
Life of the Holy Martyr Julia. Icon of the Holy Martyr Julia (Julia) of Carthage. Julia Angel Day

Life of the Holy Martyr Julia.  Icon of the Holy Martyr Julia (Julia) of Carthage.  Julia Angel Day

Holy mu-che-ni-tsa Julia was born in Kar-fa-gen in a Christian family. De-voch-koy she is pa-la captured by the Persians. She was taken to Syria and sold into slavery. Fulfilling christ-an-sky for-ve-di, Saint Julia faithfully serves her-e-god-by-di-well, save-ni-la myself in a clean, co-blu-da-la in a hundred and prayed a lot to God.

None of the angles of the ho-zya-and-to-tongue-no-ka-could-thread her to ido-lo-clone-stvu.

One day, the ho-zya-in from-great-vil-sya with that-va-rum to Gaul and took Julia with him. When, along the way, the ship landed on the island of Kor-si-ka, the owner decided to take part in the pagan holiday , and Julia remained on the co-slave. Kor-si-kan-tsy on-and-whether a merchant and his companion-no-kov vi-nome and, when they for-snu-whether, brought-whether with a co-slave Julius. St. Julia did not hesitate to admit that she was christ-en-ka, and both-me-me tongue-no-ki crucified her on the cross.

About the death of the holy mu-che-ni-tsy An-gel Gos-by-day co-generalized foreign-kam mo-na-sta-rya, na-ho-div-she-go-sya on with-sed-it ost-ro-ve. Mo-na-hi took the bodies of the saint and rowed in the temple of their obi-te.

Around the year 763, the relics of the holy mu-che-ni-tsy Julia would have been re-re-not-se-na in the female mo-na-shyr of the city of Bre-s -chii (sources give different years of the end of the saint: V or VII centuries).

I can report to you, my dear ones, that as a result of my "adventure" I wrote a letter of thanks to the hospital administration, where I especially noted, of course, Dr. Mohammed and ... the orderly. And all the staff. And now I have the opportunity to tell you why my operation went without complications and I met only good people in the hospital. I found out about it when I got back.

It turns out that while I was lying, a small parcel was waiting for me at the post office, a souvenir from Jerusalem. It was sent by my friend from Israel, gentle Morning Dew. Morning Dew is the translation of her pseudonym into LiRu. She had been planning for a long time, and now her choice came in especially handy. After all, this icon heals diseases! Imagine how lucky I am to have such a friend!

I did not immediately consider the names of the depicted faces, written quite small, and took a magnifying glass. The icon is made on natural wood in the form of a triptych. From the edges of Saint Julia are guarded by two archangels - Michael and Gabriel. And here is what they write about Saint Julia on the Internet.

Icon - Holy Martyr Julia (Julia) of Carthage. 60*75mm. Lithography, wood, gold stamping.
Commemoration - 16 July / 29 July

Virgin Julia (Julia), a noble Carthaginian, after the fall of Carthage in 625, was sold into slavery to a pagan merchant and taken to Palestinian Syria. Julia, although she served the master pagan, firmly held on to the holy faith in Christ in which she was born: she lived chastely, often prayed and fasted.
The merchant, both with threats and caresses, forced her to renounce Christ, but she was ready to die rather than give up her faith. The merchant was about to destroy the Christian woman, but seeing that she served faithfully and worked diligently, he spared the girl and marveled at her good disposition, meekness and humility. She always looked pale and dry. Exhausted from labor and abstinence.
Departing with the goods on the ship, the merchant took with him the faithful slave Julia. The ship landed on the island of Corsica, past which it sailed. There were a lot of people near the pier. It was the pagans who made sacrifices to their gods. The merchant took part in the sacrifice, but Julia refused to take part in the pagan feast. Then the head of the feast, who was in charge of the sacrifices, subjected the saint to terrible tortures: they beat her, tore her hair, and, finally, they crucified her body on a cross.
The monks from the neighboring island removed the body from the cross and took it to the monastery, where they buried it in a Christian way in the church. At her tomb, miracles began to happen, and healing of all diseases was given. Miracles were also performed at the place where she suffered. In 763, her miraculous relics were transferred to Brescia to a convent.

Quite a lot of information has been preserved about early Christianity, as about a period of cruel reprisal against the followers of the teachings of Christ. Adherents of the new faith were subjected to terrible, mortal torture, but they did not give up their views and remained faithful to the end in the service of God alone. Such is the story about Julia (Julia) of Carthage.

The meaning of the icon

It is worth noting that the icon of St. Julia of Carthage is equally revered both in Orthodoxy and in Catholicism. The spiritual feat of this girl inspired various artists to create her miraculous image. So, in the city of Nonza, the place where Saint Julia was killed as a result of torture, there is a small church dedicated to her, in which there is an icon of the saint.

Julia (Julia) Carthaginian martyr

This image of her, according to the stories of pilgrims, gave healing to many, therefore many seek to get into this place unfamiliar to most.

The icon of St. Julia of Carthage is an example of perseverance of faith, a symbol of infallible fidelity to God and resignation in accepting torment, readiness to endure any suffering and not renounce Christ.

Important! The significance of this icon is especially great for people who have dedicated their lives to God today, having taken monastic vows. The image of St. Julia helps them cope with the hardships of monastic life and strengthens them in the faith.

What helps

The icon of St. Julia helps and protects believers in difficult everyday situations. Helps to keep faith when despair and disappointment make their way into the soul. For women bearing this name, the image of St. Julia is an assistant and guide in life.

Important! According to the testimony of women, the icon of Julia of Carthage helps in many women's affairs, therefore they often pray to this Saint for the health of children, for offspring, for the preservation of the family.

More family prayers:

Many legends have appeared around the life of St. Julia for many centuries.

So, according to one of them, after the martyrdom accepted by the virgin Julia, her body, some time later, was found by monks living on the Gorgon Island. Here, in the Gorgon Monastery, the body of St. Julia was buried, and her relics were sent to one of the cities of northern Italy, where to this day miracles of healing take place around the image of St. Julia.

Description of the holy face

It should immediately be noted that the main images of St. Julia of Carthage are divided into two types:

In the city of Nonce, in the church located on the site of the execution of the Holy Great Martyr Julia, an icon-painting image is kept, which depicts St. Julia of Carthage in accordance with the historical accuracy that describes her execution. So she is presented, as well as Jesus Christ, on the crucifixion, with her breast cut off during torture. This iconographic image has been known since the 16th century and has several lists.

However, in Russia such an iconographic image was not accepted due to special chastity in accordance with Orthodox canons, which prohibit the depiction of a naked body on icons, even if this is evidence of the torture that St. Julia was subjected to.

For this reason, the Russian Orthodox Church knows another image of St. Julia of Carthage - on it she holds the Holy Scriptures in her hands, and in later lists of icons - a crucifix. In addition, there are several more versions of the icon of St. Julia, on which she is depicted next to such Saints as Nadezhda of Rome, St. Vladislav, the Serbian prince, and St. David of Thessalonica.

Interesting! Craftsmen from the people and jewelers also fell in love with the image of the Saint. Therefore, you can find not only traditional icons, but also those made using the “bead embroidery” technique, as well as body pendants with the image of the holy face.

Holy Martyr Julia

Icon of St. Julia

At the dawn of Christianity, an endless sea of ​​blood was shed because of the establishment of a new faith. Many innocent men and women died. Among them were sincere in heart and pure in spirit, who selflessly resisted the persecution and torture of the pagans. Subsequently, these people were canonized as saints.

This article will focus on the holy martyr Julia of Carthage, her life and the miracles exuded by the icon.

There are two legends, only separate fragments repeating each other. According to one of them, Saint Julia (or Julia) was born in Carthage, into a noble family. She grew up obedient, beautiful, intelligent and sympathetic girl. She prayed earnestly and read the Holy Scriptures. When the city was captured by the Vandals in 439, a ten-year-old girl was taken prisoner, and soon sold into slavery to the Syrian merchant Eusebius. Despite her position, Julia found freedom within herself and began to work conscientiously. Her owner was a pagan and argued with the girl more than once, asking her to convert to paganism. Julia was devoted to Christ. She continued to pray fervently, with the permission of Eusebius himself, from time to time she read the Holy Scriptures.

So several years passed. Once the owner loaded the ship with various goods, took the girl with him (as a talisman that protects from troubles) and went to Gaul, then a rich country. Eusebius ordered to land in Corsica (near the city of Nonza), where a bull was sacrificed to the pagan gods. He decided to join the festivities. The young Christian woman asked to stay on the ship. She wept that so many people were living in delusion.

When the local governor, Felix Saxo, found out about the Christian slave, he got Eusebius drunk. After the guest fell asleep, by order of Felix, Julia was lowered ashore. The governor ordered the young maiden to make a sacrifice to the gods. The bold refusal infuriated Felix. And Julia was immediately sentenced to death through cruel torture. The girl's face was smashed into blood, her hair was dragged, and then she was crucified. During the torture, Julia whispered prayers. She did not resist, but humbly accepted her fate. With her last breath, a dove flew out of the mouth of the martyr as a symbol of purity and purity. Neither the bird nor the beast touched the girl's body after her death.

It is this version of the life of St. Julia that the clergy in the diocese of the city of Ajaccio adhere to.

Another version

According to the second version, which is also welcomed by the Corsicans, Julia was a native of the city of Nonza and a contemporary of Saint Devota (about 303). For refusing to bow to pagan idols and sacrifice to them, the girl was tortured and then killed. They cut off both her breasts and threw them off a cliff. In the place where they fell, two healing springs opened. After that, the furious executioners tied St. Julia to a fig tree, where she died of pain. At this time, a dove flew out of the maiden's mouth. This moment exactly repeats the previous version of the life of the martyr.

Icons depicting saints carry spiritual value. They protect, protect and help believers in difficult situations. Many women with the name Julia and not only turn to the image of a martyr. It is a symbol of unshakable faith and chastity. There are several options for the embodiment of the image of the virgin Julia.

The Corsican version of the life is directly reflected in the iconography. The holy martyr Julia is depicted crucified on a cross, with her nipples cut off. An example of this is a canvas dating back to the 16th century. It has survived to this day and is located in the church of the holy martyr in the city of Nonza. There you can also bow to the statue of a Christian virgin. According to local confessors, the image is miraculous. Everyone who turns to him with sincere prayer receives blessing and help.

On Orthodox icons, St. Julia is traditionally represented with Holy Scripture (or a crucifix in her hand). There are also so-called family images, in which the martyr is depicted together with other saints (St. Vladislav, Prince of Serbia, St. Nadezhda of Rome, maiden, St. David of Thessalonica). Also, craftsmen proposed several options for the execution of icons. The faces of St. Julia, embroidered with beads, are considered real masterpieces. The characteristic moments here are white clothes as a symbol of purity and innocence of the maiden and a look full of courage.

Wearable icons or medallions are becoming more and more popular. They are made by jewelers from silver and gold and are the spiritual amulets of believers. Usually these are images of the face of St. Julia. Rare of them are jewelry images of a martyr in the hands of a Guardian Angel.

The Corsican martyr at Nonza has been venerated since her brutal murder. For this, a sanctuary (or sanctuary) was built near the city. However, in 734 it was destroyed by the barbarians. In addition, holy springs are open on the island, to which local pilgrims flock with requests for healing and protection.

Saint Julia's Day is celebrated annually in Corsica. The martyr herself, according to the decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites of August 5, 1809, is considered the patroness of the island.

According to one of the legends, the body of the martyr was discovered by the monks of the Gorgon Island and buried in their monastery. Before that, an angel appeared to them and told about the sufferings of the girl and her feat for the sake of the faith of Christ.

Much later, the holy relics were transferred to the city of Brescia in northern Italy. Every year, thousands of believers come here to bow to St. Julia of Carthage and ask for help. Here you can also buy icons of the martyr. According to the clergy, she patronizes mothers and sick children.

Absolutely everyone who needs help and healing can turn to the image of St. Julia in prayer. In Orthodox sources, you can find a troparion in honor of the martyr. It is often attached to nominal icons. Also, the invocation of a saint is possible with the help of a common prayer: “Pray to God for me, holy saint of God, the martyr Julia, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.” It is after this part of the address to the saint, according to Orthodox custom, that the troparion is supposed to be read.

According to legend, at the burial place of the Carthaginian martyr, a healing spring broke out from under the stone. He performed many miracles: he helped the blind to see, the deaf to begin to hear, the weak to stand on their feet, barren women to give birth. Miracles still happen today. They exude the holy image of Julia in the temple, built many centuries ago on the site of the crucifixion of the martyr.

The city of Saint Julie in Canada, the province of Quebec, is named after Saint Julia of Carthage. An asteroid was also named after her, which was discovered in 1866.

In the Orthodox tradition, another martyr named Julia is venerated. She is one of the seven holy virgins who were drowned in the lake after being severely tortured for their faith in Christ. Later their bodies were burned by the pagans. The saint is called Ancyra (or Corinthian) after her place of birth. Her memory day is celebrated on May 31 and November 19 according to the new style.

In the 7th-8th centuries. the church at the burial site of the martyr fell into disrepair and was partially destroyed. The inhabitants of Corsica decided to build a new temple in honor of St. Julia. They collected stones, sand, bricks and left them in the place they chose for the construction of the building. But on the night before the laying of the foundation, some invisible hand moved all the materials to the foot of the old church. Perplexed, people returned everything to a new place. But the next night the same thing happened. According to legend, watchmen watched as the bright maiden transported materials on white oxen. People understood that St. Julia did not want to build a church in a new place. And therefore, the place of her burial was cleared and a new church was erected in honor of the martyr.

Martyr Julia Carthaginian Prayer


Night liturgies at the Holy Spirit Cathedral in December - on the night of 21 to 22 (Thursday to Friday) - gratitude and on the night of 31 to 1 (from Sunday to Monday) - New Year's

Akathist to Martyr JULIA OF CARTHAGE

Your Lamb, Jesus, Julia, calls with a great voice: I love you, my bridegroom, and I seek you, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried by Your Baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, as if I reign in You, and I die for You, yes and I live with Thee, but accept me as an immaculate sacrifice, with love sacrificed to Thee. Toya with prayers, like the Merciful, save our souls.

Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, all the faithful loudly cry out to you: the great-named virgin martyr Julie, pray unceasingly to Christ God for all of us.

Chosen confessor of Christ, holy martyr Julie, we bring you laudatory singing, the purity of your virgin life and your honest suffering praising; but you, as if having boldness to the Lord, be before Him a warm prayer book for our souls, let us call you:

Even on earth you were likened to an Angel of Heaven, O all-glorious Julie, in a flaming love for the Creator, staying and keeping yourself in angelic purity. But we, seeing the kindness of your soul, even for the sake of the heavenly chambers, Lord, vouchsafe you, we sing to you:

Rejoice, blessed follower of Christ.

Rejoice, fearless preacher of the Christian faith.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive piety from God-loving parents.

Rejoice, thou who didst love the Divine Scripture and the commandments of the Lord.

Rejoice, for having received the Holy Spirit, you have rejected idolatry from childhood.

Rejoice, for thou didst not desire the earthly betrothed more than the heavenly nobility.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

Seeing your ungodly master, your angel-like life, and as if neither flattery, nor rebuke, nor intimidation was able to turn you away to idolatry, for this sake, as a saint, you are honored, Julie all-praised; but you, by the grace of the Savior, like an armor, strengthened and protected, unceasingly sang to God: Alleluia.

With a mind, enlightened from above, love for the world and everything, even in the world, you rejected, immaculate girl, and with all your soul you loved Jesus Christ, even to the death of a martyr, you served him, preaching the true God among the unbelievers. For this sake, marveling at such your mind, we say:

Rejoice, incessantly abiding in prayer and fasting.

Rejoice, from passions, like a shield, protecting yourself with chastity.

Rejoice, for thou hast received many sorrows for the name of the Lord.

Rejoice, for thou hast whole-heartedly desired to be crucified with Christ.

Rejoice, ever-blooming in the heavenly garden.

Rejoice, like a krin, fragrant with the stench of virtues.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

Girded by the power of God from above, the praiseworthy virgin, the infirmity of the female nature has been laid aside, having put on the armor of the confession of Christ; but for those who did not believe in Christ Jesus, she shed tears, as if for those who were unable to inherit eternal life and in the villages of paradise sing to Him: Alleluia.

Having a strong hope only in the one God, staying intact, you defeated the tormentors of pride, long-suffering martyr, and you received the crown of victory from the Almighty. The same, courageous in the flesh of the flesh of the soul, bearing wisdom, we marvel at the strength of your spirit and tenderly sing to you:

Rejoice, for thou didst strongly advocate for the true faith with idolaters.

Rejoice, for for the sake of the Lord Jesus you suffered many times.

Rejoice, as if to frighten you with fierce torments, those who seek from Christ will not turn you away.

Rejoice, for neither a wound nor a ban from His love could separate you.

Rejoice, having conquered the intrigues of the enemy with your patience.

Rejoice, for the confession of faith you did not spare your life.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

A tormenting storm of fury attacked you, not malice dove, but did not shake the strength of your soul: it was based on the firm faith of Christ's stones, on which you stood motionless, sang to God: Alleluia.

Always having the Lord before your eyes, you appeared courageously in judgment, and you defeated the enemy with your patience, all-mighty Julie. The same, remembering your honest suffering, we call you with tenderness:

Rejoice, courageously rejecting the commandment of the ungodly.

Rejoice, you who were not frightened by various diseases, who surprised the angels.

Rejoice, mercilessly beaten on the maidenly cheeks.

Rejoice, tormented and dragged by tormentors for your hair.

Rejoice, for for the sake of love for Christ, you courageously endured fierce torments.

Rejoice, for you rejoiced unspeakably in suffering for Him.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

You were likened to a divine star, a wise virgin, when crucified by unbelievers on the cross, rejoicing, you glorified the Savior of the world, for the human race on the Cross sacrificed to Himself; the same day you stand before the Lord, unceasingly singing the angelic song: Alleluia.

Seeing the people a glorious miracle, at the end of your holy soul, as if from your mouth a dove is white, fly to Heaven, being astonished; torment, having seen the Angels near your lifeless body, running away, the fear of a great attack on me. We, remembering your valiant courage, cry out to you:

Rejoice, Savior of the world, hanging on the Cross, suffering.

Rejoice, former participant in His sufferings on the Cross.

Rejoice, having received grace-filled help from Christ God in your sufferings.

Rejoice, thou who didst wear the bright robe of salvation from thy blood.

Rejoice, for you have enlightened the infidels with the light of the faith of the Gospel.

Rejoice, for with your love for Christ, the angelic standing gladdened you.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

The preacher of the miracles and glory of God appeared to you, a kind-hearted gusset, a monk of the nearby monastery, the Angel of the Lord about your martyrdom, informed of your death. They, having taken your holy body, buried it in the temple, singing to the Gods: Alleluia.

You shone like a radiant star, and by divine grace you drove away the darkness of polytheism, humble to the lamb, enlightening many people, who saw the miracles of God and many healings, abundantly flowing from your relics. Enlighten us, too, darkened by the darkness of sin, and with the light of non-evening illuminate thee who glorify and sing such:

Rejoice, thou who didst glorify the Lord Jesus through suffering and miracles.

Rejoice, thou who endured much suffering for His name.

Rejoice, fearless preacher of the true faith.

Rejoice, merciful healer of human ailments.

Rejoice, adorned with the crown of confession from God.

Rejoice, like an olive planted in the house of God.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

Although the Master and Lord of Glory reveal you, His faithful servant, like a lamp, shining in the darkness and enlightening everyone with heavenly light, calling you to a suffering feat, but those who see your courage and firm faith will repent of their delusions and, together with the elect, let them sing to Him: Alleluia .

Thou hast accepted a new belly, eternal, O God-praiseful virgin, when by the death of the cross from her long-suffering flesh, having been resolved, Thou entered the chamber of the Heavenly Bridegroom, praying Him do not stop for us, sinners, with the love of your suffering, honoring and saying:

Rejoice, victorious martyr, not afraid of bodily death.

Rejoice, valiant martyr, in suffering, like gold in the furnace, cleansed.

Rejoice, good-voiced queen, who preached the power of God before the wicked.

Rejoice, God-wise virgin, who has led many erring people to the true faith.

Rejoice, fragrant in peace, who bore the wounds of your Lord on your body.

Rejoice, martyr of Christ, who rejoiced the martyr's face in Heaven.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

Having seen the strange and terrible sufferings of the holy martyr, she was faithfully surprised at how young a girl in such a youthful body courageously endures torment for Christ, and we, filled with tenderness, thankfully cry out to God: Alleluia.

All the Sweetest Jesus is sweetness, all desire is for you, all-praiseful passion-bearer, for the sake of bitter torment and grievous suffering, even until martyrdom, you joyfully endured. Even after death, your honest body, by the will of God, is incorruptible preserved, but it exudes an abundance of miracles with faith for your intercession to those who come running and prayerfully crying out to you:

Rejoice, for you have adorned the Church of Christ with your suffering.

Rejoice, for thou hast appeared as an inexhaustible source of healing.

Rejoice, gloriously exalted from God by the incorruption of your relics.

Rejoice, glorified in the face of virgins in Heaven.

Rejoice, multi-fruited vine, nourishing the gifts of the faithful with grace.

Rejoice, golden censer, like fragrant incense, bringing Your prayers to God for us.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

All the Angels and holy faces joyfully greet you, all-praiseful, when you entered the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, in the hedgehog of victory, accept the crown from the hand of Christ the Life-Giver. Ubo and us, the unworthy, ask for an eternal inheritance with the saints, so that we can join with you to sing of God in His Kingdom: Alleluia.

Vetii multicasting will not be able to properly praise your virtues and sufferings, amazing virgin, how by the grace of God you defeated the ancient primordial enemy and shamed the idol charm, bringing many souls to Christ. The same, pleasing your martyr's death, we sing with tenderness this:

Rejoice, in the image of Christian virgins from above pronounce.

Rejoice, thou who didst preserve the holy chastity and purity of virginity.

Rejoice, thou who didst love true worship even unto death.

Rejoice, thou who didst shine like a golden lamp in the midst of the martyrs.

Rejoice, you who kindle our hearts with divine fire.

Rejoice, enjoying indescribable joy in the heavenly garden.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

To be saved by everyone who wants to, hasten with your prayers before the Lord, holy martyr, and ask for the permission of sins for those who honor your honest suffering, and cry with you: Alleluia.

Protect us with the wall of your prayers from every temptation, confessor of Christ, and guide us by the right path to the Kingdom of Heaven, for giving you the grace to pray for Orthodox people before the Throne of the Lord Almighty. We, commemorating your exploits and sufferings, appease thee:

Rejoice, joy of the martyrs and glory of the virgins.

Rejoice, from the heights of the mountains to the earthly, mercifully penetrating.

Rejoice, invisibly giving help to all who labor.

Rejoice, quick fulfillment of our good petitions.

Rejoice, grace-filled visitor in the sickness of the afflicted.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

We bring all-compassionate singing to you, glorious Julie, glorifying your suffering for Christ, and we pray to you: ask the Merciful Lord for all of us health, long life and victory and overcoming enemies, and above all - forgiveness of sins and salvation of souls, let us sing to Him forever: Alleluia .

You shine unfailingly with bright rays of miracles, good-natured Julie, enlightening the hearts of the faithful, healing the sick, comforting the distressed and praying for all those who flow to you with love and cry out tacos:

Rejoice, zealous intercessor for the salvation of sinners.

Rejoice, merciful helper of Christian virgins and wives.

Rejoice, faithful children of the Orthodox Church spiritual delight.

Rejoice, eternal consolation in their sorrows and sufferings.

Rejoice, thou who healest the ailments of the body and soul soon.

Rejoice, strengthening those who walk the path of Christ's commandments.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

The grace of the Lord through your prayers, holy martyr Julie, was granted a source of healing water, flowed from a stone; for this sake, and the temple in your name will be created on the site of your sufferings on the cross, God favor. The same, and us, who brightly celebrate your memory, fill with grace with your prayers, so that together with you we will sing miracles to the Giver of God: Alleluia.

Singing God, marvelous in His saints, we bless you, the passion-bearer of Christ, honoring your sufferings, we glorify long-suffering and invincible courage, we praise the death of martyrdom and we pray to you: extend your help from Heaven and on us, crying out to you like this:

Rejoice, abundant cup of God's gifts.

Rejoice, inexhaustible treasury of healings.

Rejoice, intercessor of endless joys and eternal glory.

Rejoice, giver of heavenly blessings.

Rejoice, health of our bodies and salvation of our souls.

Rejoice, strong intercession for faithful Christians.

Rejoice, Saint Julie, most glorious bride of Christ.

O glorious and all-praised martyr Julie! Graciously accept this small prayer from us and do not stop praying for us to the Lord, may he deliver us from the enemy, visible and invisible, and with your God-pleasing intercession, grant us the Kingdom of Heaven, where together with you and all the saints we will be able to sing to Him the victorious song: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

O holy virgin and martyr Julie, true bride of Christ! To you, as a more reliable intercessor before the Lord, we diligently resort and in the tenderness of our hearts we pray: standing at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity and enjoying the inexpressible bliss of Heaven, look mercifully upon us, bringing this laudatory singing, and ask the Most Good Lord to grant us spiritual and bodily health, prosperity in Christian piety, necessary and contented for a temporary life, and everything else needed for salvation, let us live peacefully and piously, let us be able to improve the Christian end and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, wondrous in His saints , forever and ever. Amen.

The Holy Martyr Julia was born in the 5th or 7th century (according to various sources) in Carthage into a Christian family of the noble man Analson. As a girl, she was captured by the Persians. She was taken to Syria and sold into slavery to a merchant, a wicked pagan. The girl, although she had an unfaithful master, nevertheless firmly held on to the holy faith in Christ in which she was born, and the good Christian customs that she learned from infancy, she often prayed and fasted. Having become a virgin, she carefully kept herself clean, lived chastely and in strict abstinence, and faithfully served her master, fulfilling the Christian commandments. No persuasion of the pagan owner could incline her to idolatry, he abandoned attempts to convert her to the pagan faith and began to appreciate the saint, since her work was selfless, brought prosperity and prosperity to his house.

Once the owner went with the goods to Gaul and took Julia with him. When the ship landed on the island of Corsica along the way, he decided to take part in a pagan holiday, and Julia, remaining on the ship, wept bitterly about the error of the pagans. The pagans, having learned about the reason for her crying, were offended, and decided to take revenge on her.

At first they tried to buy her from the merchant in order to satisfy their animal anger, but the merchant did not want to sell his faithful slave for any money. The head of the gathering, having secretly consulted with his people, went to the trick - he arranged an even larger feast for the guests and made the merchant, the owner of Julia, heavily drunk with wine. Having drunk, he fell asleep soundly, and everyone who was with him also fell asleep from the wine. Then the wicked pagans from that island hurried to the ship, brought Saint Julia to the ground and brought her to their leader, who demanded that she make a sacrifice to the gods. When the girl refused, he ordered her to be beaten on the cheeks. But she was not afraid and continued courageously confessing Jesus Christ before everyone. The tormentor ordered her to be torn by the hair, stripped naked and beaten severely all over her body. Then he ordered to cut off her virgin breasts. She courageously endured all these fierce torments for the sake of love for Christ. The tormentor, wanting to destroy her as soon as possible, until her master wakes up, ordered to hastily make a wooden cross and crucify the martyr on it, as the Jews once crucified Christ. But Julia, through her pain, rejoiced unspeakably that Jesus Christ had honored her to suffer martyrdom for Him and accept a painful death.

When she was hanging on the cross and was already close to death, her master woke up and, as soon as he saw her crucified, great pity filled his heart, but there was nothing to help: the bride of Christ was already at her last breath. When her holy soul was freed from bodily bonds, everyone saw a great miracle - a dove flew out of her mouth, whiter than snow, and flew up to the sky. In addition, those who tormented her saw the angels, and great fear fell upon them. Everyone fled from there, and only the lifeless body of the saint was left hanging on the cross.

The angel of the Lord informed the monks of the monastery, located on a neighboring island, about the death of the holy martyr. Arriving at the place of execution of St. Julia, the monks took her body and buried it in the temple of their monastery. At her tomb, miracles began to happen and healing of all diseases was given. Miracles were also performed at the place where she suffered.

The Christians, the inhabitants of that island, also learned about the suffering of the saint and built a small church in her name on the very spot where she was crucified. And where her cut off breasts were thrown, a source of spring water flowed out from under the stone, which was healing: all the sick who drank that water or washed themselves with it received recovery. Another miracle happened: that stone, which the saint’s chest touched (and from under which a spring flowed), in those days, every year on the day of her memory, it emitted from itself, as if sweat, drops of milk and blood at the same time, in designation of virginity and martyrdom Saint Julia, who, like milk, was whitened with virginal purity and stained with the blood shed for Christ. And such drops dripped all that day from morning to evening; they were anointed and healed.

After many years, the church in the name of the holy martyr, built on the site of her suffering, fell into disrepair and partly collapsed. Then they wanted to build a new church in the name of the saint in a different place, more spacious. When they had prepared stone, brick, lime and everything necessary for the construction, and they already wanted to lay the foundation the next day, the next morning they found all this material in the same place where the old church was located. The builders were confused. However, after a little while they again moved everything to that new place, intending to build a new church there; but everything was again transferred to its former place at night. That night, the watchmen saw a bright maiden laying all the material prepared for the construction on a cart drawn by a pair of bright oxen, and transporting it to its original place. They understood that the saint wanted the temple to be restored in its former place, and they did so according to her desire.

Around the year 763, the relics of the holy martyr Julia were transferred to the convent in the city of Brescia, then they were kept in the cathedral dedicated to her.

Currently, the relics of the saint are stored in a glass sarcophagus in the temple of the town of Villagia Prealpino, in the foothills of the Alps.

They pray to the Holy Martyr Julia for serious bodily illnesses and to alleviate mental suffering, and also turn to her with petitions for deliverance from sinful thoughts and despair, sending down humility, meekness, good disposition and love for one's neighbor.

Metropolitan John of Kherson and Tauride

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One of the most common female names in Eastern Europe is the name Julia. There are two possible origins for this name:

  • Greek - "wavy", "fluffy";
  • Latin - "July" or that which comes from the genus Julius.

For residents of the Scandinavian countries, it is customary to name children born in December by the name of Julia. Christmas falls on this month, and “jul” in their language means exactly this holiday.

Character features

Julia is very sociable. At the same time, they say quite a bit about themselves, and more often they talk about the interlocutor. Therefore, they have a lot of friends. Girls with this name are very creative personalities and have good intuition. They are madly in love with reading and try to instill this hobby in everyone around them.

In marriage, Yulia lives without conflicts with her husband, they are excellent at housekeeping and distinguished by hospitality. They tend to experience anxiety with their comrades and sincerely rejoice for them without a drop to start.

Among the shortcomings are secrecy, capriciousness and indecision. In conflict situations, Julia rarely admits her guilt and is often offended.

When is Julia's name day

For Orthodox believers, the question remains open when the day of the angel Julia is celebrated on church calendar. There is one date in the year when it is supposed to celebrate the day of the angel of this name - July 29th. It is on this day that the memory of the holy martyr Julia of Carthage, who is the patroness of all Yulia, is venerated. Yulia's small name days according to the church calendar fall on several days a year.

date patron saint
January 3
January 15 Saint Juliana of Lazarevskaya
March 17 Martyr Juliana of Pontus
April 2 Martyr Juliana of Pontus
May 31 Virgin Julia
June 5 Martyr Juliana
June 15 Martyr Juliana Vyazemskaya and Novotorzhskaya
July 19 Princess Virgin Juliana Olshanskaya, Pecherskaya
July 29 Martyr Julia of Carthage, Corsican
August 30 Martyr Juliana of Ptolemaida
August 31 Martyr Juliana
November 14 Martyr Juliana of Rossony
December 17 Martyr Juliana of Iliopol

It is worth celebrating the name day on the day to which the date of birth of the girl is as close as possible. On this day, it is recommended to pray to the icon of their patroness. You can do this in church or at home. Previously, guys were called Julia, and even now you can meet men with such a rare name. Therefore, it is possible to congratulate representatives of the strong half on their name days.

May the Lord keep you!

See also the video about the Day of the Angel Yulia: