
Why dream of cartridges. Dream Interpretation: why the bullet is dreaming. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why dream of cartridges.  Dream Interpretation: why the bullet is dreaming.  Dream interpretation from A to Z

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see is a reason for gossip; insert into weapons - dubious cases; pour bullets -. good news.

Dreamed of war

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a war in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, as well as disorder and contention in the house. If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, this means that she will hear something unpleasant about his character. To dream that your country was defeated in a war is a sign that there will be suffering for the people from the revolution, from major changes in business and political life. If you dream of victory, then in reality a revival of business activity will follow, in family relationships harmony will come.

Why dream of war

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

argument; breaking ties in the family; love experiences; great damage to reputation (one's own or a loved one).

Why dream about war

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a war in a dream is a very bad omen that promises pestilence and famine, hard times for adults and children, and especially for the young - they fight and die. If you are participating in a war, then such a dream means that troubles will affect you or your loved ones, and if you do not have time to hide, you are destined to experience your own and common grief.

Dreamed of a ramrod

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a ramrod, expect misadventures. You will have something to be sad about. If a girl dreams of a bent or broken ramrod, it means that her dear friend or lover will leave her.

Dreamed of ammunition

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing shells in a dream portends the successful completion of the work begun. Running out of ammunition during the battle speaks of some fruitless efforts that will lead nowhere.

Why dream of shooting

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

success; shoot at someone - you will go far; they shoot at you - someone will come from afar.

Why dream of a shot

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

sound - unusual news, the news will amaze everyone; fall in love.

Dreamed of a shot

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you were shot and you experience the sensations of a dying person, it means that you have to endure a sudden insult from friends who have become hardened against you; but if you escape death by waking abruptly, you will later fully reconcile with your friends.

The meaning of sleep about a gun

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a gun in a dream means that in real life you often force your partner to have sexual intercourse. Of course, you can’t say that you are acting against the rules, just at the moment when you want love, you force a person to obey your desire, even if he is completely unwilling to have sex at the moment. Shoot a pistol - a dream means that very soon you will have to take decisive action in order to maintain an alliance with a dear person. And even if the decisiveness of action is completely uncharacteristic of you, you will have to do everything possible so that your loved one is not disappointed in you.

Dreamed of a gun

according to Miller's dream book

A gun in a dream is an unlucky sign. If we are talking about your own pistol - it means that in life your base and vain nature will prevail over you. If in a dream you heard a conversation about some kind of pistol, it means that you will be able to frustrate someone's plans directed against you. If you dream that you are shooting from your pistol, then you will envy some ingenuous soul and achieve a lot in order to avenge the supposed evil.

Cartridge- you will have to confront some circumstances that are dangerous for you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

See gun cartridge- Unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Weapon cartridge- dreams of hunting.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Cartridge- to a senseless and empty threat.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing live ammunition in a dream- The goal you set for yourself is unattainable.

Blank cartridges- portend a useless waste of strength and health for the sake of a cause that will not come true. Small-caliber cartridges- portend that your hopes for making significant profits will turn into collapse and losses.

Clip full of ammo- your successes can cause the envy of people who will try to harm you. Play Russian roulette with one bullet in the revolver barrel- they will try to provoke you into a decision that can cost you a collapse that is tantamount to death.

Screwing a light bulb into an electrical socket- in reality, you will fail in a love relationship.

If the base of the light bulb is stuck to the cartridge and you cannot unscrew it- this is a harbinger of ingratitude for a good deed done.

Clamping a drill in a drill chuck- a sign of close luck and prosperity.

See your patron at work- to receive from him another remark or reprimand for negligence.

General dream book

Ammo in a dream- almost always portend quarrels, and empty shells- Ridiculous grievances and disagreements for no particular reason.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

ammo- strengths, abilities, motivation of the sleeping person (motivating reasons for action).

Little or no- loss of strength, despondency, depression.

Collection of dream books

Blank rifle cartridge- career advancement without financial reward.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

    Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

    Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

    Turn bedding inside out.

    Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you run out of ammunition, you will have to postpone the planned events due to unforeseen circumstances. In business and at work, problems are possible. It is necessary to perform a number of unpleasant assignments that will not bring the desired results. And you will be the one to blame in this situation.

Approach the performance of your duties with full responsibility. Even if you do not agree with the conditions of the tasks set, this is not a reason to treat their performance in bad faith.

If in a dream you had to load cartridges

A dream in which you load cartridges in a gun portends a surge of enthusiasm and an increase in labor productivity. You will find the strength in yourself to complete all current affairs, despite their complexity. Such inspiration and a charge of vivacity will appear after receiving good news that will give hope for the implementation of the plan.

Don't waste energy. Its reserves can quickly run out and forces will leave you at the most inopportune moment. Act measuredly and consider each step ahead.

Why dream of a cartridge in hand

If you dreamed of a cartridge clutched in your hand, circumstances will force you to show strength and rigidity. In addition to your will, you will have to perform a number of actions that are unusual for you, which may be misunderstood by others. However, this behavior will bear fruit, and you will be able to prevent the impending danger.

You don't always have to worry about other people's opinions. If the situation requires you to be decisive, do not waste time on doubts, act decisively and boldly.

Interpretation of a dream about how you collect cartridges

Seeing in a dream how you collect scattered cartridges means that your opinion will be criticized. You will have to defend your interests in front of opponents who outnumber you. You can be sure that by wielding convincing arguments, you will be able to defend your positions and convince others that you are right.

Be calm and demonstrate absolute self-confidence. When participating in a discussion, keep a respectful but assertive tone.

The article on the topic: "dream book to load a gun" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Cartridges in a dream serve as a warning about the deterioration of mutual understanding with others. Dream Interpretation, interpreting what ammunition is dreaming of, announces the negligent behavior of a sleeping person, which will cause disapproval of loved ones, management and the public.

Details: what?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z connects the interpretation of sleep about cartridges with their features. So to see in a dream:

  • single - broadcasts about the useless waste of energy for the sake of a cause that will not come true;
  • combat - speaks of the unattainability of the planned enterprise;
  • small-caliber - warn of the collapse of hope for big profits and dividends;
  • full clip - warns of people's envy, which the dreamer's success will cause.

What does Miller announce?

A dreaming cartridge means the need to confront circumstances that pose a threat to a sleeping person. Seeing a used cartridge case in a dream warns Miller about the spontaneous purchase of a completely useless thing.

Be ready!

A modern combined dream book advises you to take decisive action, interpreting why you dream of loading cartridges in a gun or pistol. A dream about a store with cartridges means that in real time you will become a witness to the resolution of a controversial situation.

People who were lucky enough to find cartridges in a dream will in reality be able to uncover the insidious plan of ill-wishers. Finding them in your personal belongings means that the secret that you will reveal will be very unexpected for you.

Ahead of change!

Esotericists proclaim a rapid rise up the career ladder, interpreting what an empty gun case is dreaming of. However, unfortunately, material reward in this case is not expected.

Holding these items in your hand indicates the possibility of getting good advice or gaining valuable information.

No need for aggression!

Buying ammunition in a store, according to the Universal Dream Book, suggests a desire to purposefully harm someone. You should look for a solution to the resulting problem in a different way, advises Denise Lynn. Negativity and aggression can lead to the destruction of plans and established relationships with the right people.

Erotic subtext of a dream

Dr. Freud compares the dreaming supplies with the excellent male power of the dreamer. A girl who had to load a weapon in a dream, according to an erotic dream book, does not need much time for foreplay.

About qualities...

Seeing a lot of ammunition, according to the interpretation of the Wanderer's dream book, notifies of high combat readiness, the presence of strength and ability to complete an undertaking or start a new one. One or a small handful of cartridges symbolizes moral emptiness and lack of support.

Keep your word!

Aesop's dream interpretation, interpreting why he dreams of collecting shells, warns of empty quarrels and grievances. Usually, a dream episode indicates the inability of a sleeping person to keep a promise given to someone. The full interpreter of dreams, interpreting the episode, advises not to scatter empty words, otherwise you can greatly ruin your reputation.

Collecting live ammunition in night vision predetermines the conflict that the negligence and frivolity of the dreamer will lead to.

Be alert!

For people who load one cartridge into a revolver in a dream to play Russian roulette, Dream Interpretation from A to Z warns of provocation. Someone is trying by any means to impose on you a seemingly profitable business, the collapse of which will be tantamount to death for you.

An exploding cartridge in a dream speaks of surprises that will take the dreamer by surprise. A weapon with a full clip symbolizes a conflict that will develop into personal hostility.

What did the gun dream about?

at the Women's Club!

Dreams are full of secrets, they are sometimes incomprehensible and so strange that in the morning we sometimes cannot come to our senses for a long time and understand - where do such visions come from, what do they mean, what to expect?

It happens that in dreams we do and see things that have no place in our real everyday life, which we do not need, are undesirable or are not at all compatible with our destinies and life. One of these items is a pistol.

The subject is simple and familiar to everyone, everyone, even a child, knows it. appearance. This thing flashes on the screens more often than many other, more ordinary and used items in everyday life.

However, a gun is a terrible thing, it carries death in itself, is associated with the most negative associations, and it is unlikely that many people have it in the house. Few people even held it in their hands - perhaps a toy, or in a shooting range.

How to understand what the gun is dreaming of, what kind of sign it is? It may seem that this is a negative symbol, and after such a dream, trouble should be expected, but this is not so. As the dream book says, a gun can indicate the dreamer's strong and strong-willed qualities, portend a high position in society, and many other quite desirable things.

It all depends on the details of the "weapon" dream, which may look like this:

  • You just saw him in a dream.
  • They saw a shot at a man from the side.
  • You see different weapons, or a lot of pistols.
  • A beautiful, old pistol or revolver in a dream.
  • Weapons in a showcase in dreams.
  • Gunfight, people are shooting at each other.
  • Hear a shot in a dream.
  • Keep a gun in hand.
  • Drop it out of your hands.
  • Load, clean or collect weapons.
  • Shoot accurately at the target.
  • Aim at a person in a dream.
  • Steal, take someone else's gun in dreams.
  • Take a shot at a person.
  • Be the one who gets shot.
  • Play with a gun in a dream.

Such "pistol" dreams are strange, sometimes unkind and not very pleasant. But be careful when interpreting - what the gun is dreaming of is easy to find out if you take into account all the details and try not to miss anything.

Just look - and do not touch!

In dreams, you could simply look at a weapon, even see a shot or a shootout, but at the same time you yourself did not touch the gun, do not hold it in your hands.

What such dreams mean depends on what the weapon was and what generally happened in the dream.

1. As the dream book indicates, a gun often in dreams indicates that arbitrariness and disorder are happening around you, and this makes you very angry. Especially since you can't change it in any way.

Try to be calmer, focus on your work, do not pay too much attention to the fuss around you.

2. When you saw in your dreams how someone shoots a person, this may promise that in reality you will see some kind of injustice or a strong conflict. Perhaps you will become a witness to proceedings, revenge - try not to interfere if this does not concern you.

3. In going in a dream with a lot of pistols and other weapons is a good sign, it promises you honors, a good reception, high status and an excellent, enviable position in society. You will achieve many successes and be recognized!

4. Such a dream, in which the gun was beautiful, old, antique, portends luxury, a high and desirable position for you, a beautiful life.

5. When in a dream a gun lies in a window or on the counter of a weapons store, this may indicate the dreamer's dreams of glory, his hidden greed. It's not so bad, but it's worth doing something, working to achieve recognition and respect from others, not to mention fame.

6. If you saw in your dreams how people shoot each other, this only indicates your fears. You are afraid of competition, any struggle, rivalry - caution is valuable, but excessive fear can prevent you from achieving your goals.

Weapon in hand

It is quite another thing when you have to hold a gun in your dreams, shoot someone, or even be the one who is being shot at!

However, do not rush to be afraid of such "battle" dreams, they can be a good omen or valuable advice.

1. Hearing a loud shot in dreams is a hint of rumors, evil talk or lies, which should be carefully avoided. Be careful not to participate in the spread of gossip, and behave yourself in such a way as not to cause false rumors.

2. Keeping a gun in your own hands in your dreams is a good sign, promising. There will be a valuable trump card up your sleeve, in other words, you have to keep the situation in your hands.

Some knowledge, skills or talents will allow you to achieve a lot in your field. Believe in yourself, you have something that others do not have, even strong competitors at first glance!

3. Holding a gun in your hands and dropping it is a serious warning. You run the risk of missing out on an important and big chance that can change your life for the better.

When making decisions, think twice, or even more - maybe it's worth the risk and take on something that you doubt? In any case, do not miss your chance, what if there will not be a second one?

4. If you loaded a gun in your dreams, cleaned it or collected it, this is advice - focus on one, important and specific goal, do not spray on many things at once, prioritize. Then you can achieve unprecedented success.

5. If in a dream you accurately and accurately shot at a target, know that your focus and concentration will definitely lead to the most desired goal. And you will achieve more than you can plan.

6. Aiming at a certain person in a dream, but not shooting is a hint that you are spreading rumors or participating in the creation of gossip. This can have a very negative impact not only on your reputation, but also ruin your relationship and fate in general, so avoid such situations.

7. If in a dream you stole, took someone else's weapon - you, intentionally or not, will frustrate someone's plans. Try to be considerate of others.

8. Shooting a person in a dream does not portend anything concrete, but it indicates, and rather straightforwardly, that you have a hidden claim, resentment, and desire for revenge against someone.

This not only torments you, but also prevents you from living harmoniously, and the person too - so think about how to resolve this and let go of the situation. Maybe you should say everything, or try to forgive and forget forever?

9. If you were shot at in a dream, this is scary, but it means that the dreamer in reality hurt or offended someone. Think about who you did wrong, and did not even think about the consequences?

10. If you played with a gun in a dream, this portends passions for you - but rather dangerous, close to vice and risk. Be as reasonable as you can.

A gun is a serious symbol, and such dreams should be taken seriously. But do not be too suspicious, and take advice wisely - after all, everyone has their own unique destiny, and only you yourself, and not the dream book, make the final decisions.

And the most important advice

  • How dangerous is a dream about a gun? Why see a weapon in a dream interprets the dream book.

    A gun in your dreams is usually a sign with a negative meaning, portending many quarrels, scandals and conflict situations.

    It represents destruction and various difficulties in the dreamer's life. If you carefully understand all the details of sleep, you can see not only the upcoming difficult situations, but also try to predict their further development.

    A woman dreams of a gun

    A woman who dreamed of a gun in real life, he prophesies to be drawn into all kinds of conflicts and showdowns, and not of his own free will. This will not bring much harm in life, but it can be pretty nerve-wracking.

    If the gun is not loaded or is defective, then such a dream portends in reality difficulties in business, due to the incompetence of colleagues. Shooting at targets in a shooting range or at a shooting range means having goals in real life and persistently moving towards it. Just looking at a gun in your hands means that in real life you will have to face manifestations of aggression, and even something dangerous and unpleasant.

    Dreamed of a man

    If a man saw a gun in a dream, then such a dream in reality prophesies conflicts and various difficult situations.

    But if everything goes well, then everything will pay off. If a gun was found, then caution should be exercised in life, false accusations from competitors or envious people are possible. Shoot with a pistol at targets means to clearly know your goals and objectives in life in reality. Disassembling a gun in order to clean it means you have to make a difficult choice, the further course of affairs will depend on it.

    Gun in hand

    Hold a gun in your hands in a dream, speaks of your determination in real life. To lubricate or otherwise prepare it for shooting means that in reality you are already close to achieving your goal.

    Putting a weapon on the safety means that in reality it will be possible to avoid conflicts and other problematic situations, thanks to your personal qualities. It is the avoidance of conflict that will help to achieve success in the business begun.

    Hold a gun with a gift engraving, such a dream means that at this moment in life you can receive an award or recognition for a job well done. Also, this dream may mean that you are under the protection of higher powers, but at any moment they can turn away from you.

    They shoot you with a gun

    To dream about how they shoot at you with a pistol- it means that there will be resentment or other trouble in life. It will most likely be applied by friends, or close friends.

    Seeing someone who shoots at you is a warning sign that restraint and caution should be exercised in life when conflict situations arise, if they do arise. And it is better to avoid them, otherwise they can be very expensive. If a familiar person shoots it means betrayal loved one, and such an act can unsettle for a long time.

    They kill you with a gun

    Being killed with a gun in a dream, means that your hidden enemies will soon show themselves, and in an aggressive form. If a killer with a gun met on the way, then such a dream means obstacles in life, which alone will not be able to overcome.

    A fatal shot in the back - such a dream means that friends can betray in life. Also, such a dream can mean family problems and quarrels. Remember the killer's face means to be ready for troubles in life, and to respond to them in a timely manner by taking action.

    If it was an accidental shot, then such a dream is a warning about the danger of an accident, the consequences of which can be the most terrible.


    Hear the sounds of shooting in a dream- a sign that portends major family quarrels and scandals. Escaping from a firefight is a good sign, especially if you managed to hide from bullets, it portends a successful solution to complex cases at minimal cost.

    Participate in a shootout- such a dream means that in reality there is a risk of being drawn into an unnecessary conflict and it will bring nothing but harm. To be wounded or killed in a shootout means to suffer innocently or become a victim of other people's showdowns.

    If someone close to you was injured in a shootout, then such a dream predicts losses, losses and waste. You started a shootout - this suggests that in the near future an event will occur that will greatly "cool" your ambitions.

    Big dream book

    dream gun is a symbol of aggression and destruction. His appearance promises many conflicts, quarrels and problems. Loading a gun means that the dreamer is preparing for a conflict and it will not work to avoid it.

    Disassembling a gun and lubricating it means fatigue due to constant psychological stress. Shooting at targets means knowing your target clearly. But if you shoot and never hit the target, such a dream means that you are wasting your energy.

    If there is a lot of ammo, and you don't know which ones will fit the gun, which means that in life it will be very difficult to make the right decision. To be a witness to a shootout - such a dream means to be an unwitting participant in an unnecessary scandal.

    White dream book

    dream gun- this is a sign of aggression both towards the dreamer and his own aggression towards others. Such a dream usually carries negative signs. Shoot from a pistol at targets, see and have clear goals in life and not meet obstacles on the way to achieving them.

    But if you shoot at people- means to make enemies, and they will bring a lot of problems. Load a gun in a dream means to prepare for a real battle in reality.

    Being wounded with a pistol means that health problems are trimmed in life. A lot of blood from the wound, such a dream portends bad news from relatives. For women, such a dream portends a collision with unpleasant people and family quarrels and problems in life.

    Lunar dream book

    If you dreamed of a gun, then in reality there will be a conflict or quarrel in the family. Holding a gun in your hands means endangering family members.

    If the pistol is defective, then in real life this sign says unwillingness to solve the current problem. Shooting at targets means that in order to continue the path to the set goal, you need to stop and think, is this the right thing to do? Load or clean weapons, means that the conflict cannot be avoided and it will cost dearly.

    The content of the article

    Cartridge according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

    Patron - you will have to confront some circumstances that are dangerous for you.

    Cartridge according to the Spring Dream Book

    Cartridge - to a meaningless and empty threat.

    Cartridge according to the Summer dream book

    Seeing a gun cartridge is unfortunately.

    Cartridge for the Autumn Dream Book

    Weapon cartridge - dreams of hunting.

    Dream book cartridge from A to Z

    Seeing live ammunition in a dream - the goal you set for yourself is unattainable.

    Blank cartridges - portend a waste of energy and health for a cause that will not come true. Small-caliber cartridges - portend that your hopes for making significant profits will turn into ruin and losses.

    A clip full of cartridges - your successes can cause the envy of people who will try to harm you. Playing Russian roulette with one cartridge in a revolver drum - they will try to provoke you into a decision that could cost you a collapse tantamount to death.

    Screwing a light bulb into an electric cartridge - in reality, you will fail in a love relationship.

    If the base of the light bulb has become attached to the cartridge and you cannot turn it off, this is a harbinger of ingratitude for a good deed done.

    Clamping a drill in a drill chuck is a sign of close luck and prosperity.

    To see your patron at work - to receive from him another remark or reprimand for negligence.

    Cartridge according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

    Cartridges in a dream - almost always portend quarrels, and empty shells - ridiculous insults and disagreements for no particular reason.

    Cartridge according to the dream book of V. Melnikov

    If you dreamed of live ammunition, then the task you set for yourself is unattainable.

    If you saw blank cartridges in a dream, this portends you a useless waste of strength and health for a cause that will not come true.

    Small-caliber cartridges in a dream - portend that your hopes for making significant profits will turn into ruin and losses.

    Cartridge - A clip full of cartridges in a dream - your success will cause envy among people who will try to harm you.

    If you dreamed that you were playing Russian roulette with one cartridge in a revolver drum, then they will try to provoke you into a decision that could cost you a collapse tantamount to death.

    Cartridge according to the dream interpretation of S. Karatov

    If you dreamed of a patron, then this indicates the upcoming decisive events in your life, in which you will be able to show firmness and intransigence.

    See also: why dream of gunpowder, why dream of shooting, why dream of weapons.

    Cartridge according to the dream book of A. Mindelle

    You had a dream Cartridges - you see cartridges in a dream - you will have many reasons for quarrels in your life; your kitchen will become a place for the announcement of nonsense; family troubles, however, will not interfere with your business. What do Cartridges mean in a dream - Zam dreams of blank cartridges or empty shells - loved ones will quarrel in your presence; you will have to make a lot of efforts to dispel their mutual grievances; you can also get into trouble in connection with this quarrel.

    Cartridge according to the dream book-horoscope

    Blank rifle cartridge - career advancement without material reward.