
Scorpio zodiac horoscope for December 13th. Business horoscope - Scorpio

Scorpio zodiac horoscope for December 13th.  Business horoscope - Scorpio

The horoscope for December 13 for Aries says that the main surprise of the day will be the news that you have long expected to hear. It is undesirable to drink alcohol, meat food. It's time to arrange fasting days for yourself so that.

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - TAURUS

The stars are telling Taurus that on December 13, there may be disagreements in partnerships. Sharp changes in life are possible, which you will take to heart, because right now you do not want to change anything. Do not take large doses.

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - GEMINI

The horoscope for December 13 for Gemini says that this day is suitable for. Today, you can easily solve the most pressing problems. Do not ignore the help and advice of loved ones if they really want to be useful.

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - CANCER

The stars tell Cancers that December 13 is not worth it, although in most cases you may not be to blame for the disputes. Quarrels with elders in the family will come to a resolution today thanks to your diplomatic talents. Be more serious about your personal life and your future.

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - Leo

The astrological forecast for Leo on December 13 says that on this day you will do your job perfectly, do not give your competitors any chance. It will be useful to go in for sports, these right plans have been haunting you for a long time.

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - VIRGO

The stars on December 13 tell Virgos that this day will rise up, thanks to compliments from the opposite sex. Don't lose your vigilance in work affairs if you don't want to redo something several times. There is a high probability of going to extremes or wishful thinking.

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - LIBRA

The horoscope for Libra on December 13 says that on this day there will be a desire to be at the head of the table and in all situations to remain in first place. Planned activity will lead to small, but promising changes in relations with a partner. Reduce .

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - SCORPIO

The moon on December 13 for Scorpions says that on this day you should not react sharply to you. More often than not, people really want to help you be better. To avoid some disappointments, be careful about matters related to money.

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - SAGITTARIUS

The zodiac tells Sagittarius that on December 13, some problems will force you to seek a balance between the personal and the public. Avoid companies in which reigns. It will be good if you spend this day with those you love, or alone.

Horoscope for December 13, 2018 - CAPRICORN

The horoscope for Capricorn says that on December 13 you will clearly understand all your goals and desires. Try not to take into account other people's judgments of your life. Today will begin a period of gaining inner freedom, active struggle and opposition to base passions.

On the morning of 12/13/2018, you may feel a slight malaise, which will be the result of an unsuccessful combination of Saturn and Jupiter. Physical exercises or a cup of coffee will help you cheer up. Use caution on your way to work, especially if you are driving vehicle. Avoid distraction and reduced concentration, so as not to get into an accident. The horoscope for December 13, 2018 shows that this Thursday you can make a profitable offer that will further help you move up the career ladder.

Online horoscope for December 13, 2018 for all zodiac signs

You do not want to take responsibility for others, but now you cannot do without it. There are many things that require the most serious attitude, you need to concentrate, but worries and worries prevent you from doing this. You are more worried than usual, you can consider any trouble as a sign of an impending disaster.

For a while, forget about romance and exploits on the love front. It is not worth hoping that a new acquaintance will become a life partner. Expand your social circle, perhaps an acquaintance that will come in handy in the future. Take care of your throat. There is a risk of getting a sore throat and losing your voice for a few days.

The first half of the day will bring the desire for freedom and independence, more creative energy will appear, the desire for novelty, new sensations will increase. Circumstances will often develop unexpectedly, but, in most cases, in your favor. Evening hours are favorable for dates, communication with a loved one. This is a good time for a haircut, visits to a beauty salon, cosmetic procedures.

Perhaps you will be “drawn to exploits”, you will want novelty or thrills. This can lead to injury, quarrels. Free representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to start a new romance. It will be long and quite enjoyable. Any business that you decide to take on requires the most serious approach.

An approximate list of successful cases for today may consist of: parsing your old diary entries, daydreaming about something good, drawing up a new list of plans for the upcoming season, taking notes of new information for yourself - in a word, everything that can be succinctly summarized by the concept of "clerical Job".

A test awaits you, which can radically change your life. Now is not the best time for romance. Acquaintance, evenings in the company are not yet needed. Perhaps there is a business trip ahead, which will help replenish your budget. The day is successful in terms of health: immunity is at its best, and willpower will help to cope with any illness.

Money problems are still annoying and cause unpleasant emotions. Remain calm and do not succumb to temptations, do not make irreversible decisions - it will later turn out that they were wrong. Communicate today only with people close and pleasant to you.

Have you ever dreamed of improving your living conditions? So it's time to get down to business! And it's time to register the marriage. You will turn someone's head with just a smile and a gaze into their eyes. Get ready to mobilize all your forces! The situation at work will escalate, you will have to work on several urgent projects at once.

Good day for self-realization. Think about what else you can apply your strength and skills to? Be decisive in matters to increase your financial potential. Today you can do a lot, and in the future, all the efforts of this day will more than pay off, just don’t overdo it - you are still not a god.

In a dialogue with your loved one, you should take a short break. This will help you sort out your feelings. It will be difficult for you to concentrate on solving work tasks, but after lunch this state will pass, and your efficiency will increase significantly. For the time being, it is better for you to refrain from thermal procedures.

There will be no subtext in what your soul mate will tell you today! And don't even try to find it. They will tell you exactly as much as they think: not a word less, not a thought more. Therefore, if you suddenly find a secret meaning in what was said - well, you have a rich imagination.

Try not to make any important decisions, avoid unnecessary conversations. If you want to please the person who has captured your attention, then follow the main rule: do not show your interest. Today you will remember your interests. If you make an effort, they can become a source of material income.

  • Lunar day today December 13, 2018: 6
  • Phase (state) of the Moon on December 13, 2018: Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in the sign of the Zodiac December 13, 2018: Fish
  • Make a wish on December 13, 2018 (chance that it will come true): 26%
  • Lucky Moon Number December 13, 2018: 10
  • Influence of the Moon December 13, 2018: lack of appetite
  • Lunar horoscope of karma December 13, 2018: it's time for a change!

What to expect from the penultimate day of the working week? The stars indicate that there are risks associated with health, budget and personal relationships this Thursday. The horoscope for all signs of the zodiac for December 13, 2018 will share comprehensive information about the main trends of the day and suggest the right routes to success and prosperity.


Aries will have an eventful and productive Thursday. The horoscope for December 13 promises you dramatic positive changes in your career, work and business. True, now it is hardly possible to carve out time for yourself. This is a favorable time for investments, any financial transactions, and justified risk will bring excellent results.

Astrologers advise Aries to focus on strengthening their reputation, as well as deal with accumulated debts and planned payments. In personal life, everything is going well, the evening hours should be spent with your loved one. And singles can count on a promising acquaintance of a romantic nature, the main thing is to be active in the search.


The prognosis for Taurus is controversial. December 13, 2018 will be the right time for spiritual metamorphosis, introspection, rethinking of life values ​​and principles. The horoscope advises to get out into nature, away from the hustle and bustle of people. But at the same time, the location of the stars indicates the probable instability of the financial situation. It seems that Taurus should reconsider the usual approach to the budget.

In the afternoon, relatives and close people will need your support, care or help. Collecting your thoughts will not be easy, but you will not be able to refuse. This Thursday, your body will require scrupulous attention - observe moderation in food and sports.

Meanwhile, Taurus, suffering from a serious relationship, may be disappointed in a potential soul mate. Perhaps you were in a hurry with the choice.

The stars predict a difficult and exciting Thursday for Gemini

The horoscope for December 13, 2018 recommends Gemini to bite the bullet and be patient. This Thursday is unlikely to bring you pleasant surprises or unexpected bonuses. On the contrary, the stars indicate the probability of failure in the professional field of activity. Therefore, now it is better to postpone undertakings and important matters, social activity is also recommended to be moderated.

In addition, astrologers do not exclude unforeseen expenses. Perhaps you forgot to repay a debt or pay a current payment. In personal life, it is not the easiest time to come. However, much will depend on the Gemini themselves. Try not to make offensive statements, do not stand in a pose, then high-profile scandals will bypass you.


For those Cancers who have recently experienced a breakup with a loved one, new opportunities will open up for resuming a love affair. The main thing - do not rush into the pool with your head, let time judge you. But in relations with close relatives, parents or children, according to the horoscope for December 13, Cancer may have disagreements and even quarrels. Money matters can be a bone of contention. One way or another, astrologers advise not to be offended by relatives - try to look at the situation philosophically.

The health forecast for Thursday is more than favorable. Thanks to their excellent well-being and energy boost, representatives of the water element can easily smooth out sharp corners at work and at home, and also realize their plans.

Stars predict success for Cancers of creative professions and those whose activities are related to the creation and promotion of sites.

Leos can keep themselves out of trouble if they are careful.

According to the horoscope for December 13, 2018, the upcoming Thursday favors the strengthening of love and family relations, amorous searches, first dates, romantic leisure and intimacy. Astrologers advise Leo not to miss a rare chance and come to grips with arranging his personal life.

In the professional sphere, representatives of the element Fire will not be hindered by perseverance, courage, and a non-standard approach to tasks and projects. Make every effort - the results will exceed all your expectations. This good time to demonstrate abilities and improve talents - go for it.

As for the monetary aspect, now the stars do not predict round sums for Leo. But you can still count on a small income.


Virgo, December 13, 2018 is definitely not your day. The location of celestial bodies indicates the possibility of domestic or industrial injuries - be careful. In addition, the horoscope does not exclude general weakness, emotional burnout, exacerbation of chronic ailments. In a word, try to spend this day as measuredly as possible, do not plan anything global.

The financial situation of the Devs may also be under attack. Astrologers advise to reconsider the current approach to the budget: you are probably spending too much or forgot about some financial obligations. It is advisable to devote the evening to a good rest - go to bed earlier than usual.


Libra, the horoscope for December 13 encourages you to be prudent and abandon hasty conclusions. Now is not the best time to change jobs, layoffs, send resumes. This Thursday, many people realize that the area in which you work contributes to the growth of income and the strengthening of professional authority. Even if you are not satisfied with certain nuances in the service, postpone the adoption of responsible decisions to a more appropriate time.

Astrologers recommend Libra to avoid new acquaintances, not to rush into amorous searches and dates. And also you should not visit nightclubs, parties, noisy establishments. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting into an unpleasant situation.

Beginning entrepreneurs and investors can count on the support of Fortuna.


Scorpions, according to the forecast for December 13, 2018, will have a busy but difficult day. There will be a lot of prospects and chances on the horizon - to make right choice will be extremely difficult. It is possible that some representatives of the water symbol will need the advice of a knowledgeable person.

The horoscope warns: many will have to adapt to the rapidly developing events of this Thursday, be prepared for prompt action so as not to miss favorable opportunities.

Family Scorpios may have unplanned expenses associated with children or elderly relatives. And careerists can face negative influence from outside. Fortunately, intuition will help in time to reveal the true intentions of ill-wishers.


The horoscope for Sagittarius on December 13, 2018 is optimistic. The stars promise the representatives of the element Fire the acquisition of inner liberation, spiritual growth, insight, a surge of energy and strengthening faith in one's own strengths. It looks like a black bar behind. This Thursday should be devoted to building relationships with your loved one, relatives, children, friends. And singles can safely go in search of love - you will not lose.

Now achievements in personal life will determine the leading trends in key areas.

Astrologers report the possibility of complex work tasks and new projects. A positive outlook on the world, efficiency and ingenuity will allow Sagittarius to deal with all the affairs of the service alone.

The horoscope encourages Capricorn to avoid categorical judgments throughout the day

The horoscope for December 13 invites Capricorn to join in collective activities, and you should not neglect the support of partners and like-minded people. Astrologers say that this Thursday advice from close friends and relatives will be worth its weight in gold - be sure to listen to what they tell you.

The location of the stars indicates internal changes that only you understand. Free time should be spent in solitude - Capricorns have something to think about.

Meanwhile, the sphere of personal relationships will come to the fore. Many will feel an irresistible craving to pamper their soulmate and household with something pleasant. Do not ignore the alarm bells of the body - in case of unpleasant symptoms, immediately seek medical help.


The horoscope for December 13 warns Aquarius: an alarming day is expected when your dissatisfaction with yourself and others will intensify. This Thursday you will be inclined to overestimate the bar, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the results of the work done.

In addition, the stars report a decrease in energy potential, exacerbation of chronic sores, visual impairment are likely. Avoid intense physical activity, but walking in the fresh air should not be neglected.

In personal relationships, you should be careful. Otherwise, you risk offending someone from your family. A sense of tact and restraint in statements is what will help Aquarius to avoid quarrels in close circle.


Pisces, the horoscope promises you a very ambiguous day. On December 13, 2018, it is important to observe the measure in literally everything, and especially in the field love relationship. Excessive tenderness, as well as excessive coldness, can provoke serious conflicts with your soulmate and even cause a break.

In current affairs, you should be careful - do not rush to make decisions, wait a little with active actions. The location of celestial bodies indicates the likelihood of unexpected news or unplanned trips. And the financial aspect will please with stability, profit is also not excluded.

Meanwhile, some Pisces can start an office romance. Be prepared for criticism and misunderstanding from colleagues and acquaintances.

You tend to risk too much, and now this can be a big mistake. Don't risk what you're afraid to lose: the probability of failure is higher than you think. Problems at work are not ruled out, and their cause may be completely unexpected for you, one that you could not foresee in any way. The good news is that difficulties can be overcome if you are not afraid to let your imagination run wild, break traditions, use some unusual method. Try to avoid quarrels with loved ones. Now it is not easy, especially since we have to discuss important and complex issues. But as long as you control yourself, there is a chance to peacefully agree on everything.

Horoscope for December 13, 2019 Scorpio man

Scorpios are very serious, and this affects all areas of life. Any undertakings of the representatives of the sign are significant and large-scale, the day promises to be very fruitful. You can think about and discuss professional issues and tasks: you will certainly be visited interesting ideas. A good day for a romantic acquaintance: firstly, it will be pleasant, and secondly, it can start a serious relationship. Minor disagreements in the family are possible, but everything will be limited to dissimilarity in views on minor issues.

Today's love horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpios on this day will comprehend the most important truths. At the moment when an illness breaks you, only an old friend and a significant other will be nearby, and all false friends and imaginary like-minded people will suddenly disappear somewhere.

Personal horoscope for December 13, 2019

Active day. All events will develop quickly and unpredictably. The financial situation will significantly worsen due to unforeseen expenses - representatives of the middle generation will take on all the problems of the younger and older generations of the family. The machinations of ill-wishers and envious people are likely. You will be able to clearly imagine the negative development of events in the near future. You need to call for help the ability to accurately determine the enemy, his weak point and the ability to quickly eliminate him from the field of your activity.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Scorpio

Everything will go like clockwork for Scorpio today. Even small things you will do with joy and inspiration. The horoscope advises you to do charity work. This path will help to attract the right and reliable people to your side. If you want to purchase a ticket abroad at a discount, then immediately go to a travel agency.