Traumatology and Orthopedics

Science chemistry topics on chemistry. Importance of chemistry in human life. Polymer products

Science chemistry topics on chemistry.  Importance of chemistry in human life.  Polymer products

The importance of chemistry in human life cannot be overestimated. Here are the fundamental areas in which chemistry has its creative impact on people's lives.

1. The emergence and development of human life is not possible without chemistry. It is chemical processes, many of whose secrets scientists have not yet revealed, that are responsible for that gigantic transition from inanimate matter to the simplest unicellular, and further to the top of the modern evolutionary process - man.

2. Most of the material needs that arise in human life are served by natural chemistry or are satisfied as a result of the use of chemical processes in production.

3. Even the lofty and humanistic aspirations of people are based on chemistry human body, and, in particular, strongly depend on the chemical processes in the human brain.

Of course, all the richness and diversity of life cannot be reduced to chemistry alone. But along with physics and psychology, chemistry as a science is a determining factor in the development of human civilization.

Chemistry of life

As far as we now know, our planet formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago, and the simplest fermenting single-celled life forms have existed for 3.5 billion years. Already 3.1 billion years they could have used photosynthesis, but geological data on the oxidative state of sedimentary deposits of iron indicate that the Earth's atmosphere acquired an oxidizing character only 1.8-1.4 billion years ago. Multicellular life forms, which apparently depended on an abundance of energy, possible only by breathing oxygen, appeared on Earth from about a billion to 700 million years ago, and it was at that time that the path for the further evolution of higher organisms was outlined. The most revolutionary step, after the birth of life itself, was the use of an extraterrestrial source of energy, the Sun. Ultimately, this is what turned the miserable germs of life, which used randomly occurring natural molecules with great free energy, into a huge force capable of transforming the surface of the planet and even going beyond it.

At present, scientists adhere to the point of view that the origin of life on Earth took place in a reducing atmosphere, which consisted of ammonia, methane, water and carbon dioxide, but did not contain free oxygen.
The first living organisms obtained energy by decomposing molecules of non-biological origin with high free energy into smaller molecules without oxidizing them. It is assumed that on early stage Earth's existence, it had a reducing atmosphere, consisting of gases such as hydrogen, methane, water, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide, but containing very little or no free oxygen. Free oxygen would destroy organic compounds faster than they could be synthesized as a result of naturally occurring processes (under the influence of an electric discharge, ultraviolet radiation, heat, or natural radioactivity). Under these reducing conditions, organic molecules, which were formed by non-biological means, could not be destroyed by oxidation, as is the case in our time, but continued to accumulate for millennia, until, finally, compact localized formations of chemicals appeared, which can already be considered living organisms.
The living organisms that appeared could support their existence by destroying naturally formed organic compounds by absorbing their energy. But if it were the only source of energy, then life on our planet would be extremely limited. Fortunately, about 3 billion years ago, important compounds of metals with porphyrins appeared, and this opened the way to the use of a completely new source of energy - sunlight. The first step that raised life on Earth beyond its role as a mere consumer of organic compounds was the incorporation of coordination chemistry processes into it.

Apparently, the restructuring was a side effect of the emergence of a new way of storing energy - photosynthesis* - which gave its owners a huge advantage over simple enzymatic energy absorbers. Organisms that developed this new property could use the energy of sunlight to synthesize their own energy-intensive molecules and no longer depend on what is in their environment. They became the forerunners of all green plants.
Today, all living organisms can be divided into two categories: those that are able to produce their own food with the help of sunlight, and those that do not. Most likely, related bacteria are today living fossils, descendants of those ancient fermentable anaerobes that retreated to the rare anaerobic regions of the world when the atmosphere as a whole accumulated large amounts of free oxygen and acquired an oxidizing character. Since organisms of the second category exist due to the organisms of the first category that they eat, the accumulation of energy through photosynthesis is the source of the driving force for everything living on Earth.

The general reaction of photosynthesis in green plants is the opposite of the reaction of glucose combustion and takes place with the absorption of a significant amount of energy.

6 CO2 + 6 H2 O --> C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2

Water is broken down into its elements, which creates a source of hydrogen atoms to reduce carbon dioxide to glucose, and unwanted oxygen gas is released into the atmosphere. The energy needed to carry out this highly non-spontaneous process is provided by sunlight. In the most ancient forms of bacterial photosynthesis, hydrogen sulfide was used as a source of reducing hydrogen, not water, organic matter or hydrogen gas itself, but the easy availability of water has made this source the most convenient, and it is now used by all algae and green plants. The simplest organisms that carry out photosynthesis with the release of oxygen are blue-green algae. It is more correct to designate them with the modern name of cyanobacteria, since these are, in fact, bacteria that have learned to extract their own food from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight.

Unfortunately, photosynthesis releases a dangerous by-product, oxygen. Not only was oxygen useless to early organisms, it competed with them by oxidizing naturally occurring organic compounds before they could be oxidized by the organisms' metabolism. Oxygen was a much more efficient "devourer" of energy-intensive compounds than living matter. Even worse, the layer of ozone, which gradually formed from oxygen in the upper atmosphere, blocked access to the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun and further slowed down the natural synthesis of organic compounds. From all modern points of view, the appearance of free oxygen in the atmosphere was a threat to life.
But, as often happens, life managed to get around this obstacle and even turned it into an advantage. The waste products of the primary protozoa were compounds such as lactic acid and ethanol. These substances are much less energy intensive compared to sugars, but they are able to release a large number of energy, if they are completely oxidized to CO2 and H2O. As a result of evolution, living organisms have arisen that are able to “fix” dangerous oxygen in the form of H2O and CO2, and in return receive the energy of combustion of what was previously their waste. The benefits of burning food with oxygen have been so great that the vast majority of life forms - plants and animals - now use oxygen respiration.

When new sources of energy appeared, a new problem arose, no longer with obtaining food or oxygen, but with transporting oxygen to the proper place in the body. Small organisms could get by with simple diffusion of gases through their fluids, but this is not enough for multicellular creatures. Thus, another obstacle arose before evolution.
The way out of the impasse for the third time was possible due to the processes of coordination chemistry. Such molecules appeared, consisting of iron, porphyrin and protein, in which iron could bind an oxygen molecule without being oxidized. Oxygen is simply transferred to different parts of the body to be released under the right conditions - acidity and lack of oxygen. One of these molecules, hemoglobin, carries O2 in the blood, and the other, myoglobin, receives and stores (stores) oxygen in muscle tissues until it is needed in chemical processes. As a result of the appearance of myoglobin and hemoglobin, restrictions on the size of living organisms were lifted. This led to the emergence of a variety of multicellular, and, ultimately, humans.

* Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into chemical bond energy of the resulting substances.

** Metabolism is the breakdown of energy-rich substances and the extraction of their energy.

Chemistry as a mirror of human life.

Take a look around and you will see that the life of a modern person is impossible without chemistry. We use chemicals in production food products. We move around in cars whose metal, rubber and plastics are made using chemical processes. We use perfumes, eau de toilette, soaps and deodorants, the production of which is unthinkable without chemicals. There is even an opinion that the most exalted feeling of a person, love, is a set of certain chemical reactions in the body.
This approach to considering the role of chemistry in human life is, in my opinion, simplified, and I suggest that you deepen and expand it, moving to a completely new plane of assessing chemistry and its impact on human society.

Relatively recently, man realized that the conscious imitation of nature in technology can give an excellent result. By copying the bird's wing, we created an airplane. Having considered the method of movement of the worm, we got the tracks of the tractor. By taking a closer look at the movements of the skin of dolphins and sharks, they were able to significantly increase the speed of the torpedo when it moves in the water. There are many more such examples, and there will be even more if we apply this approach more often.

But what about chemistry? Is it really, being in fact a more “subtle” and deep science, in comparison with the mechanics of macroobjects, will it not give us any hints and hints, having considered which, a person would take the next step in his development. It turns out that there are such clues, but no one has yet tried to find and use them. And it turned out that these hints concern a higher area than those given by mechanics.

The world of people is rich and diverse, but still the behavior of each person individually, and stable human groups or communities, can be reduced to a certain set of qualities. And here we can draw an analogy between the atom and man. Indeed, although the number of different atoms is limited, they can be arranged in completely different ways in molecules and actually interact in different ways, depending on what they have to react with. Such is the man.

Now let's compare the properties of an atom (from the point of view of chemistry) and a person (from the point of view of human relationships).

The most active are the alkali metal atoms. Their repulsive protection of electrons is small and weak, but they can interact with almost all chemical elements. A person of this type can also perfectly communicate and get along with other people. But in doing so, he loses his individuality. After all, alkali metals do not occur in pure form in nature, but are found only in the form of compounds.

On the other hand, inert gases create around themselves an insurmountable barrier of eight electrons, and special conditions must be created to force them to react. So are people. Fencing off from the whole world, a person or society loses the ability to change and develop, because interaction is a mutual action. Both sides change in the process.

And finally, the ideal of the world chemical elements– carbon. This element harmoniously combines security (4 electrons) and openness (4 vacancies). Moreover, the distribution of electrons can be changed quite easily without requiring large energy costs. Carbon is able to form double and triple bonds, interacting with its own kind.

In search of the ideal of man, we must use this information. By showing in our behavior a reasonable compromise between defending our interests (protection) and taking into account the opinion of the opponent, slightly changing our approaches to solving problems, just as the carbon atom changes the location of its electrons and vacancies in the course of reactions, we will move much further in obtaining results than, if they kept their position unchanged.

Given that this approach can be applied by a large number of people, they, like identical carbon atoms, will be able to form strong (double and triple) bonds. The same can be said about human communities (small groups, public associations and entire states).

Developing this idea, we can assume that the most promising way for the development of mankind is the direction in which there will be a wide variety of views and opinions in society, a significant number of ways of action will be allowed by law, but most people will have universality, the ability to understand other people and interact with them. similar to the universality of the carbon atom. Under such conditions, the life of society will be harmonious and stable.

The example of hydrogen is also very indicative in this matter. Reduce your sphere of influence (or reduce the scope of your requests) and you, like a hydrogen atom, will be able to interact and unite with a much larger number of people (elements).

So, summarizing all of the above, we note that chemistry in human life can become a guiding star for the harmonious development of the entire human society.

Applied questions of the influence of chemistry on the development of human life.

In the previous chapter, we highlighted the philosophical approach to assessing chemistry in human life. It was, so to speak, a general view. Here we will consider the role of chemistry and its impact on human life from the standpoint of strategy.

If we accept as the main goal of the existence of human civilization its harmonious and comprehensive development, especially in intellectual matters, then the question arises of what chemistry can do along this path. By studying the behavior of people and especially the influence on their behavior of what they eat, one can draw an unambiguous conclusion. Natural healthy food contains substances that can not only increase the physical output of the body, but also stimulate its brain activity. Therefore, by using such food at the right time in the right quantities, we could accelerate the development of human civilization without spending more resources on it than we do now. This approach is a new social innovation, and, consequently, the role of chemistry in human life will increase even more.

It is necessary to conduct large-scale scientific research in this area and apply their results in everyday life. After all, even such a social evil as alcoholism can be defeated by competently using the “food issue” in relation to people suffering from this disease.

I will say even more. Applying this approach to the nutrition of incarcerated people can clearly reduce the rate of recidivism.

The same method can be applied to family planning.

Of course, in each of the proposed areas, we should not encroach on the freedom of choice of a person. But given that - we are what we eat - the application of the above strategies is a well-founded alternative. modern ways.

And now about the most, in my opinion, the decisive strategy that needs to be implemented. This page is part of a site dedicated to the general theory of interactions, a new alternative theory. Chemical processes, and the very structure of atoms, are shown in this theory in simple human language and with the use of animation, compare these views with those that you met in textbooks. And make your choice. Perhaps it will not be in favor of the general theory of interactions, but one thing is for sure. Chemistry will appear before you as an interesting science, without gaps and inconsistencies in views, without unreasonable postulates, in which there are no boundaries for creativity. You can use the general theory of interactions to understand many very vaguely explained questions. Moreover, you don’t even have to memorize the descriptions made by me, they themselves will be fixed in your memory, because they are simple and consistent. True, you will have to take something else in the exam.

Project work in chemistry.

Development and staging of the fairy tale "Kolya and Olya's Journey to the Kingdom of Chemistry".

Completed by a 9th grade student Ryleeva Svetlana.

Scientific supervisor teacher of chemistry Elizarova O.V.

MBOU secondary school No. 22, Mytishchi



Experimental methodology

Comments on the performance


Goal of the work: come up with and put on a fairy tale for 8th grade students in a chemistry lesson on the topic “Chemistry is the science of substances”.


1 Create a script for a fairy tale, think over a list of demonstration experiments.

2 Collect equipment and reagents, work out the methodology for conducting experiments.

3 Speak a fairy tale at the first chemistry lesson in the 8th grade.


The project work was carried out in order to promote the positive significance of chemistry in human life and to warn against the thoughtless and careless use of knowledge in chemistry.

The fairy tale developed in the work is designed for 20 minutes of a chemistry lesson in grade 8.

The demonstration experiments included in the scenario comply with safety regulations.



Queen Chemistry

9th grade student Kolya

9th grade student Olya

The action takes place in a laboratory where all the knowledge of chemistry is collected and where the Queen Chemistry dominates.

The queen sits at a table piled with trays of reagents and equipment, and ponders:

For over 2000 years, I have been helping people find solutions to meet their needs. How many wonderful discoveries have been made during this time, making life easier for people. How many outstanding chemists I met.

Behind the queen's back, pictures with dates, authors of chemical discoveries are replaced on the screen.

The queen continues to meditate:

But, I heard rumors that in pursuit of profit, some people began to abuse the properties of substances. Substances that are beneficial in small quantities are harmful in large quantities. Let me see how strong the knowledge of chemistry in modern schoolchildren is, and whether I can be calm about the future of people.

The queen waves her magic wand and finds herself at a chemistry lesson in the class where Kolya and Olya study.

A boy and a girl are sitting at the table and doing tasks in chemistry.

Kolya reads:

Task number 1. In a series of chemical signs and numbers, arrange the commas so that the correct formulas of the substances are obtained.

A series of chemical signs and numbers appear on the screen behind Kolya and Olya.

Kolya places commas, but makes a mistake.

Formulas appear on the screen.


Kolya says:

To conduct experiments, we need water, but the flask is empty, although it was full before the lesson.

Olya says:

Yes, indeed, maybe it happened because you made a mistake when completing the task. Each substance has its own composition and its own formula. The formula for water is H2O.

Olya corrects formulas of substances on the board and water appears in the flask.

Task number 2. Determine which glass contains glucose and which sucrose.

Kolya exclaims:

Oh, I know that, for this you need to carry out the reaction of the silver mirror.

Kolya conducts a reaction and shows:

Here is a glucose solution, and here is a sucrose solution.

Kolya reads the last task:

Task number 3. Determine which bottle contains an acid solution and which contains an alkali solution.

Olya speaks and shows experiments:

I can do this with the help of special indicators. If, when phenolphthalein is added to the solution, a crimson color appears, or a blue color appears when litmus is added, then alkali is present in the solution. If a red color appears when litmus is added, it means that an acid is present in the solution.

The queen waves her wand and finds herself back in the laboratory.

Speech of the Queen of Chemistry:

Well, in general, I am satisfied with the knowledge of schoolchildren. Kolya and Olya listened attentively to the teacher, clearly completed the tasks, so they can be trusted with the future of people.

Experimental methods.

Silver mirror reaction

Equipment: a glass with glucose, a glass with sucrose, a flask with water, an ammonia solution of silver oxide, a stand with test tubes, a test tube holder, an alcohol lamp, matches.

The course of experience.

Prepare solutions of glucose and sucrose. Pour 1 ml of glucose solution into the first test tube, pour 1 ml of sucrose solution into the second test tube. Add 1 ml of silver ammonia solution to both tubes. Fix the test tubes in the holder and heat. Silver is formed only on the walls of the first tube.

Determination of the medium of the solution using indicators.

Equipment: rack with test tubes, 2% sulfuric acid solution, 2% sodium hydroxide solution, phenolphthalein solution, litmus solution.

The course of experience.

Pour 1 ml of acid solution into two test tubes, 1 ml of alkali into the other two test tubes. Add a few drops of phenolphthalein solution to the first and third test tubes, add a few drops of litmus solution to the second and fourth test tubes. In the first test tube, the solution is colorless; in the second test tube, the solution is crimson; in the third test tube, the solution is red; in the fourth test tube, the solution is blue.

Chemistry at home

1. Which cabbage has a lot of iodine?

2. Common name for chalk, marble, limestone.

3. For fluffy pancakes you will need: kefir; flour; sugar; egg; soda; salt. Which of the following components has another name - sodium bicarbonate?

4. This metal is used to make cans:

5. Finish the proverb:

The spoken word is gold, the unspoken is ……….

6. In ancient China, soaked mulberry bark was split into thin strips and boiled in a lime solution for two hours. Then the resulting mass was smashed with a hammer, glue was added to it, poured with water and all this was sifted through a fine sieve. The mass that settled in the sieve was tipped onto a board and pressed. The resulting product was dried and used. What was it used for?

7. What metal was money and still is?

8. Scale is formed on those surfaces of heat exchangers on which heating (boiling, evaporation) of water with dissolved hardness salts occurs. How many teapots she ruined! But it turns out that scale can be removed using 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid, which every home has, we just call this acid differently - ……….

9. Nitrate of this metal takes part in all fireworks, bringing a bright green color. Name the metal that is part of nitrate.

10. Tajik proverb says:

Regular practice protects the mind from …………… and gives it brilliance.

11. Cotton fabrics are characterized by good wear resistance, considerable strength, sufficient resistance to repeated stretching and bending, good hygroscopicity, beautiful appearance. Only often synthetic products are sold under the guise of cotton fabric. Cotton can be easily recognized: when burning a cotton thread, you will smell ………….

12. Aqueous solutions of this substance are widely used in the food industry ( food supplement E260) and household cooking, as well as in canning.

13. In Japan, it is sprinkled on sumo wrestling platforms to ward off evil spirits.

Its bars, called amole, served in Ethiopia cash until the end of the 19th century, along with metal coins.

Before the advent of canned food, pasteurization and refrigerators, it made it possible to preserve food. Therefore, it has become a symbol of longevity.

What are we talking about?

14. "Food" for the car.

15. He is in white sand and quartz,

As a part of glass and in alloys.

And if it enters the rubber,

It gives resistance to heat and frost. What are we talking about?

16. By order of Napoleon, a disinfectant with a triple effect was developed for soldiers - healing, hygienic and refreshing. Nothing better was invented even after 100 years, therefore, in 1913, at an exhibition in Paris, this substance received the Grand Prix. Under what name is it produced in our country?

17. What chemical element is the basis

artist's tools?

18. Did you know that tennis balls are not inflated, but special substances are injected into them - “blowers”? “Blowers are substances that, when heated, decompose to form a gaseous substance. Sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride tablets are placed in tennis balls and heated. A chemical reaction takes place, as a result of which gas is released.

What gas creates in a tennis ball high blood pressure?

19. Diluted solutions (about 0.1%) of this substance have found the widest use in medicine as an antiseptic, for gargling, washing wounds, treating burns, washing the stomach in case of poisoning - which is why it is contained in almost all home medicine cabinets. Water solution substances are used for etching wood, as a stain. About what substance in question?

20. The stem and leaves of the nettle are covered with thin villi. When a person touches a leaf, the hair pierces the skin, the upper part of the hair breaks off, and the contents of the stinging cell enter the wound. It contains acid and irritates our skin when it leaks. What acid stings so painfully?

In this section you can find interesting chemistry project topics. The leader should pay attention to the level of complexity of a particular topic and its comparison with the level of knowledge of the student. The research process involves the consultation of the teacher and the selection of literature by him.

We recommend carefully choosing interesting Topics research work in chemistry students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and determine the topic that suits them according to complexity, interest and their own hobbies.

Also, you can pick hot topic chemistry project at a less complex level, expand or generalize it in the future.

The topics of research papers in chemistry presented to schoolchildren are relevant and imply research and study of new, more in-depth information on the subject. In the future, the knowledge gained can be applied in chemistry lessons, as well as taken as a basis in subsequent studies. Through the links you can find research topics on the subject of chemistry for high school students.

These topics of research projects in chemistry will be of interest to students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 who are fond of chemistry, conducting various interesting experiments and experiments, who want to learn and understand, find answers to their questions in the process of exciting research.

The topics below are sorted alphabetically, they are exemplary and basic for use in the research activities of students in the subject of chemistry.

Research Topics in Chemistry

Sample topics for research projects in chemistry:

Highway, snow, soil, plants.
Car as a source of chemical pollution of the atmosphere.
Automobile fuel and its application.
Agronomy. The effect of mineral fertilizers.
Nitrogen in food, water and the human body.
Nitrogen and its compounds
Nitrogen as a biogenic element.
Watercolor paints. Their composition and production.
Aquarium as a chemical and biological object of study.
Activated carbon. adsorption phenomenon.
Actinides: a look from the past into the future.
Diamond is an allotropic modification of carbon.
Diamonds. Artificial and natural growth.
Alchemy: myths and reality.
Aluminum is the metal of the 20th century.
Aluminum and its welding.
Aluminum in the kitchen: a dangerous enemy or a faithful assistant?
Aluminum. aluminum alloys.
Spring water quality analysis.
Analysis of drugs.
Analysis of soft drinks.
Analysis of the content of ascorbic acid in some currant varieties.
Chips analysis.
water anomalies.
Anthropogenic impact of wastewater on spring waters.
The aroma of health.
Aromatherapy as a way to prevent colds.
Flavorings based on esters.
Aromatic oils are a priceless gift of nature.
aromatic essential oils and their use.
Fragrances, scents, vibes.
Ascorbic acid: properties, physiological action, content and dynamics of accumulation in plants.
Aspirin - friend or foe?
Aspirin - good or bad.
Aspirin as a preservative.
Aspirin: for and against.
Aerosols and their application in medical practice.
Proteins are the basis of life.
Proteins and their importance in human nutrition.
Proteins and their nutritional value.
Proteins as natural biopolymers.
Benzopyrene is a chemical and environmental problem of our time.
Biogenic classification of chemical elements.
Biologically active substances. Vitamins.
Dietary supplements: profanation or benefit?
Biorol vitamins.
noble gases.
Paper and its properties.
Sandwich with iodine, or the whole truth about salt.
Would there be life on Earth without the existence of iron?
Household filters for purification of tap water and a method for their regeneration.
In the world of acids.
In the world of metal corrosion.
in the world of polymers.
In the wonderful world of crystals.
What is the taste of bread?
The most important indicator of the ecological state of the soil is pH.
The great secret of water.
The great scientist M.V. Lomonosov.
Great Britain in the life and work of D.I. Mendeleev.

Topics of projects in chemistry (continued)

Approximate topics of research papers in chemistry:

Types of chemical bond.
Vitamin C and its importance.
Vitamins in human life.
Vitamins and vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins and human health.
Vitamins as the basis of life of living organisms.
Contribution of D.I. Mendeleev in the development of agrochemistry, its significance for modern agriculture.
Contribution of D.I. Mendeleev in the development of the oil industry.
Contribution of M.V. Lomonosov in the development of chemistry as a science.
Influence road transport on the degree of air pollution.
The effect of metals on the female body.
Water is number one.
Water is a familiar and unusual substance.
Water is the basis of life.
The water is amazing and amazing.
Water: death or life? Study of water quality in reservoirs and water supply.
Hydrogen in industry, production and marketing.
Hydrogen indicator in our life.
Air is a natural mixture of gases.
The air we breathe.
Air is invisible.
All secrets of amber.
Isolation of tartaric acid from the studied grape variety.
Growing at home single crystals from a saturated solution of salts and alum.
Growing a crystal at home.
Growing crystals in the home laboratory.
Growing crystals under various external conditions.
Carbonated water - harm or benefit.
Carbonated drinks are poison in small doses.
Carbonated drinks in a teenager's life.
Carbonated drinks: good or bad?
Soda. Tasty! Healthy?
Monosodium glutamate is the cause of food addiction.
Rock crystal is a symbol of modesty and purity of thoughts.
Long live scented soap!
Decorative cosmetics and its effect on the skin.
Edges of bright nature. DI. Mendeleev.
Baby food.
The dietary sugar substitute aspartame is a toxic substance.
What is iodine for?
Additives, dyes and preservatives in foods.
Home first aid kit.
A dozen spices through the eyes of a chemist.
To eat or not to eat - that is the question!?
Chewing gum. Myth and reality.
Chewing gum: good or bad?
Iron is an element of civilization and life.
Iron and its compounds.
Iron and human health.
Iron and the environment.
Water hardness: current aspects.
Painting and chemistry.
Liquid dishwashing detergents.
The vital value of honey.
Life without gluten.
Fats: harm and benefit.
Protective properties of toothpastes.
Labels on food packaging.

Famous drinks. Pros and cons of Pepsi and Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta drinks.
From the life of a plastic bag.
What is the clothes made of. fibers.
We study silicates.
The study of the properties of shampoos.
Learning the secrets of making glue.
Study of the composition and properties of mineral water.
The study of the composition of ice cream.
Study of the ability and dynamics of accumulation of heavy metals medicinal plants(on the example of one type of medicinal plants).
The study of the characteristics of ice cream as a food product.
Indices of food additives.
home indicators.
indicators around us.
Indicators. Application of indicators. natural indicators.
inert gases.
Artificial fats are a health hazard.
Using daphnia to determine threshold values ​​for heavy metal ions.
The use of yeast in the food industry.
Investigation of pH-solutions of some types of soaps, shampoos and washing powders.
Study of the effect of chewing gum on the human body.
Study of water hardness and ways to reduce it.
Study of water quality in the city and suburbs.
The study of the properties of aspirin and the study of its effect on the human body.
Study of the properties of sulfuric acid.
Study of the level of corrosion of city monuments.
Study of the physico-chemical properties of milk from different manufacturers with an environmental certificate.
Study of physical and chemical properties of natural juices from different manufacturers.
Study of the chemical composition of water to determine the effectiveness of the filter "Barrier-4".
Study of the chemical composition of local clays.
The history of chocolate.
Iodine in food and its effect on the human body.
Iodine in food and its effect on the human body.
How to determine the quality of honey.
Which ice cream tastes best?
Calcium and its compounds in the human body.
Catalysis and catalysts.
Porridge is our health.
Quartz and its application.
Acidity of the pH environment and human health.
Acid rain.
Acid rain and its impact on the environment.
Acids and alkalis in everyday life.
Cranberry - northern lemon?
Sausage is tasty and healthy?!
Quantitative determination of mercury in energy-saving light bulbs.
Corrosion of metals and ways to prevent it.
Coffee in our life
Caffeine and its impact on human health.
Dyes and food.
Silicon and its properties.
Kumys is the national drink of the Kazakhs.
Kumis and its healing properties
Medicines and poisons in antiquity.
Medicinal plants.
Medicine or poison?
Mayonnaise is a familiar stranger!
Mendeleev and the Nobel Prize.

Metals are the elements of life.
Metals in human life.
Metals in art.
Metals in space.
Metals in the human body.
Metals of antiquity.
Metals and alloys, their properties and application in electronic equipment.
Metals on the human body.
Metals of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev.
Biogenic metals.
Microelements in the body
Trace elements: evil or good?
The world of water. Secrets of the tap, secrets of the mineral.
The world of plastics.
The world of glass.
Milk: for and against.
Dairy products.
We live in a world of polymers.
Soap: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Soap: friend or foe?
Soap: history and properties.
Soap story.
The presence of iodine in food and its biological role.
Drink "Coca-Cola": new questions of the old problem.
Oil and oil products.
Detection of water content in gasoline.
Determination of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in chocolate.
Determination of lead ions in grassy vegetation of city parks.
Determination of iodine in iodized table salt.
Determination of the amount of vitamin C in lemon.
Determination of impurities in tap water.
Determination of physico-chemical parameters of milk.
Organic poisons and antidotes.
Beware of beer!
Pectin and its effect on the human body.
Hydrogen peroxide.
Periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev as the basis of the scientific worldview.
Food additives keep bread fresh longer.
Is table salt just a seasoning?
Table salt - crystals of life or white death?
Table salt is a mineral of extraordinary importance.
Why are chestnut trees dying in the industrial area of ​​the city.
Why are fruits and vegetables acidic?
Application of chlorophyll in the synthesis of acrylamide hydrogels.
The problem of iodine deficiency.
Recycling problem. Recycling.
Spices through the eyes of a chemist.
Psychoactive substances in everyday life.
Soluble mortal (poisons).
beauty recipes.
The role of saliva in the formation and maintenance of caries resistance of tooth enamel.
Sugar and sweeteners: pros and cons.
Collection of poems "Chemistry and Life".
Secrets of a white-toothed smile.
Sulfur and its compounds.
Synthetic macromolecular compounds (VMC).
Synthetic detergents for washing machines.
Synthetic detergents and their properties.
Soda: familiar and unfamiliar.
The content of nitrates in drinking and table-mineral waters.
Juice as a source of ascorbic acid.

Air composition and pollution.
Composition and properties of toothpastes.
Composition and properties of vegetable oils.
composition of detergents.
The composition of tea.
The state of atmospheric precipitation at the school site and outside the city.
Means for washing dishes.
Washing powders: review and comparative characteristics.
Is it worth eating a pood of salt?
Silent power of poisons.
Amazing "silver" reactions.
Phosphorus, its properties and allotropic changes.
Chemical analysis of tap water at my school to determine the organoleptic parameters, the content of chloride ions and iron ions.
Chemical analysis of water in the river.
Chemistry is an ally of medicine.
Chemistry of colors.
Chemistry of silicon and its compounds.
Chemistry of manganese and its compounds.
Chemistry of copper and its compounds.
Water chlorination: forecasts and facts.
What is protein afraid of?
Chernobyl. This shouldn't happen again.
Chips: harm or benefit?
Chips: treat or poison?
Chips: good or bad?
What do we know about shampoo?
What you need to know about nutritional supplements.
Which is better - tea or coffee?
What's behind the "E"?
What is in a cup of tea?
What is acid rain and how does it form?
What is oil and how did it appear on Earth?
What is sugar and where does it come from.
What do we have in the salt shaker and in the sugar bowl?
Cast iron and its welding.
Wonders of glass
Silk natural and artificial.
Chocolate is the food of the gods.
Chocolate: harm or benefit?
Chocolate: treat or medicine?
Environmental safety in everyday life.
Ecological problems of outer space.
Examination of the quality of honey and methods of its falsification.
Examination of the organoleptic properties of wheat bread.
Element number one.
Energy drinks are new generation drinks.
Energy-saving lamps and the ecological crisis.
Those tasty dangerous chips.
I am on a diet!
Amber - magic tears of a tree.