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What are the nature of Capricorn men. Capricorn man in love and family life. How important is sex for a Capricorn man? Companion of which zodiac sign is most compatible in love and sex with a Capricorn man? What qualities should be developed

What are the nature of Capricorn men.  Capricorn man in love and family life.  How important is sex for a Capricorn man?  Companion of which zodiac sign is most compatible in love and sex with a Capricorn man?  What qualities should be developed

The zodiac sign Capricorn makes a man very restrained, mysterious, laconic, while possessing natural magnetism. In life, such a man needs to constantly move, he cannot be in one place. If he sets new goals, he achieves them. It is important for a Capricorn man to set new goals for himself in order to understand what level he can rise to. The mysterious essence of a man under the sign of Capricorn constantly attracts the attention of women. They are constantly trying to figure it out. It is enough just to understand what the Capricorn man likes to win his heart.

general characteristics

The Capricorn man differs in such a characteristic from the rest of the signs of the zodiac as perseverance, sometimes turning into stubbornness. The sign is characterized by purposefulness and ambition, does not treat girls as consumers, does not change them like gloves, looking for an ideal companion. If he chooses a lady of the heart, then he works on himself for a very long time to become the ideal man for her. In his life, the Capricorn man is guided by the principle "There is no limit to perfection."

For a Capricorn man, similar feelings in people are important, in any area everything must be perfect. People often reciprocate this sign. Therefore, if in relation to him women show crazy love, attention, they will receive the same in return in full. If they manage to build a strong relationship, then the Capricorn man will become a wonderful father, for whom his family will become the main thing in life.

The Capricorn man is not used to showing off his feelings. Capricorn man characterizes his nature in conservatism, he always stands firmly on his feet and makes an excellent career. This guy has a lot of ambition. He is an interesting and pleasant conversationalist, but sometimes he can say rash things or give criticism to others. Such a man gets used to loneliness in life, but a romantic is always hidden inside him. If people can find the right approach to this person, then his sensitive and vulnerable nature will be exposed.

Character features

The Capricorn man is a balanced person who is difficult to piss off. He is not the type who likes to show his emotions. But if you still bring it, then it will end badly for everyone. An important place in the life of a man with a Capricorn horoscope is assigned to a career. It is thanks to his beloved, successful and profitable work that he feels complete. Raise the self-esteem of a man under the sign of Capricorn encouragement and praise, especially from superiors. He always tries to find financial stability in his life, but prefers to do it with honest work. Looking for easy ways to achieve goals, will not indulge in all serious, go on adventures for money, betrayal or deceit.

If there is good compatibility with a Capricorn man, then this sign will be able to open up to people from a completely new side.


Capricorn man compatibility with other zodiac signs:

In love

An extremely closed Capricorn man is only in love able to fully liberate himself intimately. In other cases, he is a rather shy lover. In relationships and love, the Capricorn man values ​​​​freedom and independence, transfers these values ​​​​to marriage. Until the guy himself wants something, women will not wait for initiatives from him. The Capricorn man sincerely believes that it is the family that will help him achieve an excellent career, but with the same probability he will be able to sink him.

For life, he is looking for an economic woman who will not make scandals, but she will not be indifferent either. A wasteful girl will also not be chosen as a future wife. Since he himself plans to improve for the sake of the chosen one, he believes that she must also be ideal in all areas. Prestige for the Capricorn man also plays a secondary role. It is important for him that a woman possesses not only the best human qualities, but also external attractiveness, she should be admired by others, be a respected person in society, that he could be proud of her.


The Capricorn man does not at all strive for marriage, especially at a young age and even despite the excellent compatibility of the signs. Despite the fact that family values ​​\u200b\u200bare very important for Capricorn, he can start an affair on the side in order to escape reality for a while. Such novels are, as a rule, short-lived and mean absolutely nothing to Capricorn. He will not consider this a reason for divorce, since the family is the main thing for him.

The Capricorn man in his love remains reasonable, down to earth. He understands that marriage is a very responsible step. Therefore, love alone will not make him decide. The Capricorn man in marriage sees himself only with the woman who instills in him faith in himself, confidence, will help him become successful and achieve his goals. Capricorn can marry only by calculation. But respect for the chosen one will always be maintained, and after a while even falling in love may appear.

For a woman, marriage to a Capricorn man is stability and lack of need in life. Despite his restraint, a man can give his wife everything that a woman needs to be happy. But at the same time, he will not allow unnecessary spending. It is much more comfortable for a man under the sign of Capricorn to spend time at home in silence, noisy parties do not attract him. If a Capricorn man in love finds perfect compatibility, then his wife will become a real lucky woman. The spouse will open up to her more and more with new sides every year, become a more interesting conversationalist. But a woman needs to come to terms with his isolation and emotional restraint.

The Capricorn man is hardworking, cautious, restrained, thrifty, smart, methodical and prudent. His life is firmly based on a permanent way of life and strong values ​​- material, social and spiritual. Its main goal is to create a foundation for relationships. People around him know very little about him, because he is too closed in himself. He is remarkably able to control himself. You may consider him too serious and not fond of entertainment, but this is not so. He has a wonderful sense of humor and loves to laugh. He respects power, success and honors tradition. The Capricorn man is not very emotional and rarely talks about his feelings, so he needs to be taught to express love and affection, to show signs of attention.

In love, as in everything, he makes plans and schemes. He is very restrained in the manifestation of feelings, generally not inclined to surrender to the power of emotions. His love will warm with a quiet, even flame. From a woman, especially from a partner, he needs assurances that she loves him. In love and sex, he is unpredictable and often rushes from one extreme to another. He then becomes insanely jealous, then extremely reasonable. In his younger years, he has many novels, but it is with great difficulty that he truly falls in love. It's not easy to get him to talk about his feelings. It is very sensitive, but has a rather thick protective layer, which is not so easy to penetrate. If you succeed, you will find a faithful and reliable partner who will love you for many years. He won't stay with someone he doesn't love.

The Capricorn man is in no hurry to establish close relationships with anyone, he chooses for a long time so that he does not have to be disappointed. This is the most purposeful and serious type in the entire zodiac. He treats any decision in life extremely responsibly, after weighing everything and thinking it over for many years to come. And marriage is no exception. If a Capricorn man decides to start a family, then he will not back down from his decision. But if he is not yet ready for a serious relationship, then you can beg him to marry as much as you like - it will not help. Capricorn men are characterized by late disclosure and seriousness, as well as high demands on a partner. However, when a decision is made and a choice is made, he will try to tie a partner to himself as tightly as possible and will not allow anything superfluous. Capricorn father always demands respect and obedience, and in return pays with affection and self-sacrifice. He is often too strict, afraid to spoil his child with kindness.

The Capricorn man appreciates physical pleasure, but yearns for something more. He does not know sex without mental experiences. He plans his sexual behavior in the same way as he plans his whole life. He prefers the woman to know that he is enjoying himself and not make him overzealous. A woman must learn to excite him and make pleasant surprises. In his opinion, love should be made in comfort - on a comfortable bed or a thick carpet in front of a fireplace. Soft light, quiet music and sometimes a glass of liquor are needed. Let him know that you are enjoying making love to him. This encouragement will make him perform even better. Nothing is forbidden for him.

The ideal of a woman
Striving for perfection, a man born under the sign of Capricorn chooses his wife very carefully. He needs a woman who will be a good mother, she should cook well, be a good housewife. Only then should she be well dressed. It is desirable that she be smart and well educated. The last thing for him is beauty and physical compatibility. He badly needs tenderness, understanding, emotional comfort and intimacy of the soul. He prefers soft and intuitively receptive women with an easy character who would understand his problems without words. He likes you to value his opinion and ask him for advice. He strives for perfection in everything and, having found the ideal partner, he will give himself to him with all his heart. He will never connect his life with a "business woman" who spends days and nights at work; it is important for him that his wife be a "home" woman.

Representatives of this sign are very secretive and at first glance cold-blooded people. The Capricorn sign is a man whose characteristics are practicality, intelligence and a penchant for order. But few people know that a fragile and vulnerable person is hiding under the guise of a business person. They can manipulate other people for their own purposes, but they themselves carefully hide their inner world from outsiders.

Representatives of this sign are characterized by an increased sense of justice.

The modest lifestyle of Capricorns also affects their appearance. This man does not stand out in the crowd, usually chooses soft clothes in soothing colors. Most of all in clothes, representatives of this sign like rigor, restraint, classic cut and balanced simplicity.

They do not understand originality and extravagance at all, they consider any deviation from the classical style to be tasteless.

They will never emphasize their sexuality with clothes. Capricorns like clothes in grey, brown and beige. They especially love how black and white look together.

Good material security is not expressed in any way in their appearance. These men do not care if strangers pay attention to them. To the choice of home clothes, they are not demanding. The main thing is that it should be really comfortable, so at home they wear tracksuits and house slippers.

Facial features

They are characterized by deep-set large eyes, the outer corners of which are lowered down, the eyebrows are low above the eyes, thick. The forehead is low, the nose is slightly pointed, large. The lips are thin, but the mouth is usually large. The lowered corners of the eyes and frowning eyebrows give their appearance some disgust and gloom.

Most often, Capricorns have dark skin of a yellowish tint. They rarely have a ruddy face, it is usually pale. The face is slightly elongated, a massive chin speaks of the unbending strength of the wave. Their hair is coarse, straight, unruly and very thick, often dark. They choose short haircuts, sometimes they shave several times a day.

Body type

Most Capricorns are tall, their figure is taut, lean and broad-boned. They rarely get fat, their muscles are well developed, but not very noticeable. They are characterized by narrow hips and broad shoulders, some leanness and wiryness. Although they rarely look like heroes, great strength can be hidden in a medium-sized body.


Capricorns are not very fond of jewelry, except that they can afford an engagement ring. Perfumery is used with pleasure, choosing tart, not very strong aromas.

Behavior and inner world of the Capricorn man

The man of the zodiac sign Capricorn is calm and restrained, always imperturbable, sometimes severe, adamant in his convictions and practical in everyday life. Surprisingly, with all these qualities, he remains romantic, although dreams are always close to reality. He definitely cannot be called an emotional person, his feelings are hidden in the depths of his soul.

Capricorn wants to be praised, because he really deserves it. Representatives of this sign are independent, serious, hardworking, reliable and not prone to excesses. Everything is planned in advance.

Positive and negative traits

There is an unbending core inside Capricorns, they do not like to play a double game, lie and dodge, embellish the facts. If he said something, there can be no doubt about the veracity of these words.

An important characteristic of Capricorn men is depression and isolation. For the harmonious development of their personality, it is important that they grow up in a light emotional atmosphere in childhood. With age, Capricorn becomes more cheerful and interesting. He is harsh in his decisions, usually he achieves the goals that he sets for himself.

Capricorn is not so easy to anger, on the outside he can remain unperturbed, but inside a volcano of passions will boil. He has a strong character. It is not easy for him to change his own beliefs, change his mind and admit his mistakes.

Work and career of Capricorn man

Work for him is certainty in

Capricorn directs all his energy to conquer the peaks, he is rarely satisfied with what he has at the moment.

tomorrow and the way to achieve stability. Representatives of this sign are obsessed with the idea of ​​success; on the way to it, they severely limit themselves. Capricorns rely only on their own work, they achieve everything themselves, without appropriating other people's merits. Sooner or later, they achieve exactly the goals they are going to.

A high salary and a prestigious position for him are an indicator of the extent to which he is successful in his business. Only vanity makes him move upward, he wants to show others what he can achieve. According to the horoscope, Capricorn men do not have a thirst for money, because he rarely spends it due to his stinginess.

career guidance

He can work successfully in many areas, the main thing is that he professional activity enabled them to fulfill their ambitions. Often he chooses the most difficult and responsible stages of work, because there you can prove yourself from the best side, one hundred percent.

Capricorns can become excellent managers, administrators, politicians and lawyers. At the same time, work related to craft and art is suitable for them: a designer, a carpenter, a builder, a cook. But professions that are at least slightly associated with risk, especially financial ones, are not strictly suitable.

Capricorn Man's attitude towards love, sex, family and marriage

The Capricorn man in love behaves dryly and even restrained. But you can try to understand him - he is not at all soulless, but simply very prudent, wise, sober and unhurried. He will not constantly change women, because once chosen by him becomes almost an object of worship.

Capricorns have far from the simplest relationships with women. Other areas of life are too important for them, they value their independence very much in order to allow themselves numerous frivolous connections.

Advice: Representatives of this sign are not so easy to turn their heads. They themselves attract women with a sense of reliability and stability emanating from them, with their confident calmness.

It is very difficult to conquer the heart of Capricorn, because he is a completely self-sufficient person, whose usual circle is not so easy to enter. This man values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom, devotes all his time to his career, so he cannot be called easy prey. Besides, he's not the type to make empty promises left and right. Sometimes he can be calculating in a relationship.

How do feelings show up?

  • A woman who still manages to conquer Capricorn will be in an incomprehensible position. A man will overwhelm her with pleasant surprises and gifts, stop even just looking towards others, but it will not be enough for her. simple words about love, human emotions. You will either have to teach him to show his feelings, or come to terms with the lack of an external manifestation of love.
  • Capricorn needs that woman who could intuitively feel him. Don't take too much initiative with him. He needs advice and care, understanding.
  • Relationships will be prosperous if a woman does not strive for excessive sociability and frankness, she wants stability and tranquility in life, and even refers to the state of loneliness.


For these men, feelings in intimacy are important, and not just pure physiology. Women like their neat handling, originality, good physical shape.

Capricorn in sex and in life is quite stubborn, he does not want to hear refusal, he tries in every possible way to get to his goal.

During intimacy, he forgets about everything, liberates and opens up. He is sure that only a bed can give pleasant sensations and bring two people closer. Capricorn is ready to do everything to make it good not only for himself, but also for his partner, but he believes that only his efforts are not enough, the desire should be joint and if a woman is active, he will definitely show her how to satisfy his sexual needs and tell him what he likes best.

You should not insist on any specific actions of Capricorns in bed, you cannot recommend and indicate to them in intimate matters. Such a man will make double efforts and prove himself even stronger if he understands that you are experiencing real pleasure from sex with him, because he considers himself a professional in sexual relations. Maintains sexual activity until late age.

Marriage and family

Capricorn long and painfully chooses a life partner. He is trying to find a woman who will not interfere with his path to success, but on the contrary, will become an assistant in achieving a high social position. His wife must have such virtues as good manners, decent upbringing and the ability to look after the house, external beauty is not so important.

If on life path Capricorn has experienced great unrequited love, then he will never forget these feelings, although he may later marry another woman.

If a man sees that a woman is endowed with those personality traits that, in his opinion, his wife should have, then he will quickly decide to start a family. He is not interested in passionate relationships and fickle women. In his marriage there is no place for excessive emotions. But there is an arranged family life, responsibility and stability.

There are Capricorn-tyrants who establish complete control over the spouse, notes all her delays and shortcomings. But there are also patient, calm men who condescendingly accept the weaknesses of a woman, give them the opportunity to manage the arrangement of their housing, and themselves will be engaged in social development.

The wife will have no reason to worry about the material well-being of the family. His relatives will not need anything, but he will not allow him to waste money in vain. For the pride of Capricorns, it is important to independently fully ensure the financial stability of their family. They will protect their beloved woman from any external conflicts and threats to the last, they will not allow anyone to offend, offend or humiliate her.

Representatives of this sign tend to have an extremely respectful attitude towards their parents. In their children, they try to instill diligence, dignity, respect for family traditions, and discipline.

Capricorns will not try new methods and techniques of education on a child, they will keep them in strictness. In practical matters, they are good advisers and helpers for their children, but they are unlikely to be able to understand their state of mind. Such fathers may seem too cold and reserved with children, but at the same time they respect them very much. Sometimes their children lack manifestations of affection, tenderness and love and a father.

Compatibility with other signs

The most successful compatibility of the Capricorn man with women whose zodiac sign is Pisces and Virgo, the union will also be successful with the Taurus woman and Scorpio.

Gifts for Capricorn man

The most successful gift in the eyes of Capricorn is a practical gift. Looking at absolutely any thing, he asks the same question: “Do I need this?”. The received gift must unambiguously answer “Yes!”.

According to the horoscope, Capricorn men have extraordinary personal qualities. They are reserved, reliable, wise and practical. It is time to envy the willpower of these people, it is no coincidence that there are many world-famous personalities among the representatives of this earthly sign.

Description of a man - Capricorn

The earth element endows Capricorns with practicality, physical and spiritual strength, endurance and incredible diligence. They do not build projects, do not hover in the clouds, do not give empty promises and do not like empty talk. The aspirations of Capricorns are directed in the material direction, therefore, from a financial point of view, their life most often develops successfully.

Capricorn man according to the horoscope - Kevin Coster and other celebrities: Isaac Asimov, Ali Mohammed, Adriano Celentano, Mikhail Boyarsky, Sergey Zhigunov

Capricorns can seem boring and depressing to people with an explosive temperament. Indeed, men of this sign very often become discouraged. But they are rather restrained on emotions. Although there are also temperamental Capricorn men who can be involved in an adventure or caught laughing heartily at an old comedy.

By nature, Capricorns are distrustful, and this is the flip side of their practicality.

But you can rely on a man of this zodiac in everything, put him in front of any household task and be sure that it will be completed. He is a materialist, he believes only his own eyes. People who live in fantasy, romantics and dreamers cause Capricorn bewilderment at best.

Capricorn knows how to make friends, but does not forget insults. For years, he may not show what kind of mental trauma a close or familiar person inflicted on him. He will not take revenge, considering these unworthy, but he will not be able to forgive either.

Capricorn man and sex

It is difficult for Capricorn to open his heart, he is too distrustful. Therefore, in sex it will be more prudent and restrained than impulsive and passionate.

Often marries a woman older than himself and higher in status. If he falls in love, he painfully experiences a storm of feelings, trying to suppress them and hide them behind a mask of indifference.

He does not start short novels, he is simply not interested in sex for the sake of sex. Can plan an affair if it suits him.

Marriage for him is a very serious step, so marriage after a period of years is a common story for Capricorn. He takes care traditionally, like all representatives of the elements of the Earth. He does not have a special passion in intimate relationships, does not welcome experiments, so there will be no surprises - neither pleasant nor unpleasant - for a woman. But sometimes there are sadists and perverts among Capricorns.

Who suits the Capricorn man according to the horoscope

Capricorns will be comfortable and calm with representatives of the water element. They have a great understanding, they complement each other. With earth signs, the union is strong, based on shared beliefs and striving for common life goals.

Nicolas Cage is a Capricorn man with the characteristics of an incredulous materialist

Good prospects for Capricorns and women belonging to the elements of Air. There is nothing that unites, but there is also nothing that separates.

  • Relationships with Pisces are ideal, based on love and mutual attraction. A woman will give sincere adoration, and a man will surround her with care and financially provide. Such couples rarely get divorced.
  • With Cancers, marriage is stable, based on traditional values. Spouses rarely understand each other, but do not attach any importance to this. For both, spiritual closeness and a common style of thinking are much more important.
  • With Scorpio, the union is harmonious, very promising. Spouses, by joint efforts, will be able to raise their family to a new level both socially and spiritually. The only serious obstacle to complete happiness is temper. But due to sexual compatibility, it is easy to deal with it.
  • Relationships with Taurus are strong and long lasting. Both are very stubborn, and this can cause conflicts. But if they learn the art of compromise, then the marriage will be long.
  • Happy marriage with Virgo. It is based on mutual respect, sincere affection and precise calculation. Husband and wife understand each other: they are both business people, and they have common values.
  • Leo is the only fire sign with which relationships have a good chance of harmony. Spouses - strong personalities so there will inevitably be conflicts. But the energetic Lioness is captivated by the practicality and perseverance of Capricorn.

Households should remember that the head of the family needs to be left alone from time to time. This is an indispensable condition for a happy marriage.

Who is not suitable for a Capricorn man

Family is important to Capricorn. In it, he finds rest and support, and therefore does not tolerate impulsiveness, rudeness, pressure at all.

According to the horoscope, Mel Gibson is a male Capricorn

Representatives of the elements of Fire are least suitable for Capricorns. Their relationship is rarely harmonious and lasting. Fiery chaos and eternal struggle are not what a calm Capricorn needs.

  • With Aries, marriage will begin to crack from the first minute. Selfishness, inflexibility in thinking, a stable system of life values ​​- both spouses have a destructive set of personal qualities. So divorce is a matter of time, despite the physical attraction.
  • With Sagittarius, marriage bonds will be given with great blood. Spouses will have to rub hard against each other. If the feelings are strong, it is possible to stay together for many years. It will not work to understand each other, but it is quite acceptable to accept.
  • Gemini and Capricorn are opposite in temperament, so it is very difficult for them to work together. The union is under threat from the first days of life together. Only a sincere desire to understand each other, a rare kinship of souls, can save him.
  • The Libra woman for Capricorn is too capricious and mercantile. Too little chance of success. The husband will constantly be annoyed, jealous, offended. Only incredible patience will help to stay close to these people.
  • Living next to each other is good for Capricorns, but boring. Gradually, the passion fades away, and the relationship becomes not friendly, but cool. Husband and wife are too similar.

Capricorn will not tolerate girls with an explosive character, frivolous behavior and lack of innate delicacy next to him. No matter how good the beloved is, she will not be able to build a happy family life and will be forced to leave.

The lack of flexibility in decision-making and inflexibility is the main feature of Capricorn, which turns him into a real stubborn. It is impossible to convince him, therefore, in family life with a representative of this sign is not easy.

Many women, for unknown reasons, are quite skeptical about the zodiac sign of the man they are considering for a further relationship. In fact, this is another important factor that you definitely need to pay attention to. Let's take a closer look, How does a Capricorn man behave in love?, sexual relations, and what he needs most.

Immediately I would like to note that Capricorn men:

  • They set goals and always achieve them. In this case, the methods are not always loyal, the slogan “Achieve the goal by any means” applies here.
  • Persistent. They can convince a person of anything (ensure that he is on their side, even if it is not beneficial to the other side). Perseverance such people do not hold.
  • Pragmatic. They will always find "tools" to achieve their goals, no matter how complex and controversial they are.

All these behavioral factors are inherent in Capricorns in all areas of their activity, including love and relationships.

Since Capricorns prefer the "building" of their careers, personal life quite often fades into the background, but at the same time they do not lose the need for this.

With their calmness and confidence, such men can very easily attract the attention of any woman, and their wealth acts on the opposite sex as an aphrodisiac. Their reliability and firmness (in decisions, behavior and in life) gives a woman confidence in the future that she will be behind him, as if behind an impenetrable fortress.

Another feature of Capricorn men is that they "do not spray" on everyone, although they never lack female attention. They are too self-confident and overbearing to pay attention to every woman who shows herself in their direction.

Selectivity in relationships is their main strong point, it is not so easy to enter into a relationship with him, but if Capricorn has chosen a companion, then she can be sure that she simply cannot find more reliable support and protection. Such men are wealthy and do not allow their soul mate to work "by the sweat of their brow", they do everything possible so that their woman does not need anything.

For Capricorn to pay attention to a girl, she must be:

  • inaccessible
  • attractive
  • mysterious
  • elegant

Characteristics of a Capricorn man in love

Despite their independence (as it turns out, in most cases, it turns out to be imaginary), Capricorn men fall in love very quickly and become attached to a woman. The girl they have chosen can be sure that he will always be devoted to her, throughout the entire period of their relationship. To fall in love, Capricorn needs to make sure that a woman for him will become:

  • friend
  • life partner
  • object of sexual desire
  • someone he can trust completely

Outwardly confident Capricorn constantly doubts everyone and everything, and only the woman who will show and prove that he can trust her and rely on her in the most difficult moment of his life can win him over.

In love, Capricorn men prefer to endure any difficulties on their own and cope with them without outside help, no matter how difficult the situation is.

Capricorn would rather be alone than be with a "not quite perfect" woman. He can spend a lot of time searching for his happiness. In these cases, he is scrupulous and carefully considers, so to speak, all the facets and sides of the option that suits him.

Capricorn does not like to make mistakes, he is too pedantic, and therefore, if he made his soul mate a marriage proposal, he thought about his decision a million times, weighing all the pros and cons. They are monogamous and most often marry only once.

Capricorn man married

The Capricorn man, as mentioned earlier, is pragmatic, and choosing a woman as his wife, he already knows that he can “blind” her, make her ideal for himself. Despite the fact that the Capricorn man gives himself entirely to his beloved, she also has a number of requirements that she must meet:

  • understanding
  • calmness
  • patience
  • stress tolerance
  • true love

If a woman did not have any of these qualities initially, he will do everything, “bend” a woman, but he will ensure that all these qualities are inherent in her.

Being married to a woman, the Capricorn man becomes very jealous, although on early stage relations, his possessiveness is not so obvious. He gives warmth and love to his wife, but at the same time he will limit her in personal freedom, so his life partner should be ready for such a turn of events.

The behavior of a Capricorn man in love and marriage can be ambiguous:

  • gives everything of himself, but at the same time, demands the same in return
  • demands personal freedom, but does not give the same to his companion
  • does not tolerate selfishness in his direction, although he very often manifests himself in this way

The addiction to achieving goals very often prevents the Capricorn man from finding his other half at a young age. Pursuing long time their careers, they get married after 35.

Love and sex in the life of a Capricorn man

Despite tender manifestations in love, in sex such men are very rough and tough. They are turned on by inaccessible and bitchy natures, which is why a Capricorn woman must be multifaceted.

Sex and love are different things for them. They are very calm and endure difficulties with their heads held high, they keep a lot in themselves, so in sex they need to throw out all the accumulated emotions passionately and harshly.

It must be said that in sexual relationships, Capricorn men are ideal partners. They always care about the pleasure of their partner. It is this quality that attracts women in such men.

Choosing the ideal version of a woman as their wife, they do not have the need to “go to the left”, so a woman can be sure of him and his feelings.

With age, such men become even more attractive and sexy, so a woman must match her chosen one. To please a Capricorn man in sex, a woman must be:

  • daring
  • passionate
  • varied
  • not modest
  • don't be afraid to experiment

Reviews of women about Capricorn men in love unequivocal - they are the best lovers and sexually attractive objects.

Capricorn man love compatibility

Let's figure out which zodiac signs are suitable for Capricorn for a relationship:

  1. Pisces Woman

Capricorn men are passionate, but they need some time to understand how a woman suits them sexually; the Pisces woman, in turn, wants affectionate warmth in sex, so this tandem cannot be called ideal.

The defenselessness of such women attracts Capricorns, but their weakness only repels, which is why such couples usually do not stay with each other for long.

  1. Aquarius Women

Capricorns are attracted to such women with their:

  • sophistication
  • with a charming look
  • sexuality

In sex, Aquarius women are in perfect harmony with Capricorn men, but family life can only work out if the Capricorn man fits into the ideal life of Aquarius, and the woman, in turn, will not limit Capricorn in her personal space.

  1. Capricorn woman

Usually similar signs of the zodiac in pairs do not bring anything positive, but not in a pair of Capricorns. They are pedantic, reasonable and passionate, they will always be interested in each other, in:

  • sex
  • love
  • relations
  • friendship
  • communication, etc.

They put sex as another item on their schedule, not because it should be, but because they believe that rest and entertainment should also be given time.

  1. Sagittarius woman

A pair of Sagittarius and Capricorn is a rather complicated relationship and not long-term. Although the Capricorn man is passionate, his pedantry often prevails, which depresses the Sagittarius woman, who, in addition to passion in sex, needs conversations and discussions after him, to which Capricorn responds with loud snoring. In love, they also have different concepts and plans, so they, most often, simply do not go along the way.

  1. Scorpio women

Usually in such couples calmness, idyll and passion reign. They have the same goals, the same way to achieve, so they will find how not to get bored with each other.

  1. Libra woman

The problems of such a couple begin with the first sex between them. They are completely unsuitable for each other in this regard, they have too different ideas about getting pleasure. It is these problems that prevent them from being together as a married couple.

  1. Virgo woman

Great for Capricorn, both for family life and sexually. Both are seemingly cold and inaccessible, but if they can see in each other the passion that boils inside them, they can become an ideal couple for many years.

  1. Leo woman

The wedge kicks out with a wedge - both are selfish and picky, but together Capricorn man and woman Leo are very good in every sense and plan.

  1. Cancer woman

Perfectly complement each other, "spur" and stimulate. An ideal tandem for a family. In sex, such a couple is also doing well, they understand each other without words.

  1. Gemini Woman

Despite the fact that it is difficult to build a family with Gemini, Capricorns find an approach to them, and Libra's changeability suits the strict, but loving variety, Capricorns.

  1. Taurus Woman

Capricorn falls in love with a Taurus woman very quickly, but if the chosen one does not immediately reciprocate, nothing good will come of this couple. In sex, they fit each other well, but you can’t call the ideal version of their relationship.

  1. Aries woman

The stubbornness of Aries and the pragmatism of Capricorn are not compatible, a man does not know what to expect from an Aries woman, which means that he will not be able to predict the future. Although they are sexually attracted to each other, such a couple can survive solely on sex, and then not for long.

How to win the love of a Capricorn man?

We have already found out who Capricorn is, now let's talk about what kind of woman such a man needs, and what she needs to do to win his love:

  1. To be seemingly inaccessible, but with close acquaintance - open
  2. Never lie to Capricorn, such behavior is unacceptable for them
  3. Learn to listen and admire him (all men love to be extolled on a pedestal of ideal)
  4. Always be different in your sexual life (dresses, whips, costumes - what Capricorn needs)
  5. Support Capricorns in everything, but not always agree with them, this interests the men of this zodiac sign

The Capricorn man is actually a very complex person, he has many various contradictions and doubts, although he looks like a very confident and accomplished person, not every woman will be able to withstand all the trials that she has to go through with Capricorn.

It is worth noting that Capricorn men love to test their women "for strength", so be prepared for checks and "competitions", although, despite the result, Capricorn men remain devoted to their other halves.

Video: Capricorn man - love horoscope 2017