
Mariana as an ancient name. The name Maryana: the meaning of the name and fate. SMS congratulations to Maryana on her birthday

Mariana as an ancient name.  The name Maryana: the meaning of the name and fate.  SMS congratulations to Maryana on her birthday

Surely, many readers remember the popular Mexican television series “The Rich Also Cry” in the nineties, the main character of which was named Marianna, it was after him that this name gained popularity in Russia, but not many people know its historical significance. Often it is associated with the name Maria, popular among the Slavic peoples, however, they are completely identical in meaning.

There are several versions of the origin of the name:

  1. According to one of them, the name Marianna of Jewish nationality is a combination of two names: Maria and Anna. The meaning of this union is quite interesting: “sad beauty” or “bitter grace”. There is another translation of the name: “beloved grace” or “beloved by all”.
  2. The second says that the progenitor of the name is the personal or generic nickname Marianus, which in turn appeared from the generic name Marius. In translation, it sounds like “belonging to the god Mars” - the god of war.
  3. There is also a third hypothesis. Some scientists believe that Maryana is a female version male name Maryan. Translated from Latin, Maryan means “sea”. There are also rarer synonyms of this name. For example, Mariamne, Marian, Marianu, Mariano.

Church Meaning, Angel Day and Patron Saints

Maryans are called daughters by both Orthodox and Catholics, but we will stop nevertheless on the holidays of the church of the Orthodox faith.

Day of the Angel Mariamne, as it is commonly called in church tradition, on church calendar March 2 (in honor of Mariamne (Marianna), sister of the holy Apostle Philip), June 22 (in honor of the martyr Mariamne). Also, the days of veneration of Marina of Beria - March 13 and Marina (Margarita) of Antioch - July 30 are also sometimes referred here. These are closely related names.

The most successful combinations

Various factors influence our lives. Our well-being depends on the location of the planets, various elements, heavenly bodies, stones and metals help us ... Let's consider some of them.


Mars is the planet of movement, storms, passions, raging energy. Planet of nobility and optimism. This is the embodiment of the desire to change the world but, unfortunately, through destruction.

Saturn is the desire to achieve goals, great willpower, hard work (strong Saturn), but it happens the other way around - isolation, distrust, despotism (weak Saturn)


People whose patron is the element Earth are practical, prudent, cautious, able to stand up for themselves, defend their opinions, their interests.

Water gives dreaminess, emotionality, phlegm.

Zodiac signScales,

A distinctive feature of Libra is the desire for harmony. These are great diplomats, strong-willed people striving for victory.

Purposeful, responsible, resistant to difficulties Capricorns. Kind, always ready to help. Their distinctive feature is the desire for personal growth.

Sagittarius is a born leader. Hungry for education, very energetic, ready to change the world. It is very important for him to evaluate his personal achievements, especially from close people.

ColorBright green,

Green is the color of life, youth, immortality, harmony, development and hope. People of this color are kind, open, generous.

Blue and blue are the colors of eternity and the sky, the colors of constancy and kindness, creativity, intelligence, the desire to find oneself, nobility.

MetalTinThis metal has protective properties, inspires confidence. Tin is the metal of leaders. It enhances the energy of people working in the service of the state, people, people.
Stonegreen jasper,


Green jasper helps travelers, scientists, as well as people who dream of achieving fame and success.

Carnelian is help in love and family relationships. Also, the stone helps to develop intuition, speech skills, improve memory, gives optimism and peace of mind. Helps in finishing things.

Sapphire - calmness, wisdom, modesty.

Number4 These are people of trust, justice and order. People who will always come to the rescue. They value family comfort, confidence and stability. The number 4 itself gives success, prosperity and good luck.

Character traits in childhood

Mariana is a funny, cheerful child. It's never boring with her. It is capricious and does not understand the prohibitions. But if the girl is educated from birth, she will be calm and obedient. Likes to do errands for his parents. She has a particularly warm relationship with her dad. A girl can trust him with all her secrets.

From early childhood, the baby attracts the attention of both her peers and adults, she grows up surrounded by love and adoration. She quickly finds a common language with everyone. Mariana is very inquisitive, active and friendly.

For a girl, communication with peers is of great importance. This will make her happy as an adult

Maryasha is always in the center of attention, loves to sing, dance, perform on stage. And she does it well. During her school years, the girl becomes more serious, studies well, likes to learn new things, is seriously engaged in creativity, attends several circles at the same time. Everything and everywhere succeeds. Often takes part in the Olympiads, taking prizes.

The meaning of the name of an adult Maryana

Adult Maryana is always well-groomed, beautiful, impeccably and tastefully dressed. He likes to adorn himself, wears perfume, always puts on makeup, styles his hair. She goes to theaters, exhibitions, surrounds herself with beautiful things.

Type of character and fate

This is a strong self-sufficient woman who solves all problems on her own, without asking for help. She is emotional and sensitive, but tries to control herself. It happens to be conflicted, but she quickly leaves, cannot be offended for a long time and often tries to put up first. Of course, this character helps her to resolve most conflicts peacefully and avoid serious problems in fate.

The fate of Maryana is not particularly pampered. She has been looking for her happiness for quite a long time, trying to realize herself as a good wife. A successful career is also important to her.

Choice of profession

Marianne is most suited to a creative profession. She can be an excellent designer, artist, screenwriter or architect. Working in a chic waiting room or behind a supermarket checkout is not for her.

Maryana's high education helps her achieve success in her professional field. The team respects her. She is a good leader, dedicated to her work.

Creativity and hobbies

Since childhood, Mariana loves to be creative. She carries these passions throughout her life. The girl enjoys needlework, takes care of flowers, draws beautifully, loves reading, listens to the classics, constantly develops herself. In addition, he leads an active lifestyle, rides a bike, loves team games with the ball.

Health and sexuality

The girl is prone to fullness, so she should follow a diet and play sports.


You need to understand that excess weight can cause problems with the spine.

Already in her youth, Maryana had many fans. She is always surrounded by the attention of men, but most of all she is attracted to the strong and athletic, able to protect her. In sex, she is ready to obey, but again, this is a question of how much a man can combine strength and sensitivity, because Maryana will not tolerate a rude partner.

Marriage and Compatibility

Marianna for a long time cannot find a worthy young man, but if she falls in love, she no longer pays attention to any reproaches and disapproval from her parents or friends. She is an exemplary, caring wife, a good housewife.

The young wife believes that the spouse should be the main thing in the family and completely trusts him

But the main thing for her is a harmonious relationship in which she will feel like a real woman. But due to constant quarrels and conflicts, marriage can break up.

A happy life is possible with Adam, Vyacheslav, Alexei, Philip and Eldar.

The girl loves children and spends a lot of time with them in games and worries. Often intervenes in the lives of already matured children, causing their dissatisfaction from such excessive guardianship.

Famous and successful women with this name

Among the famous namesakes of Maryan are Russian actresses (M. Poltneva, M. Spivak, M. Vertinskaya, M. Strizhenova), an athlete (M. Naumova), a Soviet director (M. Fideleva), a scientist (M. Bezrukikh).

It is impossible not to name the foreigners who glorified the name. These are, first of all, Queen Marianne of Austria and Marianne Grünberg-Manago, a French biochemist.

Zodiac sign and character of a woman

The character of any person changes under the influence of the signs of the zodiac:

Summing up, I would like to note that this unusual name carries loyalty and betrayal, love of freedom and the desire to create a family, purposefulness and frivolity. All these qualities have the right to exist, because, whether we like it or not, they are more or less present in each of us. Perhaps they are needed for harmony in our lives, for a more correct understanding of the eternal problem of good and evil.

The etymology and meaning of the name Maryana are associated with two common Orthodox names - Anna and Maria. Girls named by this name are characterized by increased vitality and gaiety, along with capriciousness. As you grow older, many qualities of character are transformed and new ones are revealed. In the family circle, a woman shows kindness and tenderness, at work she is cold and strict.

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Maryana has leadership qualities, and she leads quite skillfully. Only in personal life it often brings disappointment. With men, she should be more soft and flexible.

Origin, meaning and forms of the name

The name Maryana appeared at the merger of the names of Anna and Mary and is of Hebrew origin. This explains the dual translation: "gracious" and "sad." The folk form - Marianne - has another interpretation: "indignation". This is the most common version.

According to another interpretation, the etymology goes back to the Roman generic nickname Marianus, which translates as "belonging to the god Mars." It is also believed that this is a derivative form of the male name Marian, which means "marine". There is also a Hebrew translation associated with the designation of such characteristics as "bitter" and "tart".

Forms of the name Maryana are presented in the table:

Short forms Diminutive variants Synonyms
  • Marian;
  • Mary;
  • Riana;
  • Mana;
  • Mayan;
  • Nana;
  • Mariakha;
  • marianita;
  • Maryanka;
  • Yanka;
  • Maryasha;
  • Marochka;
  • Ryana;
  • Marka
  • Maryan;
  • Marian;
  • Mariano;
  • Mariana;
  • Mariamne

Church significance and famous bearers of the name

Maryana is a name both Orthodox and Catholic, it is listed in the calendar as Mariamna (Marianna). It is they who call the girls at baptism. According to the church calendar, they celebrate name days twice a year: March 2 and October 13. The patrons are Marianna Lykaonskaya, Marianna Armenian.

The following people with the name Maryana are known:

  • M. Polteva - Russian popular actress;
  • M. Naumova - an athlete in the direction of powerlifting;
  • M. Spivak - actress of the Russian theater and cinema;
  • M. Cope - a nun who was in the female Franciscan order of the Roman Catholic Church, canonized;
  • M. Ionesyan - Russian film actress who starred in the film "Guest from the Future";
  • M. Tavrog - film director and honored art critic of the Russian Federation.

Darina - the meaning and mystery of the name, the character and fate of the girl

Symbols and talismans

Talismans and symbols of Maryana:

  • patron planet - Saturn;
  • zodiac sign - Capricorn;
  • plant (tree) - dahlia, maple;
  • totem animal - peacock;
  • talisman stone - green jasper, emerald, lapis lazuli;
  • Lucky day of the week - Saturday.

The most favorable colors for the name are blue and green.

Childhood and adolescence

Mariana from childhood loves to be in the center of everyone's attention. It is important for the child to attend various active circles. It is a favorite of teachers and peers. She is always cheerful, positive and easy to communicate with. Ready to stand in front of the mirror for a long time, trying on new outfits and flirting.

Parents spoil her greatly, which cannot but affect her character. Maryana does not accept failures and is capable of throwing tantrums in such a situation. With age, whims disappear if you reconsider the stages of education. Otherwise, it develops into unbridled willfulness, which makes it difficult for an adult woman to live.

In adolescence, Maryana is clearly changing: she becomes attractive in appearance, but remains a child in her soul.

For Maryana it is important what to do. The girl is naturally gifted with musical data and plasticity. Sometimes children's hobbies flow into professional activity. Maryana is able to achieve high results in the field of choreography and music.

With age, the girl becomes more calm and balanced, communicates less with her peers. She goes deeper into her studies and gets closer to her parents. He begins to show interest in guys quite late, closer to 20 years.

Character traits and the fate of an adult woman

The secret of the name Marianne lies in the ability to skillfully manipulate people. Thanks to this, she achieves everything she wants. A woman resorts to such a technique only in rare cases, because she does not like to use people. But to similar actions from other people is extremely negative.

Positive character traits of Marianne:

  • tact;
  • tolerance;
  • mind and insight;
  • refined taste;
  • sensitivity;
  • emotionality;
  • passion;
  • independence;
  • compassion.

Along with this, a woman is arrogant, domineering, touchy, unrestrained.

According to numerology, this name is ruled by the number 4, which indicates the stability, honesty and reliability of a person. You can always rely on Mariana.

She is not able to rely on cold calculation and logic, she is more prone to momentary spiritual impulses. He loves himself, tries to control his emotions and always achieves his goals. However, frequent mood swings can put her out of action for a long time, up to depression. During such periods, the girl is able to make many mistakes, which she later regrets.

A woman with that name loves a beautiful and fashionable clothes, expensive perfume, has long hair. Outwardly, she always looks impeccable, but behind the prettiness lies a firm and strong-willed character.

Maryana does not tolerate loneliness, therefore she strives to spend more time with close friends and relatives. She has many friends who value her opinion and advice. Marianas are naturally cheerful and sociable, able to ignite everyone with their love of life. Often they become organizers of mass trips to the cinema, theater, concerts and other cultural events. Thanks to these characteristics, it is they who are assigned the role of presenters at New Year's and other evenings held at work.

Love, Family and Marriage

Maryan's personal life is filled with happiness, there is no place for sadness and tears in it. There is no certain period favorable for marriage: at whatever age she marries, fate falls into a happy one. Love for her is an incentive to move forward. life path. Always nearby loving man, ready to pamper her and indulge her every whim.

She builds relationships with her husband on respect and love. But she is able to subdue him at the slightest weakness of character on his part. This is a domineering woman by nature, it is important for her that her husband be higher in status and earn more money. The girl chooses a spouse who is wealthy and able to endure her many whims.

Men like Maryana, but beware of office romances. However, it can have several fans at once. Even being married, she periodically meets with one of her admirers to provoke her husband.

Mariyana's household duties are a bit of a burden. If possible, she hires a housekeeper. But the girl is willingly engaged in arranging and creating comfort in her nest.

Maryana is responsible for raising children. She jealously monitors their free time and supervises their studies.

Maryana has the highest compatibility with the following names:

  • Varlam;
  • Alfred;
  • Leonid;
  • Galaction;
  • Dorotheus;
  • Potap;
  • Benjamin;
  • Rodion;
  • Vissarion;
  • Innocent.

Difficult relationships develop with Severin, Arthur, Dasius.

Business and career

Marianna is a creative person, which predetermines her professional activity. The most successful professions:

  • journalist;
  • correspondent;
  • musician;
  • actress;
  • dancer;
  • writer.

A sharp mind and irrational thinking allows her to delve into science and other areas related to the knowledge of something new. She is successful in her career as a manager, as she knows how to properly manage subordinates.

A woman does not tolerate routine and monotony, she loves universal adoration and admiration from her colleagues. Often becomes a leader, without much effort. People are drawn to her as a wise and strong personality. Therefore, informal leadership sometimes flows into an appointment to a leadership position.

Marianna is sure that work should bring joy and pleasure. Therefore, she opts for classes that she likes.

The own business of such a woman usually does not have a successful dynamic. Along with sharp financial ups and downs, there are also painful falls. Her zeal in this can be envied, but all attempts to earn big money will not be successful. But she makes a lot of effort, patience and energy.

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Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

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It all started when I ordered a personal...

- “grace”, which generally translates the name Maryana as “beloved by all”.

Diminutive form of the name: Maryasha, Marisha, Arisha, Yanka, Mara, Riana.

There is a male version of this name - Marian, translated as "sea".

According to the Orthodox calendar, Maryana celebrates her name day under the name Mariamna:

  • March 2 - Mariamne, sister of the holy Apostle Philip.
  • June 22 - Martyr Mariamne.

Positive qualities of character: Passion, emotionality, sensitivity, purposefulness, self-control.

Negative qualities of character: Conflict, recklessness, a tendency to pessimism.


A girl named Maryana is growing up as a universal favorite, she does not know the word "no". If you take up her upbringing in time, then Maryana will stop throwing a tantrum, demanding her own. Despite the capriciousness, Maryasha is a cheerful and energetic girl, surrounded by friends, loves outdoor games. She is not devoid of creative talent, draws well, dances, sings, is not afraid to perform on stage. She loves to flirt, imagine, dress up in her mother's outfits, high heels, use her makeup and spin in front of the mirror, admiring herself.

In high school, Maryana becomes more serious, devotes more time to her studies, pleases her parents with her attitude towards them. Seriously engaged in one of the types of creativity. He does not tolerate loneliness, tries to surround himself with friends or relatives. In his company, he selects those friends who, by deed, and not by words, proved friendship and loyalty to her. Traitors will never be forgiven.

In adulthood, she looks well-groomed, dresses with taste, loves perfume, jewelry, is not too lazy to style her hair and apply makeup every day. He prefers to solve all problems on his own, without resorting to outside help.

He will defend his opinion to the bitter end, even if he understands that he is wrong. Secrets are trusted only by close people. Knows how to find a common language with any person, feels his mood. After a quarrel, the first one goes to make peace, even if she is wrong. She is close to her mother, she will always come to her aid and support.


Maryana in childhood is subject to colds, because in the cold it quickly catches cold. It is important to observe the daily routine, eat right, play sports or dance.


Even in childhood, she will choose a creative profession that will bring her pleasure, and will not be routine, for example, an artist, sculptor, dancer, architect, designer. Usually at work achieves high results. Becomes the favorite of the team with its open and sociable character.

Poorly endures a quarrelsome and conflicting team, does not stand up for a long time at this job and quits. For her, the atmosphere of the team is most important. Can be a leader. Money does not always stay in the hands of Maryana, expenses often exceed income, so she should not be engaged in business.


Maryana begins to fall in love with the opposite sex late, after 19 years. She does not immediately manage to communicate with them, at first she tries to lead the suitors, which they do not like, over time, authority turns into softness and tenderness. Can date several guys at the same time. Maryana categorically does not accept office romances.

A family

Mariana creates a family either immediately after school, or after 30 years, having a good walk. As a husband, he will choose a financially secure man with a high position in life, who will love her, endure whims and carry her in his arms. Life endures with difficulty, monitors the economy through “I don’t want to”, but tries not to run housing. Responsible mothers come out of Maryasha, who follow the studies of children and drive them to success.

This name is derived from two other names - Maria and Anna. Thus, its translation can be as follows - "rejected grace", or "sad grace".

There is also another version of the origin of the word, according to it, it is - female form name Maryan, which in Latin means "sea".

Little Mariana is a carefree and cheerful little girl who shows curiosity, easily and simply feels herself in any company. She enjoys spending time at home helping her parents, and in her free time she plays with her girlfriends and friends.

Growing up, the girl becomes more frivolous than in childhood, can often take on new cases without completing previously started ones. However, Maryana is a sociable and interesting person, therefore she is loved and appreciated in the team, forgiving some flaws in her work.

The behavior of the owner of this name directly depends on her mood, which is why it is difficult for many representatives of the stronger sex to understand Maryana and find the key to her heart.

From her chosen one, despite her own frivolity and inconstancy, the girl will expect confidence and calmness. She will want to appear small and defenseless next to a man, completely relying on his strength and help.

Congratulations for Maryana on her name day in verse

Happy birthday, Mariana, congratulations,
And we wish you success in everything!
May your dreams always come true
Happiness smiles every day!

Be cheerful, affectionate, beautiful,
Be healthy, sweet and loved!
May your life forever be a fairy tale
May the good angel keep you!

Let life give you, Maryana, inspiration!
Your mood will always be excellent,
Luck opens all doors for you
And grief and misfortune do not know you at all!

We congratulate Mariana and wish her good luck!
Happiness, joy, fun, crazy mood!
We also want to wish you warm days, good friends!
So that like a rose bloomed, I found my happiness!

SMS congratulations to Maryana on her birthday

Mariana! I want to wish that all your dreams come true! Be happy, loved and beautiful! May only sincere and honest people always be near you, who will support you in difficult times and rejoice with you in moments of happiness!

From the bottom of my heart, Mariana, I wish you to be healthy, always happy!
May your happiness be saved by relatives, beloved, friends!

The name Maryana is a common variant female name Marianne, whose origin has at least two versions. According to the first of them, it comes from the Roman personal (or generic) nickname Marianus("Mariev, belonging to Mary"), derived from the family name Marius- "belonging to the god Mars." AT Ancient Rome there was also a related female cognomen marianilla(Marianilla), which arose as a diminutive form of Mariana. In medieval Latin, the possessive Marianus/Mariana was also interpreted as "Mariin/-a, belonging to/-th Mary (Virgin Mary)".

According to the second, most common version, this name has Hebrew roots and it was formed from the addition of the meanings of the names Maria - "bitter, sad" and Anna - "beautiful, pretty") - a sad beauty.

Church form (Orthodox saints) - Mariamne.

The name is used in both the Orthodox and Catholic faiths, so name days are celebrated on March 2, June 22 and January 23, June 12, April 30, respectively.


  • Common name variations: Mariana, Maryan, Maryana, Mariamna, Marian, Marianu, Mariano.
  • At diminutive forms: Mariannochka, Marisha, Masha, Marusya, Manyusha, Maryasha.


A girl with that name grows up, does not cause much trouble to her parents. This is a classic "daddy's daughter": she looks like her father both in appearance and behavior, and she is drawn to him more than to all other adults. Sociability and charm make her attractive in the eyes of her peers, so she has many friends.

Mariana is an optimist, but prefers not to face problems head-on and always hopes that they will disappear on their own, persuading herself and others that nothing much is happening. However, if it is not possible to get out of the problem, then she tries to cope on her own, without asking anyone for help. However, if someone supports her on her own initiative, she will gladly accept this support. The girl loves and knows how to dress beautifully, always takes care of herself, goes to theatrical performances. She has another addiction - it's delicious food, and extra pounds often become its consequence.

Success in studies and sports

She has a lively, sharp mind, the ability for extraordinary thinking, for the sciences and, in general, for everything new. At school, the girl shines with success. She has time in all subjects, studies with enthusiasm and happily runs home to show off her good grades. In addition to the school curriculum, she often finds herself a lot of additional activities, ranging from sports sections to a theater group.

Fate in love, marriage and family

Usually Maryana begins to be interested in relationships closer to her twenties, but young people attack her much earlier. Sometimes a girl consciously suppresses her sensual nature. A sense of security is of particular importance to her, therefore Maryana always chooses a real knight as her companion, who can be a reliable support and protection for her. She will be happy only with a calm, balanced man who is older than her. Her marriage can be very early, and she does not consider it necessary to consult with anyone about her future chosen one.

Her family union is particularly strong. The only exceptions are the marriages of women born in the autumn months. The rest of Marianne knows how to keep her family and personal happiness, despite all life's problems and upheavals. It is the woman who is the undisputed leader in the family, but behaves in such a way that her dominant role does not humiliate anyone. The owner of this name becomes an attentive, caring wife and mother, an excellent hostess.

Name Compatibility

  • Excellent Compatibility: Leonty, Timofey, Vladislav, Pantelei, Alfred, Benjamin.
  • Bad compatibility: Dmitry, Ignatius, Stepan, Taras, Stanislav, Timur, Artur, Dasy.

Characteristics in a career

Often Maryana finds herself in childhood, being engaged in numerous circles and sections. The origin of the name affects the presence of a penchant for music: she can become both a famous performer and a successful composer or even a music producer. Many types of art are open, because the very energy of the name inclines it into this area. For her, activities related to beauty are also close. She can achieve great success in fashion design, modeling business.

Other close professions that suit her are makeup artist or make-up artist. Even if she chooses the path of a consultant in a clothing store, her employer will idolize her employee: the girl is well versed in fashion. At the same time, she has the ability to learn languages, so she can make a professional translator. Fate will be successful in any case - but the reason for this will not be luck and luck, but her hard work and ability to enjoy work. Her character will make it easy to say goodbye to any business that begins to seem boring, but if she has already found a job to her liking, she will become a real professional in it.


Marianne's health is good, but she can undermine it with a too busy life in which she strives to have time to do everything and even more.

How to choose a name for a girl in accordance with the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Scorpio, Libra.
  • Ruler Planet: Mars, Saturn.

Mystery of the name

Marianne's secret can be called her ability to manipulate people. She is good at manipulatively getting her way, but does not like to resort to it. Only unfavorable circumstances will force Marianne to resort to her innate skill. She is extremely negative about such actions from other people, and she does not allow herself even more so.


  • Stone, mineral, metal - lapis lazuli, sapphire, emerald, green jasper.
  • Color - blue, bright green.
  • Plant - hellebore, dahlia.
  • Totem animal - peacock.
  • The most successful day is Saturday.

Notable people with this name

  • Marianne Cope - Blessed of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Marianna Bernatskaya - blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr.
  • Marianne of Austria - Queen of Spain, second wife of Philip IV, mother of Charles II, the last Spanish king from the Habsburg dynasty.
  • Marianna Tavrog is a Russian film director, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.
  • Mariana de Gonich is a Russian-Cuban singer and music teacher.
  • Marianna Veryovkina is a Russian-Swiss artist, a representative of the expressionist movement in painting.
  • Marianna Ionesyan - Soviet actress, known for her role in the film "Guest from the Future".
  • Marianna Vertinskaya - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Marianna Longa is an Italian skier, world championship medalist, winner of the World Cup stage.
  • Marianna Maksimovskaya - TV presenter.
  • Marianne Faithful is a British singer, musician and actress.