
The most effective methods on how to cheer up if you want to sleep. Effective ways to cheer up in the morning How to cheer up for the whole day

The most effective methods on how to cheer up if you want to sleep.  Effective ways to cheer up in the morning How to cheer up for the whole day

Good afternoon
Today I want to cheer you up in the morning 🙂

Most people feel overwhelmed and lethargic when they get out of bed early in the morning. How to breathe life into yourself without drinking liters of coffee. Well, this drink is far from the only opportunity to come to your senses in the early morning.

First of all, you should wash your face with cold water. Believe me, this method will help not only to refresh, but also to realize who you are and where you are. Cold water accelerates the blood, promotes skin rejuvenation.
For example, I live in a house built in 1947 and there is no hot water in it initially, it is not provided. I remember how my sister and I got up in the morning to go to school reluctantly - but we had to wash ourselves with very cold water, it helps. Until now, this habit has remained, although there is already a baller, as they say, Newest technologies. It is very, very invigorating and maintains skin tone, maybe we should thank our house for such conditions, hehe ... And I also advise you to pour cold water on your neck and chest, it also raises the tone 🙂

After the initial marafet, you need to get on the exercises. Literally 10 minutes simple exercises will recharge you with energy for the whole working day. Stretch up towards the sun, do a few bends and head back to the bathroom. I usually give thanks along with the physical movements and tilts for the new day. it also increases the frequency of vibrations and mood!

Cold and hot shower It's one of the best things ever invented by mankind. The alternation of cold and hot water will not only bring you to your senses, but also help to isolate the body from colds. The procedure should be finished with a towel. I feel that not everyone decides on this, but it’s worth a try, tremendous energy is added, good pumping ...

That's right, because this dish is a source of vitamins. You can have coffee, you can have tea, or you can also freshly squeezed orange juice, which perfectly invigorates the body. Vitamin C, which is present in large quantities in this drink, will give you a great mood. Such a proper breakfast will provide you with a boost of energy until the evening. And you don't need any caffeine.

If your every awakening is constantly accompanied by such actions, then over time you will no longer feel overwhelmed in the morning. Start your new day right. And I want you to do it today!

    I think that the best way to cheer up is, of course, a shower, and a well-cooked one, if the day is certainly not cloudy, you can always cheer up, especially on a day off or a holiday! And if you need to cheer up, you can listen to good music to tone the nervous system))

    The best way to cheer up is to get up, stretch, do a mini warm-up (gymnastics), turn on invigorating music, for example, I turn on my favorite group, there are a lot of songs that invigorate, I listen to a couple of pieces, then exercise for 15 minutes, after which a cup of strong and sweet tea , or cool juice and fix it all with a shower. This is how it turns out to cheer up perfectly, an energy boost for the whole day is guaranteed. Well, if this did not help, then you need to get up a little earlier than usual and go for a run, 15-20 minutes will be enough.

    The most correct way is, of course, prayer. We must raise our eyes, first of all, our inner eyes, our inner gaze, to our Lord in immeasurable Love for Him, then the whole world will be painted with Love!

    A cool shower and a cup of strong water helps me to cheer up in the morning. Plus great music to which I'm going to work or study. Especially favorite music helps to cheer up after 5-6 hours of sleep.

    How to quickly cheer up in the morning for the whole day:

    1) Take a shower.

    2) Drink coffee or warm tea.

    3) Cheer yourself up.

    All these tips are good, but I know from my own experience that sometimes I simply don’t have the strength to open my eyes and stand up. First, turn on a night light nearby, and then be sure to turn on a bright light - this wakes up our receptors. At the same time, I also turn on the TV - the news immediately turns the brain on. Or you can have pleasant cheerful music to do exercises under it. Do 20 sharp calf raises (this gets our circulation going), boxing, swinging and arm circles for 10 minutes and you're up and running.

    I am hypotonic and get up especially badly in the mornings in winter when there is no sun. Therefore, in emergency cases, it helps me to take tincture of lemongrass or eleutherococcus 30 drops 30 minutes before meals. They are sold in a pharmacy and are cheap (25ml about 30 rubles).

    Then take a contrast shower, it is he who is most useful. And at the end - freshly brewed coffee (preferably in a Turk). Its pleasant aroma already activates the brain. To him a sandwich with cheese and a plate of oatmeal. Everything, you are ready to go :-)

    Most effective remedy of all - coffee. A cup of coffee will give energy and make a person feel like a person at 6-7 in the morning. It's true that not everyone likes coffee. And tea does not have such an effect. In this case, a delicious breakfast will solve all your problems. Cook yourself scrambled eggs with sausage or make sandwiches. Walking the most invigorating effect will have a plate of delicious and warm soup. Eating soup in the morning is quite unusual. But be positive and warm. You can also have a snack with something sweet, such as a piece of pie. So no energy drinks, let alone pills, will have a positive effect on your morning state. They may wake you up, but nothing more.

    PS: do not abuse cold showers.) It also has a temporary effect.

    The coolest way is SEX))))))))))

    We all feel like vegetables in the morning! But the point is that we do not live according to cosmic time! Now they canceled the transition to winter time - and we need to get up an hour earlier than expected. But, a long time ago, in the year 1917 (if I don’t confuse anything, maybe a little later), there was another clock change. Therefore, we have to get up not an hour earlier, but two. This is a huge burden for the body and therefore most of us consider ourselves owls - in the evening you still don’t want to sleep, and you can’t get up in the morning.

    The only way out is to go to bed early in the evening, because if a person has slept a full eight hours, then it will be easier for him to wake up.

    Instead of an alarm clock, set a timer on the radio! Music, of course, invigorates, but even better it invigorates someone's cheerful and absolutely not sleepy voice nearby, and even seasoned with good humor! It's easier to wake up laughing.

    Coffee helps to wake up, but the effect is again for an hour. In order to have enough energy until lunch, you need to add some whole grains to coffee, such as zleb and whole grains, or muesli.

    There are acupuncture points that help wake up - rub with your fingers auricles rub your palms together.

    Well, wake up! almost ... And figs with him - I’ll go on to sleep, then I’ll say that the alarm clock is broken))

    I don’t know any special recipes - I’m from the category of crazy birds - I go to bed late and get up early (and not a lark or an owl). I have been living in this rhythm for several years now, I sleep only on Sundays and on major holidays, and then I sleep until 9 am - maximum. But waking up in the morning is hard. What do I do to quickly return to a normal adequate state? When I wake up, I don’t immediately jump up: I stretch in bed, stretch all my muscles, then I immediately go to wash my face with cool water - half of my sleep immediately flies off, I look in the mirror, if I like the image in the mirror - I smile to myself, if the view is not very good - I make a grimace, in principle the body woke up. Then to the kitchen, turn on the radio, make coffee. And here is the first sip of a fragrant drink - wow ... the brain wakes up, then the second ... the third .... - thoughts appear, plans for the day: the head woke up, it was no longer a vegetable. After 20 minutes I do exercises (I have my own proven set of exercises) - it takes 15 minutes for it. Now you can go and conquer this vain world.

    A contrast shower will help you, any exercise (it is important to do it with increasing activity and, if possible, on all members / muscle groups), juice (cold natural if possible), coffee, coffee ...

    Very effectively leads to a state of cheerfulness in the morning walking the dog, which can be combined with jogging and warming up in the fresh air. That is, the bottom line is this - get a large dog - and if you like it or not, but in the morning, running early in the morning for walking a four-legged pet is very invigorating (according to my own many years of experience)

    Morning sex helps some to wake up and feel like a person (everything is individual here, not everyone rolls)

    The cubs also bring to life: they need to be awakened, washed, collected and escorted to the kindergarten-school, and if you also braid the little Rapunzel, then the awakening is ensured (also from my own repeated experience)

    Enough to do in the morning just three steps that will uplift you, cheer you up, refresh you. Plus, you'll feel great all day long.

    1. Program the music center (DVD) or any other player to turn on at a certain time. Let upbeat, upbeat music wake you up instead of an alarm clock.
    2. Complete some easy yoga exercises. You can find them on the Internet and choose 6-8 for yourself, which will be easy for you to complete. These exercises will help you find the balance of mind and body for the whole day.
    3. Accept cold and hot shower, then smile to yourself in the mirror and say good morning.

    A charge of vivacity for the whole day is guaranteed!

    Exercise, a cool shower, a glass of fresh juice with a delicious breakfast and a kiss from a loved one is the best way to cheer up and get in a great mood for the whole day.

    Plus, you need to go to bed earlier. Healthy daily sleep Have a good mood for life.

    When you wake up, do a tightening of all the muscles, just stretch. Then go to the closet. The next step is to do exercises. Then you can drink coffee or tea, whatever you want. When you drink a drink, think about something good and then hit the road.

Mornings don't always start with coffee. There are many alternative ways cheer up in the morning.


If you like the taste of coffee, then chicory is the most worthy replacement for this drink. Chicory drinks are considered healthy, they contain inulin, which helps the digestive system and improve metabolism. There is no caffeine in chicory, and the invigorating effect is achieved due to the large amount of vitamin B.

Green tea and dark chocolate

Each of these products is invigorating on its own, but together green tea and dark chocolate provide a powerful energy effect. Green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, but it contains the natural antioxidants kakhetins, which give a strong energy boost. Dark chocolate is also a source of energy and contains flavonoids (antioxidants).


Cocoa is not only delicious drink comes from childhood. Cocoa powder contains many beneficial substances such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and potassium. And caffeine is only 5 mg. Cocoa also contains the same natural antioxidants as green tea.

ginger drink

A drink made from fresh ginger not only invigorates, it is also an excellent remedy for colds. It contains vitamins C, B1, B2, as well as essential oils and amino acids. A drink made from fresh ginger, honey and lemon gives a strong tonic effect and improves blood circulation in the body.

Masala tea

Masala is the name of an Indian spice blend that includes cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, fennel seeds, black pepper, and cloves. Milk tea prepared with the addition of these spices has a strong warming and energizing effect. In addition, masala tea stimulates cardiovascular activity and improves digestion.

citrus juice

If you want a refreshing and invigorating effect, freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice is the best option. Citrus juice contains iron, a large number of vitamin C and antioxidants. But if you decide to replace your morning coffee with juice, then you need to remember two things: only freshly squeezed juice will do; if you have a tendency to gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines, then drinking citrus juice on an empty stomach is strongly discouraged due to high acidity.

carob drink

Carob drink is made from carob pods. Carob fruits are very sweet, they are used as a substitute for cocoa powder and sugar. But the main thing is that carob contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, B2, D, and this is not counting protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. Carob drink has an invigorating effect and is much healthier than coffee.

lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea has a strong invigorating and disinfecting effect. Lemon-herbal taste is ideally combined with berry syrups and honey taste. The fruits of lemongrass contain schizandrin, the seeds contain vitamin E, and decoctions of dried lemongrass can not only have an invigorating effect, but also successfully fight some types of depression.

Chewing gum with sage

Professor Peter Rogers from the University of Bristol conducted an experiment during which it turned out that coffee is far from the most powerful energy drink. Of all the substances tested, sage gave the most powerful tonic effect. Sage, among other things, contains a cholinesterase inhibitor (an enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetycholine), which helps focus.


Nuts are not a stimulant in the truest sense of the word, but they have a very high energy value. A small handful of nuts for breakfast will energize you for the whole day. Almost all nuts contain a large amount of nutrients and proteins - they contain B vitamins, phosphorus and iodine.

boiled eggs

Eggs are almost a unique product. This is a great source of protein that will help you stay awake throughout the day. In addition, eggs are low in calories, they are allowed to be eaten in almost all diets. But overdoing it with eggs is still not worth it - they contain cholesterol, which can negate all the positive effect.


One of the foods that will help you wake up in the morning is a banana. They are full of useful substances and vitamins, besides they are an excellent source of carbohydrates. A banana for breakfast will give you a boost of energy, but don't go overboard with the quantity. Bananas are high in calories, and love for them can affect your figure.

Take a contrast shower in the morning, it will wash away drowsiness and help you cheer up. In addition, a contrast shower is an excellent way to prevent varicose veins and many other diseases. It will help you improve your immunity and give you strength for the whole day.


deep breathing and morning exercises are a worthy substitute for a cup of tea or coffee. 10-15 minutes of active bending and squats will cheer you up. No less useful is "jumping" gymnastics. 10 minutes of jumping a day helps to eliminate toxins, improve posture and increase the level of endorphin in the blood. Not to mention that morning exercises are useful in and of themselves. It helps improve blood circulation.


If you do not have the opportunity to drink something invigorating in the morning, and there is no time for a full charge, massage will help you. Rub your earlobes, neck, rub your temples - a small set of exercises will disperse the blood and help you cheer up.

Winter or spring, cold weather, temperature fluctuations, beriberi… On such days, even getting up early in the morning becomes torture for some people. And if in the summer the usual early awakening is not difficult and even brings pleasure, then the off-season burdens those of us who are always full of energy, get enough sleep, avoid stress and therefore are used to meeting each new day with joy.

And what then to say about those people who do not lead a completely correct lifestyle, stay late at work, sit at the computer or are very busy with household chores? How to cheer them up? After all, everyone wants to be energetic all day, but few people succeed.

As a rule, by the end of a busy work, school or just eventful day, the feeling of being overwhelmed does not allow you to finish what was planned, and you just fall down from fatigue. I do not want to do anything, my thoughts stop. And at such moments it is useless to say to yourself: “Hey, cheer up, do not sleep!”.

How to be energetic throughout the day?

Probably, no one will argue with the fact that a cheerful morning is the key to a successful day. And to get your body in shape quickly, there are many simple and even enjoyable ways to get yourself energetic as soon as you wake up and get ready to go to work, study or plan to do other things. Here are some of the most basic and effective tricks that will help you cheer up right in the morning.

  1. Train yourself to get up two to three minutes after the alarm goes off.
  2. First of all, go out onto the balcony, and if the weather does not allow this, then be sure to open the window and take a deep breath of the morning air, stretch and smile at the new day.
  3. Turn on the music and do a two-minute warm-up, after which you can drink a glass of water at room temperature. If you like, then put some honey there.
  4. To cheer up perfectly in the morning, do not be too lazy to take a contrast shower.
  5. Don't skip breakfast. You can eat porridge, an apple and drink green tea. Those who cannot imagine their life without a morning cup of coffee should not spoil their mood and fight their favorite habit. But do not drink this drink on an empty stomach, but only after breakfast.
  6. When you get dressed, you can immediately think about what you will wear to work tomorrow.
  7. Freshen your breath with mint candy.
  8. Before leaving the apartment in the morning, smile at your reflection in the mirror and tell yourself how wonderful today will be.
  9. Plan your morning so as not to be nervous, afraid to be late.
  10. On the way to work, think about the pleasant, and drive the negative thoughts away.

Breakfast is a must

I would like to pay special attention to method number 5, which refers to the obligatory meal in the morning. Phrase about what breakfast provides human body energy for the whole day is not new, and those of us who eat breakfast often do not even think about its meaning, since it has long become a good habit for them. But people who neglect this obligatory morning ritual are probably familiar with the feeling of sharp fatigue that suddenly rolls in an hour and a half before dinner.

This is due to the fact that in the morning you did not forget to protect yourself outwardly with clothes, but about internal organs weren't taken care of at all. And your poor body remained hungry and exhausted. And how it will affect further, it is superfluous to say. You can barely wait for dinner, feeling sleepy or, conversely, being in a state of increased excitability. Swallow a lot of extra food and, quite naturally, want to take a nap.

So it turns out that without having breakfast in the morning, you waste your energy in vain, because in the first half of the day you struggle with hunger, and in the second - with the desire to sleep. This reduces the productivity of your work, increases irritation and a sense of dissatisfaction with yourself.

The solution to the problem is the right breakfast. You need to start the day with a glass of orange juice, it awakens all your organs. If you drink freshly squeezed juice, then it must be diluted with water: for 1 glass of juice, approximately 30% of water. Mandatory rich in saturated fats cereals. The right fats ensure good heart function and reduce the risk of cancer.

Another plus - you can forget about depression and enjoy optimism! You can split your meal if you are not used to having breakfast in the morning. Drink the juice first, and eat something more substantial a little later.

If such a breakfast does not help you find vivacity for the whole day, we recommend that you pay attention to your sleep. And maybe it's time for you to go on vacation?

How to improve your tone at work?

Small cramped offices, oversaturated with office equipment, artificial lighting, poor ventilation - all this leads to a decrease in efficiency and makes you want to sleep, especially in the afternoon part of the working day. This situation is probably familiar to most working women. Yes, and sometimes it is difficult for female students to spend the whole day at lectures and keep cheerfulness until the very evening, when there is also a romantic date or gatherings with friends in a cafe.

And how to cheer up a smart woman in these cases? When there is no way to go home and sleep, but is sleepy “pecking” with your nose fraught with trouble? Do not despair, because a similar problem has existed for a very long time, and people have come up with very effective ways cheer up, so to speak, on the job.

  1. To drive away the overwhelming drowsiness, drink a cup of strong coffee. But - attention! Not an instant drink, but a natural freshly brewed one. After all, only such coffee will have the necessary tonic effect. Strong black tea can serve as an alternative to it. Or green with the addition of tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus. In no case do not increase the tone with the help of energy drinks popular among today's youth. This is very unhealthy, because the effect of them is short-lived, but the consequences of the use can be treated for many years.
  2. To disperse sleep will also help such simple ways as combing your hair, massaging your neck, earlobes and outside parties forearms, even a children's hand warm-up. These activities are effective for the simple reason that they keep you moving in one way or another.
  3. If possible, walk for a few minutes in the fresh air or even just down the hallway. On the street or with an open window in the office, take a few deep breaths and exhale - this way you saturate the blood with oxygen and make it run faster through the veins.
  4. A great way to cheer up is to eat a couple of pieces of dark chocolate. This well-known remedy for bad mood will also help in the fight against sleep.
  5. You can listen to upbeat music if your office doesn't prohibit wearing headphones. So you improve your mood, get distracted and in a few minutes you will return to your former performance.
  6. A very good way to drive away drowsiness is cold water. Do not rush to reject him, referring to makeup. Arrange a contrast shower for your hands, rinsing them with cold water at the end. Such a simple procedure, firstly, will make you move, and secondly, it will pleasantly refresh you.
  7. If you don’t know how to quickly cheer up before important negotiations or an exam, always have an essential oil with you. Only not any, but the one that you like. Someone loves the smell of orange, someone likes to inhale the aroma of lemon, eucalyptus or rosemary. Essential oil has a quick tonic effect and instantly restores vigor.

Vitamins and folk ways to maintain vigor

We all know that good health is largely the result of proper nutrition. Therefore, so that the feeling of cheerfulness does not leave you for as much of the working day as possible, include in your diet natural products. After all, they provide the human body with essential nutrients and vitamins.

Listen to your body. If you feel apathy and weakness, if you are often visited by depressive moods, this may be a hint of a lack of B vitamins. Try to eat fresh fish, eggs, cottage cheese, green vegetables, seaweed and legumes more often. In the morning, have breakfast with cereals, such as buckwheat or oatmeal. Take prunes and nuts with you to work. All these products will help replenish the necessary supply of vitamins.

For a modern person living in a metropolis, it is very important to get enough vitamin C. After all, the state of our immunity and body resistance depend on it. viral infections and cheerfulness throughout the winter period. Therefore, eat enough kiwi, oranges, grapefruits and drink tea with lemon in a bite.

Folk remedies, which our mothers and grandmothers are well aware of, can also give a worthy answer to the question of how to cheer up and increase your vitality. Rosehip tincture will be a very good way to do this. And it's very easy to make it. To prepare such a drink that is useful in all respects and tastes good, you should take a glass of dried berries and pour it with a liter of boiling water, leaving it overnight in a warm place. It is best to use a thermos for this. After the tincture is ready, it can be drunk instead of juice, compote and tea, sweetened with honey or sugar.

But no matter how much you lean on foods high in vitamins, this will not replace a good rest at night. After all, it is in good sleep that our body needs most of all, and morning vigor and daytime performance depend on how sufficient its amount will be.

You can object and say that you sleep a lot, at least eight hours. However, not only the amount of sleep matters - its quality is equally important. There are several tips on how to make your vacation right. For example, you need to sleep in the dark, because this is what contributes to the production of serotonin, which is responsible for mood and well-being. In order for the process of falling asleep to be short, and the sleep itself to be deep, it is worth going out for evening walks. Pay attention to the comfort of your bed. A good mattress will undoubtedly make your rest better.

All of the above activities can restore your lost vigor. Some of them can do it quickly, but the effect will be short-lived. Others related to nutrition and sleep normalize in the long run metabolic processes body and become a source of constant energy. However, do not forget about the psychological attitude and positive thinking. Therefore, when leaving the house on a rainy day, do not complain about the weather, knitting your eyebrows, but smile, rejoicing at the excellent opportunity to show off a stylish branded umbrella.

I have prepared for you a selection of the most effective and proven recommendations on how to cheer up in the morning and feel in good shape all day.

Movement is ... cheerfulness

It has long been verified - if there is no strength to move, then you need to get up and ... move! If you think that morning exercises were invented by sadists, there are a lot of other sparing and no less useful options for you to choose from: do some gentle stretching exercises (because the body really wants to stretch after sleep!), dance to your favorite music (not necessarily fast), yes, finally lift your legs and wave them from a prone position! The main thing is to focus on your feelings!

We guarantee that after warming up you will feel much more cheerful!

A contrast shower is the best way to cheer up in the morning

A contrast shower is the best thing to cheer up in the morning! If you start to cringe just from this phrase, start with a hot shower, warm up properly, and then switch to cool water. And so several times! The result is worth it! Shower gel with invigorating citrus aromas (or any other of your choice) will help you wake up completely.

After showering, rub yourself with a towel properly to activate blood circulation.

The right breakfast is the start of an active day

Everyone already knows that you need to have a hearty and satisfying breakfast, dine in moderation so that you don’t get sleepy, and have an easy dinner. If you don't feel like eating at all in the morning, it's most likely because you ate too much the night before. It is worth reviewing your diet, this will also help to cheer up in the morning and be active throughout the day.

An ideal breakfast option is cereal, yogurt or cottage cheese, a cheese sandwich with a slice of whole grain bread, or a serving of fruit.

How to cheer up in the morning without coffee? We do not argue, you can drink coffee, especially if it is freshly brewed natural. But it should be remembered that coffee intensively removes liquid. Therefore, lovers of this drink must make up for the deficit of clean water in the body during the day. Think about it, maybe this morning you would prefer a cup of green tea?

Helping the immune system

We advise you to start taking vitamin complexes to avoid the traditional beriberi and loss of strength at the end of winter - early spring. The body, fed with vitamins and microelements, will thank you with increased immunity and good tone.

miraculous natural remedies if you don't suffer high blood pressure and do not have individual contraindications - ginseng and eleutherococcus. They tone the body, increase efficiency. Start taking a few drops of ginseng or eleutherococcus tincture in the morning or add them to your tea - and the problem of “how to cheer up in the morning and not fall down from fatigue during the day” will disappear by itself!

We plan our day

While you are drinking your morning coffee or tea, take a look at your diary. Remember what you planned for today, prioritize things, note what can be done quickly and first. Planning your affairs at the very beginning of the day will help you cheer up faster in the morning and tune in to active work!

Cheerful mood and new achievements!