
Dobosh cake recipe from Seleznev. Hungarian classic Dobos cake: ingredients, recipe. Cooking with Anna Olson

Dobosh cake recipe from Seleznev.  Hungarian classic cake

At the end of the nineteenth century, the famous confectioner Dobos presented a new dessert at an exhibition in Hungary. This amazing delicacy has made its manufacturer famous. Hungarian Dobos cake became Queen Elizabeth's favorite dessert.


The dessert has won over many other sweet tooths with its uniqueness. When this cake appeared, the delicacies were usually made with custard or whipped cream. And the classic Dobosh cake was coated with chocolate cream and caramel glaze. This filling gave culinary specialists new scope for imagination.

The Dobosh cake has one interesting feature. It can retain its taste for at least ten days.

At that time, this dessert, which was made according to a secret recipe, was delivered to European cities in wooden boxes. It is safe to say that confectioner Dobosh remained a monopoly for quite a long time. But towards the end of his life, he nevertheless shared the recipe with manufacturers and confectioners from Budapest. But he also set one condition. The pastry chef said the recipe should be used freely. He wanted everyone to be able to learn how to properly make a delicious Dobosh cake. The recipe for this dessert is available to everyone nowadays.


In modern Hungary, dessert is prepared exactly as pastry chef Dobos told us. The cake consists of six sponge cake layers, which are covered with sweet caramel on top.

In other countries, confectioners often experiment. In some countries, they make a cake from seven or fourteen cake layers (they can be of any shape).

The dessert was decorated on top, for example, with caramel stars, berries, and cream roses. It is usually lined with nuts on the sides.

But in elite establishments they serve the classic cake. We also offer you a traditional dessert recipe. Only in our case the cake will be decorated a little differently. The sixth cake layer will be covered with caramel. After which it is cut into eight parts, which will serve as decorations.

What do you need for the cake?

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • 250 grams of butter and sugar;
  • nine eggs;
  • 260 grams of flour;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • salt (half a teaspoon will be enough).

For the cream you will need:

  • two yolks;
  • five drops of rum extract;
  • Art. a heaped spoonful of cornstarch;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar;
  • 160 grams of chocolate 70%;
  • 140 grams of sugar;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • 450 ml cream (10%)

To make syrup for impregnation, you will need:

  • Art. spoon of coffee;
  • 70 ml water;
  • three drops of rum extract;
  • 45 grams of sugar.

For caramel you will need:

  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 70 ml water;
  • two hundred grams of sugar.

You will need more nuts for decoration. You can take both walnuts and almonds.

Important points

Butter must be added to the dough. It makes the cake taste much richer. Despite the fact that the cream also contains butter, the dessert turns out rich and incredibly tasty.

If children will eat the cake, then instead of rum, take nut liqueur (two tablespoons).

How is the cream prepared?

First, put the cream on the fire. Bring to a boil.

Combine the yolks with sugar. Add starch and rum extract there. Stir.

Then pour a little cream into the resulting mixture. Stir until smooth.

Then pour it all into a container with cream. Place the future cream on low heat. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly.

Then remove the cream from the heat. Cover it with cling film.

While the cream is cooling, make the dough.

How to make the dough?

Prepare the eggs and butter in advance by removing them from the refrigerator. These components should be at room temperature.

Then separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the lemon zest on a grater.

Beat the butter and half the sugar until the mixture turns white. Then add one yolk at a time. After each, beat the mixture with a mixer. Then add salt and zest.

Separately, beat the egg whites to soft peaks. Pour the second half of the sugar into them. Beat until firm.

Add egg whites to the butter mixture little by little. Don't forget to stir.

Then add the sifted flour. Stir the mixture. That's it, the dough is ready.

The next step in creating the cake

Line the bottom of the pan with parchment. Lubricate it with oil.

Divide the dough into six parts. Place one of them in the mold. Level it out. Bake in the oven until lightly browned.

This process will take approximately eight minutes.

When the first crust is baked, do the same with the rest of the dough.

Then melt the chocolate and cool. Add custard to it. Stir.

Then beat the butter until fluffy. Then add it in parts to the chocolate cream. After each serving, be sure to beat the mixture with a mixer. After mixing, put the cream in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.

Impregnation of cakes with syrup and cream

At this time, soak the cakes with sugar syrup. To do this, combine water and sugar. Heat until boiling. When the sugar dissolves, cool. Add coffee and rum extract.

Soak the cakes with the resulting syrup. Then deliver the cream. Place the cakes one at a time on a plate and cover with cream. The latter should be enough for six layers (100 grams for each).

Once you assemble the cake, place it in the refrigerator. Place the remaining cream there.

Cooking caramel

At this time, cook the caramel. Place a thick-bottomed pan on the fire. Add sugar and water. Bring to a boil. After boiling, after about two minutes, add lemon juice. Then stir. Continue cooking until the caramel turns a bright amber color.

Final stage

Quickly pour the caramel onto the sponge cake. Using a knife, level the surface. Then cut the cake with a warm or hot knife into eight pieces.

Sprinkle half of the resulting triangles with ground nuts.

Then remove the Dobosh cake from the refrigerator. Sprinkle the sides with nuts (ground). Then spread the remaining cream on top.

Then place triangles with caramel on it. That's it, dessert is ready.


Now you know how Dobosh cake is prepared. Reviews from ladies who have tried this dessert are only positive. They say that this pie is very tasty. The kids love this cake. So be sure to prepare dessert for your loved ones. They will appreciate your efforts.

The famous Hungarian cake bears the name of its author József Dobos and traditionally consists of six sponge cake layers. Five of them are coated with chocolate buttercream, and the sixth is coated with caramel. That, in general, is all we know about this dessert. The exact recipe and nuances of preparation are in the realm of speculation and free imagination. If you don’t fantasize too wildly, you can try to recreate the confectionery masterpiece of the famous Hungarian. To the best of my modest capabilities, of course. In my opinion, it would be a sin not to try. Go?
The highlight is definitely chocolate. To make the cream lighter, add a custard component to the oil base. And let’s “develop” the taste with alcohol and a pinch of salt, it will immediately become more expressive. Eclair lovers will really like this dense, buttery sponge cake with a lot of eggs in it - it definitely has something similar in it. Be sure to flavor the dough with vanilla so that the egg smell does not come to the fore. And let there be lemon - this is one of the best companions for chocolate. The zest goes into the dough, the juice goes into the impregnation for the cakes. The finishing touches are some coffee and nuts. And caramel! Brittle, shiny, dark gold color. The cake turned out simply charming, there’s no other way to put it. The originality of the recipe is in question, what can you do about it? But the look and taste are fantastic!

To prepare Dobosh cake you will need the following ingredients:

9 eggs,
250 g butter,
250 g sugar,
280 g flour,
zest of one lemon,
a pinch of vanillin,
a pinch of salt.

260 g butter,
130 g sugar,
2 yolks,
450 ml milk,
200 g chocolate (74%),
2 tbsp. l. starch,
3 tbsp. l. cocoa,
1 tbsp. l. cognac,
0.5 tsp. salt,
a pinch of vanillin.

40 ml strong coffee,
40 ml lemon juice,
1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
1 tbsp. l. cognac.

200 g sugar,
50 ml water,
1 tsp. lemon juice.

100 g of any nuts for sprinkling.

How to make Dobosh cake:

So, let's move on to the process of making the Dobosh cake.

    First, let's bake the cakes. For the dough, separate the whites from the yolks.

    Mix soft butter with a mixer with 100 g of sugar. Continuing to mix, gradually add the egg yolks.

    Wash the lemon, dry it and remove the zest.

    Mix the lemon zest into the yolk-butter mixture.

    Beat the whites into a stable foam.

    Without stopping whisking, add sugar (the remaining 150 g) in several additions.

    Beat for another five minutes until the sugar dissolves and the protein foam becomes dense and shiny.

    Combine the protein and yolk masses, mix gently, sift the flour on top and mix again until smooth. Do not stir for long so as not to precipitate the whites.

    You can bake cakes. Place the dough in parts into a mold (20 cm in diameter) lined with parchment, level it with a spoon or spatula.

    Bake each cake in the oven at 200˚C for 5-10 minutes. If possible, it is better to bake two or three cakes at a time in order to quickly use the dough before it settles. If only one cake layer fits in the oven, it’s also not a problem, I managed to bake them one by one. The cakes are baked quickly, as soon as the dough has thickened and browned a little - it’s ready. There should be a total of six cakes.

    When the cakes have cooled, they can be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator. And move on to the cream.
    For the cream, combine sugar, cocoa, starch and yolks in one container, add salt and vanillin. Pour in 150 ml of milk.

    Mix well until smooth.

    Bring the remaining milk (300 g) to a boil and pour the mixture into it in a thin stream.

    Bring the mixture to thicken over low heat with constant stirring. We don't boil!

    Cover with cling film and let cool completely.

    Add soft butter to the cooled custard mixture.

    Mix with a mixer.

    Break the chocolate into pieces...

    Heat in a water bath and add to the cream.

    Mix again with a mixer - and the cream is ready.

    We also need impregnation for the cakes. Combine coffee, lemon juice, sugar and cognac. And stir until the sugar dissolves.

    Now you can assemble the cake. It is convenient to do this in a sliding ring, and use it to cut the cakes to the same diameter. Like this.

    Place five cake layers in a ring. We soak each of them...

The favorite cake of the Empress of Austria-Hungary Elisabeth (Sisi), wife of Franz Joseph, by the way. She tried it when she and her husband visited the Hungarian National Exhibition in Budapest in 1885. Since then, this cake has always been delivered to the imperial table and neighboring countries in specially made wooden boxes. But Sisi was watching her figure, but apparently she couldn’t help herself. :)

Photo from the site

The Dobosh cake consists of six layers of sponge cake (in the classic version, exactly six, God knows why) with chocolate cream and crispy caramel glaze. It is named after its author, the Hungarian pastry chef József Dobos. In 1885, for that same exhibition, he came up with his masterpiece - a cake that does not spoil for at least 10 days. Given the level of development of refrigeration technology, this was very important.

6 eggs
150g flour
150g sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar

For caramel:
150g sugar
0.5 tbsp butter

For cream:
180g butter
130g sugar
80g chocolate
2 tbsp. vanilla sugar
1 egg

Step 1
Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with half the sugar. In a separate clean bowl, beat the whites with the remaining sugar into a shiny foam. Add vanilla sugar and combine with yolks. Gradually, stirring, add sifted flour.

Step 2
Preheat the oven to 220°C. Pour 1/6 of the batter into the greased pan and bake for 10 minutes until golden brown. Bake 5 more cakes in the same way.

Step 3
While the cakes are baking, prepare the cream. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt, stirring, in a water bath. Let cool slightly. Beat slightly softened butter with sugar, combine with chocolate, vanilla sugar and egg.

Step 4
Place the baked cakes on top of each other, coating each cake with cream. Spread the remaining cream onto the top and sides of the cake.

Step 5
For caramel, pour sugar into a large frying pan with a thick bottom, pour 2-3 tbsp. l. water and melt slowly over low heat. Add oil, stir and cook until smooth and golden brown.

Step 6
Quickly pour the caramel onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and let it harden completely. Then separate the caramel from the paper and break it into pieces. Decorate the cake with caramel shards. Often, caramel is poured directly onto the top layer of the cake, then cut into it until it hardens.

Dobos cake at Café Gerbo (famous cafe in Budapest)

Mom, this is a new idea for your next holiday. You love original desserts. ;)

Trying a piece of Dobos cake in Budapest with the logo of the old cafe “Gerbo” is a must-see item on any tourist program. A melt-in-your-mouth chocolate and creamy delicacy with an amber layer of fragile caramel has become the hallmark of Hungarian confectioners. Fortunately, you can enjoy this amazing dessert without leaving your kitchen, since the secret of the classic recipe has long been revealed.

The history of the Dobos cake began at the end of the nineteenth century, during the prosperity of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The confectioners of the “patchwork state” competed for the right to supply desserts to the court of Emperor Franz Joseph. The Hungarian National Exhibition of 1885 featured exquisite works of culinary art, but it was József Dobos's innovative cake that attracted particular attention. The delicate bouche sponge cake with a chocolate-butter layer compared favorably with the popular versions of “Napoleon” with custard or Chantilly cream that were popular at that time. The spectacular designer design of the cake played a big role.

The Hungarian confectioner received many orders, including from the Austrian court. From Budapest to Vienna is almost 300 km, and at the end of the 19th century this seemed an insurmountable distance for a fresh cake. József Dobos organized the delivery of his desserts in special boxes, which became his trademark.

The peculiarities of the recipe and careful delivery preserved the taste and quality of the confectionery product for more than a week. The Dobosh cake became famous throughout Europe, as it was able to be delivered to almost all major cities.

The Dobosh cake was prepared only in Budapest, in our own pastry shop. The original recipe was kept secret for a long time. The master revealed his secret almost twenty years later, publishing the recipe in 1906.

Dobosh cake - a classic recipe

Six layers and cream are prepared for the cake. No impregnation is needed for a thin, soft biscuit.


  • 150 g sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • six eggs;
  • 2 g salt.

Only beaten eggs add fluffiness to the sponge cake. Using baking powder changes the taste and quality of baked goods.

  1. Beat the yolks, 120 g of sugar and 40 g of boiling water into a fluffy light cream without grains.
  2. Sift flour into it and mix thoroughly.
  3. Beat the whites with salt into a strong meringue. Add the remaining sugar little by little.
  4. Add meringue to the total mass in small portions, stirring the dough with a spoon from bottom to top. The dough seems to be wrapped around the protein foam, filling it with volume.
  5. Bake at 200 ºС for five minutes.


  • 250 g dark chocolate;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • egg;
  • 350 g butter.

If the chocolate is quite sweet, the powder should be omitted.

  1. Melt the chocolate and cool it.
  2. Beat softened butter with powder.
  3. Add beaten egg and chocolate to it.
  4. Cool some of the cream to decorate the cake.
  5. Use the rest of the cream to coat the cakes.

The top layer of the cake is hard caramel.

  • 250 g sugar;
  • 20 g butter.

Heat until the sugar dissolves and smooth it over the cake with a buttered knife. The caramel layer is cut while it is still warm; when frozen, do not cut it.

The sides of the cake are decorated with biscuit or nut crumbs.

Baking boucher biscuit has its own characteristics:

  • The dough must be baked immediately, otherwise it will lose its fluffiness.
  • On a metal baking sheet, the dough will spread and the surface of the cake will be wavy.

You can speed up and simplify the process by using baking parchment.

  • The dough is deposited from a pastry bag onto a sheet of parchment across the entire width of the baking sheet and circles of the desired size are cut out from the hot cake. If the oven allows, you can bake the entire biscuit on two or three baking sheets at the same time.
  • Another option: trace a cake assembly ring on the parchment and pipe the dough into the resulting circles. The edges of the finished cakes also need to be trimmed. Biscuit scraps are used to decorate the sides of the cake, so nothing goes to waste.
  • The parchment is separated from the hot sponge cake until it dries. It is much easier to work with an oiled sheet, although according to the recipe the sponge cake is baked on a dry one.

Cream with raw eggs can cause mistrust among suspicious housewives. It is not advisable to give this cream to children. You don't have to use the egg in the cream at all. It’s easy to replace it with a spoonful of butter or diversify the recipe by adding 50 ml of strong coffee.

You can add vanilla essence to both the cream and the dough to taste.

The cake can be stored for a long time thanks to the dense layer of caramel on the surface.

Decorating with caramel has its own nuances:

  • Before cooking the caramel, use a brush to clean the sides of the pan from any stuck sugar grains. Even a few grains caught in hot caramel can crystallize it.
  • For the same reason, caramel is not stirred. Crystallization can be caused by a cold spoon and air bubbles.
  • The sugar should not burn, otherwise the caramel will taste bitter.
  • If you completely fill the cake with caramel, it will not cut into neat slices. Therefore, József Dobos covered a separate cake with caramel, immediately cut it into sectors and laid each one at an angle, in the form of a “fan”. You need to place a small amount of chilled cream under each “blade” to fix their position.
  • If you score the caramel layer on the last layer while it is still warm, the cake will easily separate along these lines. In this case, you don’t have to waste time laying out the “fan”. Of course, you need to focus on the number of servings in advance.
  • You can prepare a separate disk of caramel and place it in the same way. The results are amazingly beautiful amber plates.

Cooking with Anna Olson

The famous Canadian chef prepares the Dobosh cake with detailed comments in his author’s program “Secrets of Baking.” Her recipe is significantly different from the classic one.

Biscuit dough:

  • 8 proteins;
  • 10 yolks;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 90 g butter;
  • 2 g salt;
  • vanilla essence.

Do not neglect salt in dessert; a small amount of it will act as a flavor enhancer.

  1. Beat the whites with 40 g of sugar. Check the quality of the result by tilting the bowl - properly whipped whites do not flow out.
  2. Beat the yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla essence for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Sift flour into yolks, add salt.
  4. Combine both masses.
  5. Beat softened butter into the dough, small pieces at a time.
  6. Bake at 180 ºС for 5 - 7 minutes, just until the edges have browned.

Anna Olson bakes eight round cakes on parchment paper. These cakes are easily separated from it both hot and cold.

Chocolate cream:

  • 5 yolks;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 20 g water;
  • 10 g corn starch;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 g dark chocolate;
  • 2 g salt;
  • vanilla essence.

The cream is prepared in the French tradition:

  1. Soak the eggs in hot water for 5 minutes until they are completely warmed up.
  2. Separate the yolks, add half the sugar and beat.
  3. Heat remaining ingredients to 114ºC over high heat. This accuracy is important for the correct consistency of the syrup, so it is better to use a food thermometer.
  4. With the mixer running, pour the syrup into the yolks.
  5. Beat until completely cool.
  6. Add softened butter and chocolate in parts.

To decorate the sides, chop the roasted hazelnuts.

For caramel:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • 40 g water;
  • 20 g of syrup, which was boiled for the cream.

Caramel is cooked over high heat. You need to be guided by the color of the syrup - it should be a rich honey color.

  1. Grease a ring slightly smaller than the diameter of the cake, place it on parchment and pour caramel into it.
  2. When the workpiece thickens a little, use a knife to separate it from the ring and divide it into sectors. Until the caramel has completely hardened, you will have to walk along the dividing lines several times.

Assembly Features:

  • The cakes are very thin, so the cream is applied sparingly, in the same layer as butter or jam on toast.
  • You can't cut the cake right away. A minimum of 2 - 4 hours is required for impregnation and cooling.

Hungarian cake according to the recipe of Alexander Seleznev

The popular Russian confectioner, winner of prestigious competitions and author of many books on cooking, presents his version of the classic.

For the test:

  • seven eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 150 g flour.

The biscuit will be more tender if you replace 10% of the flour with cornstarch.

  1. Beat the whites and yolks with sugar separately.
  2. Combine both masses with flour.
  3. Spread the dough onto silicone mats to create discs of equal diameter.
  4. Bake at 220 ºС for 5 – 7 minutes.

Cream base:

  • yolk;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 10 g starch;
  • vanilla extract.

Brew all ingredients in 0.5 liters of milk.

Add to the cooled mixture:

  • 250 g butter;
  • 50 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 60 g milk chocolate.

For registration:

  • 200 g almonds;
  • 200 g sugar.


  1. Peel the brown skins from the nuts.
  2. Heat everything in a frying pan so that the sugar melts into caramel.
  3. Grind the cooled nuts in a blender to create a croquette for decorating the sides of the cake.
  4. Separate 1/8 of the mixture and grind it to a paste. You will get approximately 50 g of praline. This is the final touch for the cream.
  5. Add praline to the cream and thoroughly blend the mixture with a blender.

All that remains is to prepare the caramel:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • 30 ml water.

Caramel is cooked over high heat until it has a dark honey color. All that remains is to glaze the last cake with the hot mixture and cut it into sectors and cool.

Assemble the cake and place the caramel decoration on top.

There are as many options for preparing and decorating a cake as there are confectioners. But dessert prepared according to the classic recipe is considered a special delicacy. In elite restaurants and cafes in Hungary, it is made only according to the recipe of József Dobos.

I don’t even remember how long ago I was going to cook Dobosh. Probably even before I created a blog on LiveJournal and posted the first recipe. At first it seemed to me that this cake was incredibly difficult to make and required good pastry practice. Then for quite a long time I thought that it was a classic... boring and not worth taking on. One day I caught myself thinking that it was time, but then I thought that the cake was already too simple and not worth my attention. And then... one day, as it happens, I just really wanted to try Dobosh and from dozens of recipes I chose the one that, in my opinion, was the most suitable. Recipe from Bo Friberg's book "The Advanced Professional Pastry Chef". For my part, I did everything to make the recipe accessible and simple even for the most inexperienced pastry chef, I described all the nuances and subtleties so that you have no doubt that the cake will turn out perfect and will not disappoint for a second.
If you're intimidated by buttercream, I can assure you that a good buttercream will do the heaviness, no fat, nothing that trails an unpleasant trail from our Soviet past. In general, all our prejudices associated with butter cream and butter come from our childhood. I understand perfectly well that many people have developed a reflex on a subconscious level that is triggered by the phrase “butter cream.” This reflex often stops us from appreciating the taste of classic, world masterpieces. On the contrary, I discovered butter cream when I gave it the right to “life”, using high-quality products in preparation and believing that now is a different time and it is possible not only to replace margarine with butter, but also ordinary butter with good . But butter is a very healthy product and sometimes you can afford to eat a piece of this incredibly delicious cake.

Why am I writing all this? It just happens to me that it’s very disappointing that today we extol mousse cakes, butter creams, prepare newfangled glazes and mirror coatings, forgetting about the classics, which, by the way, are in no way inferior, and in some places, perhaps even superior to modern confectionery products.
You often ask what cake to make “for grandma/mother/child’s birthday.” You know, it’s probably difficult to find something more universal. Prepare Dobosh. He is truly perfect in his own way.
Cake Dobosh

Ingredients (cake diameter 24 cm):
Dobosh sponge cakes (1 full recipe below)
180 ml simple syrup ()
60 ml Frangelico liqueur (nut liqueur)
1 kg chocolate buttercream ()
Caramel (1 full recipe below)
100 g toasted almond flakes


Sponge cakes Dobosh

340 g butter, room temperature
340 g sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract
5 g salt
zest of 1 lemon

225 g sifted flour
140 g almond flour

Simple syrup

160 ml water
85 g sugar
45 g glucose or corn syrup (optional)

Chocolate buttercream

460 g butter, room temperature
200 g sugar
40 ml water

2 eggs
1 protein
2.5 g salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
340 g chocolate (50-55%)


200 g sugar
80 ml water
15 g unsalted butter


Prepare simple syrup in advance. Cool. Mix syrup with liqueur.

Prepare Dobosh sponge cakes.


2. Beat the yolks one at a time into the butter-sugar mixture. Stir in vanilla, salt and lemon zest.

Sponge cakes Dobosh
340 g butter, room temperature
340 g sugar
12 yolks, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
5 g salt
zest of 1 lemon
12 room temperature whites
225 g sifted flour
140 g almond flour
Simple syrup
160 ml water
85 g sugar
45 g glucose or corn syrup (optional)
Chocolate buttercream
460 g butter, room temperature
200 g sugar
40 ml water
7 g corn syrup (glucose)
2 eggs
1 protein
2.5 g salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
340 g chocolate (50-55%)
200 g sugar
80 ml water
15 g unsalted butter
Prepare simple syrup in advance. Cool. Mix syrup with liqueur.
Prepare Dobosh sponge cakes.
1. Beat butter with half the sugar until fluffy and light.
2. Beat the yolks one at a time into the butter-sugar mixture. Stir in vanilla, salt and lemon zest.

3. Beat the whites until foamy. Gradually add the remaining sugar and beat until soft peaks form.

4. Gently mix the protein mass into the yolk mixture. Combine sifted flour with almond flour. Mix the flour into the egg mixture in several batches using scooping movements.

5. On a sheet of parchment, draw 6 circles with a diameter of 24 cm. Distribute the dough evenly between the 6 circles, without going beyond the borders. Bake each cake at 220 C for about 8 minutes. Cool. Turn the cakes over and remove the paper. Using a ring with a diameter of 24 cm, trim five cake layers. Cut the sixth to a diameter of 22 cm (it will be used as the top one).

Prepare chocolate buttercream according to.
Set aside about 100 g of cream, divide the rest into 5 parts.
Prepare caramel.
Mix sugar and water in a thick-bottomed gravy boat. Cook until the sugar dissolves and the syrup turns a nice amber color. Remove from heat and quickly stir in butter. Using a buttered pastry spatula, spread the caramel over the surface of a small cake layer (22 cm in diameter). Quickly, before the caramel hardens, cut the cake with a knife into 12 equal pieces.

Cake assembly:
1. Place one of the cake layers and spread the mixture of syrup and liqueur over its surface with a brush. Place one part of the cream on top. Cover with the second cake layer and press down lightly with your palm. Repeat the procedure (cake-syrup-cream) until all the cakes and cream are used. Grease the sides and top of the cake with a fifth of the cream and sprinkle with almond petals.