
Decoration of flower beds and flower beds from the house. Making a flower bed near the house with your own hands. The right choice of the right place

Decoration of flower beds and flower beds from the house.  Making a flower bed near the house with your own hands.  The right choice of the right place

Each gardener asks himself how to decorate a flower bed beautifully with his own hands so that it fits into the general mood of the yard in the country and unites the house and the plant area into one whole.
Flowers and plants are the best decoration for a backyard, but it is important that all plants are harmoniously selected.

If you plant flowers at random, then it is unlikely that your flower garden in the country will give you aesthetic pleasure.

To create a harmonious, beautiful and truly luxurious flower bed with your own hands (including from perennials), you need to familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of landscape design.

So you will not only learn how to decorate a flower bed beautifully with your own hands, but also how to make it aesthetically attractive, colorful and blooming until autumn.

To begin with, you should know that the difference between a flower bed and a flower garden is minimal.

The flower bed has strict geometric shapes - rectangular, round, oval or others. A flower garden can have any shape, depending on your imagination.

Wherever you place your flower garden - near the house, in the country, in the garden or in a kindergarten for your own and neighbor's children, you need to arrange a flower arrangement correctly and beautifully so that it will delight you and those around you with its flowering for many years.

Examples of colorful flower beds near the house using perennials are shown in the photo.

Basic rules for creating a flower bed

When organizing a flower garden with your own hands (including from perennials), you need to follow some rules so that we are pleased with the result of the work.

First of all, you need to choose a good place for flowers (for example, near the house). It is important that the place is not too sunny or windy so that the flowers do not burn or wilt.

Prepare soil for plants in advance. It must be properly fertilized so that fertility is maximum.

At the site of the future flower garden, remove all weeds, remove the topsoil and apply fertilizer.

The quality of the soil will also be improved by sand and black earth. You can make drainage so that the earth is not too wet.

The shape and size of the flower bed in the country house or near the house often depends on the size of the site, but if you have a choice, it is better to make a large flower bed.

flower beds large sizes look better than a few small flower islands.

If you have some experience in gardening, then for starters, make it a simple shape with an uncomplicated design.

The photo shows flower beds of various shapes and sizes.

The choice of plants for the flower garden

The most important thing, of course, is to choose the right plants for your oasis.

To make it look holistic, plants should be selected according to the flowering period so that the flower bed is blooming and bright for as long as possible.

It is best to make the basis of the composition from perennials, and plant annual flowers (for example, petunia bushes) to complement and give freshness.

To create a beautiful flower garden with your own hands near the house, you should pay close attention to the choice of plant colors, their height and flowering time.

Choose a few brightly colored perennials to be the center of the composition, with all other flowers serving as the backdrop.

In a properly designed flower bed, the colors of the plants should go one into the other.

Plants with warm-colored leaves (yellow or red) can be used as accents, and green, blue or purple leaves will serve as a background.

Combinations of blue with orange, red with green, yellow with purple look very nice.

You need to arrange the plants in the form of a slide, from the tall ones in the center of the flower garden to the undersized ones at the edges. In the center, you can plant small trees, bushes, weaving plants and other perennial options.

You do not need to plant flowers that bloom at the same time, otherwise your flower bed will be very colorful for a while, and then it will cease to be a decoration of the yard.

The flower garden in front of the house will look luxurious if its surroundings are also beautifully decorated.

To do this, you can plant ornamental shrubs around it, or install fences and decorative elements, you can fence it off with stones, bricks, or make a fence out of tires.

Usually, when drawing up a flower bed near the house, experts choose several colors - soloists.

These are the tallest and most colorful plants that will accompany the more modest flowers. Large and bright plants should be placed together or separately, in different corners of the flower bed.

For beautiful flower beds, not only plants with beautiful flowers are valuable, but also with original leaves. Such plants will decorate the flower bed in those moments when the flowers with beautiful flowering have faded.

This is primarily hosta, asparagus, chistets and much more.

Do not try to fit in your flower bed as many different colors as possible. It is important that the flowers blend well with each other.

Even mono-flowers of roses, peonies, gladioli, lilies or phlox will not leave anyone indifferent.

In order to create a flower bed with several tiers in front of the house, it is best to plant climbing roses, clematis, morning glory and similar plants in the background.

Closer to the edge of the flower bed, you can place low-growing plants.

Before you start planting perennials in front of the house, draw a flower garden plan, which takes into account the height, color and timing of flowering plants, decorative elements and other subtleties of your flower bed.

There are ready-made schemes that help you arrange a flower bed with your own hands. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the process of creating a flower garden.

Such schemes are suitable for both experienced gardeners and those who make a flower bed for the first time with their own hands.

In the photo you see several ready-made schemes of flower beds.

Varieties of flower beds

Among the variety of options for flower beds, experts distinguish several main types, one of which you can choose for yourself.

Carpet beds mostly have a strict geometric shape - a square or a rectangle.

It is planted with low-growing flowers with bright colored greens and flowers that please the gardener with their appearance throughout the warm season.

Such flowers bloom quite early and often bloom until autumn.

Planting such plants is not very easy, in addition, they require regular care, so making such a flower bed with your own hands without special knowledge is quite difficult, but still possible.

Regular and irregular flower beds are distinguished by the peculiarity of flowering plants.

In regular plants, all plants bloom at about the same time, and in irregular ones, some flowers fade, and the next ones are just starting to bloom.

A flower bed - a mono-flower bed - is the simplest type of flower bed when only one type of flower is planted. It can be a flower garden of roses, petunias, or maybe a flower bed completely planted with marigolds.

Materials for flower beds

To create flower beds with their own hands, gardeners use a variety of materials. Most often in the garden, in the country and even in kindergarten you can find flower beds from car tires.

Tire beds can be very different - sometimes the tire remains in its original form, and sometimes it changes beyond recognition.

From the video below you can learn how to make flower beds from car tires.

For example, in the country or in front of the house, you can make a bright multi-tiered flower bed out of tires. Just paint them in bright colors and place one on top of the other.

Such tire beds can also be used as a fence in a kindergarten - simple, bright and green. You can plant bushes of perennials or annual petunias in such flower beds from tires, such a flower garden will definitely delight the eyes of passers-by.

Also, in the country or in front of the house, you can make a pyramid flower bed out of tires by installing tires of different sizes on top of each other. Bushes of ampelous petunias are also often planted in such flower beds.

Flowerpots made of tires look very interesting. It is quite simple to do, but you will have to make a little physical effort in order to turn the tire inside out.

On the side of the tire, draw a pattern on the edge of the future flowerpot and cut it out with an electric saw or a sharp knife.

After that, turn the tire inside out, and you will have a beautiful and unusual flowerpot that can be painted in a bright color.

In the photo you see flowerbeds using tires.

To create flower beds with your own hands in the country or near the house, wooden logs or boards are often used.

A trench is dug along the contour of the flower garden and logs of the same height are buried in the ground, approximately 1/3 of their entire length. Logs can be painted or left in their natural form.

From boards of the same length, a fence is made, which is installed on pegs dug into the ground.

Many gardeners cover the contours of the flower garden in front of the house with stones. This is a very simple and winning option.

It can be broken almost anywhere and in any shape, and if the stones are laid in several layers, the flower bed will rise to the general level of the site.

A flower bed lined with stones will stand for more than one year, so it is ideal for planting various colorful perennials.

Bricks or paving slabs are often used as fencing. Using these materials, you can also create a fairly tall flower garden, both temporary and permanent.

Bright perennials can be planted in the center, and bushes of ampelous petunias can be planted at the edges every year.

You can make flower beds lined with stones as shown in the photo.

To create a temporary flower garden, use material such as glass or plastic bottles.

Such a flower bed in the country or near the house can be created in a matter of hours, and marigolds or petunias can be planted there. She will delight the eye with the brightness of flowers (marigolds and petunias) throughout the summer.

Gardeners with imagination manage to make flower beds near the house and in the country from the most unexpected materials. These are bathtubs, old cars, bicycles, sinks, chairs and even toilets.

Most often, annuals are planted in such containers - bushes of petunias, marigolds, pansies, ageratum, lobelia.

Petunia lovers grow this plant in stumps.

And especially experienced gardeners plant bushes of petunias and other ampelous plants, even in galoshes.

Options for arranging flower beds with your own hands from improvised means.

Flowerbed in the country, in the garden with their own hands for beginners from tires: design, photo

Flower beds take pride of place in summer cottages, garden plots. Beautiful flowers delight the eye and improve the mood of not only the hosts, but also passers-by who see such beauty.

Agree, the framing of the flower bed is no less important. Flowers planted in a beautiful fence make the flower beds neat and much more attractive.

You can buy ready-made fences various shapes: plastic, metal, wooden. As well as a variety of bizarre containers: vases, pots, barrels, etc. Unfortunately, such devices can hit the pocket well. Therefore, people with a good imagination found a way out - to make fences from improvised materials. This is not only a way to save money, but also an opportunity to have fun.

Many families in their summer cottage have things that it's time to throw away. Do not rush to part with old things, give them new life. For example, old car tires.

Flower beds from old things

Before you start turning the tire into a "house for flowers", it should be prepared:

  • Thoroughly wash off traces of dirt
  • Degrease the tire with acetone or white spirit
  • Apply paint in one layer or draw patterns

Important: Worn tires are well suited for decorating flower beds, they are easier to apply paint on.

In such a simple way, you can get, though so modern, but quite worthy alternative expensive fence.

Tires can be placed around the perimeter of the flower bed, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, put one on top of the other or hung on a tree. Any of the options, if beaten with taste, will look beautiful.

Car tires will serve as a fence for a beautiful flower bed Tire hanging flower bed

Also, with the help of a sharp knife and a soapy solution, curly fences can be cut out of the tires.

Tire flowerpot

Beautiful flowerpots from improvised materials

Video: Flower beds from car tires

How to make a flower bed with your own hands from stones?

Wonderful stylish flower beds are obtained from stones. With proper laying of the stone, the flower bed will last a long time.

To make a multi-tiered or high flower bed of stone, you must have certain skills and knowledge.

  • First of all, you should make a foundation of sufficient depth.
  • When laying stones, use cement mortar to fill gaps.
  • Also make drainage holes in the fence.
  • After the cement has hardened, apply sealant to the seams between the stones so that cracks do not form.

Important: Fix the stones with cement only from the inside of the flower bed to outer side looked like a neat dry masonry.

Flower beds made of stone

Beautiful flower bed made of stone

There is also an easy way to protect the flower bed. It is enough to dig a shallow trench, fill it halfway with rubble, and then overlay it with decorative stones.

Modern flower bed decorated with stone

simple flower bed

landscape design

For the construction of the flower bed, the following stones are used:

  • River and sea pebbles
  • Slate
  • Dolomite
  • Basalt
  • Marble chips

high flower bed

How to make a flower bed with your own hands from brick?

Brick is another suitable material for fencing flower beds.

Brick can be used to make not only a beautiful decorative fence, but also to prevent the growth of weeds throughout the site.

Important: When choosing a brick color, you should consider color scheme site. It is desirable that the colors are combined with each other, then the brick flower bed will harmoniously fit into the overall picture.

Brick flower beds can be made of different heights:

  1. High
  2. Low
  3. Multi-tiered
  4. Border

The configuration is also not limited to one or two options. If space allows, you can make a polygonal flower bed, rounded or any shape.

Often brick flower beds are adjacent to the wall.

Flowerbed near the house

The process of building a flower bed from a brick like this:

  1. First, outline the flower bed.
  2. Then dig a trench along the contour.
  3. After that, lay the bricks in one row.
  4. The next day, tamp the bricks by walking over them.
  5. Now you need to fix the brick with mortar: pour a mixture of cement and dry sand into the cracks, spread the mixture evenly with a brush, then moisten the top layer of the brick with a hose and a water spray nozzle.
  6. Using a brush, carefully remove the remaining mortar from the brick.
  7. Give the solution time to dry.

Brick flower bed fencing

If you want to make a high fence, do it like this:

  1. Dig a trench first
  2. Fill it incompletely with drainage: sand, gravel, crumbs
  3. Then lay brick with cement mortar.
  4. Lay a brick wall a little inside.

Brick corner flower bed

Unusual fence for a flower bed

High round flower bed

How to make a flower bed out of concrete?

Flowerbeds with a concrete fence look rather bulky, but at the same time they are concise. Concrete beds have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with virtues:

  • Concrete is durable, the flower bed will not collapse under the influence of precipitation.
  • The material retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.
  • A concrete flower bed will not be damaged by vandals and will not be stolen. Unfortunately, this also happens.

A little about shortcomings:

  • Concrete beds are bulky and take up a lot of space. This is not suitable for small areas.
  • You will not be able to move such a flower bed if you suddenly need to change the design of the site. It will have to be completely demolished.
  • Concrete flower beds in their style are not suitable for every site. Sometimes they only increase the dullness and facelessness of the territory.

Concrete railings and flowerpots can look great if placed correctly and planted with the right flowers.

Important: The practicality of a concrete flower bed depends entirely on the quality of the solution. For a good solution, you need to take 1 bucket of cement, water and gravel, as well as 3 buckets of sand.

To make a concrete fence, you first need to make a formwork - a frame, which is subsequently filled with mortar.

Level the poured solution with a spatula and wait until it dries. Drill holes in the finished fence for drainage. Concrete flower beds can be painted with facade paint, laid out with mosaics or beautiful stones.

Concrete fences for flower beds

Concrete fence

Flowerbed in concrete

Fancy flowerpots can be made from concrete. To do this, the solution is poured between two containers, unequal in diameter.

Creating flowerpots from concrete

Concrete flowerpot

How to make a flower bed from plastic bottles?

Plastic bottles are affordable raw materials. Of course, a flower bed made of plastic bottles does not look as expensive and sound as a brick or concrete one, but it has its own advantages.

Such a fence is easy to repair, it is enough to replace the necessary elements.
If necessary, the flower bed can be easily removed, replaced with a new one.

Important: Before laying or burying, the bottles must be filled with earth. So they will hold on tighter.

See what flower beds can be made from plastic bottles.

Fencing flower beds with plastic bottles

bright flower bed

Flowerbeds from plastic bottles

How to make a wooden flower bed?

Wooden fences are in good harmony with the green lawns on the site. Wooden flower beds can be of various shapes.

Neat wooden deck

Flowers in a wooden wheel

You can plant flowers in an old dried tree. Get the original flower bed.

Flowerbed in an old log

Wooden fence in the form of a train

How to make a flower bed vertical?

Vertical flower beds decorate the territory, besides they save space.

Vertical flower beds are divided into:

  • Suspended
  • wall
  • Ground

Varieties of vertical flower beds

Any vertical flower bed can be made in the same way:

  1. Prepare a solid foundation;
  2. Take care of the irrigation system;
  3. Fill the base with soil;
  4. Anchor the net to hold the ground and plants, if necessary;
  5. Plant the plants.

Ideas for vertical flower beds in the photo below.

Flower bed in a plastic tube

Vertical flower bed in an old pallet

vertical flower bed

How to make a round flower bed?

Important: When choosing the shape of a flower bed, the availability of free space, the design of the surrounding area and personal wishes are taken into account. It is desirable that the shape of the flower bed is combined with nearby buildings.

When planting a round flower bed, consider Basic Rules:

  1. Plant tall flowers in the center
  2. Then plants of medium height
  3. Dwarf flowers along the edges

In this case, the flower bed will look right, beautiful and relevant. Or all the flowers should be the same height, but you can play with the colors.

Landscaping flower beds

Flowerbed round

Succulents in an old basin

Flowerbed by the tree

How to make a rectangular flower bed?

A rectangular flower bed is also called a rabatka. Usually flowers of the same height are planted in such a flower bed. But the colors here can be very diverse.

Rectangular railing

Rectangular flower beds are often vertical.

DIY flowerbed

You can make a decorative rectangular flower bed from an old bed. The main thing is that it should be located to the place.

Flower bed from an old bed

How to make a multi-tiered flower bed?

The main advantage of a multi-tiered flower bed is space saving. Such a flower bed takes up little space, and you can plant a lot of flowers.

Multi-tiered flower beds are made from various materials:

  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Wood

Multi-tiered flower bed near the house

Flower garden in several tiers

Fencing for flower beds

Flowerbed for giving

You can build a multi-tiered flower bed in a rather original way. For example, from an old chest of drawers.

DIY flowerbed

Beautiful fences and fences for flower beds and flower beds: designs, photos

According to the condition of the flower beds on the site, one can judge the owner's love for his territory, for his home. A beautiful fence can make a flower bed elegant, well-groomed. Below are a few options for beautiful fences that you can implement on your site.

Simple and beautiful flower bed

Stone fence for street flowers

landscape design

Important: A popular trend in landscape design is the design of a flower bed using old improvised items.

In the hands of a person with a well-developed imagination, those things that it is high time to part with will acquire a new life.

Unusual mobile flower bed Unusual flower arrangement

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds in the country, in the garden, in the courtyard of a private house, in front of the house, along the fence, at the entrance of an apartment building, in do-it-yourself landscape design: design examples, design, photos

A few more ideas for the formation of beautiful flower beds in various areas: near high-rise buildings, in the garden, along the fence.

Plants along the fence

Landscaping at the entrance

A small flower bed in the garden, in the country, in the yard

Flower garden in the yard

What to plant perennial, unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer?

Even the most beautiful fence can become unnoticed or even a hindrance if you do not take care of planting in time. Still, flowers are the main thing in a flower bed.

A few tips on how to break a flower bed:

  1. Before you break a flower bed from scratch, sketch out a diagram on paper. Consider all lighted and shaded places, this will affect the choice of plants in the future.
  2. The flower bed should be clearly visible from the front side and / or from the windows.
  3. Plan the planting of flowers so that it is possible to water each flower without damaging the others.
  4. If the soil is clay or sandy, before planting it is worth enriching it with compost, organic matter.
  5. The flower bed should have a good drainage system so that the water does not stagnate.

If your goal is to plant beautiful, but unpretentious flowers in care, you should pay attention to the following types:

  • Lupine
  • Cornflower perennial
  • bathing suit
  • petty-petal
  • echinacea
  • Day-lily
  • gypsophila
  • Primrose
  • Delphinium
  • english rose
  • Pansies
  • Phloxes

Vibrant flowering in the yard

Video: Flowers that bloom all summer

Flower bed of continuous flowering: planting scheme

A flowerbed of continuous flowering is a dream for many summer residents. Making this dream a reality is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to know the method of planting flowers, the conditions for watering and feeding each species, the compatibility of species, lighting requirements, as well as the timing of flowering.

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 1

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 2 Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 3

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 4

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for creating flower beds and fences for them with your own hands. Arm yourself with patience and inspiration, and make your site a blooming paradise.

Video: How to break a beautiful flower garden?

No wonder they say that appearance at home is the face of its owner. However, the homestead territory also creates its own impression of the residents. A well-groomed yard, a beautiful garden or flower beds with a gazebo will leave good opinion about their owners. In this article, we will guide you original ideas decorating flower beds with your own hands. You will also see what flower beds can be near the house, photos of which are shown in the gallery.

Optimal location

Any undertaking, any business should begin with a project - this applies equally to both building a house and landscape design. Most often, beautiful flower beds adorn the facade of the house - if you want to use this option, then it is best to break up small nurseries up to 2.5 m long. This size will allow you to reach any flower and not trample the plants.

If your territory has a large area or garden, then you have a great opportunity to make several flower beds. Decorating the garden with flowers will add zest to your landscape design and allow you to place bright accents. In such an unobtrusive and original way, you dilute the greenery of trees and shrubs, while outlining certain areas.

By the way, the design of flower beds along the paths will allow you not to go astray even in the dark.

Contrary to the general opinion that all elements of landscape design should be in harmony with each other, we suggest that you design a flower garden in two ways:

  1. It is traditional to make the design of the flower garden in front of the house, the photo of which you will see below, in the same style as the entire exterior of the territory.
  2. It is bold and extraordinary to highlight with the help of flowers a separate section of the garden or house territory, playing on contrasts in color and style.

In addition to the layout of the placement, you should also be clear about which plants you want to see blooming at any given time of the year. To do this, you need to select a certain soil, fertilizers, top dressing - individually for each flower. Of course, it is desirable to plant nearby plants that have the same flowering time and care requirements. You can even arrange a flower garden in front of the house with your own hands in such a way that a game and play of shades is created that pleases the eye and uplifts the mood.

And last but not least - consider lighting for plants - this applies to sunlight and artificial light; air temperature at different times of the year and even humidity. Failure to comply with the elementary requirements for caring for flowers is fraught with the fact that your flower bed in front of the house or in the garden will look poor.

Creation rules

So, you have chosen the optimal place for a future landing and are now ready to get to work. To begin with, determine for yourself - a flower garden or a flower bed you want to have in the end. What's the Difference? The design of flower beds is based on the creation of clear geometric lines, and flower beds - on a chaotic arrangement of flowers. We offer you to see how the design of flower beds and flower beds in front of the house may look, the photos of which we have posted below.

Before planting, remove all weeds and unnecessary plants from the plot of land. It will be useful if you remove the top layer of soil and fill it with black soil, sand, or simply apply fertilizer. Drainage in the soil will not allow moisture to linger, which will save root system your plants from decay and disease.

The design of flower beds in the country also depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory. If you have a large plot, then it would be most logical to break up a large flower bed with an original and complex design.

In the event that you have a small area, you can spread a small flower garden. You can see how to arrange a flower garden in front of the house, the photo of which is located below.

Nevertheless, designers advise to allocate as much space as possible for flower beds and flower beds, because individual islands of lonely growing flowers are lost among the surrounding plants and objects.


As we said earlier, the design of flower beds is best done in a large area. When creating a flower arrangement design, follow these guidelines:

  1. Draw on a sheet of paper with colored pencils a rough plan for the placement of all plants. A beautiful flower bed in front of the house with your own hands can be made both in the form of a flat composition covering the ground, and in the form of waves smoothly going from top to bottom.
  2. Plant the plants in such a way that the tallest views are in the background and the lowest ones are in the foreground. Between them, bright medium-tall species with decorative leaves or fluffy inflorescences will look great.
  3. Remember the combination of colors - in this case, all hot shades are dominant. For the background, as a rule, they take green and deep shades of blue. In the event that you need to slightly dilute bright colors and avoid color load, whites and other light shades of cool colors should be used.
  4. Consider the density of plantings - each plant has its own optimal density. Dense planting makes the design of the front flower bed more cohesive, but be aware that plants can suffer from lack of air and sunlight.
  5. Any planting will have a complete look if the design provides for edging. We will talk about ways to limit flower beds with borders later in the article.

Main types

If you still do not know how to arrange a flower bed in the country, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their main types, which are common among gardeners.

Round form

This is standard and traditional way flower bed decoration. Most often found in city parks and squares, as well as in personal plots. A circle is taken as the basis, in the center of which there may be a statue, a fountain or a center composition of tall plants. This option is great for beginner gardeners. We bring to your attention to see what a round flower bed in front of the house looks like, the photo of which is placed below.

landscape option

It often looks like a chaotic planting, but at the same time, the order of the plants is still observed. Making a flower garden in front of the house with your own hands like a landscape method will also not be too difficult for novice gardeners and amateurs.

Vertical design

This is a real salvation for the owners of too small a plot. Vertical planting allows you to experiment with shapes, colors, performance - and this will practically not depend on the size of the available area. A beautiful vertical flower bed in front of the house with their own hands gives free rein to even the designer's wildest imagination.


It is notable for the fact that it consists exclusively of plants of one species. Do not rush to conclusions that such a composition will look monotonous and boring. Consider using different colors. If you clearly know how to arrange a flower bed in this way, you will not be disappointed with the result for sure.


In this case, they focus on the design of the tracks - the edging with flowering plants looks very beautiful


A very complex and original way of decorating the territory. It is a convex figure of flowers in the form of an insect, animal, ornament and other elements. If you do not know how to decorate a flower bed so that it causes enthusiastic exclamations from everyone, then an arabesque is just your option.

We have listed only the most common types, but we hope that with the help of our ideas you will decide how to beautifully arrange a flower bed on your site.

We select plants

First of all, when choosing planting material, it is necessary to take into account the location of the future seedlings, the climatic conditions in this zone, as well as the proximity to other plants. Watering is also of great importance, so consider this factor as well.

If you are an experienced gardener, then it will not be difficult for you to create complex compositions from capricious and delicate plants. For beginners and amateurs, unpretentious varieties of flowers that require minimal maintenance are more suitable.

Plants are selected according to the following parameters:

  1. Flowering period - you can choose a composition in such a way that its flowering will decorate your site all year round.
  2. It is better to take perennial crops that will not need to be planted annually. However, annual species are better suited for experiments.
  3. Bright colors create an invigorating atmosphere, cold colors create peace. Keep this in mind when making a flower bed near the house with your own hands.

Continuous flowering

For those who want to constantly contemplate the magnificence of the flower arrangement, we offer a beautiful design of a flower bed near the house with our own hands in the form of continuous flowering.

Here are a few basic rules for its creation:

  1. Plant annual and perennial flowers and shrubs together.
  2. All plants should be optimally suited to each other in terms of watering requirements, air temperature and light.
  3. Eliminate aggressive plants and flowers that reproduce quickly.
  4. Arrange the plants according to the time of year when they bloom, so that this happens year-round.

Decor options

Now let's talk about decorating a flower arrangement. We offer you the following options:

  1. Lighting plays a big role. Illumination of the flower bed at night with multi-colored bulbs will give a truly breathtaking view of the whole composition. The lighting of the curb flower bed looks especially beautiful.
  2. In the decor, it will not be superfluous to use various figurines and forms. Even the flower arrangement itself can be made using improvised means - garden wheelbarrows, tires, benches, flowerpots and other items.
  3. The edging of the flower garden can be arranged in various ways - lay out smooth stones in diameter, border with logs, bottles or any other objects. The main thing is that it is in harmony with the flower garden itself.

Options for how to beautifully make a flower bed with your own hands, photos can be viewed in our gallery.

Photo gallery

We bring to your attention 35 more original photo ideas for decorating a flower bed with your own hands.

Nowadays, many people have a dacha, and it doesn’t matter whether it is close to the city, or several hundred kilometers away, in the summer people still willingly go there to relax. After all, a house outside the city is not only a place where you can hide from the bustle of the city.

A dacha is an occasion to relax, fry a barbecue, forget about problems at work and enjoy nature and clean air. It is not enough just to buy a house and come there from time to time. It is important to make this space comfortable, and what can give more aesthetic pleasure than flowers?

Arranging and planning a flower bed is not an easy task, which requires a special approach and effort. In this article, you will learn how to make the space in the country house even more pleasant and create your own oasis in front of the window.

Types of flower garden layouts

Now the most popular layout is called the "border". It is a line, the dimensions of which vary depending on your desire. You can make a short border that covers the area near the porch, you can thus draw it around the whole house, creating a beautiful effect of "a house drowning in flowers."

Also, borders are good for enclosing space on the site: for example, you need to separate the gazebo and garden, or make garden paths more interesting. Gardeners are happy to make a curb line along the fence, especially if it is wooden and low.

Near the window, you can make a curly flower bed: round, oval, rectangular, or even of any shape at all - it all depends on your imagination.

It is better to make such flower beds on small hills, which can be created artificially (a mound of crushed stone, stones, peat or just earth).

Various decorations are often placed among the flowers, ranging from lanterns to garden sculptures.

Quite impressive look flower beds, fit in vases or any household items that no one needs for a long time. For example, it can be tires, wooden fruit boxes, oak barrels with rims, where wine was once poured and stored. Large majestic flowerpots will look chic and rich at the entrance if you put them on the sides of the porch. Such a layout of the flower garden is suitable for those places where there is no open land (the space next to the gazebo or under the windows of houses is often concreted).

Now the style that conquered France in the 19th century is gaining popularity. These are the so-called "flower gardens", a type of flower beds in which flowers are planted instead of fences, creating a border and giving the flower bed a shape.

With the help of things that you dig up in your attic or in an old barn, you can create a country-style flower garden on your site (translated from English - “village”). Thus, you can put a cart right in front of the window, from which clematis or honeysuckle shoots will picturesquely descend.

Maybe someone will dig up a car body or an old boat with a rotten bottom. In any case, do not rush to throw away all these things, but rather use them to fulfill your design ideas and fantasies.

You can also cover the wall of the house with a chain-link mesh or put long sticks along which sweet peas or morning glory will curl in the future. Many people create a living wall of Bzabella grapes, which look very attractive during its flowering period.

A good idea to create a flower garden in front of the house is a front garden in which they will be grouped different kinds flowers and plants.

The design of the flower garden in front of the house photo will help you decide which layout you will choose for yourself.

Important points when planning a flower garden in front of the house

So if you decide to create beautiful flower bed, full of fragrant flowers, it is important to consider some points that will make your task easier and help you not get confused when planning.

If you have no ideas at all, you can look at the design of the flower garden in front of the house photo and adopt it on your country cottage area layout proposed by experienced gardeners and designers.

In fact, it is not so easy to create from scratch the perfect flower garden that will meet all your requirements.

Advice! A good solution would be to look at different layouts and partially select the details you like from each. And then, like puzzles, collect your flower garden.

How to keep the flower garden in beauty and order?

Caring for a flower garden in the future is no less complicated than its creation. You need to follow some tips, and then your flower bed will be in perfect condition.

After planting flowers in the soil of the flower bed, fertilizer must be applied. The most common and cheapest option (but very effective) is cow or horse manure.

It is bred at the rate of 1:3. It is very important to prepare the mixture correctly, otherwise concentrated or diluted manure in too small a proportion can harm the flowers, burn their leaves and roots. You can get it on farms or in places where cows graze.

No less common fertilizers are phosphorus, potash, nitrogen. They can be purchased at gardening stores.

You can also find fertilizers at home:

  1. Ash that remains in the oven. In many cottages, the heating system is precisely the traditional stove. After several times of burning, collect the ashes in a container and sprinkle a thin layer on the surface of the flower bed.
  2. Tea brewing, which can be poured into a separate container after each tea party, and then, when you have accumulated enough of it, sprinkle the ground in a flower bed.

It is important to weed the flower garden in time.

Weeds not only spoil the appearance of the flower bed, but also take away a lot of nutrients from the soil, which are subsequently lacking in the cultivated plants that you planted.

Pay attention to watering, consider the moisture-loving plants. Drip irrigation is a great option.

Sprayer on site

During frosts and cold nights, the flower garden should be covered with a film or non-woven covering material so that heat-loving plants do not die.

The design of the flower garden in front of the house photo can also help you decide on the color scheme. Beautiful combinations recommended by designers:

  1. Yellow - cold green - red (hosta, rudbeckia, nasturtium).
  2. Purple - red - pink (sedum, lavender, sage, carnation).
  3. Burgundy - yellow - blue (primrose, yellow calendula, forget-me-not, bell).

It is worth knowing that if you are going to make a flower garden in a shady place, you should not risk planting anthuriums, coreopsis, geleniums, monards and rudbeckias there.

You run the risk of not getting the desired flowering and creating uncomfortable conditions for the plant, it will only suffer and twist the stem in the hope of finding more sunlight. The same is true for shade-loving plants. These are hosta, cladium, geranium, balsam, arizema, hellebore and tiarella. Their leaves and flowers will wither very strongly under the brightly scorching sun.

If you're unsure about getting enough shade or light in your yard, it's best to choose low maintenance plants such as:

  • yarrows of different varieties;
  • colchicum ordinary;
  • calendula;
  • muscari;
  • daffodils;
  • aquilegia;
  • astilba.

I like

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds always attract the eyes of others, guests who visit your home. The originality of the options is very high. It all depends on the imagination of the owners. What flower bed do you have? If you are still searching and thinking about the design of your site, then our article will bring a lot of interesting and useful things to your thoughts.

In mid-autumn, looking at the flower garden, the eye can only catch on the fading chrysanthemums, almost all seasonal work is behind, so there is an opportunity to focus on miscalculations.

Garden path decorated with a flower garden

In spring, flower lovers make the same mistake: they try to fit as many plants as possible in a limited area. After all, the leaves have not yet blossomed, and when planning plantings, we often do not take into account what they will be like in a month or two.

  • Therefore, the first rule: keep your distance! This year we had to cut off an old, still great-grandfather's apple tree, the branches of which, under the weight of the fruits, broke off and fell on the flower garden, causing a lot of harm. Without an apple tree, it became, as it were, more spacious and lighter, however, the parts that felt comfortable in partial shade (primroses, hostas, ferns, aquilegia) are now in the sun, and in the spring they will have to think about their relocation.
  • And since there won’t be enough shady places for everyone, fast-growing tall ones, for example, castor bean, sunflower, and evening primrose, can help. So, rule two: plants also need comfort.
  • Come to the flower garden not only with a chopper and a watering can, but also with a notebook and a pen. Sketch out a planting plan, record the beginning and end of flowering. And this is the third rule.

The art of landscape design

Which of us, visiting flower growers and noticing some new plant, did not experience a sinking heart: “I want it! Want! Want!" And also trips to flower exhibitions, and just to the flower rows in the market, an interested examination of various catalogs with interesting offers. They never noticed how they turned their flower garden into a collection site with a huge number of very different ones. They do not have enough space, they obscure each other, preventing us from enjoying their beauty, but they add trouble to us.

Create the flower bed you've always wanted:

  • You must imagine where to plant it so that it does not interfere with anyone.
  • Contemplating the work of landscape designers, you are convinced that plants look best when they grow in groups.
  • Fifteen bulbs of, say, tulips of different varieties and colors, planted in a row, will not look as attractive as a group of the same variety of the same fifteen.
  • But when creating such compositions, it is important to take into account the height, color and size of the leaves, the duration and duration of flowering.
  • Each grower has his own little secrets of success and a list of annoying failures.


Colored spots in the flower garden, created by one variety, always look more spectacular than many different ones planted in one row.

Types of flower beds

Now, more and more often, household plots and dachas are used not for getting a rich harvest of vegetables, not for planting potatoes or working in greenhouses. More and more often our country life is not communication with a shovel, but communication with flowers.

Some of the summer residents refuse from "slave" labor and work for their own pleasure. For them, a dacha is one big flower garden in which they feel like in a fragrant paradise.

But to arrange a beautiful flower garden is no less difficult than to form a garden bed. To do this, you need to have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat kind of flower beds are, and what plants are planted in them.

Even improvised means are used to decorate the flower garden. For example, an old sink. Here you will also need:

  • pieces of chain-link;
  • soil, crushed stone;
  • pebbles;
  • stones.

With the help of this inventory, the sink needs to be given a more aesthetic appearance. After that, start planting plants. Naturally, the design of the flower garden is completely dependent on the wishes of the owner.. This applies to cases of professional help.

First you need to create a small hill. After all, the building should stand out from the rest of the landscape. In addition, it is necessary to give the hill the desired shape. Here you will need a cord, ruler and other equipment. Additionally, it is worth creating a stone or plastic fence. What will not let the flower bed overgrown with grass. After that, planting begins.


The most common type of flower garden in the garden is, of course, a flower bed. But, despite the tradition, the variety of flower beds, at times, is amazing. Triangular, square, round, in two, three tiers, in outdoor flowerpots with long legs or just standing on the ground. Great amount varieties that are designed to decorate with themselves the place in which the flower bed was installed. In general, all flower beds can be either geometric or free.

Their shape can be anything, and not only round or square. The main thing is to plant it correctly. The selection of varieties is carried out so that they all have different flowering periods.

On the site you can form a mixborder and discount. Moreover, it is possible to implement the plan without the help of a professional designer.

First, it is necessary to solve a number of issues, in particular, to choose the optimal combination of shades on the site. You also need to choose flowers. Usually combine three species in one flower bed. It is better to pre-select the geometry of the site and take into account the flowering period.

Varieties of flower beds

The carpet type is characterized by a rectangular or square configuration. Most often, low-growing multi-colored vegetation is placed here. Thanks to this, unusual patterns and patterns are created. There are also regular and irregular varieties. In the first case, all bloom at the same time. In the second - the flowers replace each other.

Quite often, gardeners create a rose garden on their own plot. Here you will definitely need a well-lit place, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than twenty square meters. First you need to make a choice of a place for roses, then start preparing the soil, planting.


It is important to know that the rosary is arranged in a special order.

That is, in the first line there are undersized bushes, the height of which is no more than forty centimeters. Climbing roses are planted in the last row, capable of reaching several meters. The procedure is best done in early summer.

Flowerbeds near the pond

Flower beds can be quite original. The presence of a reservoir makes it possible to create a floating structure. This will require lightweight and non-sinking material. Styrofoam is excellent for this function.

Plants located in such a flower bed must love moisture and water. On the site you can place wooden structures. It is better to make them hanging. Otherwise, the material will quickly deteriorate.


In second place after the flower beds are rabatki. These are long stretches of land that perfectly decorate paths and alleys in your garden. The width of the rabatka cannot be more than three meters. It can be planted in several tiers, and the far row will be high, and then descending. These flower beds can be placed in the garden along paths, or around free-standing trees. But the flower beds themselves also need decoration. For this, borders are usually used.

The border can have one or two tiers, the width is no more than half a meter. For borders, small, low plants are used so that you can see from the flower bed. Borders are very well combined with flower beds and rabatka.

Rabatki - decorate paths and alleys


There is such a type of flower beds as a mixborder. This means that in such a flower garden there will be a variety of plants, not only in terms of flowering, but also in growth.

But you can’t put plants that love different conditions growth: light and shade, loving water and not needing it. The mixborder has one more purpose - mixborder flowers can be cut and made into bouquets.

It must necessarily have an asymmetric shape and branches of various lengths.

Mixborder - a flower garden with a variety of species

Flowerbed care

Every gardener, gardener, florist should take care of protecting his site from pests and diseases. Doing work in manual mode is very time consuming, then all kinds of sprayers-sprayers come to the aid of fellow summer residents.

This technique is designed to create excess pressure, due to which there is a fine dispersion of the sprayed mixture. Finely dispersed particles of the sprayed liquid fall on the surface of plants, penetrating into hard-to-reach areas.

In the state of the smallest droplets, the solution is perfectly retained on the microvilli of the stems and leaves. Twenty years ago, the choice was limited to a couple of the simplest sprayers, but now a variety of models are on the market. Competition encourages manufacturers to look for new solutions, to create engineering designs.


When creating alpine slides, install the stones firmly, as they will have to be moved during care.

To make very beautiful designer flower beds with your own hands, you will have to spend an impressive amount of time and effort. But, now, thanks to information from the Internet, you can really interesting ideas on decor from improvised materials. Gardening is an abstract art along with landscaping and architecture.

Planning is the key to success

It seems to be the easiest task to buy your favorite flowers and plant them in the ground. And the more diverse the vegetation, the more beautiful the result. Alas, in this way you can only get a pile of different plants, which will create a rather untidy look overall. This will be especially evident where the vegetation does not match in height, shape and color. Also, problems can cause different time periods of flowering. It's a pity to get such unflattering results after all the effort.

  • Creating the right composition is a well-planned operation that requires a clear plan of action.
  • Some still prefer to plant their own designed flower garden. It can be a fun time. It is advisable not to use a wide variety of types, especially if space is limited.
  • To arrange a flower bed, you will need to choose a height, a blooming calendar, and a color scheme. It is also important to comply with the requirements for environmental conditions (loving light, preferred humidity, soil type and acidity, etc.).

Planning is the key to success

Due to the peculiarities of the vegetation and the surrounding landscape, the decorated corner acquires its own individuality and will be unique.


Do not worry that if you use ready-made schemes, your flower bed in the garden will become typical and uninteresting. After all, it is very unlikely that any of the acquaintances will use the same scheme. Don't be afraid to experiment. Often unique compositions obtained from those who, relying on information on the Internet, came up with their own design. Create your own flower gardens and flower beds can become a real source of pride.

Think carefully when choosing. For example, what size do you want for your flower bed, the size of its border, etc.

Perennial plants in the flower bed

Perennials are preferred for those who don't want to replant their beds every year.

Perennials have the following advantages:

  • a wide range of forms;
  • relative ease of care;
  • undemanding.

And the direct destruction of the flower bed of perennials or bulbs can be delayed for several years with the help of tillage and fertilization of the land.

However, as a rule, the flowering period for these plants is only 3 weeks, which is not very much..

  • After flowering, a perennial flower bed does not look so bright, so it is recommended to dilute it with annual plants.
  • Choose depending on the flowering season.
  • Often, owners want flower beds and gardens in the courtyard of the house to be pleasing to the eye from the beginning of the spring period and ending with the winter cold. To do this, take into account the seasonality of the vegetation used by the flora.
  • Summer flower beds and garden arrangements can be formed from such a wide range that it is quite easy to get lost in his list. Experts advise paying special attention to long flowering species or those that can bloom twice. Among perennial long flowers there are some varieties of roses, geraniums, catnip, chamomile.


Summer is the flowering time for many species of annuals. You may be thinking about how to make your own flower bed look more inviting. You can plant:

  • beautiful asters;
  • dahlias;
  • coreopsis;
  • various chrysanthemums;
  • calendula.

Related ornamental plants will give a special charm to the selected floral ensemble.

Summer is the flowering time for many species of annuals.

A vertical flower bed will look great with ampelous plants. They give volume and shine, and there are lovely petunias, lobelia and verbena that look great in a vertical flower bed.

aromatic flower bed

The perfect solution is an aromatic flower bed of lavender, sage, oregano. It is better to place it directly with the seating area. You will smell the aroma as you pass by the flower garden. This has a beneficial effect on immune system, brain function and the cardiovascular system.

To create such a flower bed, we need:

  • Plastic containers.
  • Dye.
  • Sphagnum moss (you can even use old moss).
  • Soil mix.
  • seedlings.

Step 1

Paint the containers and wait for them to dry. Soak the moss to a comfortable consistency, allowing you to "sculpt". Moss should be placed in all containers after which they should be covered with a layer of soil previously mixed with fertilizer. Subsequently, the earth must be compacted and watered.

Step 2

Containers should be filled from the top containers. Seedlings are usually small. Their root system, as a rule, does not fall apart and easily shifts in the right direction. If you need to remove the seedlings from the pot, then you need to squeeze the root system with your hand.

When planting, water the seedlings well with water. Follow the following sequence when filling the pot:

  • sphagnum;
  • the soil;
  • plant;
  • the soil.

Bright Ideas

Look for tin cans in your kitchen or just buy them from the market. After that, on a large wooden wall, you should attach these jars - ideally 8 to 9 so that they are well dispersed. Add the desired vertical garden plants.


Don't leave the remaining areas unattended - move large plants or pots to different places to find the best view.

Pines trimmed in a triangular shape create visual interest. Annuals, perennials provide the garden with vibrant color and interesting shapes. Here, the gladioli neatly contrast with the foliage and bloom around them. Large stripes of color will create a soothing atmosphere for this garden.

Vertical garden system

Whether you want to spruce up a garden wall or just cover up any untidy side, here's a great idea. Take a thick fabric and hang it on the fence in the form of bags - it should be in the form of a kangaroo bag. Add plants and get the beauty you've always wanted.

If you have trees in your garden, you can create a small arrangement around them. For it, you can use any stones to create an environment for flowers. Thus, all attention will be focused on the plants.

Group boarding

For this idea, you should have many different plants. You can install this design on a separate side of the garden and place some chairs and a table to make the flower bed look like the perfect setting for privacy.

Plastic bottles as vertical garden containers:

There should be a lot of plastic bottles in your garbage yard. This is the perfect time to use them all. Just tie them together with string so you can cover the wall area. Now, poke a hole in the center so you can place the plants you want - finished wall bed!

wall planner:

Planting containers are attached to the walls. You can plant any plants you want here. This idea can brighten up your garden, house entrance, or even your backyard. Arrange the flowers in rows or in a checkerboard pattern, it's all up to your imagination!

natural design

All improvised materials can become amazingly beautiful things. If an old tree has fallen near your summer house, then this can be a great idea for creating a unique flower bed. It is only necessary to cut out its core and install it in the center of the garden. After that, fill the soil and plant flowers.

Shelf for shoes as a flower bed. Creativity is key.


You can use an old shoe rack and plant plants in it. Place it at the entrance to grab the attention of your guests.

You can use an old wooden barrel as a stand filled with lovely plants and vibrant flowers.

wall decor

This flower bed looks like a tree on the wall. Just a couple of pots arranged in a lovely manner to make for a lovely vertical garden.

With this design, you can plant whatever you want. In particular, try adding bright flowers with large leaves to give your flower bed a fantastic look. Connect old windows and make a lovely little decor for a garden space.

You can decorate an entire wall by simply placing small clothing bags filled with lovely flowers. This will surely hide gray walls and enhance the beauty of your garden.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the decor of your garden is primarily a work of the imagination. Therefore, you only need to imagine the overall composition and consistently solve the tasks of its implementation. It should be noted that, despite the large amount of work, it is especially important not to panic and gradually, step by step, turn your garden into the fruit of envy of all guests.

Perennials for flower beds

To begin with, you must determine the amount of time that you can devote to flower beds. If you are engaged in a flower garden and nothing more - this is one thing, but if in addition to this you are also engaged in the cultivation of various vegetable crops, then this is quite another. Experience shows that with the second option, there is not enough time left for growing and caring for a flower garden.

The flower bed should be located near the recreation area. It should be visible from the country house or gazebo. Show your imagination when creating a composition.

Most likely, perennial flowers will be present in your flower garden. Now let's talk about them.

You must allocate space for the future flower bed at the time of planning. Keep in mind that the flower garden should be located near the recreation area. So that it can be seen from the house or gazebo. While shaping the flower bed, you can show all your imagination. Since the shape of the flower garden entirely depends on your desire.