
Rune mannaz in divination. Rune interpretation. Rune Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) interpretation, rune meaning. Direct position Mannaz rune value on health

Rune mannaz in divination.  Rune interpretation.  Rune Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) interpretation, rune meaning.  Direct position Mannaz rune value on health

What does the coming day promise us

Runes can also be used to predict how the day will turn out. Especially if it is an important and serious day for a person, which requires a lot of strength, energy, etc. from him.

So, shake the bag of runes and pull out one. You got:

  • Evaz - unexpected events, a day of change in your life;
  • Otal - first you lose, then you get;
  • Uruz is a successful day, but the worldview will change.
  • Gebo - a day of camaraderie, teamwork and conflict resolution;
  • Hagall - you have to defend your opinion, defend yourself, the day is quite stressful;
  • Algiz - all day long someone will poke their nose into your affairs, which will be incredibly annoying. Be prepared to put this person in his place.
  • Raido is a crazy day with unexpected events. You will go somewhere, you will settle things and you will achieve your goal.
  • Berkana - the day will be successful, something old will make itself felt, you will have to work all day, and at the end of the day there will be a result. You will be satisfied.
  • Taivaz is a day of restrictions, you have to do what you don’t like, work hard, obey someone, press your ego.
  • Mannaz - the day will go according to plan, do not expect surprises, this is not a stellar day. You just need to work, and the results will come later.
  • Isa is the day when everything will go slowly, all events will meet obstacles. The day when you have to wait for something.
  • Odin is a day of uncertainty, you need to be careful, as the day can become both happy and unhappy. Day of the event.
  • Dagaz is a day of action, when luck is on your side, everything will work out. Don't stay in the shadows.
  • Soulu - the day of summing up, the desire to put an end to it.
  • Perth - something will change in a person's view of the world, something important will happen.
  • Laguz - the runes of one suggest a certain meaning, but in this case, all responsibility is on your intuition. How the day turns out depends on you, but there will be some event that is important for your life. And if intuition does not fail, then you will catch luck by the tail.
  • Turisaz - fortune-telling says that it is better to stay at home, read, think, reflect on your life.
  • Ansuz - the day will be difficult, you will encounter goodness, nobility, and hypocrisy and anger.
  • Inguz is a busy day when you have to work hard, adrenaline rush, you need to accelerate.
  • Hyères is a day of reconciliation and receiving awards.
  • Vunyo - fortune-telling says that the day will be decisive for you. There will be joy - maybe just in the soul. Day of change of internal state.
  • Kano is a day when they will help you, maybe you will find a new business, a direction. You will discover something new.
  • Nautiz is a difficult day, fortune-telling on runes with the drop of the Nautiz rune speaks of provocations on this day, which in no case should be carried out.
  • Feu is the day of your victory, but also the opportunity to make a fatal mistake. We will have to choose between human values ​​and material values.

Rune divination can also be done to questions about what is happening to someone in the distance. For example, how does a son feel in the army, a missing loved one, a relative in the hospital, etc. If the question is asked correctly and it is he who will be the real problem concerning you, then fortune-telling will give an exhaustive answer.

Interpretation of the meaning of the Mannaz rune when divining for love or relationships.

RUNA MANNAZ, when interpreting a runic fortune-telling layout for relationships or feelings, broadcasts - you must overcome your own egoism, learn modesty - after changing your understanding of your own role in relationships, everything will work out. Do not oppress your feelings with a load of trifles, take any trifle to heart. Life has prepared for you a series of tests - they are insignificant - but this is a kind of test of stability.

The circumstances of the situation in your relationship with your loved one require you to be more trusting. Perceive your loved one as a partner, like-minded person. The rune is favorable for family and friendships. Predicts the occurrence of a situation in which it is easy to agree. If you are still single, then you have a great opportunity to feel the integrity of your inner space, do not let the lack of high feelings bother you - everything is only approaching positive changes.

  • Pay attention to strategically important aspects.
  • The meaning of life comes down to constant search and development.
  • Don't rush, don't make hasty decisions.
  • Know your Self, do not stop in development.

Runa Mannaz will help you find answers to your life questions. It will help clarify the situation and understand how to proceed.

The general concept of the Mannaz rune

Rune of embodied self-consciousness. This human life on the ground. Helping others is like overcoming selfishness. The concepts of Mannaz are modesty and humility, it is necessary not only to provide help, but also the ability to accept it. Since we are people, the Ego remains with us, but it is necessary to get rid of our own delusions, to stop being a slave to our feelings and emotions. Mannaz is the rune of paradoxes. On the one hand, it is necessary to free oneself from the power of the Ego, on the other hand, a person is a product of collective humanity with its individuality, i.e. it cannot exist without people. Mannaz corresponds to the biblical saying: Caesar is Caesar's, God is God's.

Rune Mannaz (Mannas, Mannaz) is the twentieth character of the ancient Germanic alphabet. It is ruled by the element of Air. Let's talk about the meaning of this rune and its application in magical rituals.

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In the generally accepted sense, Mannaz is the personification of intelligence, self-knowledge and the human Ego. It helps to better study one's own essence, achieve spiritual enlightenment, understand the essence of things through the prism of one's own "I". Thanks to this rune, you can find your destiny and determine whether you are in your place in this world.

Rune Mannaz is a symbol of the global task for which a person comes to this world. This is creativity and self-realization, a divine spark, a talent that every person has. You just need to know what kind of talent you have in order to realize it and be useful.

Mannaz also helps to find application for his talent, intellect, mind. It also helps to ensure that your purpose is accepted by society. It indicates in which direction you need to move in life.

It is very important that a person who has found his destiny fulfills it for the benefit of others, and does not abuse his talent, which is very dangerous for the individual.

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Meaning in divination


If the Mannaz rune is rolled upright, it has the following meanings:

  • Interaction with society and the environment
  • Receive important advice or guidance to help you choose the path to move forward in life
  • Indicates that you can not borrow money, loans in the near future
  • A difficult situation will arise in life, on the outcome of which the whole future life will depend

Mannaz also points out that if you want to influence the situation with the help of magic, you don’t need to do this - use the usual, “human” methods, otherwise you risk bringing trouble to yourself and others.

Upside down

In an inverted position, the Mannaz rune drops out during divination in the following cases:

  • Enemies, rivals and ill-wishers will activate and try to interfere with you - be careful and don't let them hurt you
  • A person will “turn on” an extreme degree of selfishness, because of which he risks incurring trouble
  • Planned plans cannot be implemented, it is better to postpone all affairs for a while
  • You will find yourself in a difficult situation and will wait for help from loved ones, but they will not help
  • In your life there will be an acquaintance, which will immediately turn to close communication.

When the rune falls out in an inverted, negative meaning, this is a sign indicating which areas of life you need to pay special attention to.

Combined with other symbols

Sometimes several runes drop out at once, which affects the value:

  • If the Mannaz rune falls out along with Tivaz, this is a sign indicating that in the near future you need to concentrate and be very active, assertive in business and relationships with people around you
  • Mannaz along with the Yero rune indicate that in the near future a person will need the help of a qualified lawyer
  • The combination of Mannaz - - Pertro means that the fortuneteller has a well-developed intuition and the gift of foresight, he has magical abilities that need to be developed
  • The combination of runes Mannaz - - Otala - - Asuz indicates that you need to stop active actions. It is time to relax, know yourself and wait for more favorable circumstances to solve current problems.

Watch a video about the meaning of the Mannaz rune:

The use of the rune in magic and divination

In magical rituals, the rune Mannaz helps to achieve the following goals:

  • Understand in which direction it is worth moving in order to realize ambitions and achieve the desired goals
  • Establish business relationships with colleagues, superiors, business partners and regular customers
  • It is used in meditations to better dive deep into yourself and understand your own Ego.
  • Get help and support in an important situation that you cannot handle on your own

Depending on what you are guessing at, with one-rune divination, the Mannaz rune can mean the following:

  • You are a born leader who understands human psychology and has a developed intuition
  • You are very emotional and ambitious, thanks to this, luck accompanies you in business - you are able to achieve the desired goal in all possible ways
  • You have a talent to lead people and organize them, so you should choose such professions as a director, leader, entrepreneur, rector and other similar
  • Not only do you have a well-developed intellect, you also have an extremely unconventional way of thinking. This helps to find creative solutions to any problems. You are also insightful and able to see through the situation - this helps to draw up a clear and only right strategy for solving any problem.

Mannaz Meaning Keys: Ego, self-knowledge, skill, symbol of humanity as a whole, symbol of interconnection, psychology and psychoanalysis, self-esteem, harmony in family or relationships, victory in legal proceedings, cooperation and assistance, honest and sincere relationships.

Unity of life and death. Society. Intelligence. Interpersonal interaction.

The main concepts are modesty and humility.

The element is fire.

Motto Runes Mannaz.

The truth of humanity is in unconditional independence.

Real help can be provided only by those who do not need help and assistants.

Freedom is a state for those who have already lost everything.

Sincere generosity is shown by those who no longer have the opportunity to take something with them.

True courage in those who are already dead.

Rune Writing: The first line is drawn from bottom to top. Then an indent is made and a second line is drawn from top to bottom. From the first line at the top point, an angle of 45 degrees is measured and line number three is drawn to line number two from top to bottom. After that, an angle of 45 degrees is measured from the top point of the second line and the fourth line is drawn to the first one from top to bottom.

The meaning of the rune Mannaz is a man. The initial, main point is I, the Ego. The relationship of society. It depicts two people holding hands. The bottom line is that the movements made by one person are transmitted to another. Hence the influence of one person on another.

The rune sign says that partnership gives rise to dependence. And both in material and spiritual terms. The essence of partnership is the exchange of experience and energy. What one person gives to another, he receives in return. It is important to take this rune seriously. After all, the future of one person is directly dependent on the deeds committed in relation to another.

Mannaz absorbed the qualities of such runes as Vunyo and Uruz, Isa and Gebo. It carries a powerful flow of energy that indivisibly binds two people in the process of a common cause. They are united by ideas, mood, achievements and an agreement. Thoughts, feelings, joy and sadness that people exchange, flow like in an hourglass. Therefore, the conclusion follows, the delayed actions, the better the result.

Mannaz is a symbol of not only giving help when others ask for it, but also the ability to receive it when you need it.

The meaning of the direct rune Mannaz

The direct meaning of the rune indicates the help that will come from loved ones. Even if it seems that help is not needed, you should not refuse it. With the help of new acquaintances, the conclusion of contracts and collective activities, things will go faster and more successfully. What is given to a person to help from people is also expected in return from him.

Balance in joint work leads to a harmonious flow of progress in business.

Prospects for cooperation are expected, which will bring results. A person is waiting for a test of strength and stability. A conflict is possible that will inflame the situation. But it will be a kind of "prevention" of relations. This will help to let off steam, which in turn will improve the fruitfulness of the work. It will be possible to discuss burning issues and problems. After that, the transition of interactions to a new level is expected.

In this period of life, only purity and sincerity, the desire for change will be effective. The main purpose - first of all, you need to treat yourself correctly, love and respect yourself. Since it is out of self-love that the correct model of relationships is built.

Rune advice: show modesty, complaisance and devotion, moderation - these are the main character traits that help find the true direction life path. But don't shut yourself up and withdraw into yourself. Be available, perceive incoming information and analyze it. By helping others, you overcome your selfishness.

Live an ordinary life, but move through it in unusual ways.

All things in our life come and go, but you should pay attention and concentrate on what remains always with you.

Now there is a period of intensive development.

During this period, there is no time for praise or attention to the result. Take pleasure in completing tasks. This is the secret of acquiring the experience of the real present. If you divide the Rune of a person, the Rune of Ego in half, then you can see the Rune of joy Vunyo and its mirror image. This is a warning about the need to be careful in any area of ​​life. Do not go to extremes and know yourself.

You may also need help from other people. Alliances, contracts, new acquaintances will bring benefits and help to achieve more, as well as reveal the truth that in the right team, you can achieve much more than alone.

Remember that these are equal alliances and beneficial relationships for both parties.

The meaning of the inverted rune

Significance keys: internal enemy, instability, you will have to answer for all deeds, honesty with yourself is necessary, confusion, isolation, loneliness. Don't blame others for your failures. Betrayal. The basic principles of fundamental value have been lost. Do not wait for help from loved ones. False and deceptive ideas about the situation. interrupted treatment. Internal problems.

The motto of the inverted rune Mannaz. Enemies awaken inner fears to life: what a person is afraid of, what he wants, what he is afraid of losing and what must be abandoned, but it is impossible to refuse for any reason.

Mannaz is an illustration of self-esteem, manifested in indiscretion and excess.

The inverted rune Mannaz indicates the necessary action. Soon a person will be contacted for help. It is important to take responsibility, to boldly pull yourself together, despite laziness or a simple unwillingness to help someone. Having performed the necessary action that will serve the benefit of another person, the fortuneteller will help himself with this.

Internal confrontation works against a person. Everything that has accumulated over a long time is looking for a way out. Fatigue and irritation bring discord in relationships. The sooner a person starts working on himself, the better for him. When he can unravel the "tangle" of problems, he will be able to get out of the crisis.

If you feel obstacles in your path, then you must first become sincere with yourself, understand yourself. In this situation, it is not others who are to blame, but you yourself. External ill-wishers are a reflection of the fact that you once did not realize something or did not fully understand it in a similar situation. The presence of an internal imbalance serves as a source of attack from external enemies. Help those who come to you. Help others, help yourself. Get rid of selfishness.

Signs of liberation from selfishness:

Stop demanding what you deserve

The period of artificially attracting people's attention to their person is ending.

Rune Mannaz in magical practice

Application of Mannaz in runic magic:

  • For healing from diseases. Can be used from a distance.
  • Helps to find the "right" person. It can be a missing person, or a friend who has not been in touch for a long time. It also promotes new acquaintances.
  • To get justice. Assistance in litigation. Gives support from the people around you. Getting help when needed.
  • Expansion of self-knowledge and expansion of perception of the surrounding world and environment.
  • Help in the development of memory and thought processes.
  • Help in drawing attention to a particular object.
  • Neutralize or calm enemies.

The use of runic magic in healing, can work at a distance. To do this, you need to project the image of Mannaz onto a person. It is not used as a separate amulet. It is often used in purposeful rituals.

Help in finding the "right" person, the sign is drawn on the back of the photo of the person you are looking for. And if you need to find a "new" person, then the photo is taken manually. A blank sheet of paper is taken, a format is cut out for a photo frame and a runic sign is drawn. The ceremony is performed at midnight on the growing moon. The photo frame is placed on the table, a saucer with water is placed in front. 2 candles are installed on the sides, on which Dagaz is cut. They ask higher powers for help in their search. This must be done within 7 days. Then the water must be poured into an open reservoir.

Rune Mannaz: description of interpretations in divination

In love

All the love given to a partner will return to a person with an answer. Auspicious sign. IN family relationships Everything is fine. Joint actions bring benefit, peace and harmony to the family and relationships. The man has finally found his soul mate.

Rune advice: have a personal living space, for the opportunity to understand yourself and your thoughts. Be yourself.

Reversed position. Alienation of partners, manifestation of selfishness on one side. Falling in love passes, and partners begin to look for flaws in each other, forgetting and forgetting about the merits.

To health

Good rune value in a straight position. Speedy recovery. From loved ones, a person will receive support. The body will be filled with strength and energy. The personality is ready for change. Best time to quit bad habits. You have found not just the person you need, but the right person in all respects.

In a negative scenario, this is a sign that recovery will not come soon. Internal conflicts are harmful to health. Help can not be expected. The treatment will not help.

In work

Rune mannaz indicates a good sign that a person works with all his heart. His deeds are for the good. Work is a pleasure. The same will come to him from society and the universe. Friendly team and victories. Hard work will bear fruit. Engage in self-education. Moderate action is needed.

In a negative scenario, this is a warning sign. Problems will arise, the essence of which lies in the human factor. People around refuse to help. In business and career, you need to be careful. High chance of "burning out". There may be competitors.

Perhaps the shortcomings and fears of the person himself are to blame for the problems that have arisen.


Prosperous period of time in your life. The moment has come when you can wish for anything. You can achieve what you want through your efforts and divine support. Thanks to his responsiveness, a person will meet many who want to help along the way.

Although this is not a time of cardinal changes, it is a very successful period of life. It is convenient and comfortable for you to communicate with other people. You are respected and your opinion is valued. You know how to deal with difficulties and solve problems. Achievement of success in any endeavors is not far off.


A person with a strong character. If someone tries to stop you, he is making a mistake. Even without resorting to raising your voice, you can easily put a person in his place. You always do what you have in mind. A person easily organizes people into teams. Perhaps you have fallen into the role of an intermediary. You focus not on getting benefits, but on achieving harmony. Orders are not for him, because his own ambitions do not allow him to obey. Love for work and creation of beauty. The presence of such a person in the team brings harmony to the relationship.

People need goals and competitors. Goals - to achieve them and be able to unite to realize the plan. Competitors - in order to protect their goals. True truth does not presuppose either the presence of a goal, or the presence of competitors, or even deeds. The true truth is a life without goals, competitors and deeds.

The problems that the Mannaz rune shows are selfishness, alienation from one's own self, and great dependence on other people. Mannaz contains the paradoxes of life.

Mannaz denotes the period when it is time to first look at yourself in the mirror, and then look inside yourself. This means that the right moment has come to identify the main mistakes, to find an unnecessary pile of garbage, to identify the front of work to change yourself for the better.

And then already, this rune indicates that it is necessary to correct the mistakes found, work on oneself, get rid of garbage, give up bad habits and throw the old out of your life, clearing and giving way to the new.

Do not jump to conclusions and make rash decisions.

Rune Description

MANNAZ is the rune of humanity. It indicates relationship or interdependence. You can always get help, support or some kind of assistance in solving the problem. Help can be different: good advice or just a conversation that will help you unravel the knots and free yourself from the captivity of everyday troubles.

In a straight position and surrounded by positive runes, she confirms that it has come favorable period to carry out your plans. If there are runes nearby: NAUNTHIZ or ISA, then they warn of a certain delay.

MANNAZ also indicates magical abilities. This is especially pronounced in combination with the runes PERDHRO or LAGAZ.

Upside down

The rune says that for a temporary period you cannot count on outside help. Obstacles and a change in all your plans await you. Nearby runes will always help during the intervention in your space and indicate the way out of this situation. With the rune ISA and NAUTHIZ - you need to wait before taking action, in combination with the rune JERA - we advise you to resort to legal support.

The reverse position of the rune will also indicate that you are acting against yourself, and any doing can turn out to be harmful to you.

In personal relationships, the root is selfishness, which makes it difficult to look at things from the outside. The rune warns you not to live someone else's life and not try to put on someone else's "dress".

Psychology of expression

This rune of relationships between people, help and support, i.e. the point is that you need to find a person who can support you when you are around. Consider the rune in different aspects.

So, if we consider this rune from the point of view of psychology, then we should pay attention to the fact that we constantly feel the presence of one dominant rune meaning - a person. But, we will all talk about this rune from the point of view of comparison.

Creativity and talent, high intuition and well-defined goals, once again confirm that such a person is capable of not only a subtle understanding of art, but can also successfully engage in business. He is very brave and ready for high deeds, creating beauty around him. This combination gives his character a certain originality.

In business, you are prudent and careful, but you need not to restrain yourself, but to feel full scope and freedom, both emotionally and in actions. Even if the rune suggests the help of partners, it is still better if you start working alone in business. With refined sensitivity, you can easily open a business and put on its feet a completely new enterprise, carry out a large project. Ambition and practicality act as assistants on the way to the goal. Have the respect of your partners. Very hardy. Hopes are always pinned on you, and you confidently undertake to carry out any task entrusted to you. Responsibility is what guides you. Love your family, be proud and cherish it. Secretive - do not flaunt feelings. The obstacles you meet along the way harden you and make you stronger. Successes and failures teach you to look at the world in a new way, understand and accept the difficulties that have fallen in life, teach you to fight for yourself and "for that guy."


If the rune MANNAZ falls out in the layout, then we can say that good days are coming, carrying a positive aspect both in life and in the professional field. You have been walking through the desert for a long time, so that today you can start harvesting sometimes even where it should not be. Finally, you do not need to fight fate, everything goes on as usual. The experience of life gives you the opportunity to fully understand and feel that you have had happy moments in love, work, health. Your work over time has enabled growth. Feel like a winner, you are able to achieve amazing results. At this time, you should not live in anticipation of the loss of material resources, poor health, or just unpleasant accidents.

You must clearly know what you want, what you expect from life, how to go towards the goal without giving in to doubts in your undertakings. In this case, success is guaranteed.

Plan your life and actions. At present, the mind, efficiency will help you. Be responsible, do not forget about generosity and mercy.

In the opposite sense - this will give fuzziness in work, greed, which leads to financial problems. Aggression and arrogance will prevail in your actions. Take your appearance seriously, it must correspond to business qualities.


This rune indicates your insight, you think big and do not pay attention to private moments. Intelligence is at a high level, and this gives you the opportunity to deal serious blows to your rivals or competitors. Very rational, able to balance any situation.


MANNAZ is a success, but you have to go towards it, having a specific goal in front of you. With age, you achieve stability and prosperity, learn to overcome obstacles, become a kind of support, both in the family and in society. Do not allow star disease - this will lead to a fall, in addition, do not let money control you. Fight selfishness and greed. If several runes fall out in the layout, carrying similar semantic meanings, then success will be enhanced.

Professional aspect

You can run your own firm, be the manager of other people's property, head a large institute, and so on. The ability to argue and find a way out of difficult situations move you up the career ladder without hindrance. This professional data is preferred in dealing with securities and real estate.

Emotional plan

Increased emotionality, which is manifested in all areas of your activity. But this is especially true in business relationships. You desire power, tend to be at the helm, and therefore almost always occupy the position of leader. The ability to gain authority helps to keep everything under control and lead partners in any situation. Ambitious by nature, you are driven by the instinct of competition. Your social position has a great influence on you. There is such a not too good quality of character as boasting, like to mention your successes. The desire for grandiose accomplishments and for the leadership of a large enterprise makes you constantly think about finances, monitor cash flows. You cannot imagine yourself without money and power.

Intuitive Plan

On an intuitive level, you have good psychological abilities. This again brings you into the business in leadership positions. You determine the nature of the partners and subordinates around you quickly and accurately, assessing their abilities, freely enter into their confidence and manage the name.

physical plane

You are very talented and ambitious. Leadership prevails. Developed sense of justice. Finish what you started. If this rune falls out, then we can say that the person is physically strong and beautifully built, has powerful muscles, hardy, with a strong character and a beautiful voice.

Task: to find a balance between material and spiritual values. Work on your pride, as you over-exhibit while making progress.

mental plane

Great ability in many areas of activity. Know how to run a business. Confident leader. Money and power are necessary for self-respect and acceptance in society. Beware of arrogance and hypocrisy. A person is demanding both to himself and to others.

Karmic lesson

Soberly assess the situation. Ups and downs in business are due to your frivolity.

Do not like it when conditions are dictated to you or advised on what to do. Stubbornness and unreasonable self-confidence interfere with your work. The rune advises learning to be more economical, more modest, to understand the price of money earned. In addition, learn to feel the line - the limitation in your desires and actions. Balance the possibilities. Task: we must find out what are the restrictions that can affect your destiny?

And it is considered a peaceful sign (although the god of war patronizes her). The name of the rune is translated as "man". It represents a link between generations - we are all dependent on our kind.

Mannaz helps to understand one's purpose in the overall picture of humanity. Each of us is destined for our own path - and each one is unique. It is impossible to just take and throw someone's fate out of the line of the human race.

The rune personifies the inner world of the individual, with all its features, with all the details. It helps to develop self-esteem, but will never allow you to become selfish. This is a sign of humanity and justice.

Existing titles: Mannaz, Mannas, Man, Mann, madr, Mannaz, Man.

The symbol is represented by the letter "X" enclosed in two vertical lines that stand parallel to each other.

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In the scenario, the Scandinavian symbol helps a person to realize his significance in the Universe.

Direct position

In a general sense, the direct Mannaz means a close relationship between people and everything connected with them: emotions, feelings, experiences. It is a symbol of high intellectual and spiritual development. The rune helps to keep in touch with past generations - to remember and honor them.

If it comes across in a layout, this indicates that a person is aware of how important the inner world is and why it is necessary to develop it.

Such important life concepts as friendship, mercy, readiness to come to the rescue are associated with the runic sign.

But do not forget that sometimes conflicts and quarrels arise between people. This is especially true for close relatives and friends. Sometimes misunderstanding and mistrust destroy all family ties.

Mannaz advises to find the Lord in your soul. When you see a strong connection between the earthly and heavenly worlds, you can easily control your emotions. You will master your body and mind. Each of us has a special spark that needs to be seen.

Runa does not like anything superfluous, so she teaches to part with unnecessary things. This also applies to feelings that bring harm. The symbol advises to be restrained and modest.

Scandinavian runes of the Elder Futhark
