
Dental implantation under general anesthesia. Dental implantation under anesthesia: local or general? How to insert a dental implant under anesthesia

Dental implantation under general anesthesia.  Dental implantation under anesthesia: local or general?  How to insert a dental implant under anesthesia

Anastasia Vorontsova

For the past 40 years, general anesthesia has been used in dental practice.

Initially, general anesthesia was performed only for very long surgical interventions, which involved severe pain. For other, less complex manipulations, local anesthesia was used, which was quite enough.

Many patients who have indications for implantation find it difficult to agree to it. Most often, the cause of fear is the presence of pain during the installation of implants.

Nowadays, thanks to the availability of powerful painkillers, dental implantation is becoming completely painless.

During the operation of implantation of implants, as a rule, it is used local anesthesia. Modern means for local anesthesia: Scandonest, Articaine (Ultracaine).

Dental implants under general anesthesiacarried out in exceptional cases.

Since the use of general anesthesia can have negative consequences, dentists try to use it only if there are serious indications for use. Such indications include one-stage installation a large number teeth.

Classic anesthesia is a complex and expensive procedure. In addition, it has a whole list of contraindications. Most clinics cannot use general anesthesia for surgery because they do not have a license to use it.

Used for anesthesia pharmacological preparations, including sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, opiates. The patient is in an unconscious state and is completely switched off from the treatment process. The last point is what makes general anesthesia so attractive.

Often, clinics meet those patients who are very afraid of pain and install implants under general anesthesia.

For anesthesia, they use: gaseous preparations - xenon, foran, sevoran, as well as intravenous.

When General Anesthesia Is Necessary

Dental prosthetics using general anesthesia will be relevant in preparing the jaws for surgery and during dental implantation.

The use of general anesthesia during operations is appropriate in the following cases:

  • For children under 3 years old.
  • For patients who cannot tolerate local anesthesia (due to allergies).
  • With excessive exacerbation of the gag reflex in the presence of dental instruments in the oral cavity.

General anesthesia, although associated with some risk, is quite safe when administered by a qualified specialist.

During the operation, the patient's condition is controlled not only by the doctor, but also by equipment specially designed for this.

Benefits of General Anesthesia

  • Complete absence of pain and nervous tension.
  • Drugs used during anesthesia reduce the amount of saliva produced, which improves the quality of the procedure.
  • Absence of paresthesia and pain after surgery.
  • The likelihood of developing an inflammatory process is reduced.
  • Less harmful than local anesthesia and safe enough.
  • Saving time and money. The condition of the patient under the influence of general anesthesia allows the installation of implants in large quantities.

Video: "Dental treatment under anesthesia"

What is sedation

Some clinics use the so-called "sedation" or "sedative anesthesia".

Sedation is a new generation of anesthesia. With the help of special preparations, the patient is introduced into a state of sleep, while consciousness is not turned off.

The patient, being in this state, does not feel pain, he has no fear and anxiety. At the same time, the patient retained all reflexes.

An interesting feature of sedation anesthesia is that most patients do not remember either the operation or its details.

Side effects with the use of such anesthesia are much less common than with the use of classical general anesthesia.

A good effect is observed when local anesthetics are combined with sedatives.

Benefits of sedation

Photo: Implantation of teeth in a dream
  • No recovery period. At the end of the procedure, the patient can immediately go home and lead a normal life.
  • The impact on the patient's consciousness is gentle.
  • Has no contraindications.
  • There are no side effects.
  • Easily excreted from the body.
  • Long-term action (from 3 to 12 hours).
  • The price is much lower than the cost of general anesthesia.
  • Indispensable in the treatment and implantation of teeth in children.

Sedation, as a modern form of anesthesia, is preferable if the patient has a choice.


Very often general anesthesia and anesthesia in the price list dental clinic present as a separate service.

In any case, when installing implants, anesthesia is indispensable.

Video: "Sedation - monitoring the patient's condition during treatment"

Dental implantation of the upper and mandible at the moment is one of the most popular dental procedures in Moscow. It is safe and not accompanied by pain, and thanks to the excellent result, you will forget about dental problems for a long time - changes in bite, unaesthetic dentition, discomfort while chewing food, and so on.

Dental implants- This is a rather complicated procedure, during which a new artificial tooth is installed on the patient. In order for the process to take place with maximum comfort and not be accompanied by painful sensations, dentistry in Moscow uses different types anesthesia. In addition, general anesthesia is used, but it is necessary that there are certain indications for this.

What is Dental Implantation under General Anesthesia?

Some time ago, operations during which dental implants were implanted were performed using local anesthesia. This helped relieve patients of pain, but did not solve all the problems that are associated with the emotional state. Today, general anesthesia is widely used for these tasks. Due to this, patients who need dental implantation do not have to experience fear and discomfort during the operation.

Our modern dentistry in Moscow involves the use of general anesthesia, usually in situations where four or more implants are required. But, if there are medical indications, the doctor can apply it, eliminating single defects in a row of teeth. At the same time, the medicines that are used for anesthesia have a minimal effect on the patient's health. In addition, when using them, there is no accumulation of substances that make up their composition in the body.

Types of simultaneous implantation

The procedure, which is called "immediate dental implantation", is a process in which the implant is implanted in the patient immediately after the extraction of the tooth.

In dentistry, there are several types of simultaneous dental prosthetics, depending on the method of implant installation:

· Basal. During the procedure, the implant is implanted into the bone tissue. The gum is not dissected. Fixation is carried out using a specific thread in the deep layers of the bone. The method is used if more than two teeth are to be installed. Two or three days later, a temporary crown is placed on the implant.

· Mini-implantation. After the gum puncture, four mini-implants are installed and abutment adapters are attached to them. After that, conditionally removable prostheses are fixed.

· Implantation with immediate loading. Fixation of a temporary prosthesis is carried out immediately after the installation of the implant. However, the chewing load on the teeth that have undergone the restoration procedure can be given only after a month. The method is used if you need to replace several scattered teeth.

· Classical one-stage implantation. The implant is fixed after tooth extraction. After 6 months, when it takes root, the abutment and prosthesis are fixed. The method is used when it is necessary to restore any number of teeth.

Benefits of dental implants under general anesthesia

One of the main advantages of implantation with the use of general anesthesia is that it becomes possible to create the most comfortable conditions for a person who has decided to treat his teeth with the help of an operation.

At the same time, the procedure makes it possible to simultaneously solve other problems that are associated with dental treatment. The advantages of this type of anesthesia also include a significant reduction in time costs, since the volume of therapeutic manipulations, which are designed for several weeks, can be done in one visit to the dentist.

Indications for dental implants under general anesthesia

Dental prosthetics using general anesthesia is used in the following situations:

the need to install a large number (more than 4) of teeth at a time;

The patient's age is less than three years;

allergy to local anesthetics;

a strong fear pain;

low "pain threshold";

The occurrence of a gag reflex during dental treatment.

Drugs used for general anesthesia

Many surgical interventions, including dental prosthetics, performed under general anesthesia, scare the possibility negative influence anesthesia on the body.

All modern anesthetic drugs that are used for local anesthesia are characterized by the fact that they are excreted from the body for about 12 hours. This means that if a nursing woman is undergoing such treatment, a delay in feeding will be required - milk should be expressed for 12 hours. For women during pregnancy, prosthetics under anesthesia is contraindicated.

General anesthesia is performed using anesthetics Diprivan, Aneksat, Dormicum and some other drugs: Xenon, Sevoran, Foran.

Only licensed clinics are allowed to use anesthesia.

A clinic that performs prosthetics of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws under anesthesia is obliged to comply with certain requirements of the Ministry of Health, namely:

· it is necessary that the clinic had an operating unit, as well as a ward in which the patient will temporarily stay.

The equipment of dentistry should include an anesthesia apparatus and resuscitation equipment;

An anesthesiologist must be on staff.

Mane Clinic - dentistry, which offers services such as extraction and implantation of teeth in Moscow, fully complies with these requirements. In addition, the prices for dental prosthetics under general anesthesia in our clinic are acceptable.

Stages of implantation:

1. Examination by a doctor oral cavity and referring the patient for x-rays.

2. Selection on the basis of the obtained data of the optimal method of prosthetics. If necessary, treatment of dental diseases is carried out before the procedure.

3. Full examination patient in order to identify possible contraindications to the use of general anesthesia.

4. If there are no contraindications, the selection of a suitable anesthetic by the anesthesiologist.

5. Implantation under anesthesia with the corresponding number of implants.

6. 3-6 months after the engraftment of implants, crowns are produced.

7. Installation of crowns on implants is carried out using special adapters - abutments.

Before performing prosthetics under general anesthesia, it is necessary to undergo examinations by specialists - a therapist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, cardiologist, as well as pass general tests.

The type of anesthetic and its dose is determined individually depending on the age and health of the patient, as well as the degree of complexity and duration of the upcoming prosthetic procedure.

Cost of dental implants under general anesthesia

For dental prosthetics under general anesthesia, the price will be higher than with local anesthesia by about 5-30 thousand, depending on the type of anesthetic.

Contact us, you can perform removal and implantation under anesthesia (Moscow) inexpensively.

Anesthesia in dentistry is not new. Usually carrying out standard surgical procedures preceded by local anesthesia, relieving the patient from pain and discomfort. Recently, specialists have begun to practice sedation and general anesthesia, which not only make painless surgical intervention in dentistry, but also solve the problem of the patient's psycho-emotional state.

The loss of one tooth, let alone several, for most people is far from just unpleasant news, but a shocking fact. Lost units of the dentition can be restored with the help of a bridge. But at the same time, ruthless turning awaits healthy neighboring teeth, which means that the patient may also lose them over time. The most profitable alternative to prosthetics with grinding today is implantation. This procedure is quite common and in demand, due to a number of advantages. The most important of them: during implantation there is no need for turning and after it the bone does not decrease in volume.

However, implantation, which is considered an operation, is not for everyone. Most are afraid of her because of pain and a lot of discomfort during surgical procedures. Indeed, the specialist makes an incision in the gum to open the bone. Then he forms a bed for the implant, inserts it into the jaw and sutures it. Of course, such a list of actions of the dentist cannot but cause a feeling of fear in the patient. But still you should not be afraid.

Types of anesthesia

At the surgical stage of implantation, specialists perform effective anesthesia using advanced anesthetics. If the implantation of one artificial root into the gum in the simplest case takes about 10 minutes (without tooth extraction and bone augmentation), then the replacement of several or all teeth with implants (with simultaneous bone grafting) lasts from an hour to 2 hours. Therefore, only a competent choice of anesthesia option and its safe use can make implantation painless.

According to the classification of specialists of the American Society of Anesthesiologists ASA, there are several options for anesthesia:

  • local;
  • anxiolysis or minimal sedation;
  • superficial or medium sedation - the patient is conscious;
  • oversedation or deep sedation - the patient is half asleep;
  • general or anesthesia.

The dentist uses the necessary option of anesthesia depending on the complexity of the clinical case and the psychological mood of the patient. For example, local anesthesia will be sufficient for the implantation of 1 to 4 artificial roots. Provided that there is no inflammation in the area of ​​the torn teeth and a sufficient amount of bone. But to make the patient more comfortable during the surgical procedure, along with local anesthesia, specialists additionally inject sedatives into the vein.

Benefits of intravenous sedation

Intravenous sedation is not only sedative. The patient often remembers only partially or even cannot remember anything about what is happening in the surgical room. Sedation allows the surgeon to communicate with the patient during the implantation process, while during anesthesia, the person’s consciousness is turned off completely. Therefore, do not confuse sedation with general anesthesia.

There is a category of patients who are terrified of all dental procedures. A visit to the office negatively affects psychological state such people. This problem is called dental phobia or stomatophobia. Sedation presents effective method soothe and relax dental patients. In Europe, it has been carried out for a long time, but in Russia they began to use it recently and, unfortunately, not all of them are specialists.

Implantation under anesthesia: pros, indications and contraindications for use general anesthesia

The more complex the operation to introduce artificial roots into the jaw, the more time it takes to carry it out and, accordingly, the stronger the anesthesia is used before it. The actions of the surgeon during the implantation process must be precise and it is more convenient for the doctor to perform them when the patient is motionless and absolutely calm. This condition can be provided by general anesthesia. In addition, under general anesthesia, a specialist can use special drugs that help reduce salivation, which is extremely important both for the operation and for the condition of the implant itself. Implantation under general anesthesia significantly reduces the duration of the entire treatment. The fact is that the procedure, designed for several weeks, under general anesthesia can be performed in one visit to a specialist. After all, such anesthesia persists for a long time, and the doctor manages to install more implants in one surgical intervention.

Anesthesia during implantation is prescribed for patients who are allergic to local anesthesia, as well as for those who cannot treat distant teeth due to a strong gag reflex. The category of patients who are indicated for general anesthesia for dental prosthetics on implants includes people suffering from mental illness and nervous disorders, including schizophrenia, epilepsy, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, etc., serious disorders in the immune system, and also, if the patient plan to transplant a bone block from the ilium or parietal bone.

Many patients are afraid of general anesthesia, believing that it is harmful to health. However, medicine is evolving and the drugs used for general anesthesia are constantly being improved. Effective anesthetics are used in minimal quantities and they are excreted from the body quickly. Anesthesiologists argue that anesthesia can be given to all examined and prepared patients. Dental implantation under anesthesia was performed for diabetics, as well as for hypertensive patients and people with ischemic disease hearts. The result of the operation depends on the competent preparation of the patient and, most importantly, that it is performed in conditions that are safe for life.

General anesthesia during implantation is allowed to be carried out in clinics with a license for this type of anesthesia. At the request of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, such institutions are equipped with an operating unit and a separate room for the temporary stay of patients. The clinic should have an anesthesia machine and resuscitation equipment, and the dental staff should be staffed by an anesthesiologist. Each specialist does his job. The resuscitator is responsible for anesthesia, the implantologist - for the operation. The implant surgeon performs an already difficult task and cannot think about how anesthesia is performed. If a specialist is distracted by such thoughts, then this may affect the result of implantation.

For general anesthesia during implantation, both gaseous preparations and liquid preparations for injection into a vein are used. Anesthetics are chosen exclusively by a specialist, taking into account all contraindications, general health, as well as the volume of future procedures during implantation. For general anesthesia, xenon, foran, sevoran can be used as anesthetics.

Anastasia Vorontsova

Anesthesia for dental implants is one of the important aspects of the healing process.

High-quality anesthesia is the key to physical and psychological comfort during any surgical intervention.

To date, there are several methods of pain relief that allow you to save the patient from pain and reduce discomfort during the treatment process.

With the help of the attending physician, you can choose the most appropriate method of anesthesia so as not to feel discomfort throughout the entire period of implant installation. The success of the operation depends not only on the professional skills of the implantologist, the quality of implants and equipment.

No less important is the psychological mood of the patient, especially the lack of fear of the operation.

Modern medicine adheres to the rule: anesthesia during surgery should always be reasonable and adequate.

  • The adequacy of anesthesia means the removal of pain to the required minimum.
  • Validity means right choice method of anesthesia depending on the specific case. In this case, the doctor uses the main principle: "do no harm." The question arises: what can harm? The point is that strong pain cause great harm to the body. But pain relief measures can also be harmful. The more serious the surgery, the more dangerous the complications can be.


Anesthesiaduring implantation can be carried out in one of the following ways:

  • General anesthesia.
  • Local anesthesia.
  • Combined anesthesia.

Local anesthesia

It is the most popular method of pain relief during dental implant surgery.

When using local anesthesia, only the area where the manipulations are performed is subjected to anesthesia, while the patient is conscious.

Types of local anesthesia:

  • Surface or application. The area to be exposed surgical intervention sprayed with lidocaine. The good news is that there is no syringe. The disadvantage of this method is superficial anesthesia.
  • Infiltration ("freeze") - is not deep enough, but one of the most common. It is carried out with the help of an anesthetic injection. Positive aspects - good tolerance and sufficient analgesic effect. Minus - the effect of anesthesia lasts no more than an hour.
  • Conduction anesthesia is ideal for operations performed on bone tissue. Pain medications are injected into the nerves surrounding the base of the teeth. This type of anesthesia allows, for example, to turn off the sensitivity of a certain part of the jaw.
  • Stem anesthesia is the strongest. It is introduced into the base of the skull, acting on the trigeminal nerves, blocking the jaw nerve endings.

Local anesthesia has only one serious contraindication to use: individual intolerance to the anesthetic.

But if allergy to novocaine is quite common, then to modern anesthetics it is extremely rare.

Pros and cons of local anesthesia


  • No pain during the implant placement procedure.


  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • Exposure time limit.

General anesthesia

  • Despite the fact that this type of anesthesia has moved to a new level, implantation of teeth under anesthesia is still not recommended.
  • The risk of dental treatment under general anesthesia far outweighs the risk of implantation itself.
  • When using general anesthesia during the operation, during the entire period of its impact, the constant presence of a competent anesthesiologist is necessary next to the patient.

Implantation under general anesthesia is indicated in cases where it is not possible to perform it under local anesthesia.

The essence of general anesthesia is the introduction of anesthetics into the body, due to which the person is immersed in a deep sleep.

During this time, the doctor installs implants completely painlessly for the patient.

Combined anesthesia

  • It is an intermediate option and involves the use of any method of anesthesia with the simultaneous use of sedatives.
  • Due to this effect on the body, the patient is conscious, but does not feel pain at all and is absolutely calm.

The combination of local anesthetics becomes an excellent alternative to general anesthesia if there are contraindications to it.

Indications and contraindications

In what cases are implants implanted under anesthesia:

  • In the presence of allergic reactions to local anesthetics.
  • If the patient has a low pain threshold. When local anesthesia does not give the desired effect.
  • With an increased gag reflex for the presence of dental instruments in the oral cavity.
  • If there is a history hypertension and cordially vascular pathology with a simultaneous combination of increased fear and anxiety before the operation.


Before the operation, the anesthesiologist finds out from the patient various nuances of his state of health and the list of medications taken.

Installing implants under general anesthesia is contraindicated:

  • If the patient has a history of severe pathology of the kidneys and liver.
  • In the case of a myocardial infarction that took place less than six months ago.
  • The presence of heart failure and heart disease.
  • After transferred infectious diseases.
  • Violation of cerebral circulation.
  • After a stroke.
  • With exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
  • During acute illness respiratory organs.
  • In the presence of diabetes And serious illnesses endocrine system.
  • While taking some medicines such as hormones.
  • With a "full stomach". Eating should be at least six hours, and fluids - four, before the introduction of anesthesia.
  • While the patient is intoxicated.

Video: "Sedation - dental treatment in a dream"

Side effect

The use of general anesthesia for dental implantation is quite rare, due to the presence of possible side effects:

  • Palpitation.
  • fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Complete or partial loss of memory.
  • Laryngospasm.
  • Psychomotor agitation upon recovery from anesthesia.
  • Hiccup.
  • Bronchospasm.
  • Vomiting during awakening.
  • Increased motor activity.
  • Violation of the respiratory rhythm.
  • Convulsive muscle twitches.
  • Respiratory depression.


  • Allows painless installation of a large number of implants.
  • Promotes compliance with hygiene requirements during surgery (drugs that reduce salivation are used).
  • The likelihood of complications after implantation is minimized.
  • The doctor can fully focus on the operation and not be distracted by the patient's emotions.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.


  • It has many contraindications.
  • It has a negative effect on the body, its consequences are unpredictable.
  • Has a side effect.

Anesthesia for implantation

To carry out the implantation of the implant, local anesthesia is sufficient. If a deeper effect is needed, then sedation can be used.

  • Sedation is a new generation of anesthesia.
  • Classical anesthesia completely turns off the patient's consciousness.
  • Sedative drugs act a little softer: they are able to immerse the patient in a state close to sleep.
  • The duration of sedation is from two to ten hours.
  • The patient is able to maintain contact with the dentist during the operation, but at the same time he has an absence of such emotions as pain, fear, anxiety.
  • At the end of the operation, the patient can go home on his own.

This feature of anesthesia is very important for patients. An important point is also the absence of contraindications to this method of anesthesia.

But, it should be borne in mind that sedation, as well as any other type of anesthesia, is used strictly according to indications.

Video: "Anesthesia for dental implants"

In some cases, dental implants are performed under general anesthesia. We will provide a description of the entire process, its advantages and contraindications, and also tell you who and in what cases is given just such a complete anesthesia.

Most often, local anesthesia is sufficient for implantation of the implant. But many patients have a strong fear of this procedure. Therefore, doctors decide not to expose them to unnecessary unpleasant sensations and make the operation as easy as possible.


The very first manipulations to implant an artificial titanium rod instead of a natural lost tooth root began to be carried out back in the 60s of the last century. The physician who made such a breakthrough in medicine was Ingvar Brånemark. It was he who figured out how to make this procedure and all the details for the full restoration of the functional unit.

Implantation reached its peak by the 80s and is still popular among doctors and patients, as it helps prevent the loss of alveolar tissue, changes in the shape of the face due to tooth loss, and also normalizes diction and the process of chewing food.

For these purposes, a medical titanium alloy is used. The rod is usually made in the form of a natural root, cylindrical or conical, which helps to facilitate easier and faster implantation.

The whole design of an artificial tooth consists of the following main elements:

  • the rod itself, which resembles the root as much as possible and is responsible for the reliable fixation of the product in soft tissues the patient;
  • - a kind of adapter that fastens the upper and lower elements together;
  • crowns - similar to the visible part of the tooth in its shape, color and strength, can be made of different materials (metal, ceramics, zirconium, etc.).

Over time, from strong and constant loads, the two outer parts of the product may fail and must be periodically replaced. How long they last depends on the materials chosen and careful use. But the rod itself is installed once and for all. Only in cases of rejection will it need to be removed.

Since such a complex procedure requires a deep incision in the soft tissues and access to the bone, anesthesia is required during implantation. What it will be - the doctor decides together with the patient, but it is needed in any case.

So, in general terms, the installation of an implant goes through the following stages:

  1. Preparation for the procedure, selection of all elements of the future product.
  2. Anesthetize the patient so that the process goes without any discomfort.
  3. Make a soft tissue incision in the right place.
  4. A hole is drilled in the bone using special tools and of a size that will correspond to the size of the implanted pin.
  5. An artificial root is fixed and closed with a plug.
  6. The cut tissue is sutured.
  7. After 2-3 weeks, the patient's stitches are removed, but in order to fully take root, the rod is usually given up to 2-4 months. During this period, it will become clear whether osseointegration has occurred and the upper structural element is created in natural sizes, shape and shade.
  8. The plug is removed and put in its place, which will prepare the basis for the future artificial tooth.
  9. Two weeks later, an abutment and a crown are installed, which can fully function and replace the lost unit.

Is anesthesia required?

It is extremely necessary to anesthetize the operated gum area in any way, otherwise the patient will not withstand the intervention. And yet, in dentistry there are many options from which you can choose under which anesthesia the implantation is performed.

Most often they choose the local one, as it is cheaper and easier. But in some cases, full anesthesia is required. It is not always recommended, especially since not every private dentistry has the right to carry it out. This requires a special license. Also, the doctor must take into account all the indications and contraindications when choosing the administered medication.

For the patient, the attractiveness of general anesthesia can be very high, because he will sleep through the entire procedure and not feel anything. But you need to understand that such an effect on the body does not pass without a trace, and it will take longer to recover from it.

What examinations are needed?

In addition to the fact that the patient is referred for a series of tests and consultations with other specialists before implantation, this is also required for choosing the right anesthesia.

So, if the patient suffers from diabetes, then they additionally donate blood to the level of sugar. In case of diseases of the circulatory system, consultation with a cardiologist and ECG indicators or echocardiography. Allergic tests or appropriate tests should always be performed to establish which drugs the patient may have an adverse reaction to.

The following analyzes remain universal:

  • blood;
  • on clotting and sugar levels;
  • urine;
  • to establish some infectious diseases - hepatitis, syphilis, HIV;
  • cholesterol;
  • bilirubin;
  • ASAT;
  • phosphase is alkaline.

Sometimes women are advised to take additional tests based on performance indicators. thyroid gland. X-rays and CT scans are mandatory during implantation, since only with their help can you determine the size of the alveolar ridge, the nuances internal structure bone and the exact area of ​​implantation of the rod.

Indications and contraindications

In most cases, local anesthesia is performed, but in some situations, general anesthesia will be more acceptable:

  • found an allergic reaction to other drugs;
  • local anesthesia does not work;
  • in a patient with any dental intervention appears;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe anxiety and low pain threshold;
  • psychological problems;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • it also appears to be the best intervention for children under three years of age;
  • with simultaneous implantation of more than five implants;
  • if a bone block is transplanted from the parietal or iliac region.

Sometimes, on the contrary, general anesthesia is categorically contraindicated and you need to look for other methods of anesthesia:

  • kidney or liver disease;
  • after a recent myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • cases of heart failure;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • some disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • reception of certain types hormonal drugs what the doctor needs to be informed about;
  • alcohol consumption.
You should also remember the medical recommendations before the operation and general anesthesia: you can not eat anything 6 hours before the procedure, and also drink liquid 4 hours before.

Advantages and disadvantages

Doctors distinguish the following advantages of general anesthesia during dental implantation:

  • it is indispensable in some cases (for example, when a large number of implants are implanted);
  • helps the surgeon to perform all the necessary manipulations, as it significantly reduces the patient's salivation;
  • the doctor does not need to be distracted by calming the patient;
  • the person does not experience any discomfort;
  • the feeling of fear and worries is completely eliminated;
  • the postoperative period also passes easier, without paresthesia and pain;
  • reduces the risk of any inflammatory reactions;
  • safer for the health of the patient.

But this type of anesthesia has its drawbacks:

  • everything must be taken into account existing contraindications, which are much more than with local anesthesia;
  • if it is performed using a special tube through the larynx, then this may interfere with the doctor's work;
  • after the end of the action of anesthesia, the patient comes to his senses for a long period;
  • a significant increase in the cost of the entire procedure, as general anesthesia is much more expensive than any other option.

Types of anesthesia

Now consider what are the methods of anesthesia during implantation:

  1. Local - can only be carried out if the operated area is not inflamed and has enough volume to make an injection. In this case, numbness occurs only in a specific area and for a short time.
  2. - involves intravenous administration of a sedative to maximize patient relaxation. He does not feel pain, but is conscious.
  3. General anesthesia - performed with the help of intravenous injection or an inert gas, which must be selected with great care in the correct dosages.
  4. Combined - complex anesthesia, in which sedative drugs and a local type of anesthesia are simultaneously administered. It has the most advantages and advantages over other options.

Among local preparations For anesthesia, there are also varieties:

  • superficial - the operated area is sprayed with lidocaine;
  • infiltration - a light anesthetic is injected, popularly called "freeze", but the duration of its action is not longer than an hour;
  • conductive - the main effect occurs on the nerve endings that cover a certain area;
  • stem - injected into the base of the skull to reduce sensitivity trigeminal nerve responsible for jaw response.

Among the most common and used in the implantation of drugs for general anesthesia are:

  • Sevoran is the safest, with a pleasant smell, fast-acting. The patient falls asleep after the first breath and also wakes up easily at the end of the procedure. It is also used in pediatric dentistry, as it is considered hypoallergenic.
  • Foran is much cheaper than the previous one, but it is rarely chosen due to certain shortcomings. Its action is limited to 90 minutes, has bad smell and many contraindications.
  • Xenon - is supplied as a tasteless inert gas, colorless and odorless. Does not contain toxins, is considered harmless and is used even for children. Due to the rapid elimination from the body, the patient recovers in a short period.

Features of general anesthesia during dental implantation

You need to understand that several doctors take part in the operation process, since each has his own area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. So, the anesthesiologist switches all attention to the patient, his condition and calculates the dosage and duration of the selected drug as correctly as possible. The surgeon-implantologist deals mostly directly with the operation itself, the implantation of the rod and suturing.

Most often, when performing implantation, a local type of anesthesia or sedation is chosen. And only in the most extreme cases, they decide on general anesthesia. This is necessary in certain situations when other types of anesthesia do not work or there are other indications for this.

Side effects

Precisely because of adverse reactions doctors use drugs for general anesthesia with caution during implantation:

  • pressure drops;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • for some time the patient loses memory;
  • there are risks of bronchospasm or laryngospasm;
  • increased emotional arousal at the end of the drug;
  • sometimes there are bouts of nausea and even vomiting;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • prolonged hiccups;
  • frequent shortness of breath.

Video: implantation under anesthesia.


Depending on the clinic itself, its pricing policy, as well as the selected drugs, the amount for the operation will be completely different. So, the average cost for general anesthesia can be in the range of 12-15 thousand rubles. This is if the operation is carried out no longer than an hour. With further continuation, each injection increases the cost of anesthesia by 3000 for 20 minutes.

To make it clear the difference between general and local anesthesia, we will indicate the average cost for other types of anesthesia. So, infiltration is estimated at 500-3000 rubles, conduction anesthesia will cost up to 4000, and the applicator one will be the cheapest and does not cost more than 1500 rubles.