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Libra and Sagittarius friendship. Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility: "Bonnie and Clyde" - two puzzles in one picture. Horoscope: Libra and Leo, compatibility, friendship, marriage

Libra and Sagittarius friendship.  Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility:

Do perfect couples really exist? In the zodiac circle, the combination of the elements of Fire and Air is considered one of the most successful! But is it so in practice? Today we will consider all the "pros" and "cons" of such an alliance.

Will love last

Sagittarius and Libra can build a very strong and long-term relationship. They are united by long conversations, common priorities and values. The purposefulness of Sagittarius supports the wisdom of Libra. As a result, we get perfectly harmonious relationships. It is important for them to maintain a balance and make concessions. The main thing is that the air sign does not create a conflict, because the owner of the fire sign quickly ignites. Libra should be the leader, because nature has awarded them with innate wisdom.

Lovers of new experiences, a girl born under the sign of Libra, and a guy who is patronized by Sagittarius, have good compatibility. They are always together and always looking for something exciting and interesting. Sagittarius in this relationship will give his chosen one confidence and happiness. The Libra woman will give him reliability and readiness to support him in any adventures. Getting a freedom-loving Sagittarius is not easy enough, and keeping it is even more difficult. But the Libra woman will cope with this task with a bang.

Difficulties may arise due to differences in values. For Sagittarius, prestige and wealth are important, while for Libra, feelings and naturalness are more important. Also, the possible disappointment of the Sagittarius woman in her chosen one may be a problem. Initially, he seemed to her purposeful and accommodating, while in reality it turned out that he quickly abandoned his plans. Noticing this, timid, at first sight, Libra will take "control" upon herself, smoothly and gently guide her man in the right direction.

Throughout life, Libra guys are quite lucky. They win competitions and lotteries every now and then. To meet a Sagittarius girl is a real success for them! In the image of the Sagittarius woman, the Libra man sees an ideal partner, the love compatibility of this couple is high. Their characters complement each other perfectly. The Sagittarius woman is very cheerful, optimistic, it is easy to start a conversation with her. The Libra man, who is no less eloquent and sociable, has not gone far from her.

Both signs easily relate to life's problems, so they simply overcome them. But they have different ways of solving problems. Sagittarians decide everything impulsively and quickly, and they can be annoyed by the fluctuations of Libra, who are used to weighing the pros and cons. Very rarely comes to conflicts in this pair, because for Libra this is a huge stress! But in this regard, they are again lucky, because Sagittarius women do not hold grudges for long, and quickly smooth out all the corners.

Of the problems, one can single out the fact that for Libra men the opinion of others is very important, while the Sagittarius woman is used to saying everything “on the forehead”, which can sometimes look tactless. Also, the love of flirting of the owner of the air sign may be a problem, which his vulnerable companion may not like. To keep the relationship, this couple needs complete trust, the absence of secrets and omissions.

What will the sex be like?

Ever since chemistry lessons at school, we remember that fire does not burn without air. Here we are grown up, and this rule still haunts us. Only now it's a little different. Air (Libra) instantly kindles a flame and passion in a fiery partner. Their sex life is vibrant and full of experiments. The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius in sex can be called almost perfect!

The passion for adventure does not leave them even in sex. There is excellent compatibility between the Libra woman and the Sagittarius man, even in bed! They are in the eternal search for something new and constantly diversify their sex life. The Libra man is romantic and gallant, he loves to take care of his chosen one. She, in turn, likes to chat on intimate topics and acts as an "idea generator" in their pair.

In terms of sex, a couple of Sagittarius man and Libra woman can only be envied. Their characters complement each other well. She is proactive, leading, he is led and supple. Submitting to the desires of his partner, the guy gets tremendous pleasure. It may be difficult at first, but over time, learning to listen to each other's desires, they will reach perfection.

Will the marriage last

Their marriage can be described with the phrase - "To the envy of others!". But it’s true, such a couple gives the impression of respectable and happy people. Sagittarius and Libra are compatible in love relationships, their characters perfectly complement each other, and the marriage turns out to be strong, and often long-term. A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey is Sagittarius' craving for freedom and their dislike for everyday life, but such experiences are quickly dispelled under the pressure of Libra.

The freedom-loving Sagittarius man is not so easy to bring to marriage, which the Libra woman is so eager for. Family life scares him with its routine and the limitation of personal space. Due to his flirtatiousness and increased attention from the opposite sex, he fears falling in love with someone else while already married. This does not frighten the Libra woman, she is confident in her feelings.

In family life, everything is going well for them. An excellent hostess and a good mother in the form of a Sagittarius woman will appeal to Libra, because they are quite helpless in this regard. In a couple husband Libra and wife Sagittarius very high compatibility in marriage. They have a good rapport, similar values, and a great sex life. Both of them are not prone to conflicts and almost immediately smooth out all the corners. Add up the idea of ​​a successful and prosperous couple.

Sometimes with the advent of a child they have problems. The Sagittarius woman gives all of herself to the child, not paying due attention to the jealous Libra. Therefore, it should be said that they need to spend time together: often get out of the house somewhere together.

What will friendship be like?

In the union of Libra and Sagittarius, there is good compatibility in friendship. The friendship between these signs will last for many years. They are both sociable and friendly, they love to learn new and unknown things. They mutually benefit from friendships. After all, everyone can give something good from themselves. Sagittarius will teach timid Libra confidence and firmness, and Libra will share the ability to always be calm and balanced.

Sagittarius guy and Libra girl can become best friends. The eternal search for truth and constant development does not let them get bored in each other's company. Both strive for the beautiful and sophisticated. High compatibility in love between a Libra girl and a Sagittarius man can affect their friendship. Often such friendship is accompanied by mutual flirting.

The only thing that can interfere is routine. If one of them gets bored with the other, their friendship will end. Therefore, even being close friends, they rarely see each other. Libra man and Sagittarius girl have a good time together. They are sociable, friendly and sociable. They have many common topics of conversation. Friendship between the owners of the Fire and Air signs is possible only if one of them is in a relationship. If they are both free, their friendship may end in marriage.

How are relationships at work?

But in business, these partners may have disagreements. There are 2 paths here: either their differences in doing business will lead to tremendous success, or to complete failure. The most important thing in this situation is to seek a compromise and use the "features" of their character in the right direction. It is better for Libra to be more decisive and confident, and for Sagittarius to think before speaking.

Compatibility in the work of the signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarius man and the Libra woman is quite extraordinary. They can work together, but for this they need to make an effort. The fact is that each of them works in his own “repertoire”: he likes to connect the environment, ask for advice or help in a particular matter, but she relies only on herself.

The cooperation of these signs in work can bring any business to perfection! The Libra man is dedicated to his goals, and will go ahead, investing all his resources. The Sagittarius woman will be engaged in establishing relationships with clients, investors, etc. In difficult times, the Libra man will lend his strong shoulder to help the Sagittarius woman, while not claiming her share.

Sagittarius Compatibility Chart

Compatibility Chart for Libra

Libra and Sagittarius have a very strong relationship. Such a couple can be advised to give in to impulse less and learn to accept all sides of their partner, which we have described in this article. Interesting, how do you feel about horoscopes and do you apply astrological knowledge in life? Write your answers in the comments.

The union of Sagittarius and Libra has a good chance of a long existence. This pair of a man and a woman is able to build a truly happy relationship. Here, the constant fluctuations of Libra fade into the background due to the decisiveness of the partner, and the imbalance of Sagittarius is smoothed out by the prudence of the chosen one.

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The patronage of the air and fire elements allows love to blaze throughout life together. If these partners manage to find each other one day, then it is unlikely that they will ever part.

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      fire and air

      Dates of birth

      The partnership of the air and fire signs of the zodiac promises to be very fruitful. Representatives of the constellations Libra and Sagittarius complement and positively influence each other. Sagittarius shares with the partner the confidence that the fire element gives him, and Libra brings the necessary support into the life of the chosen one.

      • From the outside it may seem that these signs of the zodiac are absolutely not similar. But with a close acquaintance, Fire and Air invariably merge together, looking for common interests, aspirations and outlooks on life that hold them together. Together they are capable of much, with mutual support, their union is rapidly developing, bringing partners to perfect harmony.

        Libra is constantly thinking, developing ideas and plans in his head that are not destined to come true, because they lack the ardor to bring them to life. But when meeting with a blazing and active Sagittarius, all his unimaginable dreams find a positive response and an impetus to development, therefore such a tandem is beneficial for both signs in terms of moving towards goals.

        General characteristics of relations

        Sagittarians have a positive relationship with many signs of the zodiac circle. But Libra is most suitable for them in terms of compatibility. It is in this partnership that the novelty of the relationship will persist throughout life. Therefore, Sagittarius, who are always looking for impressions, are very comfortable with changeable Libra.

        Astrologers note that the most successful unions in these couples are formed when the partner, subject to the constellation Libra, is more experienced, older or wealthier than Sagittarius. This is due to the fact that the fire sign gets along better with the chosen ones who are higher than them in status. He is calmer to be next to a reasonable partner who needs to be obeyed. But if he does not feel strength and authority in the chosen one, then the manifestations of his willfulness will negatively affect the solution of many issues.

        The aggressiveness inherent in Sagittarius is gradually reduced to a minimum when living together with Libra. Astrologers note that this is the most balanced and psychologically harmonious sign of the zodiac. Representatives of this constellation generously share their equanimity with others and are able to teach loved ones to calmly perceive unexpected situations. Libra solves all problems with the help of intelligence and diplomacy, therefore they do not allow the ardent Sagittarius to inflame and bring communication to a conflict. In this pair, a man and a woman easily find compromises, because both tend to listen to the partner’s opinion and know how to justify their point of view.

        Even if representatives of these zodiac signs do not have common interests before they meet, they easily involve each other in their own hobbies. Easy-going Libra is especially impressed by the enthusiasm of Sagittarius in any endeavor. If the air sign alone cannot decide on this or that event, then, together with the fiery chosen one, he quickly accepts the rules of the game and follows him everywhere, secretly rejoicing that someone is pushing him to be active.

        In this union, the moments of expressing discontent pass extremely well. If the straightforwardness of Sagittarius very often prevents him from building good relations with others, then paired with Libra, this trait only has a positive effect on the atmosphere of trust. Libra knows how to correctly perceive criticism, therefore they never take offense at well-deserved reproaches and try to eradicate the shortcomings noticed by their partner.

        The benefits of the union of these zodiac signs:

        • complete trust;
        • opportunity for personal development;
        • satisfaction of sexual needs.

        Regarding the last point, it is worth noting that compatibility in bed with Libra and Sagittarius reaches 100%. Both partners behave in sex as relaxed as possible, they strive not only to get pleasure, but also to please the chosen one. There is no place for shyness and restraint, both act intuitively and find a response in every movement.

        Astrologers note that the Sagittarius guy and the girl of the same sign have different characters, but Libra women and men are very similar. Due to the excessive eccentricity of Sagittarius men from alliances with Libra ladies, they develop less harmoniously than pairs of Sagittarius girls with representatives of the Libra constellation.

        Sagittarius man and Libra woman

        In this combination, a guy often makes a choice of a chosen one not by external qualities. The Libra girl attracts him with intelligence and mystery. Usually, the acquaintance of this couple is initiated by a man, noticing a quiet and, as it seems to him, sad lady. The partner confuses the thoughtfulness and indecision of Libra with mystery, but after the ignition of their hearts, this no longer matters.

        While Sagittarius is trying to win over the chosen one, she already manages to draw up a detailed plan for their future life together. The openness and sincerity of the gentleman are highly valued by the girl, she sees in him the man of her dreams. However, the enthusiasm does not last long, because a smart lady begins to notice the unreasonableness of her actions and the impatience of her chosen one. The Sagittarius man does not know how to wait, he is used to acting at lightning speed, without thinking about the consequences. As soon as another idea comes to his mind, he immediately tries to bring it to life.

        If at the first stages of the relationship it seems romantic for Libra to jump up in the middle of the night and rush off to the coast to meet the dawn, then over time the woman suddenly realizes that Sagittarius wakes her up and drags her somewhere not from the ardor of feelings. For a lady, his infantilism, which manifests itself everywhere, becomes a discovery. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make this man think first and then act. In his soul, up to gray hair, an unpredictable child will live, commanding unexpected impulses.


        In the love relationship of this couple, harmony reigns for a very long time. A man and a woman never get bored together, they always have topics for intimate conversations. Both partners love and know how to dream, and in their fantasies they make grandiose plans that they are ready to discuss all day and night long.

        Sagittarius tries to please the chosen one in everything, listens to her slightest whims and fulfills them as far as possible, and the girl loses her head from his care and affection.

        In this union, the candy-bouquet period continues throughout life, because the man of this zodiac sign cannot imagine his life without surprises and gifts, and the Libra woman very skillfully portrays the delight of any little thing presented by the chosen one.

        Sagittarius is very attentive to his beloved, in his nature there is a thirst to please and please people. And in alliance with Libra, he gets the most grateful partner, who is really glad for his attention. She sensibly perceives the financial situation of her partner and does not require expensive things from him.

        The period of meetings and dates does not drag out for a long time in this pair. Sagittarius quickly realizes that he cannot live without his beloved, so he makes a hasty marriage proposal. The man does not take into account the doubts of the girl, colorfully telling her about a happy joint future. As a result, the Libra lady becomes his legal wife very soon.


        The compatibility of these partners in a marital relationship is rather doubtful. The Sagittarius man eventually opens up to his wife from a completely unsightly side. She begins to notice not only the shortcomings of his stormy temperament, but also her husband's increased interest in other ladies.

        As long as Sagittarius manages to hide his adventures on the side, the marriage is going well. But as soon as the wife becomes aware of his infidelity, she begins to think about divorce. If it were only about betrayals, then the representative of the Libra constellation would hardly have decided to break up, but the unpredictability of Sagittarius's behavior in other areas of life adds fuel to the fire. His extravagance and habit of living for show annoys his wife. She is too prudent to forgive her husband for the useless waste of the family budget.

        Entertainment events in which a man actively participates eventually become a source of frequent conflicts. This is especially evident when children appear in the family, when the wife is constantly at home with the baby, and the husband is already walking in the open, so that there is no doubt about his pastime. If usually a spouse in this marriage is actively engaged in housework for a couple with her husband, they cook together, tidy up, wash and hang clothes, then when he is carried away by another lady, the whole idyll of their union instantly dissolves. Sagittarius dodgyly lies about additional workloads, disappears somewhere, and friends and acquaintances quickly convey the news of his infidelity to his wife, because the spouse does not think about caution in romantic parties.

        Of course, not always the man in this couple cheats on his beloved, but this can only be avoided by constantly monitoring his pastime. The wife of Sagittarius should not forget for a moment that, having accepted such a spouse, she, along with him, acquired his inner child, who needs to be looked after. In relation to his own children, a man allows many indulgences, pampers them in every possible way. The wife is forced to bear the burden of education on her shoulders. However, when the kids grow up, the father begins to be strict.

        If the spouses manage to avoid unpleasant moments with betrayals, then their marriage will be quite happy. Libra has the wisdom and patience to wait out the years of a man's aging, and in adulthood this marriage becomes a center of comfort and peace for both partners.


        The Sagittarius man and the Libra woman may well make friends at a young age, when the girl’s balanced personality is still drawn to reckless and adventurous friends. She is interested in the company of an eccentric guy, and he never pushes the ladies away from him. However, with age, Sagittarius does not change, and the girl no longer has enough strength and time to listen to his stories about adventures. She outgrows him spiritually, so she does not take him seriously.

        If Sagittarius and Libra met in adulthood, then they are unlikely to strike up a friendship. A man of this sign will show unambiguous signs of attention aimed at seducing a friend. And the Libra woman always remains faithful to her partner, so she will be forced to interrupt communication with Sagittarius so as not to provoke unnecessary gossip.


        Sagittarius does not like to work under the supervision of women. He will resist her command in every possible way, ignoring instructions. As a result, they say goodbye on an unseemly note.

        If the lady in this union gets the role of a subordinate or colleague of Sagittarius, then their joint work is going well. A woman diligently fulfills and supports all the innovative ideas of her partner, and he actively helps her in everything.

        Libra man and Sagittarius woman

        The compatibility of the restless Sagittarius woman and the patient Libra man is excellent. This couple is a role model. Relatives and close men do not believe in the strength of such an alliance for a long time, because, at first glance, they have nothing in common. The cavalier is predicted to fall under the heel of his girlfriend, since his equanimity in any antics of the girl leaves no doubt that she skillfully controls him. However, this is not the case. The irrational actions and aspirations of the girl are carefully corrected and restrained by the man. She can only encourage him to travel and events that he will think over and calculate everything in advance.

        When they meet, the representatives of these signs immediately notice the missing features in each other. Lady Sagittarius attracts appearance gentleman, his straight posture and insight in his eyes. He admires the graceful mobility of a woman. She always looks cheerful, so it is impossible not to pay attention to her.


        The Libra cavalier caring for the lady shows all her intelligence and a penchant for romantic gestures. This is expressed in poems, which he certainly writes himself and reads to her on dates, at the very first meeting he finds out her favorite flowers, which he subsequently presents at every opportunity.

        This man falls in love with a Sagittarius woman at first sight, but she does not immediately reciprocate. At first, it seems to her that it is good to be friends with him, but for a serious relationship, she is looking for someone more cheerful and temperamental. But in the process of courtship, the woman herself does not notice how madly in love with him. She begins to miss her chosen one and look forward to the next meeting, because their intimate conversations become vital for her. An open and trusting Sagittarius girl can only count on mutual understanding with this man. The Libra guy is very delicate when communicating, therefore he never allows judgmental statements about the interlocutor, even if he believes that she is mistaken.

        The love relationship of this couple develops in the process of long conversations about everything in the world, so the partners quickly learn a lot about each other, even what they carefully hid from strangers.

        They prefer to spend their leisure time calmly. Although the girl strives for active types of recreation, the man tries to restrain her impulses, limiting himself to joint walks and easy trips to nature. At first, it doesn’t matter to them where and how to spend time, just to be around. If it were their will, they would not be separated for a minute. Most of their meetings take place in private, as outsiders prevent them from enjoying each other's company.

        When the ardor of the initial passion fades a little, the girl slowly introduces the man into her messy social circle. At this stage, the gentleman begins to think about the fidelity of his choice, because the countless friends and friends of the woman open his eyes, allow him to look at the chosen one from a previously unknown angle. The man is not used to big and noisy companies, and considers partygoers to be windy and irresponsible people. He strongly opposes the chaotic gatherings to which his girlfriend constantly drags him, because of this, quarrels can occur in their couple. However, in the end, Libra manages to convey his point of view to his beloved and establishes the rules according to which a woman will meet exclusively with her friends, avoiding male society. Usually a man insists that these meetings take place under his vigilant control, because he notices the girl's love for flirting with members of the opposite sex.

        If love in this union arises from youth, then the lady will receive a marriage proposal no earlier than the Libra guy is convinced that he is able to provide for his family. When their meeting takes place at a more mature age, the man literally immediately calls his beloved in marriage, because he loves confidence in the future, and the stamp in his passport seems to him a reliable protection against parting.


        With the skillful guidance of his wife, the Libra spouse moves up the career ladder very quickly. It is with such a life partner that he is able to achieve the highest results in any field of activity. The Sagittarius wife will never allow her husband to lie on the couch, her vacation plans, home improvement, summer cottages, buying a car require financial support, so she will constantly push her husband to earn money. It cannot be said that the Libra man somehow particularly resists, because he understands perfectly well that the responsibility for providing for the family lies on his shoulders. However, sometimes he needs rest, so his wife should periodically leave him alone.

        The Libra man is very fond of talking with his wife, but he also gravitates toward silent contemplation, so he often goes out into the woods or goes fishing to spend time in silence. If the spouse is aware and accepts his needs, then they make these sorties together.

        Their usual leisure time at home is calm, they are very fond of doing something together. In this family, the husband not only helps his wife, but often takes on many household responsibilities. In their couple there is no division into men's and women's affairs, everyone strives to make their own contribution to solving everyday problems. However important questions are considered by a man, and the last word in any dispute always remains with him. If a woman tries to resist such a way of life, she is unlikely to succeed. Husband-Libra thinks for a very long time, but if he decides something, then it is impossible to turn him off the intended course.

        The birth of children brings a new round in the development of the relationship of this couple. Both spouses are completely immersed in caring for the kids. They do not disagree on this ground. Everyone adheres to democratic views on the upbringing of children. Joint walks, games and various activities of the whole family unite this union tightly. If something overshadows their life, then the Libra husband and Sagittarius wife deal with problems hand in hand. Astrologers note that the established pair of representatives of these zodiac signs becomes extremely strong and indestructible over time.


        The Sagittarius girl is unlikely to maintain friendly relations with Libra. The representative of this constellation seems to her boring and withdrawn. If one day they manage to talk, she realizes that she was mistaken about him, but friendship with him is only suitable for her for intimate conversations. She is unlikely to invite him to her party or respond to his invitation.

        If they meet with families, then friendship is quite possible. Their spouses will even look jealously at this couple, because, having chatted, the Sagittarius lady and the Libra man do not notice anyone around. However, their relationship will not go beyond fascinating communication.


        The labor activity of representatives of these signs of the zodiac is unlikely to be productive. Under the strict guidance of Libra, the Sagittarius lady cannot develop her talents. And if she is the boss, then you can only count on the execution of clear instructions. The Libra man tries to adhere to job descriptions in work matters.

        If the representatives of these constellations are ordinary employees, then their tandem can add headaches to the boss. Having entrusted them with a joint project, he is unlikely to wait for its implementation on time. The Sagittarius woman will act thoughtlessly, and subsequently both will spend a lot of time correcting the mistakes made. In addition, they will have many disagreements regarding this or that issue, since Libra does everything too thoroughly, and Sagittarius act intuitively and make hasty decisions.

The planet Venus was named after the goddess of Her Majesty Love. It is she (Venus) who patronizes Libra and does it very responsibly and fruitfully. She endowed her wards with amazing charm, vitality and a certain amount of coquetry.

Sagittarius is patronized by Jupiter himself - the supreme god of the Roman pantheon. Perhaps that is why they are always short of everything. No, not because they are greedy. They just always want more and better than they have. Libra is always full of ideas and thoughts, this is their life.

Their element is air, but it is not some gentle breeze. This is a storm, a hurricane of thoughts and feelings sweeping away everything in its path. Sagittarians can be called quite hot guys. Their element - fire - pushes them to this. And it's not a flickering firefly. Rather striking and unpredictable lightning.

As many believe, the union between the fiery and air signs has every chance of becoming ideal. Astrologers also agree with this, air and flame may well complement and support each other. The union of Sagittarius and Libra can be considered a successful and very promising enterprise.

But as practice shows, time itself puts everything in its place. The stars first create such unions, and then observe with curiosity what will come of it!

Compatibility in love and marriage

He is a Libra, she is a Sagittarius

The union is very successful, although most people around doubt that it will last long. The Libra man and the Sagittarius woman differ significantly in their outlook on life. Still, their marriage can be unusually strong. A man simply adores his soul mate, pampers her and tries in every way to please.

Sometimes they look rather strange side by side. He is modest and shy. She is cheerful, active and cheerful. He is not at all notorious, he simply does not like to be the object of attention, preferring to watch from the sidelines. Compare and analyze, and most importantly - protect your beloved!

The compatibility of Libra men and Sagittarius women is quite high. This can be seen by observing their family life. They rarely conflict. They just have nothing to fight about! The girl likes the elegance and restraint of her lover.

He is delighted with her manners and generosity. They complement each other perfectly. The rudeness of a woman can spoil the life a little. She does not like to hide and expresses all claims directly. But, as a rule, quarrels because of this do not arise. The man will be offended, but, most likely, will remain silent.

They have every chance to live happily ever after. If only the representative of fire would curb her tough character a little. Otherwise, the insults of a man - Libra, can extinguish feelings and alienate him from his beloved. In order not to annoy each other, it would be nice to go on a picnic or visit friends.

He is a Sagittarius, she is a Libra

This set is almost perfect. These two notice each other from afar, immediately get to know each other and talk as if they have known each other since birth. They have a lot in common. This is amazing flexibility, love of freedom and unconventional thinking. At the same time, they both know how to hide their real feelings.

They have no problem finding a topic for conversation or some kind of joint activity. They will never get bored together. Sagittarius can be somewhat struck by the constant change in the mood of his beloved. But all this is successfully compensated by the amazing worldly wisdom and devotion of the girl.

Fire and Air complement each other, making life brighter and richer. They do not need to limit the freedom of a loved one. One day their souls will become so close that they will feel as one.

Negative aspects of the union

Most astrologers agree that the Libra-Sagittarius union is almost perfect. But with one note. At least one of the spouses must be successful. Usually this "heavy burden" is taken by Air. The fire is always trying to escape somewhere from such problems and obligations.

People around are constantly worried about the question, how can Sagittarius and Libra get along at all? Among such couples, gigolos very often come across. The most interesting thing is that the lovers themselves are not at all worried about this fact. They are ready to contain each other. As long as they are comfortable, and this is the main thing. They don't care who carries the money home.

With such amazing compatibility, it will still not be possible to completely avoid conflicts. The characters, however, are quite different. Libra is very indecisive, Sagittarius, on the contrary, needs to decide everything quickly, backhand. Sagittarians are not afraid to make mistakes, but Libra often has to take responsibility for these mistakes.


In sex

Despite some coldness of Libra, they are incredibly comfortable in the marriage bed with a hot and passionate Sagittarius. The sexual life of this couple is extremely rich and varied. They are great as sexual partners.

Sagittarius constantly surprises his soul mate, making relationships more colorful and diverse. In order to forget about the shortcomings of your halves, it is better to throw out excess energy in bed, which is what they are doing safely. Various fantasies and sexual innovations perfectly relieve their stress and make them closer.

in friendship

Men Libra and Sagittarius - the friendship of this couple can only be envied. But, as always, there is one caveat. They should have approximately the same social status. And it's not even about squeamishness or any self-interest.

They just value their reputation and position very much. If one of them got into a financial hole, got hooked on alcohol, drugs or committed a crime, it will mean only one thing - he no longer has a friend!

As for women. Sagittarius and Libra just love the attention, different activities, and shopping trips. This brings them somewhat closer, although the signs of Air, the energy of Fire is somewhat tiring.

Can a man and a woman be friends in this combination of signs? Why not. But the edge of this friendship is so thin that, almost always, it turns into a big and beautiful feeling called love.

In business

Fire and Air have very similar ways of working in finance, so it is likely that this duo will make a good career for themselves. The couple can easily organize their own enterprise. They will not have to think long, they will instantly form a common strategy and stick to it.

They invest equally in the case and without hesitation. They often have many useful connections, and the ability to think outside the box gives them the opportunity to find a way out of any situation. Libra loves to work in the same team with Sagittarius. Next to an active and confident person, they forget about their indecision.

Percent Compatibility

The compatibility of these two signs in love is almost perfect - 90%. As for marriage, the figure is slightly below 70%. Family life often requires something more from us than mutual sympathy and even love.

Often they start out as a normal friendship, but at one point they begin to realize that they can no longer do without each other. It happens that when they meet each other they are already married.

And then they sacrifice everything in order to be together. They leave their families, get divorced and go to each other. They are naive, gentle, boundlessly believe in their beloved.

And who will condemn them for this?

Sagittarians are typical representatives of the element of Fire, known for their activity and energy. Libra belongs to the air element, they are distinguished by curiosity. Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius is possible - partners become complementary to each other.

Compatibility of Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

The Libra man has attractive qualities that women dream of seeing in their chosen one: serious, confident in their abilities, achieves success in work, often occupies leadership positions. The Sagittarius woman is a bright personality, does not let you get bored.

In love

will be timid, shy. Outwardly, he looks strong, but the fear of being rejected prevents him from being bolder. The ideal partner for him is one who can take the lead by taking the first few steps. Such is the Sagittarius woman.

Then the man catches up: he knows how to be gentle, beautifully caring. Sagittarius love to listen to compliments, Libra is easy to say them. The sexual life of the representatives of the signs satisfies both. The Sagittarius woman is proactive, offers experiments, the Libra man is malleable, wants to please his partner.

Sometimes Libra guys are too timid in bed, which causes misunderstandings. So that the partner is not disappointed, you need to at least occasionally allow yourself to be liberated.


If the couple managed to overcome the difficulties associated with the excessive initiative of the Sagittarius woman and the timidity of the Libra man, they will be able to create a strong family. She becomes a caring wife, remains faithful to her husband. But Sagittarius forever remain freedom-loving. If the husband neglects her, offends her, the wife will commit adultery.

It is not easy for a Libra man to win the favor of his beloved - the Sagittarius woman is afraid of obligations. When he managed to persuade him to marry, he needs to surround his wife with care, affection, tenderness. Then she can relax, open up in a new role.

in friendship

Friendship between representatives of signs is possible if there are common hobbies, hobbies. It does not occur often, but when there is interest between a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man, it is for a long time.

They will not spend all their free time together, but if necessary, they will postpone business in order to come to the meeting. It is easy for them to be together, a girlfriend should not control energy, she can be herself. Friend-Libra is inspired by her simplicity, activity, cheerfulness. In friendship, harmony reigns between them.

Compatibility of Libra Woman and Sagittarius Man

The horoscope of Libra women characterizes their graceful, sweet personalities. She always takes care of herself, is not naive, behind a beautiful face lies prudence, intelligence, sanity. It is not surprising that such a feminine, well-rounded woman becomes a target for the Sagittarius man.

In love

In the love relationship of the representatives of the signs, everything develops dynamically, they are 100% suitable for each other. Loving partners are always together, doing common things, prefer one type of recreation. Inseparability quickly brings the couple together, they feel good, comfortable everywhere. The Sagittarius man, unable to sit still, pulls the chosen one to new adventures, the Libra woman happily supports all hobbies.

In sex, partners satisfy each other, attraction does not disappear even after years. Libra is characterized by shyness, which attracts the Sagittarius man. He teaches his partner to enjoy experiments, for both carnal pleasures are important.


In a marriage between Libra and Sagittarius, harmony continues to reign for the first time. Over time, a freedom-loving man can get bored, especially if his wife devotes less time to him. Sometimes sex is given a secondary role, which is also difficult for the husband to overcome. To avoid divorce, a Libra woman must take care of herself, support her husband, look for new hobbies.

IN family life Sagittarius man needs personal space. Excessive jealousy of his wife suffocates him, often this causes a divorce.

It is not recommended for a couple to delay with children; already with the advent of the first child, there is less time to be bored. Most families decide to have several kids at once, then their house is a full bowl. The Sagittarius man becomes responsible, which limits his freedom, the likelihood of betrayal.

Many people are surprised by the fact that friendship with one person can be very strong, and with another relationship does not stick at all. This seems especially strange if the last person is pleasant to you, but there is absolutely no connection with him. So why do we choose some people as our friends and reject others? It is worth looking at this problem from an astrological point of view. Each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristic features that have a lot of influence on relationships between people.

Compatibility table of all zodiac signs

Visual and simple circuit compatibility of signs in friendship.

Consider each zodiac sign in more detail, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses in friendship.


He will be a good friend due to his honesty and willingness to help. He will not climb into your soul, eliciting the secret.

Until you talk about your difficulties, he will be cheerful and nonchalant, not noticing your depression. However, as soon as he learns about the troubles of a comrade, he will immediately defend himself, taking responsibility for himself.

He wants to prove that he is a leader and a winner, but because of this desire, the life of Aries himself often slides to the bottom. You should not use the help and trust of an Aries friend too often without a good reason.

Aries is a friend who loves to have fun himself and to entertain others, he will do anything to make it interesting and fun for both him and his comrades. If you refuse to participate in the fun initiated by him several times, you can turn into a bore and a boring person in the eyes of Aries.

What Aries will definitely not like is advice and moralizing, especially if they seem better than his initiatives. He is confident that he knows best what, how and when to do it. Accept him for who he is.

Aries sees friendships primarily as sharing each other's points of view. You must love those he loves and sincerely hate those he is hostile to.

Aries hate liars and always say what they think, that is, the truth. If he notices that such a truth offended you, he will immediately rush to apologize, and then everything will repeat itself.

Aries helps everyone around him, there is no self-interest in him, but friends in return should also be ready to come to his aid at any time. If Aries notices that friendship has become more like using it for selfish purposes, expect a scandal.

Most compatible in friendship with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.


Taurus is a magnificent and reliable comrade, to whom others are drawn, especially trembling and nervous persons who want to enjoy the calmness and confidence of such a friend. Taurus, for his part, loves to be friends with creative people, those who are radically different from himself.

Many people consider Taurus as their friend without asking their opinion. But Taurus himself is in no hurry to let anyone very close to him. He is rather distrustful and strong friendly relations with him cannot be established in a short time.

If he recognized you as his friend, you can safely rely on him. He will help with advice, action and money, although with the last aspect there may be a hitch, which is not so much to blame for the stinginess of Taurus as some of his thrift in terms of finances.

If you want to make friendship with Taurus strong and long, learn diplomacy. No need to try to argue with such a friend, it is better to find a compromise.

Taurus love intimate conversations., they do not like talkers who talk exclusively on emotions.

Perhaps the most unusual manifestation of friendship with Taurus is jealousy. Taurus may well consider you personal property. He will not tolerate competition and will not share you with someone else.

Most compatible in friendship with Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces.


- the person is very sociable and the circle of contacts can be infinitely wide. But at the same time, Gemini can rarely name more than one or two bosom friends, since communication and friendship are two different things. In order to make friends with Gemini, you need to endure their desire to always attract the attention of others.

Gemini is selfless in friendship. They often make friends with people who are modest and even gray - either in order to stand out from their background, or to help them free themselves from constraint in communication.

Most compatible in friendship with Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Aquarius.


He is most closely friends with people he has known since childhood or youth. He is strongly attached to the past, so nostalgic memories can become the basis for a strong and warm friendship. Cancers love memories.

Friends of Cancer are sometimes difficult, as he believes that friendship exists primarily so that he has someone to discuss his problems with.

No one would argue with this if it were not for the desire of Cancer to make drama and tragedy out of any little thing. Listening to his complaints is endlessly impossible. Cancer has few friends, but each of them has truly angelic patience.

Cancer considers friends as family. He will always feed them deliciously and help with finances, listen and give good advice. The only thing he will not succeed is friendship on equal terms. Cancer wants to dominate everything.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces and Virgo.

a lion

Do you want to be friends with? Become successful and self-sufficient, but no more than he himself. Those who are equal to him, he will consider competitors, and those who are lower in status are unworthy to be brought closer to his person.

Leo cannot be criticized, especially in public: revenge can follow immediately.

Lions have a bad attitude towards passive and clamped people, they also do not like lack of spirituality and aggression.

Leo is dominant in friendship. If he considers you a friend, you can be sure of his patronage, but if you disappoint him, you may not even think about forgiveness.

Most compatible in friendship with Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius.


Those who are too cautious do not often trust strangers. If we talk about friendship, they always notice the shortcomings of even the closest people. Such a warehouse of character does not allow Virgos to have too a large number of friends.

Virgo is indispensable as an adviser: she will always show and tell, explain everything to the smallest detail.

Virgo is a great partner for visiting various entertainment venues. Restrained and closed in life, she opens up when watching a dramatic movie, for example, and besides, you can have a great time with her at the bowling alley. Just don’t go with Virgo to the races or to the casino - such an attitude towards money will definitely not please her.

However, Virgo is an energetic sign, she loves change, getting new information, and loves to gossip. Its main goal is to turn any chaos into absolute order. Virgo will support a friend, but certainly not harming herself. Do not abuse her help.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio and Virgo.


full of charm, sociable and love to have fun. Such a person can become a great friend, but friendship is much more than a simple friendship, the basis for which is joint entertainment. Libra is completely uncharacteristic of a deep and pure sincerity that is not connected with the mind.

Even friendship with a person, they will always appreciate him. Friendship is an impartial thing, there should be no place for noticing the slightest weaknesses in it. loved one. Your friendship with Libra will always be formal and reasonable, it will not work out differently.

Libras are able to profitably use their charisma and charm to achieve their own goals. They will not lie or pretend, however, there is always an element of manipulation in such a relationship.

Libra will not leave a friend without useful advice. They value moral principles and do not like to devote loved ones to their problems, preferring to figure them out on their own. They have one very valuable talent - the ability to bring harmony, peace and tranquility to the soul.

Most compatible in friendship with Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo and Libra.


very individual, so making friends with them is difficult, and maintaining it is doubly difficult. Communication with Scorpio is subject to such a person who will recognize him as a leader and will not criticize the despotic and eccentric behavior of a friend.

Such friendship can be described as a union of people, one of whom always look up, and the other always look down.

In addition, a Scorpio friend must be a very calm and balanced person, otherwise the Scorpio's behavior can hurt a lot.

To someone who fully meets the above criteria, Scorpio will become a reliable friend., always able to help, as well as a very interesting conversationalist.

Scorpios love loyal people, and their real friends will be loved and respected.

Most compatible in friendship with Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.


Friendship is very important. He treats his friends like family and trusts them even if they have let him down. Sagittarius is sociable, so his social circle is wide, he has many friends. People around him like his sociability and charm, but excessive honesty can quarrel Sagittarius with someone, because people really don’t like it when they are shot with the truth right in the face.

Those who communicate closely with Sagittarius may argue that he never wants to offend anyone. If you do not tolerate familiarity, you definitely do not need a Sagittarius friend. But if there is such a friendship, be always ready to hear a lot of interesting things about yourself. If you are also frank in response, you will earn the unconditional respect of Sagittarius.

Most compatible in friendship with Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.


prefers to stay in a circle of people with power and influence. However, he used to not mix true friendship with the desire to be closer to " strong of the world this."

By nature, these people are loners, so they usually have only one true friend in life.

They know how to keep other people's secrets and understand friendship as a readiness to come to the rescue at any moment. They will spare nothing for family and friends. Friendship for Capricorns is very important.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius.


For buddies are everyone! It does not matter to him what race, nationality or religion his new acquaintance belongs to. Aquarius is ready to be friends with the whole world. The most favorite words of Aquarius are “friend” and “buddy”, however, Aquarius will not call anyone the best friend.

And although Aquarius himself is as open as possible to new acquaintances, he can only become his best friend with equally “easy” signs.

Most compatible in friendship with Aries, Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius.


- friendly people who communicate well with everyone who treats them well. If they cannot communicate with a friend for a long time, they begin to get bored and yearn, simultaneously looking for a comrade in everyone they meet.

Pisces really need to be needed, they love to receive approval and attention.

These people are very compassionate, which is often used by not very conscientious "buddies" who use Pisces as a vest in which to cry.

Pisces will not be offended by a friend, even if he is at least a hundred times wrong. Those who appreciate this at its true worth are the true friends of Pisces.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Scorpio.

Which signs have the worst compatibility

  • Aries - Taurus.
  • Taurus - Aquarius.
  • Gemini - Cancer.
  • Cancer - Aquarius.
  • Leo - Taurus.
  • Virgo - Libra.
  • Libra - Virgo.
  • Scorpio - Aries.
  • Sagittarius - Pisces.
  • Capricorn - Leo.
  • Aquarius - Aquarius.
  • Pisces - Virgo.

Which signs have the best compatibility

  • Aries - Sagittarius.
  • Taurus - Capricorn.
  • Gemini - Leo.
  • Cancer - Scorpio.
  • Leo - Libra.
  • Virgo - Taurus.
  • Libra - Sagittarius.
  • Scorpio - Capricorn.
  • Sagittarius - Aries.
  • Capricorn - Pisces.
  • Aquarius - Sagittarius.
  • Pisces - Capricorn.

Friendly Compatibility Table

In order to determine the degree of compatibility between people, they use a special table created by astrologers.

How to use it

The number at the intersection of two characters is the level of their compatibility. The higher the number, the higher it is:

  • From 1 to 10 - the lowest indicator, misunderstanding and disrespect between partners.
  • From 11 to 20 - a low level, problems in relationships are frequent.
  • From 21 to 30 - average compatibility, conflicts and indifference between people are possible.
  • From 31 to 40 is a good level. The union will be strong if there are concessions.
  • From 41 to 50 - high. Good mutual understanding.
  • From 51 to 60 - very high. Trust and common interests.
  • From 61 to 70 - almost perfect compatibility. Complete understanding and harmony.
  • From 71 to 80 is ideal. Rare combination.