Pulmonology, phthisiology

How to lay plumbing in the apartment. The layout of the water supply in the apartment - a comparison of the tee and collector circuits. Video about water supply

How to lay plumbing in the apartment.  The layout of the water supply in the apartment - a comparison of the tee and collector circuits.  Video about water supply

The sources of water supply for a water supply system can be both centralized water supply networks and private sources located on the site, such as wells or wells.

The source of water supply can also be a river or lake, provided that the water is sufficiently pure or there is a purification system.

Connection to centralized networks

Centralized networks have a number of advantages. You do not need to take care of pumps and arrange a pumping station, you do not need to arrange a bulky storage tank, the organization providing water supply services for private houses and objects should take care of the purity and pressure of the water supplied.

But this is ideal. It often happens that the water pressure is insufficient, the water is polluted with rust, money is needed to repair the plumbing, and additional bills come. In addition, for water provided centrally, you will definitely have to pay according to the meter.

But you do not need to dig a well, trenches and so on. An application is sent, permission to connect is obtained, and within a few days, special equipment digs a trench for a water supply pipe, lays a pipe, and installs meters.

The choice of connection type is determined individually. If water flows in your water supply network without interruptions, pressure drops, pollution, then it is easier to connect to a centralized network.

But with low pressure, water hammer and pollution, you will have to install equipment for adjusting the water pressure, storage tanks, powerful cleaning systems. In this case, it is more logical to close your own system to your own source of water supply.

Decentralized source of water supply

The installation of a water supply system in a private house begins with any source that meets sanitary standards for water intake. Well, well, lake, river.

The most convenient and generally accepted option is a well, because in the event of a sudden power outage, and, consequently, a water pump, water can still be obtained. manually. The well can play an additional decorative role on the site.

The second most popular is a system with a water well device directly in the basement of the house. Thus, there is no need to dig trenches for pipes and the water pressure increases, since the pumping station does not need to pump water from afar, while running water can be done directly to a private house.

Problem this method the fact that the well can become silted up and needs to be cleaned about once every 3-5 years.

The capabilities of different wells may differ in capacity, which depends on the saturation of the aquifer. The standard width of the well is about 10-15 cm, which allows the use of a submersible pump for water supply, but it is impossible to scoop water from the well.

Cunning homeowners usually supplement the well with a large water tank of 200-500 liters, which allows them to survive a power outage.

We do not consider artesian wells due to the great rarity of this type of sources.

The device of an artesian well is quite expensive, and it is not very easy to obtain permission to drill an artesian well, since it will be necessary to justify the need to drill an artesian well.

Typical plumbing scheme of a private house

There are only two main schemes. This is a sequential distribution of water and a collector scheme, in which each water intake point has its own pipe and a common collector.

The serial connection scheme involves the laying of the main pipeline and, with the help of tee tie-ins, water supply points are connected in series. Thus, the water pressure at the first point will be maximum, while using several connections at the same time, the water pressure at the last connection will be the weakest. The scheme is economical, easy to install, reliable enough, but not recommended for more than 2 people living at the same time.

The collector scheme of water supply is more complex installation, high cost, but it provides approximately the same water pressure in all areas.

A typical collector water intake scheme is as follows

  1. Source of water supply.
  2. Water station with hydraulic accumulator. Be sure to choose models with a dry-running relay to avoid equipment damage.
  3. Distribution block. It is intended for distribution of water for technical needs and household.
  4. A water purification system is installed on the branch allocated for domestic needs.
  5. After filtration, the separation of water into cold and hot is established.
  6. Distribution manifold installed cold water and stopcocks on each branch.
  7. The hot water pipe is connected to the boiler.
  8. Mounted distribution manifold for hot water.

External piping

The external wiring of water pipes in a private house is installed after all construction works.

This is the most common scheme in private homes, when the water supply is constructed after settlement.

The external wiring system is comfortable, safe, allows you to control the water supply system at any stage and provides full access to all equipment. External wiring is easier to install than internal and convenient. There are special clips, clamps and pipe mounts that allow you to perform installation work on the device for external pipe routing as aesthetically and accurately as possible.

It also makes sense to take a closer look at the arrangement of mounting boxes in which pipes can be comfortably placed during external installation.

Fiberglass server mount boxes are great for covering pipes with a diameter of less than 4 cm. The pre-assembled mount boxes have a snap-on plastic cover that can be covered with a decorative strip of wallpaper or other material.

In the absence of ready-made mounting boxes, it is easy to build them yourself from ordinary wall panels.

Internal water distribution

With hidden placement of pipes, it is better to use polypropylene and welding. In those places where the pipes are accessible and not hidden, screw connections are installed.

Hidden water distribution should not hide key points, access to stopcocks, water distribution system, collectors. Between aesthetics and safety and performance of the system, it is advisable to choose the latter.

Since internal piping is usually carried out during the construction phase, it is highly desirable to simultaneously think over and build a sewer system with the release of fan pipes.


Modern plastic pipes are mainly used due to their reliability, ease and ease of installation. Metal-plastic and metal have practically fallen into disuse due to high cost and less practicality.

The installation of metal-plastic requires bending and crimping equipment and serious practical experience. When installing metal pipes, welding is required.

With the help of plastic pipes with minimal crimping equipment, everyone can create a water supply system with their own hands.

If hot water supply is also planned in the house, pipes with thermal protection are needed.

Reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum, polypropylene pipes will do the job perfectly.

What else is plastic good for? After welding (a machine for welding polypropylene pipes can be purchased or rented) and pressure tested, plastic joints do not need to be checked and corrected. Pipes can be hidden in the finish. Do not forget about temperature fluctuations and create S-shaped bends in dangerous places to avoid bursting pipes.

But if the high price does not scare you, and you are ready to pay for professional installation, choose copper pipes.
everything about the Abyssinian well with your own hands, is it possible to install a pump on your site and suitable drilling technologies.

Installation of the plumbing system

External and internal piping differ approximately like open and hidden wiring.

Concealed plumbing involves placing pipes inside walls or finishes. External wiring involves an open arrangement of pipes.

It makes sense to consider semi-hidden wiring, when pipes are covered in special boxes, like computer network wiring wires. The box can be left unfinished, or it can be painted or pasted over with the same material as the walls.

The most difficult moments are precisely to think over the autonomous water supply scheme, individual for each private house, to think over the sewerage system and to punch holes in the walls for pipes.

When calculating the water supply system, the capacity of the well and the water consumption of each water intake point should be taken into account.

Connections, installation of pipes and equipment in a private house is laborious and painstaking, hard work, but quite feasible for an adult.

  • Use special pipe gaskets to pass through walls. This will help protect the pipes from damage and abrasion and the walls from corrosion.
  • Use threaded connections as much as possible.
  • When installing drain taps, create a slight slope towards the tap. This will avoid the accumulation of water in the system after draining.
  • Try to avoid unnecessary bends in the plumbing, as bends reduce pressure in the pipe.
  • Use the same fixtures, splitters and fittings throughout the system.
  • Be sure to have a small supply of fittings, fasteners, FUM tape, tees, ball valves, gaskets and seals. If you have fulfilled the requirements of the previous paragraph, then spare elements will fit anywhere in the system.
  • Be sure to install shut-off valves to enable quick disconnection of part of the system.

Plumbing is one of the life support systems in a modern apartment, it is rather difficult to imagine life without running water in an apartment. There comes a time when the collector wiring of water pipes in an apartment needs to be replaced for some reason. And then the owners of the apartment ask themselves: how to make plumbing in the apartment and is it possible to replace it yourself? Of course you can, because today on the market you can easily find a wide variety of tools and materials that will help you carry out this event on your own.

There are quite a few options for water pipes, the main difference of which is the material from which they are made. Materials for such pipes can be metal, plastic and metal-plastic. Each type of material, like any plumbing, has its pros and cons:

  1. Cink Steel. This material is quite durable. The service life of products made from this material can reach 25 years. Protective zinc coating prevents corrosion of pipes. But due to mechanical impact, the layer can be damaged and then the areas with damaged zinc coating can begin to rust.
  2. Stainless steel. A material that is durable and strong. The service life can sometimes reach up to half a century. Products made from this material are resistant to mechanical stress and corrosion. The main disadvantage of such products is, perhaps, their high price.
  3. Copper. Copper pipes are strong enough and not subject to corrosion. Copper is a rather expensive material, and in addition, it requires the use of fittings made of the same material, the price of which, by the way, is quite high. The service life of these pipes can reach up to 70 years. Copper pipes can also become very original decoration interior.
  4. Metal-plastic. Metal-plastic products are excellently characterized by such parameters as high corrosion resistance and low price. In addition, pipes made of this material have such a pleasant feature as resistance to salt deposits on the inner walls, as well as the accumulation of debris on them. The service life of metal-plastic products is about 30 years. The main disadvantage of products made from this material is low thermal stability (the water temperature in the system should not exceed 95°C).
  5. Polyethylene (PE) Products made of this material have a fairly high strength factor and are quite easy to install. But it must be remembered that these pipes are highly undesirable to use for the construction of hot water supply, due to the low thermal stability of polyethylene. But for cold water supply in a private house, polyethylene products will be an ideal option; pipes made from this material are often used to install a sewerage system. The service life of polyethylene pipes is 30 years.
  6. Polypropylene (PP). A material that combines such qualities as strength and durability, the service life of products made from this material is 50 years. Products made of polypropylene are not subject to the destructive effect of corrosion, and the inner surface of the walls is quite smooth, which prevents the formation of salt deposits. The installation of these pipes is done using a welding machine. For hot water pipes, reinforced PP pipes are mounted.

What diameter should the pipes be?

  1. The most extreme point should have a double head reserve.
  2. In pipes with a cross section of 12 mm, turbulence may occur. Typically, this phenomenon occurs at the inlet to the riser, where the normal pressure reading can reach from 1.5 to 4.5 atmospheres. In the design of pipes, whose diameter is 16 mm, turbulence does not occur even with the same pressure indicators.
  3. The pressure loss per unit of fittings and connecting elements of the pipeline is approximately equal to 0.15 atmospheres.
  4. Polypropylene pipes with a 16 mm cross section have a loss of 0.05 atmospheres per 1 meter of construction.
  5. The minimum allowable pressure during the working process should be 0.3 atmospheres.

A rather important indicator is the value of the inlet pressure. Based on the features, the input has its own pressure indicators. This characteristic determines whether there will be sufficient pressure for distant devices in the structure. If you wish, you can find out the total pressure in the riser by going down to the basement of the house and looking at the pressure gauge. This value must be divided by the number of floors, the resulting value will be an approximate indicator of the inlet pressure for one apartment.

In addition, there is an indication that determines the non-linear dependence of pressure losses inside the water supply system. The main parameter that determines this value is the rate of fluid flow through the pipes. It depends on the diameter of the pipes, even a small increase in the diameter of the loss rate drops significantly.

Important! In difficult situations, experts advise determining the layout of pipes, using building codes and regulations (SNiP) as a guide. Moreover, you can always ask for help from a professional who will make the necessary calculations and determine the optimal pipe diameter for a particular situation.

Quite popular is the distribution of cold and hot water in the apartment, which takes into account all the indicators of losses and reduces them as much as possible - this is the distribution of the water supply pipe in the apartment, which has a cross section of 20 mm with branches to pipes of 16 mm in cross section.

Types of plumbing

In apartments, the independent implementation of plumbing is of the following types:

  • open;
  • closed.

The open type of water distribution involves the installation of pipes on the walls, and the closed one - in the walls. Usually, the question of which wiring to choose is raised when the room has a fairly small usable area, and the open type of wiring will reduce the already cramped room. If the room is spacious enough, you can use the type of wiring that is most convenient for you. Consider all the positive and negative sides of each type of wiring.

Advantages of concealed wiring:

  • aesthetics (plumbing does not spoil the interior);
  • increase in usable area (visually and physically);
  • protection of the structure from external influences (for example, fire).

Disadvantages of concealed wiring:

  • restriction on the type of materials (not every type of product is suitable for laying inside the wall);
  • lengthy preparation with making strobes in the walls and a somewhat more complex installation;
  • during operation, it may be difficult to identify leaks;
  • difficulty in carrying out preventive inspections of the pipeline.

Pipes, which will be laid inside the walls, will not spoil the external aesthetics of the interior, but some difficulties may arise during their maintenance.

Advantages of the open method:

  • for this type of wiring, pipes from any material are suitable;
  • easier installation compared to the closed type;
  • there is no unnecessary trouble during the prevention and dismantling;
  • leaks can be easily located;
  • if necessary, additional devices can be added to the system.

Cons of open wiring:

  • reduces the usable area of ​​the room;
  • sometimes it may not fit into the design of the room, spoiling the design;
  • susceptibility to external influences that can render some parts of the pipeline unusable.

The wiring diagram is also of two types:

  • sequential (tee);
  • collector.

The tee scheme is more common, it is performed by connecting a tee to a common water supply. This design is quite reliable and easy to install. In the event of an accident, as a rule, it is necessary to turn off the water in the entire apartment. But a similar problem is solved by installing shut-off valves for each plumbing fixture.

The biggest disadvantage can be considered that during the use of several taps, pressure drops in the system, mounted by hand according to the tee scheme. The plumbing manifold is devoid of such a drawback, which has a positive effect on its operation.

The collector scheme for distributing water pipes in an apartment implies the parallel connection of all plumbing fixtures to a common water supply (collector). Each point is equipped with a valve, which allows you to adjust the pressure in the system. Due to the parallel connection, pressure drops and pressure drops are eliminated in the system at the time of opening several taps. Installation of such a design is more complicated, but the result is worthy of the effort spent.

Important! Regardless of which water supply manifold scheme has been chosen, the number of connections and bends in the system must be minimized. Also, you need to remember that cold and hot water pipes in an apartment with your own hands should not have any intersections.

How to make a do-it-yourself water supply wiring?

The installation of the entire system also has some non-construction features, such as gating, organization of channels in the screed. The latter should be no more than 150 mm from the wall and not less than 200 mm to the furniture. Before you make the wiring, that is, before starting the laying of pipes, all plumbing fixtures must be removed.

First of all, arcs should be installed - plastic strips with MRV angles for mixers. Their fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws in dowels to the main wall. During fastening, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the finish: tiles, plaster or some other decor. It is quite difficult to achieve that the outlet pipes are flush with the wall if there is not enough experience in construction.

The best option would be to make them slightly protrude above the half-width trim of the decorative faucet caps: if the caps are not adjustable, they can easily be adjusted with an emery wheel or manually using an emery bar for this purpose.

The next stage is the assembly of pipeline sections. It will be most convenient to do this on the table, and then put it entirely in strobes. But there is a problem of passing pipes through walls. In the case of metal-plastic pipes, there should not be a problem, since the entire structure is based on detachable fittings, but if the structure is assembled from brazed pipes, there are two ways to lay them through the walls:

  1. With the help of MPH / MRV adapters and metal-plastic inserts. For an apartment, this is a fairly reliable option. In the corners above the strobes, special removable hatches can be made, which will serve for the repair and revision of threaded connections.
  2. Local installation of the pipeline. This is where a compact soldering iron comes in handy. This method is somewhat more expensive, and the work must be done with cotton gloves to prevent accidental burns.

Next comes the pipe cutting. Sawing is strictly not recommended, especially if the pipes are made of metal-plastic, this can adversely affect the reliability of the connections. Cutting should be carried out using a pipe cutter, and it must be remembered that for plastic and metal-plastic pipes this tool is completely different.

The fourth stage is soldering. One solder takes 15 mm of pipe. That is, if there is exactly 1 m between two fittings, you will need to cut 1030 mm; if 0.6 - 630 mm, etc.

The fifth point is the bending of metal-plastic pipes. The minimum allowable bending radius must be 5 times the outside diameter of the pipe. Some "specialists" advise putting a spring inside or filling it with sand, and then you can bend it at an angle, the spring is pulled out, and the sand is picked out with a wire hook.

In no case do not follow these recommendations, after such operations the pipe coating deteriorates, residual stresses appear in it, which are much higher than the permissible ones, and the metal-plastic pipe itself acquires the characteristics of a rusted steel pipe of very poor quality.

Now, the direct installation of the pipeline for water in the apartment. The pipeline changes in a strictly defined sequence. Work "on the go" and "by eye" with insufficient qualifications quite often ends in leaks:

  1. After the water is shut off, the old riser is dismantled, and a shut-off valve is installed instead. This is done in order to open the water to the neighbors and continue the installation of their own water supply.
  2. To improve the quality of water, it is recommended to install a special filter.
  3. Next, a water meter is installed. Installation must be done very carefully so that the manufacturer's seal is not accidentally broken. If the seal is broken, the water meter will be considered invalid.
  4. Next is the installation of a water collector and ball valves at the outlets.
  5. The final step is to connect plumbing fixtures and check the operation of the system.

Now you know how to make plumbing yourself. It is worth noting that this work is not particularly difficult, but it must be done carefully and accurately.

The layout of water supply pipes in an apartment is a problem that has to be solved during a major overhaul. Sooner or later there comes a time when the water supply system becomes unusable. There can be many reasons for repairing and replacing a water supply system, we list the main ones - the formation of fistulas, condensation on pipes, the appearance of rusty tap water, etc.

Can I replace the water supply system in an apartment or a private house on my own? After all, the work of plumbers will cost a lot. And in this question the answer is yes - yes, this is possible.

At the same time, special permissions and registrations are not required for work. All that is needed is to shut off the water supply to the riser for an hour.

All work on the installation of the water supply system will have to be carried out in strict sequence, otherwise the constructed structure will not work trouble-free.

Pipe range selection

The arrangement of the water supply network begins with the choice of pipe materials. Recently, domestic steel lines are not often installed. This material has already lost its popularity.

His place was taken cheaper and more practical plastic and metal structures. You can also use copper water supply systems, but their too high cost in this option becomes the reason for the rejection of this material.

  • Copper. Despite the numerous positive properties, this highway is not without some disadvantages. The first is harmful copper oxide, which is formed upon contact with the aquatic environment. Second, tin is used as part of the solder during soldering. This material turns into powder over time, which leads to joint leakage.
  • metal-plastic. This material does not belong to the line of cheap materials, but it can be connected without the use of special tools. The laying of such a pipeline is allowed in an open area, where at any time you can quickly sort out the joint.
  • Plastic. These systems are called the standard plumbing structures. But plastic is different. And to make right choice, it is necessary to know the properties and features of these materials. For example, a material such as polybutylene (PB) stands out for its optimal thermal conductivity. Joints made of this type of plastic are absolutely reliable.

Polyethylene (PE)
not expensive material, but for hot water supply (DHW) you will have to install reinforced products. With significant drawbacks, this material has a very significant advantage of not bursting after freezing. Therefore, such a line successfully works indoors without heating or outdoors. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is chemically resistant, but fragile and breaks down when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Polypropylene piping for arranging water supply in an apartment will not cost very much. Such a water supply line is currently used more often than others. This material stands out for its strength and durability.

The soldered polypropylene joint on the wiring reliably withstands pressure loads up to 12 atmospheres, and differs little from the base material. In a city pipeline, there can be up to 6 atm, so this assortment for polypropylene wiring in an apartment is ideal. The layout of pipes for wiring water supply in an apartment where polypropylene is used has a higher hydraulic resistance than previous analogues and increased thermal stability.

Describing the characteristics of polypropylene wiring, it is necessary to recall their shortcomings. Polypropylene has only two of them. Firstly, polypropylene cannot be glued, and when welding, special equipment must be used, and all technology must be strictly observed. plumbing work. Secondly, polypropylene has a significant coefficient of thermal expansion, which must be taken into account when performing installation.

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The layout of water supply pipes in an apartment where polypropylene is used is recommended by the craftsmen as the only system at this time that, after proper installation, does not require constant maintenance. It is also necessary to add to the above that polypropylene is soldered at a lower temperature than other types of plastic.

The choice of the method of distributing water in the apartment

The wiring of the water main can be carried out using the tee method (it is considered a classic option). And it can be produced by a modern collector method.

The first method is the sequential passage of the highway from the common riser to the parsing points. First, the main branches with different water are diverted, and then, through the tee, the water moves along the branches.

The classical scheme has the following advantages.

  • Small price.
  • Compact dimensions.
  • Simple padding.

And her shortcomings are as follows.

  • Constant pressure drops.
  • The impossibility of overlapping one point of consumption.
  • Tees are not always convenient to place in the bathroom or toilet.
  • For a small apartment, such a layout is acceptable, but in a large country house it will cause a lot of inconvenience.

Collector wiring for water supply in an apartment or a private house is a method in which an individual pipe is led to each point of the fence. With a collector structure in the apartment, a sink, toilet, shower stall and all other plumbing fixtures supply water in the required amount, independently of one another.

All pipes lead to the collector, which stands at the entrance of the highway to the housing. The collector design is a system equipped with one input and several outputs. When connected to it, not only the number of valves is taken into account, but also the number of all plumbing fixtures.

ADVICE. The connection of the collector structure in housing can be made after connecting the filtering mechanisms for water purification and pressure reducers.

Collector wiring of water supply pipes in an apartment has numerous advantages:

  • The first is the ability to turn off water at one of the points, without damaging other water intake points.
  • The control valves of this system are located in one zone, and they always have free access.
  • Permanent stability .
  • The risk of breakage is minimized. And if you need to carry out repairs, then it can be done quickly and easily.
  • All water intake points have the same water temperature level.
  • If necessary, you can quickly connect a new valve or plumbing. To do this, you first need to install a collector structure with several emergency exits.

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Perhaps the only disadvantage in this case is the need for in large numbers building materials. After all, a “couple” of pipes is indispensable in such a situation. Accordingly, such a scheme will require tangible financial costs. In addition, such a design will require a lot of space.

Plumbing layout

The layout of the water supply pipes, most of all, is necessary for the owner of the apartment. A detailed plan helps to accurately navigate the location of the various elements of the highway. Special permits for the preparation of a detailed plan will not be required. Only when registering a meter, employees of the city water canal can ask for this scheme.

Create complete scheme by all standards, even for a professional master is a serious job. Because such a scheme for a country house with a summer kitchen is necessary for project approval. For an apartment, it is enough to draw a diagram where everything will be simple and clear. Such a plan should include:

  • Water supply pipes.
  • accounting mechanisms.
  • Drains and valves for emergency.
  • Stop valve.
  • Places of water supply.
  • Branches for cutting use.
  • Direction of water movement.

Collector and any other wiring of water supply pipes must be carried out according to a scheme that will be clear not only to the owner of the apartment. Therefore, for the drawing of the collector and other circuits, there are certain norms and rules. At the same time, they recommend:

  • do not use isometrics, otherwise pipe intersections will confuse the entire collector or tee scheme.
  • Do not use excessive arrows - pointers, so as not to confuse the plan.
  • Shut-off valves and metering devices must be indicated according to the rules and clearly.
  • The diameter and type of pipe rolling must be specified.

As a result, it turns out that the collector or tee scheme must be drawn up according to strictly defined standards and must be no frills.

How to Calculate Pipe Gauge Diameter

The diameter of the water supply pipes should be calculated correctly. And such a calculation is needed for a reason. After all, the smaller the diameter of the pipe, the less it costs. And on the reverse side, an excessively small diameter of the pipeline causes fluid turbulence. In this case, the throughput function of the highway decreases, and when normal level pressure from the tap water will flow very weakly.

For a pipeline in an apartment, you can correctly calculate the diameter yourself. The initial parameters are as follows:

  1. The smallest pressure is 0.3 atm.
  2. For 1 meter of a tubular product for 16 mm, pressure losses can be 0.05 atm.
  3. For one fitting connection, pressure losses are possible by 0.15 atm.
  4. At the point of water intake, losses are 0.25 atm.
  5. The head reserve for the most distant point can be at least twice.

Now, it is necessary to find out whether the serial wiring of the water pipes in the apartment will be supplied with the necessary pressure at the most distant point. Will there be enough for a consistent design of the running range, or will it be necessary to purchase pipes with more volume.

The pressure level at the bottom of the risers is determined by means of a pressure gauge, then 0.6 atm is taken away for each floor. But in multi-storey buildings, such a calculation is not acceptable. In order not to increase the cost of the structure in housing, risers are removed separately from the building. First, this is done on the lower, and then on the upper and middle floors.

Horizontal distribution of water supply pipes is characterized by a non-linear dependence of heat loss in the pipeline. Such losses are dependent on the flow velocity, which, in turn, depends on the cross section of the pipe structure.

Slightly increased diameter of the assortment significantly reduces heat loss. For these reasons, simple design in an apartment of 20 mm, having taps of 16 mm, it functions properly.

What tools and materials will be needed when working

To work on assembling the highway, you need a standard set of tools. It: welding machine, tape measure, devices for cutting and bending pipes. Before purchasing materials, you need to carefully approach the calculation of footage.

Also, before installation, made by hand, you will have to dismantle the old pipeline. This replacement is performed by traditional methods. In an apartment, it is better to do this after turning off the water meter so that long time do not turn off the water supply to other floors.

Another tip that will come in handy in this situation is not to take a valve with a lever. It is made of plastic, which tends to break at the most inopportune moment. It is better to use a ball device with a butterfly-shaped handle to shut off the water supply.

Do-it-yourself wiring installation

So, it's time to assemble the system. directly. This is absolutely not a difficult process that even a novice master can handle. If you adhere to the technology of this work, then in the end you can get a design that will function reliably and for a long time.

You should also carefully consider the gating and arrangement of channels in the screed. They should not extend more than 150 mm from the wall and not less than 20 cm to the furniture. All plumbing before starting work must be removed and taken out of the room.

On the initial stage actions set arcs. These are plastic strips with corners for mixers. They are fixed to the main wall with self-tapping screws. When performing this fastening, the dimensions of the finish should be taken into account. It can be plaster, tile or any other finishing design.

If the home master does not have significant skills, then it is difficult to accurately position the output blanks flush. It is recommended to pre-execute them with a protrusion at a distance equal to half the width of the side of the caps on the mixer. If these caps are not adjustable, then they are not recommended to be “fitted” with an emery wheel.

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The next stage is the connection of sections of the highway. It is more convenient to collect the water supply on the table, and broach into the recesses in one piece. But, now the question naturally arises, how to stretch the structure through the walls?

In the case of metal-plastic, this is not a problem; such a line is carried out on detachable fitting parts. And brazed tubular products are carried out using adapters and metal-plastic inserts. The second more reliable way is to install the network on site. Only for such actions you will have to purchase a compact welding machine.

It is also necessary remember that for cold and hot water, individual units for metering devices will be needed. At the same time, it is recommended that counters and valve handles stand out in color.

Indications on metering devices must be viewed conveniently. For this reason, this zone of the highway is often performed in a very bizarre form. . This seal should be kept, without it the device is considered unusable.

After installing the meter, you should call the inspector from the water utility. He fixes the data on the device, and seals the counter and filter drain with his seal.

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For cutting pipes, it is better to use a pipe cutter. By working on this tool, you can not only save time, but also better prepare pipe materials for soldering.

Also, special attention should be paid to pipe bending. When working with metal-plastic products, it must be remembered that the minimum allowable bend level is equal to five outer volumes of the tubular product.

And at the final stage, the installation of the boiler is carried out. These actions are included in a separate cycle installation work. Such work is carried out after the commissioning of the pipeline. Branch pipes for the boiler are prepared in advance. Valves are placed near both pipes, and at this stage they are immediately blocked and additionally muffled.

The layout of water supply pipes is not an extremely difficult job, and it is quite possible to create such a system with your own hands. Only, it is necessary to take into account that this work will not tolerate a careless and careless attitude.

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Modern suburban and suburban areas are unthinkable without amenities. Electricity, sewerage and running water are now available in almost every one of them. Most of the construction work on laying networks can be done independently. For example, to provide water, a do-it-yourself water supply scheme in a private house will help.

Making a scheme

The water supply in a private house can be conditionally divided into two parts: an external main and internal wiring to consumption points. Water can be supplied from several sources:

  • well;
  • well;
  • operating main water supply.

Inside the house, water supply to such objects should be provided:

  • kitchen sinks;
  • toilet bowls;
  • baths;
  • wash basins;
  • shower cabins;
  • bath rooms;
  • conclusions for watering the garden or garden.

The water supply scheme of a private house should take into account all the nuances of the location and place of water intake, as well as the location of the pipes entering the premises and tracing inside to consumption points.

Depending on the number of consumers and their location, internal wiring can be carried out in two ways:

  • sequential;
  • collector.

With a serial scheme, consumers are connected to the network through tees mounted on a single main pipe. This option is suitable for small houses with a minimum number of subscribers. It turns out economically and simply, but the pressure in a remote area and on the upper floors, with the simultaneous use of several cranes, is noticeably reduced.

Plumbing in a private house with a large number of points of consumption or with their location on the second floor, it is desirable to equip the second option. The collector circuit involves the connection of the so-called "combs" - collectors. In this case, each subscriber is powered from his output personally. In this case, the pressure is the same everywhere, but, of course, the cost of the water supply system will be higher, since a separate outlet to each consumer is required.

It is advisable to mount two collectors in the water supply system: separately for distributing hot and cold water.

Inside the new house or in its basement, it will be necessary to allocate and equip a separate room or place in which it will be necessary to install a water management system. It includes:

  • node of input of an external highway;
  • pumping station;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • collectors;
  • shutoff valves - taps;
  • boiler.
Tip: "It is convenient to install a water distribution system in the boiler room if there is enough free space."

After the scheme for laying the water supply network is finally thought out and executed in the form of a drawing on paper, and this is very useful in further work, we proceed to the installation of mounting holes.

In a wooden house, an electric drill with the required diameter of a drill or crown will help with this, and in a stone house, a hammer drill. Particular attention should be paid to laying the main pipe. In the place of its passage from the street into the room, a piece of a metal pipe should be laid - a kind of coupling through which water should be laid. Subsequently, the gap between them is sealed with mounting foam. The same metal glasses are also laid when making holes in the interroom and interfloor passages.

Do-it-yourself plumbing installation

After the water distribution scheme in a private house has been drawn up and all the nuances have been taken into account, it's time to start planning the purchase of the necessary materials and equipment. We will need two sets: for an external connection device and for distributing water supply pipes inside a private house.

Types of pipes depending on the material

AT modern system autonomous water supply, several types of pipes are used:

  • metal: copper or steel;
  • polypropylene;
  • from metal-plastic;
  • from low pressure polyethylene - HDPE.

Copper pipes are the most expensive, but have many advantages. They are practically resistant to corrosion, they are not affected by harmful radiation and temperature changes. Self-assembly of such material can only be performed by a specialist. Steel pipes are gradually going out of fashion. Only an experienced welder can lay a water supply from them. It is no coincidence that old iron water pipes are being replaced with plastic ones.

Polypropylene is the most common material for laying domestic plumbing today. Such pipes are used both for the external main and for arranging the internal water supply network. Here, the differences are only in diameter. Welding of joints is carried out with a special apparatus, which can be purchased or rented at a hardware store. You will also need a cutter to make cuts of the desired length.

For distributing hot water, special heat-resistant products are chosen.

Metal-plastic is a symbiosis of aluminum and plastic. Assembling a water pipe from this material will not require anything other than wrenches and a cutter. Minus - do not withstand high: over 95 ° C, and low: below -5 ° C, temperatures. As a result, such pipes are not used as external piping. HDPE pipes are assembled manually on couplings, similar to metal-plastic installation. They are mainly used for organizing an external highway.

Pipe diameter

When planning your water supply, decide what diameter of pipes will be used, the throughput of the entire system will depend on this. Usually guided by the value of the speed of passage of water, which should be at least 2 m / s.

Here is a brief table of the dependence of the optimal pipe diameter on the length of the network:

  • up to 10 m - 15 mm;
  • 10-15 m - 20 mm;
  • 15-30 m - 25 mm;
  • over 30 m - 32 mm.

Welding of polypropylene pipes

If a water pipe made of metal-plastic and HDPE is assembled by tightening special nuts on corners, taps and other fittings, then a special apparatus for welding them will help to make wiring from polypropylene pipes. Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Adapters-heaters of the required diameter are inserted into the apparatus.
  2. The pipes are cut into segments of the required length, the connecting elements are prepared: couplings, angles, taps, tees, etc.
  3. The joints are degreased, for this it is convenient to use special alcohol wipes.
  4. On the turned on device, the heating mode recommended in the documentation for polypropylene is set.
  5. When the indicator on the device goes out, signaling the optimal heating for welding, a pipe section and a docking element should be placed on different sides of the device.
  6. After holding for a few seconds (according to the instructions), the elements of the water supply are removed and firmly pressed against each other. The time of heating and holding in a stationary state depends on the thickness of the pipe and is always indicated in the instructions for the device.

It is better to carry out work with an assistant, and put a thermal insulating material under the apparatus to protect the floor from high temperatures.

Plumbing in the house

Pipe laying around the house starts from consumption points to the input node or collectors. Installation is carried out using special clips or other fastenings to the walls. At the same time, they maintain an optimal gap from structures of 20-25 mm. To ensure the laying and optimal operation of pipelines, various plumbing fittings are used:

  • corners;
  • fitting;
  • couplings;
  • cranes;
  • tees.

We connect the pumping station to the internal water supply

When using a well, water is supplied to the house by an automatic system consisting of several important elements:

  • pump;
  • water storage - hydraulic accumulator;
  • control automation.

If all the elements are assembled into a single mechanism, we have a pumping station in front of us. It has fittings:

  • to obtain water from a well or well;
  • for supplying water to the internal network.

When the station is turned on, the pump pumps water into the accumulator. When a certain pressure is reached, the automation switches off the pump.

When the water is consumed, the pressure gradually drops to a certain value, after which the automation restarts the pump.

Tip: “When connecting the station, do not forget to put shut-off valves at the inlet and outlet to consumers. This will help to cut off the apparatus for repair work.

Hydroaccumulator - what is it and why is it needed

The second version of the water supply is spaced. In this case, the pump is used of a submersible type and is located in a well or well. At the same time, only a hydraulic accumulator and automation are installed in the distribution unit. The advantages of this system are its low noise level and the ability to use a large capacity hydraulic accumulator. A hydraulic accumulator, as the name implies, accumulates water and ensures that it is at elevated pressure.

This is what allows you to supply liquid to any point of the water supply. Inside the battery there is a rubber chamber, into which water is supplied by a pump, and around it in a metal cylinder - air. By pumping water into the chamber, the pump compresses the air in the cylinder. When the tap is opened, the pressure drops due to the fact that the air gap squeezes water out of the chamber.

Water filters

To protect the system from mechanical impurities, a coarse filter is mounted at a distance of 50-100 cm from the pumping station or hydraulic accumulator. It is a glass with a filter element. It is easy to control its pollution, everything is clearly visible through the transparent wall.

Installing the collector and boiler

After the filter, other water supply units are installed. First, a tee is mounted, dividing the flow into two parts:

  • cold water collector;
  • line leading to the boiler.

After the boiler, a second collector is installed, designed to separate the heated water flows.

The system is equipped with stopcocks, and a safety valve and an expansion tank are also installed in the hot water supply line. The device of a water supply system in a private house is difficult only at first glance. Having thoroughly understood the process, it is easy to do all the work with your own hands, without involving masters from outside. This will not only save cash, but will also become a subject of separate pride of the owner.