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Video on how to make glasses, glasses, crystals from sugar and much more .... Cake decorated with sugar glass Glass sugar

Video on how to make glasses, glasses, crystals from sugar and much more ....  Cake decorated with sugar glass Glass sugar

A sugar glass (bottle) is nothing more than a lollipop of a specific shape. This is a candy that has been shaped to resemble a glass. Such things are very often used in films and theater. This is hard candy, but in order to get the right physical properties little chemical secretions are used. In movies, head-break bottles are usually made of light-colored resin, but for low-budget or home fun you can make your own (which can be head-smashed later).

Step 1. You need:
- 1 from water
- 1.75 with sugar
- 0.5 with grain syrup - as light as possible
- 0.25 with cream of tartar

- A spoon
- Bake
- Bowl
- Zernviy starch

Step 2. Zukor is also called sucrose. It is a mixture of fructose and sucrose with the molecular formula C12H22O11. Glucose and sucrose are combined by a single oxygen atom. Using heat and acid it is possible to break this bond... In theory it is possible to make cere glass using just sugar, dissolving it in water and heating it. However, there is a high probability of its crystallization or burning.

Step 3 Now you can place the cream of tartar. In terms of its properties, it prevents zucru from crystallizing. Cereal syrup also prevents sugar from crystallizing, so you can use whatever you currently have on hand...

Step 4. Mix water, sugar, cereal syrup and cream of tartar together. Put on fire and stir constantly. When the mixture begins to boil, place a thermometer there. The temperature should be around 150c. After that, the mixture can be removed from heat and allowed to cool slightly and allow air bubbles to escape.

Step 5. You can find detailed instructions on how to make a blank template for our bottle here: The inside of our blank can be rubbed with grain starch.

Step 6. Pour the mixture into the workpiece. Pour slowly so that the mixture can reach the bottom and there are no empty spaces. After pouring, let it cool without pushing or moving.


Uploaded 09.10.2011 — This in-depth instructional video will teach you how to make a silicone mold of glassware and also how to cast a functional, edible, breakaway sugar glass in the shape of Martini, Champagne, Wine and beer glasses. A sugar glass will hold your favorite beverage, crunch sweetly when eaten and break safely over one’s head or when thrown in a fireplace. These distinctive confections have become very popular when used in cake decorating, especially with sugar bottles shown in the video, "How to Make a Sugar Bottle Mold." Sugar Glass, in the shape of popular glassware designs, can also be used as props in the production of movies and plays where the glass needs to be broken safely. Commonly referred to as "breakaway glass" the stage craft manager and/or prop designer can benefit greatly from the knowledge they will gain from this video. How to use Isomalt sugar to create sugar glassware is also covered with valuable information on how to use silica gel packets to preserve the shine and integrity of sugar glass for months. Sugar Martini Glass, Sugar Champagne Glass, Sugar Wine Glass, Sugar Beer Glass

Uploaded 01/26/2012
It's easy to grow rock candy or sugar crystals. You can use any type of sugar. I used ordinary granulated table sugar (sucrose), but you could use brown sugar or some other type, if you prefer.
Bring 3 cups of sugar with 1 cup of water to a boil. This dissolves the sugar so you can grow big rock candy crystals. Once the mixture comes to a boil, remove it from heat. You can add a few drops of food coloring and 1/2 teaspoon of flavoring, if desired. Common flavors include cherry, lemon, mint or cinnamon.
Pour the sugar solution into a glass or jar. Hang a string or stick in the container so that it does not touch the sides or bottom of the container. Cover the container with a paper towel or coffee filter so the solution can evaporate, but won’t get dirty. Allow the crystals to grow.
To get good crystals, you need to remove competing crystals that try to grow on the top, sides and bottom of the container. It's easy to break off the top crystals. You can eat them or throw them away. You need to transfer the string or stick to a new container if you see crystals growing on the sides or bottom. Just pour the solution into a new container and continue growing the rock candy.
When you are satisfied with the crystals, eat the rock candy or you can allow it to dry and save it for later. It doesn't go bad, but needs to be kept away from moisture or else it will get sticky.
Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find more of my crystal projects at and my music over at Amazon as Azareal.

The question is often found on the net: "Is it possible to make transparent sugar glass at home?" or "How to make a bottle of sugar?"

In this article, we will express our opinion on this matter.

We have been professionally engaged in the manufacture of "sugar glass" products for more than 7 years.

Make high-quality sugar glass at home from food products, in our opinion, is practically impossible.

Firstly, food sugar and its derivatives melt at very low temperatures and are very sensitive to air humidity. Such sugar bottles stick to hands, deform at room temperature, and "gain moisture" from the air. It is also very difficult to transport, because. wrapping paper sticks to them, they stick to boxes, etc.

Secondly, bottles of edible sugar are always pronounced yellowish. If you add a dye, for example, to make a Champagne sugar bottle, then it will be less noticeable, but it is practically impossible to make, for example, a colorless vodka sugar bottle.

Thirdly, bottles made in the kitchen always contain a lot of air bubbles that spoil appearance, and sometimes completely deprive the product of transparency. To get rid of this unpleasant effect is possible only in industrial conditions.

Well, and fourthly, the kitchen, after all, is not a workshop: you can manage to make one or two bottles, but making some, even a small, volume of sugar bottles at home will be very uncomfortable.

In our workshop, all these problems are solved.

We make our "sugar glass" from a special plastic. It does not melt in the hands and does not react to humidity (all food liquids can be poured into our "sugar bottles"). Its melting point, of course, is lower than that of real glass, but it is absolutely suitable for solving all creative tasks.

Sugar glass is nothing but hard caramel. Outwardly, it is very similar to ordinary glass, except that it can be eaten.

Caramel comes from the Latin word "cannamella" (sugar cane). For the first time, caramel was prepared by the Indians, who roasted sugarcane leaves over a fire. This, of course, was a completely different caramel, but a start has been made. In the form familiar to us, caramel appeared in France in the 16th century. Now caramel is very popular and is used in the manufacture of sweets, medicinal candies, and also as a sauce for desserts.

Today we will prepare sugar glass and decorate the cake with it.

Caramel Ingredients:

  • 265 g sugar
  • 160 ml water
  • 80 ml corn syrup (light)

Preparation of caramel:

Using a brush, grease the silicone mat with vegetable oil. We put the greased mat in a baking dish (the form should be smaller than the mat so that the caramel does not spread).

Place all ingredients in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil.

When the mixture boils, it will gradually become transparent. Continue stirring so that the mixture does not stick. After boiling, we measure the temperature of the mixture with a thermometer. You need to heat until the mixture reaches 149 degrees (this is important: if removed from heat earlier, the caramel will remain sticky). This heating step can last from one to two hours.

When the mixture heats up to 149 degrees, remove the pan from the heat. If you want colored caramel, you can drop Americolor gel color and mix quickly until a uniform color. I used three colors - Fuchsia, Electric Pink and Violet.

It is worth noting here that when heated, the caramel darkens. And, if underexposed or overexposed, the color will be different.

Now let's make a cake.

Biscuit Ingredients:

  • 4 squirrels
  • 4 yolks
  • 120 g sugar
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar
  • 115 g flour

We heat the oven to 150 degrees.

Beat egg whites with half the sugar until stiff peaks form.

If there is a second mixer, at the same time beat the yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla until creamy white. If there is no second mixer, then it is better to beat the yolks first, because. while they are waiting in line for whipping, they dry out, and grains of yolk will be noticeable in the finished biscuit.

Sift half of the flour into the yolk mixture, mix until smooth. Then add the second half of the flour and 1/3 of the proteins.

Cream Ingredients:

  • cream 33%-35% 100 ml
  • sugar 80-100 g
  • cream cheese 500-560 g
  • vanilla sugar

Lightly beat cream with sugar and vanilla sugar.

Then add cheese. Beat the mass at medium speed until smooth.

We collect the cake.

Cut the cooled biscuit into layers of equal height. It is convenient to do this with a special string for cutting biscuit.

Lubricate the first cake from below with cream and put it on the substrate with cream. Soak the cake on top with syrup (heat water, sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 until sugar dissolves, add berries, remove from heat, filter). Berries or other filling can be added if desired. Top the cake with a layer of cream.

We collect the whole cake layer by layer (I have 5 cakes, because I baked two servings of biscuit).

We remove the cake in the refrigerator to thicken the structure of the cream.

We make cream for coating the cake in the same way as for impregnation, only we replace vanilla sugar with vanillin (so that there are no black grains of vanilla). Add dye if desired. I used Americolor Turquose gel color.

We take out the cake from the refrigerator. Fill a pastry bag with a tube nozzle with cream. Cover the whole cake with cream.

If a pastry bag is not at hand, the cream can be applied with a spatula.

An edible sugar glass is one of the options for a comic performance, it is easy to prank friends with it. With some skill, edible glass can be made into quite believable-looking objects, such as plates. If sugar is poured into pre-prepared molds, then you can make some toys, for example, soldiers, jewelry and much more. In general, the range of applications for sugar glass is limited almost only by your imagination. Melted and then solidified sugar is difficult to distinguish from glass at first glance, because both substances have a crystalline structure. And you already know what crystals look like if you have already grown crystals. So, let's move on to the recipe for making edible sugar glass.

Edible sugar glass recipe

To prepare edible glass, you need to take a cup of sugar. We also need a frying pan, a baking sheet, baking parchment and a little butter. The parchment is smeared with oil and placed in a cold place. Meanwhile, heat the sugar over low heat, stirring constantly. After a while, the sugar will thicken and turn into a viscous mass. If you add a little food coloring at this stage, then the edible glass will come out colored. Now is the time to take the parchment out of the fridge, lay it out on a baking sheet and carefully pour the melted sugar onto it. After the mass has cooled, it will harden and turn into a glassy substance. This is edible sugar glass.

Do you know that?

In the early days of cinema, the bottles that shattered on the heads of the actors in the frame were made of sugar.

Sugar glass video

You can also watch the glass making process on video. The video is very detailed and understandable.