
New Year for a child of 8 years. New Year's children's forfeits for different ages. in the center "Wednesday"

New Year for a child of 8 years.  New Year's children's forfeits for different ages.  in the center

New Year's poems for children 3-4 years old

Children lead a round dance,
They clap their hands.
Hello hello,
New Year! You are so good!

I will decorate with sweets
Christmas tree beauty
Decorations are delicious
Everyone should like it!

People love the Christmas tree
Dress up for the New Year.
Every house has a tree
But this is only here!

New Year decorated the Christmas tree
bright balls,
Santa Claus in a round dance
Let's call with friends!

On this day, we did not miss -
The Christmas tree was decorated together.
And on it the star sparkles
And invites guests to us!

We love the holiday very much,
Holiday miracle - New Year!
Happiness to you, love, health,
May you always be lucky in everything!

I'll climb on a stool
Let me tell you a poem.
Let them give me for this
Sweets big bag!

The bunny washes
Going to the tree.
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
He washed his ear, wiped it dry.

put on a bow,
He became a freak!

With songs and laughter
We ran into the hall.
And a forest tree
Everyone saw.

Balls on the branches -
Ah, how good!
Meet Santa Claus
And read poetry!

What is the feast at the gate?
New Year, New Year!
Who brought us presents?
It's Santa Claus!

Let's say out loud: "One, two, three,
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Together we will stand in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

New Year's poems for children 5-6 years old

I've been waiting for the new year for a long time
I blew on snowflakes through the window.
Growing tree in the yard
Snow sprinkled needles.
If Santa Claus knocks -
Yolkin's nose won't freeze!

Why are the lights burning
And everyone is dancing?
Why on the tree
Bright needles?

Why did Grandpa come to us,
Wearing a red coat?
Because the new year
We are knocking at the gate!

New Year's Days!
The snow is frosty, prickly.
lights lit up
On a fluffy tree.

The ball swung painted,
The beads rang
Smells like forest freshness
From resinous spruce.

Beautiful snowflakes
They descend from heaven.
And the forest, as in the picture,
Full of miracles.

Through the New Year's forest
Hiding your nose behind the collar
Lucky gifts are sweet
I'm Santa Claus!

The lights are on the tree
Soon there will be a New Year
Soon there will be laughter and celebration,
And a fun round dance!

Congratulations coming soon
And gifts, confetti,
New Year's is knocking on the door
Santa Claus is on his way!

Snow glitters in the sun
The holiday is calling.
Santa Claus is already in a hurry
Valenki loses.

He set out on a long journey
Through the forests and gave.
Stop! Don't forget gifts!
We've been waiting for them!

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Santa Claus.
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

We promise, we promise
That as soon as we grow up,
Visit again, visit again
Let's come to this Christmas tree!

We will remember, we will remember
Our wonderful dance
Our songs, our dances,
Our wonderful New Year!

Winter before the holiday
For the green tree
Dress white herself
Sewn without a needle.

Shake off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And is the most beautiful of all
In a green dress.

Her green color to the face
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

Christmas tree with bright lights
Smiling at you and me
The Christmas tree is also waiting for a miracle.
It's a miracle - the New Year!

We will celebrate it
And of course we won't forget
Ask Santa Claus
He brought us gifts.

After all, we were obedient,
We tried not to be naughty.
So let it come soon
Miracle holiday, New Year!

New Year's poems for children 7-8 years old

This grandfather has many grandchildren,
Grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather sticks to them,
It grabs by the fingers, pulls by the ears.

But a happy evening comes in the year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit!
Brings gifts and kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles!

Lanterns shine brightly
Forest fragrance everywhere.
Let smiles shine
On the happy faces of the guys.

The holiday is in full swing
We celebrate the New Year.
Let everyone get a gift
Who waits with hope!

Stars, balls, toys,
Sweet table and tinsel
Fireworks and fireworks,
And a star on the Christmas tree!

Hand in hand with Santa Claus
We lead a round dance.
The lights are on the windows
Hello, hello New Year!

We are waiting for joy, laughter, fun,
Magic and miracles
Dances, sweets, gifts.
Happy New Year everyone, cheers!

New Year! About him and in the summer
It's so nice to dream!
Like a magical, wonderful light
The tree will shine.

How do we hang balloons?
We wrap the branches with rain.
How about Santa Claus
Let's sing the song merrily.

We're all in a hurry today
To say to the Christmas tree:
Mom made us costumes
Bought new shoes
We can start the holiday!

What grows on the tree?
Cones and needles.
colorful balls
Do not grow on a tree!

Do not grow on a tree
Gingerbread and flags.
Nuts don't grow
In golden paper.

These flags and balloons
Grew up today
For fun kids
On New Year's holiday!

Children go to bed early
On the last day of December
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar!

The year begins in silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
Noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.

Will call outside soon
Winter day through the ice glass -
In a refreshing cold
From cozy warmth.

With a kind word we will remember
Years of old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!

The animals celebrated the New Year.
The animals led a round dance.
Around the green Christmas tree.
Danced and Mole, and Hippo,
And even bad Wolves!

Started to dance and Porcupine -
prickly needles,
And everything - to tremble, and everything - to squeal,
And that's it - run away from the Christmas tree!

Look: Well, at least he's good,
And he trembles with fear!
“But you won’t get me!” -
Turtle said.

We dance with a snail's pace,
But we'll probably beat everyone!

If there was no winter
There would be no tree.
Wouldn't dance under it
Hares, foxes, wolves.

Wouldn't tremble then
We are from the winter cold,
Not in the lair b, gentlemen,
The bear was sleeping, but in a puddle!

"If there were no winter, -
I scream with pain in my voice,
Would linger then
New Year at the Pole!

He wouldn't visit us
We wouldn't dance
Santa Claus did not come
With a beard, mustache.

If there was no winter
And it's always summer
I wouldn't read poetry
You, friends, about it!

Modern Santa Claus!
He brought gifts to everyone:
Not candy, not toys,
Not fluffy animals...

He brought us: telephones,
modern smartphones,
Flash drives - as many as ten pieces,
And a small laptop!

Snowflakes fly outside the window
And they lay down on the paths.
It came to us again
Our winter is winter.

Twirled, danced
Painted all the windows
I called everyone to a round dance,
To celebrate the New Year!

Santa Claus is coming to visit us
The children are very happy with him
All dreams come true
The holiday begins!

Glorious holiday - New Year,
He is already visiting us
He brings good
The smell of a Christmas tree and warmth,
And fun, and gifts,
We bring a bright holiday.
To make dreams come true
Let's guess together.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! -
So the snowflakes scream to me.
Santa Claus is coming again
As in a magical good dream.

May wishes come true
Dreams come true
Happy New Year,
All of you happiness and love!

Today is the best holiday
Today is the New Year!
Let it be just fun
And it will bring joy.
Let miracles happen
From now on, every time.
Let's go for a walk on the street
The weather is just great!
There is a lot of snow
Frozen on the river ice
Snowflakes are dancing for us
Cheerful round dance.

Our Christmas tree shines brightly
Santa Claus is knocking on the door.
On this New Year's holiday
Believe in a miracle.

Quiet clock on the wall
Count a full circle
And with the twelfth beat
New Year will come suddenly.

Happiness, joy and health
Let him bring with him
And at least for a little while
It will take us to a fairy tale.

You ask the guys
Why are they making noise?
And they dance and sing
Loud Grandfather's name?
Because at the gate
Main holiday:
New Year!

Beauty and joy -
New Years is soon,
Santa Claus gift
Delicious will bring.

We dance together
We got into a round dance,
The best holiday
It is a New Year!

Santa Claus is coming to me
How will my address be found?
Knows the code from the intercom,
Or will he climb in from the balcony?

Or down the chimney
Will he sneak into my house?
Maybe open a window
Wait for it a little?

While I was thinking, so tired
That accidentally dozed off.
Well, Santa Claus
Brought me a surprise last night!

We have a holiday today,
We have a ball today
We are all in bright costumes,
Merry carnival...

We are Santa Claus today
Will bring gifts
And it will be real
Great New Year!

I remember a wonderful moment
You appeared before me.
With a fluffy Christmas tree - a feast for the eyes! -
With a huge bag.

There are gifts in the bag. What a marvel!
All dreams have come true!
Everything is beautifully packaged
With a smile, you give them to me.

Yes, I'm not Pushkin. I do not know how
Write poetry from the heart.
But I dare to congratulate
And wish the world happiness.

Thank you, Grandpa, for the holiday,
For Christmas lights
For so many fairy tales, very different,
For your kind words!

At the green tree
Fluffy needles.
Let's stand together in a round dance -
Coming soon New Year!

New Year is one for everyone
Let there be merry laughter!
May the whole winter season
Will always be joyful!

Parents with experience know that tickets for the right Christmas trees end in early December. The Village talks about proven activities that you should go to with your children - for New Year's mood or to have a good time on a long vacation.

For the little ones


New Year's Marathon "Christmas Factory" in the park "Skazka"

A large-scale New Year's program will start in Skazka in a couple of weeks, which will run until mid-January: an open skating rink and ice shows, a troll cave and circus performances await guests of the park, winter workshops and reindeer and dog sledding. During the winter holidays, the park will become one of the residences of Father Frost. Children will also learn how the New Year is celebrated in different countries, take part in the New Year's quest in the Snow Queen's castle and become clowns on the "Chudelka" in the "Clownarium".

The Nutcracker at the ZIL Cultural Center

At the ZIL Cultural Center, actors from the Stein Drama Theater and the Children's Ballet Theater will show their favorite fairy tale, which takes place just before Christmas. The performance will start in the lobby of the center: an interesting program with the participation of fairy-tale characters, master classes where you can make New Year's decorations or sweets with your own hands, and communication with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden have been prepared for children.

"Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka"

At the Museum of Cosmonautics, children will be told about how the first space heroes Belka and Strelka set off on a journey to wind up the clock and bring the New Year closer. The show comes with free admission to the museum and a tube of real space food.

Performance "Little Santa Claus"
at Fanny Bell's House

A chamber performance for only 35 people with small miracles, when a whole performance is born from the simplest materials - paper, felt, rustling fabrics. The performance is based on the story of the same name by Anu Shtoner and is designed for the youngest viewers - from one to four years old.

"Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka"

Rock Yolka by Kids Rock Fest

In the first days of January, the Kids Rock Fest project arranges three big performances: rock, indie rock and rockabilly bands with their hits will perform at the Glastonberry club on Dubrovka. For children, the organizers are preparing several interactive zones: rock workshops, a dance battle, a "children's dressing room", a fear room, face painting and a New Year's market.

Performance "My dear snowman"

in the center "Wednesday"

"My Dear Snowman" is another performance for kids. In a kind magical story based on the fairy tale by Kate Westerlund, the most cherished dreams come true and miracles happen: for example, a snow cat becomes a real one. The performance will be shown on the stage on Tsvetnoy, and it lasts only 45 minutes - the children will not get tired.

"Save the New Year"

at the Rise of the Machines Museum

The Rise of the Machines Museum is hosting a cyber Christmas tree with giant three-meter transformers that will fight for the Snow Maiden with a robot villain, bright decorations and costumes, magic tricks and a disco with Santa Claus.

The play "Christmas tree at the Moomin-trolls"

in "Teatre.doc"

The theater project "Game Readings" tells about the Moomin family, who are going to celebrate their first Christmas. How did it happen? They just slept through all the previous holidays. Now they need to learn how to decorate a Christmas tree, prepare a festive dinner, wait for the first star and make wishes.

The play "Findus and the Mechanical Santa Claus"

Sven Nurdqvist's New Year's fairy tale about how Petson assembled a mechanical Santa Claus, and he suddenly came to life - this is a story about miracles that happen very close by. It is better to buy tickets for this performance now - everything is already sold out for the December shows. All New Year's performances of the "Fanny Bell House" have been collected in a separate section - you can choose your own.

For preschoolers

"Miracles and Kurales"

Sky Tales at the Moscow Planetarium

The story of Sky Tale will take children to the Far North, to the dwelling of an old shaman. He will tell Chukchi tales about how the stars appeared and the Milky Way arose. The performance will be shown in the Big Star Hall, and the heroes of the children's musical theater "A-Ya" will be the storytellers.

Performance "Miracles and Curales"

at the Musical Theater

On New Year's Eve, the Musical Theater releases the premiere of a children's musical based on the fairy tales of Lewis Carroll: based, of course, on Alice in Wonderland, as well as colorful scenery, bright costumes, spectacular special effects and good music that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents .

"History of the Year"

Science Tree Wow! How?"

at the Russian Academy of Sciences

At the Academy of Sciences, the Wow! How?" arranges a huge New Year's laboratory, in which real scientists and even Santa Claus will conduct experiments. In interactive thematic zones, children will become physicists, chemists, geologists and architects of the future, and at master classes they will make Christmas decorations, learn how various ultra-modern devices work, and assemble a large rocket. The organizers even prepared a scientific gift: it will contain sweets, a toy from a crazy professor's science show and an educational book "How the Earth Works".

Performance "History of the Year"

at the Meyerhold Center

The Antique Circus project will show a story about different seasons based on Andersen's fairy tale of the same name. Each performance of the "Antique Circus" is a mixture of a theatrical performance and elements of circus performances: tricks, illusions, attractions, plus amazing lighting and music accompaniment, immersing children and adults in an unusual atmosphere.

Immersive New Year's performance "The Mysterious Forest" in IRRI

At the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, children will put on their own shadow performance under the supervision of the owners of the Golden Mask, directors Vyacheslav Ignatov and Masha Litvinova. Everything will begin with work on the play and the manufacture of dolls and scenery. Then, as in a real theater, there will be rehearsals and a big performance for parents. The performance will traditionally end with a Christmas tree and gifts.

For younger students and teenagers

"Findus and the Mechanical Santa Claus"

We have collected for you the most popular and favorite children's New Year's poems by famous poets: A. S. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, K Chukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Usachev and many others. The poems of these poets are easy to remember and are suitable for reading on New Year's holidays at school and at home.

Korney Chukovsky

Christmas tree

Would be at the Christmas tree

She would run

Along the track.

She would dance

Together with us,

She would knock


Would spin on the Christmas tree

Toys -

colorful lanterns,


Would spin on the Christmas tree

From green, from raspberry

Would laugh at the Christmas tree


And they would clap for joy

In the palms

Because at the gate

The New Year has arrived!

new, new,

With a golden beard!

Agniya Barto

Not alone

We didn't eat, we didn't drink

They made a snow woman.

February snow, weak, weak,

Crumpled at hand

But just for the snowman

We need one like this.

We were hot to work

It's like there's no winter

As if took February from March

Warm day on loan.

Smiling as if alive

In the park, in silence

The snow woman got up

In a white coat.

But it's getting dark - that's a shame! -

The light of dawn goes out

The boys need to go home

Whatever you say!

Suddenly Natalka frowned,

She's only five years old

He says: - I feel sorry for the woman,

Why should she stand there?

Soon the sound of the tram will subside

And the moon will rise

There will be a snow woman

Alone under the moon?!

We crowded around the woman,

Thought - how to be?

We have a friend to her at least

Need to get it.

We didn't eat, we didn't drink

They made a new grandmother.

Soon the sound of the tram will subside

And the moon will rise

Our snow woman

Will not be alone.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

… neater than trendy parquet

The river shines, dressed in ice.

Boys joyful people

Skates cut the ice loudly;

On red paws a goose is heavy,

Having thought to swim in the bosom of the waters,

Steps carefully on the ice

Slides and falls; happy

Flickering, winding the first snow,

Stars falling on the shore ...

Samuil Marshak

Winter storm

Snow blizzard, blizzard,

Spin us yarn

Whip the fluffy snows

Like swan fluff.

You nimble weavers -

Whirlwinds and blizzards

Give rainbow brocade

For shaggy firs.

Take care, blacksmith-frost,

Tell us today

birch necklace

By New Year's Eve!

Evgeniya Trutneva

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

He's out of the woods in passing

The Christmas tree has already been brought to us.

At the top, above the branches,

Fired up like always

The brightest, hottest light

Five-winged star.

The house smells of fresh pine needles.

Resin-dew on the branches.

We've known each other for a long time

Our beauty star!

The New Year has passed: around the world,

Looked here for us too.

So burn above the branches

Five-winged star!

Zoya Alexandrova


Little Christmas tree

Cold in winter

Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

white hare

Christmas tree asked:

"Mint gingerbread

Bring the bunny!"

The squirrel jumped

In a blue coat:

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

I will go with you!"

Little Christmas tree

The rooms are warm

Hare and squirrel

Breathe on glass.

red finches

Curl at the window

In a warm thaw

The tree is visible.

How many on the Christmas tree

colored balls,

pink gingerbread,

Cones of gold!

How many under the Christmas tree

Little guys!

Stomp, clap,

Cheerfully shout:

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Bright lights,

blue beads,

Christmas tree, call!

A smart branch

Drop it below

Us chocolate

Feed the fish!

Let's stand under the tree

In a friendly round dance.

fun, fun

Let's celebrate the New Year!"

Agniya Barto

In defense of Santa Claus

My brother (he outgrew me)

Brings everyone to tears.

He told me that Santa Claus

Not Santa Claus at all!

He told me:

Don't trust him! -

But here by myself

The door opened

And suddenly I see -

Grandfather enters.

He has a beard

Dressed in a sheepskin coat

Toe loop to the very heels!

He says:

And where is the tree?

Do the children sleep?

With big silver

sprinkled with snow,

In a fluffy hat

And the older brother

Says secretly:

Yes, it's our neighbor!

How can you not see: the nose is similar!

Both arms and back!

I answer: - Well, so what!

And you look like a grandmother

But you're not her!

Sergey Yesenin

Winter sings - calls out

Shaggy forest cradles

The call of a pine forest.

Around with deep longing

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm

Spreads like a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful

Like orphan children

Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,

Hungry, tired

And they huddle tighter.

A blizzard with a furious roar

Knocks on the shutters hung

And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze

Under these whirlwinds of snow

At the frozen window.

And they dream of a beautiful

In the smiles of the sun is clear

Spring beauty.

Sergey Yesenin


I'm going. Quiet. Ringing is heard

Under the hoof in the snow

Only gray crows

Made a noise in the meadow.

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

Bent over like an old lady

Leaned on a stick

And above the crown

The woodpecker hammers at the bitch.

The horse is galloping, there is a lot of space,

Snow falls and spreads a shawl.

Endless road

Runs off into the distance.

Sergey Yesenin


White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe.

And there is a birch

In sleepy silence

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

A dawn, lazy

Walking around,

sprinkles branches

New silver.

Sergei Mikhalkov

White verses

The snow is spinning

Snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Happy snow beast and bird

And, of course, the man!

Happy gray titmouse:

Birds freeze in the cold

Snow fell - frost fell!

The cat washes its nose with snow.

Puppy on a black back

White snowflakes are melting.

The sidewalks are covered

Everything around is white-white:


Enough business for shovels,

For shovels and scrapers,

For big trucks.

The snow is spinning

Snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Happy snow beast and bird

And, of course, the man!

Only a janitor, only a janitor

He says: - I am this Tuesday

I will never forget!

Snowfall is a disaster for us!

All day the scraper scrapes,

The broom sweeps all day long.

A hundred sweats have left me

And the circle is white again!

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Igor Maznin

Winter day

Miracles -

wonderful branch,

Frost is wonderful

Above - red

Bottom - blue

Wonderful city

wonderful snow,


Wonderful day

The weather is wonderful.

And what is vain

And what's noisy

And what's tight

Just a miracle

How wonderful:

What do you believe

Even in those

What's in the sieve!..

Agniya Barto

It was in January

It was in January

There was a tree on the mountain

And near this Christmas tree

The bad wolves roamed.

Here once,

night time,

When it's so quiet in the forest

Meet the wolf under the mountain

Bunnies and bunnies.

Who wants in the New Year

Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

The rabbits rushed forward

And they jumped on the tree.

They pricked their ears

They hung like toys.

ten little bunnies

They hang on the tree and are silent.

The wolf was deceived.

It was in January,

He thought that on the mountain

Decorated tree.

I. A. Belousov

First snowball

First winter snow

Flying with white fluff.

First light frost

Cheerful and invigorating.

Good on the mountain

Fly like an arrow

Just keep your hat

To stay intact.

put on gloves,

Dress warmly

Cushion pull up

Come out quickly.

First winter snow

Flying with white fluff.

First light frost

Cheerful and invigorating.

S. D. Drozhzhin

Walks the street

Santa Claus,

Hoarfrost scatters

On the branches of birches;

Walks with a beard

White shakes,

stomping foot,

There is only crackling.

Sergei Mikhalkov

Frost and frost

(Lithuanian fairy tale)

Once there lived Santa Claus,

he had a grandson.

Frost was good for everyone,

Yes, he loved to brag:

Grandfather is strong, and I am stronger!

And I bite harder!

I'm a hundred years younger!

Freeze the whole world!

Here is Frost once

In an open field, at a late hour,

Sees: rides, full and drunk,

In a thick fur coat, a thick pan.

The master's horses are being taken.

Our Frost is right there!

He sat down in a sleigh next to the pan -

The pan's nose turned white,

Pan does not feel his hands and feet,

All chilled to the bone,

Ice drops from the eyes ...

Pan's hour of death has struck,

Did not save his fur -

Mittens and doha.

Why did you turn your nose up? -

Met grandson Santa Claus.

The grandson chuckled.

There is a fur coat, but there is no pan!

And did not get out of the furs,

How frozen to the guts.

You are strong and I am stronger

And I bite harder!

Freeze the whole world!

Okay, granddaughter, - grunted grandfather.

Freeze! In the meantime

Freeze the man.

Where? What?

Out in the forest

Chopping branches in the wind!

Frost looked into the forest,

Where the ax rang at that hour,

He sees: a skinny man,

Pulling up your sash,

Zipunk barely covered

Chopping branches for firewood.

Come on, granddaughter! - said the grandfather. -

Will you win or not?

Yes, there are at least ten of them! -

Without blinking, the grandson replied.

How Frost came to the forest

A man climbed into a zipun,

Sweeps a man -

Painfully pinches on the sides,

By the nose, by the ears,

Takes right to the soul!

And the man, you know, was strong -

So it cuts, as it cuts,

So he swings an ax

He disassembles with a windbreak.

Flinch - sigh

Just wipe the sweat off your face

Sit down a little on a stump:

It's been a hot day!

An hour, two hours have passed -

Time quickly passed.

Man, alive and well,

He put firewood on the sled,

Plugged the ax behind the sash

And turned back to the house.

And Frost, not his own,

Wandered to his home.

Why are you hanging your nose? -

Met grandson Santa Claus.

What did the grandson answer to his grandfather,

We don't have time to write here.

Let's just say: from now on,

How a man takes an ax

So Frost - no gugu! -

Quietly dozing in the snow.

R. Kudasheva


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Slim in winter and summer

Green was.

The blizzard sang a song to her:

"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!"

Frost covered with snow:

"Look, don't freeze!"

Coward Bunny gray

Jumped under the Christmas tree

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,

Ran through.

Chu! Frequent snow in the forest

Creaks under the runner;


Hurry runs.

The horse is carrying firewood,

And in the woods - a peasant.

He cut down our Christmas tree

Under the spine.

Now she is elegant

Came to us for the holiday

And many, many joys

Brought it to the kids.

Valentin Berestov

black ice

Does not go and does not go

Because ice.

Falls great!

Why is nobody

Not happy?

Ya Akim

First snow

morning cat

Brought on paws

First snow!

First snow!

Taste and smell

First snow!

First snow!

He's spinning

The guys over their heads

Down scarf

spread out

On the pavement

He turns white

Along the fence

I crouched on the lantern -

So, soon

Very soon

The sleigh will fly

So it will be possible

build a fortress

In the yard!

Alexander Shibaev

Santa Claus

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!

Santa Claus is walking alive.

- Well, Santa Claus! ..

What cheeks!

What a nose!

Beard, beard!

And on the cap is a star!

There are specks on the nose!

And the eyes are ... daddy's!

O. Vysotskaya

snow bunny

We made a snowball

Ears made later

And just

Instead of eyes

We have coals.

The rabbit came out alive!

He has a tail and a head!

Don't pull -

They are from straws!

Long, shiny

Exactly real!

A. S. Pushkin

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On firewood, updates the path;

His horse, smelling snow,

Trotting somehow;

Reins fluffy exploding,

A remote wagon flies;

The coachman sits on the irradiation

In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.

Here is a yard boy running,

Planting a bug in a sled,

Transforming himself into a horse;

The scoundrel already froze his finger:

It hurts and it's funny

And his mother threatens him through the window ...

I. Tokmakova

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow,

And on the Christmas tree - snow, snow,

And under the tree - snow, snow.

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush... Don't make noise.

S. Marshak

Pours, pours snow in armfuls.

It's winter in the fields.

To the eyebrows covered with hats

In the courtyards of the house.

At night the blizzard played tricks,

Snow knocked on the glass

And now look

so funny

And white-white!

N. A. Nekrasov

Frost Governor

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Frost-voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - good blizzards

Forest trails brought

And are there any cracks, cracks,

Is there any bare ground anywhere?

Are the tops of the pines fluffy,

Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?

And are the ice floes tightly bound

In great and small waters?

Walks - walks through the trees,

Cracks on the frozen bottom,

And the bright sun plays

In his shaggy beard.

Climbing on a large pine tree,

He beats the branches with a club,

And I delete about myself,

Boastful song sings:

"Snowstorms, snows and fogs

Always submissive to frost

I'll go to the seas-oceans -

I will build palaces of ice.

I think - the rivers are big

For a long time I will hide under oppression,

I will build bridges of ice

Which the people will not build.

Where fast, noisy waters

Recently flowed freely

Pedestrians passed today

Convoys with goods passed ...

I'm rich: I don't count the treasury

And everything does not lack good;

I take away my kingdom

In diamonds, pearls, silver."

Andrey Usachev

Where does the New Year come from?

New Year flies from the sky?

Or coming from the forest?

Or from a snowdrift

Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake

On some star

Or hiding behind a feather

Frost has a beard?

He went to sleep in the fridge

Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...

Or an old alarm clock

Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle

The clock strikes twelve...

And no one knows where

The New Year is coming to us!

V. Orlov

winter day

winter day

flared up in the window

sun bunny

Lies on the palm.

Looks like he jumped

From cold skies

Warmed up a little

And then he disappeared.

Anastasia Orlova

snow shower

I am a winter lover

Taking a snow shower

In the middle of January

Snow is pouring from the lantern!

Anastasia Orlova

About boots and snowflakes

Snub nose at the boot

There is a snowflake on the nose.

Smiling boot -

He loves snowflakes!

Anastasia Orlova

Oh, snowdrift!

Oh, snowdrift!

Say mercy

What happened to you?

All haggard, donkey ...

Maybe you got sick?

Everything is fine -

The forehead is cold.



Not a snowflake for two weeks -

You would lose weight too!

I'll feed you with a spatula

The snow behind the house is the sweetest!

Do not eat -

From under the bench

I'll scrape up some extras for you!

F. I. Tyutchev

Enchantress Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands -

And under the snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -

Not dead and not alive

Magically enchanted by sleep

All entangled, all bound

Light chain down...

Is the sun in winter

On him his ray oblique -

Nothing trembles in it

He will flare up and shine

Dazzling beauty.

What I have collected today is suitable for a situation where several families with children gather in the same apartment to celebrate the New Year. You must agree that some part of the evening should be devoted to little guests.

If adults participate, everything will be even more fun! A real family holiday!

What we have?

All children of different ages, but with the same desire to have fun. There will be no invited Santa Claus (or this is a 5-minute formality), but you failed to bring up your own in the team.

There is no place in the apartment for very active games, you did not have time to make complex props for games.

Well? Fits? Read on!

I will give New Year's competitions for children in thematic blocks. Choose the appropriate options, draw up a program taking into account the alternation of mobile and table competitions.

From these scenarios and selections, you can add contests to your program:

And further!


look interesting ideas in other scenarios: , (this is my favorite selection),
Add a few competitions for kids to the script and you get a full-fledged program!


Lotteries and fortune telling

From experience, both children and adults always like it. Apparently, everyone is interested in looking into the future and testing their luck.

Choice of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

We put little notes in capsules from kinders (you can also just paper bundles in a bag). Pull all the participants of the feast! On one note "Santa Claus", on the other - "Snow Maiden". All the rest can be empty, but it is better to distribute New Year's roles to all guests: snowflakes (there may be 20 of them), Grandmother Winter, The Snow Queen, snowman and so on. If Santa Claus is 2 years old, and the Snow Maiden is 55, you have succeeded :-)!

Now we announce the first New Year's dance of the lucky ones! Do not forget to put on the necessary attributes and take a picture at the Christmas tree.

Success Prediction

Everyone is pleased to know that only success awaits in the future. Therefore, we put in a hat the names of all those present, written on pieces of paper, and voice questions like these:

- Who will be the best student in the new year? (pull paper...)

- Katia! (well, or grandmother Tanya ...)

  • Who will make the great discovery?
  • Who will find the treasure?
  • Who will win the lottery?
  • Who will receive the most gifts?
  • Who will have the most good news in the new year?
  • Who will travel a lot?
  • Who is in for the biggest surprise of 2015?
  • Who will be the most successful at work (at school)?
  • Who will be the most athletic in the new year?
  • Who will be the healthiest?
  • Who will become famous?
  • Who's biggest dream will come true?

What's in the black box...

Now all of us will be psychics. Put a box on a chair in the center of the room (you can use shoes), offer to guess what lies there. Let the guests come up to the box, make movements with their hands, copying the magicians.

We begin to accept one answer from each person present. Children, of course, assume the presence of toys, adults - anything.

You can put a really valuable thing in the box that will suit any gender and age (a cup with the symbol of the year, for example), or you can put a cracker. Let everyone get confetti for their work :-). By the way, now there are crackers from which 100-dollar bills fly out.

New Year's word...

Prepare a bunch of small prizes (sweets, chocolate medals, chewing gum, calendars).

You can spend at the table: Look under your plates! Each of you has one letter! (letters write in advance on the cards)

So. Now we ask you to name "New Year's" words for each of these letters. For every word - PRIZE!

But to the one who puts together the word "Snow Maiden" from the letters, we give something more substantial.

  • FROM- snow, icicles, snowflakes, snowballs, candles
  • H- new year, outfit
  • E– spruce
  • G- guests, garland
  • At- luck, food, decoration,
  • R- practical jokes,
  • O- Russian salad
  • H- watch
  • To– confetti, calendar, clown, karaoke, costume
  • BUT applause, fragrance, angel, actor

You can name dishes that are on the New Year's table, fairy-tale characters in which guests are dressed up, drinks, games, natural phenomena, and so on.

Who quickly?

Chiming clock

Divide children and adults into 2 teams. We give everyone decorations for the Christmas tree and clothespins. Toys, snowflakes and garlands need to be hung on ... one of the team members. Let him spread his fingers and shine like a Christmas tree!

Yes! You can also hold a garland in your teeth.

Turn on the recording with the chimes (there is on YouTube)! Whoever gets the funniest Christmas tree in 1 minute, while recording is in progress, wins!

Take away a gift

Two members. Two boxes (possibly from shoes) with prizes wrapped in beautiful paper. Tie a ribbon (2 - 2.5 m) to each box, the other end to a pencil.

We put the participants on one line, we give pencils in our hands. 1-2-3! We begin to wind the tape on the pencil. The one who does it faster takes the prize.

You can also joke. Let the child and adult compete. In the "children's" box we put something very light, and in the "adult" - dumbbell... Let it reel! 🙂

We make a snowman ... together!

You need softened plasticine. Two participants sit side by side at the table, you can hug. Left hand one member and right hand another should act as if they were the hands of one person.

How difficult it is ... Try to pinch off a piece of plasticine, roll three balls between your palms (I remind you, two people participate), then stick a carrot and eyes.

Let there be adults and children in each pair, it's more fun.

Grab it

Something like a game with chairs, when someone from the gape has nowhere to sit. Only no chairs are needed - only a small table or stool with a tray on which carnival accessories lie - spouts, glasses, wigs, caps. The one who did not get the decoration by the end of the music is out. Naturally, the accessory must not only be grabbed, but also put on. For the second round, we put everything on the stool again, continue until 1 winner is revealed.

Competitions with balls

I won't repeat myself, as I already wrote an article. In general, they can be taken as a basis and all children's New Year's contests can be held only with balls.

Throwers, beaters, hits 🙂

Here intelligence is not needed, and it is quite possible to entertain guests from 3 to 103.

From experience, such competitions sometimes turn out to be very reckless. It’s hard to guess what exactly your guests will like, I’ll just list the options, and you decide on the available props and set aside a place for the game.

  • if there is any variant of darts (magnetic, balls with Velcro), feel free to assign a prize to the most accurate, interest in the competition will be sure
  • skittles or plastic bottles filled with beans, peas or water are fun to knock down with a rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
  • throwing "snowballs" from a newspaper into a basket (what if someone gets a score of 10 out of 10?). The distance is 2 meters!

We close our eyes!

A standard set of comic contests, but in the New Year it is always a success.

Here are 3 options:

  • cut the prize from the tape (it’s more fun if you don’t tie the rope to the cabinets, but give it to two guests in the hands - let them change the height after the player has stopped seeing the target. A blindfolded person will need to work harder, and we’ll make the observers laugh!)
  • sticking a plasticine nose to a drawn snowman is also not so easy (we blindfold, unwind, let the participant go to the poster with the picture)
  • build a pyramid out of plastic cups. Before blindfolding, we show the "drawing" of the tower - 4 inverted cups at the base, then three, two, one on top. The fastest and most accurate builder wins

A joke concert!

We collect here all the music, circus and dance competitions.

noise orchestra

Great entertainment for a mixed company of adults and children from 2 to 12 years old. .

Poetic horoscope!

We recall what Symbols of the year are in the horoscope, let the guests name their own. If there are 2 dogs or 3 snakes, joint performance is allowed.

Exercise: read Mikhalkov's poem

They say New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true

how… rat, pig, dragon, snake, cat, dog, bull, tiger, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster!

neon show

To be honest, it was unexpectedly effective even for me, although I came up with this idea and implemented it. For seven children who, together with adults, celebrated the New Year, I bought neon luminous accessories. Previously, these were only bracelets, now there are glasses, beads, head jewelry, ears and sticks. By the way, I bought earrings for myself.

So ... I gathered the children in a separate room and dressed everyone, from toddlers to teenagers, in these jewelry (bracelets on arms and legs are possible):

Then I turned on "Jingle Bells" in a rock version, turned off the light in the room and started all the glowing children. It was very cool as the kids started jumping and spinning, the neon decorations seemed to fill the entire space. I'll tell you, the light show was no worse than those for which corporate parties pay a lot of money :-). All these accessories are sold in almost all stores with festive tinsel.

Dance "Engine" + family disco

This is an excuse to distract all guests from eating salads. We invite adults and children, build according to height and ask them to put their hands on the waist of the previous dancer. This picture makes me happy. A long, long teenager can stand in front, behind him are all the grandparents, the “last trailer” is a two-year-old baby. The video is great, don't forget to take it.

I must say, the train falls apart quite quickly, but for us it is also good, since the guests are already ready to dance a little. It’s boring to stomp to one long song at a family party, so we turn on these cuts from hits one by one (copy the link): http://muzofon.com/search/music%20 for%20competitions.

New Year's karaoke (choir battle)

As a rule, karaoke sites have a selection of winter songs. If not, drop it into your favorites folder in advance so as not to look for these songs on New Year's Eve:

  • “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest ...”
  • "The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky"
  • "Three White Horses"
  • "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter"
  • "Blue frost"
  • "Snow is falling"
  • "Five minutes":
  • "Song about bears"

There are sections of New Year's songs on sites with online karaoke, you don't need to search for each one separately.

Not everyone likes to sing solo, so you will have four nominations: children's choir, female choir, male, mixed.

Obstacle dance

All guests stand on the right side of the room. We need plastic cups again. We build a low fence (2 floors) from them, which guests easily overcome by dancing, moving to the left side of the room.

We build another "floor". Everyone again moves, making dance moves, over the wall. So we build until the participants need to jump. The smartest wins a prize!

If there are no benches, we pull the rope (two people hold it) at a height of 20, 30, 40, 50 cm from the floor, and so on.


You will laugh twice. During the process itself and after some time, when you get the finished pictures.

We use New Year's accessories, do not skimp on facial expressions and gestures!

For each guest, you come up with a casting with photo tests for the role:

  • best Santa Claus
  • the most greedy Santa Claus
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden
  • the sleepiest Snow Maiden
  • the most gorged guest
  • the happiest guest
  • the cunning Baba Yaga
  • the most evil Kashchei
  • the strongest hero
  • the most capricious princess
  • the biggest snowflake
  • and so on…

Trivia from Santa Claus

In Europe, this entertainment is called "Secret Santa", but we are patriots, we have our own wonderful grandfather. I came up with such a legend ... Santa Claus was walking through the forest with gifts, caught on a branch, and slightly tore the bag. Large gifts remained in the bag, but small ones fell out. We picked them up and now we will give them to all our guests!

We buy small and pleasant little things in advance and wrap them in opaque wrapping paper. Personally, to speed up the process, I simply put a souvenir in a square piece of paper, shape it into a bag and tie it with a ribbon. I have been shopping for the whole of December - 2-3 things with each shopping cart in the store. By the end of the month, I have a whole bag of kinders, liquid soap in the form of animal figures, candles, frames, calendars, chocolate hares, key chains and lanterns.

Ask "Who is this gift?" You can pull papers out of a hat, but my son likes to appoint the lucky one himself: “Uncle Zhenya!” We give the gift, wait until he demonstrates to everyone the lost trifle from Santa Claus, then the next question “Who is this gift for?” Every time I am surprised with what trepidation the guests are waiting for these gifts ... Even adults :-).

Let's laugh and think

If you have a lot of adults at your party, buy ready-made collections with tasks on cards.

To be honest, I accidentally opened these wonderful task cards at a ridiculous price. We were entertained by a real presenter, but I remembered the box with tasks ... We laughed to the point of hiccups, some words from related languages ​​\u200b\u200bare painfully funny for the Russian ear. Actually, they had to be guessed (options offered).

"Zashkodnik"- 120 double-sided cards. Well, for example, "T-shirt" in translation from Bulgarian is who? Mom, cousin or grandmother? Or what should one imagine if the word in Czech sounds "hammer"? And there are all sorts of stinks, battles and obscurantism (these are all decent words in translation).

What else happens?

  • "Bullshit"- a collection of rare words of the Russian language (so rare that even from the proposed options it is difficult to choose the right one to explain the meaning)
  • "Why meter"- 120 questions with answers, such as "Why is there a camel on the flag of the Chelyabinsk region?"
  • "Citatomer"- 120 cards where you will be asked to complete the quote of a great man
  • "Personometer"- 120 name cards. You just need to remember and choose the correct answer: Rabindranath Tagore is WHO?

Sets are available in bookstores in the "Entertainment" section