
Different flower beds with their own hands. Beautiful design and decoration of flower beds and flower beds in the country. Fairy landscaping with gravel path

Different flower beds with their own hands.  Beautiful design and decoration of flower beds and flower beds in the country.  Fairy landscaping with gravel path

It is difficult to imagine a suburban area without a bright flower garden. To enjoy the riot of colors throughout the warm period, it is not necessary to be an experienced landscape designer.

Principles of flower garden formation

Before proceeding with the improvement of the territory of the cottage, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of designing flower beds.

The shape and location of the flower bed in the country affects the choice of plant height. A strict and narrow ridge is often filled with plants with the same height within 15-40 cm. For a round flower garden, a flower bed with tall plants in the center is suitable, then medium-sized specimens are planted, the outer circle is formed by undersized species. A mixborder near a fence or building wall is also equipped with plants of various heights, but according to a different principle: in the background, flower beds are tall flowers or a neat shrub with a gradual transition to medium-sized and then undersized species.

Beginners, in order to arrange a harmonious flower garden at the dacha with their own hands, should first draw up or select a suitable scheme indicating the landing zone of each type. This will facilitate the calculation of the need for planting material and the entire process of landscaping the flower garden.

Information about the flowering period

Flowerbeds of continuous flowering transform the cottage, making the site attractive all season. The key condition in drawing up schemes for such a flower bed is the regular presence of at least one flowering species. For the correct configuration of the scheme, you need to familiarize yourself with the timing of flowering plants:

Types of flower beds and choice of location

The place for a flower garden is determined based on its shape. A flower bed in the country can take on various shapes, the most common are the following types:

With proper drawing up of a flower garden scheme, even primitive plantings can look spectacular and attract admiring glances. When choosing a flower bed scheme, it is preferable for beginners to stop at flower beds of an irregular nature, such as a mixborder or an alpine slide. The accumulated experience will allow in the future to engage in the design of regular flower beds in the country, where a strict geometric pattern is achieved by selecting plants with the same flowering time and observing a certain interval between planting.

To attract butterflies, a mixborder of arborvitae, David's buddley, zinnia, goldenrod and purple echinacea will help.

The optimal place for a flower garden is a plot that is well visible from all sides of the cottage. Multi-level plantings are usually arranged near walls or a fence, original decoration the lawn will become an arabesque flowerbed, it is better for beginners to practice on an alpine hill.

Comment! Forming a flower bed scheme for a specific area for summer cottages, shaded and well-lit places are marked on it. This will help to properly equip the flower garden, providing the plants with optimal conditions for development.

Flower bed preparation

To calculate the required number of seedlings, the flower garden scheme is divided into squares with a conditional side of 1 m. After that, the area occupied by each species is calculated. The resulting value is divided by the average landing rate per 1 m 2:

  • large plantings 1.0-1.2 m high - 2-3 pieces;
  • medium-sized flowers from 40 to 90 cm tall, 4-6 pieces are enough;
  • with a plant height of 20-40 cm, 7-9 specimens are planted in a flower garden per 1 m 2;
  • for dwarf flowers from 5 to 20 cm, the norm is 16-20 pcs.

To transfer the flowerbed scheme to the dacha site, the landing contours are marked with sawdust, sand or chalk. Before this, the earth is dug up to a depth of 0.4 m, all weed roots and the top layer of turf are removed. Specially prepared soil is poured on top for the flower garden.

An example of a successful decoration of the entrance to the cottage is presented in the following diagram, where roses, petunias, thuja, delphinium, lilies, asters and a cuff are used in the design of the flower bed:

Before planting in a flower garden for 2-3 hours, seedlings need preliminary watering. The optimal landing time in the country is the absence of bright sun, that is, in the early morning or at the end of the day. It is even better to choose the period before the rain. A round-shaped flower garden is filled from the center to the edges, a flower bed located near the fence of a summer house or building begins to be drawn up from the background according to the chosen scheme.

The roots of the seedlings are straightened, after deepening the soil near the neck of the plant is compacted. Upon completion of the work, the flower garden is watered abundantly, tall weak seedlings are propped up with a stick. If a flower has not taken root, it can be replaced at any time with a new specimen from the pot. Don't expect perfect appearance perennial flower garden in the country in the first year of breakdown.

Advice! The unattractive voids of the flower beds are temporarily filled with annual flowers that are suitable for the conditions of detention with the whole scheme.

It looks interesting fragrant flower garden of hibiscus, kufei, penstemon, milkwort and petunia, the diagram of which is shown below:

Do not be afraid to make adjustments to the existing flower bed scheme. Replacing one species with another similar in content, changing the shape or area is only welcome.

In addition to the flowering period, when forming a flower garden scheme for a summer residence, the requirements of plants for soil acidity, lighting conditions, as well as their height are taken into account.

In the group of undersized plants there are unpretentious bulbous specimens: hyacinths, snowdrops, crocuses and muscari. For beginners, as perennials for a flowerbed scheme, you can advise a felt stalk, awl-shaped phlox and primrose. Decorate the cottage and bright biennials in the form of daisies, forget-me-nots and pansies. Annual representatives of the flora in the form of undersized marigolds, petunias, purslane are capable of organically complementing the flower garden scheme.

Flowers of medium height are the basic basis of the summer cottage flower garden, therefore it is preferable to choose specimens with a special decorative effect for the scheme. These conditions are met by such perennials:

  • daylilies;
  • peonies;
  • chamomile;
  • lilies;
  • irises;
  • bells;
  • phloxes;
  • hosts.

Annual species will help to fill the voids in the new flower bed in the country: marigolds, asters, lavatera and salvia. In the background or in the center of the flower bed in the scheme, a place is given to tall plants. For these purposes, aconite, decorative sunflower, clary sage, delphinium, lupine are suitable.

Shaded areas of the cottage will be decorated with flower beds with Japanese anemones, sedum sedum, hosts of all kinds of colors of flowers and leaves, ferns, common primrose and dark geranium. A dacha with acidic soil is a great place to decorate a flower garden with hydrangea, rhododendron, fern. The flower bed scheme may also include herbal carnation, heather, Canadian dogwood, broom or hearty bergenia.

Examples of harmonious flower beds

In conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of flower beds for giving different levels of complexity.

The scheme of the simplest flower bed for teapots will decorate the cottage with a warm palette of pinks, oranges and reds, diluted with a purple tone. Heliotrope arborescens is planted in the background (1). Terry marigolds and Sander's tobacco form the middle tier (in the diagram they are marked with numbers 3 and 2, respectively). The parterre of the flower garden is occupied by a low-growing New Guinean balsam at number 4.

For an extensive mixborder flower garden you will need:

  1. Giant mallow Pleniflora.
  2. Ten-petalled sunflower.
  3. Icelandic poppy.
  4. St. John's wort
  5. Lobelia cardinalis.
  6. Fassen's catnip.
  7. Bell.
  8. Katananhe "Blue Cupid"
  9. Avens
  10. Sedum Matrona.
  11. Heuchera Miracle.

The scheme of a flower garden, resembling a piece of cake in shape, must be prepared:

  1. The corner of the flower bed is filled with a daylily in the amount of 3 bushes.
  2. Under the number 2 are silvery leaves of wormwood, 2 copies on each side.
  3. A dark red bark is planted in the center, 6 pieces are enough.
  4. The edges of the flower garden are decorated with 3 bushes of geyhera with burgundy leaves.
  5. On the front of the flower bed there are 5 specimens of silver leaves of the chistets.

The absence of a reservoir in the country can partially replace a flower bed, the scheme of which contains flowers of blue and blue hues. The bed of the stream imitates large pebbles, painted in blue. Glass beads will add transparency and dynamism. The flower garden is decorated with the following plantings:

  1. Bamboo leafy.
  2. Iris bearded.
  3. Lubelia.
  4. Creeping tenacious.
  5. Bell.
  6. Shaving hybrid.
  7. Bruner large-leaved.
  8. Awl-leaved bryozoan.
  9. Creeping tenacious.

The proposed schemes are not an unshakable postulate. Based on them, in the country you can create your own unique flower garden, pleasing to the eye throughout the warm season.

I really want our household plots to please us not only with a good harvest, but also with a bright view of beautifully designed flower beds and flower beds. The right combination of shape and color and, of course, the types of annual and perennial ornamental plants will allow us to create our own masterpiece of landscape design.

There are many options for decorating a flower garden and flower beds in your backyard. Someone prefers alpine slides, others like to grow flowers in separate large flowerpots. I would like to note the very popular vertical flower beds today.

Natural materials such as wood or stone are very well suited for growing and beautifully decorating flowers planted in the garden, so if you have a desire and need ideas, let's look at the options and photos.

We choose the design taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour site, climatic conditions and, most importantly, listening to your inner gardener.

Decorating a flower bed with stone

Stone is one of the favorite materials that landscape designers use when decorating flower beds, flower beds and even miniature flowerpots. And this is understandable, resistant "rocks" will serve us reliably and for a long time, without losing their attractiveness and withstanding the effects of any climatic conditions.

From stone, you can not only lay out the “borders” of your lawn or flower garden, but also decorate it in an original style. Large and small pebbles will look very interesting, such material is in harmony with succulents and perennial flowering plants.

If you are using large stones to decorate a flower bed or masonry around ornamental plants, then you can paint or whitewash them, so we will protect the surface from wear and make them one-color. This design will contrast beautifully with the soil and greenery.

Another original and interesting idea, in my opinion, is the idea of ​​creating stone flowerpots from hollow bricks or concrete blocks. Of these, you can make a corner small flower bed or give it any other shape - it's like with a Lego toy - interesting even for adults)

A stone design for a flower garden looks advantageous on almost any garden or summer cottage, especially if yours has bumps, so to speak. Just make the wall of this "tier" stone - and in front of you is no longer an annoying mound, but a designer flower bed created by yourself. For her, by the way, plants with bright colors, for example, or multi-colored, are very well suited.

With the help of a stone, you can also arrange a platform on the shady side of your country house. Properly selected plants that do not really like excess sunlight will find their place on a small stone "island". And since the stones on the soil will become a protective layer against the rapid evaporation of moisture, we will avoid frequent or abundant watering near the house.

Even a small space in your garden can be turned into a wonderful seating area, which will look great on pots of indoor flowers taken out for the summer, and small garden lanterns or figurines.

If you need to decorate, or rather transform the drainage system, while solving the problem of the appearance of puddles and at the same time giving a very aesthetic appearance to the structure itself. Stones can be taken of absolutely any shape and size - here it is worth starting from "what is" and from your fantasies.

You can also arrange a flower bed with artificial decorative stone, simply by buying it at a hardware or specialty store in any color, shape and size. So we just give freedom to our inner designer and create beauty with our own hands.

How to make wooden flowerpots

The combination of natural wood and natural flowers looks very harmonious. A flower bed designed or created using this material can have any shape, and by the way, you can use recycled wood, such as pallets or ordinary boxes. Of course, it is recommended to pre-treat the wood with a special solution to avoid rotting or deformation from contact with a humid environment.

Wooden flowerpots are one of the easiest and most convenient ways to decorate a flowerpot in your garden, especially if you buy ready-made frames of the desired shape. It is convenient to assemble such structures, and if they are with a bottom and not very large, then we can remove them together with planted plants in a greenhouse or winter garden for a cold period.

It is important to remember that wood needs special treatment. In such flower beds it is better to grow plants that do not need abundant watering.

We as designers are very pleased) the fact that this material can be painted in any desired color and create a whole composition in one style and color scheme. You can assemble a flowerpot in several tiers, and a single long one by placing it on the windowsill. This option is well suited for those who grow.

And if you are lucky and your family has the owner of golden hands, then “order” him a whole bench-bed made of wood, I think this will be your favorite vacation spot and an excellent solution for decorating a flower garden on a personal plot.

In some cases, wood is used only as a lining for ceramic or metal flowerpots to make them look warmer and more natural. According to landscape designers, wood very correctly emphasizes both juicy greenery and bright colors of a flower garden.

Vertical flower beds

If there is not a lot of free space on your garden plot, but you still really want to create a flower garden, then vertical flower beds are for you! Also, this option is perfect for zoning - they can protect a porch or gazebo, decorate an empty wall, or even “hide” it beautifully.

Now it is very fashionable to create hanging panels from fresh flowers or use hanging pots and flowerpots. This will save space and decorate your country house or apartment in a very original way, but in this case you need to choose good fasteners to securely fix the structure.

There is a great idea to create a whole vertical garden where you can grow not only flowers, but also fresh herbs and your favorite ones. After placing the wooden boxes in a checkerboard pattern and securely fastening them, cover their bottom and walls with insulation and fill them with seedling soil - now you can plant the selected plants and enjoy the result.

You can also fill the vertical space, for example, decorate the wall with flowers, using a wooden or metal frame. And if you have a climbing flowering plant, then the composition will be an excellent decoration for the gazebo, and for the veranda, and even for the porch.

It is very convenient to use, so to speak, a “movable” frame for vertical flowerpots, but such a wall requires very reliable materials and furniture wheels. Of course, you will have to tinker, but then you can move such a flower bed to any place in your house or in your summer cottage.

Another huge plus of vertical flowerpots is their easy and convenient use in your city apartment, for example, on a balcony or loggia. Try to arrange a “shelf” with succulents like this, you will surely like it.

Alpine slides

Alpine slide or rock garden is a very popular way to design a flower garden of lithophytes and plants adapted to the alpine and subalpine belt. In its creation, natural stone is used without fail. This solution is perfect for decorating corners and for decorating artificial reservoirs on your site.

An alpine slide on the shore of an artificial reservoir will look win-win, here, of course, the requirements for the quality of stone and installation materials are increasing, but then you will have your own garden of Eden! Proper drainage will allow you to grow such a blooming handsome man, who does not like "upper" irrigation, and his roots will get moisture from a sufficient depth.

Make a small rock garden using rocks of various colors and succulents. To do this, by the way, you can not transplant your cacti into the soil, but place them among the pebbles directly in pots, lowering them into shallow (ground level) holes, and in winter, take them indoors until the next season.

Is there a free corner in the summer cottage? Let's decorate it with stones and ornamental plants. Plant bright ones there, and even better “send” bright green for the summer, this, of course, is a capricious plant, but its aroma and flowers will undoubtedly delight you.

The arrangement of an alpine slide as a decoration and an additional drainage layer for the drainage system will be an excellent technical solution to the problem of accumulation of excess water and at the same time truly decorate your garden or summer cottage.

In the case when the terrain on the site is uneven, you can beat this fact with a very a positive result. Try to equip a stone patio or outdoor picnic area, and decorate the slopes in the style of a rock garden, so we will not only strengthen the "walls", but also decorate everything in a very original way.

Do not forget the main rule for creating and designing “beautiful” places on your site - do what you like, and if you want your own alpine slide, you can make it at least a hole) even in several tiers. Stone gardens are both simple and cozy - and here you can safely give free rein to your fantasies.

Personally, I like the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating an alpine hill on my site already because my favorite evergreen shrub can be included in its composition - with it the flower bed will be beautiful and bright all year round, and not just in the warm season.

In our life, you always need to find a place for something beautiful, and flowers, like nothing else, know how to delight and decorate our world with bright colors and magical aromas. Someone chooses, someone who is more or less unpretentious in cultivation, it does not matter! The important thing is that they cheer you up. And of course - do not forget about the timely and correct and weed grass.

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds always attract the eyes of others, guests who visit your home. The originality of the options is very high. It all depends on the imagination of the owners. What flowerbed do you have? If you are still searching and thinking about the design of your site, then our article will bring a lot of interesting and useful things to your thoughts.

In mid-autumn, looking at the flower garden, the eye can only catch on the fading chrysanthemums, almost all seasonal work is behind, so there is an opportunity to focus on miscalculations.

Garden path decorated with a flower garden

In spring, flower lovers make the same mistake: they try to fit as many plants as possible in a limited area. After all, the leaves have not yet blossomed, and when planning plantings, we often do not take into account what they will be like in a month or two.

  • Therefore, the first rule: keep your distance! This year we had to cut off an old, still great-grandfather's apple tree, the branches of which, under the weight of the fruits, broke off and fell on the flower garden, causing a lot of harm. Without an apple tree, it became, as it were, more spacious and lighter, but the part that felt comfortable in partial shade (primroses, hostas, ferns, aquilegia) is now in the sun, and in the spring they will have to think about moving them.
  • And since there won’t be enough shady places for everyone, fast-growing tall ones, for example, castor bean, sunflower, and evening primrose, can help. So, rule two: plants also need comfort.
  • Come to the flower garden not only with a chopper and a watering can, but also with a notebook and a pen. Sketch out a planting plan, record the beginning and end of flowering. And this is the third rule.

The art of landscape design

Which of us, visiting flower growers and noticing some new plant, did not experience a sinking heart: “I want it! Want! Want!" And also trips to flower exhibitions, and just to the flower rows in the market, an interested examination of various catalogs with interesting offers. They never noticed how they turned their flower garden into a collection site with a huge number of very different ones. They do not have enough space, they obscure each other, preventing us from enjoying their beauty, but they add trouble to us.

Create the flower bed you've always wanted:

  • You must imagine where to plant it so that it does not interfere with anyone.
  • Contemplating the work of landscape designers, you are convinced that plants look best when they grow in groups.
  • Fifteen bulbs of, say, tulips of different varieties and colors, planted in a row, will not look as attractive as a group of the same variety of the same fifteen.
  • But when creating such compositions, it is important to take into account the height, color and size of the leaves, the duration and duration of flowering.
  • Each grower has his own little secrets of success and a list of annoying failures.


Colored spots in the flower garden, created by one variety, always look more spectacular than many different ones planted in one row.

Types of flower beds

Now, more and more often, household plots and dachas are used not for getting a rich harvest of vegetables, not for planting potatoes or working in greenhouses. More and more often our country life is not communication with a shovel, but communication with flowers.

Some of the summer residents refuse from "slave" labor and work for their own pleasure. For them, a dacha is one big flower garden in which they feel like in a fragrant paradise.

But to arrange a beautiful flower garden is no less difficult than to form a garden bed. To do this, you need to have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat kind of flower beds are, and what plants are planted in them.

Even improvised means are used to decorate the flower garden. For example, an old sink. Here you will also need:

  • pieces of chain-link;
  • soil, crushed stone;
  • pebbles;
  • stones.

With the help of this inventory, the sink needs to be given a more aesthetic appearance. After that, start planting plants. Naturally, the design of the flower garden is completely dependent on the wishes of the owner.. This applies to cases of professional help.

First you need to create a small hill. After all, the building should stand out from the rest of the landscape. In addition, it is necessary to give the hill the desired shape. Here you will need a cord, ruler and other equipment. Additionally, it is worth creating a stone or plastic fence. What will not let the flower bed overgrown with grass. After that, planting begins.


The most common type of flower garden in the garden is, of course, a flower bed. But, despite the tradition, the variety of flower beds, at times, is amazing. Triangular, square, round, in two, three tiers, in outdoor flowerpots with long legs or just standing on the ground. Great amount varieties that are designed to decorate with themselves the place in which the flower bed was installed. In general, all flower beds can be either geometric or free.

Their shape can be anything, and not only round or square. The main thing is to plant it correctly. The selection of varieties is carried out so that they all have different flowering periods.

On the site you can form a mixborder and discount. Moreover, it is possible to implement the plan without the help of a professional designer.

First, it is necessary to solve a number of issues, in particular, to choose the optimal combination of shades on the site. You also need to choose flowers. Usually combine three species in one flower bed. It is better to pre-select the geometry of the site and take into account the flowering period.

Varieties of flower beds

The carpet type is characterized by a rectangular or square configuration. Most often, low-growing multi-colored vegetation is placed here. Thanks to this, unusual patterns and patterns are created. There are also regular and irregular varieties. In the first case, all bloom at the same time. In the second - the flowers replace each other.

Quite often, gardeners create a rose garden on their own plot. Here you will definitely need a well-lit place, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than twenty square meters. First you need to make a choice of a place for roses, then start preparing the soil, planting.


It is important to know that the rosary is arranged in a special order.

That is, in the first line there are undersized bushes, the height of which is no more than forty centimeters. Climbing roses are planted in the last row, capable of reaching several meters. The procedure is best done in early summer.

Flowerbeds near the pond

Flower beds can be quite original. The presence of a reservoir makes it possible to create a floating structure. This will require lightweight and non-sinking material. Styrofoam is excellent for this function.

Plants located in such a flower bed must love moisture and water. On the site you can place wooden structures. It is better to make them hanging. Otherwise, the material will quickly deteriorate.


In second place after the flower beds are rabatki. These are long stretches of land that perfectly decorate paths and alleys in your garden. The width of the rabatka cannot be more than three meters. It can be planted in several tiers, and the far row will be high, and then descending. These flower beds can be placed in the garden along paths, or around free-standing trees. But the flower beds themselves also need decoration. For this, borders are usually used.

The border can have one or two tiers, the width is no more than half a meter. For borders, small, low plants are used so that you can see from the flower bed. Borders are very well combined with flower beds and rabatka.

Rabatki - decorate paths and alleys


There is such a type of flower beds as a mixborder. This means that in such a flower garden there will be a variety of plants, not only in terms of flowering, but also in growth.

But you can’t put plants in the mixborder that love different growing conditions: light and shade that love water and don’t need it. The mixborder has one more purpose - mixborder flowers can be cut and made into bouquets.

It must necessarily have an asymmetric shape and branches of various lengths.

Mixborder - a flower garden with a variety of species

Flowerbed care

Every gardener, gardener, florist should take care of protecting his site from pests and diseases. Doing work in manual mode is very time consuming, then all kinds of sprayers-sprayers come to the aid of fellow summer residents.

This technique is designed to create excess pressure, due to which there is a fine dispersion of the sprayed mixture. Finely dispersed particles of the sprayed liquid fall on the surface of plants, penetrating into hard-to-reach areas.

In the state of the smallest droplets, the solution is perfectly retained on the microvilli of the stems and leaves. Twenty years ago, the choice was limited to a couple of the simplest sprayers, but now a variety of models are on the market. Competition encourages manufacturers to look for new solutions, to create engineering designs.


When creating alpine slides, install the stones firmly, as they will have to be moved during care.

To make very beautiful designer flower beds with your own hands, you will have to spend an impressive amount of time and effort. But, now, thanks to information from the Internet, you can really interesting ideas on decor from improvised materials. Gardening is an abstract art along with landscaping and architecture.

Planning is the key to success

It seems to be the easiest task to buy your favorite flowers and plant them in the ground. And the more diverse the vegetation, the more beautiful the result. Alas, in this way you can only get a pile of different plants, which will create a rather untidy look overall. This will be especially evident where the vegetation does not match in height, shape and color. Also, problems can cause different time periods of flowering. It's a pity to get such unflattering results after all the effort.

  • Creating the right composition is a well-planned operation that requires a clear plan of action.
  • Some still prefer to plant their own designed flower garden. It can be a fun time. It is advisable not to use a wide variety of types, especially if space is limited.
  • To arrange a flower bed, you will need to choose a height, a blooming calendar, and a color scheme. It is also important to comply with the requirements for environmental conditions (loving light, preferred humidity, soil type and acidity, etc.).

Planning is the key to success

Due to the peculiarities of the vegetation and the surrounding landscape, the decorated corner acquires its own individuality and will be unique.


Do not worry that if you use ready-made schemes, your flower bed in the garden will become typical and uninteresting. After all, it is very unlikely that any of the acquaintances will use the same scheme. Don't be afraid to experiment. Often unique compositions obtained from those who, relying on information on the Internet, came up with their own design. Create your own flower gardens and flower beds can become a real source of pride.

Think carefully when choosing. For example, what size do you want for your flower bed, the size of its border, etc.

Perennial plants in the flower bed

Perennials are preferred for those who don't want to replant their beds every year.

Perennials have the following advantages:

  • a wide range of forms;
  • relative ease of care;
  • undemanding.

And the direct destruction of the flower garden of perennials or bulbs can be delayed for several years with the help of tillage and fertilization of the land.

However, as a rule, the flowering period for these plants is only 3 weeks, which is not very much..

  • After flowering, a perennial flower bed does not look so bright, so it is recommended to dilute it with annual plants.
  • Choose depending on the flowering season.
  • Often, owners want flower beds and gardens in the courtyard of the house to be pleasing to the eye from the beginning of the spring period and ending with the winter cold. To do this, take into account the seasonality of the vegetation used by the flora.
  • Summer flower beds and garden arrangements can be formed from such a wide range that it is quite easy to get lost in his list. Experts advise paying special attention to long flowering species or those that can bloom twice. Among perennial long flowers there are some varieties of roses, geraniums, catnip, chamomile.


Summer is the flowering time for many species of annuals. You may be thinking about how to make your own flower bed look more inviting. You can plant:

  • beautiful asters;
  • dahlias;
  • coreopsis;
  • various chrysanthemums;
  • calendula.

Related ornamental plants will give a special charm to the selected floral ensemble.

Summer is the flowering time for many species of annuals.

A vertical flower bed will look great with ampelous plants. They give volume and shine, and there are lovely petunias, lobelia and verbena that look great in a vertical flower bed.

aromatic flower bed

The perfect solution is an aromatic flower bed of lavender, sage, oregano. It is better to place it directly with the seating area. You will smell the aroma as you pass by the flower garden. This has a beneficial effect on immune system, brain function and the cardiovascular system.

To create such a flower bed, we need:

  • Plastic containers.
  • Dye.
  • Sphagnum moss (you can even use old moss).
  • Soil mix.
  • seedlings.

Step 1

Paint the containers and wait for them to dry. Soak the moss to a comfortable consistency, allowing you to "sculpt". Moss should be placed in all containers after which they should be covered with a layer of soil previously mixed with fertilizer. Subsequently, the earth must be compacted and watered.

Step 2

Containers should be filled from the top containers. Seedlings are usually small. Their root system, as a rule, does not fall apart and easily shifts in the right direction. If you need to remove the seedlings from the pot, then you need to squeeze root system hand.

When planting, water the seedlings well with water. Follow the following sequence when filling the pot:

  • sphagnum;
  • the soil;
  • plant;
  • the soil.

Bright Ideas

Look for tin cans in your kitchen or just buy them from the market. After that, on a large wooden wall, you should attach these jars - ideally 8 to 9 so that they are well dispersed. Add the desired vertical garden plants.


Don't leave the remaining areas unattended - move large plants or pots to different places to find the best view.

Pines trimmed in a triangular shape create visual interest. Annuals, perennials provide the garden with vibrant color and interesting shapes. Here, the gladioli neatly contrast with the foliage and bloom around them. Large stripes of color will create a soothing atmosphere for this garden.

Vertical garden system

Whether you want to spruce up a garden wall or just cover up any untidy side, here's a great idea. Take a thick fabric and hang it on the fence in the form of bags - it should be in the form of a kangaroo bag. Add plants and get the beauty you've always wanted.

If you have trees in your garden, you can create a small arrangement around them. For it, you can use any stones to create an environment for flowers. Thus, all attention will be focused on the plants.

Group boarding

For this idea, you should have many different plants. You can install this design on a separate side of the garden and place some chairs and a table to make the flower bed look like the perfect setting for privacy.

Plastic bottles as vertical garden containers:

There should be a lot of plastic bottles in your garbage yard. This is the perfect time to use them all. Just tie them together with string so you can cover the wall area. Now, poke a hole in the center so you can place the plants you want - finished wall bed!

wall planner:

Planting containers are attached to the walls. You can plant any plants you want here. This idea can brighten up your garden, house entrance, or even your backyard. Arrange the flowers in rows or in a checkerboard pattern, it's all up to your imagination!

natural design

All improvised materials can become amazingly beautiful things. If an old tree has fallen near your summer house, then this can be a great idea for creating a unique flower bed. It is only necessary to cut out its core and install it in the center of the garden. After that, fill the soil and plant flowers.

Shelf for shoes as a flower bed. Creativity is key.


You can use an old shoe rack and plant plants in it. Place it at the entrance to grab the attention of your guests.

You can use an old wooden barrel as a stand filled with lovely plants and vibrant flowers.

wall decor

This flower bed looks like a tree on the wall. Just a couple of pots arranged in a lovely manner to make for a lovely vertical garden.

With this design, you can plant whatever you want. In particular, try adding bright flowers with large leaves to give your flower bed a fantastic look. Connect old windows and make a lovely little decor for a garden space.

You can decorate an entire wall by simply placing small clothing bags filled with lovely flowers. This will surely hide gray walls and enhance the beauty of your garden.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the decor of your garden is primarily a work of the imagination. Therefore, you only need to imagine the overall composition and consistently solve the tasks of its implementation. It should be noted that, despite the large amount of work, it is especially important not to panic and gradually, step by step, turn your garden into the fruit of envy of all guests.

Perennials for flower beds

To begin with, you must determine the amount of time that you can devote to flower beds. If you are engaged in a flower garden and nothing more - this is one thing, but if in addition to this you are also engaged in the cultivation of various vegetable crops, then this is quite another. Experience shows that with the second option, there is not enough time left for growing and caring for a flower garden.

The flower bed should be located near the recreation area. It should be visible from the country house or gazebo. Show your imagination when creating a composition.

Most likely, perennial flowers will be present in your flower garden. Now let's talk about them.

You must allocate space for the future flower bed at the time of planning. Keep in mind that the flower garden should be located near the recreation area. So that it can be seen from the house or gazebo. While shaping the flower bed, you can show all your imagination. Since the shape of the flower garden entirely depends on your desire.

Flowers are an important element of decorating a summer cottage. They delight the eye, give the atmosphere a unique charm, fill the air with aroma. But if you plant flowers haphazardly and thoughtlessly, instead of a beautiful, well-groomed flower garden, you can get a dull, neglected area with plants dried up in the middle of summer.

Consider how you can beautifully plant flowers so that they are in harmony with the design of the site and bring joy until the end of the summer season.

garden flowers Source

Autumn flower garden: examples of planting flowers in flower beds

The main disadvantage of most flower beds and flower beds is that with the advent of autumn they begin to thin out, and the flowers fade on them. To avoid this, you need to consider planting in such a way that the flowers delight with their beauty right up to the very frost.

Flowering of late plants begins in early September and continues until the end of November. There are many varieties of late flowers, each of them has its own advantages. Before you equip a flower bed, you need to carefully study the features of the development and growth of each plant, and in the spring choose options.

It is best to sow seeds for seedlings at the end of winter, and after the end of flowering of summer flowers, plant seedlings in the ground. Choose varieties that are unpretentious, do not require much care, since in the fall most people do not go to the dacha very often and cannot carefully care for the plants.

There are many varieties of flowers that are suitable for an autumn flower garden.

Bright yellow spot on the plot Source


This flower has already become a classic in our flower beds. White, pink, burgundy, lilac and yellow varieties up to 0.5 meters high look the most spectacular, although there are many other colors.

Chrysanthemum begins to bloom at the end of August and stands until the first frost. Varieties with small heads are especially unpretentious, for example, the Korean chrysanthemum, which is a low bush completely covered with small bright flowers.


Late varieties of phlox are low bush plants. The color of the heads varies from pink to purple. Striped phlox look especially impressive. Blooms in the first half of autumn. It will be necessary to periodically remove the dried inflorescences. They like loose, well-drained and moist soil.

Phlox paniculata Source


Serves as a real decoration of the flower garden. This is a shrub up to 0.5 meters high with very beautiful bright yellow, red-orange and brick-purple flowers. It looks great in a hedge, they are decorated with areas near the pool or a small pond.

It does not require special care, but the soil needs to be fertilized and periodically loosened. It is desirable to provide a lot of sunlight.

bright helenium flowers Source


It resembles a large chamomile with huge yellow and bright orange flowers. It is better to plant it in the background of a flower garden; it looks organically next to coniferous plants. Care is not required, it is important to ensure regular watering.

Rudbeckia perennial Source

Pansies, or tricolor violet

A low plant, does not exceed 15-30 centimeters. Pansies are unpretentious, grow well in the shade, but bloom better and more abundantly in the sun. Among the most common varieties are white, yellow, blue, red, purple, there are even black ones. Due to the variety of shades, the flower garden with pansies turns out to be especially bright and interesting.

Viola in the garden Source


Tall plant with pink, red, yellow, white flowers. The center of the flower bed is suitable for planting it, as it is a fairly large plant, and shorter flowers favorably emphasize its height and beauty. It needs regular watering, although it tolerates drought well.


The queen of any autumn flower garden, blooms long and profusely. There are a lot of varieties of this plant, they differ in the height of the bush and colors - you can find asters of white, blue, pink, purple and many other colors. It is unpretentious, does not require special care, breeds easily and tolerates cold well. The best solution for a flower garden is to mix annual and perennial varieties.

Colorful asters Source


Can grow well anywhere in the garden, loves moderate watering. More than 2000 species of dahlias are known - pion-shaped, spherical, needle-shaped, collared, nymphaeal. The largest heads reach 10-12 centimeters.

Marigolds, or tagetes

There are more than 50 different varieties, including annuals and perennials. They are distinguished by an incredible color variety, ranging from rich yellow to reddish brown. Terry and two-color marigolds are especially beautiful. Their height does not exceed 20 centimeters, flowering does not stop until the first frost.

yellow marigolds Source


Differs in large beautiful inflorescences and an upright stalk. Flowers are simple and double. Likes good lighting, does not tolerate drafts. Great for borders.

Zinnias in garden design Source

The scheme of planting flowers in a flower bed

A flower garden not thought out and not planned in advance rarely looks beautiful. It is necessary to follow a specific planting scheme, taking into account the characteristics of each plant species. This needs to be taken care of even in winter, in order to purchase seeds in early spring and plant them for seedlings.

Before buying seeds, you should consider how you can plant flowers beautifully, what flower beds you plan to break - they come in several types.

Regular flower beds

Differ in straight lines, geometric shapes, complex patterns. Are considered regular different kinds classic flower beds, borders, modular flower beds.

Irregular flower beds

They consist of several groups of plants with different flowering cycles. They bloom in turn, due to which the flower bed is filled with flowering plants all season long.

Mixborder for giving Source


These are ordinary elongated, rectangular-shaped beds, which consist of several rows of plants. This makes it possible to create picturesque stripes like carpet paths.

Multi-level or mixborders

Plants are planted in tiers, which allows you to focus on the beauty of each type of flower.

After choosing the shape of the flower bed, you should consider its color design. Designers distinguish three basic types of flower beds.

Monochrome flower garden. Planted plants of the same color or one colors. This solution is especially organic for a small flower garden. Enough 2-4 varieties of flowers, the highest are placed in the middle, and the lowest - along its edges.

white flower garden Source

Contrasting flowers. You should choose combinations that are opposite in location in the color spectrum. For example, yellow with blue, green with red, pink with blue, orange with blue. For special showiness, you need to choose flowers of bright saturated colors, although muted colors make the flower bed elegant and sophisticated.

Varied flower bed Source

Complementary colors. They are selected in such a way as to ensure a smooth transition of shades. It is important to choose 2-3 colors that are adjacent in the color palette. For example, blue with blue, pink with lilac, red with purple.

Now you can draw up a diagram of the flower garden. By tradition, the tallest flowers are planted in the center, then their height gradually decreases to the edge of the flower bed.

How beautiful to plant flowers in a flower bed Source

If the flower beds are located along walls or fences, the background is planted with the tallest plants, the lowest ones are placed in front. Near tall perennials, several medium-sized perennials are planted.

Retaining walls with plants Source

It is advisable to sow all the free space of the flower bed with undersized ground cover plants or lawn grass, which form a kind of carpet.

You can choose one type of flowers or several, the main condition is that they fit in tone and size.

Multi-tiered flower beds are good for a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. For example, vertical wooden racks are being built, with which you can hide an unsightly place, decorate a fence, and zone the territory.

Vertical flower bed Source

Vertical flower beds can be in the form of flower pots fixed on special frames or rods. Growing, the flowers usually cover the entire wall with a solid carpet, especially if some kind of climbing plant is planted here.

You can use old car tires of different diameters and put them on top of each other. It is allowed to build a stepped structure from boards.

Flower arrangements for the garden and cottages

Beautiful combinations of flowers of various heights and colors are the centerpiece of any summer cottage. They help to dilute the monotonous environment, create an exquisite design.

When creating a composition, you need to consider that a suitable environment is important for it. It always attracts attention, so you should not place it in a place that looks unsightly. For giving, it is better to make a composition of a landscape type, that is, to use all the elements of a suburban area.

economical flower garden Source

With any type of composition, two principles are applied to create it - the creation of contrast or similarity.

For a contrasting composition, plants are chosen that differ sharply from each other in shape, color, texture.

Sitting area in the garden Source

When using the principle of similarity, plants also differ, but only slightly, and the differences here are stepped. For example, a color transition is used from saturated red to light red, from it to pink.

A selection of red flowers Source

Another important point is the size of the composition. It should become an organic part of the site, so you don't need to make it too big or too small. The large size does not make it possible to appreciate the beauty of the flower garden as a whole, and the small one will look frivolous.

First select the main element. It can be a tree, a tall bush on the site or a tall flower. The composition with spruce looks very nice. Shrubs or perennials should be planted at different distances from it. At the same time, it is important to observe symmetry and remember that plants with picturesque, lush crowns are not always appropriate here. Although in the landscape composition any options are possible.

Flowers under the tree Source

The central element is usually one in the composition, its frame is chosen in several copies. And the number of plants of the lower level is not even counted, they are taken in the amount necessary for decorating the background.

Selection of colors for compositions

The basis of the flower bed is made up of large flowers with tall stems. They are placed in the center. Background flowers are lower than the central ones, their inflorescences are usually not so bright and large, but they play an important role in building a composition: they are used to create a beautiful frame for the central part of the flower garden.

In general, plant height plays an important role. All flowers are divided into several main groups:

  • Ground covers: purslane, saxifrage, pansies, periwinkle, muscari, primrose, Turkish carnation, blue forget-me-not, phlox. They look organically as borders and rabatok, they sow the free spaces of flower beds.
  • Nikorosloe, do not exceed 30 centimeters: nasturtium, petunia, marigolds, lobelia, calceolaria, iberis, Chinese carnation, alpine asters.
  • Sredneroslye: geranium, chamomile, cosmea, zinnia, escholcia, delphinium, gladioli, astilbe, peonies.
  • High: ferns, ornamental shrubs, trees. The most beautiful and popular are hydrangea, rhododendron, jasmine, tree peony, conifers, for example, yew, thuja, juniper.

In order for the flower garden to retain its beauty at any time of the year, it is advisable to choose flowers taking into account their flowering periods. In early spring, daffodils, forget-me-nots, primrose, violets, blueberries and snowdrops bloom.

spring flower bed Source:

By the end of spring, it is the turn of lilies, tulips, peonies, irises, bluebells.

Bright tulips and daffodils Source

To make the flower garden look beautiful in summer, it is advisable to plant non-flowering perennials on it: hosts, stonecrop, feather grass, reed grass, chistets, basil, oregano, mint.

Marigolds, hydrangeas, begonias, morning glory, lavender, petunias, lavender bloom in summer.

Gorgeous hydrangea Source

All summer the queen of any garden pleases the eye - a rose. It goes well with conifers, which beautifully emphasize the brightness of rose buds and inflorescences.

White roses in mixborders Source

Flower beds look original, where one type of flower plays a decisive role. For example, in a flower bed along a wall or fence in the background, one row of tall panicled red-purple phlox is planted.

The foreground on the left is decorated with blue-violet phlox, and on the right - pink. Then surround them with low flowers of pink, red or white flowers, for example, penstemons.

White and red phlox

To complete the picture, plant a flower bed with a border of yellow-green soft cuffs.

Soft cuff Source

If the site is an open free space, it is decorated with closed fantasy flower beds with flowers of the same variety.

Violets in a flower bed Source

Beautiful combination of dark red and purple colors. To do this, purple scabiosa is planted next to lupins or red peonies. All remaining space is planted with ornamental grasses.

The choice of flowers for the country flower bed Source:

The flower garden is sown with lupine, lobularia or sapling, and in order to create bright accents, white-purple bearded irises, blue aquilegia and phloxes are planted.

A combination of bright yellow coreopsis with white flowers of pyrethrum and yellow yarrow will provide a joyful mood. In the middle of the flower garden, you can place a rose bush.

tall flower garden Source

Tall gladioli look very beautiful in summer, which perfectly coexist with low perennials - bluebells, delphiniums, anemones, yarrow, sage.

Gladiolus in the flower beds Source

Photos of the best compositions of planted flowers for a summer residence

cottage decoration

It can be recreated with beautiful floral arrangements that simultaneously mask unattractive elements of the landscape. Therefore, you need to know how to choose and plant flowers correctly so that they please the eye and soul throughout the summer season.

I present to your attention 27 original photos of flowerbed ideas with your own hands, not like everyone else, which you can create with your own hands in the country. Any flower bed, made with love and attention, absorbs the energy of the hostess, embodies her care and is consonant with the owner in all respects. This can be seen outwardly, let's look at interesting examples cottage design and take note of something!

1. Flowerbed of long-flowering plants

Such a flower bed has several main color lines, in the foreground are undersized, in the middle are medium-sized flowers. In the background are shrubs and tall plants. Gamma flower beds can be three-color.

2. Flowerbed in the trunk circle

The original idea of ​​a flower bed in a near-stem circle, decorated with a border of stones. It can be both mobile, for one season, and stationary, with the expectation of a long-term stay under a tree.

3. The idea of ​​a flower bed near the house

The idea guides us on how to equip the north side of the house, or the one that does not receive enough sunlight. In such places, it would be most rational to land hosts.

4. Flowerbed in the stump of a sawn tree

If a large tree used to grow on your site, and now a stump stands lonely in its place, then do not rush to uproot it. I propose to use it as an original raised flower bed. You can also plant low flowers in the root zone.

5. Flowerbed - drawing

A flower bed can decorate a country space - a drawing, for example, in the shape of a flower. Agree, this composition looks quite fresh and pretty.

6. Flowerbed from a cut tree

By the way, returning to sawn trees, not only the stump, but also the trunk can serve as an authentic flower bed for several seasons.

7. Flower beds in patio paving space

When paving the patio area, select several cells for planting. In the future, by planting flowers in them, you will get nice plant inclusions in the middle of a stone or concrete canvas.

8. Flower bed along the walls of the house or veranda

There are countless options for the execution of such flower beds, here is another example from real life. A flower bed near the veranda of one of the houses.

9. Raised flower bed in the middle of the lawn

A beautiful raised flower bed in the middle of a lawn, in the middle of a lawn, as an accent to attract attention. The walls of the flower bed are made of facing stone.

10. Wild flowerbed in the trunk circle

An example of a simple wild stone flower bed formed around a tree.

11. Combination of flower bed and gravel backfill near the patio

The format of the flower bed can also be in the form of a half composition, a combination of gravel and plants.

12. Temporary flower bed of potted plants

A variant of a replaceable flower bed in pots, the exposure can be changed regularly, depending on the flowering of plants.

13. Flowerbed accent with a decorative wheelbarrow

A nice solution is an accent flower bed with decorative elements: a wheelbarrow and a lantern. Even the simplest flowers in this composition look spectacular.

14. Vintage flower bed from an old suitcase

I am somewhat surprised by the tendency to use garbage in Western countries. There it is considered aerobatics to bring some things from the landfill into landscape design. But, nevertheless, I suggest that you also admire the solution.

15. Beautiful flower bed with a river stone border

A pretty flower bed, organically complemented by a border of river stones - pellets.

16. Raised flower bed made of wooden beams

If you have an interest in using wood in the design of flower beds, or maybe there are trimmings of timber left, then decorate them with a similar flower bed.

17. Round flowerbed around the conifer

An interesting solution to the design of a round flower bed, radially planted flowers, are woven in layers into the canvas of the ornament of the composition, logically converging on the central conifer.

18. Romantic rose garden

My dream is a rose garden at their summer cottage! Now there are many hybrids that bloom almost all summer. Of course, care for roses is required, but what a beauty!!!

19. Fairy landscaping with gravel path

An inspiring example of cute countryside design, the freestyle idea is really tricky even though it seems like a simple enough solution. Such is the deception...

20. Old bed as a flower bed

Another example of the controversial flower bed idea. Somewhat reminds ... Let's not talk about sad things ...

21. Flower bed of hydrangeas

A beautiful idea for a flower bed along a hydrangea fence. In general, I dare to recommend hydrangea for use in your country compositions. There are many adapted hybrids specifically for our latitudes.

22. Vertical tower

Nice idea for a flower bed - a vertical tower. The base is metal racks into which small flower pots are inserted.

23. The idea of ​​flower beds and trays on the windows

24. The idea of ​​a vertical flower bed

A beautiful idea for a vertical flower bed made of a wooden honeycomb base with earth. The idea is somewhat complex and possibly short-lived. However, why not?

With the help of decorative flower beds, you can beat interesting stories. If you make a flower bed, for example, in the form of a fire with a bowler hat, then this composition will definitely not be deprived of attention.

26. Flowerbed of tree cuts

A sawn tree can be used to decorate a raised flower bed. The decorativeness of the composition will be given by the varied texture of wood saw cuts.

27. Bright peonies along the house

Well, at the end of the selection, I want to wish you the embodiment of all your ideas, even the simplest, budget ones. After all, the main beauty of our dachas is given not by the cost of investments, but by our care and attention to space!