
How much weight should you gain during pregnancy. Weight gain during pregnancy. When to sound the alarm

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy.  Weight gain during pregnancy.  When to sound the alarm

Most pregnant women are afraid to gain a lot of excess weight, which then will be impossible to get rid of. The answer is simple - you need to control the addition.

Gaining weight during pregnancy is completely normal and there is no getting around it. So take it for granted and love the new you. The added weight during pregnancy is 10–14 kg. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the fetus grows, and secondly, the weight during pregnancy increases due to the restructuring of the body to the needs of the developing child, as well as to prepare for the upcoming birth.

Weight gain during pregnancy is a gradual increase in the fetus, placenta, uterus, and the amount of amniotic fluid. The mammary glands and body fat also become larger. Weight gain during pregnancy occurs evenly as the baby grows. And it is desirable that there are no sharp jerks. Each organism is individual, and weight gain during pregnancy occurs differently for everyone. Therefore, you should not be equal to other mothers.

Weight gain depends on what your weight was before pregnancy. As a rule, women with a low body weight add more during the bearing of a baby than with a high one. In obese women, pregnancy can even be accompanied by weight loss, and in their case this does not threaten the child at all. Usually, weight gain is normal for those who had a body weight within the standards before pregnancy.

The next factor is nutrition. The appearance of excess weight in many women occurs due to their own negligence. Like, I need to eat for two, not deny myself anything, etc. This leads to excessive weight gain, because the woman begins to eat more than she and the child need, and also consume unhealthy foods. To prevent this from happening, you need to balance your diet. Also a good way to control weight during pregnancy is fractional meals. Eat frequently and in fist-sized portions.

Controlling excess weight during pregnancy

There is an easy way to keep fit. This is a weight gain control that will help track the addition of kilograms in each week of pregnancy. Today there are many convenient online services. With the pregnancy weight calculator you can easily find out normal performance. This will help you to always be on the alert and start taking action if the number of added kilograms has become too large. Also, you will be able to notice the abnormal weight loss that has begun in time. And it will be much more convenient for your gynecologist if you provide him with data on body weight measurements.

With this simple control after pregnancy, you will be able to return to your normal weight much faster. You can estimate your current weight with our pregnancy weight gain calculator.

pregnancy weight gain calculator

Your pre-pregnancy weight in kg:

Pregnancy, as a rule, lasts about 9 months, newborn children also do not differ much in height and weight. Why is one woman puts on weight a lot, and the second - a little? To answer this question, you need to understand the mechanism of weight gain during childbearing.

An increase in body weight within the normal range is not only a guarantee that after childbirth the mother will be able to quickly return to good shape but also confirmation of a healthy pregnancy. Therefore, from the moment of conception, the weight of a woman becomes the object of close attention not only of the future mother herself, but also of doctors.

How to weigh yourself correctly during pregnancy

Weighing is a mandatory procedure carried out during each visit to the gynecologist, and part of the "homework". To properly follow weight gain, you need to make it a rule to weigh yourself regularly. It is best to use the same scales once a week, at the same time: in the morning before breakfast, with an empty bowel and bladder. It is desirable to be in the same clothes or without it, so that the obtained indicators can be compared later.

Normal weight gain during pregnancy

Of course, the deposition of some fat during pregnancy is inevitable, this is absolutely normal and should be accepted. After giving birth, a newly-made mother will be able, with sufficient desire, to quickly regain her previous weight. How many kilograms a woman will recover during pregnancy depends on many reasons. The first of these is its original weight before conception. The lower your own weight, the more a woman can gain for childbirth. In order to determine whether the weight of the expectant mother is overweight, low or normal for her height, a special indicator is used in medicine - the body mass index (BMI).

Body mass index \u003d body weight in kg? /? Height in meters, squared

The height of a woman is 1.70 m, weight 60 kg.

Based on the value obtained:

  • with an index of less than 18.5 - the weight is considered below normal;
  • index 18.5–25 - normal weight;
  • 25-30 - overweight;
  • more than 30 - obesity.

So, if your BMI is less than 18.5, weight gain can be 12.5-18 kg. Normal weight (BMI 18.5-25) 10-15 kg, overweight (BMI 25-30) 7-11 kg, and obese (BMI >30) 6 kg or less, as recommended by your healthcare provider .

The genetic constitution cannot be discounted. Does it matter if it has future mom tendency to be overweight or thin. So, even if the initial weight of two women is the same, but one of them has always been thin, not adhering to any diets, and the second has achieved the same through diets and training, the first will gain significantly less than the second. It shouldn't be scary.

Another important factor is age. The older the woman, the greater the tendency to overweight weight gain.

Besides, weight gain depends on the nature of the pregnancy. So, for example, having experienced early toxicosis, the body will try to compensate for the loss of kilograms, and the woman at the end of pregnancy will gain more. It happens that due to hormonal changes, the expectant mother's appetite increases dramatically and, if she cannot control it, weight gain will also be significant.

The size of the fetus also plays a role in this matter. If a large baby is expected (more than 4000 g), then both the weight of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid will be greater than usual. Consequently, the increase in body weight in a woman will be more significant than if she expected the birth of a small child.

Particularly noticeable weight gain observed in women with multiple pregnancies. In this case, regardless of the initial weight of the mother, it will be 16–21 kg.

Rate of weight gain during pregnancy

Weight of pregnant women, as a rule, increases unevenly, and for each woman in her own way: for some, the arrow of the scales creeps to the right from the first days of pregnancy, while for others, a significant set of kilograms begins only after the 20th week of bearing a child.

It is believed that in the first half of pregnancy, women gain approximately 40?% of the total weight gain, and already in the second - 60?%. The average weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy should be about 0.2 kg per week. However, during the same period, many expectant mothers are worried about early toxicosis, so the total increase in 3 months can be 0-2 kg.

In the last weeks pregnancy weight gain stops, the weight may even decrease slightly - in a similar way the body prepares for childbirth.

Weight gain during pregnancy

At the end of pregnancy, the acquired kilograms are approximately distributed as follows:

  • Fetus - the average weight of the fetus during full-term pregnancy is 2500-4000 g. Normally, this is 25-30?% of the total increase. The weight of the child increases especially rapidly in the last weeks before childbirth, it is then that the mass of the woman grows at the fastest rate.
  • The placenta is an organ that develops in the uterine cavity during pregnancy and provides a link between the mother's body and the fetus. Normally, the mass of the placenta together with the fetal membranes during full-term pregnancy is 1? /? 6-1? /? 7 of the weight of the fetus, i.e. 400-600 g (5?% of weight gain).
  • Amniotic fluid, or amniotic fluid, is the biologically active medium that surrounds the fetus. The volume of amniotic fluid depends on the duration of pregnancy. The increase in the amount of water occurs unevenly. So, at 10 weeks, the volume of amniotic fluid averages 30 ml, at 18 weeks - 400 ml, and by 37-38 weeks of pregnancy - 1000-1500 ml (10?% of weight gain). By childbirth, the amount of water can be reduced to 800 ml.

When pregnancy is prolonged (at 41-42 weeks), there is a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid (less than 800 ml). With polyhydramnios, the volume of amniotic fluid can exceed 2 liters, and with oligohydramnios, it can decrease to 500 ml.

  • The uterine muscle during pregnancy also increases its weight. Before pregnancy, the mass of the uterus averages 50-100 g, and by the time of delivery - 1 kg (10?% of weight gain). The volume of the uterine cavity at the end of the period of bearing a child increases by more than 500 times. For the previous 9 months each muscle fiber lengthens 10 times and thickens approximately 5 times, the vascular network of the uterus develops significantly.
  • There is an increase in blood volume up to 1.5 kg and tissue fluid up to 1.5–2 kg. Moreover, 0.5 kg gives an increase in breast volume, together this amounts to 25?% of weight gain.
  • The mass of additional body fat in a woman's body is 3–4 kg (25–30?%).

Question weight gain during pregnancy no wonder it requires close attention. It is best if the body weight of a pregnant woman increases systematically, without sharp jumps up and down, and fits into the norm. Both underweight during pregnancy and its excess can lead to negative consequences.

meager nutrition during pregnancy And underweight can cause a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus, then the baby will be born with insufficient body weight (less than 2.5 kg). Malnutrition causes a failure in the synthesis of hormones that maintain pregnancy, which, in turn, increases the risk of miscarriage. With insufficient body weight, newborns are often weak, have neurological problems, are excitable, and are prone to colds.

Sometimes weight loss during pregnancy may be associated with the manifestation of certain diseases that are dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother. In this case, you must urgently consult a doctor.

Weight loss, lack of weight gain and excessive weight gain - all of these conditions require specialist advice to prevent possible complications pregnancy.

The following trends should alert the expectant mother.

No increase:

  • within three weeks in the first half of pregnancy;
  • within one week in the second half of pregnancy.


  • more than 4 kg in the first trimester;
  • more than 1.5 kg per month in the second trimester;
  • more than 800 g per week in the third trimester.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the weight of the expectant mother has increased by 2 or more kilograms in 1 week at any stage of pregnancy!

If weight gain exceeds the individual norm, you should also consult a specialist.

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy

Excessive weight gain can cause high blood pressure, late toxicosis, diabetes pregnant women, complications in childbirth.

Gestational diabetes. Most often the reason excess weight gain in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy is GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus) - a condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels that occurs during childbearing in some women, and usually disappears spontaneously after childbirth.

Women with GDM are at higher risk of infection urinary tract, late toxicosis of pregnant women (a condition manifested by edema, increased blood pressure the appearance of protein in the urine). and premature birth. Enhanced level blood sugar in the mother is 2 times more likely to lead to complications in the development of the fetus. Such children are born with overweight (more than 4 kg), which makes it difficult for the normal course of childbirth.

The mainstay of treatment for gestational diabetes is diet therapy.

Edema and gestosis. In the third trimester excess weight gain most often associated with fluid retention, i.e. the occurrence of edema. The fact that edema is a frequent companion of pregnancy is known to almost all expectant mothers. However, not everyone knows that edema can also be a sign of many diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, heart and a sign of such a serious pregnancy complication as late toxicosis or preeclampsia.

Edema of pregnant women is the first stage of preeclampsia, in 90?% of cases, after them, protein appears in the urine and high blood pressure. Timely treatment can prevent the transition of late toxicosis to subsequent more severe stages, characterized by life-threatening high blood pressure, which can lead to more serious disorders that provoke convulsions. Therefore, edema should be treated not only as a cosmetic defect, but also as a pathology that requires therapy.

If the expectant mother began to press shoes that were comfortable before, rings were hardly removed or bags appeared under the eyes in the morning, edema may be present. The skin on the edematous area is pale, tense and smooth, the pressure of a finger can cause a slowly leveling fossa.

If weight gain for 1 week amounted to more than 1 kilogram, the rings are not removed, and traces of gum remain on the legs and waist - this is a signal for an extraordinary visit to the doctor. It is to exclude late toxicosis that the doctor will evaluate weight gain and measure the pressure of a pregnant woman.

Diet during pregnancy

Diets during pregnancy not recommended - even for overweight women. In nutrition, a "golden mean" is needed, since both excess and lack of nutrients can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. Due to the increase in maternal blood volume and the building of fetal and placental tissues, some weight gain is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Certain diets can cause deficiencies in nutrients such as iron, folic acid, other important vitamins and minerals. And a sharp restriction in nutrition, leading to weight loss, can harm the child, since when fat stores are burned, toxins are released into the blood.

Nutrition during pregnancy

And yet, some opportunities to influence the excess weight gain in pregnancy there are women. The main method of correction is proper nutrition: selection of products with useful properties but with fewer "empty" calories.

The amount of food. The nutritional needs of the expectant mother do not increase suddenly, they change as the pregnancy progresses. The period of bearing a child does not mean at all that a woman should now eat twice as much. Only in the third trimester, energy requirements increase by an average of 17?%, compared with the non-pregnant state.

In the first half of pregnancy, there is no need to significantly change the amount of food, because at this stage, very little is needed to ensure the growth of the little man. But it is in the beginning, due to hormonal changes, that blood sugar drops dramatically between meals, which is why many women feel hungry and feel like they need to eat more to get rid of it.

However, the feeling of hunger that an expectant mother may experience during this period cannot be “suppressed” by double servings for lunch and dinner. It is better to provide yourself with frequent (up to 6-7 times a day), but fractional (small portions) food, which allows you to constantly maintain the same level of sugar in the blood. It is necessary to strive for daily meals at the same hours, avoiding overeating.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as a rule, it is quite enough to increase the number of kilocalories consumed by 200-300 per day, but they should be collected with healthy foods.

Composition of products. It is necessary to pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed. It is from these components that “empty”, unnecessary calories are added that do not go to build the body of the fetus.

Diet during pregnancy: carbohydrates

Diet with restriction of readily available carbohydrates is the best prevention of gestational diabetes, since carbohydrates are the only type of nutrient that can directly increase blood glucose levels. In the second half of pregnancy, a woman should consume 400-500 g of carbohydrates per day.

All carbohydrates are divided into difficult and easily digestible. The restriction applies only to easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, juices, fruits, buns) after 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is necessary to reduce the amount of sugar, sweets, flour and confectionery products, juices and sugary drinks, and also eat less fruits such as melon, banana, grapes and figs.

Do not use sugar substitutes, its effect on fetal development has not been studied.

It is recommended to give preference to sources of difficult to digest (most useful) carbohydrates, which are absorbed in the intestines much more slowly than sugar. These are cereals (buckwheat, millet, corn and oatmeal), vegetables (except potatoes), fruits (except grapes, bananas and melons), berries, nuts, wholemeal bread, with the inclusion of crushed grains or ground bran. All these products contain carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which, although it does not provide the body with energy, must be contained in food, as it creates a feeling of satiety and contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines.

Diet during pregnancy: fats

IN nutrition of pregnant women should moderately limit the total intake of fats, especially those rich in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol (culinary and confectionery fats, hard margarines, fatty meat, high-fat dairy products). It is advisable to choose foods low in fat, focusing on both their appearance, and on the information on the percentage of fats indicated on the packaging of the goods. Preferred milk, kefir with a fat content of about 1-2?%, sour cream with a fat content of 10-15?%, cottage cheese up to 5?%, cheese 20-30?%.

Diet during pregnancy: proteins

Another important element for the body, which is the main building material, is protein. During pregnancy, proteins play an important role in the growth and development of the child, contribute to the proper formation of the placenta, uterus and mammary glands.

Diet With high content protein is an excellent option for women whose weight during pregnancy exceeds the permissible norm. A huge plus of such a diet is that the expectant mother consumes the amount of vitamins she and the baby need. The basis of the diet is protein products, since a pregnant woman needs to eat at least 100 g of proteins daily, and 60-70?% of this amount should be animal proteins (they are found in fish, meat, milk, dairy products, eggs). The rest of the proteins can be plant origin(beans, soybeans, peas).

Protein intake throughout the day should be distributed as follows:

  • early breakfast - 30?%;
  • late breakfast - 20?%;
  • lunch - 30?%;
  • afternoon snack - 10?%;
  • dinner - 10?%.

Salt restriction. In the second half of pregnancy, from about the twentieth week, you need to pay attention to the amount of salt consumed: the more it is, the more fluid accumulates in the body. Often the amount of sodium chloride in the diet exceeds the need for it, which provokes swelling and a feeling of thirst. About a third of this trace element is found in foods, the second third in the form of table salt is added during their processing, and the remaining third is placed in a ready-made dish.

The amount of table salt in the diet of pregnant women should not exceed 6-8 g per day.

With the appearance of edema, this product must be strictly limited. A salt-free diet is recommended, which involves a complete rejection of salt. Moreover, it is required to exclude from the diet not only salt itself, but also products that contain a lot of it: salted fish and cucumbers, sausage, especially smoked, all canned food and hard cheese.

If only pregnant products without salt they seem completely tasteless and insipid, you can resort to a little trick. The taste of salads, soups, meat and fish dishes will become expressive and attractive if you add green onions, parsley and celery, dill, fresh tomatoes, cumin, garlic, lemon juice, marjoram, leek.

Drinking regime during pregnancy

It is known that the human body is 80?% liquid. Modern research shows that for the normal course of pregnancy, one should not limit oneself in fluids, even with edema. The need for fluid in the first half pregnancy is 2 liters, in the second - 1.5 liters. It is important to use pure water - it quenches thirst best of all, has a beneficial effect on kidney function, lingers less in the body compared to any other drinks, it has no contraindications and side effects. Water is needed to improve metabolism, good bowel function, effective absorption of drugs, optimal well-being, maintaining normal blood pressure, adequate sleep.

You can only drink bottled water to avoid getting into the body of all kinds of bacteria and viruses. giving preference to low-mineralized (mineralization degree 1 - 2 g? /? L), non-carbonated.

When edema occurs, it is necessary to fight not with overconsumption water, but with salt. If a woman strictly observes the restriction on salt, then fluid intake can not be limited.

With the complete rejection of salt, it is enough to simply shift the equilibrium towards the bound liquid - i.e. eat juicy foods, fruits, vegetables. In this form, the liquid does not go into the edema, but remains in the blood, the peel of the fruit normalizes the stool, vitamin benefits is also obvious.

Unloading days during pregnancy

You can arrange one-day diets during the period of bearing a child 1-2 times a week only after the 22nd week of pregnancy, when all the main organs and systems of the baby are already formed. A woman must first consult with a doctor about this possibility for her personally and agree with the doctor on the most suitable option.

It is better to “unload” on the same days of the week, then the body will already be set up for restrictions in advance. With the frequency of fasting days, once a week, Monday is preferable, since diet violations are almost inevitable on weekends.

When carrying out fasting days, the entire amount of products relying per day should be divided into 5-6 equal portions, which must be eaten at regular intervals. Between meals, you should observe a break of 3-4 hours. Food must be chewed carefully, eat slowly, without rushing: only in this way will the food be well absorbed and bring more saturation. Also on this day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water.

Not all expectant mothers understand how important it is to observe the boundaries of the reasonable in the matter of nutrition. Someone is worried about the figure, which will be difficult to put in order after childbirth, and begins to limit themselves in everything, while someone believes that now you need to eat literally “for two” and heavily leans on your favorite foods.

In fact, any deviations from the norm can equally pose a danger to the health of the woman herself and her baby. What you need to know about changes in body weight during pregnancy, and how to correctly calculate the optimal weight gain?

What are the dangers of being underweight or overweight during pregnancy?

The average weight gain during pregnancy ranges from 9 to 14 kg. Of course, this value cannot be applied to each specific case, since the exact figure depends on many factors, but a sharp deviation from it in one direction or the other should alert the expectant mother.

  • Underweight often occurs in pregnant women in the first months, that is, during the period when they suffer from toxicosis. If the loss is not accompanied by severe vomiting (after each meal), the baby is most likely out of danger.

The greatest risk of low weight is in the second and third trimesters. when the fetus is in dire need of nutrients and their lack can lead to a newborn's body weight deficiency, various developmental pathologies and psychological problems. In a woman, in this case, the level of important hormones may fall, which is fraught with miscarriage or premature birth.

  • Excess weight is also not only an aesthetic problem for pregnancy, since the entire burden falls on the health of the mother. Often, it provokes the development of preeclampsia - a dangerous condition, which is called late toxicosis. Preeclampsia poses a direct threat to the health of the child, as it can cause other troubles. Read more about gestosis

Even more dangerous is excess weight when it occurs not due to overeating, but due to edema.- usually in such cases, the increase occurs in a short period of time (more than a kilogram per week). This may be the first symptom of dropsy - an excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body, the main cause of which is a disorder in the functioning of the kidneys.

Solving such problems on your own is categorically not recommended, therefore, with a sharp increase in body weight, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor.

And in order to notice the threatening condition in time and take action, the expectant mother must know how much the optimal weight gain during pregnancy should be in her case.

Why do pregnant women gain weight?

Contrary to popular belief, pregnant women gain excess weight not only due to the mass of the growing baby and the fat layer - they make up about half of the total figure. For nine months, a woman's uterus, blood volume and intercellular fluid increase, amniotic fluid and placenta form, and the mammary glands begin to grow actively.

These changes are necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby, that is, not only the gynecologist, but also the woman herself should track them.

What determines weight gain during pregnancy?

To calculate the allowable weight gain for a woman, one should take into account her initial weight, that is, BMI (body mass index), which is calculated using a special formula: body weight in kilograms / height in meters squared. The resulting result allows you to assess how close a woman’s weight is to normal: if the figure falls in the range of 19.8-26, the weight is normal, less than 19 is insufficient, more than 26 is excessive, and a BMI above 30 indicates obesity.

  • Thin, fragile women (the so-called asthenic type) during pregnancy should gain 13-18 kg;
  • For women with a normal physique and weight, the allowable increase is 11-16 kg;
  • Ladies of an obese physique with excess weight normally gain from 7 to 11 kg;
  • In case of obesity, the doctor prescribes a special diet for the expectant mother, and her weight gain should not exceed 6 kg.

In addition, it is very important to take into account the gestational age of the fetus by weeks, since on each of them certain changes occur in the body of the woman and the fetus that affect the total weight.

Weight by week of pregnancy

Weekly weight gain during pregnancy occurs unevenly - at the very beginning it is almost imperceptible, increases significantly towards the middle and again decreases closer to childbirth.

The second trimester, when the baby begins to grow and develop especially actively, a woman should be especially careful, as weight gain acquires its original significance. The figures are distributed as follows: about 500 g per week for thin women, no more than 450 g for pregnant women with normal weight, and no more than 300 g for full women.

In the third trimester, pregnant women gain less weight, and this process is natural, as their body prepares for the birth of the baby.

It is very important to ensure that body weight does not decrease too sharply, as this may indicate pathologies in the development of pregnancy.

Why is slow weight gain dangerous?

Slow weight gain is a relative concept for pregnant women, since in the first trimester it can not only not arrive, but also decrease.

Some future mothers gain the first kilograms only after the 14th week - this usually applies to petite women who do not have a genetic predisposition to be overweight or women suffering from toxicosis. In the first case, weight gains slowly throughout all nine months, which, if the pregnant woman feels normal, should not cause concern. If we talk about women suffering from toxicosis, then by the second trimester the malaise usually disappears, body weight returns to normal and weight gain goes on as usual.

If a pregnant woman is starving, following a strict diet, or simply not eating right, then she has a significantly increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

In such a situation, a woman needs to abandon the restrictions and bring her diet back to normal. You need to eat in small portions several times a day, snack on cheese, nuts or dried fruits between meals, and you can add a little butter or sour cream to your meals.

Read more about nutrition during pregnancy

Why is rapid weight gain dangerous?

Rapid weight gain is typical for multiple pregnancies, underweight women and too young mothers whose bodies are still developing.

In other cases, it is the result of normal overeating and requires adjustment of the diet. Excess weight does not pose a direct threat to the life of the child, but it can be the cause of diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, preeclampsia and overweight of the baby, which can lead to complications during childbirth and even caesarean section.

If the weight gains too quickly, a woman is advised to consult a nutritionist and give up fast-digesting carbohydrates (sweets, muffins, pasta) and include fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products in your menu.

The situation is much more dangerous if excess weight is the result of edema. In order to identify the problem in time and get medical care, at hand, the expectant mother should have a table of weight gain during pregnancy and accurate scales - gaining more than 1 kg in a week is a serious cause for concern.

Read more about how not to gain weight during pregnancy

Is weight loss during pregnancy dangerous?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, weight loss is quite possible due to toxicosis, in the second this situation is usually associated with various diseases and stress, and in the third trimester, a loss of 1-2 kg is a harbinger of an early birth.

In any case, weight gain during pregnancy is a purely individual matter, so it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor her well-being and the quality of the food she eats.

If the weight goes away quickly and abruptly (especially in the first and second trimester), you should immediately inform the doctor about this, as this can be a serious threat to the health and even the life of the baby.

Diet during pregnancy

Diets, strict nutrition systems and fasting days (especially the so-called “hungry days”) during the period of bearing a child are strictly prohibited even if the pregnant woman is overweight.

It is very important to ensure that the baby receives all the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, so the expectant mother should not starve - you just need to balance your diet accordingly, and if necessary, get expert advice.

Rates of weight gain and fetal growth

Increases in the height and weight of the child are no less important parameters than the body weight of the expectant mother. They begin to measure it from about the 8th week, since it is simply impossible to do this earlier.

The body weight and height of the baby increase unevenly - at first the fetus grows rapidly, and starting from the 14-15th week, the process slows down slightly. This is due to the fact that the main task of the child during this period is to develop new skills and abilities (blink, move his hands, etc.), and not gain weight and height. At the beginning of the third trimester, the baby's weight gain accelerates again, and by the date of birth, his body weight reaches from 2.5 to 3.5 kg.

The weight and height of a child are individual parameters and depend on many factors, primarily gender and genetic predisposition, but there are average figures that are considered to be the norm.

In addition, the ultrasound examination necessarily measures such indicators as:

  • BDP - biparietal head size (distance between the outer surface of the lower contour and the inner surface of the lower one);
  • DB - thigh length;
  • OC - ​​abdominal circumference;
  • DHA is the diameter of the chest.

These indicators should increase in proportion to the duration of pregnancy, and together with height and weight, they are very important parameters that can tell about the presence or absence of any pathologies.

Any delay or advance is a reason for consulting a doctor, but by no means a reason for panic, because every little man is an individual who may have his own characteristics.

One of the main thoughts that haunt girls long before pregnancy is the fear of gaining a lot of weight. This is partly correct, since many women after childbirth begin to have problems with being overweight. But you should not be afraid of this in advance, and even more so, it is impossible to postpone pregnancy on this occasion. If you lead an appropriate lifestyle, then the weight during pregnancy will not be excessive. Proper nutrition is the key to minimal weight gain for all nine months of pregnancy.

Normal weight during pregnancy

The fact that a woman will gain weight during pregnancy is a fact. The main point for the doctor is not the aesthetic side, but the timely detection of a pathological increase. Therefore, during each visit to the gynecologist, a woman stands on the scales and reports the result to the gynecologist.

It is important to know the exact numbers of weight gain, so you should not overeat before going to the doctor and wear too many clothes. You can measure the weight of the house, which will allow you to identify an excess increase in time.

Nutrition and weight

In order to control weight during pregnancy, you need to monitor nutrition and do not forget about physical activity. Of course, if there is a threat of interruption, then bed rest is necessary and there can be no talk of any fitness or swimming pool. But if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then you need to move as much as possible. Daily walks, morning exercises, physical education for pregnant women should be mandatory. Then the weight during pregnancy, the norm will be maintained for all nine months.

An important point is the nature of the diet, and the amount of food eaten. It should be remembered that the child will always take the elements he needs from the mother's blood. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve a balance so that there is enough nutrients, but there is no excess. Potatoes or pasta should not be excluded from the diet, but these foods can be limited. But vegetables and meat should be in the diet regularly and in sufficient quantities.

If a woman was overweight before pregnancy, then you should not start losing weight after she became pregnant. Also, you can not lose weight at the stage of pregnancy planning. Weight loss is a difficult process that affects many organs. This can negatively affect the development of the child. Thin girls should not overeat with the thought that it is for the benefit of the baby. Rapid weight gain is no less harmful than rapid weight loss. There should be a "golden mean" in everything.

These points are the answer to the question: how not to overweight during pregnancy? In most cases, if elementary rules are observed, weight gain can be controlled. Sometimes a genetic predisposition or a tendency to diseases take over, and then it becomes more difficult to monitor weight. But in any case, you should avoid overeating and too high-calorie foods. Then, even with bed rest, the weight of a pregnant woman will be within the normal range.

Most pregnant women look forward to the moment when they have. But along with this, expectant mothers are somewhat alarmed by the change in their own dimensions, because other parts of the body are rounded along with the stomach. And this does not please every woman.

Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. Any normal pregnancy should be accompanied by an increase. But she "has no right" to go beyond the established limits, which in each individual case may be different.

What does weight gain depend on?

So, if the pregnancy proceeds safely, then as it develops, the weight of the woman will inevitably increase. The amount of fluid in the body increases, the uterus, fetus and placenta grow, the breast prepares for feeding, and small fat reserves are deposited to provide the baby with everything necessary. Naturally, all these increases become noticeable even without weights. However, expectant mothers do not all get better in the same way.

The number of kilograms gained during pregnancy depends on many factors. First of all, from the initial weight. The more he did not reach the norm, the faster he would rise up. The process will go faster if you have a tendency to be overweight, but previously kept the weight off with moderate nutrition and physical activity. Tall women will also gain more than short ones.

If expected, then it is obvious that the placenta will be larger and heavier, and with it the total weight. The tendency to puffiness also affects this indicator: the more fluid is retained in the body, the further the arrow of the scale deviates.

It is noteworthy that the reduction in weight by early dates due to the strong, later it can cause its rapid increase: the body, as it were, catches up, trying to recover.

In addition, almost all expectant mothers have increased appetite at certain times, which is associated with an increase in estrogen levels. And if a woman is unable to control it, then overeating also leads to a set of extra, and in this case, unwanted kilograms.

Fluid retention in the tissues (due to which edema occurs) is also displayed with extra numbers on the scales. More illegal kilograms are formed at. Naturally, when the expectant mother will weigh more than if she was pregnant with one child.

We should not forget about age: over the years, the tendency to be overweight and gain extra pounds increases.

Increase rates

Being underweight or overweight during pregnancy can lead to various complications. So, too large increases may be accompanied by what is considered a violation. Excess weight becomes an obstacle during childbirth, complicating the birth of the baby. This is also a big load on the heart and musculoskeletal system of a woman, the risk of developing thrombophlebitis and the occurrence of various pains. And too small increases can be a sign of impaired fetal development.

It is not without reason that doctors monitor the weight of a pregnant woman throughout the entire period, and especially in the second half of pregnancy. To assess this indicator, conditional “corridors” have been created, into which the expectant mother should normally fit. Of course, these norms are averaged and can be adjusted depending on individual characteristics. But in general, they can be expressed in the following table:

Norms of weight gain during pregnancy

week of pregnancy


BMI in the table is a body mass index, which is calculated as follows:

BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)2.

For example, with a weight of 60 kg and a height of 160 cm, BMI \u003d 60 / 1.62² \u003d 23.44.

Different BMI indicators in the first, second and third columns are characteristic of thin, medium and large women, respectively.

As you can see, you should hardly gain weight: the increase is on average 1-2 kg. In the second trimester, every week the weight can be added by 250-300 g. Starting from the 30th week - 300-400 g per week or 50 g per day. There is also such a formula for calculating the allowed increase in the 3rd trimester: for every 10 cm of growth, you can add a maximum of 22 g per week.

However, the rate of weight gain is as individual as the gains themselves. Some women begin to round up from the first weeks, others increase dramatically in volume in the last months.

Most obstetricians agree that on average, you can gain 12-13 kg during pregnancy. If twins are expected, then the increase will be 16-21 kg.

Undoubtedly, it should be alerted if a woman has not gained a single gram in two weeks or the increase in a week was more than 500 g. You should also consult a doctor if the weight is growing unevenly.

Where do kilograms come from?

We found that "legitimate" weight gain over the entire pregnancy can average 13 kg. What do these "pregnant" kilograms consist of:

  • child - 3000-3500g;
  • uterus - 900-1000 g;
  • afterbirth - 400-500 g;
  • amniotic fluid - 900-1000 g;
  • increase in blood volume - 1200-1500 g;
  • additional liquid - 1500-2700;
  • breast enlargement - 500 g;
  • body fat - 3000-4000 g.

Total - 11400-14700

As you can see, food for two is not provided here. So this idea can be discarded immediately. However, for the development and bearing of a healthy child, reserves are needed that the mother's body draws from nutrition. The diet of pregnant women should indeed be a little more caloric than the rest, but not much - just plus 200 calories per day in the first half and plus 300 calories per day in the second half of pregnancy.

If the doctor came to the conclusion that the weight of the pregnant woman exceeds the permissible norm, you should first try to give up flour, sweet and animal fats. You should not drastically limit your diet, because weight fluctuations provoke fluctuations. Portions should be reduced gradually, but cereals and plant foods should not be abandoned. You need to eat often, but little by little. And monitor your fluid intake: 6-8 glasses a day without fail.

Every day it is advisable to weigh yourself for control, it is best to do this in the morning on an empty stomach and always in the same clothes to obtain the most reliable data.

Do not rush to get upset if your performance does not match the above standards, because everything is individual. Focus on your well-being and the advice of a doctor. Remember that after giving birth, you will gradually return to your previous forms if you put in a little effort. This process will go faster if you breastfeed your baby. But in the case of gaining excess weight during pregnancy, it will be more difficult to part with extra pounds.

Keep in mind that malnutrition during childbearing is much more dangerous than overeating. However, try to keep yourself within limits.

Especially for- Elena Kichak