God.

The purpose of prayer is the combination of the heart with the name of Jesus Christ. If a person did not achieve unceasing prayer during earthly life, but constantly made efforts towards it, then the Lord will give him at the hour of his death a prayer like wings on which the soul will ascend to heaven.

In general, unceasing, heartfelt prayer is a great treasure, which is obtained with great labor.

Everything about religion and faith - "prayer that works a miracle" with a detailed description and photographs.

Seriously ill patients suffer unbearably, they are tormented by pain, the soul is oppressed by the awareness of their own weakness. For example, paralyzed people who have been chained to their bed for years are completely dependent on others, relatives help them eat, wash, go to the toilet, shift them from place to place.

Severe diseases can break anyone, often such people have increased irritability, aggressiveness, resentment, excessive demands. And how to help a loved one in this case, if his soul hurts more than his body?

In difficult times, many seek help and protection from the heavenly forces, it is at this time that it is recommended to remember miraculous prayers.

Praying, the soul of the believer is revealed before the Lord, his personality appears before the Almighty in the form that it is. All your fears, problems, illnesses will be visible to God, but the most important thing is intention. The more pure and kind this intention is, the greater the chance that the heavenly forces will help you solve problems.

Miracle-working prayer can completely change the state of your health. Understand that diseases, as a rule, do not arise just like that, because they are something like a punishment sent down to us for an unrighteous life, mistakes made in the past, sins.

Prayer is the way to salvation

Miraculous prayers, as you might guess from the name, are an appeal to heavenly forces with a request to perform a miracle. Something very improbable can be considered a miracle, for example, it can be a recovery from a fatal illness, an unexpected profit, saving a life.

A miracle-working prayer can be read in any situation, including at home, on the street, in the temple of the Lord, in front of the icons of the saints. Its effectiveness is completely independent of the place of reading.

The most important thing in a miracle-working prayer is the sincerity of the believer reading it, be sure that by reading it from the heart, you can achieve a real miracle.

This has already been repeatedly proven by believers who were convinced of the incredible power of God. All-merciful prayer is an analogue of meditation for Orthodox Christians, because during the ritual you need to focus on one thought. For example, St. John of the Ladder advises to choose prayer, stand before God, realize where you are, what you are doing, and then start praying, imagining miracles.

The prayers that we say for other people have the greatest power, because they are the most sincere. Keep in mind that prayers help only in good deeds, and one of the most sincere prayers is prayer for your enemies, haters who spoil your existence.

Miraculous icons give happiness, health, good luck

Prayers to popular miraculous icons can create a real miracle, any believer who has made a pilgrimage to these shrines will confirm this to you. If you are experiencing health problems, in your personal life, in material terms, you feel a lack of vitality, good luck, feel free to go to pray to miraculous icons.

In order to learn how to pray to such icons correctly, to see miracles with your own eyes, you do not need to have any special knowledge.

It is enough just to choose a miraculous icon, at which you are going to offer the words of prayer, come to the temple, stand in front of the shrine, put a candle and offer the words of prayer. In some cases, when the icon is of particular value, the time for each believer who wants to pray is extremely limited. Therefore, we recommend that you prepare for the ritual and be sure to memorize the words of the prayer to the saint you will contact. By the way, one of the most popular miraculous icons is the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Miraculous prayers: comments

One comment

I have been an atheist all my adult life. Every time they told me that I was wrong, and God looks at me and mourns for my fate, I just brushed everyone off like annoying midges. Until a close friend of mine got in trouble. After the accident, the doctor said that only the most difficult operation and a great miracle would help her. We found money for the operation, and I began to go to church every day and read this prayer. I learned it by heart, and waking up at night, whispering it. And I know for sure that it was a miracle that saved her, and she walks again and does not even limp. Believe in a miracle, and ask sincerely. This prayer helps a lot when a miracle is really needed in life.

Love and prayer work wonders

Time for Olga ceased to exist. She spent one hundred and eighty days in hell. But the worst was to begin in three days. She will be released ... The woman even thought about extending the term - there were plenty of opportunities. True, her cellmate Tom persuaded her not to fool around. Olya did not want to think about how to live on. A happy past was left behind, and in the future nothing but pain and hopelessness could appear.

However, Tamara acted on her new friend in some amazing way, changing her worldview and the arrangement of life priorities. If Olya entered this chamber as a hunted beast, then she had to leave as a creature filled to the very edges of her soul with indifference. She didn't care if she lived or died.

A year ago everything was great. Olga and Denis seemed to be a very beautiful couple. Young, healthy, purposeful... All life, with its limitless possibilities, was in their hands. Olga and Denis recently graduated from the university, but their parental savings allowed them to open a small shop for exclusive souvenirs. At first, things went "neither shaky nor rolled," but soon the first buyers appeared, and the spouses were surprised to notice that religious objects were more popular. It was worth putting on the shelves masks brought by friends from India, or a rosary made of natural stone, as the goods instantly flew away for fabulous prices. Very soon there were regular customers and regular orders. The young couple decided to combine business with pleasure and fly to Goa for two weeks to relax and look at the range of products that could be resold in their homeland. It is here, on the shores of the Arabian Sea, family life gave a crack. Olya plunged into the traditions and religion of this amazing country with passion and interest, while Denis was alien to the local flavor. The woman was indignant:

– You must know as much as possible about the culture of the country if you want to professionally give advice and advice to buyers! Dear, understand, it is very important for us to understand all the intricacies of religion if we want to sell such a specific product!

Denis was angry and stubbornly refused to get acquainted with Buddhism:

- How can I enter their church if I have an Orthodox cross on me?

Olga just laughed.

– What kind of nonsense?! You've never been a believer! I didn’t even want to get married, and this, by the way, is a very beautiful ritual ...

Whatever it was, but Olga was seriously carried away by India, and Denis was counting the days before flying home. After returning to Russia, the young began to quarrel often. Olya spent all her free time in a Buddhist temple, meeting new people and handing out business cards of her store, while her husband unexpectedly went to an Orthodox church. The young wife did not immediately notice that her beloved had become surprisingly quiet and thoughtful, until one day he resolutely declared:

– Enough for us to play these pagan games. We will sell, as before, cheap pictures on magnets and mugs with funny inscriptions, and we will throw away all this demonic paraphernalia!

Olya only laughed at her husband's "righteousness", but Denis was as serious as ever. Very soon, the couple realized that their relationship had reached an impasse. Olya made a last attempt to “reason” with her husband:

“Do you even realize that you put faith above our family?! Choose: either me or your God! Mind you, I'm tired of your trips to church! You look like a lunatic standing among old women with candles! Orthodoxy is a relic of the past! This faith is for mentally degrading people. Look better at the Buddhists - that's where the truly enlightened mind is.

Denis tried to convince his wife for some time, but Olya was adamant and filed for divorce. She wanted a holiday, fun, passions ... The next few months passed in a blur. A string of new meetings, soft drugs, acquaintances with famous gurus ... It seemed to the woman that without Denis it became easier for her, and she threw off some kind of ballast that interfered with her "spiritual perfection". But soon a friend's call and the message that her ex-husband had a bride knocked Olga out of her usual rut. No, there were no feelings for him anymore, but annoyance appeared. How did he manage to forget her so quickly? And who did you change it for? According to the all-knowing girlfriend, Denis's new passion was a real slut, besides, she sang in the church choir! Well, just chickens to laugh! Her Denis, accustomed to the most expensive restaurants and fashionable boutiques, suddenly became interested in some "gray mouse" in a long skirt "farewell to youth." Soon the annoyance was replaced by curiosity, and Olya decided to see this couple of "holy men" with her own eyes. Fortunately, the friend lived just in the house where Denis's bride lived, so it was not difficult to track them down. A day later, Olga, inhaling the sweet smoke of a hookah, summed up her surveillance. So, Denis is really in love. The new darling is not as old-fashioned as Olga's friend painted, but, in fact, she is dressed very modestly. The questions of the grandmothers sitting at the entrance gave unexpected results. It turns out that the young are going to get married soon and moreover - get married! How is this known? So, it's clear where! Claudia Ivanovna told her, and the mother of the bride herself secretly confessed to her!

Like this. She, Olga, was not honored with such an honor, but with this slut, he, you see, was going to get married! Anger grew with incredible force, even meditation did not help to relax. And then one day, not the most beautiful, Olya committed a terrible act. Being in some strange state after meditation and having lost control of her mind, she started the car and drove wherever her eyes looked. I wanted the feeling of flying. The woman stepped on the gas and did not notice anything around ...

At a pedestrian crossing, she knocked down a girl. The victim was taken to the hospital. The trip ended tragically: the girl had a ruptured spleen, and Olga was sentenced to six months. She wasn't even scared. She didn't…don't care. She could only think about her own fate. The woman was frightened that she had no idea how to live on. She already looked at her passion for Buddhism with a sober look. All this turned out, in fact, to be such nonsense ... She simply joined the ranks of people who believed in some stupid fairy tales and lost their sense of reality. And the reality is that she is completely alone. Parents do not count - Olga never had a warm relationship with them. Despondency and unwillingness to live haunted the woman constantly.

And then she met Toma. That's from whom the energy was in full swing! They imprisoned her for theft, but the prison term in no way affected the plans of this young and beautiful woman. Sitting behind bars, she thought about the next shenanigan she would try to implement:

“I have been eyeing the nuns for a long time!” Imagine, I even visited several monasteries. They call it a pilgrimage. You come and work for free for a bed and food. Strange, these Orthodox, honestly! The nuns use them as labor force, and the pilgrims walk around and smile so blissfully! So. I found out everything. I remembered how these prayer books are dressed, what words they use in conversation, how they behave. In general, I will go out and become a “nun”! There are a lot of options to raise good money! You can pretend that you are looking for donors for the construction of the temple. And if everything is thought out precisely, then it is really possible to turn the option with Jerusalem - believers call it the Holy Land. I will say that I will fly there soon, and people will begin to ask me to hand over notes with the names of those who need to be prayed for. In this case, the Orthodox will certainly donate a lot of money.

Tamara stretched dreamily on her bunk, while Olga held her breath. Orthodoxy evoked only negative emotions in her. It was the Orthodox who humiliated her, exposing her as a complete laughingstock! Found her a replacement! Lost confidence in their superiority. How great it would be to abuse them!

“Tom, will you take me on?”

- Why do you want it? You have a folder with your mother. They will find a good job for you. Yes, and you have your own store ...

The store burned down and was closed. And with the Orthodox, I have my own scores. So consider it personal.

We have also prepared for you:
  • Very interesting stories calm, kind and instructive. Children listen to them every evening, I hope there will be shoots.

    Shoots will certainly come! May the Lord bless your children!

    The Jesus Prayer works wonders!

    Brothers and sisters!

    Without the Jesus Prayer, a person only receives blows from the enemy, who is hidden from him in darkness, and with it, he himself can strike at this hellish force. The name of Jesus Christ makes her tremble.

    Anyone who engages in the Jesus Prayer begins to feel over time that this is the highest deed of a person, that ordinary speech is rude and empty compared to prayer, that worldly activities carry a cold deadness, that without prayer, human existence itself is insignificant. He begins to love silence, in which he hears the song of eternity. Loving people, he hides from them, ceases to be interested in the affairs and news of the world, so that they, having penetrated into his consciousness, do not disturb the prayer, do not drown it out with their noise. He protects prayer from contact with the world, just as a mother protects a baby from the scorching sun and the breath of a winter storm.

    There are things that are completely incompatible with prayer. This is reading modern magazines and newspapers; it is a TV that has become the master of the house. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of purity and chastity. Prayer makes a person's heart a temple of God, and into this temple a person lets in, like welcome guests, murderers, obscene women, drunk on the stench of sin: the grace of God will leave such a person. In a soul inflamed with passions, in a mind where images of violence and depravity dwell, how can Christ abide? Therefore, one who does not have the determination to throw the TV out of his home will never be able to acquire the Jesus Prayer. It will not be a prayer, but combinations of sounds without inner meaning. Such a person will be similar to the owner, who led sewer pipes into his rooms and then invited guests there.

    When the Jesus Prayer takes root in our mind, it will cleanse it of filth, lies and deceit. It makes the mind simple and clear. When the Jesus Prayer touches our heart, it will subdue passions in it, like a tamer - wild animals. The Jesus Prayer awakens in our hearts the love of God. Therefore, some of the holy fathers call the Jesus Prayer the love of God.

    In general, unceasing, heartfelt prayer is a great treasure, which is obtained with great labor.

    I try to reach out to hearts about the need to help others, about the importance of mercy and charity.

    What you will not see on our streets!

    I, a sinner, have repeatedly tried to do the Jesus Prayer, but always gave up after a day or two. And so it went year after year. Recently I read the work of Archimandrite RAPHAIL (Karelin) “The Breath of Life. About prayer” and something sunk into my soul. I started doing the Jesus Prayer with the rosary more and more often. I go on foot and pray, I also continue to pray in public transport. And this is given to me with great difficulty, because, in principle, I am not a prayer book and I have a very nervous and quick-tempered temperament. Gradually, the passions that had tormented me for many years began to subside. Now it has become easier, and there is confidence that I will not deviate from the path of doing the Jesus Prayer. I hope for GOD'S HELP!

    Here is what Archimandrite Raphael writes: “ JESUS' PRAYER CLEARS THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN , immensely increases the potential INTERNAL FREEDOM . Holiness is a property of the name of Christ. In man, holiness manifests itself as opposition to the world, the demon, lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eyes and a spirit of pride. The New Testament is written about fire, which will transform heaven and earth. The Jesus Prayer is the spark of this fire transforming the heart.

    The Jesus Prayer, purifying the mind and heart, brings them closer to agreement with each other. When the mind and heart unite in prayer, the transformation of a person begins - his spirit, soul and body.

    Without the Jesus Prayer, a person only receives blows from the enemy, who is hidden from him in darkness, and with it, he himself can strike at this hellish force. The name of Jesus Christ makes her tremble.

    A person sees how the grace of God, like a skilled doctor, heals wounds in his heart so that not even a trace remains of them.

    But for the action of grace, labor and dedication of the person himself are needed, it is necessary that he honor the prayer main business of your life , and the rest is just a division.

    There are cases when a prisoner who was in chains for many months, or even years, sawed the chains with a file or dug a tunnel under the prison wall with some kind of piece of iron. He worked incessantly and tirelessly, if only to meet his family and friends, if only to see the sun and sky again not through the prison bars, if only to breathe clean air with his whole chest, and not the stench of prison, if only not to be buried alive in the dungeon. When he gained freedom, he forgot all the bitterness of his labors with joy. Our sins are the same chains and prison.

    The Jesus Prayer is at first as difficult as sawing chains or digging the earth with your hands, scattering it on the floor. But when grace touches the heart, it will feel that the chains have been released. The Jesus Prayer turns into the love of the soul for God, and in this love is true life, which the world does not know about, true joy and freedom. When the prisoner woke up, he knew that the main thing was to cut the chain; there was no choice - either freedom or death. A person, waking up in the morning, should know not only with his mind, but also with his heart that for him the main thing is the Jesus Prayer, the rest, worldly affairs - this is the background against which it should proceed. From this knowledge one must proceed to the determination of the will. Going to bed, a person should fall asleep with a prayer; waking up at night, getting up for prayer; if he devotes the day to prayer, then she will visit him at night during sleep; if he prays part of the night, the whole day will be different for him.

    Those who engage in the Jesus Prayer, over time, begin to feel that this is the highest work of man , that ordinary speech, compared with prayer, is coarse and empty, that worldly pursuits carry a cold deadness within them, that without prayer, human existence itself is insignificant. He begins to love silence, in which he hears the song of eternity. Loving people, he hides from them, ceases to be interested in the affairs and news of the world, so that they, having penetrated into his consciousness, do not disturb the prayer, do not drown it out with their noise. He protects prayer from contact with the world, just as a mother protects a baby from the scorching sun and the breath of a winter storm.

    There are things that are completely incompatible with prayer. This is reading modern magazines and newspapers; it is a TV that has become the master of the house. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of purity and chastity. Prayer makes a man's heart a temple of God, and into this temple a man lets in murderers, obscene women, as if they were welcome guests, drinking in the stench of sin: the grace of God will leave such a man. In a soul inflamed with passions, in a mind where images of violence and depravity dwell, how can Christ abide? Therefore, one who does not have the determination to throw the TV out of his home will never be able to acquire the Jesus Prayer. It will not be a prayer, but combinations of sounds without inner meaning. Such a person will be similar to the owner, who led sewer pipes into his rooms and then invited guests there.

    When the Jesus Prayer Gets Implanted in Our Mind , then she will cleanse him of filth, lies and deceit. It makes the mind simple and clear. When the Jesus Prayer touches our heart, it will subdue passions in it, like a tamer - wild animals. . AND The Jesus Prayer awakens in our hearts the love of God. Therefore, some of the holy fathers call the Jesus Prayer the love of God.

    The Jesus Prayer is the highest gift; she likens man to angels. The more a person sacrifices for the sake of prayer, the more he gains through it.. Even if he had sacrificed the whole world, he would have acquired something incomparably higher than the world - God Himself, the Creator of the world, and himself - through God.

    The purpose of prayer is the combination of the heart with the name of Jesus Christ. If a person did not achieve unceasing prayer during earthly life, but constantly made efforts towards it, then the Lord will give him at the hour of his death a prayer like wings on which the soul will ascend to heaven.

    In general, unceasing, heartfelt prayer is a great treasure, which is obtained with great labor.

    A year ago everything was great. Olga and Denis seemed to be a very beautiful couple. Young, healthy, purposeful... All life, with its limitless possibilities, was in their hands. Olga and Denis recently graduated from the university, but their parental savings allowed them to open a small shop for exclusive souvenirs. At first, things went "neither shaky nor rolled," but soon the first buyers appeared, and the spouses were surprised to notice that religious objects were more popular. It was worth putting on the shelves masks brought by friends from India, or a rosary made of natural stone, as the goods instantly flew away for fabulous prices. Very soon there were regular customers and regular orders. The young couple decided to combine business with pleasure and fly to Goa for two weeks to relax and look at the range of products that could be resold in their homeland. It was here, on the shores of the Arabian Sea, that family life cracked. Olya plunged into the traditions and religion of this amazing country with passion and interest, while Denis was alien to the local flavor. The woman was indignant:

    – You must know as much as possible about the culture of the country if you want to professionally give advice and advice to buyers! Dear, understand, it is very important for us to understand all the intricacies of religion if we want to sell such a specific product!

    Denis was angry and stubbornly refused to get acquainted with Buddhism:

    - How can I enter their church if I have an Orthodox cross on me?

    Olga just laughed.

    – What kind of nonsense?! You've never been a believer! I didn’t even want to get married, and this, by the way, is a very beautiful ritual ...

    Whatever it was, but Olga was seriously carried away by India, and Denis was counting the days before flying home. After returning to Russia, the young began to quarrel often. Olya spent all her free time in a Buddhist temple, meeting new people and handing out business cards of her store, while her husband unexpectedly went to an Orthodox church. The young wife did not immediately notice that her beloved had become surprisingly quiet and thoughtful, until one day he resolutely declared:

    – Enough for us to play these pagan games. We will sell, as before, cheap pictures on magnets and mugs with funny inscriptions, and we will throw away all this demonic paraphernalia!

    Olya only laughed at her husband's "righteousness", but Denis was as serious as ever. Very soon, the couple realized that their relationship had reached an impasse. Olya made a last attempt to “reason” with her husband:

    “Do you even realize that you put faith above our family?! Choose: either me or your God! Mind you, I'm tired of your trips to church! You look like a lunatic standing among old women with candles! Orthodoxy is a relic of the past! This faith is for mentally degrading people. Look better at the Buddhists - that's where the truly enlightened mind is.

    Denis tried to convince his wife for some time, but Olya was adamant and filed for divorce. She wanted a holiday, fun, passions ... The next few months passed in a blur. A string of new meetings, soft drugs, acquaintances with famous gurus ... It seemed to the woman that without Denis it became easier for her, and she threw off some kind of ballast that interfered with her "spiritual perfection". But soon a friend's call and the message that her ex-husband had a bride knocked Olga out of her usual rut. No, there were no feelings for him anymore, but annoyance appeared. How did he manage to forget her so quickly? And who did you change it for? According to the all-knowing girlfriend, Denis's new passion was a real slut, besides, she sang in the church choir! Well, just chickens to laugh! Her Denis, accustomed to the most expensive restaurants and fashionable boutiques, suddenly became interested in some "gray mouse" in a long skirt "farewell to youth." Soon the annoyance was replaced by curiosity, and Olya decided to see this couple of "holy men" with her own eyes. Fortunately, the friend lived just in the house where Denis's bride lived, so it was not difficult to track them down. A day later, Olga, inhaling the sweet smoke of a hookah, summed up her surveillance. So, Denis is really in love. The new darling is not as old-fashioned as Olga's friend painted, but, in fact, she is dressed very modestly. The questions of the grandmothers sitting at the entrance gave unexpected results. It turns out that the young are going to get married soon and moreover - get married! How is this known? So, it's clear where! Claudia Ivanovna told her, and the mother of the bride herself secretly confessed to her!

    Like this. She, Olga, was not honored with such an honor, but with this slut, he, you see, was going to get married! Anger grew with incredible force, even meditation did not help to relax. And then one day, not the most beautiful, Olya committed a terrible act. Being in some strange state after meditation and having lost control of her mind, she started the car and drove wherever her eyes looked. I wanted the feeling of flying. The woman stepped on the gas and did not notice anything around ...

    At a pedestrian crossing, she knocked down a girl. The victim was taken to the hospital. The trip ended tragically: the girl had a ruptured spleen, and Olga was sentenced to six months. She wasn't even scared. She didn't…don't care. She could only think about her own fate. The woman was frightened that she had no idea how to live on. She already looked at her passion for Buddhism with a sober look. All this turned out, in fact, to be such nonsense ... She simply joined the ranks of people who believed in some stupid fairy tales and lost their sense of reality. And the reality is that she is completely alone. Parents do not count - Olga never had a warm relationship with them. Despondency and unwillingness to live haunted the woman constantly.

    And then she met Toma. That's from whom the energy was in full swing! They imprisoned her for theft, but the prison term in no way affected the plans of this young and beautiful woman. Sitting behind bars, she thought about the next shenanigan she would try to implement:

    “I have been eyeing the nuns for a long time!” Imagine, I even visited several monasteries. They call it a pilgrimage. You come and work for free for a bed and food. Strange, these Orthodox, honestly! The nuns use them as labor force, and the pilgrims walk around and smile so blissfully! So. I found out everything. I remembered how these prayer books are dressed, what words they use in conversation, how they behave. In general, I will go out and become a “nun”! There are a lot of options to raise good money! You can pretend that you are looking for donors for the construction of the temple. And if everything is thought out precisely, then it is really possible to turn the option with Jerusalem - believers call it the Holy Land. I will say that I will fly there soon, and people will begin to ask me to hand over notes with the names of those who need to be prayed for. In this case, the Orthodox will certainly donate a lot of money.

    Tamara stretched dreamily on her bunk, while Olga held her breath. Orthodoxy evoked only negative emotions in her. It was the Orthodox who humiliated her, exposing her as a complete laughingstock! Found her a replacement! Lost confidence in their superiority. How great it would be to abuse them!

    “Tom, will you take me on?”

    The friend whistled.

    - Why do you want it? You have a folder with your mother. They will find a good job for you. Yes, and you have your own store ...

    The store burned down and was closed. And with the Orthodox, I have my own scores. So consider it personal.