Traumatology and Orthopedics

Hair care message. Summary: Hair care. How hair grows

Hair care message.  Summary: Hair care.  How hair grows

Sections: Technology

The purpose of the lesson: to summarize the knowledge of students about the components of hair health.

  • introduce students to the structure of hair; hair types and hair care methods;
  • to cultivate a culture of hygiene, respect for one's own health;
  • develop cognitive activity, the ability to apply knowledge in practice, independence.

Lesson type: combined.

Interdisciplinary connections: biology, ecology, art.

Visual aids: paintings by famous artists, presentation “Hair structure”.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector.

Teaching method: story, explanation, demonstration, practical work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Update

III. Main part.

1. Structure and functions of hair.

Healthy hair is part of a healthy body.

For centuries, artists of all genres have admired the beauty of women's hair! ( Application No. 1 ), (Application №3 )

The quality of hair, density and their condition depend on many factors, including the factor of heredity; hair care; general health.

Advertising from all sides tells us about the unusually effective qualities of a particular shampoo. Of course, modern drugs hair care products can work wonders, but they are not all-powerful. After all, strong, shiny hair is, first of all, healthy hair belonging to a healthy person. Cosmetics rarely can completely solve hair problems. And do not forget that hair often deteriorates due to inept attempts to improve it. appearance.

Blonding, repeated coloring with strong dyes, constant perm - all this can cause significant damage to your hair, especially if they are not properly cared for. In this case, good shampoos, lotions and conditioners are simply irreplaceable. Moreover, it is most useful to carry out comprehensive care for your health and beauty.

In order to consciously choose products and methods for hair and scalp care, it is necessary to know the structure of the hair. The structure of the hair is quite interesting; looking at it one never ceases to be amazed at the foresight of nature.

The hair consists of two parts: the shaft, which is located above the skin, and the root, ending with a bulb and located deep in the skin.

The structure of the hair itself can be figuratively compared with the structure of a tree trunk.

1. Outer, scaly, bark-like layer.

2. Medium, thick, - for wood.

3. Central - to the core.

The number of hairs on the head is from 80 to 150 thousand. They are unevenly distributed; more on the crown, less - at the forehead and temples. A person loses up to 100 hairs a day.

At the same time, the same number grows again. Therefore, the amount of hair on the head is relatively constant.

Fresh, lush, shiny, lively hair is the best decoration.

Tell me, are there people today with absolutely healthy hair? Beautiful, healthy hair, such that you can star in an advertisement for shampoos, has today no more than 10-20% of the population. Everyone else, including children, has problems of one kind or another. Someone's hair is thin, dry, brittle, someone has dandruff, oily seborrhea, diffuse hair loss and more severe disorders.

Was this situation always?

Over the past 5-7 years, we have seen a significant increase in these diseases, both among adults and among children and adolescents. For example, the number of children with baldness has increased sevenfold over the past five years.

What is it connected with?

First of all, with constant psycho-emotional overload, with prolonged stress, which is very difficult for a person to cope with in the current conditions. The financial situation of people is deteriorating, respectively, for many, a full and varied diet is not available. And the ecological situation in many regions is unfavorable. That is, the general level of health of the population is declining. And the condition of the hair is always an indicator of the general condition of the body.

For competent and effective hair care, it is important to correctly determine your hair type, otherwise there is a risk of worsening their condition.

By hair types, it is customary to mean dry, normal, oily and mixed hair; soft and hard; thick and thin; as well as healthy or depleted hair.

The fat content of the hair depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands, which, in turn, is purely individual and is laid genetically. To a certain, small extent, the amount of sebum produced depends on the type of diet and the amount of carbohydrates (primarily) and fats consumed with food.

Oily hair has a characteristic dull sheen, after a short time after washing it sticks together and begins to look dirty, untidy. Oily hair is often associated with oily dandruff.

Normal hair reflects light well, shimmers in the sun. If these qualities persist for several days after shampooing, then your hair is of a normal type. This type of hair is also characterized by elasticity; they almost do not split and are easy to comb, regardless of whether they are dry or wet.

Dry hair does not reflect light well, as a result of which it looks dull, lacking gloss. They are easily torn, confused, difficult to comb, split at the ends. Quite often they are accompanied by dry fine dandruff. Often, dry hair is the result of improper care, and not a consequence of reduced activity of the sebaceous glands.

Mixed type hair, as a rule, is long hair, oily at the roots and dry at the ends due to the fact that they are not sufficiently lubricated with fat along the entire length. The ends of this type of hair, not receiving the necessary lubrication, often split.

When using hair care products, one should not forget that they need to be washed and combed properly.

How to wash your hair?

  • Prepare a shampoo specifically for your hair type.
  • Prepare your hair for washing by gently detangling and combing it well
  • Wash your hair with warm water, hot is harmful - it dries the hair and scalp excessively.
  • Apply the shampoo, after squeezing it into the palm of your hand. Spread it evenly over your hair and scalp. Use exactly the amount of shampoo you need for a certain length of hair.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly.
  • Reapply shampoo if necessary and repeat the process. Then rinse off any remaining foam from the hair and scalp.
How to comb your hair correctly

Hair needs constant care. Regular brushing, twice a day is best, goes a long way. Irritation of nerve endings in the skin during combing revitalizes blood circulation, which contributes to the growth and preservation of hair.

The teeth of the comb should be blunt so that they do not scratch the skin.

Combing long hair should start from the ends, short - from the root. For combing short hair, you only need to use a comb. More sparing hair combing them with a brush. Hair longer than 25-35 cm is best combed first with a brush, then with a comb.

Combing hair with a brush painlessly tidies up tangled long hair. If the hair is very long, grasp the hair tightly near the head, strand by strand, and brush through it to the ends. After such preparation, the hair is easily combed and combed. It is necessary to ensure that when combing there is no pulling of the hair. Combs and brushes should be clean and washed regularly.

Each person should have an individual comb and brush. Passing it on to others is unacceptable because germs can be transmitted with it.

IV. Practical work.

Hair care

  1. Determine the type of hair using the table. ( Application №2 )
  2. AT workbook make a description of hair care according to the plan, (app)

V. Summing up.

VI. Homework



Chapter I.

1.1 How to care for dry hair

Chapter 2. Detergents and cosmetics for hair care

2.1 How to properly wash your hair


Hair̶ the subject of female pride at all times. A woman always and everywhere wants to look attractive. And everyone has secrets on how to look irresistible. This is especially true for hair. According to psychologists, it is hair that creates a unique individual female image.

Danish scientists have calculated that on average, every woman aged 19 to 35 spends about 45 minutes a day on hair care. Naturally, our appearance largely depends on how our hair looks. In fact, they are naturally quite strong. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't be taken care of.

For some, grooming means running a comb through your hair a couple of times. Others do not take a step out of the house without a highly combed and generously varnished hairstyle. But that's not leaving.

Our hair̶ part of our body, they also react to our mood, well-being, the environment, like the skin, the senses. . . The beauty of hair largely depends on how we feel, they̶ barometer of our condition. When we feel good, then our hair is in order̶ theyobedient, flow beautifully, easily fit into the hair. But when a person has a cold or is tired, the hair reacts to all this very painfully. And if you can hide bad health, and disguise skin problems under makeup, then you can’t hide and hide hair. Therefore, hair should be given attention no less than eyes, hands, body, face.

When the hair is in order, we feel confident. But in order to properly care for your hair, you need to know everything about them.How to take care of your hair

Thick and shiny hair has always been considered the standard of beauty and health. By properly caring for your curls and using cosmetics that suit your hair type, you can achieve this ideal.

Proper hair care at home comes down to three rules. The first rule is proper hair washing. Before washing the hair, it is necessary to comb it well with a massage comb or comb. Thus, not only the blood circulation of the scalp improves, but also the washing out of dead skin cells is simplified. Next, completely wet your hair with water, the temperature of which should preferably not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. Apply the required amount of shampoo to the palm of your hand, mixing it with a small amount of water, and distribute it along the hair. Gently massage the shampoo into the scalp. Rinse off soap suds with plenty of water. Repeat the procedure for applying and rinsing the shampoo in order to completely wash the impurities from the hair. According to the instructions, use a balm to give your hair a healthy and beautiful appearance. Blot wet hair with a towel without rubbing it between your palms, this negatively affects the structure of the hair, because this is how the hair breaks and splits.

The second rule is the correct combing of hair. Long hair must be combed from the ends, gathering the hair in a ponytail, and then proceed to combing the roots. Short hair should start combing from the roots, moving towards the ends. In no case do not comb wet hair, as they are severely injured. Let them dry slightly by wrapping your hair in a dry turban towel, and then comb your hair using a detangling spray or other similar products.

The third rule is gentle hair drying. Ideally, to preserve the beauty and health of the hair, they must be dried naturally. But there is not always time for this, besides, you can achieve volume or make curls only using a hair dryer, curling iron or other hair styling devices. We recommend blow-drying your hair with a heat protectant. Such a cosmetic product will protect your strands from exposure to the high temperatures of a hair dryer, tongs or curlers that are detrimental to hair.

Also remember that when styling your hair with a hair dryer, it must be kept at a distance of at least 20 centimeters from the head.
Let's supplement these rules with tips for caring for different types of hair.

1.1 How to care for dry hair

Hair becomes dry due to frequent hair washing, exposure to high temperatures, or due to health conditions. Therefore, dry hair needs gentle care. Dry hair should be washed with a mild shampoo for dry and damaged hair, which restores the structure of damaged hair, nourishes and moisturizes them, protects against overdrying. And special moisturizing aerosols will help the hair replenish its moisture supply, for example, Macadamia and Aloe moisturizing hair spray and others from Avon, Bonacure Moisture Kick from Schwarzkopf, Collection Polynesie from Faberlic.

There are also folk methods solutions to the problem of dry hair. For example, you can make an infusion of peppermint. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried mint with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with mint infusion after shampooing. Thus, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated and the hair receives the necessary dose of natural sebum. You can also mix olive and burdock oils and apply this mixture evenly on your hair before washing your hair. Wrap your hair in a plastic bag and a towel to create a warming effect. After 40 minutes, wash the oil mixture out of your hair with shampoo.

1.2 How to care for oily hair

Salting of hair occurs due to improper hair care, disruption of the sebaceous glands. Proper nutrition will help to cope with oily hair (exclude sweets from the diet); taking a vitamin complex, which includes B vitamins and vitamin E, as well as the correct selection of cosmetic products for oily hair. It is not recommended to use masks and all kinds of balms, gels and oils that weigh down already oily hair. Also, increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp causes frequent combing of hair, exposure to elevated temperatures as in the case of drying hair with a hairdryer or washing your hair with hot water. It is recommended to use special shampoos for oily hair and rinse them with degreasing agents, for example, a water-vinegar solution at the rate of 1 liter of water per 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

It fights well with the problem of oily hair and a healing mask of egg yolk. Mix 1 raw egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of water. Rub this mixture into the skin of the pre-washed head. Leave it on your hair for 10 minutes and then rinse it off, massaging the scalp gently. Egg yolk is able to suppress excessive secretion of sebum, and alcohol degreases the hair and scalp, making them less polished.

You can also use ready-made products against oily hair. This is a lotion for oily skin Care Line heads from the Keune trademark (Netherlands); lotion to restore the balance of the secretion of the sebaceous glands K05 from the trademark KAARAL (Italy); a mask that regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands from the brand Norgil (France), etc.

1.3 How to take care of your hair so it grows faster

It is impossible to significantly accelerate hair growth. After all, a certain rate of hair growth is genetically inherent in a person, the increase of which is beyond the power of world scientists. However, it should be said that due to certain factors, hair can slow down in growth. Therefore, in order to answer the question: “How to make hair grow faster?”, We will consider all the factors that negatively affect the ability of hair to grow “in full force”.

The main reason that slows down healthy hair growth is the lack of optimal conditions for this very growth. First of all, it is a lack of essential vitamins in the human body. Vitamins of group B, vitamin A, C and E are able to stimulate hair growth in combination.

Thiamine (vitamin B1 or aneurin) stimulates hair growth, prevents hair breakage and loss of natural shine. Plant foods richest in thiamine: beans, peas, soybeans, spinach, as well as wheat bread made from wholemeal flour.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) improves blood circulation in the scalp and is generally responsible for the overall healthy appearance of the hair. A clear sign of a lack of vitamin B2 in the human body is such a picture when the hair roots quickly become oily, and their tips remain dry. Sources of riboflavin (vitamin B2) are liver, yeast, mushrooms, almonds, cottage cheese and other dairy products, broccoli, etc.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, PP or niacin) improves the supply of oxygen to the hair follicles, stimulating hair growth. Early gray hair is a sign of deficiency in the human body nicotinic acid, since it is she who is responsible for the formation of pigment in the hair. The largest number Vitamin B3 is found in beef.

Pantothenic acid (provitamin B5 or D-panthenol) helps to smooth the surface of the hair shaft, forms a protective film, thereby protecting the hair from moisture loss when exposed to high temperatures during the hot season and when using a hair dryer.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) prevents dandruff and dryness, flaking of the scalp, and, as a result, itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations. This vitamin is found in foods such as buckwheat, wheat cereals and rice, carrots, bananas, avocados, corn, potatoes, soybeans and other products.

Biotin (vitamin B7 or vitamin H) gives hair a healthy shine, and curls of elasticity and elasticity, and also prevents hair loss in men. Biotin is found in liver, beans, cauliflower, peanuts, tomatoes, spinach, boiled egg yolk, and wheat bran.

Beta-carotene (vitamin A) reduces excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, prevents brittleness and hair loss. The action of vitamin A is enhanced when taken together with vitamin E, which also has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of hair follicles. Vitamin A is found in butter, sour cream, fish oil and caviar, and vitamin E is found in vegetable oil, leafy greens, tomatoes, whole grains, soybeans, etc.

A complex of vitamins and minerals necessary to increase hair growth is offered by many modern pharmaceutical companies, for example, Nutrival, Fitoval, Multitabs B-complex + AEvit.

It is important to note that the general condition of the human body also affects the health of the hair. Improper diet, stress and alcohol and tobacco use also negatively affect hair growth and their condition in general.

Stimulates hair growth and massages the scalp, which helps to increase blood circulation in the skin. This technique is quite simple to implement. All you need to do before washing your hair is to massage the scalp with light circular movements of the fingertips for about 5-7 minutes. To enhance the effect and improve gliding, hands can be lubricated with natural essential oils, such as tea tree oil, rosemary, coriander, cypress, cedar or mint, before the massage. And you can use ready-made indelible serums for stimulating hair growth for this purpose, for example, serum of TM "Vielita" of the Vitamin PRO series or burdock serum from TM "Elf".

The main thing to remember is that after a massage, the scalp produces an excessive amount of sebum, so it is better to massage using indelible serums before going to bed, so that in the morning you can wash your hair with shampoo and go to work / study with a “fresh” hairstyle. In the case of essential oils, hair can be washed with shampoo immediately after finishing. massage procedure, however, trichologists (doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of hair) are advised to leave the mask from the treatment essential oil for about an hour, wrapping your hair plastic bag and a towel to create a warming effect that has a beneficial effect on the ability of the hair to absorb the necessary nutrients.

The third barrier that prevents healthy hair growth is improper hair care. If you have colored or highlighted hair, then they need special care.

1.4 How to care for highlighted hair

Highlighted, colored and dyed hair needs to restore and strengthen the hair structure. To do this, use balms and masks marked "For highlighted hair." To maintain color and shine, it is recommended to wash highlighted hair with a special shampoo for highlighted hair, for example, Lumino Contrast shine shampoo for highlighted hair from L’Oreal, Illumi Lights from Schwarzkopf or Lifetex Color protection from Wella.

Traditional medicine offers the following recipes for fully or partially colored hair.

Prepare a fruit mask for highlighted hair. To do this, mix grapefruit juice and kiwi pulp, add a little honey. The proportions of the ingredients depend on the length of the hair. Spread the mixture over the entire length of the hair and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair well with warm water. This mask contains fruit acids that will strengthen your hair and neutralize the alkali residues after dyeing your hair.

A mask of beer and egg yolk can restore shine and softness to highlighted hair. Mix 0.5 cup of warm light beer with 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting liquid to clean hair and scalp. Wrap your hair with a plastic bag and a towel for 40 minutes. Rinse your hair under warm water without using shampoo. The smell of beer will disappear in a couple of hours, and the hair will become silky to the touch and more shiny in appearance. If you are still afraid that the smell of beer will remain even after a few hours, then it is better to make such a hair mask on a day off, when you can stay at home and devote the day to yourself.
As for the basic care for highlighted hair, it is identical to the care for ordinary uncolored hair. We wrote above about proper hair care at home.

1.5 How to care for hair extensions

Hair extensions require a careful attitude to themselves in order to prolong the period of wearing them. We will present the recommendations of hairdressers for the care of hair extensions in the form of the following list:

1. Combing "donor" strands is necessary with a special comb with bristles or with silicone teeth without balls at their tips. You can not use combs and ordinary “massages” with metal teeth for combing hair extensions, since such combs lead to the destruction of capsules that glue native hairs with an extended strand, and they also contribute to the formation of microcracks on the hairs, and as a result, lead to hair loss.

It is necessary to start combing the hair from the middle of the hair length, i.e. from their tips, collecting them with your hand in a tail, and then go to the roots. When combing your hair, make sure that the strands in the places of soldering do not tangle with each other, so it will be more difficult to unhook them during correction. Also try not to cling to the soldering spots!

2. It is necessary to wash the extended hair without tipping it over and without tilting your head forward. The ideal option for washing your hair is standing in the shower or sitting in the bath. As for the selection of shampoos, professionals advise choosing a non-concentrated shampoo for normal hair with a neutral pH balance, since shampoo for oily hair will dry out the extensions, and for dry hair, on the contrary, it will soften, which will lead to combing them out. Or you can buy a special mild shampoo for hair extensions, for example, Keune Hair Extensions from Shampoo.

3. It is strictly forbidden to apply masks, balms and similar hair care products to the hair roots or rub them into the area where adhesions are located, as they can destroy the structure of the glue that holds the extended hairs with your family. All kinds of balms, lotions, etc. funds can be applied only to the ends of the hair, evenly distributing along their entire length.

4. Drying hot hair extensions with a hairdryer is not recommended, but if you still need to dry your hair quickly, then set the dryer to cold drying mode. In general, if possible, minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, irons and other thermal devices, and on hot summer days, do not forget to use heat-protective hair products.

5. At night, it is advisable to braid your hair in one or two loose braids to avoid tangling your hair.

1.6 How to care for hair after a perm

Any chemical perm, even “sparing” (as one of the types of perm is called), damages the hair structure to one degree or another, so the hair needs especially careful care. It is important to note that perm dries out the hair, and if you already have dry hair, then you are strictly forbidden to use chemical perms. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to restore a healthy look to your hair.

Also remember that on the day of curling, and preferably on the next three days, it is not recommended to wash and blow-dry your hair, because after chemical exposure they are very sensitive to shampoo components and hot air, besides, chemical processes continue to occur for several more days, and who knows what reaction might result.

To restore injured areas of the hair, after each hair wash, use moisturizing and regenerating balms and rinses intended for hair after perming. Remember, they need to be applied every time you wash your hair, and nourishing masks must be done once a week. In addition, the emphasis should be placed precisely on the ends of the hair, because usually they suffer the most during a perm.

For hair styling, use foams, gels, fluids with medicinal properties and only for curly hair, as fixatives for straight hair make them heavier and help straighten curls. Natural substances can also be used as styling products, for example, lemon juice, bread kvass or beer, flaxseed infusion. Deep coloring of hair can be done only after 2-3 weeks from the moment of curling, otherwise the hair will be severely damaged.

To comb your hair, use non-metallic combs with a rare arrangement of teeth.

Chapter 2. Detergents and cosmetics for hair care

We, women, know better than anyone that hair is an ornament, and not an appendage of the skin. It is they who give each its own, unique flair. Thanks to them, it’s so easy to change in an instant: cut your hair or grow curls, lay it in a cascade or leave it with a lush mane. But in order for them to look good, they need to be protected. If hair, like our entire body, reacts to stress, to a bad environment, to what we eat, what we drink, how to wash it, how can we protect it?

What can we do with our hair! And lay with a hot hairdryer, and dye, and curl, and wash with hard tap water. We have no other choice, but there is no need to sacrifice hair for beauty. We will try to provide them with at least minimal care.

2.1 How to properly wash your hair?

Wash your hair with soft water . To do this, you can use a basin of cooled boiled water or tap water with the addition of a tablespoon drinking soda. And you can also brew nettle if the hair is dark, or chamomile if it is light, and add it to the same basin.

Water should be warmer room temperature , best of all - around 50 degrees. Then it dissolves sebum and removes dirt, but does not make the hair greasy, unlike hot.

2.2 How to choose the right shampoo for washing your hair?

Choose a shampoo according to your hair type. Remember: there is no shampoo for all hair types! If only because the shampoo for oily hair contains more detergent than the product for dry hair.

You can’t constantly wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo, because it is the same medicine as aspirin or antibiotics. You do not eat pills instead of breakfast. So why wash your hair with them? Anti-dandruff shampoo can only be purchased at ! It contains substances that slow down the division of skin cells, and also removes its dead scales. But using it too often makes hair dull and dry.

Comb your hair before washing . Put a little shampoo on your palm and add water to reduce the concentration, apply the mixture to wet hair and massage the scalp thoroughly, rinse off the foam with clean water. Remember: if the shampoo foams easily, this is not at all a sign of its quality.

After that, it is useful to rinse your head with an acidic solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice per 1 liter of water) - this will make the hair shine. You can also use a decoction of herbs (the same nettle, chamomile, oak), this will help strengthen the hair.

There are a lot of “after washing” products. They are designed to help hair look healthy and beautiful. They create a mild acidic environment on the surface of the hair and neutralize the alkaline effect of detergents, while the “tousled” hair scales close: the surface of the hair becomes smooth. Also, particles of various substances that make up their composition nourish and moisturize soft tissues hair, making the hair elastic, soft and silky.

The balm levels the surface of the hair, stimulates hair growth and regulates sebum secretion. provides hair with quick and harmless drying without taking away the necessary moisture, and also neutralizes static electricity. The conditioner facilitates combing of hair, covering them with a protective film. The mask serves as the basis for the process of restoring the structure of the hair, nourishing dry or drying oily scalp.

Do not forget : balm, conditioner or rinse should be used every time after washing. The mask should be used once a week or even two, as needed. I discourage buying expensive masks. It's easier to do it yourself. We buy in the cheapest hair mask, squeeze it into a bowl, break the yolk there, add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of olive oil, mix thoroughly. At another time, you can add a few drops of vitamin E. The effect is amazing! Soft, smooth, shiny hair effortlessly. In general, you can fantasize with masks, look at the result, and achieve the desired effect.

Yetvery good hair oils . Sold in any pharmacy. They are easily applied to the hair and are easily washed off, for example, the same burdock oil. If you apply it on your hair, wrap it in a bag and a towel, walk around with this turban on your head for an hour and a half, after washing your hair will be strong, thick and beautiful.

Mask for oily hair: Mix the yolk whipped with a whisk with 1 tsp. boiled water. Rub into the scalp and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

1 tbsp yeast pour 1 tsp. water, mix until the yeast is completely dissolved. Beat the protein and pour into the solution, mix again. Rub into the scalp. Leave until dry, rinse with warm water.

2 tbsp rub tea tree oil into the scalp and lubricate the hair, leave for 15 minutes.

Mask for dry hair: Whisk egg white and yolk separately. First apply the protein foam, then the yolk mass. Leave until completely dry, rinse the egg usually with warm water and rinse with water slightly acidified with vinegar.

4 tbsp slightly warm vegetable oil and rub it into the scalp, cover your head with a terry towel and leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with regular shampoo for dry hair.

3 tbsp heat vegetable oil in a water bath, add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Mix. Rub into scalp and apply to hair. Wrap your head with plastic wrap and a terry towel. Leave the mask for 2 hours and rinse with warm water.

2.3 How to dry your hair properly?

It's better to splurge on a hair dryer and buy a professional one. Firstly, purified air is supplied from it. Secondly, you can not wait until the hair dries under a cold blow, but turn on the hot mode, but it is so hot there that with one breath the hair is dried, but does not dry out like savannah trees. If there is no such hair dryer, hair on the coldest setting so as not to damage them.

2.4 How can split ends be helped?

The most common problem today is split ends. This is the scourge of women who dream of long hair, but can not afford it because of the split hair. They break easily, tangle and look dull. Most often, this affects the ends of the hair, but the hair can split along the entire length. Split ends appear after perm and dyeing, the use of soap and a hot hair dryer, and strong burnout in the sun.

You can help the trouble - as usual, the main thing is desire. Split ends need to be trimmed every 4-6 weeks. Instead of iron brushes, buy wooden ones with large, rare teeth. Apply an olive oil mask 30 minutes before washing. Wash your hair with medicated shampoos with lecithin, vitamin B5, chamomile extract, lime blossom, mint, wheat germ. To rinse split ends, you can also use infusions of linden, peppermint, pharmacy chamomile and birch leaves. And the ends of the hair will be protected by a special cream or balm for split ends, which is rubbed into the ends after washing the hair and is not washed off. With further care for split ends, you need to use only a hairdryer with a cool effect and forget about different curling irons and thermal curlers.

Split ends need more protection . Fixing varnishes and mousses will not help, as they contain alcohol, which already dehydrated hair. Choose coloring products with a healing effect that moisturize and nourish your hair well, making it beautiful and shiny. You should also pay attention to nutrition, lifestyle, etc. Here, our assistants are active movement, sound and long sleep, the absence of sweet and fatty foods in the diet, the presence of vegetables and fruits, nuts and greens. Clean water in sufficient quantities is simply necessary to maintain the water balance of the body in general and hair in particular.

If folk remedies do not help, you should definitely consult a trichologist. I emphasize: a doctor. Because the profession of a trichologist has become very fashionable lately. But a person without a medical education has a hard time, because it is impossible to treat only hair. Hair, like nails and skin, is a reflection of the state of the body as a whole. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to identify the main problem, which led, among other things, to hair damage. Hike to the illiterate , which immediately, without analysis, diagnoses "insufficiency thyroid gland”and prescribe iodine preparations in a triple dosage, threatens with real, and not imaginary thyrotoxicosis and drug-induced hepatitis. Why do you need such complications?

Find an adequate doctor and consult with him. Reward - chic, thick, obedient hair of any desired length

Everyone dreams of lush, shiny, silky hair. But, unfortunately, it does not always have them by nature. Doctors have long discovered a direct link between hair and health. Hair has become dull - it means you need to strengthen the body, take care of your health.

So, to talk about hair care, you need to talk about their structure.

hair anatomy

Anatomically, the hair is divided into kernel(trunk) and root. The shaft is the visible part of the hair that protrudes above the surface of the skin. The hair root is located in the dermis and is surrounded by a root sheath, together with which it is called hair follicle . Kernel hair can be located at different angles to the skin surface - from 10 to 90 degrees. A very small growth angle (10-20 degrees) does not sometimes allow you to make the desired hairstyle, because. hair in this case is very difficult to lay in the opposite direction. In addition, if the angle of growth is too small, the hair can grow into the scalp and cause inflammation.

The rod in cross section consists of the inner medulla (it is absent in vellus hair), the middle cortical substance and the cuticle, the outermost layer. The medulla (core) consists of cells that have not yet fully keratinized (keratinized). The cortical layer consists of keratinized cells and makes up about 90% of the total mass of the hair. The strength of the hair depends on this layer. The cells of this layer contain the pigments that give hair its color: eumelanin (black-brown) and pheomelanin (yellow-red). The color of the hair depends on the ratio of these pigments.

The main hair colors are: brown, black, blond, red, ashen and gray; the total number of shades of hair reaches several tens. The cuticle consists of 6-9 layers of cells and in structure resembles a tile or scales of a pine cone, and these scales are directed from the hair root to the end. When the hair is exposed to an alkaline environment (ordinary soap), the scales open, and when exposed to an acidic environment, they close. As a rule, when the hair is damaged from the outside, it is the cuticle that suffers first. On the other hand, hair is one of the most resistant structures to external factors, second only to teeth.

Because the hair follicle is the most important element of the entire hair system, then for those who would like to thoroughly understand these issues, we will dwell on its structure in more detail.

The hair follicle is a kind of receptacle for the hair root, which is sometimes also called the bulb. The bulb is a small thickening and it, for the most part, consists of cells that are intensively dividing to form a hair (matrix of the hair bulb). It is also known that the bulb has an unusual immune status, the violation of which, presumably, is one of the causes of alopecia areata. In the lower part, the hair papilla adjoins the bulb. The papilla, among other things, contains blood vessels. The hair (or it is also called dermal) papilla is a very important part of the follicle, since it acts as a kind of computer that controls the condition and growth of the hair. If the papilla dies, then the hair dies. However, if for any reason the hair dies (for example, it is uprooted), and the papilla is preserved, then a new hair will grow in its place. From the foregoing, it follows that if during electrolysis it was not possible to destroy the dermal papilla, then expect hair to appear in the same place. The hair follicle is a structure that is in constant cyclic development - the stages of anagen, catagen, telogen; see more about this. hair physiology

As can be seen in the upper figure, the following structures also adjoin the hair follicle: sebaceous (there are usually 2-3 of them) gland, sweat gland, and the muscle that lifts the hair (if it were not for this muscle, the expression "hair stood on end" would hardly exist). In addition, the hair follicle is generously supplied with blood vessels. It is known that in men prone to baldness, the vascular apparatus of the hair follicle has an increased sensitivity to male sex hormones (androgens), in particular to dihydrotestosterone, as well as to the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. During puberty, when the amount of androgens in the blood is increased, the vessels of the follicle steadfastly spasm, the nutrition of the hair follicle is disturbed, and, as a result, baldness occurs (even Hippocrates said that eunuchs do not go bald). It is important to note that only the hair of certain areas of the head has such increased sensitivity to androgens, but not all hair on the human body.

From here follows the basic principle of treatment, based on an understanding of this mechanism: do not suppress the production of male hormones in the body (it is unlikely that any man will thank you for this), especially if their content is normal, but reduce the sensitivity of the vascular apparatus of hair follicles to them in the androgen-dependent zone scalp. The androgen-dependent zone of the scalp in men occupies the forehead, crown and back of the head. But the hair follicles located below the back of the head, closer to the neck, are not androgen-dependent. This phenomenon is used to transplant hair from this area to bald areas of the scalp.

In addition, the hair follicle is richly supplied with nerve fibers: they accompany the hair follicle throughout its entire length - from the bulb to the epidermis. The structure of the innervation of the hair is quite complex, multifaceted and functionally not quite clear, so we will not go deep into this issue. The total number of sebaceous glands in humans reaches 200,000, and per day the total amount of sebum produced reaches 50 grams. The activity of the sebaceous glands depends on gender, age, stage menstrual cycle, from the state of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as from the structure of nutrition. The main function of the sebaceous gland is to lubricate the hair with a secret and form an emulsion film on the surface of the skin (water-lipid film, water-lipid mantle), which performs a protective function. The emulsion film has a slightly acidic environment (within pH 4.5-6.5).

Since the emulsion film is very important for the normal functioning of the skin, we will dwell on it in more detail. It consists of dead cells of the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin), the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In fact, the water-lipid film is the boundary between the external and internal environment. Due to the fact that the emulsion film has a slightly acidic environment, this prevents the growth of microorganisms on the surface of the skin. The water-lipid film also prevents the skin from soaking, because. has a water-repellent (hydrophobic) effect and at the same time prevents excessive drying of the epidermis. Another function of the emulsion film is UV protection. From the above, it is clear that when we use ordinary alkaline soap for washing, the water-lipid film is destroyed.

From this, however, it does not follow that you need to stop washing with soap at all (it is estimated that about 1 million bacteria, yeast cells and fungal spores are washed off from the skin of a person who has taken a shower or bath) - the emulsion film is quickly restored. However, you should not use alkaline soaps often, and if you do use them, then rinse them thoroughly from the surface of the skin after that. A more gentle effect on the skin is produced by liquid soaps with a neutral environment.

Important parameters of hair are length and thickness. The length of (uncut) hair depends, first of all, on racial affiliation: the longest hair of the representatives of the Mongoloid race, the shortest - of the representatives of the Negroid race. The length of hair in the European race occupies an intermediate position. In addition, we must not forget that the same hair does not grow for all of life: the developmental stage averages 3-6 years (for more details, see below). hair physiology), after which a new one begins to replace the fallen hair.

On average, hair grows 1 cm per month; Normally, 40-80 hairs fall out per day. The thickness of the hair depends on the person's age, hair color, and belonging to a particular race. It is known, for example, that the "father of peoples", comrade. Stalin, the hair on his head was as thick as horse hair. Usually, the thickest and toughest hair of the representatives of the Mongoloid race; Negroids rarely have thick hair. In newborns, hair is about 2-3 times thinner than in adults. In old age, the hair also becomes thinner. So, in infants, the thickness of the hair is 20-40 microns (microns), in an adult - 70-100 microns, in the elderly - 50-70 microns. The thickest hair in redheads (up to 100 microns), thinner in brunettes (75), even thinner in brown hair and the thinnest in blondes (50).

hair physiology

The hair follicle, and hence the hair, undergoes several stages in its development: the growth period is called anagen, the rest period is telogen, the transition period from one stage to another is catagen. In the catagen stage, atrophy of the hair papilla begins, as a result of which the cells of the hair bulb, deprived of nutrition, stop dividing and undergo keratinization. Now it is generally accepted that the first hair cycle begins precisely with the catagen stage (it lasts only a few weeks), after which a short telogen stage begins (lasting for several months), which smoothly passes into the developmental stage - anagen. The anagen phase, in turn, has 6 periods of development, which we will omit here, and can last an average of 3-6 years. With age, the anagen phase tends to decrease. It is important to note that the mechanical removal of hair in the telogen stage always entails the onset of the anagen stage, i.e. hair starts to grow again. From this it becomes clear why sometimes hair removal does not give quick and visible results. All hair that remains on the brush or falls out during the day is usually telogen hair.

What is the reason for this life cycle hair (catagen -> telogen -> anagen -> catagen) remains unclear to researchers. However, it is obvious that it is in this area that the most important discoveries will lie, which, perhaps, will still make a revolution in trichology.

Typically, in healthy people, about 80% of hair is in the anagen stage, slightly less than 20% is in the catagen stage, and about 1% is in the telogen stage. Studies show that excessive hair loss corresponds to a change in the above ratio: a decrease in the percentage of hair in the anagen and catagen stage, and an increase in the percentage of hair in the telogen stage. If you notice that the amount of hair falling out during the day has increased dramatically, this should be regarded as an alarm signal and an important reason to contact a specialist.

Hair is also characterized by such parameters as elasticity and porosity. Healthy hair is so elastic that it can stretch up to 30% of its own length and return to its original state. If you see that your hair has low elasticity, then it probably needs to be moisturized. Hair porosity is characterized by the fact that healthy hair can retain moisture in an amount up to 50% of its own weight and at the same time increase in diameter by 20%.

We have already seen that hair needs certain elements for growth and beauty, let's look at which ones.


Of course, the body needs all vitamins, but some of them are simply irreplaceable for our skin, hair, nails. These vitamins are marked with *.

*Vitamin A(carotene, retinol) - a fat-soluble vitamin exists in two forms: the finished form - retinol, and provitamin (in other words, "pre-" vitamin) - carotene. The daily intake of this vitamin for men is 500 IU (international units), for women - 400 IU. Of the two forms of this vitamin, beta-carotene should be preferred, as it is more effective.
Functions: preventing night blindness, increasing resistance to respiratory infections, reducing the duration of diseases, maintaining skin, hair and nails in a healthy state and improving the growth of the latter, removing age spots, when applied externally, it helps in the treatment of acne, boils, etc.

natural sources: fish oil, liver, carrots, green and yellow vegetables, eggs, milk, margarine, yellow fruits. Works best in combination with B-complex, vitamins D, E, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. Protects vitamin C from oxidation.

Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) - a water-soluble vitamin that requires daily replenishment. The daily dose for adults is 1.0-1.5 mg. Known as the "peace of mind" vitamin. The need for it increases during illness, stress, operations.

Functions: promotes growth, improves digestion, especially the digestion of carbohydrates, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart, helps with motion sickness and motion sickness, helps in the treatment of shingles.

Natural sources: dry yeast, rice hulls, whole wheat, oatmeal, peanuts, pork, most vegetables, bran, milk. Works best when combined with other B vitamins. Easily destroyed by heat.

*Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) is a water-soluble vitamin that requires daily replenishment. The daily dose for adults is 1.2-1.7 mg, for pregnant women - 1.6 mg, for lactating women - 1.8 mg.

Functions: promotes growth and reproductive functions, maintains healthy skin, hair, nails, helps heal sores of the mouth, lips and tongue, improves vision, reduces eye fatigue, participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Natural sources: milk, liver, kidney, yeast, cheese, leafy green vegetables, fish, eggs. Does not break down under the influence of heat and acids. Decomposes under the influence of alkalis.

Vitamin B 3 (niacin, nicotinamide, vitamin PP) is a water-soluble vitamin that can be synthesized in the body in the presence of other B vitamins. The daily norm is 13-19 mg, for nursing mothers 20 mg.

Functions: supports a healthy digestive system, eliminates gastrointestinal disorders, thereby increasing the energy level in the body, gives the skin a healthy look, prevents and relieves migraine headaches, increases blood circulation and reduces high blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. A lack of this vitamin can cause severe dermatitis.
Natural sources: liver, lean meats, whole wheat products, brewer's yeast, kidney, fish, eggs, roasted peanuts, white poultry, avocados, dates, prunes.

*Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid, panthenol) - a water-soluble vitamin, vital for the normal functioning of the adrenal glands. can be synthesized in the body. The daily dose for adults is 10 mg.
Functions: promotes the healing of wounds, burns, promotes the synthesis of antibodies, prevents fatigue, reduces side effects many antibiotics.
Natural sources: meat, whole grains, bran, wheat ovary, kidney, liver, heart, green vegetables, brewer's yeast, nuts, chicken. Destroyed during heat treatment.

*Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) is a water-soluble vitamin that requires daily replenishment. Daily doses for adults are 1.6-2.0 mg, during pregnancy - 2.2 mg, while breastfeeding - 2.1 mg. Essential for proper absorption of vitamin B12.

Functions: promotes the absorption of proteins and fats, prevents nervous and skin disorders, relieves nausea, prevents aging, acts as a diuretic, reduces nocturnal muscle cramps, cramps in the calf muscles, numbness of the hands.

Natural sources: brewer's yeast, wheat bran, liver, kidney, soy, brown rice, eggs, oats, peanuts and walnuts. Destroyed by heat treatment.

*Vitamin B 8 (biotin) - water-soluble, sulfur-containing, can be synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria. Necessary for the synthesis of ascorbic acid. Daily doses for adults - 100-300 mcg.
Functions: keeps the skin healthy, eliminates the manifestations of eczema and dermatitis, protects the hair from graying, helps in the prevention of baldness, relieves muscle pain.

Natural sources: beef liver, yolk, soy flour, brewer's yeast, milk, kidney, brown rice.

*Vitamin B 9 (folic acid) is water-soluble. It is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, promotes protein metabolism, is necessary for cell division, for the absorption of sugar and amino acids. Daily doses for adults - 180-200 mcg. When taking more than 2 g of ascorbic acid per day, it is worth increasing the intake of folic acid.

Natural sources: dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, liver, egg yolks, apricots, squash, avocados, beans, whole wheat and dark rye flour.

Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) is the only water-soluble vitamin that contains essential mineral elements. The daily dose for adults is 2 mcg, pregnant women - 2.2 mcg, for lactating women - 2.6 mcg.
Functions: forms and restores red blood cells, preventing anemia, in children promotes growth and improves appetite, increases energy, supports nervous system in a healthy state, reduces irritability, improves memory, concentration and state of mind.
Natural sources: liver, beef, pork, eggs, milk, cheese, kidney.

Vitamin B 15 (pangamic acid) - a water-soluble antioxidant that increases its effectiveness when taken with vitamins A and E. The most commonly used daily doses are from 50 to 150 mg.
Functions: increases the lifespan of cells, reduces cravings for alcohol, accelerates recovery from fatigue, lowers blood cholesterol levels, alleviates the manifestations of angina pectoris and asthma, protects the liver from cirrhosis, prevents hangovers, stimulates immune responses, participates in protein synthesis.

Natural sources: brewer's yeast, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds.

*Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that cannot be synthesized in the human body (unlike most animals). It plays a major role in the formation of collagen, which is important for the growth and repair of body tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones, teeth, and especially for the condition of our skin. Official daily doses for adults are about 60 mg. However, according to two-time Nobel laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, it reduces infectious diseases by 25% and cancerous by 75% when taken at a dose of 1,000 mg (1 gram) to 10,000 mg (10 g) daily.
Functions: promotes healing of wounds, burns, bleeding gums, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation of carcinogens, acts as a natural laxative in large doses, reduces the likelihood of thrombosis, increases life expectancy, helps in treatment colds, improves the absorption of inorganic iron, reduces the effects of exposure to various allergens.

Natural sources: citrus fruits, berries, green and leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet peppers. To increase effectiveness, it should be taken along with bioflavonoids, calcium and magnesium.

Vitamin D, D 2 , D 3 (calciferol, ergocalciferol, ergosterol) - fat-soluble "vitamin of the sun". Ultraviolet rays interacting with the skin, contribute to the formation of this vitamin. Once a tan is formed, the production of vitamin D through the skin stops. Daily intake doses are 200-400 IU.

Functions: helps to utilize calcium and phosphorus, has a specific anti-rachitic effect, when taken together with vitamins A and C, it helps in the prevention of colds, helps in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Natural sources: fish oil, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, milk and dairy products.

*Vitamin E(tocopherol) - fat-soluble, consisting of tocopherols (8 varieties) reproduction vitamin. An active antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of fatty compounds, as well as vitamin A, selenium, sulfur-containing amino acids, and to some extent vitamin C. Enhances the activity of vitamin A. The most commonly used doses are 200 - 1200 IU. Selenium enhances the action of this vitamin.

Functions: increases the supply of oxygen to the body, increases endurance, together with vitamin A protects the lungs from polluted air, reduces fatigue, prevents blood clots, accelerates the healing of burns, scars, prevents miscarriages, acts as a diuretic, helps relieve leg cramps, maintains the skin in a healthy state .

Natural sources: soybeans, vegetable oils, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, spinach, fortified flour, whole grains, eggs. Destroyed during heat treatment, when using chlorinated water.

*Vitamin F(fatty acids) - a fat-soluble vitamin, which is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids(linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic) obtained from food. Twelve teaspoons of sunflower oil cover the daily requirement for a vitamin.
Functions: prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the arteries, promotes healthy skin and hair, prevents the development of heart disease, helps to reduce weight by burning saturated fat, promotes growth and overall well-being.

Natural sources: vegetable oils from the ovary of wheat, linseed, sunflower, soybeans, peanuts; walnuts, almonds, avocados. It is best absorbed when taken with vitamin E and with food. Destroyed by heat treatment.

Vitamin K(menadione, vikasol) - a fat-soluble complex of three components - K1, K2, K3. Daily consumption rates are 65-80 mcg. Necessary for the synthesis of prothrombin and the proper functioning of the coagulation system.

Functions: prevents bleeding, hemorrhage, promotes normal clotting, helps to reduce secretions during heavy menstruation.

Natural sources: leafy green vegetables, yogurt, alfalfa, egg yolk, soybean oil, fish oil, kelp.

*Vitamin M(folic acid, vitamin B9) - a water-soluble vitamin necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Promotes protein metabolism. The daily dose for adults is 180-200 mcg and 2 times more for pregnant women.

Functions: improves milk flow in nursing, protects against intestinal parasites and food poisoning, provides healthy skin, acts as an analgesic for pain, slows down graying of hair if taken together with pantothenic and para-aminobenzoic acids, improves appetite in case of exhaustion, helps in the prevention of anemia.
Natural sources: dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, liver, egg yolk, apricots, squash, avocados, beans, whole wheat flour and dark rye flour.

Vitamin P(bioflavonoids, rutin) - a factor in the permeability of blood vessels. It is necessary for better absorption of vitamin C. It is believed that for every 500 mg of vitamin C, at least 100 mg of rutin should be taken.
Functions: protects vitamin C from oxidation and destruction, strengthens capillary walls, increases resistance to infections, helps prevent and treat bleeding gums, helps in the treatment of swelling and dizziness caused by diseases of the inner ear.
Natural sources: white peel and interlobular part of citrus fruits, apricots, buckwheat, blackberries, cherries, rose hips.

*Inositol- water-soluble lipotropic representative of the B-complex. Together with choline, it participates in the formation of lecithin. Approximate daily figures are 250-500-1000 mg per day. Plays an important role in the nutrition of brain cells.

Functions: Helps lower cholesterol, keeps hair healthy, prevents hair loss, helps prevent eczema, promotes the redistribution of fats in the body, has a calming effect.

Natural sources: liver, brewer's yeast, beef brains and heart, melon, grapefruit, raisins, peanuts, cabbage.

*PABC(para-aminobenzoic acid) - a water-soluble member of the B family, can be synthesized in the body. It has important sun protection properties. The most common daily doses are 100 to 300 mg per day.

Functions: helps to restore the color of gray hair, when used externally, protects the skin from sunburn, keeps the skin healthy and smooth, helps slow down the formation of wrinkles.
Natural sources: liver, brewer's yeast, kidney, brown grains, rice, bran, wheat ovary.

Choline- a substance from the family B. It is a fat emulsifier and a lipotropic substance. Works together with inositol, promoting the utilization of fats and cholesterol. The average daily allowance is 500 to 900 mg of choline per day.

Functions: helps to control the accumulation of cholesterol, helps to solve the problem of memory in old age, facilitating and improving the work of the liver, helps it remove poisons and drugs from the body, has a calming effect.

Natural sources: yolk, brains, heart, green leafy vegetables, yeast, liver, wheat germ.

As you know, there are three types of hair: normal, oily and dry.

Greasy hair

Hair is oily due to too active activity of the sebaceous glands. Oily hair is characterized by increased luster, sticks together in separate strands, already a few hours after washing it may look unattractive, often oily dandruff is a concomitant problem. In order not to aggravate the situation, you should carefully monitor your diet. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets, coffee, alcohol, fatty foods, smoked meats. Vitamins B and C are very useful for you, as well as vitamin complexes containing iron and sulfur. Oily hair quickly becomes greasy and soon after washing it looks untidy again, so they try to wash it more often. But with frequent washing, the sebaceous glands begin to work even more actively. To solve this problem, you can try washing your hair in parts, for example, only the bangs or the sides of the head. It is important to choose the right hairstyle for your hair type. It is convenient to have a short haircut when the hair can be washed quickly. If you don't like short hair, choose a hairstyle with curls, where the hair is less close to the scalp, and therefore less in contact with fat. Use special styling products for oily hair, which irritate the scalp less, other products. To improve the appearance of oily hair, it is useful to use special compresses, rinses from herbal infusions and rubbing special tinctures into the scalp.
Compresses will improve the look of oily hair.

1. Finely chopped peppermint leaves rub with rowan berries. Hold the gruel on your hair for 30 minutes, and then rinse your hair thoroughly.

2. Grind green leaves of dandelion or plantain into a pulp and put on the scalp. Then rinse with warm water after 30 minutes.

3. In summer, you can make a compress from fresh plantain leaves and kefir. 2 tablespoons of crushed plantain leaves should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of kefir, apply this mixture to wet hair. Wrap your head in cling film and a terry towel. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.

4. It is very useful to grease oily hair with kefir or yogurt before washing and tie it with a towel for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with shampoo, and finally rinse with slightly acidified water.

To reduce greasiness, make tinctures for rubbing into the scalp. These procedures will give a positive effect if used regularly (for example, every other day for 1 month).

1. Take 3 tablespoons of green pine, fir or spruce needles and pour 1 liter of boiling water over them. Boil for 20 minutes, strain. A decoction can be used for rubbing into the scalp in its pure form or in half with alcohol. You can also use fir oil by diluting it (1:2) with alcohol.

2. Pour 10-20 g of crushed burdock roots with one glass of boiling water and boil. Such a decoction can be rubbed into the scalp regularly, 2-3 times a week.
To rinse and strengthen oily hair, you can prepare the following compositions:

1. Take 2 tablespoons of the following herbs: horsetail, peppermint, oak bark and pour 1 liter of boiling water, strain after 40 minutes. The infusion is ready.

2. 1 tablespoon of finely chopped stems and flowers of tansy pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours to infuse, then strain. With this infusion, you can not only rinse your hair, but also wash your hair without using shampoo.

3. Pour 3 tablespoons of oak bark with 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Rinse your hair with this decoction for 2 months 2-3 times a week.

4. A mixture of 1 tablespoon of oak bark, St. John's wort and yarrow, taken equally, pour 1 cup of boiling water and put in a water bath for an hour. Cool, strain, and the broth is ready.

5. Dilute 1 tablespoon of mustard in 1 liter of warm water and rinse your head with this solution several times. Then rinse your hair thoroughly and rinse with acidified water...

Dry hair

Dry hair is dull, brittle, split ends. Small dry flakes of dandruff often appear on the scalp. Hair often becomes dry with age, replacing normal hair. Excessive washing, the use of a hot hair dryer, the sun, fluctuations in air temperature, as well as health conditions are to blame. If the hair has become dull and brittle, then it means that you need to properly take care of your health. Dry hair should be washed very gently, using a very mild shampoo for damaged hair, which repairs the hair and supplies it with nutrients. Such a shampoo usually contains various additives (jojoba oil, avocado, egg lecithin or lanolin, silk proteins) that make the hair elastic, moisturize it, protect the hair from the harmful effects of the environment and make it shiny. As we have already said, one of the main problems of dry hair is that it reacts sensitively to changes in temperature, losing a lot of moisture in the process. Special creams, rinses and moisturizing aerosols restore the lack of moisture and protect the hair from the adverse effects of the environment. As a result of their use, the hair also becomes elastic and easier to style. For dry hair, strong ultraviolet radiation is especially harmful, so in summer use special protective aerosols that neutralize the effects of sunlight. Good for dry hair and hair treatment ampoules containing nutrients that restore the stratum corneum of the hair. At the same time, nutrients penetrate into the stratum corneum and restore the hair from the inside. After washing, distribute the liquid from the ampoule on the hair and scalp, and do not rinse. The therapeutic effect will continue until the next hair wash. Dry hair often splits at the ends, so cut the ends regularly or use a special healing fluid for the ends of the hair. Dry hair is very important to dry gently, so when possible, do not use a hair dryer. If you do blow-dry your hair, start drying on a gentle setting with warm air, continue with cold air, and then quickly finish with hot air.

Among the recipes traditional medicine you can find a lot useful tips for dry, split ends. To help such hair, try warm compresses 2 times a month before washing. Rub burdock or any vegetable, slightly warmed oil into the scalp. Wrap your head in cellophane and then a warm terry towel. After an hour, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with water slightly acidified with lemon juice. Vegetable oil is very useful for dry hair, it supplies vitamins E and P to the roots, which they need.

Other compresses are made in the same way. Thoroughly mix 1 egg yolk with sunflower (olive) oil, honey, henna powder, cognac, all components are taken in 1 teaspoon.

Beat 1 egg yolk. Add 1 tablespoon onion juice, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, and 1 teaspoon honey.

You can also make a compress of kefir and plantain leaves. They are taken in equal proportions.

Before washing on the hair, you can make a compress from any cream for dry skin. Well, if this cream contains lanolin and vitamins A, D and E. The cream is rubbed into the skin with light massaging movements. This compress is kept for 20-30 minutes. Then the hair is washed with shampoo.

To save hair from excessive dryness, you can use the following procedures, which are recommended for courses. They consist in rubbing various infusions containing nutrients into the scalp.

4 tablespoons of chopped burdock root are boiled for 15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, filtered. Rubbed into the hair roots 2-3 times a week for 2 months.

4 tablespoons of birch leaves are poured into 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 2 hours, then filtered. The infusion is rubbed into the scalp after each hair wash for 1 month.

4 tablespoons of chopped ivy leaves are boiled for 10 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Insist 40 minutes and filter. Rubbed into the scalp daily for 1 month.

Nourishing masks are very useful for dry hair.

Mix 5 tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil with lemon juice and rub into dry hair. Leave for half an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo. This mask should be done regularly, every two weeks.

Dry hair is given more shine by adding lavender and geranium oils. Masks with these oils are first distributed only on the skin, and then rubbed into individual strands to the ends of the hair (the hair must be dry). Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Another version of the mask, which should be accompanied by combing the hair. Stir 20 g castor oil, 20 g of unrefined vegetable oil and 10 g of shampoo. Apply this mixture to your hair with a cotton swab. Comb your hair in all directions for two minutes. After that, rinse your head thoroughly.

In order to give dry hair shine, rinses can be used. After washing, rinse your hair with infusion of chamomile. To do this, pour 2-4 tablespoons of dried flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes and let it brew. In blondes and light brown-haired women, the hair acquires a golden hue from this infusion.

You can prepare a different composition. Dissolve aspirin in water, and rinse your hair with the solution after washing.

To eliminate dandruff with dry hair, use the following recipes.

4 tablespoons of calamus root pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, then insist and filter for 30-40 minutes. Use infusion for rinsing after washing.

In equal parts, mix onion or garlic juice with vegetable oil and lemon juice. This mass should be applied with massaging movements to slightly moistened hair. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, adding citric acid or vinegar to it ...

Thin hair

To wash your hair, you need to use special shampoos that give your hair more volume. These shampoos contain keratins, which give fine hair volume and make it more elastic. Special shampoos have only one drawback - they do not make hair easier to comb, like shampoos with nutritional additives or rinses. As for shampoos with conditioner or "2 in 1", they are contraindicated for thin hair. These shampoos weigh down the hair, make it sticky, which makes it very difficult to style it later. Do not use too often and regular rinse, otherwise the result will be the same.

There are special products for strengthening thin hair. Such products do not contain fat and substances that weigh down and straighten hair. You can use a fat-free gel (it is applied to the scalp after washing and rubbed into the hair roots) or a hair strengthening liquid that contains keratins and amino acids. To prevent thin hair from falling out, you can use special ampoules with a liquid containing nourishing extracts that change the structure of the hair. To increase the effect of the application remedy, at the same time it is necessary to introduce calcium into the hair, which heats the nutrient mixture and thereby promotes the penetration of vitamins deeper into the hair. To do this, crush a calcium tablet, mix with warm water and apply to the hair along with the nutrient liquid.

Thin hair suffers greatly from a lack of vitamins. Therefore, in addition to the usual vitamins, take vitamin H every two months, which improves the condition of the stratum corneum of the hair. Home remedies are also suitable for strengthening and nourishing thin hair.

Mask for thin hair. Mix the yolk with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, beat, spread the hair with this mixture and wrap it with a towel. Wash your hair thoroughly after half an hour.

Mask for strengthening thin hair. Apply henna in the form of gruel to the hair in the same way as when coloring, but try to distribute the bulk on the roots of the hair. Then wrap your head with a towel, and wash off the henna after 3-5 minutes.

The most suitable length for creating hairstyles from thin hair is between the chin and the earlobes. Short haircuts are impractical, as they will make thin hair appear sparse. Too much length makes the hair heavier. The effect of splendor can be achieved with a perm or proper blow-drying. Blow dry fine hair in the opposite direction of hair growth. After blow-drying, add a dose of foam fixative and style your hair. In conclusion, fix the hairstyle with varnish ....

Hair care

Every woman can have beautiful hair, for this you just need to pay a little attention to it, because the condition and health of our hair, as a rule, depends only on ourselves. It is entirely in our power to nourish the hair with useful substances and provide them with the right constant care. It will not take you much time, follow our advice, and everyone will envy your beautiful hair. It should only be noted that, as with all personal care, regularity is important in hair care. As you know, there are three types of hair: normal, oily and dry. But first, let's deal with the simplest hair care procedures, regardless of type - washing and combing your hair.

How often you wash your hair should depend on how quickly your hair gets dirty and greasy. This can happen on the second day, or maybe after a week, depending on the type of hair. With modern shampoos, you can wash your hair as often as you want - even every day. But in this case, you need to use shampoos suitable for daily use.

There are a few simple rules for washing hair.

First, the head is best washed with soft water. Boiled water is softer than tap water, but if you don't have time to boil water, try softening regular tap water by diluting some regular baking soda in it.

Secondly, do not wash your hair with too hot water. The water temperature should be around 50 degrees. Water of this temperature dissolves sebum well, removes dirt and improves blood circulation in the scalp.

Thirdly, you should not dry your hair with a hairdryer, especially with a hot stream of air; because of this, they become dry and brittle. Try to use the hair dryer as little as possible, while keeping it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the hair.

To wash your hair, you will need hair shampoo, as well as conditioner or balm. Choose a shampoo according to your hair type.

Shampoo for oily hair - contains a large amount of detergents that cleanse the skin and hair of excess oil. This shampoo should not be washed too often, as this can lead to drying or flaking of the skin.

Shampoo for normal hair - contains less detergent than shampoo for oily hair. It cleanses the hair well without interfering with the natural release of oils.

Shampoo for dry hair - contains little detergent, but it has an added moisturizer that prevents excessive dryness of the skin and hair.

Gentle shampoo for frequent washing - very weak, does not irritate the skin and does not dry out the hair.

Anti-dandruff shampoo - contains substances that slow down the division of skin cells, and also removes its dead flakes, like exfoliating products for the face and body. Alternate with regular shampoo, as too much of it can make hair dull and dry.

These are just the main types of shampoos, in addition to them, there are shampoos for hair volume, restorative shampoos, shampoos with conditioner, herbal extracts and so on.

Before washing, comb your hair thoroughly to remove any residue from styling products and dandruff. Don't apply it directly to your hair, put a little shampoo into your palm and add water to reduce the concentration. Apply the resulting mixture to wet hair and massage the scalp thoroughly. Massage improves blood circulation to the scalp, resulting in a better supply of nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots, and your hair becomes stronger. Then thoroughly and completely rinse the foam from the hair and scalp, rinse the head several times with clean water. After that, it is useful to rinse your head with an acidic solution (dissolve 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice in 1 liter of water) or decoctions and infusions of dandelion, chamomile, nettle, coltsfoot and other herbs. This will strengthen the hair, and in some cases give it a certain shade (chamomile decoction - reddish, nettle - ashy) ...

Homemade shampoos can sometimes be used to wash any type of hair, as natural substances are very beneficial for hair and scalp.

Egg shampoo. Whisk 2 egg yolks with a glass of water. Strain and apply to hair. Leave for an hour, then wash off with warm water. The yolk is useful in that it contains fatty substances missing in the hair roots - cholesterol and lecithin, as well as vitamin A.

Conditioning shampoo. Mix 1 tablespoon of any shampoo, 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of powdered gelatin. Whisk slowly to avoid lumps and apply to damp hair. Hold for 5-10 minutes, then rinse your hair well. Hair becomes beautiful and thick due to the content of protein in this composition.

Yolk shampoo. Take 2 egg yolks, mix them with the juice of 1/2 lemon and add a few drops of cognac. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots of the hair. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with acidified water.

It is useful to wash any hair with infusion of rye bread. To prepare it, 200-300 g of bread should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and infused in a thermos for about 3-6 hours. After this, the infusion should be filtered and filtered. Apply the gruel from the bread to the hair, massage the scalp and rinse the hair with water.

After washing your hair, it is useful to apply a balm or conditioner to your hair. After their application, the hair is easy to comb, become obedient, in addition, the conditioner protects the hair from environmental influences, and the balm has therapeutic effect on hair. Conditioner or balm is usually kept on wet hair for 1-2 minutes, after which the hair is thoroughly washed with water.

Now let's talk about how to comb your hair properly. Combing hair is necessary not only for aesthetic reasons, when combing, the scalp is massaged, blood flow to the skin increases, and, consequently, the nutrition of the hair roots improves. After combing, the hair is cleaned of dust and dirt, the fat is evenly distributed along the entire length. Do not comb wet hair, because it is very brittle. If you have short hair, brush it from the roots. For long hair, you should start the procedure from the ends, rising to the roots.

Nutrition is an essential part of hair care. In addition to the use of balms and conditioners, which we have already talked about, masks and compresses, lotions, sprays and hair creams. To achieve a tangible result, masks should be done regularly, at least every two weeks. There are masks for various types of problematic hair containing vitamins and other substances necessary in this case. If you're short on time, use lotions or sprays that don't need to be washed or rinsed off. Split ends of hair can be treated with a cream-shine, then you do not have to cut them.

To strengthen and nourish the hair, you can also use homemade products. For example, the following procedure is useful for hair of any type. Take 1 tablespoon of dry herbs: sage, plantain, nettle, chamomile, and oregano - pour them with 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse this mixture for an hour, strain, add brown bread until gruel is obtained. The warm mixture should be rubbed into the scalp and tied with a scarf or polyethylene. After 2 hours, the hair is rinsed without using shampoo. It is useful to do such a nutritional procedure once a month ...

Hair is a natural decoration of any person. No one will refuse to have beautiful, well-groomed, shiny hair. Hair care products are a huge segment of the cosmetics market, and it is this market segment that is especially important for a Russian cosmetics manufacturer. To create hair products that will be in demand by consumers, it is not enough to understand chemistry well. It is useful to have an idea of ​​what hair is from the point of view of biology, how it is arranged and how it lives. It is these questions that this article is devoted to.

Hair under the microscope

The biological function of hair is to protect the head from overheating, cooling, and mechanical damage. The approximate chemical composition of a healthy hair is as follows: 3-15% water, 6% lipids, 1% pigment, 78-90% protein (keratin). The main elements in the composition of hair are carbon (49.6%), oxygen (23.2%), nitrogen (16.8%), hydrogen (6.4%), sulfur (4%). In addition, the composition of the hair includes magnesium, arsenic, iron, phosphorus, chromium, copper, zinc, manganese, gold.

Figure 1. The structure of the hair

From the point of view of physiology, hair is a “dead” formation. Hair is not supplied with blood, nerve fibers do not fit to it and muscles do not join. Therefore, when cutting, we do not feel pain, the hair does not bleed, and when it is pulled, not a single muscle is stretched. But, if hair is a dead formation, then why does hair grow and why does it hurt when we pluck hair? The fact is that each hair consists of two parts: the visible part (hair shaft) and the follicle hidden in the skin. Living cells that multiply at a tremendous rate are located in the hair follicle, which lies deep in the dermis.

The hair follicle is the hair root with its surrounding tissues and the hair-glandular complex (sebaceous and sweat glands; the muscle that lifts the hair; blood vessels and nerve endings) (Fig. 1). We are born with a certain number of such follicles, this value is genetically programmed, and it is impossible to change anything here at this point in time. The number of hair follicles varies among people with different hair colors. On average, the total number of hairs on the head of blondes is 140 thousand, for brown-haired women - 109 thousand, for brunettes - 102 thousand, and for redheads - 88 thousand. cell division in the bone marrow. Thanks to this, hair grows by about 1-2 centimeters per month.

Each hair follicle has its own innervation and musculature. Due to the nerve endings, the hair follicle has tactile sensitivity. The muscles adjacent to the follicle, contracting from fear or under the influence of cold, lift the hair and compress the skin, resulting in "goosebumps" on the skin. The duct of the sebaceous gland opens at the mouth of the hair follicle. This gland produces sebum, which, standing out at the mouth of the hair follicle, lubricates the growing hair and the surface of the skin of the scalp. Sebum creates a film on the hair, giving it elasticity, smoothness and water repellency. The activity of the sebaceous glands is controlled by sex hormones - androgens. At the mouth of the follicle, some bacteria settle - representatives of the microflora of the skin. Changes in the microflora lead to impaired keratinization and the appearance of dandruff.

Hair follicle - "factory" for the production of hair

So, the hair "originates" in the follicle (Fig. 2). The growth of a new hair begins from the hair (dermal) papilla - a connective tissue formation located at the base of the follicle (hair follicle). The hair papilla contains blood vessels that supply the cells of the bulb with oxygen and nutrients necessary for cell reproduction and hair growth. If the papilla dies, the hair also dies. Follicle cells divide and multiply in the area adjacent directly to the hair papilla. As they move to the surface of the scalp, follicular keratinocytes gradually lose their nuclei, flatten and become keratinized, filling with hard keratin. Among the cells of the hair follicle, melanocytes are also present, which determine the intensity of hair color. The more melanocytes, the darker the hair. As we age, melanocyte activity decreases, causing hair to turn gray. The shade of the hair is determined by genetic factors and depends on the ratio of the content of the two main pigments: eumelanin and pheomelanin (red hair). Thus, hair color depends on a combination of two factors: the ratio of pigments and the number of pigment-synthesizing cells.

Figure 2. The structure of the hair root

Each follicle is an independent formation with its own life cycle (Fig. 3). The life cycle of a hair consists of three stages, its duration varies from 2 to 5 years. Each hair follicle is genetically programmed to produce approximately 25–27 hairs.

Figure 3. Life cycle of hair

The first phase of the hair life cycle is anagen, when the follicle produces a thin hair fiber that gradually grows and becomes thick and pigmented. Anagen lasts two to five years. The next phase is catagen - the resting phase. Cell division of the follicle slows down and stops, the hair follicle "falls into hibernation." The hair bulb gradually detaches from the hair papilla. This phase lasts a very short time - from one week to three weeks. And the last phase, the final life path hair is telogen. During the telogen period, new hair begins to grow and old hair falls out. Cell renewal stops for approximately 3 months (the time during which the connection between the newly synthesized hair follicle and the hair papilla is restored, and the new hair enters the anagen phase). The telogen bulb, completely separated from the dermal papilla, acquires an elongated shape and begins to move towards the surface of the skin of the scalp.

Each hair lives according to its own “individual schedule”, because different hairs are on the same time at the same time. different stages its life cycle: 85% of the hair is in the anagen phase, 1% in the catagen phase and 14% in the telogen phase. When the ratio between the hair in the anagen and telogen phases is disturbed and more than 14-15% of the hair is in the stage of hair loss, we can talk about the development of baldness or alopecia. Normally, we lose an average of 70-80 hairs per day.

hair shaft

The hair shaft has a complex structure. In the center of it is the medulla, surrounded by the cortex, that is, the cortical layer (about 80–90% of the total volume of the hair). Outside the hair is the cuticle, which covers the cortex like tiles.

The medullary layer (central medulla) is the central part of the hair shaft, which is not present in all types of human hair. For example, the medulla is absent in vellus hair. The medulla is filled with air bubbles - thanks to this, the hair has a certain thermal conductivity. The medulla plays no role in changing either chemical or physical properties hair.

The cortical layer, or cortex, is the main substance of the hair, which makes up from 80 to 85% of its volume. The cortex consists of the horny substance of keratin, formed by glued together keratinized fusiform cells. Like any other protein, keratin is made up of amino acids that form polypeptide chains. These chains intertwine with each other, forming threads. These threads, in turn, winding on each other, create a supercoiled structure: uniting several pieces, they first form hair protofibrils, then microfibrils and, finally, the largest fibers - macrofibrils. Wrapping around each other, macrofibrils form the main fibers of the cortical layer (Fig. 4). The fibrils are oriented parallel to the hair axis and parallel to each other. They are linked by hydrogen and disulfide bonds, which form transverse bridges between the fibrils. If it were not for the disulfide bridges between the cysteine ​​residues of adjacent protein chains, then the chains would separate and the fiber would disintegrate. It is the cross disulfide bonds between cysteine ​​residues that give keratin its unique qualities: strength and elasticity. But disulfide bonds are not very strong. AT aqueous solution disulfide bridges can be separated and connected in a new position. For example, if the hair is wetted and wound on curlers, then the rearrangement of disulfide bonds will lead to the fact that the dried hair will retain the shape of the curler for some time - a curl is formed. The principle of perm hair is based on the destruction of disulfide bonds and the formation of new ones. Since the hair cortex, which mainly provides the strength of the hair, is entirely supported by disulfide bonds, it needs additional protection, in particular from water. The function of protecting hair from water and mechanical influences is performed by a barrier layer - the cuticle, which also consists of keratin, only more durable.

Figure 4. The structure of the hair shaft.Symbols: 1-cuticle; 2- cortex; 3- medullary layer

The cuticle consists of six to ten overlapping layers of transparent, tile-like, flat, keratinized cells (keratin scales) superimposed on each other, containing mainly amorphous keratin. Cuticle keratin contains a lot of cysteine. The space between the cuticle scales and between the cuticle and the cortex is filled with lipid layers resembling the lipid layers of the stratum corneum. However, in the hair this layer is organized differently. If ceramides play the main role in the stratum corneum, then fatty acids come to the fore in the hair. Basically, it is a branched 18-carbon methyleicosanoic acid that binds to cysteine ​​by a thioether bond. Since there is a lot of cysteine ​​in the cuticle, methyleicosanoic and other fatty acids cover the cuticle scales with a continuous layer (F-layer, or fatty acid layer). Analysis of the lipid composition of hair shows that the composition of integral (covalently linked to cysteine) lipids includes approximately 50% fatty acids (of which 40% methyleicosanoic acid), 40% cholesterol sulfate, 7% cholesterol and 3% fatty alcohols. The composition of polar lipids (forming intercellular lipid layers) contains about 60% ceramides, 7–10% glycophingolipids, and 30% cholesterol sulfate.

Due to the lipid layer and the presence of disulfide bonds, the scales of the hair cuticle fit tightly to each other. Since they are all located in the same plane, the beam of light falling on the hair is evenly reflected from its surface - the hair shines. Therefore, shine is a mandatory sign of healthy hair. Among the products that are applied to the hair, there are many substances that either destroy the lipid layer (for example, superficial active substances shampoos), or disorganize disulfide bonds. This leads to a weakening of the bond between the cuticle scales. As a result, the scales of the cuticle are lifted, serrated and come into disarray. Light, falling on such hair, is reflected chaotically, and the hair ceases to shine. In addition, the serrated scales of the cuticle of neighboring hairs cling to each other and peel off when combed, exposing the cortex, as a result, the hair loses its strength and breaks off easily.


By examining the structure of the hair, we can answer many questions regarding the correct choice of ingredients for hair care products, guided by the basic rule - "do no harm." It should be borne in mind that the hair reacts quite actively to external influences. For example, with frequent dyeing and perm, abuse of thermal styling methods, hair can lose a large percentage of moisture and lipids. The most destructive effect on the hair structure is UV - radiation, contributing to the leaching of the cysteine-containing protein from the cuticle, which provides adhesion of the cuticle scales, and destroying the lipid layer of the hair. This means that UV filters and antioxidants must be used to protect the hair. So that when washing your hair, the hair does not lose the lipids necessary for them, you should choose soft surfactant systems.

Damaged hair cannot be "repaired", but hair can be improved and prevented from further damage by using conditioning supplements that smooth the cuticle scales. As such additives, you can use proteins (keratin, silk proteins, wheat, etc.), lipids (ceramides), polysaccharides (chitosan, hyaluric acid), as well as any other macromolecules that can be fixed on the hair without weighing them down. In order for the cuticle of newly growing hair to be stronger and more resistant to harmful effects, oils are used that restore the lipid barrier of the hair - avocado oils, burdock, argan, jojoba, etc. Conditioning additives are also effective for strengthening hair. When choosing supplements to combat hair loss, it should be borne in mind that the main target in this case are the cells of the hair follicles, as well as the sebaceous glands and scalp. The time of exposure is very important here, so it is better to include such assets in leave-in hair products. Since progressive hair thinning occurs in androgenetic alopecia, the use of conditioning supplements is also justified.

Dry hair is not shiny, rough to the touch, easy to break, dull and split at the ends. The scalp may be covered with dandruff, as the functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted. Hair of this type must be additionally moisturized using hair oils, as well as masks and folk remedies for the care of dry hair.

Oily hair is much more shiny than dry hair. But their shine is not the same as that of normal hair. They look greasy, and because of this, the look is created untidy. Such hair needs frequent washing, as already on the second day after washing, they become greasy and stuck together. To treat oily hair, you can use homemade masks to reduce hair greasiness and restore the acidity of the scalp.

The most troublesome is the mixed type of hair. With this type, the roots of the hair are usually oily, and the tips are dry. It is very difficult to choose the right product for the care of such hair. Owners of hair of mixed type are recommended to use shampoos "For all hair types"

The comb should not be metal, because it can injure both the hair itself and the scalp. In addition, a metal comb can strongly electrify the hair. Pick up a good brush, either wooden or natural hog bristle. A plastic comb will work too. IN HAIR CARE, IT IS IMPORTANT TO CHOOSE THE CORRECT COMB.

You need to start combing your hair from the ends, gradually rising higher and higher to the roots. If the hair is tangled, you do not need to brush over it again and again, this will split the hair. In this case, you need to carefully unravel the knots with your hands and only then continue to comb. Do not comb wet hair, as wet hair clings to the comb and is strongly stretched. From this, the structure of the hair is disturbed, the scales exfoliate, and the hair begins to split.

To make hair look chic, it is necessary that the diet contains elements from all major food groups - cereals, legumes, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, juices. Try to minimize sweets, starchy, spicy and fried foods and give up smoking and alcohol. Remember to drink enough clean water every day.

For proper hair washing, the water should not be too hot or cold. The optimum water temperature is C (it feels warm on the hand). Moreover, than fatter hair, the cooler the water should be - hot water activates the sebaceous glands, which can make the hair even fatter.

1. Comb your hair thoroughly before washing to remove dirt and dead cells from your scalp. 2. Wet your hair completely. Make sure that even the lowest layer of hair is well hydrated. 3. Pour a small amount of shampoo (approximately a teaspoon) into your cupped palm. Use the palm of your hand to scoop up some water as most shampoos are concentrated.

4. Using your fingertips, gently massage the shampoo into the hair roots. When washing your hair, you should always move from the roots of the hair to their tips, as this direction coincides with the direction of the cuticle scales. The head is washed with careful circular movements of the fingers so as not to scratch the scalp with the nails. Shampooing is recommended to be combined with a scalp massage. A light head massage while rubbing soap foam helps to increase blood circulation in the scalp, improve local metabolism in tissues. It is advisable not to tangle long hair during washing, so as not to damage them later when combing. During washing, do not rub the hair strongly against each other, so as not to damage the shaft and cuticle of the hair.

5. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly with warm water. Check if there is any shampoo left in your hair. Shampoo should always be applied to the head twice during one wash. This is due to the fact that during the first lathering, only part of the dirt, dust and sebum is removed from the hair. 6. It is best to dry your hair with a warm towel. It is necessary to wipe the hair lightly in the direction of the cuticle scales, i.e., from the roots of the hair to their ends, while not doing it too hard. Do not dry your hair, as hair is especially susceptible to damage after washing. The best drying is to dry the hair naturally, sometimes using a warm towel.

You should not allow your hair to dry on its own in the cold, it is better to wrap your head with a warm towel - it will absorb moisture. It is very bad to dry your hair in the sun, since an excess amount of ultraviolet radiation has not benefited anyone yet, and wet hair is poorly protected from external influences. Rapid drying with a hair dryer or dry heat is very harmful, as the hair is easily dried out, becomes brittle, brittle (split). In the summer it is useful to dry your hair outdoors. Long hair that is tangled and tangled must be carefully disassembled with your hands, squeezed between the ends of the towel and left loose until completely dry. If you need to dry your hair quickly, then use the cold drying mode, holding the hair dryer at a distance of at least 40 cm from the head.

Before making a purchase, you need to study the information on the bottle, and only after that make the final choice of shampoo. If suddenly it is written on shampoos that it is suitable for all types of hair or for the whole family, you can forget about it, since this remedy has no idea about individual hair care for different types of hair.

You should not succumb to advertising that talks about cheap remedies with a miraculous effect. Quality has never been cheap. Good shampoos with natural plant extracts are made using new technologies that require certain costs, so such shampoos simply cannot have a low price. If the composition of the product includes only fragrances, dyes, surfactants, then it cannot at all please you with its quality. Low-quality shampoos tend to have a strong odor, runny consistency, and bright colors. Such a hair shampoo is not recommended to use in order to avoid brittleness, dryness and an allergic reaction.

To understand how correctly you have chosen a shampoo, you will need to use it regularly for at least three weeks. If after that the scalp is not overdried, and the hair is easy to comb, then your choice was right. Before washing your hair, apply a little warm yogurt to your hair and hold for 40 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo as usual. After this procedure, the hair becomes much softer. This mask is especially suitable for dry hair, as kefir nourishes and moisturizes hair well.

Honey is deservedly considered a good cosmetic product, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Honey masks are suitable for both hair and face and body. Honey mask is effective for hair loss and also helps with dandruff. To prepare it, mix 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of castor or burdock oil and 1 yolk. Apply the resulting mass to the hair and leave for half an hour - an hour. Then wash it off with shampoo. This mask is best done in a course for two to three months. Then the effect will be clearly visible.