
Kipferon ampoules instructions for use. Candles Kipferon: instructions for use of the remedy for the treatment of children from various infections. Instructions for use of candles Kipferon, dosage

Kipferon ampoules instructions for use.  Candles Kipferon: instructions for use of the remedy for the treatment of children from various infections.  Instructions for use of candles Kipferon, dosage

Candles Kipferon - drug from the group of immunoglobulators(cytokines), for a long time strengthening the immune defense in children. It is used for infectious and viral diseases. The balanced composition allows the use of candles for adolescents and infants in complex therapy. Under what pathologies, at what age is Kipferon recommended, how not to make a mistake with the dosage, what are the contraindications? - we will try to answer these and other questions in our review.

Kipferon eliminates pathogens, eliminates the inflammatory process, strengthens the immune system.

Composition and mechanism of action

The composition contains two active ingredients: recombinant interferon alpha-2 and complex immunoglobulin. The concentration of the first 500,000 IU. Its role is to prevent the spread of viruses in the human body. The second component includes human immunoglobulins obtained from the blood of a donor. They are an essential part of the immune system. The composition of the drug is supplemented with auxiliary elements. This:

  • paraffin;
  • emulsifier;
  • sodium salts;
  • purified water.

Their main function is to accelerate the resorption of the suppository, evenly distributing the active substances.

The therapeutic effects of the drug are explained by its immunobiological origin. Kipferon has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-chlamydial effect.

The drug works in all body fluids - in the articular, intercellular, pleural, blood and lymph.

Manufacturer information

Kipferon produced in the form of candles. Suppositories are small cylinders, one end of which is slightly pointed. There are no inclusions or irregularities on the cut.

Candles begin to act immediately after the introduction.

Kipferon is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Alpharm. One carton contains 2 blister packs, 5 candles each. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The average price of the drug is 600 r.

When appoint Kipferon

The release form of the drug in the form of suppositories allows you to use it for babies from 6 months. Kipferon is prescribed for acute and chronic course illness. Indications for appointment:

  • pneumonia;
  • SARS;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • dysentery;
  • chlamydia;
  • vulvovaginitis;

The medicine will help with herpes.

  • hepatitis.

Regarding the use of Kipferon for infants, the opinions of experts differ - some believe that during the formation of immunity, the strengthening of protective forces is only beneficial. Others believe that intervention in the immune system is not always justified.

Dosage and application features

Instructions for use prescribes two ways to administer suppositories - rectal and intravaginal. The first is usually used for children under 12 years of age. The vaginal route of administration is practiced at the onset of menstruation in girls. For one application, 1 or 2 suppositories are used, depending on the clinical picture.

For infants (starting from 6 months), Kipferon is prescribed only rectally. Children's dosage is calculated according to the weight of the child. With a body weight of up to 10 kg, you can enter no more than 500,000 IU per day, that is, 1 candle. For older children, the dose will depend on the age and type of pathology:

Disease Age group Dosage Note
Chlamydia related infection Children (from 6 months to 12 years old) One candle per day. The course is one and a half weeks. It is possible to combine with antibacterial agents.
Viral hepatitis Up to 7 years 500,000 IU per dose. No more than 1 million IU per day. The first week candles are placed daily, then twice a week. With a protracted process, it is possible to increase the duration of the course up to 4 weeks.
8 to 11 years old The maximum dosage is 1500000 per day, which is equal to 3 suppositories.
Over 12 years old Up to 2 million per day or 4 candles.
Frequent respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis. In the first 5 days, divide 2 suppositories daily into 2 doses, then 2 times a week after 3 days. It is allowed to use simultaneously with the course.
Children under 12 For one application, the dosage is 50,000 IU / kg of body weight, not more than 1 million IU per day. The drug is administered rectally. It is used as an independent agent and in combination with antibacterial therapy.
Over 12 years old The maximum daily dose is 2 million IU or 4 suppositories.

The instruction provides for the use of Kipferon before carrying out surgical intervention and in the recovery period after surgery.

Side effects and contraindications

One of the advantages of the drug is safety. Side effects are observed infrequently. They are usually associated with an overdose. Manifested by swelling of the mucous membranes, itching, rash on the skin. If such symptoms are detected, the use of candles is stopped.

An allergic reaction is possible - a rash or itching.

There are restrictions on the use of Kipferon. Contraindications:

  • The child is less than 6 months old. Studies of the effect of the drug on infants have not been conducted.
  • Breast-feeding. Mom during this period can use Kipferon only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Allergic reaction to the drug.
  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the suppositories.

It is dangerous to use Kipferon for children in such cases.

Interaction with other drugs

Conducted clinical researches proved the compatibility of Kipferon with other medications. In combination with antibiotics, the effect of the latter is even enhanced. Despite this, on the use of suppositories in the course of treatment, consult your doctor.


Feedback from Galina (daughter Anya, 7 years old), Kirov:

“In the evening, the child’s temperature suddenly jumped to 39 ° C. Anyutka could not sleep for a long time, tossing and turning and crying. The most suitable thing that I could find in my home first aid kit was Kipferon candles. They put only one, and after about half an hour the temperature dropped to 37.5 ° C. The daughter slept through the night. In the morning I felt better, and we calmly waited for the doctor.”

The drug is prescribed for frequent SARS.

Feedback from Veronica (son Artyom, 2 years old), Vorkuta:

“We cheer with Tyoma often. Usually the pediatrician wrote out a bunch of prescriptions, you had to spend rather big sums on medicines and take different pills and powders. Recently moved to new house and our doctor has changed. When they came to the appointment with complaints of coughing, a bad cold, we were prescribed Kipferon suppositories. They put 3 days in a row, after which the cough subsided. Good thing you didn't have to give."

Pediatrician, Smolensk:

“I often prescribe Kipferon to small patients with intestinal dysbacteriosis. Medicines in the form rectal suppositories more effective than other types of drugs. The active substance is absorbed by the body much better, so the result occurs almost immediately after application. For parents whose children cannot tolerate certain oral medications, suppositories are a real boon.”

Candles help eliminate dysbacteriosis in crumbs.


There are drugs on the pharmaceutical market similar to Kipferon, but their effect is less pronounced. This is due to the lower content of interferon in the composition. The most effective analogues include the following drugs:

  • - combination drug based on human interferon with immunomodulatory and antiviral action. Available in the form of a gel, ointment, suppositories. The latter most often used to treat infants. You can buy Viferon candles for an average of 200 rubles.
  • - a preparation containing the same active ingredient in each suppository - 125,000 IU and 250,000 IU. Another active ingredient is taurine (5 mg). You can use the drug to treat a child from the first days of life. average price- 300 r.
  • -homeopathic medicine, containing antibodies to interferon-gamma, to CD4 and histamine. Release form - lozenges. You can buy medicine for an average of 330 rubles.
  • . at the expense active substance azoximer bromide the drug has an immunomodulatory, detoxifying and antioxidant effect. From 6 months, children are prescribed in the form of injections, drops under the tongue and suppositories, tablets are recommended for teenagers. The average price of candles is 730 rubles.

Regarding the replacement of Kipferon, consult your doctor. The therapeutic effect of any drug is possible only with the right dosage, taking into account the age of the child and the type of disease.

Candles Kipferon - effective and safe remedy for treatment infectious diseases in children, which is dispensed in the pharmacy network without a prescription. The release form of the drug is convenient to use for young patients from six months of age. Despite this, it is best to consult a pediatrician before using the drug.

Irina Zykova

Babies under 5-6 years old often get viral and bacterial diseases. This is due to their imperfection. immune system. As an immunomodulator, Kipferon suppositories are used, instructions for use, analogues and reviews, which you can read about in this article.

Kipferon, according to the instructions for use, is intended for the treatment of adult patients. Many parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to give medicine to children? As already mentioned, suppositories belong to the group of immunostimulating agents. That is, they have the ability to regulate the natural protection of a person.

The manufacturer of the drug is Russia. The release of suppositories is carried out by the company ALFARM. Kipferon on the shelves of a pharmacy can be found in the form of torpedoes for vaginal administration, as well as for rectal. Suppositories are packed in blisters of 5 and 10 pieces. The drug is produced in a single dosage (500 mg each). It is this dosage that is considered effective for a child and an adult. What the medication looks like can be seen in the photo.


The active substance of the drug is a complex immunoglobulin preparation and human interferon. The amount of interferon in one candle is 500,000 IU. Part of the immunoglobulin preparation is 60 mg. Interferon for the manufacture of the drug is obtained from the blood of donors. In the process of processing, the material must be tested for various infections, including HIV, hepatitis and others. Among the excipients should be called confectionery fat, purified water, paraffin, emulsifiers.

The therapeutic effect of Kipferon is due to its unique composition. After entering the body, the medicine helps to reduce the inflammatory process, increases the body's immune defenses, and helps fight against various types pathogenic microorganisms. The advantage of the drug is the absence of a negative effect on the patient's stomach, since the administration is carried out rectally or vaginally.

In case of bacterial infections, it is not recommended to use Kipferon as an antibiotic, since the drug does not destroy pathogenic organisms of this type, but only slows down their reproduction.

Indications for use

Let's look at what Kipferon children's candles help from. Due to the fact that the drug has an immunomodulatory effect, it is prescribed for children and adults with various diseases. Widely used medication for rotavirus, intestinal infections, flu, sore throat, SARS, elevated temperature. Before using the product, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and consult a specialist. The doctor will help you choose the right dosage and duration of treatment for each patient on an individual basis.

Among newborns and infants up to a year, suppositories should be used only when absolutely necessary. The pediatrician decides on the advisability of taking the medication, depending on the diagnosis of the child.

Kipferon suppositories should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions for use. The drug is indicated for use in any diseases accompanied by a decrease in immunity in a child or adult. Before prescribing a medication, it is necessary to make sure that the patient does not have individual hypersensitivity to its components.

In order to treat and prevent certain pathologies in pediatric practice the medicine should be used in a clear dosage. So, let's figure out what dosage and how many days to put suppositories? IN official instructions The following scheme of reception of means is offered:

  • For viral respiratory infections that spread to the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, children under one year old are recommended to put no more than 1 suppository per day. Children from 12 months to 12 years old are given 2 suppositories per day. After 12 years, the child is given 3 torpedoes throughout the day.
  • With dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections, a baby up to a year old put 1 candle each. Children under 12 years old, 2 suppositories. After 12 years, 3 pieces throughout the day.
  • The duration of treatment is usually 7 days. If the expected therapeutic effect is absent, the specialist should choose a similar remedy.

Doctors emphasize that Kipferon suppositories should be used from the first hours of the disease. If the pathology becomes chronic, the effectiveness of suppositories may be low.

special instructions

With pneumonia, cytomegalovirus, complicated influenza, meningitis and other severe pathologies, Kipferon is prescribed in an individual dosage. In this case, treatment is used in courses at intervals of 5-7 days.

For newborns and infants, suppositories are used only if the expected benefit greatly outweighs the possible risks to the health of the infant.

Like other suppositories, the drug in question is administered to the child after a bowel movement. If there is no independent act of defecation, the patient should be given an enema.

Doctors allow therapy with medication among children from birth. Despite this, self application among children is strictly not recommended. This is due to the fact that Kipferon can cause some side effects that are not mentioned in the instructions for use.

Simultaneously with Kipferon, you can use antiviral drugs. The only exceptions are those drugs, which also include interferon. It is better not to combine such drugs or use them under the strict supervision of a pediatrician.


The drug does not have any special prohibitions. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug in a child or adult. In this regard, before starting treatment, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to the active components of the suppositories.

Side effects

Suppositories are generally well tolerated by children and adults. Cases of the development of any side effects was not registered. An exception is an allergic reaction in a patient, which can manifest itself in the form skin itching and rashes on the body.

If such symptoms are found, stop treatment and consult a doctor.


To date, cases of overdose in medical practice have not been registered. Despite this, we must not forget that the patient may develop an allergic reaction to the medication, which is explained by the individual intolerance of its components.


The cost of candles in pharmacies is quite high. In this regard, many parents are looking for drugs that are cheaper. Consider the popular analogues of the tool:

  • Viferon. Like many immunomodulators, they are based on the active ingredient - interferon. In addition, it contains vitamin C.
  • Ergoferon. This drug belongs to homeopathic remedies. Intended for the treatment and prevention of viral and bacterial infections in children and adults.
  • Kipferon powder for children. It has the same effect as suppositories.
  • Genferon. This is another budget tool related to antiviral immunomodulatory drugs. The drug is widely used among children for the treatment of viral and bacterial pathologies.

It is impossible to say with certainty which of these drugs is better. Each of them has its own indications and contraindications. This is not the whole list of analogues that can be bought at the pharmacy. Parents should remember that only a specialist, based on the diagnosis and characteristics of the course of the disease in a child, can choose desired analogue.

We remind you that self-treatment is not allowed and can cause serious harm to your baby.


The cost of Kipferon in pharmacies is quite high and amounts to 600-700 rubles for 10 candles. The exact price is recommended to be specified at the points of sale of the medicine.


In this video, the popular pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky spoke about children's immunity and ways to increase it. If you are interested in information on this topic, watch the video.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

medicinal product Kipferon is a means of pharmacological group immunomodulators- cytokines. Kipferon is a mixture of cytokine and natural human immunoglobulins. The drug was developed in Russia and is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Alefam LLC. Kipferon is an immunobiological drug, therefore it is used as part of the complex therapy of intestinal and genital infections, vaginal dysbacteriosis, inflammatory diseases respiratory tract in children and adults.

Release form and dosage of the drug Kipferon, Kipferon 500

Kipferon is available in the form of suppositories (suppositories) that are inserted into the vagina or anus depending on the type of disease being treated. The drug is packed in blisters, 5 or 10 suppositories each. Each suppository of the Kipferon preparation contains interferon with an activity of at least 500,000 IU, and an immunoglobulin component (natural human IgM, IgA, IgG) in the amount of 60 milligrams. Thus, the total dosage of Kipferon is indicated as follows: 500 thousand IU + 60 mg. Based on the dosage of interferon in the composition of suppositories, the drug is often referred to as Kipferon 500.

Candle Kipferon has a cylindrical shape with one pointed end. On the cut, the candle has a uniform consistency, without bumps and inclusions. In rare cases, there is an air rod or a small funnel-shaped depression in the center of the Kipferon candle.

The names Kipferon and Kipferon 500 are synonymous and are used to refer to the same immunobiological preparation. There is only one dosage for Kipferon - interferon 500,000 IU + 60 mg of immunoglobulins, which is suitable for use in children and adults. Reducing the dose of interferon in the preparation will lead to a limitation of its activity, therefore, it is the content of active ingredients that guarantees the effectiveness of the application. An increase in the dose does not lead to an increase in the effect, therefore it does not seem appropriate to produce the same drug with a different content of active ingredients.


As an active ingredient, Kipferon suppositories include human recombinant interferon alfa-2, and a complex immunoglobulin preparation. Human recombinant interferon has an activity of at least 500,000 IU in one suppository. A complex immunoglobulin preparation is human immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, IgM, which are obtained from whole donor blood. Donated blood for receiving immunoglobulins is tested for the presence of both types of HIV, as well as hepatitis B and C.

As auxiliary substances, Kipferon suppositories include fat, paraffin and T-2 emulsifier. Excipients necessary for uniform distribution of active ingredients, as well as to ensure their uniform release. The fact is that the protein structures of interferon and immunoglobulins are distributed in the mass of fat and paraffin molecules. In order for the resulting mass to maintain a uniform distribution of proteins in fats and not separate into phases (like oil with water), the T-2 emulsifier is introduced. Soft paraffin begins to melt at the temperature of the human body, providing a gradual release of active substances and their entry into the bloodstream.

Therapeutic properties

Kipferon is a relatively new drug of immunobiological origin. The drug has the following therapeutic properties:
  • immunomodulatory effect;
  • antichlamydial action;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • antiviral effect;
  • anti-inflammatory action.
Immunomodulatory action Kipferon is due to an increase in the activity of immunocompetent cells responsible for the process of recognition and capture of pathogenic microorganisms, with the subsequent destruction of the latter. Such activated lymphocytes destroy pathogenic microbes that are both in the bloodstream and inside the cells. Also, these lymphocytes recognize their own cells that have undergone tumor transformation - and destroy them.

Antiviral action Kipferon has an effect on specific enzymes that help stop the reproduction of viruses inside the cells of the body. In addition to activating enzymes, the drug directly suppresses signals for the reproduction of a viral particle.

Antichlamydial action and the antimicrobial effect of the drug Kipferon is due to the activation of immunocompetent cells, which begin to destroy pathogenic microbes, including intracellular ones (for example, chlamydia), faster and better.

These therapeutic effects of Kipferon are provided by the powerful combined action of recombinant interferon alfa-2 and a complex immunobiological preparation (IgA, IgG, IgM). A complex immunobiological preparation consists of human immunoglobulins of the main types - A, G, M, which are obtained from donor blood. Donor blood is checked for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2, as well as hepatitis B and C. Also, the immunobiological preparation contains antibodies against viruses from the herpetiform family, rotaviruses, chlamydia, staphylococci, enterobacteria and other microbes that often cause infectious diseases.

Due to the activation of the body's immune system, Kipferon improves the efficiency of the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, and also helps to identify cells that have undergone oncological degeneration. That is, the drug also has anti-oncogenic activity, which is not the main property, but brings an additional beneficial effect.

Kipferon is able to exert its effect both at the intracellular level and at the extracellular level (in the blood, lymph, intercellular, articular, pleural fluids, etc.). The drug has a powerful combined effect:
1. He himself directly destroys pathogenic microorganisms and degenerate cancer cells.
2. It activates the mechanisms of the immune system of the human body, which begin to more effectively and quickly cope with infectious pathogens.

Candles Kipferon do not allow the development and deepening of the phenomena of dysbacteriosis against the background of any disease, and also stop the reproduction of opportunistic flora. Conditionally pathogenic flora is a combination of microorganisms that normally live on the skin and mucous membranes of a person without causing diseases. But when immunity fails, these opportunistic microbes begin to multiply, which leads to the development of an infectious and inflammatory disease.

The powerful therapeutic effect of Kipferon is due to the simultaneous action of recombinant interferon and a complex immunobiological preparation. An improvement in the condition is observed almost immediately after the introduction of suppositories into the vagina, or anus. The concentration of active ingredients is such that for effective treatment infections of the urinary system, it is enough to administer a suppository twice a day, without the use of additional medicines.

Indications and contraindications

The drug Kipferon is used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of various acute and chronic inflammatory processes of various localization. It is an additional drug, but not a replacement for antibiotics, antivirals, etc. So, indications for the use of Kipferon in children and adults are the following conditions:
  • Urogenital chlamydia (including those accompanied by vaginal dysbacteriosis, vulvovaginitis, cervical cervicitis and cervical erosion).
  • Genital herpes.
  • Papillomas and condylomas of the genital organs.
  • Urogenital candidiasis (thrush).
  • Bacterial genital infections.
  • Nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Dysbacteriosis of the vagina or intestines.
  • As a prevention of complications after gynecological surgical interventions.
  • Intestinal infections of viral origin (rotavirus) or bacterial (for example, salmonellosis, co-infections, dysentery).
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (for example, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, etc.).
  • Viral hepatitis A, B and C in children.
  • Acute and chronic prostatitis.
  • Sluggish fistulas.
An absolute contraindication to the use of Kipferon suppositories is the presence of hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction to any component of the drug. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is approved for use, but only under medical supervision. It is not recommended to use Kipferon in children under 6 months of age, since the experience of such appointments is very small, which does not allow a reliable assessment of the degree of risk to which infants are exposed.

Instructions for use

Candles Kipferon are inserted into the vagina or rectum. When inserting suppositories into the vagina, it is necessary to do this deeply, until it touches the back wall or cervix. One or two suppositories are administered at a time, depending on the severity of the pathology. During the day, the drug is administered twice - in the morning and in the evening, that is, two or four candles per day. Such a course of treatment should last at least 10 days. For the treatment of cervical erosion, the introduction of Kipferon suppositories is continued until the surface is completely epithelized - that is, until healing. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. Women and girls begin to use Kipferon suppositories immediately after the end of menstrual bleeding, and continue for 10 days. To improve the effectiveness of treatment, mucus and discharge from the walls of the vagina and cervix should be removed with a cotton swab immediately before the administration of the drug.

Kipferon is prescribed according to various schemes, which depend on the disease.


Chlamydia in adult women should be treated with Kipferon, 2 to 4 suppositories per day, which are administered in the morning and evening (one or two suppositories each). Candles can be inserted into the vagina or into the rectum - the choice in this case depends on the convenience of the woman. The full course of treatment lasts 10 - 14 days. Together with Kipferon, for the treatment of chlamydia, it is necessary to take antibiotics (for example, Doxycycline, Rovamycin, Rulid, Klacid, Macropen, Vilprafen, etc.), as well as drugs to normalize the microflora - eubiotics (for example, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Polybacterin, etc.). d.). Eubiotics can be taken as tablets, capsules, and powders by mouth, or injected into the vagina. After some time, if there is a clinic of chlamydia, it is necessary to repeat the course of therapy.

Chlamydia in adult women during pregnancy can be treated in the third trimester (from 26 weeks of gestation). Kipferon is prescribed one or two suppositories in the morning and evening, into the vagina or rectum, for 10 to 14 days. In this case, the woman should not take antibiotics. If the clinical symptoms of chlamydia persist, or re-infection occurs, then the course of therapy is repeated.

Chlamydia in children is treated according to the following scheme: one suppository is injected into the rectum once a day, for 10 days. If chlamydial infection in girls is not accompanied by inflammation of the uterine appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes) or urinary tract(cystitis, urethritis), then a course of Kipferon in combination with eubiotics (for example, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Polybacterin) is sufficient for therapy. If chlamydia is accompanied by inflammation of the uterine appendages and the uterus itself, then antibiotics should be included in the above treatment regimen. Chlamydia of the respiratory tract is also treated with the appointment of Kipferon for 10 days, 1 suppository per day in the rectum, in combination with eubiotics.

Viral hepatitis A, B and C in children

The dose of Kipferon is calculated based on the body weight of the child: for each kilogram of weight, a dose of 50,000 IU is required. That is, for a child weighing 10 kg, a single dose is 10 * 50,000 = 500,000 IU, which corresponds to one candle. The resulting dose is administered in two doses, into the rectum - in the morning and in the evening. That is, if the dose for a child weighing 10 kg is 500,000 IU, then one candle is cut in half, and one half is administered in the morning, and the second in the evening. The maximum daily dose of Kipferon for children under 7 years of age is 1,000,000 IU per day, which corresponds to two candles, 8 to 11 years old - 1,500,000 IU (3 candles), and over 12 years old - 2,000,000 IU (4 candles). Acute viral hepatitis requires the use of the drug for two weeks, and the first week of the suppository is administered every day, and the second week - with an interval of 3 days. If hepatitis is chronic or sluggish, then the course of treatment is extended to 3-4 weeks.

Inflammatory respiratory diseases in children

Recurrent bronchitis and pneumonia are effectively treated with Kipferon suppositories, which are administered two suppositories per day - one in the morning and one in the evening, into the rectum, for 5 days. Then, for three weeks, one suppository must be injected into the rectum in the morning, and one in the evening, only two days a week. In this case, Kipferon can be used as the only drug, and in combination with antibiotics (for example, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Cefalexin, Cefazolin, Cefaclor, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, etc.).

Genital herpes

For the treatment of this disease, Kipferon is prescribed 2-4 suppositories in the rectum or vagina daily, which are divided into two doses - in the morning and in the evening. Candles are used for 10 - 14 days. For the treatment of herpes in children, one suppository is administered per day into the rectum, for 10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment with Kipferon is repeated.

Intestinal infections

For the treatment of these conditions in children, the dose of Kipferon is calculated based on the body weight of the child. So, for every kilogram of mass there should be 50,000 IU of Kipferon. Maximum dose for children under 12 years of age is 1,000,000 IU (2 suppositories), and over 12 years old - no more than 2,000,000 IU (4 suppositories) - as for adults. Suppositories are introduced into the anus, after emptying the intestines with an enema or self-defecation. It is best to start treatment in the first three days from the onset of the disease. Moderate diarrhea is treated within 3-5 days, and severe diarrhea within 7 days. Kipferon can be used as the only drug for the treatment of diarrhea, together with infusion therapy, replenishment of fluid loss and therapeutic nutrition. At severe forms diarrhea must be attached antibacterial drugs(eg Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Nevigramone, etc.).

Preparation for surgical interventions

3 - 5 days before the upcoming operation, Kipferon is injected into the rectum, one suppository in the morning and evening daily. Between two injections of the suppository, it is necessary to maintain an interval of 12 hours. This scheme of administration is maintained after the operation. In total, suppositories are administered for 10 to 15 days, including preoperative ones.

Kipferon rectally - application features

Mucus is constantly present on the surface of the mucous membrane of the rectum and stool, or parts of them. All this makes it difficult for Kipferon to be absorbed into the blood, and therefore reduces its effectiveness. Therefore, before the introduction of Kipferon into the rectum, it is necessary to clean it. For this, a cleansing enema is put, or the defecation process is called in a different way. Immediately after defecation, it is necessary to wash the anus area with warm water and soap, and insert the Kipferon suppository deep behind the rectal sphincter. To control the insertion of the candle, it is necessary to insert it with your finger, pushing it forward until the finger falls through. This moment of sensation of falling through the finger means that he went behind the sphincter, and the candle was in the rectum. Wash your hands after inserting the suppository into the rectum.

Application during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Kipferon can only be used in the third trimester - that is, starting from the 25th week of gestation. During this period, it is used to treat bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, genital herpes, and chlamydia. The treatment regimen for these diseases is the same: twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, one suppository is injected into the rectum, for 10 days. If necessary, this course of treatment can be repeated. Against the background of the use of Kipferon for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases in pregnant women, it is necessary to prescribe eubiotics (for example, Laminolact, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Hilak Forte, Lineks, etc.).

Candles Kipferon for children and babies - instructions

Children and infants Kipferon should be administered only in the rectum. The dose of the drug is calculated for the weight of the child: 50,000 IU of Kipferon per 1 kg of weight. For example, with a child weighing 10 kg, the daily dose of Kipferon will be 50,000 * 10 = 500,000 IU, which corresponds to one candle. There are dose restrictions for children. So, the maximum daily dose for children under 7 years old is 1,000,000 IU per day, which corresponds to two candles, 8 to 11 years old - 1,500,000 IU (3 candles), and over 12 years old - 2,000,000 IU (4 candles). The daily dose is divided into two doses - half is administered in the morning and half in the evening. Candles are used for 5 - 10 days.

Infants younger than 6 months are not recommended to prescribe the drug, and in older children it can be safely used. Most often, Kipferon is used to treat the following conditions in children and infants:
sinusitis, etc.) requires the use of suppositories for a week.

Kipferon for prevention

Kipferon as a prophylactic is used to prepare for planned operations, and to strengthen the immune system in frequently ill children and adults. To strengthen immunity in children and adults, Kipferon is recommended to be used in courses of 14 days, with an interval of two months between them. To get a good effect, two or three courses are enough. During such prophylactic courses, Kipferon is injected into the rectum, 1 suppository in the morning and evening, daily.

To prepare for operations, Kipferon is used to prevent purulent and bacterial complications, as well as to accelerate wound healing. To do this, the introduction of the drug begins 3-5 days before the operation, and continues after the intervention. In total, the drug is administered for 15 days, including the days before surgery. Candles are introduced every day into the anus, one in the morning and one in the evening. It is necessary to maintain the interval between the morning and evening administration of the candle at 12 o'clock.

Side effects

The only registered side effect of Kipferon is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. The severity and severity of allergic reactions can vary from mild itching and redness to severe swelling. If you suspect the development of an allergic reaction, you should immediately stop using the drug. If in the past a person responded with an allergy to the use of Kipferon, then in the future you should stop using this drug.


Synonyms of the drug Kipferon do not exist, only analogues are presented on the pharmaceutical market. Analogies mean medications, which have an action similar to Kipferon, but contain other active substances. To date, Kipferon has only one analogue - the drug tantum rose which is sold in two dosage forms: powder for solution, and solution for vaginal application. Both Kipferon and Tantum Rosa are domestic immunobiological drugs containing interferon alfa-2 and a complex immunological preparation as active substances.

There are incomplete analogues of Kipferon - these are drugs that contain only interferon as an active substance. These include the following drugs:

  • Vagiferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Genferon Light;
  • Herpferon;
  • Giaferon.

How to replace Kipferon?

The drug Kipferon can be replaced with a similar one, but taking into account the recommended dose for a certain age. So, for children, Kipferon is most often replaced with Viferon, since the latter is much cheaper. Of course, the effectiveness and action of Kipferon is much more powerful, but Viferon also has a similar spectrum of therapeutic activity, which is somewhat weaker. When replacing Kipferon with Viferon, you should purchase the drug in a certain dosage, which is intended for children of different ages.

Women and men for the treatment of urinary tract infections can replace Kipferon with Genferon and Genferon Light. Substitution of drugs should also be made taking into account the recommended dosage of that medicinal product which you are going to use. For the treatment of herpes, you can replace Kipferon with Gerpferon. Women can use vaginal suppositories Vagiferon for the treatment of inflammatory and viral infections urinary tract.

For the treatment of flu and colds, Giaferon can be used instead of Kipferon.

As you know, the same pathology can be eliminated by different methods. For example, for treatment, you can use all kinds of tablets, syrups, tinctures and suppositories. So, candles "Kipferon" are indicated in the treatment of many diseases in both adult patients and children.

General information

First of all, it should be said that this medication has an excellent antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. It makes it possible to improve the protective properties of the body, effectively fighting various signs of colds and other viral diseases. However, this is not all healing properties drug. The use of candles "Kipferon" allows women to get rid of many different gynecological problems, thanks to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


In addition, it is worth saying that all the described characteristics of the drug become possible due to the presence of interferon in its composition. And due to the high protein content, the main active ingredient of the drug acts on the body much more efficiently and quickly. Candles "Kipferon" are capable of:

  • improve the protective functions of the immune system;
  • reduce the severity of manifestations of bacterial and viral intoxication;
  • start the processes of tissue repair in the body.

As a result of the use of this drug, the work of both innate and acquired immunity is stimulated, and the full intestinal flora is restored. Among other things, thanks to the drug, the activity of immune cells and the production of interferon gamma increase.

Composition and form of production

Candles "Kipferon" belong to the category of immunomodulators, which include immunoglobulins and interferon. A remedy is produced in the form of suppositories intended for rectal administration (into the rectum) or vaginally (into the vagina). Candles are packed in contour blisters of 5 pieces. Suppositories have a torpedo-shaped shape with smooth outlines, a creamy tint and are odorless.

Candles "Kipferon" have two active ingredients, one of which is type 2B interferon. Each suppository contains 500,000 IU of the recombinant substance.

Plasma proteins act as the second active ingredient, among which there are immunoglobulins of the type A, M and G. Their content in a suppository is 60 mg. These substances are obtained from processed donated blood.

In addition, suppositories contain auxiliary ingredients, due to the presence of which they keep their shape, but at the same time they are quite plastic, pliable and quickly dissolve in the body. The additional components are:

  • hard paraffin;
  • distilled water;
  • sodium chloride;
  • emulsifier;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • special fat;
  • hydrophosphate.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The ingredients contained in suppositories are activated against herpetic viruses, chlamydia and other infectious agents. The anti-chlamydial effect of the drug is explained by the effect on the body of special antibodies that make up the suppositories. Anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunostimulating properties are based on the work of interferon, which stimulates the functioning of the thymus gland.

Plasma proteins contained in the drug significantly increase therapeutic effect interferon. With the introduction of antiviral suppositories "Kipferon" in patients, systemic and local immunity improves, the severity of clinical symptoms tissue is restored.

The drug is extremely effective in the treatment of cervical erosion in mature women and prevents the transformation of the pathological phenomenon into a cancerous process.

So, candles exhibit several properties that are important for recovery:

  • Immunostimulating. The drug affects the lymphocytes, which detect and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Antivirus. Affects enzymes that stop the reproduction and spread of pathogens.
  • Antichlamydial. Under the influence of suppositories, immunocompetent cells begin to work, which destroy bacteria.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The drug activates the functioning of killer cells that produce antibodies that fight inflammation.

General indications for use

In what cases should Kipferon candles be used? The instruction to the drug says that it works great as a component complex treatment. But to use it as an independent tool is not worth it.

It is advisable to use the medicine for:

  • chronic forms of inflammatory pathologies covering the respiratory tract - bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis;
  • intestinal infections that occur against the background of bacterial or viral infection;
  • viral hepatitis in children of category A, B, C;
  • colds.

Indications for women

Can "Kipferon" candles be used to treat gynecological pathologies? In fact, doctors often prescribe the drug to women to fight various diseases. According to numerous reviews, Kipferon candles help to get rid of many problems in the female part quite quickly and effectively. For example, the drug proved to be excellent in the treatment of:

  • urogenital chlamydia;
  • genital herpes;
  • bacterial genital infections;
  • anal fissures;
  • urogenital candidiasis - thrush;
  • sluggish fistulas.

Among other things, this medication is considered an excellent prophylactic used after surgical intervention gynecological type. As for the representatives of the stronger sex, these candles can help a man with acute prostatitis and chronic form.

Instructions for candles "Kipferon"

Reviews about this drug speak of its high efficiency in the fight against the most various diseases. However, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to use the remedy in each specific case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism, the type of pathology, its form and course, as well as the age of the patient. It is best to seek the help of a specialist who will help determine the appropriate dosage of the drug and how to use it.

According to the instructions for the candles "Kipferon", the smallest patients, whose age is barely a year old, rely on only one suppository per day. If the baby is from one to three years old, he can use one capsule twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Children over three years of age can put candles three times a day. The course of treatment in this case can last a maximum of a week. The same dosage of Kipferon suppositories for adults is also relevant.

Usually, in this way the drug is used for inflammatory processes in the region of the nasopharynx. If a person suffers from purulent tonsillitis, the course of therapy should be extended. In all these situations, suppositories are administered rectally.

In the case of the treatment of gynecological pathologies by women, it is necessary to use suppositories vaginally. In this case, the dosage can vary within one or two suppositories 2 times during the day. The course of treatment can be longer and up to two weeks. In the treatment of erosion, a woman can use these suppositories up to epithelization. By appointment of a doctor, the course can be extended. By the way, women should start using the medication only after the end of menstruation. Before the introduction of the suppository, the vagina must be cleared of mucus.

Regularly this drug is prescribed to patients as a prophylactic. It can be used before planned gynecological procedures, as well as for a general improvement in immunity. In such a situation, the course of use should be 2 weeks. The interval between repeated procedures should be at least two months. For prevention, children should be administered one suppository per day, and adults - two.


Patients should be aware that this drug is not always and not all can be taken without fear. For example, it is not recommended to put candles in children under six months. The fact is that special studies on the effect of the drug on a fragile organism have not been carried out. It is advisable to stop using suppositories during pregnancy and breastfeeding child. Although, according to the doctor's prescription, it is possible to use "Kipferon" during this period.

Side effects

According to numerous studies, after the use of candles "Kipferon" undesirable consequences almost never occur. However, with intolerance to the components of the drug, an allergic reaction may develop. In this case, the patient may experience severe itching, rashes and redness of the skin, swelling. If a person has an allergic reaction to the drug, in the future it is advisable to completely abandon its use.

Analogues of candles "Kipferon"

Interferon and immunoglobulins contained in the drug are also found in other medicines that are identical to this drug. There are many drugs on the pharmaceutical market that are similar in content to Kipferon:

  • "Vagiferon" - combined candles, which include fluconazole, interferon, metronidazole;
  • "Genferon" - suppositories with a similar active substance, has an anesthetic effect;
  • "Gerpferon" - candles, additionally containing lidocaine and acyclovir;
  • "Giaferon" - an antiviral drug, which also includes interferon;
  • "Genferon light" - nasal spray and suppositories with similar properties;
  • "Tantum Rose" - is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a liquid and a ready-made substance for vaginal use.

For the treatment of children, instead of "Kipferon", "Viferon" is often used. To eliminate pathologies genitourinary system in adults, you can use "Genferon Light" and "Genferon". If herpes is detected, it is advisable to use the drug "Gerpferon", and in case of diseases infectious nature- "Vagiferon". For colds and flu, "Kipferon" can be replaced with "Grippferon".

You can get rid of the same disease in a variety of ways. So, for treatment, you can use tablets, various syrups, as well as suppositories. In the same article, I would like to talk about such a drug as Kipferon (candles): instructions for use and indications for use.

Pharmacology of the drug Kipferon

Initially, it must be said that this medicine is primarily an excellent antiviral, as well as an immunomodulatory agent.

So, it helps to increase the protective forces of immunity, while coping with various symptoms SARS, as well as other viral diseases.

However, this is not all. This medication also has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, due to which it is an excellent helper for women in special situations.

It should also be noted that the above advantages of the drug become possible due to the presence of interferon in its composition. And due to the high composition of the protein, this trace element has a much better effect on the state of the body, significantly increasing the effect of the drug. This drug is capable of:

  • Increase the body's defenses (immunity).
  • Reduce the severity and manifestations of viral and bacterial intoxication.
  • Stimulate the processes of regeneration of body tissues.

General indications for the use of the drug Kipferon

When should you use the drug "Kipferon" (candles)? Instructions for use says: this tool works well as a constituent particle general treatment but not as a standalone drug. It can be applied in the following cases:

  1. In chronic inflammatory diseases that affect the respiratory tract (these are bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, etc.).
  2. With intestinal infections that occur as a result of viral (rotaviruses) or bacterial (dysentery, salmonellosis) infection.
  3. In children with viral hepatitis A, B and C.
  4. Also widely this drug is used in the treatment of colds.

Indications for the use of Kipferon exclusively for women

The drug "Kipferon" (candles) is very widely used by women. Patient reviews indicate that this drug is excellent for coping with various exclusively female problems.

  • The use of the drug helps to cope with urogenital chlamydia.
  • Treats genital herpes.
  • Copes with urogenital candidiasis, in other words - thrush.
  • Helps to get rid of genital infections of bacterial origin.
  • It is an excellent prophylactic after gynecological operations.
  • Helps with anal fissures.
  • Copes with sluggish fistulas.

If we talk about men, then (both acute and chronic).

Instructions for use, as well as the dosage of the drug

We further consider the drug "Kipferon" (candles). Instructions for use - that's what is also important to talk about. If the patient has respiratory disease, there are inflammatory foci in the oropharynx, the dosage of the drug will depend on the age of the person.

For the smallest children (from 6 months to 1 year), the actual dosage is 1 suppository per day. If the child is from 1 to 3 years old, he can already use one candle twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Babies over three years old can be given one candle three times a day for a course of five to seven days. The same dosage is relevant for adults.

If a person has a sore throat with purulent processes, the course of treatment should be extended (on average it is 8 days). In all of the above cases, candles are placed in the anus.

For women with gynecological problems, suppositories should be administered vaginally. Dosage: 1-2 suppositories (candles) twice a day. In this case, the course of treatment will be longer and can last an average of 10-12 days. With erosion, a woman can take this drug until the moment of epithelization. It is also important to note that, according to the testimony of doctors, the course can be repeated.

Important: women! Treatment with this drug is best started after the end spotting(menses). Before the introduction of the drug, you need to clear the vagina of mucus and mucous clots.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Kipferon"

It is also worth noting that this drug is not for everyone and can not always be taken without fear. So, its use is not recommended for children under 6 months of age. And all because of the data, how this drug preparation For babies, absolutely not. It is not recommended to use "Kipferon" during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding of the baby.

However, with the permission of the doctor during these periods, you can use this drug. It is strictly forbidden to use this medicine if a person has an allergic reaction to its components, or an individual intolerance to certain of its components.

The use of "Kipferon" as a prophylaxis

Very often, this drug is prescribed by doctors as prophylactic. So, you can use it before planned gynecological operations, as well as for the general strengthening of immunity. In this case, the course of taking the drug will be 14 days, the interval between which should be at least two months. In this case, children are injected with "Kipferon" once a day, adults - twice (in the morning and in the evening).

Side effects when using "Kipferon"

It should be noted that after the application of "Kipferon" side effects practically does not happen. However, in case of intolerance to the drug, an allergic reaction to certain of its components is possible.

In this case, patients experience itching, swelling, and there are also redness on the skin. Important: if a person has had an allergic reaction to this drug, it is best to completely abandon its use in the future.

Analogues and substitutes for the drug "Kipferon"

There are a number of drugs on the pharmaceutical market that are similar in composition to the Kipferon drug.

First of all, this is the medicine "Tantum Rose", which is available in two forms: a powder for preparing a liquid and a ready-made liquid, which is intended for vaginal use. Other analogues of "Kipferon", which can also be used: "Viferon", "Giaferon", "Vagiferon".

"Kipferon" (candles): product consumer reviews

As mentioned earlier, the drug "Kipferon" should be used as an auxiliary or additional drug. On its own, it is used only as a prophylactic medication. If a person understands this and follows this instruction, the reviews after taking Kipferon turn out to be extremely positive.

Patients who are trying to deal with the problem with only one "Kipferon" often do not get the desired effect from its use. Therefore, they speak negatively about his action.