
Lunar calendar for December. Garden work, plant care activities

Lunar calendar for December.  Garden work, plant care activities

We will not only tell you about the phases of the moon in December 2013, but also offer you helpful tips for every day of December 2013.

We will give you tips and tricks from the beautiful Moon. These tips for every day of January can help you avoid mistakes and failures, you will be able to properly plan your time in December 2013

December 1 Sunday

Moon in Scorpio, 27th-28th lunar day (08:00)

On this day, luck accompanies both sales and purchases. Listen to your inner voice. And then you will have to spend a minimum of effort on solving key issues, you will successfully cope with everything.

Moon in Scorpio - pay attention to personal matters

All sorts of distractions will interfere with your business activity. Feel free to pay increased attention to personal matters during this period, even set aside special time for this in your schedule. If you plunge into the turbulent waters of emotions, this does not mean that you will not swim out of there. It is necessary to throw out the accumulated energy, otherwise it will interfere with a career and business.

December 2 Monday

Moon in Scorpio-Sagittarius (10:31), 28-29th lunar day (09:23)

It is undesirable to start new business and generally do something important. Take care of your health. Avoid stress and mood swings. Understand: your mood depends only on you. Loan processing and large acquisitions are best postponed to another day.

December 3 Tuesday

Moon in Sagittarius, 29-1-2 lunar day (04:22-10:37), new moon (04:22)

This is a day of generosity, altruism and mercy. Think of the lunar day as the "foundation" of the entire next month. Your career and financial well-being depend on how this foundation is “laid”.

New Moon in Sagittarius - time to gather information

Business ideas are literally in the air. You should plan your work in such a way that none of the ideas fly past you. Read the press carefully, surf the Internet, participate in seminars, conferences, symposiums. Call a meeting, ask the opinion of employees about the development of the company. In no case do not reject the proposals of subordinates to improve the activities of the enterprise. Pay attention to market research, look at competing firms. With a new moon in Sagittarius, you need to carefully monitor events in the field of your business interests.

December 4 Wednesday

Moon in Sagittarius-Capricorn (10:49), 2-3rd lunar day (11:38)

You can start any business activities. An excellent time to open and reorganize enterprises, to expand the scope of activities. A good day for cash investments and investments.

December 5 Thursday

Moon in Capricorn, 3rd-4th lunar day (12:23)

On these lunar days, it is advisable to completely surrender to your favorite work. A very useful and fruitful period: you are capable of a lot, and therefore you must do a lot. You have enough strength now to take on the most difficult task.

December 6 Friday

Moon in Capricorn-Aquarius (10:53), 4-5th lunar day (12:57)

Keep moving forward, but at the same time carefully analyze whether you have gone astray, whether you have made any mistake. All is not lost yet: something can be painlessly corrected, corrected their actions.

How to behave on the sixth day of the month

On the sixth day, feel free to start improving your financial situation. In business, you need to record important results, strengthen business and social relationships. Anything that involves gathering a team around you will be beneficial. During this period, your dreams will come true if they relate to the material side: you will be able to make new acquisitions, create comfort and warmth in the house, which is also important.

December 7 Saturday

Moon in Aquarius, 5th-6th lunar day (13:22)

Day of fidelity to duty and principles. On these lunar days, you need to be especially attentive to all your actions, thoughts, deeds. Everything that you think about today, everything that you wish, will surely find its real embodiment.

Moon in Aquarius - track bank transactions

On a day like this, it can feel like money and even e-mail messages are moving along their own, intricate trajectories. They may be misplaced. It is necessary to carefully monitor the flow of flows and make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner.

December 8 Sunday

Moon in Aquarius-Pisces (12:34), 6-7th lunar day (13:42)

Do your daily activities in this lunar day in a normal rhythm. Think about the fact that work is an integral part of life, and therefore, whether you like it or not, you have to work. Try to be attentive and do not succumb to any provocations.

December 9 Monday

Moon in Pisces, 7th-8th lunar day (14:00)

Today it is necessary to adhere to the previously concluded agreements. Everything that you do on these lunar days should be very significant and significant. Keep this in mind if you want to gain material independence and confidence in the future.

December 10 Tuesday

Moon in Pisces-Aries (17:05), 8-9th lunar day (14:16)

On this day, it will be possible to get a new position, go to advanced training courses, expand the scope of activities. Try to remain calm and treat everything with a reasonable amount of irony.

Moon in Pisces - Get creative

This period is favorable for creativity, which means that a creative approach should prevail in business. Look at your business life from a different angle. Remember something unusual, funny. Think about how your business activity is similar to what is written in books, shown in films, TV shows. If you are overwhelmed by some unsolvable business problems, then seek help in solving them in literature, theater, cinema, and works of fine art.

December 11 Wednesday

Moon in Aries, 9th-10th lunar day (14:32)

The financial situation on these lunar days will be quite unstable, you can both earn and lose a large amount of money. Be careful in everything, you will need to be flexible and think outside the box. This is not the best day to defend your opinion.

December 12 Thursday

Moon in Aries, 10th-11th lunar day (14:50)

This lunar day is the time of activity of male energy, so try to get rid of the burden of accumulated problems by actively taking up their solution. Only previously thought out and prepared cases succeed, adventures are contraindicated.

December 13 Friday

Moon in Aries-Taurus (00:40), 11-12th lunar day (15:10)

This is a great time to introduce new ideas, but only the desire must be such to bring the project to the end. Financial issues will be resolved thanks to your charm and ability to navigate the situation in time.

Growing Moon in Taurus - careful data processing

During this period, the word "practice" should become the motto of a business person. You will be successful in the field of any practical business - from cleaning an apartment to buying a country house. Nevertheless, be more careful when taking on practical matters that require such irrational things as flair and intuition. For example, the stock market. Better focus on classes, where everything depends on your diligence and patience. Such work as checking financial statements or inventory, during the period of the growing Moon in Taurus, will go easier and more fun than usual.

December 14 Saturday

Moon in Taurus, 12th-13th lunar day (15:35)

Today you can not be stingy and put your interests above the interests of other people. Spend energy on creating new things in your life. These lunar days bring good luck only to those who are able to encircle the prospects.

December 15 Sunday

Moon in Taurus-Gemini (10:40), 13-14th lunar day (16:06)

It's time for clarity, speed, perseverance. The events aimed at holding responsible meetings and significant events are being carried out perfectly. The more decisively you behave now, the more successfully your undertaking will end.

Growing Moon in Gemini - go on a business trip

and business Favorable time for short trips. If a business partner has been calling you to see the production where you placed an order for a long time, then pay a visit there just when the waxing Moon appeared in the sign of Gemini. The impression from such business meetings is strong. Surely you will notice a lot of interesting things from the point of view of the organization of production, and you will have new ideas. In addition, a clear and precise idea of ​​the peculiarities of working with this supplier will be developed, it will be easier to build business relations with him.

December 16 Monday

Moon in Gemini, 14th-15th lunar day (16:46)

One of the most energetic lunar days. Don't waste your time. The stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly. This is the best day for buying and selling transactions, for any kind of cash investment.

Well, the last month of 2013 has come and we are already on the threshold of 2014. What awaits us in December 2013?

We will tell you on what days of December you can do this or that work, when you need to reduce the load. On which days of December it is better to engage in treatment, body cleansing, bath procedures, and on which days you should not start anything new and spend the day in a relaxed atmosphere.

28th lunar day (7.10), Moon in Scorpio, 4th phase

The energies of the day incline towards patience and humility, altruism and generosity.

It is better to refrain from food of animal origin. Avoid any energy losses, observe moderation in everything.

29th lunar day (8.28), Moon in Sagittarius (10.30), 4th phase

1st, 2nd lunar days (9.40), Moon in Sagittarius, new moon (4.23)

Day of generosity and charity. Useful preventive and health practices. Bath procedures will also be beneficial.

At the new moon, people, animals and plants are affected by a special impulse.

An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting plants.

3rd lunar day (10.41), Moon in Capricorn (10.48), 1st phase

A good day for active individual work. There is a chance to do a lot in one day.

The most sensitive today are the neck, the back of the head, the organs of hearing, the nervous system is vulnerable. The day is good for intense physical activity, wellness procedures. Plan a trip to the bath, take a steam bath.

An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting plants.

4th lunar day (11.30), Moon in Capricorn, 1st phase

Today it is best to make decisions with the help of intuition. Once you've made a decision, stick with it, leaving your doubts and fears behind.

The most vulnerable today are the larynx, throat, and neck.

5th lunar day (12.09), Moon in Aquarius (10.52), 1st phase

Those things on which you concentrate your attention as much as possible are successful.

The energy of the day contributes to good digestion: the energy received from food is completely converted in the tissues. Eat whatever your heart desires, do not try to starve! Fasting on this day is contraindicated. Try to be outdoors more.

An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting plants.

6th lunar day (12.40), Moon in Aquarius, 1st phase

If you want to change your life for the better, go on a journey. However, it is enough to leave the house. Staying at home, you can miss your lucky chance!

The right time for wellness activities and anti-aging procedures, surgical operations (they are successful, wounds heal well). Recommended steam room, breathing exercises.

An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting plants.

7th lunar day (13.05), Moon in Pisces (12.33), 1st phase

A good day for receiving and processing information, for meeting friends. Walking in the fresh air will bring health benefits.

The day is favorable for general wellness procedures. Avoid emotional overstrain.

8th lunar day (13.27), Moon in Pisces, 1st phase (19.12)

The more you are outdoors today, the more successful your day will be.

The stomach and intestines are the most sensitive today, and overloading them is quite dangerous. Their cleansing procedures are shown. Try to get more rest and avoid alcohol.

9th lunar day (13.48), Moon in Aries (17.04), 2nd phase

It is possible to start life from scratch - if you know exactly what you want to write on this sheet.

The chest area and circulatory organs are most sensitive on this day. Try not to eat meat in any form, give preference to fish dishes. Alcohol is desirable to exclude. Cleansing procedures are very useful, a good bath.

10th lunar day (14.09), Moon in Aries, 2nd phase

The day is very good: you are in a great mood and you are full of energy.

It is useful to sit on a diet, arrange a fasting day. Preferably vegetarian food (except mushrooms).

It is good to cleanse the body of toxins. A Russian steam bath will be an excellent healer.

11th lunar day (14.31), Moon in Taurus (24.39), 2nd phase

A good day to start trips and travels, for new acquaintances and any business that contributes to the strengthening of material well-being.

This day is considered the most powerful in energy of the entire lunar cycle. And yet try not to overload yourself physically. Take care of the spine, which is the most sensitive today.

12th lunar day (14.56), Moon in Taurus, 2nd phase

Preferably vegetarian food. The evening is good to spend with loved ones.

Good results will give cleansing of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Cleansing procedures for the liver and gallbladder are also useful. Take care of your nervous system, try not to be nervous.

13th lunar day (15.25), Moon in Taurus, 2nd phase

The day is meant for fun, love and joy. You can arrange a family holiday or a party for a narrow circle of the closest people. Favorable conception of a child.

The stomach should not be empty, but remember that the pancreas is the most vulnerable today. The resulting diseases can be dangerous and protracted. For cosmetic purposes, use herbs.

14th lunar day (16.00), Moon in Gemini (10.39), 2nd phase

The day of completion and debriefing. Starting new business is not recommended. It's good to get rid of bad habits.

Day of emotional fullness, increased sensuality and sexuality. Useful physical activity and cleansing procedures, especially the large intestine. In food, preference should be given to salty foods.

15th lunar day (16.41), Moon in Gemini, 2nd phase

Try to wake up in the morning good mood and keep it throughout the day.

The day is unfavorable for health. The most sensitive today is the diaphragm and intestines. It is advisable to exclude from the diet liquid, cold food, as well as cabbage, onions, eggs.

An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting plants.

16th lunar day (17.29), Moon in Cancer (22.15), full moon (13.29)

A very favorable day in all respects, including for health.

Trade and commercial enterprises are successful, as well as any acquisitions and purchases.

Useful wellness activities, light physical exercise. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms and animal food. It is better to give preference to fish dishes.

An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting plants.

17th lunar day (18.25), Moon in Cancer, 3rd phase

A magnificent day, characterized by an emotional upsurge, activation of cosmic female energy.

Today you can file a lawsuit to restore justice, if you are sure that you are right, restore and build relationships.

The kidneys are very vulnerable, as well as the cardiovascular system.

An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting plants.

18th lunar day (19.25), Moon in Cancer, 3rd phase

The combination of self-confidence, optimism and responsibility for your actions and words will ensure your success today.

It's time to go on a diet: the day for this is just perfect! Of the products recommended vegetable oil, peanuts, pine nuts. A bath with good steam and massage will benefit.

19th lunar day (20.29), Moon in Leo (10.46), 3rd phase

Day of altruism, disinterested help to people. Do not pass by those who need your help, then a helping hand will be extended to you in difficult times.

The reproductive organs and intestines are the most vulnerable. Today, the likelihood of poisoning is greatly increased. Be careful when taking medications and drinking alcoholic beverages. No overwork: spend this day as calmly as possible.

20th lunar day (21.35), Moon in Leo, 3rd phase

A good day for creativity and solving intellectual problems. You can do any individual work.

The most sensitive spine, upper back, peritoneum, shoulder blades. It is better to refrain from strong drinks, eat very moderately.

Meat food is preferred on this day. Go to the bath, take a steam bath. Try not to give in to your emotions.

21st lunar day (22.42), Moon in Virgo (23.18), 3rd phase

Day of love and joy. Good for a family holiday. Favorable conception of a child.

On this day, blood purifying procedures and other wellness activities are very effective, including physical exercises. Drink as many juices as possible.

22nd lunar day (23.50), Moon in Virgo, 3rd phase

Today it is best to live not according to a plan, but according to intuition. Don't be upset, move those things that don't work out today, to another day.

Beware of infections and don't clean up - now is not the time.

Continuation of the 22nd lunar day. Moon in Virgo, 3rd phase

It's good to get up early tonight and get to work right away. Avoid overeating, walk as much as possible.

23rd lunar day (1.00), Moon in Libra (10.16), 4th phase (17.49)

Today you can start any business, but they will definitely need to be brought to completion.

The spine and gonads are the most sensitive. It is recommended to eat less fatty foods.

24th lunar day (2.11), Moon in Libra, 4th phase

An energetically saturated day, when a lot succeeds, if nothing is put off “for later”.

The genitals are the most sensitive on this day. Useful rest, exercise, bath with dry steam, sleep. Liquids are best consumed less, but a little wine will do the trick. The day is very favorable for sexual intercourse and for conception.

25th lunar day (3.25), Moon in Scorpio (17.57), 4th phase

Day of generosity and mercy, disinterested attention to others. Prevention of diseases and any health practices are favorable.

Do not abuse drugs, wine, cigarettes, spicy food.

26th lunar day (4.42), Moon in Scorpio, 4th phase

A good day to start trips and travels. Avoid crowds and conflicts, do not succumb to provocations, do not be led by emotions.

The hips and skin are the most vulnerable. Useful cleansing procedures, massage, acupuncture. It is better to abstain from sex. It is useful to go to the bath, take a steam bath. Refrain from vigorous activity. Go to nature - you will definitely become

27th lunar day (5.58), Moon in Sagittarius (21.36), 4th phase

A very good, even happy, day.

One of better days months for shopping. If not everything is bought for the holiday, today is the time to go shopping.

Health reserves are enough. Drink plenty of fluids, a little wine won't hurt either. Do not overload your legs, especially your shins. remember, that long sleep bad on this day. Cleansing and water procedures, bath, massage are useful

28th lunar day (7.13), Moon in Sagittarius, 4th phase

A good day for summing up the year, solitary reflection and introspection, as well as for visiting a beauty salon.

An energetically favorable, happy and very successful day in all respects. It is better to refrain from food of animal origin.

29th lunar day (8.21), Moon in Capricorn (22.00), 4th phase

Day of reconciliation and forgiveness. On the last day of the year, try to put in order not only your home, but also your relationships with people. Compromise is always a pleasant encounter, isn't it?

Happy New Year 2014!

Good luck and happiness!

Moon in Scorpio, 27-28th lunar day (08:00)

Today it is good to develop such useful spiritual qualities as patience and humility.

Moon in Scorpio-Sagittarius (10:31), 28th-29th lunar day (09:23)

A good day for general cleaning, putting things in order in the house (office) and in thoughts.

Moon in Sagittarius, 29, 1, 2nd lunar day (04:22 - 10:37), 04:22 - new moon

Day of generosity and mercy, altruism and charity. Useful preventive health practices.

Moon in Sagittarius-Capricorn (10:49), 2nd-3rd lunar day (11:38)

Good day for individual work. The less you will be in public today, the better.

Moon in Capricorn, 3rd-4th lunar day (12:23)

Today you may be faced with the need for a fateful choice - do not be afraid of anything and listen only to your inner voice!

Moon in Capricorn - Aquarius (10:S3), 4th - 5th lunar day (12:57)

If you want to achieve something - concentrate and do not be distracted by trifles.

Moon in Aquarius, 5-6th lunar day (13:22)

Do not under any circumstances stay at home! Chat, make new friends, do things you've never done before, and your life will magically change!

Moon in Aquarius - Pisces (12:34), 6 - 7th lunar day (13:42)

A good day for communication and learning. To restore health, it is useful to be in nature.

Moon in Pisces, 7-8th lunar day (14:00)

It is good to spend a lot of time outdoors or in spacious rooms.

Moon in Pisces-Aries (17:05), 8th-9th lunar day (14:16)

Today you can burn bridges behind you and start life from scratch - if you know what you want.

Moon in Aries, 9th - 10th lunar day (14:32)

The day is not suitable for new things, especially adventures. It's good to be on a diet.

Moon in Aries, 10-11th lunar day (14:50) Day of material affairs. It's good to travel, make new friends.

Moon in Aries-Taurus (00:40), 11-12th lunar day (15:10)

At sunrise you can see a prophetic dream. It is advisable to give up meat food today.

Moon in Taurus, 12th - 13th lunar day (15:35)

The day is meant for fun, love and joy. Favorable for conceiving a child.

Moon in Taurus-Gemini (10:40), 13-14th lunar day (16:06)

The day of completion and debriefing. It's good to get rid of bad habits.

Moon in Gemini, 14th - 15th lunar day (16:46)

Moon in Gemini - Cancer (22:16), 15-16th lunar day (17:35), full moon at 13:29

An excellent day for acquisitions and purchases, for commerce and financial transactions.

Moon in Cancer, 16th-17th lunar day (18:32)

Today you can file a lawsuit to restore justice, restore broken relationships.

Moon in Cancer, 17th - 18th lunar day (19:36)

A day of absolute responsibility for all words and deeds, and at the same time a day of optimistic plans for the future.

Moon in Cancer-Leo (10:47), 18th-19th lunar day (20:44)

Be merciful to others - then they will help you in difficult times!

Moon in Leo, 19th-20th lunar day (21:54)

A day of active creative work, when work is a pleasure. It is useful to engage in preventive procedures.

Moon in Leo-Virgo (23:18), 20th-21st lunar day

Day of love and joy. Good for a family holiday. Favorable conception of a child.

Moon in Virgo, 21st lunar day (23:05)

Take care of the things that you get, and transfer the rest to tomorrow, without being upset because of the violation of your plans.

Moon in Virgo, 21st-22nd lunar day (00:18)

Day of wisdom, understanding and forgiveness. It's good to walk. It is not recommended to sleep long and eat a lot.

Moon in Virgo-Libra (10:16), 22-23rd lunar day (01:32)

Whatever you start today, be sure to bring it to a successful conclusion.

Moon in Libra, 23 - 24th lunar day (02:48)

Problems that arise today should be solved immediately, without postponing anything “for tomorrow”.

Moon in Libra - Scorpio (17:57), 24 - 25th lunar day (04:07)

Day of generosity and attention to others. Good health practices.

Moon in Scorpio, 25-26th lunar day (05:29)

You can travel and travel. Refrain from clarifying relationships and conflicts.

Moon in Scorpio-Sagittarius (21:36), 26-27th lunar day (06:51)

Day of peace and harmony, joy and peace. One of the best days of the month for shopping.

Moon in Sagittarius, 27th-28th lunar day (08:09)

The day for summing up the results of the year is also favorable for visiting a beauty salon.

Moon in Sagittarius-Capricorn (22:01), 28-29th lunar day (09:18)

A good day for reconciliation, for putting things in order in business and in relations with people, for reaching compromises on the principle of the "golden mean".

December is New Year's Eve.

The sun shines in December, but does not heat ... According to statistics, clear weather in December is a rarity. December is the final month of the year, and the garden needs to complete the winterization work that could not be done in November, for example, because it had not yet snowed. According to the weather in December, it used to be possible to make forecasts for the coming year, in our time it doesn’t always work, but I think it’s still worth recalling folk signs: If December is dry, spring and summer will be dry, and if it’s cold, snowy, with frost and winds - there will be a harvest.

Garden on the windowsill: Growing in room conditions onion and garlic brings triple benefits: 1. You get "your" greens on the table. 2. Onions and garlic, along with such ornamental houseplants as geranium, begonia, thuja, juniper, lemon, chlorophytum, release phytoncides that kill viruses and microbes, i.e. you reduce the risk infectious diseases. 3. Indoor plantings humidify the air dried by central heating.

Folk signs about the weather in December:
December, snowy and cold, promises a fruitful harvest.
In December, the sun - for the summer, winter - for frost.

Based on an interesting folk omen together with you we are compiling, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan outdoor work.

Thematic tables - selections from the main, universal gardener-gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is maintained by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time * )

from December 18, 2013 18:25
to December 20, 2013 10:47

Waning Moon in Cancer

Moon calendar

Garden work, plant care activities

from 01 December 2013 00:00
to 02 December 2013 08:28
Watering and top dressing with liquid organic fertilizers for indoor flowers and forcing greens, loosening the soil in pots. Treatment of indoor flowers from pests. The optimal time for pickling cabbage, preserving fruits and vegetables, preparing compotes, juices and wines, processing and preserving stored pumpkins. (We still have a blog:, entry only from the lunar calendar)
from December 02, 2013 8:28
to 04 December 2013 10:49


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants.

03 December 2013 04:21 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month, - until 02 December 2013 10:31 The moon is in the sign of Scorpio, then in the sign of Sagittarius

from 04 December 2013 10:49
to 06 December 2013 10:53

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

Planting at room conditions onions and garlic on greens, green crops (watercress, mustard leaf). Planting for forcing sods of perennial onions. Sowing seeds of watercress and cereals to obtain vitamin sprouts.

December 5 (22.11 style) - Procopius
"Procopius Vekhostav - the whole world went out to place landmarks along the roads for the sledge track."

from 06 December 2013 10:53
to 08 December 2013 12:34

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable days for watering and fertilizing indoor plants and forcing greens. Acquisition of seeds, plant protection products, stimulants, fertilizers and the necessary components for the formation of seedling soil. Economic work is possible.

December 7 (24.11 style) - Ekaterina Sannitsa
"Katerina is the patroness of marriage and brides; they are guessing at Katerina."

from 08 December 2013 12:34
to December 10, 2013 17:05

Waxing Moon in Pisces

It is strictly forbidden to trim houseplants. It is possible to sow indoor plants from seeds. Watering and fertilizing indoor flowers and forcing greens.

December 9 (26.11 style) - St. George's Day
("Yuri Kholodny" - Yuryev day was the period for the transition of peasants from one landowner to another before the introduction of Serfdom in 1649)

from 10 December 2013 17:05
to December 13, 2013 0:40

Waxing Moon in Aries

It is possible to sow cereal seeds to obtain vitamin seedlings. Work in the garden for snow retention and plant protection. Podukuchivanie snow berry bushes. Controlling snow levels under stone fruit crops suffering from collar rot

December 13 (30.11 style) - Andrew the First-Called
(They go to Andrew the First-Called at night to the rivers to eavesdrop on the water: "Quiet water - for a good, even winter; noisy - for colds, storms and snowstorms")

from December 13, 2013 0:40
to December 15, 2013 10:40

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Planting at room conditions onions and garlic on greens, seeds of green crops (watercress, mustard leaf) to obtain seedlings. Distillation on the windowsill of onion-batun, chives, onions on a feather. Sowing seeds of ornamental houseplants.

December 14 (01.12 old style) - Naumov day
("Prophet Nahum will guide the mind" - on this day parochial schools accepted new students)

from 15 December 2013 10:40
to December 16, 2013 16:41

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Favorable period for planting indoor flowers. Treatment against pests of houseplants will have the greatest benefit. Great time for salting cabbage, making compotes and juices.
from 16 December 2013 16:41
to December 18, 2013 18:25


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants and salt cabbage.

December 17, 2013 13:28 Moscow time - astronomical full moon

It is possible to sow any seeds to obtain vitamin seedlings. good time for liquid dressings of indoor flowers and forcing greens, as well as for pest control of indoor plants. On fruit trees, nests of wintering pests are collected and destroyed. Pickling cabbage, preserving winter apples and vegetables, making juice and wine

December 19 (06.12 old style) - Nikola Zimniy.
(On this day they noted: "If Nikolin's day is cold - to the harvest")

from 20 December 2013 10:47
to December 22, 2013 23:19

Waning Moon in Leo

Works on snow retention, shaking off snow from branches. Podukuchivanie snow berry bushes. Trampling snow along the contour of the trunk circles. Snow level control under stone fruit crops. If necessary, pest control of houseplants. Preparation of cuttings of fruit trees for winter and spring vaccinations.

December 22 (09.12 old style) - Anna Zimnyaya.
"On Anna, Winter is finally established."

from December 22, 2013 23:19
to December 25, 2013 10:17

Waning Moon in Virgo

Works on snow retention, shaking off snow from branches, hilling berry bushes with snow, trampling snow along the contour of tree trunks, raking snow from the trunks of stone fruit crops. If there is little snow and not very cold, then rejuvenating pruning of gooseberries and currants. Preparation of cuttings for vaccinations. It is not recommended to engage in salting and canning.
from 25 December 2013 10:17
to December 27, 2013 17:58

Waning Moon in Libra

Unfavorable time for watering and liquid dressings of indoor flowers and forcing greens. Acquisition of seeds, plant protection products, stimulants and fertilizers, soils and garden tools. You can plant root crops of parsley, beets for forcing greens.

December 25 (12.12 style) - Spiridon's day.
(According to the weather of the first twelve days following the day of Spiridon, they judge the weather of each of the 12 months of the coming year)

from 27 December 2013 17:58
to December 29, 2013 21:37

Waning Moon in Scorpio

Watering and top dressing with liquid organic fertilizers for indoor flowers and forcing greens. Processing indoor flowers from pests, loosening the soil in pots. The optimal time for salting, canning, preparing compotes, juices and wines.
from 29 December 2013 21:37
to December 31, 2013 22:01

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Favorable time for freezing vegetables. Acquisition of seeds, plant protection products, stimulants and fertilizers, soils and garden tools.
We complete all the works of 2013.
from December 31, 2013 22:01
to December 31, 2013 23:59

Waning Moon in Capricorn


Seeing off Old year and getting ready to welcome the new!