
Where is clay mined? How to Look for Clay Deposits River Blue Clay

Where is clay mined?  How to Look for Clay Deposits River Blue Clay

Green clay, red and black clay, blue clay. We see them in stores, in salons, where we can be offered clay wraps, face and hair masks. Clays are different in color and in action. Here blue clay will help to cope with many problems, which we will now tell you about.

From the depths of the Crimean bowels

The official name of this clay is Cambrian blue clay, the properties and application of which we will describe below. And it is scary to imagine, 500 million years old. But they mine it in the Crimea. And in order to get a really pure product, for its extraction they go deep inside by 30-40 meters.

Due to its antiquity, clay has absorbed microelements, minerals of naturally processed ancient plants and organisms: ferns, horsetails, marine life and others. When the state was still ruled by royalty, clay was worth its weight in gold. It was even exported from the Crimean peninsula to other countries, since the sea was at hand. And just the layman could not afford to use such an expensive tool. So there were folk recipes for the face, hair based on either burdock, or hercules, aka oatmeal, and other plants.

Properties of blue clay, general information

Blue clay is half silica. It contains radium and cobalt, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphate, potassium, nitrogen and magnesium, manganese, molybdenum. All of them are perfectly absorbed by our body.

A reasonable question arises, if blue clay contains so many useful and necessary things, what does it treat?

  • Cosmetologists use blue clay for cleansing and toning the face.
  • Hairdressers advise their clients to make blue clay masks to get rid of dandruff and brittle hair.
  • Spas make both masks and clay wraps. Blue clay works wonders, reviews say that the effect of such procedures is noticeable even after the first time. To maintain the effect, you need to continue to keep fit, and not indulge in gluttony and load the daily routine. Otherwise, you can alternate spa treatments with diets for a long time, or sit on.
  • Doctors also did not bypass and advise softened lumps of clay to be applied to sore and swollen joints.

And now more about this miraculous substance.

mud treatment

In summer, many of us go to the southern seas, to the estuaries (there are such on the Sea of ​​Azov), so that, having smeared ourselves with healing, but far from fragrant mud, cure rheumatism, sore joints, and arthritis. But usually there is not enough money or time for this, or dachas with vegetable gardens fill our vacation. It's okay, because there is blue clay. Properties and application for joints of clay are practically not inferior to mud from estuaries. So take care and don't get sick.

There is information that blue clay can also be taken orally for anemia, cystitis, ulcers, urethritis, cirrhosis, adnexitis. Is the information correct? Clay is completely natural product. Why not? But it's still worth talking to your doctor. And if you take clay as a medicine, then thoroughly crush it in a mortar, and then sift it in the sun in calm weather.

According to other sources, the minerals contained in blue clay prevent the appearance of tumors of various etymologies.

Take blue clay joint treatment at home. Then neither work in the garden, nor active fitness and power loads will be scary. Make compresses with blue clay for your grandmother - she will be grateful and surprised when the ache in the bones passes.

Braid below the waist

A blue clay hair mask will help both grow hair and rid your hair of brittleness. We also recommend that men read this section, because such masks will save you from baldness. Add vitamins (vitamin E or A), honey, herbal decoctions to the mask so that the hair treatment is comprehensive.

We offer several recipes. We take blue clay as a basis, diluted mineral water or herbal decoctions. You should get a mass that resembles sour cream in density. After application, the mask is kept for about 30 minutes and thoroughly washed with shampoo. Be sure to lubricate your hair with a balm, as the clay dries.

  • 2 parts blue clay, 2 crushed cloves, 1 part lemon juice. This mask is prescribed for oily hair Oh.
  • 2 parts of clay, 1 part, 0.5 parts of honey and egg yolk. Mask for hair growth and density.
  • 2 parts clay and oil (or), 1 part lemon juice and honey, egg yolk. This mixture will restore the structure of the hair.
  • 2 parts clay, 1 part lemon juice and honey, egg yolk. Hair loss will stop if you do this mask regularly.

Do not hesitate, blue clay for hair is very effective, reviews confirm this.

Elena writes:

“Due to frequent dyeing, the hair became brittle and, even worse, began to fall out. For two weeks I made a mask of clay, yolk, honey and lemon. I also added a pinch to it. Hair not only stopped falling out in such quantities, but their growth also intensified. ”

It is also useful to simply rinse with water in which clay is diluted (2 glasses of water and a spoonful of clay). Clay has a drying effect, absorbs the fat secreted by the pores. Hair grows better, and dandruff disappears.

Where will we do the waist?

The mineral or substance, which is our today's heroine, will help and keep the figure in good shape. Provided ... you yourself know them. If you follow them, see for yourself how effective blue clay is for weight loss. Wraps - there are reviews of home procedures - you can do it at home, it is not necessary to do it in salons. There would be a desire and time, and the household can be driven out into the street - let them breathe the air.

Blue clay contains substances that stimulate blood circulation and remove toxins. Therefore, the body under a layer of clay begins to lose volume. Apply a clay mask for body wraps in a warm form. The applied substance must not run off. Do the wrap every day for 2-3 weeks. Then a week break and you can start again.

We apply diluted warm clay, tightly wrap ourselves in cling film, wrap ourselves in a warm bathrobe or dive under a blanket. Watch your favorite show or series. After an hour, we take a warm shower. Be sure to lubricate the body with oil or lotion, since the clay dries the skin a little.

Other components of your choice can be added to the clay: honey, coffee, sea salt, herbal decoctions, citrus oil (,).

Skin like a peach

A blue clay mask will help to cope with many skin problems. The reviews are the most inspiring.

Iraida also advises husbands to make masks if they have irritation after shaving. Inna can’t imagine how she would have coped with oily skin if it weren’t for blue clay masks.

What is useful blue clay for the face? It contains zinc, which dries out oily skin, molybdenum, cadmium, manganese, which act as a disinfectant, and other minerals that promote skin cell renewal.

For men, teenagers, and women, blue clay for the face is suitable. Its use is practiced in the form of masks, adding other components if necessary.

Her action:

  • bleaching;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • cleansing;
  • disinfectant;
  • rejuvenating.

We offer you the most effective recipes. Tip: put on a mask, calm down, relax. Do not grimace or talk so that the mask lays down and freezes in an even layer. The mask must be warm.


  • 3 parts blue clay and rice flour. Add warm water. 15-20 minutes.
  • 2 tablespoons of clay, 2 drops each, egg yolk, warm water. 15-20 minutes.


  • 3 parts clay and oatmeal, 1 part lemon juice and honey. Warm up in a water bath. Do not add water.
  • Add 10 grams of blue clay to egg white, beaten with 0.5 tsp. salt.


  • 3 parts clay, 1 part water, 2 parts apple juice, a little lemon juice.
  • For normal skin. 3 parts clay, 1 part water, 0.5 parts lemon juice and honey, yolk.
  • For dry skin. 3 parts clay, 0.5 parts honey and lemon juice.
  • For oily skin. Dilute 3 parts of clay in low-fat sour cream.

For mature skin

Make an infusion of equal parts, lavender and lime blossom. Without filtering, mix with blue clay. Divide the resulting mixture equally. Cool one and heat the other.

Now we take 2 pieces of gauze. On one we spread the cold mixture, on the second warm. We do compresses for 5 minutes.

For teenage skin

Blue clay will remove annoying pimples, reviews even of teenagers confirm this.

A 14-year-old girl Anya wrote that in this way she got rid of pimples.

And here are the recipes:

  • 3 spoons of blue clay, 1 small spoon of talc, 5 g each of table or apple cider vinegar and glycerin. Add warm water.
  • 1 spoon of clay, 1 tsp. sour cream and day cream, yolk, 2 circles of cucumber. Cucumbers are needed to wipe the face after the mask.

Good blue clay. Its application is so extensive that the eyes, cheeks and hair will be grateful, and cellulite, pimples and dandruff will say “bye-bye”. It is taken orally, and the joints are treated. But it's just clay ... Miracles, and nothing more ...

The amazing properties of clay have been known since ancient times. To this day, this tool is famous as one of the most effective ingredients for nourishing and cleansing the skin and hairline. A simple-looking bluish-gray powder is sold in almost any pharmacy, and its cost pleasantly surprises even the most economical ladies.

Blue clay masks are easy to prepare and have a truly impressive spectrum of action.

Useful properties of blue clay

Among the undoubted advantages of clay products, one can single out their low cost, which seems completely insignificant next to the set of positive qualities that these wonderful products generate.

Benefits of blue clay for hair:

  • Powerful cleansing properties. The tool is able to eliminate not only pollution, but also harmful substances. Hair cleaned with clay powder retains its ability to resist the negative effects of the environment much longer.
  • Storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Blue clay is often used for hair loss due to its ability to strengthen the hair follicle. In addition, the silicon contained in the clay powder is great for accelerating hair growth.
  • Blue Clay has exfoliating properties, making it a reliable remedy for those who suffer from dandruff.
  • Due to its versatility and hypoallergenicity, the product is perfect for owners of any type of hair.

Even knowing about the excellent qualities of blue Cambrian clay, many women are afraid to use it on their hair. The fact is that when applied to the face, this product is washed off much easier. But those who have used clay products at least once know about their ability to dry out and tighten.

How easy is it to do a similar procedure on the hair without causing them any harm?

To get rid of doubts and fears, it is enough to follow the simple rules for the preparation and use of clay powder.

  • As with any other home remedy, the mixture must be prepared immediately before using it.
  • You should not stir the contents of your mask in a metal bowl - glass or plastic will do.
  • dilute the mixture with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream, then it will be easiest to apply to the hair.
  • gently distribute the mixture from the roots and along the entire length, without affecting the tips;
  • The optimal time for the effect of the mask is 15-20 minutes.
  • it is advisable to wash off the home remedy with boiled warm water.
  • to avoid stiffness, after applying the product, use Burr oil or jojoba oil, and then wash your hair using a conditioner.
  • most effective application clay powder will be when creating a greenhouse effect - after applying the mask, put a plastic cap and a warm terry towel on your head.

Homemade blue clay masks for hair growth

  • To accelerate the growth of strands best suited remedy containing a teaspoon of clay powder, mustard and lemon juice, as well as one egg yolk. Such a mask well stimulates blood circulation in the skin of the head and promotes the growth of new hairs, producing a double effect. The yolk and lemon juice help to make the hair elastic and silky, which is important in the process of hair growth. This mask can be kept on the head for about an hour or a little longer. In case of a slight burning sensation, you should not be afraid - the action of the remedy is based on this.
  • Hair follicle loss mask in combination with essential oil rosemary can do wonders! The fact is that both of these components have an amazing property to strengthen the hair roots. To create this healing remedy, mix 6 tablespoons of clay with warm boiled water until the solution reaches the consistency of sour cream. Then add 5-6 drops of rosemary oil. The mixture should be generously lubricated with the roots and left for 40-50 minutes. During the application of the mask, a slight tingling sensation may be felt. This tool is suitable for frequent use - up to 2-3 times a week.
  • Anti-Dandruff Firming Mask also produces a double positive effect. To prepare it, take a spoonful of blue clay, a small clove of garlic and half a spoonful of lemon juice. Mix finely chopped garlic with lemon juice, clay powder and boiled water until the consistency is convenient for application. This remedy can be kept up to 40 minutes. Lemon will help not only strengthen the hair structure, but also partially neutralize the smell of garlic juice.
  • Oily hair mask will help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands in the scalp. You will need 3 tablespoons of clay powder and natural low-fat yogurt, as well as 10 g of lemon juice. After mixing the components, apply the mixture on the head for 30 minutes.

Washing hair with clay

The cleansing properties of clay powder are so strong that the product can be safely used instead of shampoo.

Such an extraordinary wash will not only cleanse contaminated hair and scalp, but will also help give your hair a wonderful volume.

Stock up on apple cider vinegar to create a cleaning mix. By mixing blue clay, vinegar and boiled water in equal proportions, you will get a ready-made shampoo.

Rub the product into the roots of the hair, and then distribute along the entire length.

This procedure should last 5-10 minutes to achieve the effect. Rinse off the shampoo with warm water until you feel completely clean, then use a moisturizing balm.

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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It is called differently: blue clay, Crimean keel, keffekelite, soapy earth, bentonite clay... It is more than 500 million years old and has managed to stay in all great civilizations. In the days of Tsarist Russia, it was worth its weight in gold: it is not easy to get it, and it is used as a medicine for almost any ailment. Today, blue clay, like no other, is the subject of speculation - it's easy to deceive a buyer who is not versed in geology! Anyone who would like to improve and rejuvenate their body with the help of keffekelite needs to have a mandatory minimum of information, and carefully read the contents of the powder before buying. So what do you need to know?

How to distinguish a real keel?

This happy a la couple is unlikely to suspect that real blue clay is not blue at all - it's just a name. After washing off such a “healing” mask, they will most likely find that the skin of the face has acquired a turquoise hue - the powder was originally tinted with copper chlorophyllin. You can get into a mess in another way: “blue clay” can be written on the package, and in black and white it says that you have a mixture and, for example, kelp powder. A separate case is when enterprising charlatans sell gray therapeutic mud as blue clay right somewhere in the Crimea. Of course, they also have useful properties - but not at all what we expect from blue clay.

The real Crimean keel is a waxy, oily rock that, when wet, feels like melted butter to the touch. Its color can vary between blue, light green and gray. Blue clay was formed during the Cambrian period from volcanic ash, marble, limestone, kaolinite, spar and mica. The rich mineral composition of keffekelite, which can be put one step above ordinary vegetables and fruits, is able to fully satisfy all the needs of the human body: it contains over 50% silicon dioxide, 19% aluminum and 15% other elements that give the clay its original color - oxides of iron, calcium , magnesium, etc. It is impossible to buy Crimean kil from the hands of beach merchants, if only because real blue clay is mined at a depth of 80-100 meters and this requires an experienced mining team.

History of blue clay

It is believed that the Amazons living on the island of Lesbos in the Aegean archipelago were the first to discover blue clay. Warriors didn't use battle clay to take "beauty baths" - they applied it as war paint. But Cleopatra had more peaceful views on Cambrian clay: she made masks for her hair, face and body from it.

Blue or blue clay is also mined in Altai, France, Bulgaria, China. The most famous kila deposit in our country is located near Sevastopol - Sapun-mountain (translated from the Turkic "sapun" means "soap"), where a layer of blue clay came to the surface.

Tatar women used it to wash their hair and when visiting baths. Especially valuable properties of keel are that it absorbs fats and dyes, while not losing its own even in salt water. This made it possible to wash directly in sea water and produce high-quality "dry cleaning" of sheep's wool. "Kil" is exactly what is translated - "wool" or "hair". Today, such procedures would be called “nano-washing”: after all, blue clay crystals are so small that they are not visible under a microscope at the highest magnification (for this they are called colloidal-dispersed). How can one not lather and not foam, if just one cubic centimeter of keel contains approximately 25 billion clay particles!

Before the revolution, Sevastopol premium soap "The Miracle of Crimea" was in great demand - the advertising company relied on its ... radioactivity. Indeed, the Crimean keel contains a small amount of radium, which allows it to be used as an alternative therapy for certain types of tumors. In addition, soft tooth powder was made from it, and after it, in 1933, the first was released in the Soviet Union in washing powder (a mixture of keel and soda). Alas, by 1948 the "clay age" was over: readily available reserves of minerals were used up, and chemical alternatives to the once ideal environmentally friendly product appeared on the market.

Keel in medicine

Blue clay has no contraindications and is used both externally and internally. All somatic diseases begin with improper metabolism, and it is not so important what caused it - whether it is stress, negative environmental influences, improper diet or lifestyle. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what exactly you would like to treat: you just need to get your metabolism back on track. Of course, clay acts as a panacea: it contains almost the entire periodic table and provides the body with a full-fledged “menu” to choose from. All this is also relevant when recovering from injuries (fractures, sprains, burns, etc.)

Of course, this does not mean that a few bags of clay are enough - and thanks to everyone, everyone is free. Clay treatment is usually combined with drug treatment, homeopathy, herbal medicine, etc. But clay will certainly make its significant contribution! Like any clay, keffekelite also cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. To do this, dissolve the keel in a glass of water (from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons) and drink 1 hour before meals. The course can last from 10 days to a whole year. Blue clay will also serve as a good help for ladies “in an interesting position” - in the first trimester, clay water will relieve nausea.

Blue clay in cosmetology

First of all, the Crimean keel is universal: it is suitable for any skin type. "Daring and beautiful" natural redheads - if your freckles are dear to you, do not make face masks from blue clay (it whitens the skin). The same goes for summer tanning. They also make hair masks, anti-cellulite body wraps and baths from the keel. These procedures stimulate the metabolism and regeneration of the skin, cleanse and prevent acne, have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect, smooth mimic wrinkles and improve complexion. The main thing is not to use metal utensils when diluting clay mixtures: blue clay loses its properties in it. beneficial features.

Clay is a mineral that has found wide application in various spheres of life. This rather complex rock can be represented by different composition and properties. Conditions of education different types clays also differ significantly.

What is clay?

Geological science has been studying rocks for a long time. Scientists have found that clay, not contaminated with impurities, consists of small particles. The dust diameter does not exceed 0.01 mm. These are particles that belong to a certain group of minerals. It is no coincidence that the use of clay has become widespread. The rock is a tangled chemical compound, which includes water, silicon and aluminum.

Clays under the influence of liquid change their properties. Depending on the amount of water that is added to the rock particles, a plastic mass or lime can form. The liquid with the addition of clay has a high degree of viscosity. This property is widely used in the construction and repair industries.

Clay properties

The properties of any rock are completely dependent on the composition. Clay is no exception. The size of the constituent particles also matters. In a mixture with the rock is able to form a viscous dough. This property is widely used in various spheres of life. Clay swells in water. As a result, it can be used very sparingly. In its raw form, clay dough is able to maintain absolutely any shape. Nothing can be changed after freezing. And in order for the product to be preserved for a long time, it is fired. Under the influence of high temperatures, the clay becomes even stronger and more durable.

When describing the basic properties of clay, one cannot help but recall the water resistance. After the rock particles are saturated with the required amount of liquid, it no longer allows moisture to pass through itself. This property is also widely used in construction.

Separate grades of clays are able to purify petroleum products. The same properties of clay are used to purify vegetable fats and oils. Thanks to this, people can consume products without harmful impurities. Clay absorbs from liquids which can be harmful to health. For the same reason, certain types of rocks are used in cosmetology.

What are clays?

In nature there is great amount types of clay. All of them have found their application in one or another sphere of life. Kaolin is a light-colored clay that is less plastic than other types. It is this breed that is most often used in the paper industry, as well as in the manufacture of dishes.

Refractory clay deserves special attention. This substance is white or light gray in color, which can withstand temperatures above 1500 degrees during firing. Under the influence of high temperature, refractory clay does not soften and does not lose its useful properties. The rock is widely used in the manufacture of porcelain products, as well as in interior decoration. Facing tiles made of refractory clay are considered popular.

Molding clays can also be fired at sufficiently high temperatures. They differ in high plasticity. Such refractory clay can be used in metallurgy. With its help, special binder molds for metal casting are made.

In construction, cement clays are most often used. These are substances of a grayish tint with an admixture of magnesium. Clay is used for the manufacture of various finishing products, as well as a link in construction work.

How and where is clay mined?

Clay is a mineral that is not rare today. The substance can be easily extracted from the earth. It is easiest to detect the substance in those places where rivers used to flow. Clay is considered to be a product of sedimentary rock and the earth's crust. On an industrial scale, clay is mined using excavators. The machine cuts large layers of the earth. In this way, much more minerals can be extracted. The problem is that clay in most cases lies in layers.

Entire quarries serve as places for the extraction of clay. Work begins with the removal of the topsoil. Most often, clay can be found already at a distance of half a meter from the top. Usually easy to process can be on the surface itself. In some cases, a mineral can be found under groundwater. In this case, the team installs a special drainage to divert water.

Winter is not a hindrance to mining. In order to avoid freezing of the soil, it is insulated with sawdust and other substances with a low level of thermal conductivity. The thickness of the insulation sometimes reaches 50 cm. Already mined clay is also protected from freezing. It is covered with a tarp or other similar material that can keep the right temperature until the clay is delivered to the warehouse.

Clay in construction

In the construction industry, clay has been used since the first days of its discovery. Today, the material is widely used for the construction of houses in the southern regions. Thanks to the properties of the fossil, the houses are cool in summer and warm and cozy in winter. For the manufacture of blocks, only a little sand, clay and straw are taken. After hardening, a durable building material is obtained that does not lend itself to any natural factors.

What is the best clay for building houses, experts answer unambiguously. The most suitable is cement clay. Facing tiles are also often made from this material. With the help of such decoration, you can not only decorate the room, but also protect it from fire. After all, cement clay is also refractory.

Clay utensils

Clay cutlery is not only beautiful, but also useful. The material is environmentally friendly. Do not be afraid that the dishes under the influence of high temperature will emit substances harmful to health. Many associate the use of clay with the manufacture of plates, pots and vases. Today, dishes from this material are made on an industrial scale. Everyone can purchase a service made of quality material that can last for a long time.

Much more appreciated handmade. Entire exhibitions are organized where craftsmen can boast of their products. Here you can also buy high-quality pottery. The main thing is that the product is made in a single copy. But the price will be corresponding.

Clay modeling with children

Making various products with clay can be a very exciting and fun activity for a child. Modeling contributes to mental development, improves the motor skills of children's hands. The kid can show imagination at his own pleasure. And what can be done from clay, parents will always tell you.

Clay modeling requires careful preparation. It should be remembered that not all clothes can be washed from a mineral. And the child will definitely put spots. Therefore, the baby should be dressed in a working uniform, and the table should be covered with oilcloth. What can be done from clay in the first place? First of all, you should sculpt simple oval figures. It can be animals or funny people. With an older child, you can make a plate and a spoon. After hardening, the product can be painted. It will look original and can last for a long time. But it is worth remembering that clay without firing is quite fragile.

The use of clay in medicine

Even in ancient times, people noticed the beneficial properties of clay and began to use them for medicinal purposes. Some types of minerals have an anti-inflammatory effect. Because of this, they are used to treat various skin diseases. Clay quickly helps to cope with burns, acne and eczema. But in no case should you self-medicate. Certain types of clay have different properties. Only a specialist will be able to choose the right material and apply it correctly to the sore spot. Without the necessary knowledge and skills, only harm can be done.

Clay is a mineral that is a source of many minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Some varieties of rock can also be taken orally. Clay is an excellent source of radium. At the same time, the body absorbs the amount of useful substance that is necessary for normal life.

Clay is able to remove toxins from the blood, as well as normalize metabolism. Due to this, it is often used for various types of poisoning. The powder is taken orally in a small amount, washed down with water. But only certain types of clay can be used for medicinal purposes.

Clay in cosmetology

Many girls often use cosmetic clay to improve their appearance. The mineral is able to even out skin tone, rid the face of acne, and thighs from fat deposits. Used for cosmetic purposes different kinds clay. All of them have their own characteristics and properties.

For facial rejuvenation, white mineral clay is most often used. The photos of women who have used this product for facial enhancement are impressive. Mimic wrinkles are really smoothed out, and age spots disappear completely. For girls with oily skin and large pores, substances are also perfect - information that can be read on the package. But it is still better to use any clay after consulting a beautician.

Application of blue clay

This rock has good anti-inflammatory properties. It contains salts and minerals necessary for normal functioning. Blue clay masks should be made for people who are prone to skin rashes. With the help of a natural substance, acne and comedones are perfectly treated.

With the help of blue clay, you can also make the skin lighter. 10 procedures will help to get rid of freckles for a long time and age spots. In addition, it perfectly smoothes superficial mimic wrinkles.

green clay

This substance is also widely used in cosmetology. Green clay has excellent absorbent properties. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. Clay can be applied both on the face and on the whole body.

Wraps using green clay are considered popular. The mineral helps to restore the body's water balance and remove excess moisture. This property helps girls get rid of cellulite, as well as make the skin more even and smooth.

red clay

The most optimal for people who are prone to allergic reactions will be red clay. This substance has a special shade due to the content of copper and iron oxide in it. Only the extracted substance cannot be immediately used in cosmetology. Making clay for various masks is a labor-intensive process. It is red clay that is being prepared for use with special attention. The breed is cleared of various harmful impurities that can harm the skin.

Red clay masks perfectly relieve redness and skin irritation. The material is also widely used in medicine. Red clay contributes to the speedy and postoperative scars makes it less noticeable.

Clay has strong disinfecting properties, inhibits the processes of decay and decomposition. Clay sterilized various drinks

“Yes, you bury diamonds in the ground! After all, the clay that was taken from such a depth is priceless!” - the famous Bulgarian healer exclaimed in his hearts when he saw how, during the construction of the Moscow metro, seemingly unremarkable oily rock was thrown into the dump. And he was absolutely right. Medicinal properties of such clay is many times higher than that of the one that lies on the surface.

Half-Forgotten Knowledge

Alas, we have lost much of the experience of our ancestors. But the miraculous qualities of clay - and not only as a building or pottery material - have been known in Rus' since time immemorial.

For example, that the best water is the one that flows along the clay river bed. They knew that clay has strong disinfecting properties, inhibits the processes of decay and decomposition. Clay sterilized various drinks. For example, they threw a small piece of clay into a bowl with milk, and the milk, even in extreme heat, did not sour for several days. For long-term storage, vegetables and fruits were dipped in a clay mash and dried. In this form, they could lie all winter without risking to rot. For the same purpose, meat products were rolled in clay powder. Since the clay oshok was in the arsenal of all medical institutions. Clay helped to cope not only with various food poisonings, but also with such infectious diseases like cholera, dysentery and others. During epidemics and even just in case of suspicion of any infection, clay was invariably prescribed for ingestion. It was also used for the rapid healing of wounds on the skin.

Potions were prepared in clay vessels, vegetable raw materials were stored ... Our grandmothers, who constantly dealt with pets, treated skin sores (lichen, eczema, etc.) acquired from them by powdering the sore spots with clay powder.
Our great-grandfathers knew not only about bactericidal, but also about other advantages of clay. For example, about the fact that it is exceptionally rich in substances necessary for the body. Powder from some types of clay was taken orally. In the army, on ships and in prisons, clay was widely included in the diet as a kind of nutritional supplement. And our northern peoples they added "earth fat" (white clay) to meat broths and even used it to make sweets.

Clay was indispensable for injuries: it dissolves bruises and bruises well, relieves swelling of various origins. Plasters were made from clay diluted in vinegar to treat fractures and sprains. Cakes made of clay diluted with hot water with the addition of kerosene were used for pain in the lower back and joints. And having trampled liquid clay with their feet, they got rid of even the most chronic calluses.
Practiced in the old days and healing clay baths. A large hole was dug in the ground, filled with water, which was mixed with good clay to make a light liquid mass. The patient was placed for several hours in this viscous bath up to the very neck. The sickness was literally disappearing before our eyes.

Since ancient times, clay has also been used for cosmetic purposes. It is known that Egyptian queen Cleopatra, noble women ennobled their skin with multi-colored clay precious at that time ancient greece and Rome.

Clay was also used in the treatment of spoilage and the evil eye. The sorceresses and soothsayers knew exactly what kind of clay which prayers should be whispered.

Storehouse of nutrients

Today clay therapy is becoming more and more popular. This was facilitated by scientific research, which confirmed many ancient beliefs about the wonderful properties of clay. It turned out that clay is actually a highly effective natural remedy. It not only normalizes the body's metabolism, but also has a direct healing effect, renewing cells and strengthening the body's immunity.

It has been established that the main therapeutic effect clay is due to its unique absorbent capacity. Destroying bacteria and absorbing harmful substances, odors and gases, clay perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, putrefactive gases, slags and heavy metals. (By the way, the refrigerator can be rid of unpleasant odors by placing a plate of clay powder in it for a couple of hours).

Clay has been proven to have a fairly strong antibacterial and antitumor effect. Moreover, it applies both to benign (goiter, fibroids, mastopathy, etc.), and to malignant tumors. It is believed that this is due to the fact that the clay contains a very rare radioactive element - radium. For our body, it is needed in very small doses, but it is them that we get when treating with clay. It is possible that clay - this natural sterilizer - also owes its high bactericidal effect to the presence of radium in it. Before a small but specific natural radiation of radium, no microbe, virus or harmful microorganism is able to resist. We add that, unlike chemical antiseptics, radium radiation is capable of destroying not only pathogenic microbes, but also their toxins. We also note that if crushed clay is kept in the sun for a longer time, the content of radium in it will increase and its healing properties will increase.

Analyzes have shown that the clay contains a large number necessary to a person mineral salts and trace elements, and in forms that are perfectly absorbed human body. Diversity mineral composition clay is not inferior to fruits and vegetables. Proportions minerals in clay they are universal, the combinations are incomparable. Therefore, clay, if used wisely, simply cannot do harm,

And one more characteristic detail. As it turned out, clay (especially blue) has vibrations close to the vibrations of healthy body cells. It is believed that one of the mechanisms therapeutic effect clay is due to the fact that with its vibrations it actively rebuilds pathogenic cells to “healthy” frequencies. In other words, it forces them to switch to normal mode of operation. It is believed that this is due to the presence in clay a large number silicon (about 45%) - the very one that so beneficially structures the aquatic environment of our body.

We prepare and store

Healing clay can be found everywhere: in quarries, in the forest, on the slopes of ravines... You just need to keep in mind that the deeper the clay is taken, the more suitable it is for treatment. After all, the upper layers constantly absorb dirty runoff from surface water and atmospheric precipitation, including acid ones. Folk healers have long preferred "deep" clay - mined when digging wells, pits, or one whose even, uniform layers come to the surface near lakes and rivers. In any case, it is desirable to collect clay as far as possible from settlements and industrial facilities.

Semi-moist clay is poorly soluble in water. Therefore, having obtained clay, it must first be dried well in the sun, by the stove, or by the radiator. Then the pieces of clay must be crushed and, after sifting through a sieve, cleaned of stones, dirt and impurities. Healing clay should be thin and dense - with a minimum admixture of sand. Checking the quality of clay is quite simple: soak the clay powder with water, knead it to the state of plasticine, roll up a “donut” and dry it on the window. After drying, it should not crack much. To get rid of excess sand and impurities, clay can be well diluted with water, filtered through gauze or a fine sieve and allowed to settle well. After that, drain the water, dry the upper layer of the sediment (without sand), after dividing it into balls with a size of Walnut or small cakes. Subsequently, they can be crushed into powder.

If it is not possible to prepare clay yourself, you can buy it at a pharmacy, as well as in flower and cosmetic stores. The clay offered there is already specially processed, sterile and can be used immediately for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.
Clay can be stored indefinitely. Best in dry form - in powder or balls. It is advisable to keep it in a glass or ceramic dish. By no means in a metal one! In it, it becomes toxic, quickly dampens and loses its effectiveness. Large volumes of clay are best stored in an open container, certainly under a canopy. The main thing is as far as possible from gassed and polluted places. And do not forget to take out the clay in the sun more often to “recharge” with solar energy. The same should be done before using it.

Before use, the clay must be brought to the desired consistency. Semi-liquid clay is slightly diluted with water, hard balls and cakes are crushed and sifted. Dilute the powder with clean (thawed, spring or boiled) water in burnt ceramic or enameled dishes, stirring with a wooden spatula. An iron spoon is not recommended! Clay is considered the best for medicinal purposes, which, after stirring in water, slowly precipitates.

We are treated

Taking clay water inside, people have long treated the most various diseases: stomach ulcer, diarrhea, jaundice, cirrhosis of the liver, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, paralysis, epilepsy and even alcoholism, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis ...

Clay powder is diluted clean cold water and take such clay water twice a day, morning and evening, three-quarters of a glass about half an hour before meals. It is advisable to start gradually - with one teaspoon of clay powder per day, gradually bringing the daily dose to 20-30 grams (tablespoon). Usually the course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, then a break of 10 days. It must be borne in mind that the results are not always fast, the treatment can sometimes last several months. Sometimes, in the course of treatment, it may seem that the disease has worsened, but this should not be a concern: clay does not bring harm, such crises are a signal of purification from toxic substances, after a while the state of health will improve. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. At gastrointestinal diseases(colitis, enteritis, dysentery, food poisoning) the dose increases: adults are recommended to take one tablespoon of powder at a time, but not more than 100 grams per day.

Outwardly, clay is used in the form of rubbing, lotions, masks, baths and compresses - without the slightest harm to health. It is used at any age, mainly in the treatment of joints, muscles, tendons, prostatitis, skin and colds. Various clay applications also help well in the treatment of tumors, ulcers, abscesses, burns, wounds, fractures, edema, insect bites, etc.

Compresses help a lot. To do this, cool clay is smeared on sore and affected areas with a layer about 2 cm thick. Sometimes a napkin is laid on the hairy parts of the body - so that later the clay is easier to remove. But if possible, it is better to spread the clay without a napkin, moreover, without fear of infection. From above, it is desirable to cover the clay with a cotton cloth and insulate well. The usual duration of such compresses is several hours. In order to draw harmful substances from the sore spot, the compress is kept for about 2 hours. But with purulent abscesses, it is changed more often - every half hour or hour. As soon as the patient feels that the clay has become dry and hot, it must be removed, the sore spot washed with warm water, and the clay should be thrown away, since it has absorbed harmful substances. After that, make a new compress with fresh clay. Applications should be continued until complete recovery. With open wounds and ulcers, healing does not occur immediately: the clay must draw out toxins, harmful substances and dirt from the entire body. Only after complete cleansing of the body, the wound will heal.

If the application is done to strengthen the strength of the patient, the clay is made more liquid and left on the body for up to 3 hours. Well in these cases, rubbing, lotions and baths with clay water also help. sea ​​salt. They not only restore strength, but also effectively help with arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, gout and anemia.

Clay proved to be excellent in cosmetology. Each type of cosmetic clay is good in its own way, but they all have a common advantage: they are absolutely safe, do not cause allergies and smooth out wrinkles more effectively than any other masks, saturate the skin with microelements, rejuvenating and giving it a fresh look. For such masks, clay is usually diluted to the density of sour cream, and then applied in a thin layer to the face. Often, vegetable oils, sour cream, pulp of watermelon, grapes, fruit juices, infusions and decoctions of herbs, etc. are added to the prepared mass. So that the clay does not slip and does not dry out quickly, wet gauze is applied over it for an hour and a half.

And finally, some useful tips.

1. Clay should only be used when cold. Hot clay loses its healing properties.

2. It is advisable to hold a vessel with clay powder carefully mixed in water for at least half an hour in the sun. After that, let the suspension settle well. Clay water that appears above the sediment should not be drunk in one gulp, but in small sips. The sediment can be used again by diluting it again with water.

3. Drink clay water in the morning half an hour before meals.

4. It is not advisable to drink clay with milk or coffee.

5. After taking clay, you should not eat a lot.

6. For the prevention of diseases in the family, the hostess can use clay as food supplement without particularly advertising it. For example, adding clay powder to all kinds of cereals or mixing with various spices.

colorful doctor

There are many varieties of clay. All of them are suitable for treatment, although they differ in their properties. Each clay is good in its own way.

The most valuable is blue cambrian clay. Before the revolution, as a special value, Russia sold it to other countries for gold. Clay of blue flowers is truly universal. It contains almost all trace elements and mineral salts necessary for our organism. It has been proven that blue clay normalizes metabolism in tissues, activates blood circulation and enhances the effectiveness of other types of treatment: homeopathic, medical and surgical. And besides, it is a powerful antiseptic. Masks of blue clay in the area of ​​the feet (20 minutes 1-2 times a week) reduce sweating of the feet, eliminate bad smell prevent the growth of fungal and bacterial infections. Let us also add that in traditional medicine blue clay is considered effective tool against baldness.

White clay(kaolin) appears as a homogeneous white powder with a yellow or grayish tint. It was first discovered in China, in the town of Kaolin, from where it got its name. Contains a lot of silica, zinc and magnesium. Oily to the touch. It consists of the smallest particles that perfectly absorb and remove toxic substances and heavy metals from the body. Harmlessness, purity, whiteness, as well as a strong anti-septic effect make kaolin the most valuable ingredient in cosmetology. As the most delicate abrasive, it is used as a soft scrub. White clay cleansing masks are often used to treat oily skin and get rid of acne.

green clay since ancient times it has been considered a cure for almost all diseases. It is quite rare, but much more active than other types of clays. Copper predominates in green clay, which delays the aging of the body. This clay also stabilizes cardiac activity, increases the body's resistance to external influences, and helps strengthen hair. Green cosmetic clay is indispensable for oily skin. Masks with it well improve capillary blood circulation, noticeably smooth and tighten the skin of the face, perfectly cleanse pores, and eliminate oily sheen.

yellow clay- A good anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It perfectly removes toxins from the body, saturates the skin with oxygen. It is distinguished from other types of clay by its rich content of iron and potassium. Iron is especially important because it is part of the blood. Its lack can cause anemia (anemia), visual impairment, decrease in muscle strength, weakness, lack of will ... Yellow clay helps to replenish the amount of iron - as in the form aqueous solution, and by adding powder to the first and second courses. Yellow clay masks perfectly improve complexion and have a tonic effect. Most of all they are suitable for fading and dull skin.

red clay contains even more iron than yellow, and therefore it is especially indicated for anemia and other diseases of the hematopoietic system. Saturating the skin of the face with oxygen, it improves blood circulation, well restores tired skin, smoothes premature wrinkles. When rubbed into the scalp, red clay strengthens weak and brittle hair, nourishes the bulbs and treats oily seborrhea.

Gray clay is mined in the sea at great depths. It is widely used for the preparation of anti-aging cosmetic masks for aging and dry skin. Toning and moisturizing the skin, gray clay remarkably softens and cleanses it, gives it elasticity and freshness, smoothes wrinkles well.

Grey-black clay has this color due to the presence of carbonaceous substances and iron in it. This clay is used to reduce body temperature, with palpitations (arrhythmias), inflammatory diseases skin, promotes skin rejuvenation. It improves joint mobility in arthrosis and arthritis.

Black clay activates fat burning and is therefore good for fighting cellulite and overweight. This is truly a miraculous remedy for the skin: it remarkably refreshes it, removes excess fat from it, tightens pores, eliminates irritation and redness, makes the skin velvety and elastic.