
What animal is the symbol of the year? Horoscope zodiac signs by year, eastern animal calendar. Features of the Water Snake sign according to the Chinese calendar

What animal is the symbol of the year?  Horoscope zodiac signs by year, eastern animal calendar.  Features of the Water Snake sign according to the Chinese calendar

We are all interested in horoscopes. Most of us will never admit it. But even the biggest skeptics become attentive when the current year comes to an end, when the pre-New Year bustle begins and everyone is in a special, high spirits. That's when the question arises:

Listen, what year will we have according to the Eastern calendar?

We are just beginning to listen to those ancient knowledge and mechanisms that existed thousands of years ago, and, it seems, have not lost their relevance to this day. So we look at the calendar and ask ourselves a pertinent question - ?

2013 – Year of the Snake

According to the Chinese calendar, 2013 will be ruled by the Black Snake. The element of the coming year is water. By the way, the ruling element of the year is determined in the Chinese horoscope by the last digit of the year. Three symbolizes water. What could the year of the Black Water Snake mean for all of us?

Snake character

There is no need to worry and feverishly remember all the horrors you have heard or read about the snake tribe. In the East, the snake is a symbol of wisdom and wealth, both material and spiritual. For the Chinese, the snake is a universal and very complex symbol. It symbolizes life and death, poisoning and healing. And the Indians and Scandinavians, despite the serious differences in geography and worldview, were similar in their idea of ​​the snake as a creature that unites earth and sky. Reflections of the worship of the snake as a symbol of fertility can be found in most world cultures. Of course, such respect requires a special character. The snake is reasonable, cold, wise and mysterious. She is hypnotically beautiful and dangerous, but only to those who wish her harm.

Snake Habits

The snake is charming, but at the same time it cannot stand fuss and noise. This is not a dragon who loves fireworks, entertainment, parades and processions. The snake needs something completely different. So don't be chatty and fussy in 2013. Less empty words, more thoughts. The Snake will certainly like this.

The snake encourages savings and wise investments. Therefore, save your family budget and choose reliable investments. Adventures this year will not bring profit.

But it’s a great year for professional growth. The snake is thorough, smart, endowed with high intelligence. Therefore, devote 2013 to development, engage in training and research, including your own inner world. The Snake favorably accepts psychotherapy, unlike the Dragon or Monkey.

Snake image

If you think that you can please the mistress of the year by decorating yourself with sparkles and reptile skin items, then you are mistaken. The snake prefers natural materials and impeccable style. You can be dressed luxuriously or modestly, but always with taste. The rationalism of the mistress of the year is manifested in everything.

Relationships in the Year of the Snake

Lovers of easy relationships will be disappointed. The snake does not approve of them and will in every possible way prevent their occurrence. But the Snake likes serious, long-term, strong relationships with a long-term perspective. So those who dream of finding their soul mate can count on the help and support of the mistress of the year.

Snake fun

The Water Snake loves silence and solitude with the family. Stormy parties and noisy companies do not appeal to her. Therefore, if you want to attract the favorable attention of the Snake in 2013, prefer a confidential, friendly conversation in a cozy cafe or a quiet family dinner to a loud party with copious libations.

Choose a vacation in nature in 2013, preferably near a body of water. It's a water snake.

So think more, talk less, don’t get carried away with adventures and be caring towards your loved ones. And the main animal of 2013 - in our case, the reptile - will thank you for your attention. In the year of the Snake, success is possible for everyone. The main thing is to be worthy of it.

The snake is the most mysterious sign of the twelve-year cycle. Philosophers, statesmen and successful bankers are born this year. Those born in the year of the Snake are usually beautiful, with refined taste. They love and appreciate literature, art, gourmet food, and elegant clothing. Usually, those born this year are lucky.

They will rarely suffer from a lack of livelihood, since they will always find a way to get as much money as they need. They are also very gambling. However, as a rule, Snakes are cautious and prefer to conduct their business with a minimum amount of risk.

Characteristics of the Snake sign

According to the Chinese horoscope, 2013 is ruled by the Snake. 2013 is the year of the Water, or Black Snake, which lasts (according to the Lunar calendar) from February 10, 2013 until January 31 of the following year, 2014. The snake in the Eastern tradition is considered a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, grace, but at the same time it is also called the personification of deceit and cunning.

In eastern countries they use the lunar calendar, according to which the new year begins on the first new moon after January 21 (accordingly, in different years it varies from January 21 to February 20).

When talking about the eastern horoscope, they mainly mean the Chinese horoscope, although it can mean both the Chinese and Japanese “animal calendar”. In fact, this is the same calendar, only distributed in different areas.

According to some information, it came to the Land of the Rising Sun from China, and the Japanese lived on it until the 70s of the 19th century. With the arrival of Europeans, both the way of life and traditions change somewhat, in particular, the countdown date for the new year moves, according to the Gregorian calendar.

Women born in the year of the Snake

Women born in the year of the Snake are calm and serene. They are charismatic and confident in their irresistibility. These women never fuss, do not worry about trifles, are always dressed in accordance with fashion, love jewelry very much, and despise fakes.

If you want to give, give something real and of the highest standard. Those born in the year of the Snake are selective in friendship and love. They will always prefer not the most attractive, but the most promising man. They will always help her husband succeed, while remaining an ideal housewife and a true friend.

Men born in the year of the Snake

Those born in the year of the Snake are always attractive to the opposite sex. Although the Snakes themselves rarely love, as they are extremely pragmatic. They hide it well. True, their first love is usually crowned with a successful marriage only if the partner turns out to be worthy.

Snakes always know what they want and how to achieve it. And they can reach very great heights. Snakes born in years ruled by the element of Water, including 2013, are called Water or Black Snakes.

Water Snakes are naturally gifted with charm, a lively mind, and almost always unerringly choose the main direction. Such people clearly follow their goals, but sometimes lose touch with reality if the goals are unattainable. Black Snakes are good in leadership positions.

Horoscope of people born in 2013

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2013 begins on February 10th. Let's see how the Year of the Snake will affect all representatives of the zodiac circle.

Aquarians who are born in the year of the Snake are very successful and lucky people. In addition, they are often obstinate, independent and even selfish, but at the same time very friendly, optimistic and cheerful. If your little Aquarius was born in the year of the Snake, then know that he will constantly strive to learn something new. Little Aquarius are not prone to tenderness, but this does not mean that they are not affectionate. Rather, this is evidence of their fairly even character - they are just as little inclined to express aggression. Aquarians know how to set goals and systematically move towards them, so they usually achieve success in life.

Little Pisces, who will be born in 2013, will be sincere, friendly and purposeful. They will not throw tantrums and whims - they learn from childhood to achieve what they want with the help of verbal persuasion and bringing indisputable evidence of their own rightness. True, in order to be proud of the achievements of their child, parents will have to try a lot to give their little representative of the Pisces sign a decent upbringing.

Little Aries born in 2013 will often seem more mature than their peers. It will not be possible to ignore their opinion, so parents will need a lot of attention and patience. Like all Aries, babies born in 2013 will be distinguished by their strong character and love of freedom; they do not tolerate strict control. But if parents manage to find an approach to their child based on logic and justice, then they will protect themselves from children’s whims, and their child from committing rash acts.

Like all children, little Aries want their parents to take care of them and express their affection. They cannot stand noise and scandals, but they want to do things their own way. If you don’t want your little lamb to grow into a stubborn little lamb, then immediately explain to them what discipline is. Aries grasp everything on the fly, they know how to act unpredictably and react instantly to a situation, which will allow them to always be successful people.

Children born in 2013 of the Taurus sign will be practical, common sense and stubborn. It is their obstinate character that can cause conflicts - any attempt at pressure from adults will cause a decisive rebuff from little Taurus. The mature prudence of Taurus beyond their years will prevent them from quickly getting along with their peers, because representatives of this zodiac sign will feel much more mature than their peers.

Little Taurus are reserved and silent, but they really look forward to affection and approval from their parents. It is love and an attentive, friendly attitude from adults that allows Taurus to demonstrate such character traits as hard work, composure, honesty and responsibility, willpower and independence. The main thing is to make the climate in the family calm and welcoming.

Babies born under the sign of Gemini in 2013 will be united by such qualities as activity, intelligence, naivety and intelligence. They never sit idle, so parents need to try to provide such a child with food for thought, and the baby, in turn, will surprise his parents with his ability to grasp everything on the fly and the desire to bring all ideas to life. Representatives of this sign are hardworking and interested in everything in the world: they expect answers to numerous questions and constant attention from their parents. Any difficult situation will become an exciting game for them, and their optimism will be more than enough for everyone around them.

Little Cancers born in 2013 will be quite emotional and reserved, but at the same time decisive. They, like no one else, need constant support and approval from their parents, this is the only way they can feel emotionally protected. Parents should be prepared for the fact that Cancer children experience failures painfully and can withdraw into themselves, so they need to encourage and praise them in order to instill in them self-confidence and their own strengths.

Cancers do not tolerate strict control. They love comfort, tranquility, and a homely environment. Children of this sign have a clear inclination towards mathematics: they will easily solve logical problems and puzzles. Little Cancers are exceptionally creative individuals, so it is possible that they will later grow into a new Pushkin or Aivazovsky!

If your child was born in the year of the Snake in the constellation Leo, then know that his main qualities will be initiative and willingness to be a leader, perseverance, independence and arrogance. They will always find themselves in the thick of things, and will definitely take control of the situation. Little Leos always have a high opinion of themselves, but they really always show extraordinary abilities in everything they undertake. They know how and love to take risks, which allows them to achieve great heights in life.

Children born in 2013 whose zodiac sign is Virgo will not be capricious or throw tantrums. Little Virgos are calm and reasonable, very smart and neat. Such a child will always put away his toys or make his bed. At the same time, Virgo children are very reserved and silent, on the verge of shyness. Virgos will be happy to help their parents or help out a friend; they are loyal and sensitive. At the same time, they have a strong character. They are ready to climb the ladder of success, step by step, without fear of failure.

Libra babies born in 2013 will be real angels: obedient, kind and sympathetic. Children of this sign are extremely peaceful and friendly to everyone, they make contact easily and are always in a good mood. Success awaits them in life, especially if they cope with their negative traits: optionality, indecisiveness, frivolity and the desire to please everyone. They can sacrifice their principles and ideas for the sake of fame and popularity. In general, you won’t get bored with representatives of this sign.

Little representatives of the Scorpio sign, who will be born in 2013, will be a real pride for their parents. Of course – wise beyond their years, responsible and purposeful, active and intelligent. At the same time, there will be plenty of trouble with little Scorpios. They are restless and disobedient, so they can infuriate even the most patient parent. However, you cannot deny them the ability to stand up for themselves and prove that they are right. From childhood, the traits of a leader appear quite clearly in them, so it is important for parents to support their desire to achieve goals.

Little Sagittarius, who will be born in 2013, will be real fidgets: active, sociable and impulsive. It is unlikely that Sagittarius will be forced to do boring, monotonous work. Sagittarius kids are very inquisitive and smart, and quickly remember information. In addition, they simply radiate optimism and fun, infecting everyone around them with it. You need to know that representatives of this sign often strive for leadership and the desire to bask in the rays of glory. The child will be very playful and active, so parents can think about presenting the necessary information in a playful way.

Little Capricorns, who will be born in the year of the Snake, will be distinguished by extraordinary prudence, thoughtfulness and determination. These children will be lucky in everything, but parents should also be aware of the persistence and even stubbornness of Capricorns: you need to be prepared for hysterics and whims, which stubborn little ones are capable of throwing up literally out of nowhere in order to defend their point of view.

Representatives of this zodiac sign combine intelligence and activity: they do not sit idle for a minute. A rational approach to any activity will surprise even adults, and its seriousness and charm will allow the child to constantly be the center of attention. In the future, Capricorn, born in 2013, the year of the Snake, will become a very successful person.

2013 - Year of the Black Water Snake

Snake - Deep thinker, wise, mystical, graceful, quiet, sensual, creative, calculating, intelligent, elegant, careful, responsible, calm, strong, constant, purposeful. Can be a loner, a poor communicator, attractive, hedonistic, doubtful, distrustful, deceitful, stuffy and cold.
Contemplate, flirt... This year is the most favorable for the beginning of marriage. Take advantage of this... Bailiffs will fail completely. Great political wisdom. You can find a solution to all problems. A year favorable for great discoveries, for thinkers and philosophers. They are listened to and supported. If your child was born a Snake, then the hotter the day of his birth, the happier he will be.

OX - He may have marital and family problems.
Let him beware of violence! Do not get married in the year of the Snake.

CAT - Good year. Reflections, philosophizing, writings... even marital inconstancy does not touch him.

SNAKE - This is her year! She can do everything and not be in any danger. Experiences wonderful love adventures.

GOAT - She will have fun and be interested in many things... and a lot of gossip.

ROOSTER - He will be interested. Perhaps he will also have a family problem.

PIG - Happy in money, unhappy in love... The Year of the Snake usually brings her more anxiety than joy in the area of ​​feelings.

Snakes don't talk much, and they are naturally very serious, so they may seem gloomy to their interlocutors. On the other hand, when the Snake needs to say something truly important, its eloquence is unparalleled, and in general such people know how to convince. In addition, they are able to hold a huge amount of information in their heads at the same time, and the Snake is quite capable of falsifying facts, if necessary.

The Snake loves money - it manages to earn, save, and spend equally well, and it is difficult to say what exactly gives the most pleasure.

Snakes love tenderness, affection and care and almost unerringly choose people who can give them all this. It is likely that it will be an Ox or a Rooster. Among other things, they are the ones who are able to give the Snake a vital sense of security. It is interesting that the Snake craves confidence not in tomorrow, but in today: its anxiety level is very high, especially in its youth.

According to the Chinese horoscope, 2013 is the year of the blue Snake, the element of the year is Water.

The beginning of the Year of the Snake according to the Chinese calendar is February 10, 2013, the end of the year is January 30, 2014. A person born before February 10, 2013 belongs to the Dragon sign (the previous sign in the horoscope).

Character of 2013 according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 2013 is Water, and the element of the Snake (patron of the year) is Fire. The interaction of these two elements, Water and Fire, largely determines the character of the year, as well as the character of people born in 2013.

The Fire-Water combination in the Chinese horoscope is considered not very favorable, because water has the property of extinguishing fire. However, with delicate and respectful interaction, these two elements get along well, having a certain influence on the character of 2013.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Fire gives Water energy, activity and enterprise, and it gives it creative power, tenderness and affection. The element of Water endows a person born in 2013 with wisdom, insight, and the ability to adapt to any conditions. The influence of Fire is manifested in optimism, activity, determination, and perseverance. The combination of these elements is reflected very clearly in the character: a person born in 2013 is impulsive and emotional, at the same time sociable and has developed intuition, clearly sees his goals and knows how to achieve success.

Character of a person born in the year of the Snake

A person born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope knows what it means to strive for a goal. At the same time, the Snake’s goals can be very different - from noble or scientific to love and mercantile - but whatever this goal is, for it it is the most important in the world. The snake is ready to do everything or almost everything in order to realize it.

2013 who? 2013 is the year of which animal? Those born in 2013 under the sign of the Black Water Snake have a fairly wide range of interests in life, they like to learn something new, be interested in different things in life; in some areas of life, bearers of the sign are very successful.

Personal qualities

People born in 2013 are very smart and perspicacious, have a good memory and are well versed in the financial sector. At first glance, in communication they may seem modest and reserved, but when it comes to expressing their opinion, they will not remain silent, so much so that everyone will hear!

Along with excellent mental abilities, snakes are physically active. They always plan their leisure time and know how to rationally implement their skills and abilities. Sometimes, in order to solve complex problems, Snakes can close themselves off from everyone; sometimes meditation and withdrawal into themselves help them.

Professional activity

Those born in 2013 under the sign of the Snake love change, including in the professional sphere. During their life they can repeatedly change their field of professional activity, and all because they do not want constancy and are interested in different areas. Snakes rarely make mistakes because they are very well organized. Snakes are not afraid of work, because they are convinced that everything they plan will come true. They can rightfully be called workaholics; they feel truly happy in the work sphere.

These people make good scientists, teachers, politicians, personnel managers and social workers. They greatly value work that allows for freedom of thought, the opportunity to explore and improvise.

Friendships and personal relationships

Most Snakes are financially secure people in life, however, until they become addicted to gambling. In the Chinese horoscope, Snakes are the worst players.

The life of those born in 2013, although varied, is calm; such people do not tolerate it when someone tries to rush them into making a decision and prefer to distance themselves from overly active people. Snakes, as a rule, do not take other people's advice into account and can be harsh with those who try to interfere in their personal life.

Snakes feel comfortable in many areas, but sometimes they may have difficulty communicating with other people. They choose trusted people as friends. Friends appreciate Snakes for their good sense of humor, which comes in handy in moments of crisis.

Just like friends, Snakes carefully select their personal environment (spouses). In family life they are distinguished by the fact that they strictly control their finances, but at the same time they can show unprecedented generosity towards those they love. They will not hesitate to spend a large sum on gifts for loved ones. Snakes take betrayal hard. In relationships with the opposite sex, they are jealous and are possessive by nature.