
Literacy exercises in the preparatory group. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for teaching literacy: “We travel to the fairy tale“ Baba Yaga and the Lost Letters. IV. repetition of the material

Literacy exercises in the preparatory group.  Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for teaching literacy: “We travel to the fairy tale“ Baba Yaga and the Lost Letters.  IV.  repetition of the material

Based on teacher material primary school Panova N.Yu. MBOU "Shakhovskaya secondary school" s.Shakhi

Target: consolidation and generalization of the knowledge and skills acquired by children.

Develop visual and auditory perception and attention; fine motor skills.

To consolidate children's knowledge of sounds and letters, the skill of reading by syllables; the ability to divide words into syllables, to determine the location of the sound in the word.

To develop the ability to listen to the speech of an adult and each other.

Prevent overwork of children in the classroom.

Equipment: presentation, computer, projector, the text of the letter in an envelope, cards with the “Recognize-ka” task, pencils, balloons.

Lesson progress

On the screen is the splash screen "Journey to Bukvograd" (slide No. 1)

Educator. Guys, let's stand in a circle, form a round dance. Show your palms. Rub them against each other. What do you feel? (Warm)
It is the warmth of kind hands and kind hearts. We offer our warmth, our hands to friends and say:

Morning is coming
The sun is rising.
We are going to,
Let's go on a good journey.
Let's look at each other
Let's talk about ourselves:
“Who is good with us?
Who is handsome?

Children take turns calling each other affectionate words.

Before we start, I want to tell you something. Today we received an unusual letter to the address of our kindergarten .(slide number 2)

Look, here it is, on the envelope it says that a letter has arrived from the fabulous city of Bukvograd for the children of the preparatory group, that is, for you! Read the letter? (The teacher opens the envelope, takes out the letter, reads it)

Text of the letter:

Hello guys! Residents of the fabulous city of Bukvograd are writing to you. We learned that you go to the preparatory group for school and learned all the letters. You are so smart, well done! Therefore, we want to invite you to visit our magical city. Residents of Bukvograd have prepared interesting games and exciting adventures for you. We look forward to seeing you, come soon.

Residents of Bukvograd

Well, let's go today to visit the fabulous city of Bukvograd?

And who lives in Bukvograd?

Before you hit the road, let's remember the rules of conduct at a party.

And what are we going to? (children offer options)

(slide number 3)

Oh, look, here's the train, let's ride it!

We want to go to a magical land, so our train is also not easy, but magical.

Guys, so that the train can move, we must answer the questions:

1 What are the sounds?

2) How do vowels differ from consonants?

3) What are consonant sounds?

4) What sounds are always only solid? (w, w, c)

5) What sounds are always only soft? (y, h, u)

6) What is the difference between letters and sounds?

7) How many vowels are there?

8) What letters do not have sound?

We can go to Bukvograd!

(Train horn sounds and wheels rattle)

We close our eyes and, to the sounds of a moving train, imagine how we are driving, passing cities and villages.

(slide number 4)

We open our eyes: we are in Bukvograd! Let's take a walk through the streets of this wonderful city!

(slide number 5)

Oh, look, we got to the street, which is called ... (children read)("Guess it"). Residents of Bukvograd invite us to solve riddles .(slides #6-11)

Children solve riddles.

Well done! We continue our journey. (slide number 12)

We ended up on the next street. Read and say its name. (“Compose”) This is a very interesting street, they like to walk letters and form syllables here. They invite us to play with them. Let's see what syllables are walking down the street now and come up with words that begin with these syllables.

(slide number 13)

Look, guys, we came to the street ... (children read) (“Travel”)

And here is our train. The letters also want to ride on our train. We have to seat them in wagons. Letters will now appear to the left of the train. What do the letters stand for? I will name words with the sound that is indicated by this letter. You will listen carefully to the words. If the sound indicated by this letter is at the beginning of the word, then we put the letter in the first car, if in the middle - in the second car, at the end of the word - in the third car. Agreed?


K-cat M-compot I-kit

M-mushroom T-mouth


Well done, guys, all the letters are correctly seated in the wagons and we can move on.

(slide number 14)

Look, guys, we got to the street of Lost Letters. It seems to me that a misfortune has occurred here: the letters in the words have got lost and cannot find their place. Let's help them?

The children are doing the task. (slides #15-19)

The inhabitants of this street thank you for your help and offer to dance with them for a while. . (slide number 20) The music "St. John's wort" sounds - children dance.

Well done! We go to the next street.

(slide number 21)

Look guys, where are we? (to the glade of games). The letters decided to play hide and seek with us. They formed words and hid from us. Let's find them and make sentences with them.

The children are doing the task.

Great! We played and found all the letters! Let's move on!

(slide number 22)

See where we are now?

What kind of street is located along the river? ("Fabulous")

Here live the words-names of fairy-tale characters. You know all of them well.

Fairy tale characters mixed up their houses. The hero, whose name consists of one syllable, lives in a house with one window, etc. Children, let's help the heroes return to their homes.

The children are doing the task. (slides #23-24)

We got into an alley. What is its name? ("Recognize-ka") It seems to me that the evil grandfather-Bukvoed, who loves to eat letters, has been here. It's good that you and I arrived on time, and he did not have time to eat all the letters. (slide number 26)

See what's left of them. We need to help the letters: recognize and complete them.

Children sit at the tables and complete the task, put their completed work on the easel.

Guys, we visited all the streets of the fabulous city of Bukvograd.

In memory of our trip to the city of Bukvograd, the inhabitants of the fabulous city give you Balloons! (slide number 27)

And it's time for us to return to our native kindergarten.

Look, here is the train. (slide number 28)

Let's close our eyes and let's go home to the sound of the train. (train horn sounds and wheels rumble)

Open your eyes. Here we are in our own kindergarten.

Did you enjoy your trip to the fabulous city? What did you like the most?

This concludes our lesson. Thanks to all!

Summary of a lesson for children on teaching literacy in a preparatory group for school

- Improve phonemic perception, the ability to determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence.
- To promote the assimilation of the concept of a word as part of a sentence.
- Develop the ability to draw up proposal schemes and write them down.
- Improve dialogue.
- Develop the imagination and creativity of children, activate speech.
- Create a favorable emotional background.
- Learn on your own, follow the instructions of the teacher.
- To form the skill of self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.

Lesson progress
Teacher: Good morning! It's a new day. I smile at you, and you smile at each other. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, goodness and beauty. And exhale through your mouth all resentment, anger and grief. Children, guests came to our classes today. Let's say hello to them and quietly sit on the chairs.
Children: greet guests and sit down at their desks.
Teacher: Today at the lesson another guest came to us, and who will you recognize by guessing the riddle:
Angry nerd,
Lives in the wilderness of the forest
Too many needles
And not a single thread.
Children: Hedgehog.
Teacher: That's right guys. Tell me, why is the hedgehog touchy?
Children: It has sharp needles and cannot be petted.
Teacher: Now look what the hedgehog saw? (to seek a complete answer).
Children: The hedgehog saw a mushroom.
Teacher: How many words do you hear in this sentence?
Children: This sentence has 3 words.
Teacher: What is the first word? Second? Third.
Children: The first word is a hedgehog, the second is seen, the third is a mushroom.
Teacher: Let's slam every word. And who guessed what the proposal consists of?
Children: A sentence is made up of words.
Teacher: Can be written as a diagram. From the diagram you can find out how many words are in the sentence. Each individual word is indicated by a rectangle. One rectangle stands for one word. How many words are in our sentence: "The hedgehog saw a mushroom."
Children: Three words in a sentence.
Teacher: How many rectangles will be in our scheme?
Children: Three rectangles.
Teacher: Look at our diagram below, how is it different from the first diagram?
Children: The second scheme has a dash above the first word and a dot at the end.
Teacher: A rectangle with a dash means the beginning of a sentence, and a dot means the end of a sentence. And now let's rest a little.

Physical education "Hedgehog"
The hedgehog stomped along the path
And he carried a mushroom on his back.
(Walking around in circles.)
The hedgehog stomped slowly
Quiet rustle of leaves.
(Walking in place.)
And a bunny jumps towards
Long-eared jumper.
In someone's garden deftly
I got a scythe carrot.
(Jumping in place.)

Teacher: And now let's play, the one whom I name sits at the table. The first to sit down are those children whose names begin with the sound "A", and so on. What is shown in this picture? (Hedgehog carries an apple). How many words are in this sentence?
Children: The hedgehog carries an apple. Three words.
Teacher: Guys, each of you has a card with a task on the table. Find the correct scheme for the sentence: "The hedgehog carries an apple." Place a check next to this suggestion. Now let's see how you coped with the task. Did everyone complete the task correctly? Why do you think the first scheme does not suit us?
Children's answers.
Teacher: Did everyone complete the task? Draw a smiley face on your cards. Let's play another game "Make no mistake". I will name the sentence, and you slam it, and then name the number of words.
Late autumn has come.
The swallows are gone.
The first snow fell.
The New Year is coming soon.

Children count the words by clapping their hands and call them in sentence order.
Teacher: What are you guys, well done! Let's remember what we talked about today? What was called? So what is the offer? How do we mark the beginning of a sentence? What do we put at the end of the sentence?
Children: From words. Rectangle with dash. Point.
Teacher: It's time for the guys to return home - to the forest. He is tired and wants to rest. You did a good job too. Who is happy with their work? Well done.

Nazarova T.N., teacher of Kindergarten No. 53, Tambov

Subject: Generalizing lesson: “Vowels [a], [o], [i], [y], [e], [s]. Letters A, O, I, U, E, S" Educational field: "Communication"


  • Generalization of the material covered by the vowels [a], [o], [i], [y], [e], [s].



  • Strengthen children's knowledge of vowel sounds.
  • To consolidate the ability of children to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.
  • Introduce children to the new word "articulation".
  • Continue to learn to determine the number of syllables in a word.
  • To fix the graphic images of the letters A, O, I, U, E, Y.
  • To teach sound-letter analysis of the word AU.
  • Learn how to make a proposal.



  • Cultivate friendly relations with each other, the desire to speak beautifully, correctly.
  • To form the skills of cooperation, independence, initiative.

Methodical methods:

  • Musical accompaniment.
  • Verbal (questions, explanation).
  • visual (pictures, showing articulation).
  • Game (D / and “Find a Pair”, “Recognize the Sound”, “Find the Sound”, “Wonderful Bag”).
  • Practical (exercises).
  • Supervision of the work of children, advice.


Demonstration material: music from the m / f "Masha and the Bear": "About traces", Three wishes, signs-symbols of sounds (sounds), maple leaves with subject pictures, letters, a basket, sealed envelopes with letters, colored pencils, a large picture with the image of toys, a scheme with chips, pictures of Masha and the Bear, a painted basket with mushrooms, large letters for making a sentence, emoticons with different emotional moods : joy, thoughtfulness, sadness.

Handout: cards (autumn leaves) with a picture and a diagram, a cash register of letters and syllables, chips for sound-letter analysis, natural and junk material for laying out letters.

Activity progress:

I. Organizing time.

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to the guests. (children greet) Are you happy to see them? Show how happy you are to have guests. (smile at guests)

Well done! They are not here by chance! The guests want to see what you and I have learned in our literacy class.

Look at me, let's repeat the rule of speech with you:

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game

Yes, we speak clearly

We are not in a hurry!

II. Motivational game.

Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)

What are the signs of autumn? (leaves turn yellow...)

Close your eyes and imagine that you and I are in an autumn forest. (background - sounds of the autumn forest)

Autumn in the forest!

Let's go to the autumn forest!

There are many miracles around here!

Here the golden birches rustle

There are mushrooms under the birches

They want to jump into the basket!

(at this moment the basket appears)

Open your eyes, look, someone forgot the basket in the forest!

Who do you think left her here? (children's answers, music from the m / f "Masha and the Bear" sounds: song "About traces")

Did you know who this hero is? Well, of course, this is Masha!

Where do you think Masha was in such a hurry to leave the basket? (children's answers)

Yes, look for Mishka. And Masha was heading towards us, so she left the basket.

Let's see what Masha brought us. (children come to the basket and find sounders with different articulations in it)

The sounders sit so amicably in the basket, help to recognize them. (the teacher, together with the children, examine the sounders and determine which sound by the articulation of the lips)

What helped us to recognize the sound guys?

That's right, according to the position of the lips. And in another way, guys, it's called ARTICULATION. A new word for you, let's repeat this word together.

This, guys, is the work of the organs of speech when pronouncing sounds. Let's remember what organs of speech help us to pronounce sounds?

What are these sounds? (vowels) Why? (they can be sung, extended, and when pronouncing sounds, the air does not meet obstacles)

What color are the vowels? (in red) Therefore, sound players are always in red shoes!

Well done! (sound players are put on an easel)

Guys, Masha left "Magic Envelopes" in the basket. Take each envelope and determine by touch what is in them. (if the children do not guess, they can be invited to look through the envelope into the light)

Arrange the letters to the corresponding sounders. Be careful!

Guys, what is the difference between a letter and a sound? (sounds we hear and pronounce, and letters we write and see)

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

1. Game "Find a pair"

See how many colorful leaves are in the forest. Let's collect them in one bouquet. Take one leaf.

And the leaves are unusual, with pictures on the back.

Look carefully at what is drawn in your picture and the picture of your neighbor, and think with what sound this word begins.

And now we will dance with the leaves to the music, but as soon as the music ends, you must find yourself a couple whose name of the card begins with the same sound as yours.

Hold the pictures so that they can be seen. (children dance with leaves to the music; couples: watermelon-orange, snail-iron, cloud vegetables; turkey, popsicle))

Alina and Kirill, what sound unites your couple? Why? (The teacher marks the children who completed the task first and correctly)

Veronica and Nastya, why didn't you find a mate? (picture names start with different sounds)

Guys, why didn't we come across a picture whose name would begin with the sound [s]?

(the sound [s] occurs only in the middle and at the end of the word)

2. Game "Find the sound"

The breeze brought us more leaves. (on tables)

And what is the name of the natural phenomenon when the leaves fall, fly, fly and spin?

Right! This is leaf fall.

The sound guys are bored and want to play with you, come to the tables.

(children sit at tables in pairs)

The sound player [o] will play with the guys of this table, with the other - [e], ... [and], ... [s].

On your leaflets there are pictures and diagrams for them. What are we going to do? (children's answers)

What color?

(Watch the posture of the children. The teacher calls one child to the board: in the word “toys” find the sound [and], indicate with chips on the diagram the place of the sound in the word)

Let's define with you, the word "toys" is a long or a short word?

Prove it! What should be done?

Right! Divide the word into parts, or syllables. How many syllables?

(children claps determine the number of syllables in a word)

Guys, how else to find out how many syllables are in a word?

I will tell you a secret: how many vowels in a word - so many syllables.

What sounds and how much do we hear in the word "toys"?

Well done!

3. Game for the development of fine motor skills of the hands "Lay out the letter"

Guys, turn the leaves over, what do they feel like?

I suggest you lay out any letter on velvety leaves for Zvukovichki from natural and waste material that you see on the table. (buttons are on the plate, woolen threads, watermelon seeds, pistachio shells, acorn caps, etc.)

IV. Physical education "Rain".

Guys, we will return to the forest with you, maybe we will meet Masha and Misha. (children go to the carpet)

Oh look, it's raining.

Drop one, drop two

(palms to the sides, alternately jumping from foot to foot)

Very slow at first

(the same)

And then, then, then

(arms bend at the elbows)

All run, run, run

(imp with acceleration in place)

We will open our umbrellas

(stop, hands apart)

We'll shelter ourselves from the rain.

(depicted above the head is a view of the "umbrella")

V. Sound-letter analysis of the word AU.

Guys, Masha has been walking in the forest for a long time, maybe she got lost.

Oh, guys, we have 2 sounders sad here. Which? (sounds [a] and [y])

What small word can be made from these sounds, which will be useful for Masha to be found? (word AU)

Right! This word is AU.

Let's say this word quietly... and now loudly...

Nobody responds.

In this case, lay out this word with the help of chips and letters. (children sit at tables)

We will denote the word with a long strip, you put it on your table, and I - on the board.

How many syllables are in the word AU? (2)

How many sounds does this word have?

What is the first sound?

We denote the sound [a] with a chip. What colour? Why?

What is the second sound in the word AU?

Kirill will go to the board and place a chip.

Let's read the word. I lead with a pointer, and you - lingeringly sing every sound in the word.

Now let's label the sounds. (the teacher calls the child)

We open the cash register of letters. What is the letter for the first sound?

We find the desired letter and put it on the corresponding chip.

Let's read the word in unison. (Pictures of Masha and Misha appear.)

So Masha and Misha responded, it turns out they were picking mushrooms, so they got a whole basket.

They are so glad to meet you and want to play with you, offer to solve the puzzle.

What is this? (pictures: doll, ball, basket with mushrooms)

Who is this? (Masha, Bear)

And now I will add letters, let's see what happens?

U I .

A U .

What did we get? (Suggestions: Masha has a ball and a doll. And Misha has a basket of mushrooms.)

A sentence is a collection of words that are related in meaning. And there is always a period at the end of a sentence.

Let's try to change the words in the sentence. (Children change the words themselves and read the sentences)

Well done boys!

VI. Summary of the lesson.

What sounds do we remember?

What are these sounds? Why?

What new word did you learn?

What are the sounds in writing?

How are sounds different from letters?

What tasks were interesting and did you like more?

What caused the difficulty?

VII. Reflection.

Guys, there are emoticons in the Bear's basket, but they are different. Let's see.

What is the difference? (mood: joy, thoughtfulness, sadness)

If today it was easy for you in class, you coped with all the tasks - take a joyful emoticon, if there were difficulties, but you tried to overcome them - a thoughtful emoticon, and if it was very difficult - a sad one.

Nadezhda Moskalyuk
Abstract of an open lesson on teaching literacy in preparatory group

: "Flower-Semitsvetik"

MKOU "Pavlovskaya OOSh" (preschool department) Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for school"Flower-seven-flower"

Prepared: educator Moskalyuk N. V. 2015.

Synopsis of GCD on teaching literacy in the preparatory school group TEMA: "Flower-Semitsvetik"

Age: school preparatory group.

Integration of educational regions: social - communicative, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.



1. Teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words, differentiating sounds (consonants and vowels)

2. Improve phonemic hearing: learn to highlight a sound in a word, determine its place in a word.

3. Exercise in the preparation of proposals and the ability to draw up a proposal scheme.

4. To form the ability to divide words into syllables.


1. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully and follow the instructions of the teacher.

2. Continue to form the ability to defend your point of view.

3. Build a sense of camaraderie.

Demo material: a flower with seven petals, an envelope with a letter.

picture cards.

Handout: colored circles (red, blue); cards with numbers 1,2,3,4; strips-schemes for drawing up a proposal.

Organization of children: in a circle, at tables;

preliminary work: a game for the development of auditory attention "Remember, repeat"; making sentences from given words; drawing up schemes of composed sentences, sound analysis of words.


1. Organizational moment -1 task "Guess the riddle and describe"

2. Work on the topic classes: - 2 task

3 task

4 PHYSMINUTE - 5 task "Find the Sound"

6 task "Sonic Houses Game".

7 task

3. Bottom line classes. move:

Educator. Guys, come to me. Tell me how are you feeling today?

Children. Good, joyful, fun.

Educator. Amazing! Let's join hands and give each other our good mood. (Children stand in a circle).

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tight

And we smile at each other.

Educator. Guys this morning group I discovered such a wonderful flower, a seven-flower. And a letter was pinned to it. I didn't read without you. I propose to open the envelope and read the letter, and suddenly it is for us. Do you agree?

(Educator opens the envelope, takes out a letter, is reading: “Dear guys, you are going to school soon, so you should know and be able to do a lot. I am sending you my magic flower with tasks - riddles. If you complete all my tasks, it means you are ready for school. Then I congratulate you in advance. And if some tasks seem very difficult to you, and you find it difficult to complete them, then it doesn’t matter either. You still have time before the start of school and you will have time to work out. I wish you good luck! Good time! Wise Owl.) Educator. Well, let's try to complete these tasks? (Yes). And at the same time, we will show our guests what we have learned, and we will also find out what else is worth learning before starting school, so that both teachers and parents can be proud of us.

So which petal open first, Name of the child?

Children's answers.

1 Quest "Guess the riddle and describe"

I open my kidneys

into green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

my name is ... Educator: Well done! Guys, tell me what it is, spring?

Children: warm, sunny, cold, early, long-awaited, rainy, noisy, green, windy, task 2 "Make a proposal for a picture"

caregiver: Guys, look at the blackboard. (On the board is a picture "Spring"). Children make sentences about spring and determine the number of words in a sentence.

There are chart strips on your tables. Of these, you must lay out a diagram proposals:

1. The long-awaited spring has come.

2. The children went for a walk in the park.

(Children lay out sentence schemes. After that, we check at the blackboard)

caregiver: Well done, and you coped with this task. caregiver: You correctly described spring and completed the second task of the Wise Owl.

caregiver: what petal with the task will be open?

3 task "Guess the riddle and make a sound analysis for the word - riddles" Streams run faster, The sun shines warmer, Sparrow is happy with the weather - He looked at us for a month .... (MARCH)

caregiver: Well done, guessed the riddle. And now let's do a sound analysis of the word "MARCH". To do this, you have circles of blue and red on the table.

What sounds are in blue?

What sounds are in red?

How many sounds in a word "MARCH"?

What color is the first circle? So, let's start the sound analysis of the word "MARCH".

Children perform similar actions with other sounds and lay out in front of them an audio track for the word March. One child works at the blackboard.

caregiver: How many sounds are in this word? How many vowels? Consonants?

Whoever has the circles in the same order that the children named, raise your hands. Well done! You also coped with this task, but now let's do a physical education minute

4. Physical education:

We tear off the next petal, and there is this exercise:

5 task "Sonic Houses Game". caregiver: Guys, and now we will play Sound houses. You have houses with windows on your tables. How many windows in the house, so many sounds in the word. You need to choose from two pictures the one that suits your house. (each house and two cards). Well done, you have done well with this task.

Educator. We tear off the next petal. Listen to the task. 6 task "Divide the words into syllables and determine their number".

Educator. You have plates with numbers 1,2,3,4 on your tables. Now I will show pictures. Your task is to name the word and determine how many syllables are in this word. If there is 1 syllable, you raise a plate with the number 1, if 2 syllables - a plate with the number 2, and if 3 syllables - with the number 3, 4 syllables - with the number 4. Is the assignment clear? We started.

The teacher shows pictures (rainbow, rose, poppy, icicles, dandelion, willow, rook) and the children determine the number of syllables and raise the cards.

Educator. Well done. All right.

7 Quest "Where is the sound hiding?"

Guess it guys

My difficult riddles.

And then define

Where does sound live?

Educator. You and I must solve the riddles of the Wise Owl and determine where he lives in these riddles sound: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word. Ready? Let's get started.

The teacher reads riddles. Children solve riddles.

First to get out of the ground

On the thaw.

He is not afraid of frost

Even though it's small.

(Snowdrop) Educator. Where does the sound [n] live in this word?

Children. In the middle of a word.

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

(Brook) Educator. Where does the sound [r] live in this word?

Children. At the beginning of a word.

Housewarming at the starling

He rejoices without end.

So that we have a mockingbird,

We made it.


Educator. Where does the [s] sound live in this word?

Children. At the beginning of a word.

Here on a branch someone's house

No doors in it, no windows,

But the chicks live warmly there.

This is the name of the house.

(Nest) Educator. Where does the sound [o] live in this word?

Children. At the end of a word.

Educator. Well done, and you all did a great job with this task.

Educator. Well done, guys, you coped with all the tasks, and we can safely write about our achievements in a letter to the Wise Owl.

Tell me if you like our class? What task was the easiest in your opinion? And which one is the most difficult?

Lesson objectives:

Review and consolidate knowledge of sounds. Continue learning to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

Strengthen the ability to find the place of sound. Continue to learn to perform sound analysis of the word: divide words into syllables.

To promote the development of sound analysis and phonemic hearing.

Develop oral speech, logical thinking, attention, fine motor skills of fingers, cognition.

To cultivate a desire to help the weak, goodwill, love and respect for birds.

Previous work: Reading the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", guessing riddles, talking about birds.

Equipment: apple tree, stove, river, colored chips, subject pictures, notebooks, pencils, an apple, a basket of apples, a picture of a titmouse.

1 Org. Moment

2 Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Educator: Today, guys, in a literacy lesson, we will go to travel through a fairy tale. And by what tale, you have to guess.

In a fairy tale the sky is blue

Scary birds in a fairy tale

apple tree save me

Rechenka save me

(Swan geese)

Guys, we received a letter from Alyonushka, she asks to find and save her brother Ivanushka, his swan geese took him to Baba Yaga. Can we help Alyonushka? Let's say the magic words to start traveling through the fairy tale.

Ra-ra-ra- the game begins.

SA-sa-sa- miracles await us on the way.

(Baba Yaga runs out to the music)

Why did you come here? I won't give you Ivanushka, you won't find him.

(Baba Yaga runs away)

Guys, where does Baba Yaga live? (in the dense forest)

3. Phonetic charging

Wolves howl in the forest

Leaves rustle shhhh

Snakes crawl and whistle s-s-s

What did we say? (sounds)

What are sounds? (we hear, pronounce)

What are the sounds? How are consonants different from vowels?

Guys, look at the tree? What kind of tree? (Apple tree) Let's ask the apple tree where did the swan geese take Ivanushka?

Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

  1. Play with an apple. The game "Sounds Lost".

(pass the apple naming the word)

... plate, ... tul, ... condemnation, ... fish, ... urtka, ... cafe, ... ozhka, ... iraf, ... ilka.


There is a hut in the dark forest (we walk)

Standing backwards (turn)

In that hut there is an old woman (tilts)

Grandma Yaga lives (turn back)

Crochet nose (show nose)

Big eyes (show eyes)

Like coals are burning

Wow, how angry? (throw finger)

Hair stands on end.

  1. Guys, look, we reached the river, maybe the river knows where the swan geese Ivanushka

Carried away? Let's ask. River, river where did the swan geese fly? We need to go across the river. To pass through the river, it is necessary to correctly identify the soft and hard sounds with which the words on the cards begin.

Lemon green chip

Fish-blue chip

(Working with cards and chips)

Well done boys! Did it. Here we are crossing the river.

  1. We meet the stove

Stove-stove where did the geese-swans fly? Determine the place of the sound and in the words of the assignment, a titmouse flew to us. She wants to help us. As in the word, the titmouse has a beginning-head, a middle-body, an end-tail. Where do titmouse live in summer? And in winter? Why?

Tits are of great benefit to forests, parks and gardens.

The great tit eats as many insects per day as it weighs itself.


hands raised

And shook

These are the trees in the forest

Arms bent

Quietly shook

These are the trees in the forest

Hands raised gently wave

The birds are flying towards us

How do they sit too

Let's show, put our hands back.

(Baba Yaga runs out to the music)

  1. Guess the riddle

At the edge

On the track

Worth a house

On chicken legs

Sound analysis of the word hut

How many sounds in a word? (4)

1 star? (i) vowel

2 stars (h) consonant, firm, voiced.

3 stars (6) consonant, hard, sonorous.

4 stars? (a) vowel

How many syllables are in this word? Well done!

Baba Yaga, I won’t give Ivanushka away, shade my hut, then I’ll let you go.

  1. Work in a notebook

Baba Yaga: You completed the tasks, take your Ivanushka.

Ivanushka: Thank you guys for saving me from the evil Baba Yaga. The apple tree gave you apples,

Help yourself

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

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